T H E M E S SENG E R. A N D I N T ELLIG EN CER. 95? i 1 o p THE Ca&MPIOH- LEADERS OF LOW PRICES! CI-OTHII Ct, - : O : ' In this line we are showing more noyeltiea than our patrons and the people pxpected to behold ! SUITS FOR THE STOUT MAN. SUITS FOB THE. SIjIM MAN SUITS FOR THE EYTRA SIZE MAN. , Qur line of Young Men and Youths Suits are beauties. In Schools and cbildrens Suits we are very strong. ThU Department is filled with the 'atest novelties. An elegant line of men's Wide-wall and Cork-screw Suits in Sacks; one, three and four button cutaway; single and double- breasted Prince Alberts, bound and unbound, with and without Satin face- ug. The finest line of pants ever brought to this market. -: - ' - - . ! ..... p : In light weights, heavy Chinchilla in Blues. Blacks and Browne, with or without batin lining. A good line o S'orm Ulsters. Take iuto consideration the fact that our goods are better made, better trimmed, and superior, as to style and fit, to the general get up of ready made clothing. Look us over, compare our clothiDg with other dealers, look at the inside as well as the outside, examine the sewing, try the strength of the stitches, see if the buttons are only tacked on or thoroughly adjusted. Look'at the quality of lie material, and the trimming also. Look at the difference in price for our strictly first-class Clothing, compared with the general assortments about Town. This dene we are dead sure that your impartial judgment will be in favqr qf selecting your Winter supply from the superb showing qi H ARG-R Api db CO. Oents Furnishings. We havp always had the satisfaction of knowing that in this line our stock is pp to the average Haberdasherpf the pity. Our 'standard shirt. The Pearl, js too wejl known in this section to need any remarks from us. We can give you in The Pearl Shirt any length sleeve you wish, in all sizes. Our Keventy-fiye, sixty-five, fifty and forty cent Bhirt can not be beat. A large 4uie of patent blpa.ched jeans Drawers in all sizes, all i.-.ade up with the welt seams g.nd balbrjgon souk bottoms, and perfect fitting hi every particular. Q ir Merino wool, and Camel Hair, in Shirts and Drawers, is a. line that would do credit to a city. We handle Earl '& Wilson Collars and Cuffs, which are known as THE BEST. In Scarfs and Puffs we have bought an unusually large and attractive line in all the new and' correct shapes. A first class line of half Hose. Our line of Doraeb and negligee Shirts are very pretty this season, especial attention being paid to their cut and make. A beautiful line of Windsor Ties to be worn with these shirts. Do not fail to examine our vpry large line of Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in silk and linen. Also a beautiful Jinfljaf CaebiMere Mufters. Ail of the patterns in these goods are the Jatest and very new. A complete Jjne of Qenta Gloves in Kid and Dog Skin dressed and undressed- A good Jine of 0ents thread Qloves. All for much less money than "you "can buy the same quality from dealer who parry a general stock. Be sure you call pn ' HARGRAVE & CO. MESSENGER - INTELLIGENCER. WADESBORO, N. C, SEP 12th, J8S9. fUS. G. BOYLfN, Publisher. Hon S. S. Cox, one of fhe' foremost Pemocrats in the country, died at his home in New York last Tuesday. John L Sullivan the prize fighter, has written a letter to the Now York tSun, announcing his willingness to enter political life, and will become a candidate for Congress from Boston. Ex-President Jefferson Davis says he will certainly attend the Fayette ville Centennial, in November, jf his strength is sufficient. Thousands of North Carolinians will be there to greet him. The Meridian News says: "During the twenty-thfee years since 1865-6 the Southern States have exported to Europe 72,960,000 bales of cotton, which averaged 16 1-2 cents a pound. This cotton averaged 450 pounds to the bale. The joss to the bale under the Liverpool system was 1 per cent, pr 75 cents per bale. This shows that in the twentv-three vears the South- 4 m era planter has been robbed by the European spinners of the enormous sum -pf $54,720,000, or $2,380,000 yearly, an amount sufficient to buy enough cotton baggipg to cover over .3,000,000 Vales of cotton. This is one injustice against which the Southern cotton producer is protesting.. The - , r, "fjv. VVVU( P00 yearly ' to Europe and to jute bagging manufacturers" in the JSast, iwben this sum could be kept at home. ;The Farmers' Alliance is working to ';add -'every year- 9.QOO.Ooo tv t.im ' working " capital r:the f Southern T- tates. ' (."' SHOUT NEVVS NOTES. V An old man in Tennessee "?Vor.V hia ; prst riae on a railroad thet)ther day and died from the excitement caused The largest bar of gold ever cast in . the world was turned out at the United States Assay Office, at Hele na, Mont.., - on Wednesday. " Jt weighed ftve hundred pounds and is orth a little oyer $100,000. Intense excitement prevails in Lon : don over another Wpitechapel mur- ler, the worBt of the whole series; vlbe body of a fallen woman was " found last Tuesday, witlj-her head find arms cut "off, and hejf stomach ripped open,-the intestines lying on the ground. There. is- upcjue-to the rnurderer. ::ls The Mt. X'iry New$ tells; of ft IjegVo - who made-hia way into the office of Asbby's tobacco"-factory onernigbt". Jljs man v attempts Jo pick the lock of the iron safe provine futile, he fell supinely upon his back to rest and fell asleep and there he slept till next morning and was arrested, tried, con victed and sentenced to 3 years in the penitentiary. He claimed to be a sleep-walker -but this tale wasn't swallowed.. Benjamin Johnson, it is said, owns a farm in Rush Valley.Utah Territo ry, upon which he has just discover ed a mine of natural shoe blacking. An analysis of this peculiar material shows that it contains IS per cent, carbon," 34 per cent, aluminum and the- remainder clay. When ta ken out the material is moist and soft, and when used as a shoe black ing produces a fine polish, which is not easily destroyed. Steve Brodie successfully accom plished last Saturday the daring feat of going over Niagra Falls in his rubber suit; he was tossed nnd whirl ed for a short time in .the rushing, gurgling waters, but his friends bold ly went to his relief and soon drag ged him ashore ; he was insensible and blood oozed from his mouth, nose and ears, but the prompt use of restora tives soon brought him to conscious ness, and his injuries were found uot to be of a serious character. RIDDLED WITH BULLETS. A Negro Shot to deat h for Attempting to Outrage a Child. Charlotte Chronicle. John Sigmund, a one-legged negro, aged about 40 years, was shot to death Friday evening, near Stanley Creek, Gaston county, seventeen mileg from Charlotte, on the Caroli na Central Railroad, by "unknown persons"' for attempted outrage on the 12 year old daughter of Esquire J. B. Moore, of Stanley Creek. . About duirk, Mr. .. Moore left his house; and when 200 or 300-yards away; be heard the screams of bis daughter. . Bushing back to the house Mr. Moore found the negro Sigmund locked in a room with his daughter. Breaking in the door. Mr. Moore Seized a shovel that stood at the fire place, . ajnd struck the ;blsck fiend four or five heavy blows .therewith, which stunned him. .'v -...-.? fp-- ' Mr. Moore tbeo tied'the negro, who was carried before a Stanley- Creek . magistrate; had a preliminary trial, and was ordered to be carried forth with to the Dallas jaiL On the way, Sigmund was taken from the officer in whose custody he was, by a party of 75 armed men, tied to a tree, and riddled with bullets. , Sigmund wns in the employment of Mr. Moore. . . Boll of the Anon Trooper's. " N. C. Argus, 1863. .C' If- A. Joh took. Captain. E. A. Sturdtant, 1st Lteut. -' W. A. Bkitfon. 2nd. G. D. Sibley, 3rd. C L Richardson IsVSep't: J E Da vis. 2nd ; J M Wright, 3rd ; J P' Ken dall, 4lb; W F Crump. 5th; H" W Palmer, 1st Cerp.'J J F Crump. 2nd : W A Allan. 3ml? fl ftinolaiV ith . IT W Buchanan, Ens'g; J g Hi'll, Musi cian; w sxi isisoorooKS, flo. J U fiui'ns. Farrier; L Led well. Blacksmith: H Knotts, Commissary: R B Gaddy. STEAM ENGINE CLOTHIBRS OF THE NEW WORLD ! We are warming up for the Fall and Winter season, full of Clothing, Shoes and Hats for Big and Little Folks. Full of activity and anxiety to please the masses. Stirring up competition with the Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. Showing Stupendous Bargains in every department. Naming Prices that surprise th.e shrewdest buyers. No stag gering along the busy highway with footsteps clogged by the curse of credit. CASH 1 CASH ! CASH ! Whether, buying or selling is the lubricating liquid that makes the Wheels of business hum. No rusting out an ex istence at HARGROVE & CO. 'S, where good Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gent's Finishings, Low Piices, Square Dealing, polite attention, the One Price System, and the privilege of obtaining the purchase money are guaranteed to one and alL READ ! READ! READ! for a few moments and ask yourselves a few questions: Hare HAKGRAVE & CO ever adrertied Goods the?did not havef Have they always sold to every customer at the same price? Have they ever refused toxXneetoeir goods or refund you your money I Have they al ways been courteous and polite to every one! Have thev aw mVZ represented their goods W hy can HARGRAVE & CO. sell you Clothing, Shoes, Hats Jnd I Gent's Furnishing kss money than any other house? We w.ll tell you, and all of you who know us will sustain us in onl statement F.rst. we have bad more experience in our special line .than any of our competitors; second, we buy to uchlarger 2ny one of them much larger than Boil2T lS Tot, duSPfSm I 6 fourth, we Pay SPOT CASH for every dollars worth of goods that come int? our houe LSng advantage ol all in-5 side prices and discounts with the ready and ALMIGHTY DOLLAR We will exhibit. ' 5 .L . -J larger and more varied assortment by far than you ever beheld outside of a city of not less than Ten Thousand in habitants. We have fitted up the second floor of our building for the accommodation of our MAMMOtTstopk which gives usgust twice the room we formerly had, yet with this additional room we are still crowded I for nP Tho haat. viAanrA uia hava that r.1.1. T.-io o,l c j. 1 . . al 0 BLU1 crowuea IOr SpaCC r, " 7 ,, , "" ""J3 i tuuuuminK ousiness meet witb the approval of the Dublio is that we not only sell oar regular customsrs, but every day we are adding new customers to our list After we have once sold a man be remains a firm customer and always comes back to trade with na On oMo uI i fiTOinvTO.TO.ifiii' hvu...!. 1.. rJ ? 1 0 .a? Wltn U8- .Uir 8ales have been on a . 1 ? ",a ''Bfijr in vujloo 01 inose ot t lie preceeding year. The neoDla reo- BTGOODTaLOW unequalled facilities for obtaining and dfcpoSff of X BEST GOODS at the LOWEbT PRICEo. lhe extent of our assortment, the excellan,;a of our goods the honorable manner in-which wa deal with all classes, are well worthy of the patronage extended to us Tomkmhr i multiply our blooming effort, we are pushing with all ou'r might.P We aS sfrTvS? your connevorV? are rushing and driving things with a locomotive impetus, with herculean strengh characteristic of a RiMneM Give your eyes a feast. Give your ladies a treat. No trouble to show you. Glad to entertain vo K?nUMt uo not linger. Kip in to J , H A R GRAVE & 8-E-O-E-S We call your spooial attention to our elegant line of Ladies and Men's fine hand-sewed Shoes, all made from the latest style lasts from the very best and most reliable manufacturers in the country. A large line of Ladies and Cbildrens Rivet Shoes in Kip and Split. A well and carefully selected line of Men's and Boys Boots in Calf, Kip. and Splir, in pegg d. Standard Screw and Sewed bottoms. We have exclusive sale of the old reliable and widely known ZIEGLAR BROTHERS Fine Shoes. Every pair warranted. You will surely save money by-buying your Boots and Shoes from HARGRAVE & CO. HATS Our line of Hats arw specially adapted to the trade of this section. In this line we sell the well known JOHN B. STETSON & CCS brand in stiffs and softs. Our medium grade of bats are especially attractive. The colors and shapes are almost equal to the finest goods. "We have a great many Hats that we warrant, and wnen we warrant an article we are always ready and willing to stand up to it. Our lineof,young men's Opera Hats and Crushers are simply beauties to behold, with and without the satin lining. A very large and varied line of Men's, Boys and Cbildrens wool goods in all (the desirable shapes and colors. Don't forget the place to buy your Hatsls (rUm HARGRARE & CO. UMBRELLAS. This line is by far the largest and most varied ever offered for sale in this Town. In si'zps from 28 to 34 inches in the cheapest cambric, m the beat FAST COLORED cambric. In Sateen, in Alpaca, in Gloria Cloth, in the best quality Silk, with plain handles, gold plated handles, oxodized silver handles, in r?ed handles, in straight and crooked -handles, in mourning handles, with the naraeron nr with thARolid fram.-ia wiMi rihj fmm in a tc just as you wish. in an these goods we name prices that the buyer can not help but rec ognize as the lowest. vve are always glad to show you. Uome and look u over. HARGRAVE CO. Drill and Quarter Master. PRIVATES. J F Allen, J H Austin. W H Ben nett, A C Benton, J W Biles, J Carter, J R Carter, W Carter, W H Collins, J B Cottingham, W E Davis, E C Doster, J B Eason, J W Edwards. S F Flake, J N Gaddy. W T Gatewood, S Gatewood. J B Gillia, W H Gillis, A T Griffin, E A Griffin, J W Griffin, J T Harris, H N Hill, J P Hill. J Horne, Jr. E N Ingrrm, W A Ingram J J Jarman, J Jarman A H Johnson, H D Kendall, J W Kilgore, J A Leo, W Lock heart, J Mills, J C Mitch um, D D McLaurin, D T McLaurin, J W Myers, W H Odom, T A Palmer. J L Palmer. A T Redfearu, G W Redfearn, J P Richardson, E R Sim ons, J A Sibley, D A Smith, J Smith, J R Stubbs, W R Teal, M Troutman, G W Turner, J M Wall. J W Webb. Notice to the White Public School Teachers of Anson Couuty. The State Board of Education have determined to hold a Teachers' Insti tute at Wadesboro, under the provis ions of Chapter 200, Laws of 1889, beginning on the 23rd day of Septem ber next and continuing one week. Prof. E. A Alderman, a proficient in the management of Institutes, as sisted by the County Sup., has been appointed to conduct the exercises of said Institute and we feel warranted from the distinguished reputation of Prof. Alderman in saying that he will make the exercises interesting, instructive, pleasant and profitable in the highest degree, to all who may attend. Notice is hereby given to all Public School Teachers, that they are re quired by law to attend, and the teachers of private schools are earn estly solicited and expected to avail themselves .of this opportunity of improvement. At the close of' the Institute, an examination of white applicants for teachers' certificates will be held in lieu ot the examination usually held on the second Thursday in September. An opportunity will also be afford ed to first and second grade teachers to be examined for three year certifl cates. as provided in section 5 chap ter2001aws of ; v;.v JAn address will be delivered by the Institute. Conductor during' the time on the Public School Law, and the subject of" Education. School Com mitteemen and "the public generally will be invited to attend. . ; ?' Teachers should bring "with them the books now On. our State list. The attention of Public School teachers is especially directed, to the following act, as 'published in the School Law. ChaptefSOO, Section 4 Laws of 1889: " : It shall be the duty of all white public school teachers of the county in which the Institute is held to at tend continuously the sessions of said institute, and on failure scHodo, without satisfactory reasonSftbey shall not be certified as teachers for the eosuing year;-and in case an Institute-is held while the schools are in session in any county; they -shall be suspended during the session of thp Institute." , ,v Wi D. Redfearn. Cg-. Supt. . and sec Board Ed. Ansoa Co. Dots From Bell town. Your correspondent had the pleasure of attending a baptizing at Brock's mill pond last Sunday. Seven were baptized, Rev. Mr. Brock officiating. Mr. A. M. Cook, the Sr. blacksmith of Mc Farlan, has been choeen paator of the Free Will Baptist church at Brock's school house. Rev Mr. Stephenson will begin a series of meetings at Pleasant Hill the first Sunday in November. Rev. W. P. Fife, the diumnier evangelist, is expected to assist him. The .Misses Cottingham, of this town were visiting the-Misses Britt, of S. C. last Sun day. Mr. J. E. T. Massey of Durham, N. C. is teaching school at JcFrrian. He Is a young man of high moral character and has a good education. Mr. John Griggs is teaching at Cool Springs. He has about forty scholars. The young men will meet at the school house in McFarlan next Saturday pight for the purpose of organiaing a literary society. A full attendance is expected. a. Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to "the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND EGWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY "' When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 8LEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY fOLLO Af. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUQQIST FOR SYRUP OF FIOS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. v - SAN FHAtCI&CO, CAL. toviSVIUE. KY. NEW YORK, H. t. Thomasville Female College. f ho 33rd Session wjll open Monday . September, 2nd. A sufficient number of competent teachers, specially prepared for their several depart ments, employing the best modern methods and of successful experience, have been se cured. The record of this school from 1874 to 1885 is sufficient guarantee that no effort will be spared to secure the health, comfort, progress and scholarship f the pupils -I confidently refer to Tuytforroer patrons antT ' ; V W-REI5HARX, TreS. .' , - WE ARE DOING. We have bought and are now receiving the largest stock of DURGS and MEDICINES ever brought to WadesborO' For instance 200 ounceg Quinine, 100 bottles blnid Extracts, 500 pounds Spices, 5000 pounds Soap, 2000 pounds Ball Potash, 1 gross Worm Medicines, 5 gross Tutis Pills, 1 gross Bulls Tough Syrup. 60 gross Rail Road . Mills Snuff, 2000 lbs. Rail Road Mills Snuff in bl'd's. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wifidow Glass, Lamp goods, and one thousand other thi7igs that can't be mentioned here. REMEMBER our fine Colognes and Extracts. ST ATT01Vr?T?V Blank Books of all kinds, Letter Paper, Note J1 J L JL .EilX 1 .Paper, Fools Cap. Legal Cap, and an immense stock of Envelopes and fancy box Paper, Pens and Iuk. Oati please any body. We are going to sell these goods. If you wish to be one of the LUCKY ONES corne early. lri?T?PlT A AFHTQ Never before have we had such a variety of iUlJiXLXLii-Ll IOgoods.and at such DIRT CHEAP PRICES. We can and will save you money. Our mcreased trade in this department speaks more than volnmns of words, having sold DOUBLE the amount of goods at WHOLESALE to date than at same time last year. We thank our friends for their liberal support and promise that in the future to do better still. Come to the Great Wholesale and Retail Drug Bouse of McLENDON & PARSONS. JTHEJY YOU WAJVTAA' Y THING IJV THEIR LINE. Trunks, Valises and Club Bags. A look is all you need to satisfy yourself as to our ability to give you Trunks, VnlilWn Ami TT O nrl Ruin in a II ntiaruvo innlilln. . 1 .. I t i i est Packer to the finest and best bound Saratoga. Bags from the cbeHDt viui,u iu tiie uwt iuii learner unea in an sizes A good line or the best Eng lish Club Bags. A nice lme of all leather shell straps. Remember that headquarters for these goods is at HARGRAVE & CO. Notice of Sale ot Land by Trustee. BY VIRTUE of the power of sale con tained in a Deed of Trust, executed the 14th day of February, 1884, by Frank Ham mond and wife, Maria Hammond, which is duly recorded in Trust Book No. 17, pages, 111 and 112 of the Register's office of Ausou county, I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court houe door in H'adesburo, N. C, on Monday, the 7th day of October, lJsS). the tract of land in said countv, known as the Frank Hammond place, situated about one and nnn-liAlf milne i.tiit-l,.u- nr.M - - ..wow v. aucs- boro, and on the north side of the White's Store and Meltonsville road, adjoining th Finks ton lands and others, and containing thirty-three and one-half acres. There S situated upon the premises a valuable quarry of red sand-stone. September 10th, lsst) JAMEri C. MARSHALL, Trustee. Notice of Sale of Land Under Decree of Court. BY VIRTUE of the decree of salerender td by the Superior Court of Alison coun ty at April term, 1889, in the case of James X Marshall and others, plaintitfs, against A. W. Sellers and wife, defendants, the under signed, as commissioner, will sell to the higU est bidder, for casta, at the court house door in Wadesboro, N. C, on Monday, October 7th, 1 839, three lots or parcels of land in An son county on Jimmy's creek, being lots No. oxe, three, and six in the division of the lands of Frances and Jesse Wallace, allotted to said Kftltarfi nH u-ifo on1 Ar.na;,wnM. follows : No. one 28 acres : No. three xTapjm ? No. six 36 6-10 acres. In all 94 6-10 acres. Lots Nos. one and three adjoin. Sept. 5th. 1SS9. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, . . Commissioner. 100 bottles Morphine, 1000 pounds of Chemicals, 3000 pounds Soda, 1000 pounds Baking Powders, 1 gross S. S. S 1 gross Scott 8 Emulsion, 2 gross Dr. Ansona Liver Pills, 3 gross Dr. Ansons Horse and Cattle Powders, 1000 pounds Stick Candy. This Space Belongs to The RACKET STORE. Our Mr. Nickols is now in the Northern Markets purchasing stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which we will giro yon full concerning them in a week or two, " . . t an immense information Notice of Sale of Land Under Decree of Court. BY VIRTUE of a decree of sale rendered at the April Term, 1889, of the Superior Court of -flnsoii conntv in thA raoa T. C. Marshall and -ethers, pluintiffs, against James C. Horne and" wife, defendants, the undersigned, as commissioner, wiH sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court fiousa. door in Wadesboro, N. C, on Monday, Oc tober 7th, 13o9, that tract or parcel of land in Anson county, adjoining tho lands of Peter Swink, Chapman Teal and others, and being lot No. 5 in the division of the lands of Sampson Teal, deceased, and allotted to Susan Home, containing 46 acres: Septem ber 6th, 1889. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Commissioner. Sale of Land by Commissioner BY VIRTUE of the judgment and decree of foreclosure and the several orders of resale made by the Superior Court of -4rvsoa County in the case of B. F. Clarke, adminis trator of Hampton P. Henry, plaintifT. against E. M. Henry, executor of lieu ben Henry, deceased, and others, defendants, the undersigned will sell to the highest bid- tier, for cash, at the court bouse door ia Wadesboro; N. C, on -Monday, the 7th day ' of October, 1889. the tract or parcel of land in Anson county conveyed by Reuben Henry to Hampton P. Henry, containing one hun dred acres, on the waters of Smith's creek, and bounded on tbe south and east by the lands known as the Spencer lands, on the north by the Sam Smith lands and oo tbe' west by what is known as -the VancL-ford tract. September 4th 1888. -sj B. F. Clakck, Commissioner. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTiCE. ' I. HAVE this day qualified before the prop er court ia Anson county. North Carolina, as Administratrix of the late Paris Darts, -deceased, and I hereby notify, all persona having claims against the estate of my in testate to present the same to me for pay ment, on or by the 3Srd day of August, l&JU, or this notice will bar their recovery. 4nJ all persoils indebted to my intestat8most pay the same at once to me. KATY DAVIS, Administratrix of Paris Davis, deceased. Aug. 15th, 1SSJ), - ?

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