I 111 BA1 rtfv JAM IS C. BOYLIN, Publisher. The Wadesboro Messenger and Wadesboro Intelligencer Consolidated July, 1888. SPRICESI.So a Year. i : NEW-SERIES-YOL. IV.-NO. 13. VAUXlUil wtrriilei, a.d every air ha oi name aa price at am pes' bottam. WADESBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1890. WHOLE NUMBER, 51ft. s. ln- Th tans men.-.; tb- Li DOUGLAS SHOE 111 THE FARMERS WIFE. A BLOODT BATTLE. A Touching and Jost Tribute by Larry ' Gantt. - labia now famous Bethlehem Al liance speech Larry Gantt, of Athens, Ga., pays the following tribute to a THE "COSMOPOLITAN RAILWAY." Something About the Most Gigantic Jtuuiway acneme Ever Undertaken. Atlanta Constitution. Denver, Col., June 23. Within the past two months measures have been taken IJbking to the most gigantic fanner's wife railway project in the world. Not only is it . the greatest of railway I P&thy on the farmer. There is one I from Atlanta. j scheme, but it is the largest enter- class even more deserving of pity and Two men were killed and several prise of whatever nature that relief than you, my Alliance friends, were more or less dan. - ;ously wound was ever known. The first announce- I rofer to the farmers' wife. There ed. ! ment of this project was made about w not a burden that you bear but the j tPn Saturday quite a number of three months ago. when the outlines Iittle woman, who is the light of your negroes came to Atlanta on excursion ui tuoyianro ouua tne uosmopolitan I uuulfli saares ic witn you. Your rates. They came from all points -ABOUT THE CRUSADK3. O.OOO Girls Under 8 Tears Old Went to Free Jerusalem la 1212. Bt- Louis Republic. The term "Dark Ages' Is somewhat vaguely applied to that period follow ing the fall of the Roman Empire, A Crowd of Drunken Negroes Raise a Row on an East Tennessee Train. Atlanta Constitution. An ngly and fatal riot happened on the East Tennessee passenger train moving south Saturday night near cub i wui not waste all my eym-1 JUienwooa, twelve or thirteen miles and preceding the revival of letters in the fourteenth century. In allud ing to Dark Ages, however, as a general rule, we have in mind the period of the Crusades to the Orient for the liberation of the Christians i and the Holy Sepulchre. In 1073, Peter the Hermit, made a 1HOS. DIXON ON DRINKING. A Powerful Illustration of the Result of Intemperance. A few years ago, it is stated, a eel ebrated wild beast tamer gave a tragic performance with his pets in one of the leading theatres in London. Dor many, many years, he had tamed wild beasts and played with deadly serpents, yet he escaped with impunity and he boasted of his many exploits, xi o aeciaed to give one grand entertainment, the crowning act of his eventful life. He took his lions, tigers and leopards through TWIN'KS. iriggs oar, w man, what ara you doing for that cold I G riggs Coughin g. Life. The man who goes to bed so late that he meets himself getting up in the morning is not an early r'wer. It is a' great luxury to live on a good road. It pays everyone living along a road to do his share toward making it a good one. ' A small Boston girl of 3. after a visit to the country, remarked wil fully; "I vish we had a bouse out Railway" were made public. Quickly trials and cares pierce the tender, along the line-from Macon, north, pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where the P4" of the performances awing of doors." Boston Transcript. FOR GENTLEMEN. alf sad Laced Waterproof Grain. oellence and wearing qualities of this shoe i uener snown man oy tne strong endorse . its thousands of constant wearers. 5.C ) (tannine Hand-eewed, an elegant and stylish drfifW ShnA whlrth fYtmmmrin ft a.i! SmjCK: Hand-sewed Welt. A fine calf Shoe unequalled for style and durability. SO.SC toedyear Welt is the standard dress O Shoe, at a popular price. S.BC Policeman's Shoe Is especially adapted . for railroad men. farmers, etc. .' made in Congress, Button and Lace. $2 SHOES lafdc.Is, go have n most fayorably received since Introduced and t".- recent improrements make them snnerinr to anj shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and if he cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a W. I DOUGLAS, Brockton, Man. H ARC RAVE &. CO., WADESBORO. N. C. exican usiang Liniment for and FOR Forty tars THE STANDARD For Sale BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUGH OR COLO Throat Affeotlca Wasting of Flesh Or any ZMeeate whera th Thm r. mre inflamed, Ixich of Strength or Keroa Wwtr, you eon, be relieved and Cured bg mm 11 PURE COD LIVER OIL , With Hypophosphltes." PALATABLE AS MILK. ; 4 fltr BeoWm Bmtdtk. emd let no eav flmnation. or eolicUmtUH induce po to ' meeept tubttUute, Sold by an tyruQgUte, COTT A BOWNB.Chamlsts, H.Y. Jo eon Biliousness, Sick Headache, ConaU V pation, Ualaria, Liver Complaints, tak rs :' too Bate and certain remedy, .- SMITH'S iLE BEANS jr the SHALL 81 (40 UtOe Beans to the battle). Thby akb tbs most coktknlkmt. 3x.iai.bl4B lor mil am. rrtert of either sise, 25c per Bottle. alWWIIaUUiledroru. (copper, or .UmpIJ J.r.SMITH AU.ikwsf"BiLEBauis,"ST.UIIS MO. PSAFi mess a tsisrt eoniiw l eek's lSYlSiBUS TUBU1AI f lb CBSHrONS. Whtepers heard. Coi JhUISr'lw.IwIvi. rsta,iatti(fiHaUIi : DETECTIVES Wum4 is ftrj Caasty. 8krev4 mn tm wt iJar ianrUa la ir 8mw Scrvic. Ezpnine not aMuty . Pirrteilan rm. firaaaaa DttertJrs Bareaa Co. Are4,aciauti.a Flarjos 8130. Cataloene frea Beatty, Washington, N, 4, The Importance of purifying the blood can not he overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. . At this season nearly every one seeds x good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's DiafMlHai Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rcCUIIar and builds np the system. creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used giro to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -T--. ix. - ir iar curative powers. No v IfcOwll other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar W. A. KOSE, GENERAL DOppEJlGENT. Represents the leadine Fira and Ufa Tnsirn- ance Companies, Office Martin Street, "Wadesboro, N. C. 6 W. F. GEAY, D. B. S.3 DENTIST, (Office Over L. Huntley's Store,) Wadesboro, North Carolina. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED. 26-tf the spectators by his wonderful nerve and his control over hia ferocious beasts. As a cloeing act to the performance he introduced an enormous boa-con strictor, lie had tamed it when It was email and for twenty-five years An old saying makes it that "ho who goes borrowing goes a sorrow ing." It may bo bo with some bor rowers, but in other canes it is tho fellow who lends that generally goes sorrowing. ' . Airs. EmorT Iluerh I sunnnsti. 1 m louowiog mis, tne .Fan American sympaineuc neart as a dagger. She and during the day wera UDon the ODDression he witnessed uiBi him congress recommended the construe- tears equally with you your eery 1 streets. I to resolve to free Christ's doodIo and tion of a railway connecting the prio- load ; but I say with pain and regret, . No matter how drunk a negro may the relics so dear to the Christian cipal cities of North and South Amer- tnat ebe is, alas 1 too often deprived become he usually finds it convenient people. JPeter led the first host of the ica. This recommendation received a 8hare of your pleasures. Did to catch his train, and when No. 13 Crusade in person; other anda soon the endorsement of President Harri- yu horny-handed lords of creation left Atlanta Saturday night; a 8 followed. son and Secretary Blaine, and the ever consider that while you are o'clock it was lnAA rlnnn Jith . In all it htu, hAon iirafi that twit President urgod prompt action on the working in the field your wife was at I craner of unrul v hniatmna H run iron I Ions than 2 fioo nm nf human Iiva. I be had handled it dailv. tta that, ho part of congress. In accordance with tho housQ toiling juat as hard as negroes. were lost in this' wild attempt to keep had u under W complete control. He Johnnle. you are very happy under meb recommenaauons, Mr. McUre- ju"oa, aim mas wnue you had but At Ellenwood. twAlvo-m!! onnt.h the Parana out nt .Tnnionlm Tn th seen ic grow from a tinv rerjti a I J -mu'Jt ruiei ary, oi Kentucky, has introduced a one lass: oeiore you she has a host of of Atlanta, a white man, ignorant of year 112 the crusades took a differ- mu a tea"ul monster and now he bill to provide for a preliminary sur- duties to perform, each pressing upon the make-up of the train, entered the ent turn; children were drawn into woula "ow his magic spell over this vey or tms road. ner at once ana tne same timet When negro coach. the movement In the earlv smmr Pet- Two weeks after the action of the you return to your noonday meal and Not wishine-tn ramain in th ah I of th Ar nnmi t ;mmAno The stage scenerv was removed and Pan American congress, the Canadian a welcoming smile and every- with the drunken mob, the passenger armies of children were gathered in the curtain roee uPon tnPc scene, her mother to come to visit them 1 Do "'oluou' ouiuuruBu me construe- juur uouu-ua u mo Degan working his way through, in F rance and Germany in response to u.w uuluo ot tno ooa-constnetor. you think she ia anxious for her to nun or. a rauway tnrough British wuiumuu oi me morning Had been tending to reach the next coach. the call of two boy prophets, neither Ane wiera 8tralns Oriental band comej vuiuuiuiu tu me soumern Dounaarv vuuoucu uj s wana ana oraer i a b hA miahari thmnh j i nf Dhnm oMn.i. sieai laroucQ tua tromm n nnta a i ji;n kja o.. .u i... I ... - 1 . uuu vu.vuu iuo uuiru I - vw. x ttoio UL octl.l w r 1 v. . tL. uurj i:avn LNH IHLLHr Ltl ... I I . I . I - W - - 1 . , - . . , une ween: later is was cnaos ao you ever 1 the negroes shufflad him about orer These youthful leaders believed, or 1 ru8UinS noise is neara and the huge her husband to mail. Detroit Free affected to believe, themselves the H winaing its way through the Press. passeneer stood the rnntrh chosen ot Uod. and that it was their ""'""'J- Johnnie (dubiously) Kindly rule I You don't think I enjoy gettin' lick ed, do you f Dry Goods Chronicle. Lucy So Emma has written to of Iu of Alaska. announcea that an American railway COQ8iaer tne vast amount of work the floor, surveying party was on its way from I tnat these pleasant surroundings I The Oregon to Alaska to survey the route have cosi the poor wife! At night usuage until he became thoroughly ior a railway tnrouah that territory taking your ease, does it occur satisfied that the negroes were trying w un oca, nuiu me same weeK it J v wa. uuuuu aua see it your I to imnoso unon him Dr. HT. L. Steele, SURGEON DENTIST, Rockingham, - JV. a, Offers his services to the citizens of A county. Office fitted up in first class style with all the latest improved instruments. uperamve uencistry a specialty. Upi lower set of tneth for $10.00. All wori ranted. sr or war- was announced that Mr. Butterfield. wue 18 navmg ner season of rest! representing a syndicate in New York You wil1 find the old couplet verified was in St. Petersburg negotiating verified in her case, which says : with the czar of Russia for the right- " Man works 'm sun to sun, of way for a railroad through a por ..J? womail' wk is never done.' tion of Siberia. Wo men are aI1 to selfish and The signficance of all this is that sflf-conceited and I am no excep each separate movement is a part of ',on to the ruIe- We imaeine that the original plan of the Cosmopolitan becauee we are the bread winners of railway, or a railway around the the family the woman's work is more world. "From New York to Pafis chlld'8 pIay' by Rail." is now becoming a familiar "ovcr WB8 tDere a Braver error, headline in the papers of the far west. There is not la farmer beneath the This mammoth scheme was first sound o my voice but who if ho were constructed by ex-Governor William made to exchange places with his unpin, o Colorado, now a venerable ueggmg ner to run but active citizen of Denver, back in Ie8S than twenty-four hours." For more than forty years Governor "At niht whCn you are locked in Gilpin has been at work on this grand the arms of Morpheus, and your scheme, and the result of hia labors weary frame's drinking in the rest a. 1 a. a. . - is a mass of literature and a laree and r116 naiure aemanas, the wife at costly surie3 of maps, charts, etc., T "6 B'oijr uowui ui. ma project, i . r - ... ua. I nernpin rnmmnnA f rrir,r, f ht w A ,1 The dear, selfish enutnrAi Rhn na- neBroes commend jumping off. fortune, but has also spent a large thinks o her own weary frame and acning prow. duties to lead these children through the Mediterranean, like Moses had led the children of Israel through the red sea. The excitement caused by the work ings of these boy preachers spread like a plague; whole families of chil dren joined the hosts already organ ized; no amount of remonstrance on the part of parents could check tho Then he lost control of himself And with his cane knocked a ne gro down. That was the signal for the war. The negroes joined forces,' and as saulting the white man, beat him up badly. Conductor Young tried to drive them off. bue findin&r himself less, asked several gentlemen in the going on this tramp of death died in 00119 umil man ond serpent seom At tho sight of the tamer it stoi8. Its head is erected. Its bright eyes sparkle. 1 heir eyes meet. Theeer pent quails before the man man is victor. It is undor the control of a master. He makes it approach him and then retreat in the rear. Under his guidance it dances, advances and performs frightful feats. a . &i a signal slowlv it annrnnohna epidemic in the least. Children who aim ana M6,D8 10 ts slimy body were locked up to keeD them from around bim. Higher and higher it first-class coach to assist him. The appearance of the white men made the negroes wild, and in an in stant pistols were popping rapidly ana balls were flying recklessly. convulsions or lost their minds in hopeless melancholy. The first great host of children left for the Holy Land under the leadership of Nicho las of Cologne; the second band under The train was by this time moving I the. leadership of a boy whose name at iuh speed, and the fight lasted unknown. quite awhile, the whites having open- J The combined number of these two ed fire in return. I armies were 60,000, about 9,000 being ine conductor reached for his bell- girls under 8 years of age. In the blended Into one. Soon the head of this nonvenomous and crushing boa is reared two feet above the mass. The audience was spell bound and was about to break into applause, but it freezes upon il a meir npg. Ane trainer's scream was a wnil of agony. The cold slimy folds had em braced him for the last time. He was 'I have n excellent steel trap for sale. Do you want to buv onet 'Have you a trap for sale! How did you happen to strike it?' " In the dark. You see 1 was sa busy hunting for muskmelons that I didn't 800 it.' New York Sun. Stoward (in a dining car) One dol lar, please. Hare you had any qxt tras? Hungry Guest No, no, not exact ly, (brightening up) Say. yes. i have too. Steward What was il? Hungry Guest An extra poor meal. N. Y. Truth. A candidate mot Uncle Mose on Austin avenue and said to him; 'Be sure and come to the ward meeting to-night, and bring all jTour neigh bors with you. 'You kin jess bet they will corns erlong wif me, or I sUy at homo nr nirla ia twino. t ..- i , . . , i auU yuueu we engineer Qown. I same montnanoinerarmy le It ranee 1 a w Cauu nu me panic 1 -r wouiun t oe a cnicken child lest it disturb "nonr iirA Dut M tno tram to slow up the under the guardianship of Stephen of ""CKen auaience heard bone after fortune of his private means in trav 1 j .1 - .... I "Ttv f ha ilnmi A IT L m m . ei, ejuuuy anu printing. bnouia the I J ny tuai poor wue MnSOrl ITl S X 1 1 U X6 Cosmopolitan railway become a real- 18 00 ber feet preparing the beet re- . 9 I itv ha rlooloi-oa fha. ha .;..Mu A Past the larder Will afford. Vnn . j f m.w.maw wan vuo VI 1UU1JU Ul I - aw. w- the conception will repay him for all turn 10 yur work in the fieW, while WADESBORO, N. C D. A. McGregor. A. B.. Principal. THE SPRING TERM BEGINS MONDAY, JAN. 6th, 1890. Tuition in Litkrart De?i $3 and $4 per month. ' no deduction made for lost time. his labor and money. But Gilpin . w"e resunies the old tread-mill ddes not say "If it succeeds." He existene. that is rarely broken by a says, "when the road is built," and declares that it will be built before the end of the present century. . He has been an unfailing prophet in all tilings else, and recent revelations W. FORT, Builder, Contractor & Millwright, WAUiaSBUKO, N. C. Estimates furnished for the construction of all kinds of buildings, from the cheapest to tne nnest. Correspondence solicited. References f urn shed on application. - WADESBORO Shaving Emporium. My Barber Shoo is now furrow f, , Detoro tne reader in one letter. In finest and most COMFORTABLE Chairs the original conception of this great KSp&vaaaTl P.. which is unchanged today, the iuy posvwica a steady hand and a desire to ne should start in South America please. Hair cut or trimmed in all the latest n a j it . . . ' ray of pleasure. "You men can go to town and there meet and mingle with friends and 1 . aiscuss the news of the day. How many times during the year does the indicate that he will be a sure prophet I 5001 wife crosa the threshold of her in this. He declared that there would uu.u, eP w attena aivine wor- be a number of railroads across the ship on Sunday And even then plains, leading to the Pacific; he you "P60' her to look after or pre- prophesied that the spot at the mouth P"e a dinner f or your friends; of Cherry creek, which was then the ,. "I do not beIiT'e there is a man fighting ground between roving bands hvinZ who aPPreciates his wife as he of Indians, would be a c-ronh ritv Bnould. He loves and cherishes her : That ground is now the site of Denver! he 8nould do een more than this. All his Dronheeies concern in rr wHfr! We should resolve never to take civilization have come to pass, and PIeasure but tfae wife equally enjoys now his last and greatest one is wor- 14 with U8, She bears her full part thy of serious consideration. o our 40518 and trials, and it is only The details of this great project are JUBt and right that she should also too intricate and numerous to place "tuiuj oi our prosperity. Vendome. This army numbered not 0000 crustl and crack aa those coils When the train came to a stand- less than 30.000. The first two ler-iona "Shtened around him. The tamer's still the casualties were ascertained, crossed the Alps Nicholas at Mt. P,aything had become bis master. J. B. Hooks, of Dallas, Ga., was Cenis and the unknown loader at St. Hia 8lavo for twenty-five years had badly shot in the head and may die. Gothard, and descended into Italy. en8,av3d him. Mr. William Bassett, of Rockmart, The combined armies ot Nicholas and In thia. horrible illustration is por- was shot through the body, the his unknown ally lost not less than intemperance, which is the wound being serious. 18,000 children by heat, hunger and h00" constrictor that is coiling slowly Uf the negroes two are said to have fatigue before reaching the first val- UU6 Bureiy a"una our boys died of their wounds, but their bodies Iey in Italy. Stephen's French army suffered still more terribly 10,000 of them dying before the mountains were reached and another 8,000 be fore they reached Italy, the entire route being strewn with corpses. Of 100.000 children which the fanaticism lef in my coop ef I wuz to go to de ward meetm'and leff dom nabors slay at home.' Texas Sittings. have not been found. Both were shot through the head. A third negro was found whose wounds are so dangerous that his death is almost certain. Another was cut to pieces with a The dram drinker feeds and nour- tnVinn Sa t ... ... "u n-iur years, due ic win some day coil around him and drag him down, down to an endless death. knife, and will in all probability die. tfae ago allowed to join the crusade, The train was badly torn up with the bullets, and it is a wonder that many more persons were not hurt. ma w . xne imng could.be heard in the sleepers' and the lady passengers were panic stricken. The wounded were taken to Macon, where surgical attention was rendered. less than 20,000 returned to their na tive land alive. Story of a Church. Youth's Companion. In the town of Botucatu, San Paul, is an evangelical church, whoso ruin -ister and house of worship have an equally interesting history. It illus trates in a remarkable way the truth that the Bible is its own best witness. A wealthy man of the place, who had given a hall for the use of his Masonic lodge, ordered the usual ar ticles of outfit from Rio Jaueno, in cluding, of course, a Bible. Naturally. when the fittings came, he examined The Kissing Spot on Note Paper. London Cor. Chicago News. A fad in writiner nanar in what ia nuance man, when he has lifted the called lover's fttationary. It is a fine mortgage from his home, to look to nte paper delicately tinted, the most ; me comiort and pleasure of his wife, fashionable shade being light pink "It should be the first duty of a good Dust to Dnst. Kew York Ledger, A thousand years hence so says a member of the Academy of Sciences nearly all the stone buildings now standing in Europe will have crum bled to- dust. So perishable is the material of which they are construct, ed that the process of decay is already evident in many conspicuous edifices. lbe same thing is going on this country. Neither marble nor our favorite brown-stone can withstand the action of the elements. Even An Ancient and Modern Code. New York Ledger. ome six or seven centuries ago. wnen ladies ruled the world, with khom with some interest, and in Wt. gioves ana scares for scepters, dam- lnsr over the Bible, whmh was n sels of hign degree sat in judgment handsome volume, he began for the ou auairs 01 me neart, and all Uhris- first sime in bis life to read it a ja . ... . 1 K,,uu,u WUTrou -ner aecisionp. iJeing a eentleman of leisure. h xne oae or Love" of these dames continued his reading till mm i.M r,r UeCiareS mat. "tr rOOltV IS an inrHa- I morn nurlritw pensable condition of love;" but. in to a new desire. Ila fimshl u. hir LriAOA mrwlApn Inira 7. 1. t I 1 . ... . . ucjo, wiuor uy some i ana oy mat lime lie had drunk in its unnoircoa typographical b under l t.ioh intra anrl ita cnMr ir, .11 I . ' I Ufnr-a r AA . mi.. . . . , . ... I " www,. uicu styles, and we guamnteeto please the inert I0110w ine Andes on tha western slope, w" -"--""""er acre ot land water mars:, 10 oe aetectea Dy the Capitol at Washington is under- "i"""! 1 mroucrn 1 antral -Amoruu anrl ivrA.k 1 rTwowiwu ueiure vnn nniiri 1 uuiuiuk iub uueet uu to me iicnc. is a 1 m no a ;D;r,f ..; " wwi I . . - I - " I rjwii0 "lOlUW;! America to Behring straits. Here a rUD" ua,u' ueiore you purchase an oienaing or two nearts pierced by an George Holland is v-. vu uio auu niu UH pleased to serve all his old patrons. Respectfully, - RAPH ALLEN. bridge is to be buUt from the Alaskan jmPlemont to expedite your work, or "row. In the lower corner of each T. J. INGRAM, Corner Wade and Rutherford streets, WADESBORO, N.C., Will continue to furnish his patrons with BEEF. to the Siberian shore. Near the center of Behring strait is the Diomode island, which is large enough to contain the cities of New York and Brooklyn. A bridge twenty- It may not be important that an ordinary dwelling-house Bhould last a which has gone so long uncorrected as to haye become universally sane tionoo, or else by design, the first word in this sentence has undergone a slight change, so that the cannon law now reads: "Property is an in ai8pensaoie condition of love." The main distinction between ancient and modern codes on the same unhiVt I will furnish a place where these truths shall be preached. ha aid. if a prcachor can be found." Ho did not know then that a preach er had already been "found." The house was built, and it transpired soon after that the same unseen in fluence which had provided Hia to build their over again once every two or But it is not agree. hofnra vnn tmn.nn. ... . . J ""o jruur bsock.. 1001c "J-"" 1" wrreversaoi eacnsecond thnuRnnrl V n;tn. fhT r!- int? lll&EFh&l . ftK Perhaps, justas well that ... twoou room and the I "w a.w a wioinisn, jLut mis is trie 1 people should have .ijr, auu bos u mere is not some cnarming leature of the novelty ; it houses over aga utensil or invention that you can h.iv is the kissing spot, for here the cor- rh, - . , .. - . I . - : wuiui tea. 4JUt Ik la not aCTeei one miles in length on one side and w your poor wife's labor. Lift respondent presses his or her lips, and able to think that the Capitol and all twenty-seven miles long on the other ouroen from her should-1 "us a salute is wafted to the absent the great churches in the country would make the connection. This is etn,at Bhe bas bo long and uncohi- ver- kis8iDS BDot abo"t the will have disappeared by the year of j 1 , . . .. .. ... nlaimnclv hnrna onri .1. . . 1 e r n , j. .1 J v"o jearoi uvciarea 10 oe altogether feasible.! . r " ' ODO mas ner j-" uu,1ub iwouij ure cen 1 grace 2890, Mutton, Pork, Poultry Butter Tbe JaPan Btrear, at a temperature -,"""JB "aa are maaa happy auu " covered witn a thin aro- E&gTS, Fresh Oysters. Fish ' of seventy five degrees, flows through "!,. M comfrtable as your affairs mato gum that imparts to the lips a Fruits and Vegetables, tbe traits, keerffug a mild climate the And whatever else can satisfy the appetite y6 round and clearing the water of DUUICV,, I .... ... being that, whereas in the former unurcn nce naa 06611 providing the Cunid bears nhit a,nv in ,u l " " puipii. ' " J I fc. W k VU1 puuu uuur ana taste, a. more ingenious bit of maudlin sentimental Keep Busy. Elmlna. The secret cupidity seems to reign supremo. A man who bad foolishly ventured upon a verbal contest with his wife was met, as he was retiring from the scene, by his little son, who had just begun to study grammar. Fapa,' said thechild, 'what port of speech is woman?' 'She isn't any part of speech at all Gregory ; she's the whole of it, of a gentleman always giving the best tha j ice. The greatest depths is forty feett of success In life is to market affords. I will pay the hieheBt ttim-. ket price for Cowp Hogs, Sheep, Chickens, Eggs, &c. &c 27tf PARKER'8 HAIR DALSAM Cleanses and bnntlfi th Promotes a luxuriant OTY.w.k ranvar rans to nestora Qrav' PrevenUi Ditndi-nlT nA hfe. riul with miles of the distance averaging only nine. feet. The mountains of Alaska and Siberia would furnish convenient material furnish the money, Her Birthday Giftto Her Husband uy 00,11(1 naray be devised, yet we keep busy, to be persorving. patient . omI Mother Edward, how did - I a. .11 a .a ... . . I " I a Madame D.. in Vienna wna mua mi c0016 was it is ot just in- and untiring in the pursuit or calliiur yur ciotnes get so toru? Have you 1 J I rtApanf; onn irnA frilly... . u n j - m I Fit . . Iwtn : o - suouvi ivuim .uc juj 01 jruu are loiiowing. xuo DUSV ones I "r"-L1 "ti""" "gtmn " DUlh person. She met Madame S., who asked hr whot America can birthday present she bad made to her husband. Madame D human life largely consists. Endorsed by the Press. "For several months past tha ypaA. ers of this paper have seen each week special reading notices, showing the wonderful cures effected by Swift's Specific, better known as S. S. S., and IMPROVES HIRES' ROOT BEER! ISlmil. nniMiamuawn uinriut i THIS MAHC3 FIYI GAUeU. After crossing Behring straits the You 8Qe 1 fint it very difficult to road would be through Siberia, China fave anything from my housekeep and all the countries of Asia, connect inS money, these hard times, and I ing with all the principal routes and nad 60 886 ny wits to work. My reaching all the principal -cities of nu8Dana you know, is an inveterate n the face of such testimony we are Europe. Thence it would take its 8moker and passionately fond of a ready ; to say that in all the world way into Africa and thus comDletaitfl eod cigar. Dunne the last th there is not so good a blood medicine mission through the world. v.Sar vui vi uis case and stowed it a affected with any of the blood away in a dox. un the evening be-1 ""eases mat it is known to so effect fore his birthday, I presented him S11? cu.rf,why d0 they not K170 S. S. are j may now and then make mistakes. but it is better to risk these than t be idle and inactive. Keep doing. whether it be at work or seeking recreation. - Motion is lifo, and the 1 busiest are the happiest. Cheerful, active labor is a blossine. An old philosopher says: "The firefly only shines when on the wing; so it is with Che mind; when once we rest, darken." Eddie No, ma'am, I've only been umpirtn a game between the Angola ! and the Boot Hog or Sfcea. 3 T . . - unpunect mgesuon ana assiiv j ai, - diice uuordemt conditions of thoc,.SfVii enls which have no place in Any n: v" ,""., r "3 """t, nurnan Mf.iMnsa . r n.. tr t. ........ . J - - . Years before tho donor's benevolent thought, a young grocery clerk in Rio Janeiro, while weighing a pile of was to paper, discovered among the pieces a complete copy of the Bible, with the cover torn off. He saved the book, and the perusal of it divine ly enlightened him, and inspired him to consecrate himself to the Christian ministry. He went through a course of preparatory studies, received his missionary ordination, and the place so opportunely made for him in BoU catu became his post of duly. Movements that led thus uncon sciously to one result may seem like the operations of happy chance, as men phrase it; but there is a Wisdom that overrules "chance," or, rather, ' that makos "chance" impossible. nj we rqottBeer: Th JS?J5APP15TIZTNO and WHOLESOMB TSMPBBANCB DRINKli tte wirii PeUolOtta and Sparkling. TBT rt Aak your Drngglat or Grocer for It. CE.XIRES. PHILADELPHIA- 4Do you like babies. Mr. Whitel' asked the young mother, tenderly, of the grim old bachelor who sat at the foot of the table. . 'Don't know, marm,' replied the bachelor, promptly, between two moulhfuls of potato, "Never tasted any k " - r should was." Dr. J. H. and I51ool furiUor. bv ita tonie nmiwrti. cures indigestion aud gives toue to the stotu- acn. ji.uo per bottle. Frequently accidents occur in the house- uum wiucu cause Durns, cuts, spraius and bruises: tor use in such cases Dr. J. 11. Mo- unu s voicanic uu Uniiuent has fur ruany years boea the coastaut favorite laiuilv .j , In cases of Fever and Ague, the blood is as effectually, though not so daugerously uourja- have seen how dfilirrh i,lm " ... "ttJ.1;," 1 , u"1 uye I ,J. r!"....' .'u" w it 0wv w'.u.uw uiuu ,1 iua uutbou obatOS I mio weiguea less inan sev-I " J uoauiiest potsou. Ltr J. H. I n n 4 f . . . ' 1 ant. nAuib). ..I . , I 4 I A M . .' 1 1 . .... i . . ... ..xcuu o vuua aim rororoara wm eiauu cate this poison from tha system. 50 oeuta. a with this boxa.a.nrnri r,.i ,.?:""a,AnecomPany who make the -u-..t a v. . TV. " reineuy is one Of. tbe largest patent ciana that she was facurabu and r,lf, i' A Scrap of faper Saved Her Ufe. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping lArhAr hull if. umH ha Ok. . -1 i 1 uv.. .1.1 urn was in lllu s stages o consumption, told by physi- ana are neartilv endomnd hv thA leading men of Atlanta and Georgia." xhcgiuu, iiiUBua, x la. x reatise on Blood and Skin Diseases Kupepsy. .1 SS'J 7? " Lct mailed free. j uauw Kva au uu 1UII V Mil If IV I1TA --tx-ka I , sands are searching for it daily, and mourn- &Wirr bPaXOTIO Co., Atlanta, Ga, '"K "ocause tney nna it not. Thousands upon HIMOERCORNS. The only anraCMre for Corns. StoM.n Wtot to thof. 1 5c at IyWH acgl (S?nT fSxr CONSUMPTIVE If your kidneys art inactive, you will feel 1 thousands of dollars, are spent annually by and look wretched, even in tha mnct ohaorfui I our people in the hooe that thav mnv society, and melancholy on the jolliest occa- h,ls boon.. And yet it may be had by alL rions. Dr. J. H. AcLean's Liver and ETidnnv I Wo guarantee that Electric Bitters, if nsrt enty pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a Urge bottle, it helped her more, boueht s" wiuer ust, couunuea its use and ia now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars astorrmto W.H. Cote. Druggist. Fort iruu WHM oi wts wonderful Dis covery Free at McItnHnn Xr p.. n Rtr - "H Balm 'wiU set you right again. $1.00 per Old daodIa , . u vu WVIurjIO Vi tue urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. Mc- "n a Lnver ana Sidney Balm in haaishinK their troubles, f 1.00 per bottle. according to directions and the in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. "We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidney. Bold ot 50c. and $ 1 00 per bottle by McLcndoa & Parsons,, Drug Backlen'a Arnica Salve. . Tha Best Balve in tha world rnrThito. Jones: "You may say what you please, but this country has never produced a greater man than George cT-.t " " Bruises, iiorea. Ulcers, Salt Rlieum Fever Smith: "Don't talk SO loud. There S013- Tatter Chapped Hands, Chilblains is a little dude sitting right behind us SiSffl and it might hurt his feelings to hear ' "! 10 Pe irfect satisfaction, or luoiwy you talk that way." lS,, DRUNKENNESS MQUOtl "HABIT In all tha World there Is bat one cure Dr. UaiueS UoldeM Specinc, It can be given iu a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person takiujr it, effecting a speedy and pei-maneut cui-T whether the patient is a moderate driukor or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunk ards have been cured, who havw taken tha Golden Speciue in their coffee without thtir kuowledge. aud today believe they quit drinking of their owu free will. No harm ful lTect rwsults from ita admiuistraUoii. Cures guaranteed. tvmd for ciiuUr and full pttittciuars. Ail.iisi iu iulitciuti UOLUKN taCUtC Co., IN lUiC ?t-.- t ' l i tiMiiati, O. ' ' ) plan are not less predeter mined, both in their separate incep tion and in their final working to gether. " For ski headache, female troubles, neural gic pains iu tint head take Dr. U. Melon's Ule Liver and Kidney viaL 35 ceut& a If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled with a hacking cough, use Dr. J. IL McLean s Tar Wine Lung Balm. . " Croupy snffiicnUons, night co ighs and all the eouimou atrevtiuiia of the tliroal a,i lungs quicklv relieved bv lr J il . Tar Wine Ling Balm. " Itch, ManK. and rVnb.vM .u... auiiuala cum! in 30 ruittuUu bv Wo.Jiufd'9 hamtary Ltion. Tbii iwyr-r fjl 8okllv atcLttKlon & fursaus iriixKt, ItWeHboru. When you are corrstioated. with Lisa r.f ... Ptit, headache, tak ou uf lr. J. U. Mo Leau'a LitU Liver an.1 KUluvv Fillet Tk. are pleamnt to take aud will cuio you. -5 cenwa viaj. You w ill have no use for siioctacltn if v. . r Dr. J. 11. McLtau's Stivnirtl Salvo; it remove the ti!u and s-tmiv accumulates ou the eye bcUi-i, scNin,-. t nuti.i, con!) Hint im .. ! lri r -

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