Rtf -'MELLISEKCEB. VAnO.K'V 'JT. C, FEB. .1 "1M. t AS. G. BOYLIN, Publisher. Thh'l to r-peal ihn federal elec ion !s pase1 the Senate by a vote of 53 t 23. Mr. S'.ewort. republican, atxl s'l iM'pi;!it; Senator voted with lbs Perowrnt f'ir the bill. The recent decline in silver has hronr-ht lh cioiations to the lowest recorded li'Vf-!. At the price bullion in ncr (!i;r. Ht the silver in our ntftT-Mrd E'lver dollar is worth 49 IS .cents. : Itillt'EAL OF KTATJE KAXli TAX ECTLER Mr. 1 Tftr..: B. Jrn!K3ii has bwn appointed United . - "Stale Consul General Jo Shaoebni. China. This ii the position held by Mr. A. D. Jems, .if Rnletgh. at the time of hi-? deatti. Mr. Jernigan's appointment gives great, satisfaction to tho Dem ocrat of North Carolina. Th nomination of Mr. Peckham to b Associate Justice of the United States Jm b?en report d to the .n- ' ate without recommendation by the Judiciary committee. The vote in committee stood 5 for and 5 against confirmation. S jnator Hill is corifi : 'dent of securing Puckham's defeat. So mo to it be. Inquiry info the question has brought to light the fact thnt the er.lary of the President of the Uni ted States and the salaries of Federal Judges cannot be assessed for luxa tion under a law taxing incomes. The reason is a constitutional provision which declares that the salaries of thew officials pniio, be reduced during their term of iifTe. While tho M. & I. believes that tho Vance-SimmonB affair is unfor tunate and lo Jba deplored, etill it thinks that Mr. Simmons ha no one to iilamn but himself if lie fails to secure the ofSee he is eeekmg. He tock it upon himself to hae his Bay so f ir as other office seekers wore coni cerned, therefore he has no just caus? of complaint when those office seekers ami their friends a-'agonize him. Tho dispensary 1 of South Car olisia, bo far as Charleston is con cerned, set-ins to be n dead letter. As yet there has been no conviction in that city for its violation, notwith standing quite a number . of cases have been bolors tho court?. The failure to procure convictions only emphasizes the well known' fact thai it is impossible to enforce a law where public opinion is largely against it. KEW'S SOTES. John (Tnrberry, of Newark, N. J., has been hiccoughing for six week. His longest period of rest from the paroxysms lias been thirty-six hours, 'and he is worn almost to a skeleton Practical jokers at Columbia. Pa., substituted muriatic acid. Of whisky in a peddler's kit while the poddler was asleep. o The peddler awoke and draak th acid. Ho cunnot recover. Thoro are iodiiiu-'isis o a ijrave constitutional oritiia ' in English pr!it'c-, several members of the liberal cwiiivt f;voring a campaign Bgnnst ihn existence of the House of Lords. Mr. John M. Heck, of Raleigh, died a few days ago in Philadelphia, wnro he was iindargoirig treatment (wr cancer. Coll Htck was a very plronsineiil member of the Baptist f.l firch. nnson C Neve, one of tho oldest ofll;ors on th Savannah (G.t ) po'.iw foible, was shot and almost instantly kiWed S.i'urday by Abraham Smalls, a olored man, whom the officer was ayempting to arrest. . James Clayton, of Leather wood Creek, Cumberland county, Ey., was tortured by burglars until he told where his moDey was hidden. The thieves secured $1,800. He b Id out until his feet were burned to a crisp. 1 i Dr. Tiilmogre now declares his in teeilion to preach his farewell sermon in the EroMklwi Trtiwrnrcla on the first Sunday in March, and shortly fifterward lie will set out on a jcur ney eround the world, going frcn Sin FrarcihCt to Honolulu, and then to Australia, New Zoalaiid and In dia. . '' The eld U iid S'ates sloop ofwar . L.artfirfpT. F'.m wrecked on February ' 2nd on 'Roimndor reef, off the Central American con!,. L,very member of theiTi'w was saved. The Kearsarge is the vrsel which sunk the Confed ernie cruiser Alabama off Cherbourg, FrnroM, Juno 19, 1664, after the latter bud (Vsiroyed some $15,0C0 000 worth of Federal shipping. By hangio chairs n hor vnlnerabla parts Cap tain Wii.tluw obtained for tho Kear wtr( p.n advantHge over the Ala b;vna which was decisive, after the Alabama had planted a shell in the stern of the Keamirgo which would have sent Hie lntior to the bottom if ' . 'it had exploded. 55rs. Lease W'lus Hor Case. Topkka Kan. , (i:Vb. 9 The Si p-eiie Court today rendeied a decis 'l'lii in Hie cilse of Mrs. Mary Eilen Jje.ixe vs. Gvernor Lewelliog. The i'f;iioii of thy c-jurt i that the Govt -rnor in wilhr-ui authority to remove Mrs. Leaso from her position as member of the Slate board of chari ties. Mrs. LpHKe says she had in leudfd to resign, but changed her mind and will fit once begin an in ' vef tibial i"H tour of the Slate I'locnioH ynnry itHiiutione. It is slated that 'G-vr.r ly wi lling is (atifled wnh 'ill iieU ion. as it relieves him from tin (' . bri ssMosr political situation R!i u.-itiMM racks the system like t. l ojnbicrew. I' rpireats before Mie p iwer of Hood's Sarsppirilla x h rjfn;:d i.hrj blood. ELFXTED DEST. PICES!- lAXOTIIfcK BO.llS JiLUST IS PARIS. 'ALL ASOARO." A ROCK IS THE THAIS. A Question Tfcat lias to Zc Set tledDemocratic Representa tives Inclined to an EarJy Dis cnssim of the Snftject. Washington, Feb: 14.- There ia a crowing disposition among the dem ocrats of lboHou'a of Representa tives m favor of cailing up as erly as posslbla the proposition to repeal the tax on State banks. Tho South ern members especially believe that the time of .the House cannot be oc cupied better than in discussing and deciding upon a plan which, they heliave, will give the country a eafe rind elastic currency, in accordance with the party platform. Others are in favor of the nationnl banking sys tem as it exists at present, but all are agreed that the matter has to be teltled one way or another. No one wil! interpose any serious objections to the consideration of the question in the House. As yet the banking and currency committee has been unable to decide upon the form of a bill which it can recommend to the House. It decid ed by an adverse vote upon the bill prepared by Mr. Cox, of Tennessee, repealing tne tax unconditionally. that such a measure would not meet the exigencies of the case, but upon a less radical measure they are yet unable tq agree. Several proposi tions have been advanced, including that of Mr Springer, the chairman of the committee, and the more recent one prepared by Mr. Warner, of New York. Both of these, it is thought by their authors, place ample re strictions upon the banks to prevent the issuance of any currency which could, except under extraordinary circumstances, depreciate in value. while at the same time by placing the State banks upon an equal foot ing with the national banks they af ford them all the privileges to which they can properly be entitled. Mr. Warner's bill is a completion or tne plan agreed upon eariy m me session by the sub-committee of the banking and currency committee. It is not improbable that with some few changes it will bo reported to the House, T'u members of the banking and currency committee have felt since the beginning of the session tbat no matter what action they agree upon in the committee room, the House will discuss fully every phaso of the ques tion and formulate a scheme in ac cordance with the views of the ma jority. Nevertheless, the committee purposes presenting to the House as complete a plan for permitting State banks to issue currency as they can prepare. There is little deposition on the part either of the Irieods or oppo nents of the plan to act upon it pre cipitately. In order tbat it may re ceive l"no careful consideration that should be given it, it ia not likely to bo urged upon the House until after the appropriation bills have been parsed. Then, however, it will be taken up and kept before the body until disposed up. At present it is difficult to predict the reception likely to be accorded this measure. There is very strong feeling against tho proposed repeal of the tax unconditionally, but with regard to a repeal which would also pi a co sufficient restraint upon the bauks to insure tiie security of their notes, there seems to be but slight opposition. The dght whicu the bill is likely to occasion will probably be ou8 over details, ine extent of the pposition v, ill depend upon how perfectly these details are arranged' AllJancemen CJioose Tlsclr TSa- - tlonat Officers. TorESA, Kan., February 9. The national convention of the Farmers Alliance concluded its work tonight and adjourned. The following ofil- A Snmber or Persons Seriously Injured bat None Hilled Out rightThe Bomb Thrower Cop tared He says He Meant to AVenge Valiant's Execution. Paris! Feb. 12. EJeon Breton, 23 "Gamma" Tastes a Trip and dives Our Readers the Bene fit ofwhat He Saw and Heard. At Hamlet 3:35 a. m. In Balwmoro 4:oo p m. Time and pnce are alrtxiet annihilated in Mr. J. C. Caddell Struck by It and Bndly Hurt Charlotte Obserrer, 13th. Ir. J. U. Cad dell, agent for the Biblical Recorder, of Raleigh, was cers were elected for the ensuing j years old, threw a bomb in the cafe j chair. Tou don't seem to be going fast, yet year: oi the Hotel Terminu, at tne bt. la President, Marion Butler, of North Izare railway 6tation this afternoon. Carolina; vice -president, J. L. Gil-J The bomb exploded in the middle of bert, of Californra; secretary and the room and wounded 20 persons. treasurer, D. P. Duncan, of South I An instrumental concert began in Carolina; executive committee. I the cafe, which ison the ground floor I My horse was tied to the same limb off and MannPare of Virginia. H. C. Pun- of the hotel, at 8 o'clock. Shortly tor nearly a year. I looked for the place -, - i 1 ning of Pennsylvania. J. E. Dean of before 9 o'clock, a pale, thin young nov, xura., u.. wuvm u4 ' uiu wnu u .Ku darling was sleeping there. We looked for Yellow Tavern, the place where the grvat this fast oge, bringing oar great cities to our I tbe victim yesterday eveninc, of the doors, lnen, too, tbe vestibule train is as l ,nin rnt.uur FT w.ii r?ominff to neat and trim and easy as a parlor rocking , f ,r , ,fc weetern ! As Everytiody Talkiag Al)out tile love. few more years the same, distance will be the trr.in passca near tne Aia ami. made in five hours. Old Virginia, the scene of the great con flict, presents few phases of the old struggle- At one time we werecamped on the railroad. Dakota. for a drink, which he bad taken at a The executive committee was au- J table in the middle of the room, and thorized to'appoint a national lec-J started to leave. When near the turtr and select a place for hold- door ha turned nuddenly. drew a ing the next convention. Ben Ter J bomb from bis coat, and threw it to- rell, of Texas, the present natioual j ward a group of persons who bad sat lecturer, will doubtless be chosen j next to bim. on tne oulsKirm or tnis cuy, sorou one threw a rock into the coach. It went through the window shattering the glass, and struck Mr. Cad dell juat above the eye, inflicting an hnfcrraililn'tfind it A hout there were man V I U2lv and DRinful WOlind. When the awhile head-board, telling tbat somebody's train reached the depot, he wa put in a cirriace ana taiten to iiessrs. R. n. Jordon & Co" where ha was Attended bv Dr. S. B. Jones. This is the third time in a couple of weeks the train on the Carolina Cen tral has been rocked. Some effort should be made to catch the gudty parties. Moved Where? Across the Street in the Mills Building 'Formerly Occupied by Turlington & WoodalU cavalryman, J. E. B. Stuart, fell, but It we passed it we didn't recognize it. Fredericks burg, the scene ofso many conflicts, bears few marks of tbe great struggle. Washington City. One hour to wait. Over a thousand people are gathered there. In tbe great throng I nee several dignified men, well station were rocked by tbe shock The windows and doors were blown to atoms. The ceiling and floor were I rent and tbe walls were cracked. and arms folded, talking to different groups. They, l am told, are Congressmeu and Sena tors. Jernsalera ; how polite and suave and gracious they are! Listen, catch the words: "I'll bet $ jOO," said one man, "Judge so so gets the appointment." Its all politics- appointment. The very air makes one want for another term. The salary of the j The bomb struck an electric light I kept, splendidly dressed, with bat in hand president and lecturer was fixed at fixture, then fell on a marble table $3,000 each, and of tbe vice president land exploded. Tbe great hotel and at $2,250. SECRETARY MORTON REPROVED The scheme of President Upson to adoDt a new constitution did not meet with tbe approval of tbe con vention, tbe resolution providing for its adoption being defeated by an overwhelming majority. The effort to have the alliance eudoree woman suffrage was also a failure, all of tbe delegation from tbe southern states voting against it. Before adjourning tbe convention issued on address ap- Admlnifctration Ball-Dozing. Washington Cor. Richmond Dispatch, 9tb. The member of the Virginia-dele gation who called at the postomce department to day to inquire what and I prevented m appointment of n Democratic Postmaster in his dis. irict to pucceed a Republican, whose Mmn avTMfcwi ar.mo t.ima Ofrn VX7 n u in A dense, offensive smoke ntiea me xnere , 5lrange-i0oM..g ,uau, fornw:1-by the p08lma-ter General that until it was ascertained lust how the Virginia Senators would vote on the nomination of Peckham to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme cafe for fourjminutes, and in the ob- "T,"" n. naiarge ! .1 cape. Tbe bottom of the dress is narrower scurity the bomb thrower escaped. bancs from When the smoke cleared away five I his head, black as a ravens winz.plaited and persons were found severely wound- I tied with ribbon. His feet are very short i ed. and IS have slieht iciuries. I and thick, and he wears a curious cap. Kis The hr.mh had been filled with bul I complexion is not so light as a bright mulatto, The MOVE was made to keep things moving, and in order to do bo. HIGH PRICES" have moved somewhere else. So take a "B-LINE" fcr Hortoo & Crowder's where you can get goods right, and you will be sure to miss tbe doorjwhere "high prices are. In tbe face of all the cry of bard tirses we are going right ahead getting tbe very kind of goods that will suit you and making the prices to SUIT the HARD TIMES. We CLEARLY see that Low priees is our only hope and WHAT TBE PEOPLE MUST HAVE. One look will convince you our goods and prices are right, and we want everybody to come ia at once ami see if we are not doing all we chum. We carry nearly everything except groceries. E0E THE I'JEXT 30 DAYS Court, nothing would be done in any of the Virginia caes. Congressman from other States have been talked A DURHAM CYCLOSE. Destruction Wrought by a Fun nel Shaped Cloud. Durham Bun, 13th. : About six o'ctock yesterday even ing the attention of our people was attracted to a very black funnel shaped cloud that arose in a clear sky, in tho west toward sunset. It increased in volume and those who were nearest to it say it formed about four miles north of Chapel Hill; that when it first etarted it twisted around on the ground like a whirl wind, spreading out in a skirt-shape at the bottom and top with a small middlo. It had tbe appearance of an hour glass. Then it left the earth and seemed to lose its lower part, assuming the shape of a funnel, with the larger part at the top. It start ed off in an eastward direction and every now and then would dip down to the earth. In these dips it twist' ed up trees and everything in the line of its travel, gathering them up and whirling them around like pieces of paper. It traveled in a space of about one hundred yards wide, and fortunately missed towns and tbick- sstlfed places so far as wo have been able to learn. There was a terrible roaring sound, almost like thunder in fact some of our people thought it was thundor. To all appearances here it looked like the black smoke from a tar kilo boiling up and seething in the air. It was a terrible sight and struck terror to tnose who saw it coming and knew they were in its pathway The Sun enumerates a dozen houses that were blown down. No lives were lost. . Notice. We advise our readers to send for Lan uretu's cei catalogue for io4, wnled is mailed to all applicants free. It contains monthly directions for Gardening Operations, Catalogue oJLITIower Seeds and Flowering Bulb, with directions for eowiug and planting, and bbauiif ul colored plates of Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums time to life. Descriptive and Illustrative Catalogue of Gardpn Vegetable iseetiseont -iiigali the best varieties, ow ainl new, (Jooking Kecipies, Dwhfriptive List of Grass and Field Seeds. D'rectioiMt for ljiun Making, Mixtures of urawses tor renuaneut Pasture, and numer ous special articles on Gardening and Farm ing. Altogether the most complete, syste matically arranger! nnd practical Catalogue puo.is.nfii, arm an myaiuauie guide and re minder to every one liavins a i-arden. AH. dit-sw, D. LAJSDKDTH & gOite, Philadel phia, Pa. -.-.' - - ...... lets and rough bits of iron, which had riddled the furniture and walls nnAlinir to everv one who believes in inflictid most of the damage. r " I a r. a - . , . t. UU thA rw-ruMrdepi nf the alliance to stand leaving m csiu mo uuiuu- u tha ,OTniniinn nil nnt. nnlv I tnrower Started aown tne street, on ai '''" t mo charlotte Observer. V ' .. run. Thre nolicemen nassed the ereatmurmur'the 111110 of departureof trains. Secure tne OeneUtS to COino iruiu r . Kn nt.hr ritv In thi ronntr. .rTnM .nrh .... . I Aiwnkfr w a liirtlrtr mnmoriE I nflV 1 J J organization, but also to mate cer- " a;rowd. "Allaboard." It is only a passing tain that eotne political party shall gave chase to the miscreant end soon I iew Mter a while Udiea of enact their demands into laws. pvernautea mm. o.b arew a revuiv- cam8 m. The conductor said, "have seats, Th oTlinnr.0 f ont PTntinnii tn the er and Shot one Of the policemen ana ladies,"-waited on tbem. One gentleman ideas advanced by J. Sterling Mor- a woman in the throng on the street; ton . secretary of agriculture, relative but otber policemen overpowereu to tha classes and expressed its dis- the bomb thrower and then had some dilnculty in protecting mm irom tue vengeance of tbe mob. Breton, the criminal, pays his main object was to avenge Vailant He is probably from the Isle of Jer sey. tie was armea to tne teem. we offer at iAJW.it nutro Jitia. iuu n jlos rtiuu ui? a lot oi Guns, Pistols, Clocks, Watches. Jewelry. SEWING MACHINES, Bicycles, I heard him say I 0 in the same way, and this sort of I ganjOB Accordeons, Pocket Books, Blank Books, Base Ball Goods. Best binese legation, proceeding is regarded here as bull I J Roler Skates, Tobacco, Cigars and a good many other things THAT MUST GO if low prices will do the work. We always keep, at Lowest CASH prices, a big stock of Spectacles atki Eye Glasses. Razors. Pocket and Table Knives, Carving Sets. Hair. Tooth rather a deep yellow tinge. he was interpreter in the Chinese or something of that kind.' It looked so I dozing with a vengeance, strange to see a Chinaman mingling in his native irarh with rmr ninntrrmpn. Fr, I Mr. Stewart Had Itevelation approval of Sacretary Morton in a ! resolution. WHAT HUMAN HOGS DID. They Sued Henry Ueorge Until the Amount Sued for was All Gone. Camden N. J. , Feo. 13 I he case of Henry George vs. John T. Wood hull in the Camden civil courts was settled today. Henry George the plaintiff, is the well-known eiogln tax advocate and tbe author of the book "Progress and Poverty Some years ago George Bowers, an eccantria old resident of Ancora Camdea county, died, leaving abou An Unwilling Bridegroom. Progressive Farmer. Catawba county has a queer mat rimonial affair wbicb must be settled somehow. Last fall Mr. Jacob John from the South was fitting next the aisie, alone. "Walk out," said the conductor," "and let the ladies be seated." The fellow rose re- I heavily at times. luctautly, asd said in his country we were not so polite to them. The conductor said she bad a ticket and was entitled to as much courtesy as anybody, at d she should have it ou his train. It is all right an old story ; but it Is one thiug to read about; another to see and hear. Horse cars. Did I say horse cars. An old negro said they bad quit runuing them with horses aud had gone to runniug tbem with fishing poles. How strange a power is elec tricity and how mighty. A wire runs over head, a little pole sticks up from the car. touching the wire. That is ail one sees, yet tbe street cars move on. Five cents a'ride GREESSBORO, Feb. 8. Mr. Jules Stewart, of this city, was .nonyeited to-day. Tbe story of his conversion Blacking BrU8hes,;Combs, Pocket Books, and all kinds of Novelties and UIHKca imerem uik rrnuuiK u viiob" I who love the miraculous. Mr. S'ew- I Games. art. while not a bad man, ha never made any pretentions to religion and he is known to drink rather A few days since. Headquarters on Amunition, Writing Tapers, Envelopes and all kinds of Books, Memorandums, &c. as ne was enterine nia residence uddenlv a long scroll dropped in front of him on which the Ten Com mnndments were written. He stood I Merchauts will please reroembsr we can and DO meet the LOWEST Jobera still a few minutes unt il he had read . . . and Manufacturer s prices on Paper ana jbnveiopes, blates. Ink, reos. the whole of the commandments. afi;r which the scroll dinappr aed Sine thun Mr. Su'wart has beeH creauv ui-turoen ana to-iiay maae profession of rejigion. ..... . n I ton, an accentric Dacneior aoout 4U froni Union depot up town, say one or two ! years old lost bis aged mother. He j miles, where carriages charge 50 cents. Eleo eoon decided that he needed a help- tricity don't eat. .Now it runs our street cars, mota hrmspfcppnpr Tn TWemher uS&ts P street3 and l!uses- carnes news ln . . , . . T I tho twinkling of an eye from continent to J I continent, aud in a few vears Willi ii-jllm- . 3 - j. ..; :j I ' r respectaoie ana inaustnous wiuow all our train3 Kjw stian(:e t0 see the little UVinC 1U tbe neighborhood. Mr. horse shoes, net bkizine. but emitting a hvht A - Ann . A . a f 1 I a 5io.uw or ij.uuu, me greater part ot j hn8t n nnrrated his trouble and almost as bright as the sun. Wonderful which he willed to Mr. George for f d tha W;dow a BvmDnthetic lis- Pwer- Won't the world get so full of elec- the diesemiuation of hid book. The fVirtr i wn hoarfa Ktcr r tn t tricity that we can f?el it in the atmosphere, Western relatives of the deceased L u. i i.i as nothing ever created can be destroyed? i uoab an t'uo. fuuiu urm ivi uit o . t mi i .-. n. . - .1 1 nhinr.trf In th mnnr anino- for iuh . . . ' ". .. ' . . x.ieu mere is li.b le.epnoDS in ail our large iHunaav neiore unristmas was set tor i ,;. ..i ... . T. . . . went into the Court the Wedaing. Mr. Johnston procur- connects all public places and public func of Chancery to prevent the bequest, the necessary legal papen and a tionaries, telks and luughs The other night The Motion Invalid Has tastes medicinally, in keepint with other luxuries. A reroedy diim bo pleaHautiy accfptsMo in form, purely wholesome i:i (r.nposi- tion. truly bonelu'ial in eti.o'. and entirely free from every objection able quality. If reaily ill hecoiiults a phyicHn; if constipated he ute th gentle family laxative tyrup ol Figs. 1 Muchalige, Blank Books, Scbool Crayon, and Memorandums. A Full Line of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hats, Notions, &c. Free Crayon Portraits given away with every 10 worth of goods pur chased at'our ptore, and beautiful Frames sold at COoT with each free Por trait. Get a free licket. A nice line of, S;Iver(Wara just come iu anything suitable for wedding premiH.Cem oi;e,;.conio all and don't f.rgst where ws nre (in tbe Mills Building ) Look out for our new si:n. Very respectfully. claiming that as the bock to be thus disssmiuatad struck at existing law, the money could not be devoted to that purpose. Vice Chancellor Bird decided m favor of the opponents of Hanry George, but the latter carried the case to the court cf last resort, where the decision was reversed, In the meantime, the original for tune of '$20,000 was reduced by court and counsel fees to less than half that amount. Then other tedious litiga tion arose, which further shrunk he sum to a few hundreds, until fi nally it reached the Camden Circuit Court with but $200 left. The wid ow of tbe man who loft George the money, not being able to obtain even her dower, was obliged to go to the county alms house, where she died of a brokeu heart some months ago. During the progress of the litigation. Mr. George offered to let the widow have a generous amonnt of the lega cy. but the other heirs were unwill sumptuous dinner was prepared at the residenco ef Dr. J. J. Hicks, wnere tne ceremony was to lace place. The iovitod guests and tbe widow wero on band, but tho pro epective bridegroom canvi not. The a lady stepj-ed to tbe telephone, ia my pres ence, and said, "Exchange! Ask Dr. Smith, 14S0. the address of Miss Tillman. I wish to rite het a letter." Soon the answer came and tbe lady went away to indite her epistle. lais is a wonoerrul age. (Jur great cities built themselves by their own weight. Thca- 5 Jeivery,' Book and Novelty 8tor KOBTOSi" & CSOWDES, Prop's. wedding was postponed. A few days tres, places of amusement are kept up, while later Johnston presented the license for redemption, but tbe authorities i could not do thnt. Mr. Johnston plucked up courage and tbe 20tb of January' was named as tbe time for the wedding. Again he failed to ap pear. In the ineantiine-3'Squire Hull the gentleman who was to tie the knot, and others.having learned that bashfulnes was the sole cause of the in this city of Baltimore 12000 workmen are out of employment, telling the wonderful tale of the hard times. Still great buildings are' being erected. Fine hotels charge the j same price. Colleges and schools flourish. uroac mercasuie estauiisDmeuts move on tho same old way. The rich flourish as never before, while the poor are becoming poorer and more dependeut. But then there are the great charities moving on tbe same old way. The eye and ear hospital, under the great Dr. Cliisolm, is so crowded that his noo appearance of Johnston, decided I patients are distributed in other less crowded to hunt aim up ana hitcn him any nospisais. surprising taat more or our how. Finally they captured him young nwn don't study under Chisolm. It is , . , - , IT tlay tbe best paving professi. n in the and tied the knot in due form. He United States. Wt.ile Baltimore sentli out iVa Mahi Krlrl K i-j I SOW regular practicing physicians per venr " I ,&rtf four Ava u wf .or uttA r V. ... . .v. . ; . 1 : ... I t . 1 . : . : home and for three days the happy enter the world. If 1 were a young man to- Tr v.Livpn at5.f.ction tn millionHflnr fourth I "ay .a.n't wshed to enter the medical world I I t ru u i k I would b.:ome as nrontipnt am no-4viltlrt ffir f.h day Johnston informed his wife tbat I eye, ear and throat, and my future would he KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and ireprovemcnt nnd tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live cot ter than othera and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the need of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedv, Svrup of Figs- Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, tbe ref resiling and tru ly beneficial properties of a porft-ct lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers Come One! p II m m ft 1 he "just could not get over bis bash ing to agree to such a charitable use fuinetl8 ahd asked her to return to -a .i I oi any portion oi tne money. ,.. home and -etft divorce at bis ex- pense. one went ana mat n ne sit nation so far. Populists and Kolbites tnite. Bikmisgham, Ala., Feb. 8. TI i State convention of the JefiTersonian De:;n crats, of the Kolbites, and of the People's party was held here today and a fall State ticket noml- The Wages or Sin. Baltimore Sun, Harry Hill, the Atlanta society man who was convicted last week of forgery and sentenced to five years' service iu tbe penitentiary, will not have tbe easy lime while eerving bis sentence which had been anticipated hy himself and numerous admiring I convention this morning at the Winnie Da- friends. Hill had gone so far as to indicate the sort of position he de sired a sinecure clerkship for a con tractor and his friends were work ing lo accomplish bis wishes in the assured. Very true, in the old days a weak- eyed man went blind. How Sum" call it lasuion; others say diseased eye. V tiatever it may be. spectacles are tbe rae or the necessity. If needed they should be proper ly fitted; if not needed they are creating a case for an eye specialist. We suppose half the young peopltf wearing glasses do not need tneuiaiin it win tell on their vision in a fe-v years. Half those who reallv need them are not properly fitted, aud may be doing them selves harm. Baltimore is an immense citv. of half a million inbahitanbi, but it covers more spare than rew i ork. havinz the room to spread. Where I now am, 20 years ag was on tbe outskirts, now loekirg in tbe met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly Iree from everv obiectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fig, ani being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if onered. low is Tour Ghanc8 to buy goods at prices to suit the times. For the next nated to oppose tha regular Democratic I same direction for a mile I see fine, larue COOK BOOIC ticket. The People's party held their State I buildings on both sides of the street, and how I . much farther 1 know Hut. vis Wigwam. A. Longshore presided. An invitation was received from the Kolbites to loin tbem In tDeir convention. It was ac-1 cepted, but not without some dissensions. The People's party adopted a platform which indorses the Omaha platform, declares A Crank matter. But the principal keeper of for income tax, demands & free ballot and the oenitentiarv has disnosed of th and opposes tha repeal of the 10 k.. - ri I. , . I per cent, tax on State banks. 7 "V ' " " At noon the Kolbite delegates came into the Gress saw mill, m tbe lumber Lhehallandthetwo conTeation9 eombinl region oi oouinweBtern ueorgia, ana into one. Judge ZeU Gaston, of Butler he will have to work like any other I county, was made permanent chairman. The convict, and will be shaved and put I following Stat ticket was nominated' in strioea. "Goinc tn mnko him rt FfM" Governor-Rauben F. Kolb, of Mont is constantly turning the world, keepine it in commotion. Ita vigorous exercise keeps tbe t i . i . . . -. . . . wnuio ijouy active, cue its me constant going that wears. ou've no time to rest. no time to eat, and hardly time to live. It's miserable living At the best. Constant Indi gestion. Biliousness and Constipation. Tbe active with Simmons Liver Regulator, and LIEBIG COIVIPANYS you can go as mucn as yon pioase. Miss Maria PAROLA'S ,0 , offr nnrENTIRE STOCK of Goods V v ww m m m 9 ' a m w - -. - ' ' for Cash, and a great many goods at 1 containing 100 receipes which she has lately i written for tbe Liebiir Company SENT FREE MB OBJ I on application to Danchy & Co., 27 Fark Place, New York. Drop a postal for it and always buy right down to business," eaid Mr. Gress to a reporter. "We will make bim work in the planing mill, and he will have to handle lumber, piling it up and storing it in the cars for ship ping." Mr Hill has never done any sort of bard work, but he is in robust health and quite an athlete, and there is no reason why he should not become reasonably efficient in hand hug lumber. gomery. For Secretary of State J. C. Fonville, of Crenshaw county. For Auditor W. F. B. Lynch, of Macon county. For Treasurer T. K. Jones, of Hale county. Fer Superintendent of Education J. P. Oliver, of Tallapoosa county. For Attorney General Warren Reese, of llontsomery county. Beware of Ointments For Ca tarrh that Contaiu Mercury, A Spontaneous Amen. Charlotte News. A funny thing occurred at cne of the city churche last Wednesday j night at the regular weekly prayer I meeting service. Four unmarried Our stock consist of DryGoodss Clothing, Shoes, EXTRACT OF BEEF. Shawls, Underwear, Shirts, 5ic. 6ic. THIS WE OFFER AT COST FOR CASH. 'ooMottonRooi all of compound: A recent dlr.-rerr iT aa oH moniiiv by thitu&aivi of La I aus. iB(nuoni7 periectiTsai i ana reuaoie mcuieine anscor. rod. Bownreor nnprin?1rl''l modt!nrs in place of tola. A k for Cook's Cotto, KOOTComfocrDl tnkx no ruhttttutx-OT lnrliclnr.d S cent. In postage In lotter, and we will jend, Kaled, by return mall, full sealed particulars la plat L. Addreua Pond I II v rnmrxntr. Sold in IFadeshoro. and ev er were, bv all refjKJusible druggists. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smeu ana completely derange tne whole sys tem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reoutable nhv- ' sicians.as tbe damage they will dn is ten fold I ladies sat in nne seat, ranging in age w me Rfxxx you. can pussioiy derive rrom from hirtv-thrn In frrt , anA them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured Irom lnly-lrire8 l Torty year., and by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, o., contains were apparently deeply interested in no mercury, and is taken intern'tUy, acting V , . . . directly upon the blood a.d mucous surfaced meeting. One or the brethren of the system. In buying dall's Catarrh was called upon to pray and did so. vuio ijt? BUI, juu ;eii LUC ,l'll UU1W. lb IS taken intwrually, and made in Tolwlo, Ohio, py r. j. jneney ec uo. xestunomals free. JjfSold by Druggists.prioe 75c. per botile. W. T. Black well was nominated for postmaster at Durham Monday, and "Matihias Manly for tha same position at New Berne. In the course of hia invocation, the ! brother said : 'Now, Lord, Thou knowest that there are many in this city who have uo man to look after them ; wilt Thou not comfort thenst" One of the ladies gave the church carpet a vigorous stamp with hr Col. J. W. Alspaugh. ex-president foot and eaid "amen" so loud that it of the First National Bank of Win- caused evervbodv in tha church to look around. ston, he failed for over $70,000. The Old Friend And the best friend, that never fails you, 13 Simmons Liver Kec: lator, (the Red Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded that anything else will do. It ia the King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It act3 directly on the Liver, Kidney3 and .Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. Thi3 is the. medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. . PACK AGT"V1 II t'K Ktnmii In rrl on aw r THE MONOGRAPH FOR OXE DOLLAR and your opinion on this subject. 'What is the best Monetary system for the United States? This is the greatest problem confronting the American people. It is the intention of the publishers that "The Monograph" shall contaiu the bct thought of tho nation on this question. The recog nized leaders in all political parties have been called upon to contribute plins for their ideal Mositary System. But not content with this, we are determined to em body in tho same vol' me the opinions of thousands of the "Great Common Pwple," and to tbat end wo will allow two dollurs on the price of the book for your solution of this problem, expre-vd in not more than KX) wi.rdrf. Ths Monograph, the best modern work on Monetary tvstei.i, will be sent to any a Idrcs on receipt of $3.00. IthshmCi that will interest and instruct, and w dniin ed to become a giant facto- in shnping tbe tuture monetary svsoni ft tb nntiun. Tkk iioNOGKAra Pi-suistrio cvmpant, Koom 44, tiei uut: Aiu'n h'k Rnildin.T, St. Paul, .M'-'-.i. Don't miss this .chance to buy what goods you want now or may need for some time to come. ' ' o CSur e'?and Oome Early and get your pick, as some lines will sell rapid ly. We have some nice suits for young men. 2 A GOOD LIME OF SHOES. Don't miss this opportunity.

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