11 . 1 B 1 1 IP i I S :i if! i 4L I. ?! I :11 .H 4 !l .SI Is'! w . . V v i W NX- 1 Tt rfl H ( H cr UMftWf JAiYISS G. Q OYLIfi, Publisher. The VVadesboro Messenger and Watlccboro Intelligencer Consolidated July, 1888. PRICE, SI. 5o a Year. NEW SERIES--VOL II..-N0: 31. meumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme-a-ccre it. So many people make ' n take of taking remedies which j - oesi'sre only tonics and cannot possi - bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, . Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un- able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew .worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in - any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re- lieved me so 'that' 1 'was soon abletomove '' my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as :ver. I now weigh 170." c. "Y Real Bleed Remedy ures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, ..ind any form of blood troubles. If you h ave a blood disease, take a blood medi - cine S.S.S. guatantecd purely vegeta- table) is exclusively for the blood and i recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. . We. will ". i sena to anyone" 1 pur valuable j books. Address ' Swift Specific : o., Atlanta, 1 .jj. ft. T. Bennett, Jxo. TV Bk.snett 1 . Crawfohd D. Bennett. Bennett & Bennett, j Attorneys-at-Law, Lat room oti the riht itt th court house. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Bpecinl attention given to the 'examination . la arifcation of Titles to Re-j 1 Estate. eedsami) vier instruments, Col- lleoti.in of Claims, the Managing of Estates (for Guardians, Administrators anil Eecu- jtors, and the Foreclosure of Mortgages, 1 Will attend the courts of Stanly and Mont Egomery counties. - I Protnpt.attention given to all business . trusted to them.." . : I 1 -. J IW. F. GRAT, I). I). S., t " (OfHce in Smith & L onlap Building. t Wadesboro, North Carolina. i ALIi OPERATIONS .W A U'RAKTEir ' I Will beat Morven first Tuesday -in' each ".lUOJltll. i Rates: WestJ TEXAS. MEXICO, CAL-IFORXIA,-AliASKA, or any other Xilnt, 'with FREE MAPS, write to f.USff, District Passenger Agent, I Louisville & Nashville. R.R SSJi Wall St., ATLANTA, OA. A. VS. y-MORIRSON: -1 -;-' yf&WB '-' "C: .Watches, Clocks, Eye-Glasses, Spec tacles and Jewelry of . all kinds re mired on Bhort notice. S Inspected Watcnes for S. A. L. IL R. four years. . . 3 Fourteen years experience. Can e' found in Caraway's store oarWale street. . - '".' WATER WITC IIKS. I i 31 F T? jk. ti& r fort. They are a source of nr? a source of care, also. If you care for your child's licalti, Send Tor illustrated book ca the disorders to which children ore subject, and which Frcy's Vermifuge juas enrea lor 51 years. OM bvtiU I y ciaii for 35 ccbU. n.utimore, Md, H. J. Bierman, iud ilealer in all kinds of Country Pro luce, Eutter, E;ss, Poultry, Fruits, Veg taiiles, Pork, etc. Quick sales; prompt cturns. ("onsitiinenls solieiteti. Market viwirts, references, etc, free upon appii- Htion. wo r mm rt., v iiiiiinitoii. . (j 'IV. A: INGRAM!M.D. ' SURGEON, .VADESUOKO, -. - - N, C. lilioaiJ calls by wire promptly atietiiled - OOico optui.i'e Nutionat IlotH. ) PARKER'S J KAIK BALSAM ClctBM mid besLtiuiit$ Uie hair. ; FrjiLott-i ft luxuriant ffrowlh. ' tlitver Fails to Kestore Gray i Cures sculp (liMevf it hair tilling. Ini. "aiiiiiiar,"IeiiiK One IItiiie!l is AutHvrity on lln KnIJet. Ciirrespondenoe of the M. & I. I sfopptd in at headquarters for a talk last week, and Por?ev Webb had the flcor. Subject, "Water Witches." Dorsey said he believed a man horn on the proper time of the nioou could take a forked stick off a green tree and locate a lasting spout' of water, it mattered not how many feet under the . ground; that his father wished to dig a well; sent for a water witch, who with his green twig located the place. Mr. Webb, having some doubts, drove the stake down below the surface, covered up every indication and sent for another water witch. The last one took his forked stick and, lo, it dipped over the identical spot ' where the stake was driven. If there is any prevari cation, it vas not Billy Webb. John Little took the floor. Said in bis store one day this subject was being discussed and Preacher' Webb, a Methodist minister on the Wades boro circuit, a man who stood high for eloquence and learning, spoke up and said there was no doubt .about jtj he was one himself. "Xow," said the preacher, "III go out; yon take 12 little boxes they must be empty. - place them on the floor; undejj one place a silver half dollar; I'll take a little green forked stick and tell un der which box the half dollar is placed." They took him up, ar ranged the boxes and hollered for him to come in. When lie came to the box under which the silver was placed the stick dipped down. Thinking it an accident, they had him to retire, re-arranged the boxes, but the second time he stopped at the silver. When I was a tot, attending Pop lar Hill Academy, Mr. Beeson, who was a graduate, an.1 the school trus tees, wanted to dig a well, so they sent for Cornelius Gaddy, who' was a "water witch," and he came march ing about the academy with his forked slick, watched by some hun dred "students. For weeks after ward at play-time a hundred forked sticks were carried up and down Gordon's mountain and en every road leading to the academy. That's how I learned I was one. I see the United States govern ment is going to send man with a divining rod out to the Klondyke to locate' the gold. ' How I wish they'd send me, 1 reckon if they knew I Was ; a "water witch" thev would. Anything is better than 5 cent cot ton. Yoji may all smile, but our preacher said last Sunday 'night that there were many people who thought God made everything at the begin ning, put it to ruuning and it kept on the same way th? same causes producing- the same effect, but he believed that Daniel 'was let down in the lions' den and the lions didn't eat him;- he believed that Elijah called fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice; he believed God re leased Peter from the inner prison. Mr Mac r heebie, a lawyer, in one of Scott's works, Waverly, I believe, says, "right : sure am I that no divine can doubt there are witches, since the Bible says 'thou sha'.t not suffer thm ,to li v e,' and no lawyer in Scotland can doubt it, since it is punishable with death by our law. So if you winna believe the Leoiticus, ye might believe the statute book.'" It seems that all the Whigs and Presbyterian ministers had once met to try old Janet Gelatiey, who was not only old but awful ugly, iu the Parish ; church, for witchcraft. While the witch w.i's confessing that the evil one appeared to her as a handsome black man, and the clerk was recording with a trembling hand and the divines were groaning, old Janet suddenly jumped to her feet and yelled out: "Look to your sel ves I lok ; to , you rsel ves ! I see the evil one sitting and grinuinsr in the midst of ye." Happy were those who sat near the door. Hats, bon nets and wigs went flying in every direction; seats and benches were overthrown and poor old Janet went scott-free. Steve Threadgill next had the floor. Yon all know Stew. Solid as a rock, yon would as soon expect the ; eternal hills to waver as Steve. He said he went to a lecture one night and the lecturer said two men might go anywhere iu town and hide any article and he could find it. Steve said he and a friend went way below Burns' hotel, oa the road to Col.' Bennett's,'. raised a brick and placed his pocket knife under the brick. On his return to the hall the lecturer took him by one baud, bis friend by the: other, walked through the dark from the old brick store to the place and told them the knife was under that brick. This was a little strange, but you see there are many things not accounted for in our philosophy. Steve aver red he tried to put him off the track, but he went straight on to the place of hiding. Witches in the way back attract ed attention by their feats. Xow a witch can do what, he pleases, and it doesen't seem much out of the common run. Ybu all know Edi son is a wizzard. One would not be surprised to see him driving two or four electric horses, harnessed to a lightning buggy, coming through the air some dark night, ringing sil ver bells.. My old nurse use to tell me that witches rode people. One night a witch mounted a bov. hav ing changed, him to a yearling. When she came to Pee Dee river the yearling rose to leap over the river and as they were way up. in the air the jump was. so splendid the witch said "My God, what a jump' for a little white yearling." Nurse said if a witch used God's name while out on a tare the spell was broken, so down she and the boy fell in the river and were drowned. So every Christmas eve the winches meet at Grassy Island to revel and mourn over the event. CUBA. The way that Congress is cavort ing, howling, yelling, shaking fists and talking about war with Spain. Old Janet ought to appear in the halls and say, "I see the evil one in the midst of ye." To hear some of the gentlemen talk, fighting is as nice, pleasant, safe occnpa!ion,and I'll not my old hat these very same chaps, who cut up so, wouldn't go near the fight. Some of our folks are just "spiling" for a fight. What is Cuba to us? It would cost less to buy the island than to fight for it. However, it makes - no .difference. I wouldn't b-: at all surprised if guns were boomiug before cotton planting time, and I would like to hear a real, genuine cannonade, like Gettysburg, once more before I die. Nothing short of a big war will stop cotton planting. So it is all right. Wagons ; are hauling guano. Cousin Edmund told me he wanted to buy a mule. Liggett says he is going to plant heavy, while a great many good farmers have sowed down much of. their cottou land in small grain -Tom Hyatt says he and iill his neighbors have sowed down 20 per cent, of their cotton land -1 believe fully 15 per cent, of the cot ton land of the county is now iu wheat and oats, and it looks exceed ingly well. This is not a matter of choice. The best thing we can do now is to tight for Cuba, or a slice of China, or -Honolulu, or Klon dyke anywhere. Gamma. haisibei'ljiin's Coitxlt EteusiMlj tlv:ijs li-iivcs i:tfV-tnul. There are no better medicines on the market th in Chamberlain's. VVe have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved effectual.- Almost daily we heir the vir tues of Chamberlain's remedies extolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty puff, paid tor at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good faiih, in the hope that suffering humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer be benefited. From the Glenville (W. Va ) Pathfinder. Fur sale by James A. Ilar disoa. : ' : Laura" When Bub proposed last night, did you know what was coming''" Lucretia "Xo, I didn't know papa was within hearing; neither did Bob. Poor Bob?" -Yonkers Statesman. IVadesbnro, . C, Thursday, February 10, 1898. WHOLE NUMBER 883 KITMIIX ftS BRYAX. lie is llir Ou!y .13smi in America that t'sm be KleeleI- at the licail oT (lie Silver Forces. Hon. Y. II. Kit hen m .Scotland Xe k Democrat No living man exeept a gold buij be Heves Bryan a dead man. He who believes lam dead or aback issu, i the dead doi? in the manger himself. If dead, he is the livest deed man since the resurrection oE Christ. And he will yet. with his following, surprise and conquer his enemies and the ene mies - to silver a?id . the masses of the people, as Chrust surprised and eorquered the enemies to tiuth and was crowned victor. Nothing but the Chicago platform and its candidite can save silver the democratic party or the liberties of the people. To repudiate Rrjan would be the signal gun for the disbaiulment of the silver forces and the dispossession of the Southern, and Western Democ racy No other living man, could have re eeived 8 many votes as he did iu the last election under' the same eircura stanes. other li.ving man can carry as :uauy votes for silver in the next campaign as he can He can carry for silver one million voters more th-in any other living American. To repudiate him or the platform would be political madness run to seed, self-stultifieation, suicide. fle is the only man in America that can be elected" at the bead of the silver forces. His power over the people and his it.fluence are growing daily. He is the embodiment of reform; the sum and substance of true de moeracy. He is the center around which the hopes of the creat body of the American people l evolve. ' . He is the leading and brightest lisrht of tbe silver forces; txtinguLsh that light and you cast a shadow over all the hind, and at one stroke blast imd shatter the hopes of more thau six million voters. If the Great I Am should see fit. in his kind dispensation to take him from d ::i.-eratp, and cannot stand white snj n maey and the white metal linked to .'ether, the one to pieservfr the liber ties, the glory and independence of the government, and to root out corrup tion, fraud, extravagance and incom petency; the otlipr to relieve, uplift and redeem the d own-troddnn and op pressed prtiou of the human family, we would advise them to separate from the democratic orjc.miz itio'j; also from the populist 'organization, and go home where they belong, in th negro party, and e.ease calling themselves democrats or populists. In any act and vote with the gold bug, party or the repubbeau party, why call 3'oursel ves democrats or pop ulists? Why sail under f.tlse colors! Honesty is Always the best policy. There is no room in this State or tia tioa but for two parties. All other organizations politically are aiders aud abettors to either the gold bug repub lican party or the silver democratic pitty or they are s:rap!y swill drink ers and pie hunters. No, Mr. Editor, the silver caze is not dead nor is Vr. Bijan dead. They are both stronger by twenty per cent, today than they were on the day McKitiiey was elected, aud wi 1 bo teu per cent stronger ono year from now. Now, in eouclusiou I want to say that any man. gold-bug, populist, or republican who goes into a democratic convention and abides the decisiju of that cohyentioa aud supports its nomination is a good enough democrat for me. SVertught not to expect all men to agree with each other. All any political party eve' required ot its mAubers or its friends was to suppoit "its nominees fairly made in open convention. All that is required of any citizen, s to oe reasonrue, nouest, consistent:, just and patriotic, and seek all the in- ' formation and light on every available j t-ubji'ct, and thtu follow the dictates of an enlightened conscience and matured judgment. To be thus governed and controlled the silver men iu the democratic, re publican and populist parties, will carry this State in defiance of all op position font office-seekers, corrup tion and goldbuism and plutocracy. A cough which seems to hang on in spite of aU the remedies which you have applied certainly needs energetic and sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-liver oil, SCOTT'S. ; EiW&LSi&n: has proved its effectiveness in cur ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason whys the cod-liver oiL par tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes tne wnole sys tem; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so effective as this? Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion.- See that th man and fish are on the wrapper., ; 5oc. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. us He could aud would give us ar.oth- It ;s full ,ime houeA wijite mvn 0i n classes should tret "together in order to res?ue from ruin a'l that is woith li V ing for "or dying for. ' W. n. Kitchen. S;v TIi en aitie. n.illiiiuirc Fun. In a Virginia church the minister announced that a collection would be taken up to defray the cost of coal for heating the church. Every body contributed but John ,who gave a sly wink as the plate was presented to him, but nothing else. The minister noticed John's dere liction, but surmised that he might have left his money at home. A sim ilar contribution was levied the fol lowing Sunday. As before, every one gave except John Smith, who looked sly. The minister wondered, and after service took his parishion er to task. ;Xow, John," said he, '-why didn't you give something, if it -was but little?'' "Ha, ha, I know better," said John, slyly. "John!" cried the minister. "Yes, Mr. ." "What do you mean?" "Oh, nothing. Just tliat I kin see your little game; that's all." "John your words are disrespect ful and require an explanation. What do you mean?" "Oh, liowyou Ti trying to pull the wool over my eyes, a-trying to make us believe you want the money to buy coal to heat tire church, when von know it's heated bv steam."- er in his stead but we cannot substi tnte or find a substitute for him. William Jennines Bryan is any thing but dead, a "back ixsue," out of l.te. The principles he typifies are eternal, and though he ninydie, will live forever He who cannot stand the Chicago platform as the embodiment of demo cratic, principles or W. J Bryan as its leader in the nest National Conven had as well take time by the forelock, and tret out of the democratic organi zation, not because he is not a gentle man or a good citizen or clever fellow, because be may be a'l these, but be cause be is not a democrat. I heard a geDtleman say a day or so ago, the de'mocr ;;:(! party mut not wring the silver question or financial question in this fail or summer's earn p-tign, but "must ru-'ke the negro question, tbe issue and the doings of the two last legislatures.''' I admit the doings of the last Jegis lature, with the Kirby Smith's, the Hancocks, the Judge Suttons, the John Smiths and many others of th tt strip, are more than sufficient to dis gust not oi.lv the angels in Heayen, the righteous on earth and all decent people in and out of the State, and to drive the whole tribe of mongrels and plunderers from place and po.ver into outer d u kness, where duvds rend each other; but why leave out the financial question? That is the issue upon... which the national election hinues. We must W'u Congress and the presidency upon that- issue or not win at all. , Ate we all liars, when we say the want of money, is the cause of low prices aud hard times? Are we hyp ocrites? Are we afraid of the issue and are we ashamed of our cause? Let all those who do not propose to abide by the will of the majority as ex pressed by the convention, pack up their baggage, and move their bead quartern I don't mean to invite any gentleman out of the party nor to drive any one out, t)ut would rather iuvite all in, and encourage all to. stay in. W e nee 1 every man. We need all the honest,! patriotic populists; all the holiest, pa triotic gold-bugs; all the honest, pa triotic silver republicans, and every man in the State who loves his coun try, his wife aud children, and down trodden oppressed humanity. We need and want all houest white men, whether Jew orGentile, Greek or Birba liau who favor tae rule of intelligence, honesty, virtue and morality We" need and want iu the coming contest in this State all who favor white supremacy, Atiglo-Sasou rule, and the banishment of immorality, corruption, incompetent rascalfty aud meaness from hitch places and power iu and out of the State. " But the party does not need" any thorns iu its s;de, aud firebrands in its midst, and spies in it camp, nor any tiaitors in its councils. The party netds to be united as one man, andjhose who propose to lag bo bind, or bolt conventions, 01 fight its principles Or' to give aid and comfort to the commou enemy," w ill un their hearts and beads credit, and their cojmtiy good, and the patty justice by seeking more eougenial associations. If there be aDy who call themselves JZot' :' to ECmtusrk in Fruit rowins ICxteiisivclj'. Lenoir Correspondence Ka'eigh News and Observer. Mr. Moses H. Coue, of Greensboro, has purchased 3,030 acres of land near Blowing Bock and during the winter has had 'JO,S00 apple trees planted, with additional shipments on the way yet to be planted. .Vauy varieties have been planted indigenous to the climate but mostly Albemarle pippin, a large luscious green apple in the f.ll, which turns to a beautiful golden yellow dur ing the winter. - There are no fiuer apples grown in the world than those in the western part tif Caldwell and. Wautaga, where these lands are situated . and we are glad to have the eonntry developed by such enterprising gentlemen. Mr. Cone will bnild a handsome summer residence on these lands dur ung the year. Senator Daniel! Apostrophe. Xews"aml Observer. At the close of his speech on the Teller resolution, Senator ' Daniel burst into this, one might say, vis ion of Democracy. It glows with the heart of a patriot and is strong even to the end with the truth vig orously conceived and delivered unto a good time. Said the speaker: "Mr. President, I shall not pro long this debate. In every Kepublie there must of necessity be a party of the people. In this country the Democracy is that party. It has male m iny mistakes. It has suf fered for them aud it has corrected them. It has done many great and wise and noble deeds which more than compensate for all its errors and leave a mighty balance of achieement and of hopeful promise to its credit. "It has been often defeated, but it has never failed to come to time fresh and vigorous on the renewal of conflict; and now, approaching the centennial of its birth, it stands be fore the country and the world as the greatest historical organization for the defense of popular rights and popular interests and for the defense of the Constitution and the liws that time has ever known. Some of its old leaders have deserted it; but better leaders have sprung into their vacated places. "'Some have abandoned its princi ples a well m its organization, and peevish tones pipe the iniilne cries of anarchy that amuse the ears which are uuaunexed to minds capable of digesting argument. But fresh re cruits from, other organization have more tirin supplied their absence; and thev are recruits v. h have clearer conviction of policies and principles and are more tenacious of conviction. Some, not many I hope, have yielded to vulgar bribes. Let those puss; we cannot outbid their buyers. "Some have bent to hard neces sity: wife and child, "bread and cheese, and kisses" have bowed them to the orders of taskmasters, who ex acted their manhood as the price of wages that keep the wolf from the door. For them, alas! Inferno yaw ns for the criminals w.ho have robbed them of their liberty, but the recording angel still holds out the beckoning hand to the unwilling sinner and washes away th stain with tears. Some have yielded not to plain bargain and corruption nor to duress, but to the atmospheric pressure of patronage and wealth ami social blandishment. Some, otherwise shong and great, have yielded in mere lassitude of moral energy, even as Merlin, the sage, to the wily Yivan. "Meanwhile, however, events argue for our cause more significantly and more eloquently than language. The party of Jefferson and of Jackson, the jvarty that di fends the Contitu tionand the laws, increases its num bers, its columns close up and press Oil', bearing that standard of the stars to which it has contributed so many years and to every star some splendid beam. "Meanwhile, Mr. President, ISOfi. with its repudiated platform, s broken pledges, its vanished hopes, recedes from view into the niits of the past. . Meanwhile, too, 1900 comes on apace "Slowly comes a hungry people Like a lion drawing nigher, One who slowly nods and winks Behind a slowly dying fire.'"' Till; HIRDKX OF It i Mil Unbearable Weight fpoti the Mionlilers of the AmericMH I'eople. j New York Journal. ! The pension expenditures for the fis cal Jf ar 1S09, thirty-four years after the close of the war will reach $150 r 000,000. What does it mean? It means the interest fit '2 per cent. ; on a debt of $.",000 C00,0d0, which is ' more than any other national debt in i the world except that of France. It is more than the combined expen d it u res for all purposes of the States in.the Union. That is to s-iv, if the money spent for pensions were divided among the states, all taxation for state purposes could be dispensed with. It is more thin eight times the com bined revenues of all the universities and colleges of the United States, and almost as much as the cost of all the public schools. It is more than what we are accus totned to call the "crushing burden" of any army in Europe. It is enough for fortifying our coast impregnably in eight months and for building the finest navy in the world in two years. If we spent for pensions twice as much erery year as Garfield said, over twenty years ago would be the highest amount ever required, the difference between that and what we are paying now would clear off our entire national bonded debt in ten years. After that it would more than pay the interest on the bonds required to give the govern ment control of all the railroads in the United States Our pension outlay for six mouths would build the Nicaragnan Canal, and in another six months it would dupli cate the Western Union Ttleerah sys tem for the benefit of tbe public If the pension roll had been confined to double the Garfield standard we should never ha ve had a d fiVit in a single year, and instead of inning new bonds to make both ends tno't, we should Lave exhibited to the world Ion? be-fore t ow the remarkable spec tacle of a governmeet out of debt, and reducing taxrs to cut down surplu revenues. As long as the pension leak contin ues at its present dimensions, it will be useless for Secretary Gage or any body el.--e to formulate financial poli cies with the idea of relic-virg the dis tress of the tteasurv. Royal makes tbe food pare, wholesome mmd dciiciOM. PR POVDEO Absolute) Puro ovt pifMa (vwnc5 pi.. nrw wwc I'tiYI'TUX ( OTTOX IX TEXAS. In a recent letter from "Washington, D C, to an old friend, Major G. A. tuder. for twenty years United States consul at SinuaiKM'e, tays: "While a Des Moines I became acquainted with a liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain Bilm, which I found excellent against rheuma tism as well as against soreness of the throat and chest (.giving me much easier breathing). I had a touch of pneumonia early this week, atid two application freely applied to the tlioat aud chest re live.' me of it at. once. I would not be without it for anything." For Sd!e by J. A. Uardison. AFFECTS EVE ICY Ui X. A Millionaire Ileyi valii.t. Ne.v York Special to Chicago Tribune. A miiiionaiie revivilUt will begin a series services tomorrow iu the Paptist Tabm i"!e, fJro 'dyn. H- is Wra. P. tlall, presiWit of tli-' Hall Signal Company, an 1 has an ineotn 3 of fo.OOO a week. fie can't help making money, but cares more for souls than the dollars tbat eomo to hira from the business he has buiit tp. The stme application which made Mich a lesult possible he is giving t his church" work. Mr. Hall is not a professional church worker, but gives such time to evan gelistic labor as his business will per mit. He his r2cently completed a two weeks' revival caraaign at Caval ry Methodist church, Harlem. He has conducted successful services at Pa tucket. It. I., where iu one Sunday more than 200 persons were con erted, and at Daubury, Conn., where his work resulted in 100 converts. We arc anxious to do a little jkmhI in this woi lil ami can ihhik of no pleasanter or better way to do it than by lei-oiunieixtim! One liuie t'uuuti Cure s a preventive of I'lteiunomu, o.insuti' I'Moii and other serious Inng iron tiles that follow lieg!ec;ed colds. James A. llanhon. W hex bilious or costive, eat a Cascarel candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, lec. ;5c 1oii'i a-niov others by your coughing, and rik . ii::r lite l.y iieuieel'iiig a cold. One Mi'iule t'utiii Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, ;i';ie and ail throat and lung (roubles. James A. Uardison. Dues Tiint .11 ;-, I ;reaiirul of Tis eaes - Chronic Cat air li. Over half of the people have ca tarrh in some form or another, and yet probably not a tenth of these people know that their ilUvase is c-a tarrh. One person s ivs lie has Plight's disease; another liver com plaint: another consumption: another female complaint. These people would be very much surprised to hear that they were suf fering with chronic catarrh; but it is so. r.evcrtheL'ss. Each one of these trou bles, and a great many more, are sim Stronger Th.u tbe Native Pro luet ami Will Ite lrodiirel Here. Exchange. An oCicial roller pin test conducted under the direction of the clLce of Slier investigation of the Department of Agiiculfure at Cuero, Texas, upon Texas grown Egyptian cotton, has just been concluded wi"u most suc cessful and gratifying results. For several years cultural experiments; have been earned on in Texas by Mr W H. Wentworth, from the Egyptian, seed distributed by the DeparlmenC with a yiw to tbe production in thisi country of the Egytian cotton. A se rious obstacJe to success has been the need of a proper gin to separate the seed from the lint, the ordinary gin injuring tbe cotton to a ruinious de gree, but this his been overcome by a special form of gin. The engineer expert of the Agri- . cultural Department states that tbn cotton produced from the Egyptian seed planted in Texas is stronger than the native EgypttaL, as is indicated by the yield per hour in ginning. Tbil was 70 pounds per hour in the firs1; .'.ay. and 70 0 10 per hour, the secon I day. Tiie manufacturers of the gbi used claim only 50 pounds" per day, at the output of the native Egyptian. The lint from this test will be examin ed and further repotted upon. The imports of Egyptian cotton ara steadily increasing and now amoun; in value to over $5,CC0,C00 annually. With the ginning rpiestion settled, those who are interested in the growt't of Egyptian cotton in Texas claim that production in this country is assured. iAhv. rb' "catan',i; tll:lt is N-M "vchronie intlamma- Hon of the mucous lining of whichever organ is affected. Any internal remedy that will cure catarrh in-one location w ill cure it in any other location. This iswhy Pe-ru-r.a has become so justly fa mous iu the cure of catarrhal dis eases. It cures catarrh wherever located. Its cures remain, fe-ru-11a does not palliate; it cures. Dr. llartman has recently com piled into book form several of his lectures on chronic catarrh, which he has tlelivered at different times at the Surgical Hotel. This book is called "Winter Catarrh,' and will be sent free of charge on application to The l'e ru-ua Drug Manufactur ing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Why ICeI Irritates. Red irritates oxen because it is the complementary color to green, and the eyes of the cattle being' fixed so much on herbage, anything red im presses their sight with increased inte.isitv. He Fell Into tlie I'it He Iiggr I fer Another. Mo;:r-ie Enquirer. Dr. Will II. Price, of the bailiwick of Stouts, has been in durance vila here this week. Dr. Price is a re former, a reformer from way bae'e and when populism first started ia this county, no voice was louder for reform than was Dr. Price's, and ; 3 he peddled pilis he cussed the dem erits and demanded reform, an I cussd tlie Democrats and demande.l reform as he peddled pills." '- He wanted reform andhe wantel lots of it. Enough of his kind waj found to elect a "reform"' legislating and among the acts ofj that legisla ture was an act to tax physiciat;3 and lawyers. That reform measures did nob strike Dr. Price as being the cor rect tiling and he swore with a great and mighty sware that he would not pay said tax and kicked like the pro verbial young steer. lut the strong arm of the law was laid npon Dr. Price and he heard as it were a voice saying; "What doest thou, O peddler of pills? It is hard for thee to re sist a reform law." To make along story short, Dr. Price was arrestee!, was tried before the court here last Monday and was sentenced to jai!, where be staid until yesterday after noon, when friends paid the costs and set him free. Kentucky Legislature; Bill Xo. 2oIt by Mr. Collins, of Floyd county: "It shall be unlawful for any person to fi 9 or discharge at random any dead'f weapor, whether said weapon be load ed or unloaded." A little girl from town was staying! , , with some country cousins who live on aSn'? SZ a farm. At breakfast the following ( j,.,ns6. at nht. Hat the terror s.Kin chans. j m irntng se saw on the table a dish of j to relief utter One Minute t'ouh Cure li-'.s honey, and regarded tais as an oopor- j I'en administered. SaTe and harmless f.nr tunity to show her countrv cousins U'ta'.dreii. James A. llanbsoii. that she knew something ef countrv ' life after : honey, she Knew something et countrv fterall. Looking at the dish of I 'V'i'dren .a" t adults torture.! by burns, r. she said carelessly: "Ah, I j ' see you keep a bee. 'Trained Moth-: iteli Hazel salve. It is the great Pila erhood. remedy. James A. Uardison. Just try a 10c Imx of Ca.soarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. WCCD'S SEEDS ar? spccLiHy c-rcw-n and sc!icteJ to meet thz needs ac J recrements ci Southern Growers, w"ocu5 Dsrrictive Catitrg"-? is mt valu able and fceipiul in g'virg tuilur; directions ard valuable tnfcrTuitrri sj-.t id sds VCCJETAoLE an-J IH' .'T.R SEEDS, Gr25S srtd Clover S---' s. Seed Potatoes. 5?J ,sts Gr. j ail Garden and Farm C:cds. Vrlu for Descriptive Caj J-'. Jliikdtree. T. W. WOOD tTv SONS, SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, VA.

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