r vs ;jv u 'w wr w Jka' yau wwa.'vi ir r vvr xj" - - - - . i , ir ... .. -- : . ' - a JVMSS'vC. DOYLIN, Publisher. yho Wadesboro Messenger and Vadesboro Intelligencer Consolidated July, 1888. PRICE, l.oaYar UEW SERIES -VOL 13 NO 11. , .-i , ,- i 1 1- i ...... 1 . ' Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday. September 22, 1898, WHOLE NUMBER 922 Case of Poisoning Hood's Sarsaparilla Drives the Pol son from the System,' Quiets the Nerves, Relieves Dyspepsia and Catarrh. ' V ' While In the army I was poisoned In rVardly with poison oak, and I did not get well for 15 years. My blood became bo T" if Sected that I was taken with a hacking J. tongh, and I was thought to be going into consumption. I took many different . medicines without avail, and finally re solved to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had finished taking the first bottle the pimples began to disappear from my body, and after I had taken three bottles I was well. I have also suffered with ca tarrh in the head and have been taking Ilood's Sarsaparilla for this trouble, and it helps me. In fact I take it for all ail ments and believe it has no equal as a blood "purifier. It quiets the nerves and gives refreshing sleep. It has relieved me of dyspepsia and built me up." J. I. Houliday, Williamston, South Carolina. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best fn fact the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all druggists. SI; six for $5. HnnH'o P;i!c cure Liver Ills; easy to 1 IUUU a 1 Ills tuke easy to operate. 25c. t i ft. T Bkmkstt, Jno. T. Crawford f. Bennett. Bennett Bennett & Bennett, 7V L Va Attorn eys-at-Law, idenboro, - - N. C. Last room on the rixlit in the court house. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Special attention given to the examination and investigntiou of Titles to; Real Estate, drawing Deeds and other- instruments, Col . lection of Claims,. the Managing of Estates y for Guardians, Ailihinistrators and Execu tors, and the Foreclosure of Mortgages. Will attend the courts of Stanly and Mont gomery counties. Prompt attention given to all business in trusted to them. Covington & Red wine, Monroe, N. C. T. L. Caudle, Wadesboro, N. C. . Covington, Redwine & Caudle, LAW, ; WADESBORO, N, C. all the State, and United Jill YUIXG AND THE WHITE UL1KD ASYHJM. No Amount ofSqairmiiiir. or Iky ing Will Avail the Fusionists. Kaleigh News-Observer. The Republican managers have felt the force of the fact that Jim Young has con trolled the white institution for the blind and hi ad e an official inspection of its apartments. They have squirmed and lied and lied aod squirmed, but have not been able to get around the fact. In view of their latest gun, which has exploded and blinded the man who fired the charge, we sum up a histoty of the whole controversy, which shows that the State of North Carolina is in the control of pol iticians who have made the white blind institution the football of a negro pol itical boss. These . facts will not down: 1. Some months ago this paper said that Jim Young, the negro politician, who was called a "rascal" and a "scoundrel" by Russell when oung lived in Wilmington, was the boss of the white institution for the blind. The Repoplican politicians replied, "It is a Democratic lie." We published facts showing that when he wanted to break a quorum, he turned to Chairmau"TonnofTski and said, "Come on, Gerge," and George and enough white men followed him to break a quorum. La'er, when the Governor had appointed one of Young's tools as direc tor so as to g! ve him a majority, J I -T. . ' rviWiSL 1 UK.JN ,15 - J X ' rra-tioc in States Courts, Special attention will bo given to exami nation and investigation of titles to Ileal Estate, the drafting of deeds, mortgages, and other leaal instruments; the collect ion of claims, and manenientof estates for Guardians, Administrators, and Executors. Commercial, Itailroad, Corporation and Insurance Law. Continuous and will be given to all painstaking attention legal business. Olliee m the Smith building. W.A.INGRAMMD SURGEON, WADESBORO, - - - X. 0. Railroad calls by wire promptly attended jilt Office opposite .National Hotel. WrF. GRAY, I). D. S., (Office in Smith & L anlap Building. Wadesboro, North Carolina. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED. : , MR. B. F. MOXTAGUPS STATR-MEST.' nil. THOMPSON'S CIIICKEXS 'CO HE HOME TO BOOST. IX Feu in i are a source of comfort. They are a source 01 care, also. If you care for yonr child's health, send for illustrated book on the disorders to which children are subject, and which Frey's , Vermifuge has cured for 50 years. 1b Dome by mill lor 23 oent. . 22. At S. FRET, Baltimore, Sid. A. S. M0EIS0N, DEALER IN S o o o 14 0 V) in Watches, Clocts, Eye-Glasses, Spec tacles aud Jewelry of all kinds re paired on short notice. 1 Inspected Watcnes for S. A. L. K. It. four years. Fourteen : years experience. Cau be found iu Caraway's store on Wade b treat. a NEXT I'KKK to housekeepers Liobig COMPANY'S - Extract of Beef COOK BOOK, telling how to prepare many del- : icate and delicous dishes. AdilresH. I.iehig Co.. P. o'. Box 2718. INw York an in competent negro politician was elected head of the negro institution 'This si lenced the gang pretty effectually. 2. We charged that in electing teach ers, certain negro teachers 4 were gaid more than white ladies. It was "anoth er Democratic lie." We went to the books and showed that certain experienced white ladie3 were paid less than Jim Young's inexperienced daughter, who was elected a teacher. The facts shut the gang up. 3. We printed the law showing that Jim Yonntr.as a directoi, had a right to inspect all the departments of the white blind institution. Then a howl went up from the pie-eaters. But when they ex amined the law they saw that every direc tor had that right. 4. We published that it was an un written law that by turn" two directors each month was appointed on the In spection Committee and it was their duty to inspect the institution and make re port in writing. Tha pie-eaters yelled that Jim Young was appointed on the board merly to inspect the colored ins titution, and that as a fact he had never inspected the white institution. They quoted President Ray'as saying he did not remember that Jim Young had ins pected the white institution and cried out that this paper had printed "a Democratic lie." They sung low, after we printed the signature of Jim Young under his official report inspecting the white institution. It made them sick. 5. Dr. Cyrus Thompson was so cut up about the affair that he got up on the stump in Clinton and after saying that the statement was false, threw up his hands and said: "Why, Jim Young is not even a member of the board."Then we pointed or t that he resigned only when Governor Russell appointed him with a fat salary, as Colonel of tne negro regiment. This exposed Dr. Cy's cheap piece of decep tion. 6. These five iacts put the Republicans and pie-eating Populists in a deep hole. They saw no way of getting out. Final ly ihey took hold of a slippery ropb and sought to climb to the top by means of that rope. ' Yes," they said, "we find that it is true that Jim Young did make an inspection of the blind institution, but he was appointed t do so by Mr. B. F. Montague, a Democratic lawyer, who was chairman of the board." And then they acted as if that atoned for all their previous lies. But their joy is of short duration. We print elsewhere a com munication from Mr. Montague, which shows that it is the Republican fcJovernor of the State, and not Mr . Montague, who is responsible for the inspection of the white blind institution by the negro pol mcian, Mr. Montague was no more than a machine that merely registered the time when Jim Young would inspect. He had nothing to do with the matter in any other way. It was an unwritten law that two directors by turn should inspect all the apartments ot the white and colored institutions, and if Gover nor Russell had appointed a stick, the President of the Board would have been forced to designate the stick to serve in his turn. 9. We charged that the trustees, under Jim Young's boss-ship, had degraded the institution by giving chief Consideration to the distribution of pie. Prof- Meserve, alife-long Republican, resigned as a director or trustee because he was : un willing to serve upon aboard thit had no regard for the good of the institution. Mr. Ben Duke was quick to decline .an appointment to serve as one of Jim Young's automatons. Mr. Montague and other members of the board, who had hoped to keep the institution out of ward politics, also had to resign or forfeit their self-respect. . . . r Tir , . t . . vi. e siaieo mai Jim Young s ma jority, acting m accord wi:h the Gover nor, elected a defaulting sheriff as stew ard of the institution.? There haa never been any denial of this, Jim Young and the rest of the gang knew this when they elected the present stew ard. Mr. Momague refused to be a party to the election of the steward He Merely Followed m Ionjr-Be-speeted Precedent In Appoint IjijE Hie Inspector rilie Blind Institution Bnssell Besponsi blefor Jim Young. Raleigh News and Observer. Raleigh, N. Sept. 14. To the Edi tor: My attention has been attracted to lenghty and labored articles in. The Progressive Farmer and The Caucasian alleging that I, as president of the board of trustees of the North Carolina Institu tion for the Education of the .Deaf Dumb and Blind, appointjd the colored politician, James H. Young, as one of the inspcting committee. It is, only just to the people of the State and to myself that they should know the whole truth. I was appointed a trustee of the insti tution by the late lamented Governor Thomas M. Holt, and was subsequently re-appointed by the present incumbent, Governor Daniel Iv. Russell. These ap pointments were made without solici tation on my part, and I accepted them, not as a politician, but as a citizen, anxious to do what. I could in an humble way fr the betterment of these afflicted wards of our State. I have never sought office and never held but one, and that is the one referred to; but to the facts: As is well known, there are seven trus tees who have the management ot the blind institution, as it is commonly called, the president of the board and six other members. It is the duty of the president to name an inspecting committee, of two members, each month. By a . time-honored custom, whica has become an Un written law, these six members are named and serve by turns, getting aronnd once in three monthes. "In the course of human events," Janes H. Young's turn" came, and I, in deference to this law, and as an instrument of the board, and not through any preference or partiality far from that named him to perform this delicate trust. Had the board been composed of any set of men, however unworthy or unfitted, but appointed by the Governor. I. as their agent and un der the law, would have had tj make np the committee from such material as was available. The institution has been greatly dam aged by bringing it into politics by put ting men over the afflicted children, whose sole object and purpose is the distribution of the loaves and fishes. This offence lies at the door of only one man in North Carolina he who ha? the con stitutional power to appoint the board of trustees. Had he not appointed' Jame3 H- Young to this important trust, there would not now be the great hue aud cry of a negro politician inspecting the pri vate rooms of white women . The scapegoat racket of the modern day politician of saddling the innocent with the sins of the guilty will not work. It is too thin any man pf ordinary sense can see through it. The writer had no more to do with the appointment of James H. Youug as trustee or the exer cise of auy function as such than he has to do with the appointment of the Spanish-American peace commissioners. Realizing the very unfortunate state ot affairs into which the institution had fal len and of my utter inability to remedy it, I resigned in December last. : B. F. Montagub. Tuat "Democratic Still" Has at Last Been Found and it Was in the Great Reformer's Of fice. Raleigh News and Observ er. I regret to say it, but it is so. - The still iu the Capitol, of which Dr. Cyrus Thompson, Secretary of State and chairman of the Populist State Execu tive committee, has said so much, has beeu found. And reformers will be shocked to know that its discoverer was one of the dear doctor's own bright particular subordi nates his chief clerk. He has asserted that the present admin istration is a sober one, pretty muchly. That the only member of the Cabinet who loved his tipple and went off on a toot is the Rev. Hallelujah Whang doodle Ayer, State Auditor. But the Doctor, it seems, was simply exercising his vocal powers through his hat. On many a stump has he recounted the woes of intemperance, especially in Dem ocrats, poiating out how they were sure ly destroying this Republic and warning all good patriots to shun them as they would the deyil. And this is how the dear Doctor has come to be looked upon as the one pure and untarnished gem in the Fusion firmiinent; thaone consistent aui incorruptible champi-m of sobriety in high places and the deadly enemy of bim who looks upon the wine when it is red, white, blue or any other color. ' - But Satan, in the form of a chief clerk, has lured this Great Reform tc into the gorgeous and infatuitiug tents of iniqui ty. And eve i while the Doctor was tell ing the pe ple of Concord abut the sins of the dea I and praising Heaven that he was not as othr men, his chicken were coming home to roost. At that very mo ment his chief clerk was behind his dek, s deep in his cups th it he k tew not his right hand fro.n his left. And even be fore and since he has kept it up with beautiful regularity. After the downfall of Thompson who among the reformers is safe. ANOTHER BLACK ODXBAOE. A Crowd efXegro Boys I In BeeblesM Conduct After In sulting a Lady They Attempt to Ban Over and Injure a Crowd orsuuday School Children. Wilmington Dispatch. A gentleman, whose teliability and ver acity are unquestionable, tells us of an ooenrrence which happened Sunday af ternoon about five o'clock that is suffi cient to make the roost conservative pon der over the desperate situation that con fronts us. At that hour the Sunday school con nected with Market Street Methodist church was dissmissed and about fifty children were teleased from their Sunday service. A lady, one ot the teachers in the Sab bath school, was in advance of the chil dren and was crossing Market street on Ninth, when five negro boys advanced going in the opposite direction and to ward the church. When the lady and the negroes met, the former turned out to avoid a collision and one of the black scoundrels deliber ately threw himself against her, almost knocking her down. The ftegroes kept on their way and when they reached the crowd of young children, the rascals waded through them, tramping over the children and knocking them right and left. The children, who were hurt, cried out and attracted the attention of a gentle man who was inside of the church and he rushed out. A single glance enabled him to see the cause of the outcry and he made a dash for the negroes, but unlortunately their speed saved them a sound thrash ing. It is such outrage as this that bring con demnation upon the negro race and which will bring severe punishment unless these reckless ones mend their ways. Patience has long since ceased to virtue. WILL. NOT VOTE FOB WHITE UBAJIHAB DEMAND. Ex Governor Curtis II. Brogdea, a Lire-Lonx Bepabllean, Can not Stand Negro Bute. Goldsboro Argus. . We publish below a letter from Hon. C. H. Br igden, a life-long Republican, Harana Has Kindlons fepasm And is Learning; to "Talk Amer ican-Shops Chanting Their Signs Brom Time-Honored Spanish. Havana. Scot. 1. This city is suffer- be a Comparative Expenses. - lUlehjl) Post. According to the report of the State au ditor the .expenses of the State govern ment, under democratic rule, were as follows: 1892 $1,057,933 60 1893............ 1,319,818 10 1891. 1. 195,6J0 25 Total for three years $3,573,201.95 Under Republican fusion rule as fol lows: 1895 ..$1,849,335.65 1896.... 1,246 566 27 1897.;:.. 1,364,048.29 Be-pop-licau misrepresentation Raieigh Post. Some one has ventured to state that the Aericultural Department spent the last year it was under Democratic rule J67,47o, while the present board for the first year of Republican-Rtuney-Jim Young rule spent only $27,35. If the present administration were to tell all the truth at one time it would collapse. Why did not Professor Ramsey, when giving out the abive figures give the purposes for which the moaey was ex pended, so the people, by honest com parison, could get all the truth? He knows thai thirty -odd thousand dollars expend ed by the Democratic administration, included in the above statement, was lor the new buildings and other perma nent improvements at the Department, the Museum, etc., etc. The Post has called on the Commis sioner and his chief clerk for an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements ot that department for the year ending respectively June 30th 1894 and IS98, hut the aboye is all there has ever been given out. These officers dare not pub lish a comparative statemejt, itemized of the two years named. Such a state ment will show, leaving out the buildings and permanent improvements which the Democrats had built and which are still on hand, that the present administration has increased offices, enlarged the amount paid for salaries, and made no permanent improvement whatever. The present regime, have not only had more money to spend by virtue of an increase in the sale of fertilizers, but an honest, comparative statement will show a great waste of this money, and the needless employment of men merely to gratify their demand for "pie." v. i PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM fClanjies and beautifies the htir. t ru!mtes lnxuriant STowth. -2' JiJever Falls to Kestor Ory -v J nur w 119 x uuim ui voior. i Cure ca.p d ic hair laliis& The best medicine you can take is that which builds a sold foundation for health in pure rich blood Hood's Sarsaparilla. lnj(DJ Pills Should be In every family medicine chest and every traveller's grip. They are 'valuable when the stomach is out of order; cure headache, biUon-wieu, and U liver trouble. Kttd and efficient. 2 entt David B. Sutton, Governor Ruseell's former law partner, who was convicted by a court martial of the Second North Carolina Regiment at Ty be Island, Ga., has been sent to Atlanta, where he will work out his sentence in the Fort Mc Pherson guard house. Sutton was a Re publican member of the last Legislature and was quite prominent as a Republi can leader. The offence for whic he was convicted by court martial was drunken ness and disorderly conduct. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once. J. A. llardison. Total for three years ...... $3,959,950.2! Or an excess of $386,748. 26 over Dem ocratic rule. Giying credit for the ex pense of the GeneralAssembly,$70 ,760.75, still leaves a Republican fusion ex cess of over $300,000,or one hundred thou sand dollars per annum. It must be remembered that these ex penses are tor the three years ending November 30th, 1897, and they were made out of appropriations made and tax es collected prior to that date. ' We defy the present administration to show the permanent improvements for which this excess of money was paid. . - And we call attention to the fact that there are appropriations still unexpended; because these were so largely in excess of tax collections. The fusionisU have J I1 . t 1 J I . at - - spent every uouar tney couui lay nanus j t&x itt not Vtty robust need a on and have increased taxes whenever warming' building; and fat-forminf it could be aone. r usiou, truly, comes food somtthincr to be si tor rwt high to the peop'.e, who have to pay in Dr three months in the fall thai FIVE CENT COTTON. thrr mav not suffer from cold- Well.; Children SCOTT'S EMULSION This Chicken Fetched $ 1,000. Buffalo Commercial. The celebrated gamecock. Commodore iVoinurrifrht nftor hia rrraat viotnriaa fit u.... ..fe..M ... -"If. sm T f " TT ' llnllprsvill. l armlo San Antonio. aiuH OI U-UVCr UU Wltn nypopnOS- The Governor.-Aidwell, was recently sold, in the cock- phites of Lime and Soda supplies pit on General Perdeu's ranch in Burleson exactly What they want. I hey county, Texas, for ft, 000. .Don San Diego will thrive, grow, strong1 and fee Montemayo, a sportsman and chicken fan- well all winter on this splendid food cier, ot Monterey, Mexico, became the Nearly all of them become and while it was being counted out the victorious young rooster crowed lustily, It is said that the bird has won more than S2,00u for his owner during his short career. Negro Preachers Putting 011 War Pialiit. Wilmington Messenger. The Methodist negro preachers of the Wilmington district conference are neither peace-makers, nor wise men. Their very warm and pugna cious indorsement of the Daily Rat tlesnake paper that maligned the white women of North Carolina and the south, shows their ' belligerent pioclivities and their willinguess to bring on a fight in this part of the State if it be necessary to do so to uphold the said Rattlesnake. Lis ten to these fellows who do not know the first principle in the religion they profess: "We assure you that you have our approval And endorsement and pledge ourselves to ever stand by yon to the hazarding of our lives. We thiuk you a grand man, we think your paper is the paper that every negro should support as long as she stands forth in the protection of the ladies of our race." That reads like an inspiration of old Satan himself. This conference of negroes is iudeed warlike and meddlesome, and they issue a pro nnnciamento,not iir behalf of decen cy and, truth and law and order, but seek evidently to widen the growing antagonism between the two race3, and to even precipitate a bloody con flict. They are public disturbers, and are a great injury to their de luded and ignorant followers Preachers of peace talking about "hazarding their lives to protect a lying, slanderous fellow iu his wild, internal slander ot the white wo men of. all southland. If there shall most fortuuately be no war be tween whites and negroes it will not be because of these negroes' influ ence. They ought to be ashamed of their want of sense and propriety. They ate- turbetter than the foul slanderer they indorse. If the white ministers in this sec tion were to lend themselves to the purpose of lawlessness and slander ers and liars, and in convention as sembled were to pass irritating, fool ish, devilish resolutions tne purpose and intent of which was to intensi fy public passion, and arouse their race to war, they would be repudi ated and denounced by every white man --of deency and sense. It is disgusting aud disgraceful for meu calling themselves miuisters of Christ to be trying to blow into a dreadful flame a spark of anger and indignation. who has filled the position of Govenor of J jng jrooi a severe attack of American the State and represented his party in Congress, but who now sees the all absorbiug question as it is and comes out boldy for w hite supremacy, of which the Democratic party alone is the cham pionr Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 12, 1893. Editor Argus: In reference to the current history of political events in our day, it seems to be true that wonders will never cease. I am reminded of this trite old adage by by the non-action of the Democratic con gressional district convention lor the second district that met at Wilson on the 31st of August and failed to nominate a candidate for Congress. I have understood there are some Populists who will not vote for Llyod the Populist nominee. It is said they will vote for White, the neero. Now, how any respectable white Populist or De mocrat con vote for White, with his well known and abominable black record passeth all my understanding. I thought that Populist as well as Democrats were for white supremacy, for white rule and white metal, and White is opposed to both. I thought they were opposed to monopolies, trusts and combines, to all unjust and ruinous taxation and to all reckless and profligate appropriations. and White is m favor of these. When he is in Congrass he votes invariably with Dingley and Grosvenor for every thing they are for or against 'and he obeys their suggestions as implicity and promptly as he ever did the orders of his master when he was a slave Under him. White is decidely the most object ionable negro in the State as a pohtican. Look at his speech in the Republican State convention atRaleighpn the 20th of July last. While denouncing the Demo cratic parly he took occasion to an nounce his opposition to the Iree coin age of silver, spoke of himself and other negroes holding office, and said there are plenty more being made to order to hold offices. He got down to the lowest plane upon which any man, white or black, ever spoke in a State convention Such reprehensible rant may do for such occasions as that to please the boughtless and ignorant, but it imparts no useful knokwledge or information to the people. He was so disgusting, ac cording to the report, that one negro said: "I am ashamed of my race, that when it has a chance to put a man in high po&iton selects a man who will make so mean a speech." George II. White is not a suitable man to represent the second district He has done noth ing but draw his salary and never will but vote to create debt and tax the peo pie. And what good can one negro member like White do in a House com posed of 355 white members? It is a farce to talk about his doing anything for the tax-payers but vote to increase their taxes, which are already too op pressive. White is in lavorot paying all government bonds in gold, although it is declared expressly on the face of each bona tnai 11 is payauie in coin wuicu means silver as well as gold. And after the Senate had passed the Matthews- Teller resolutions by a large majority the resolutions went to the House assert ng that fact in plain and unequivocal terms. White would not vote to assert that which the law and the bond both declared to be true. He is ever ready to Tote to impose taxes on the people. when be knows they have got no gold to pay taxes with. Who wants such a man to represent them in Congress. Does auy respectable tax paying white man want to pay the bondholders in better money than he has to use him self? I think not, and yet White says he must. I thought that the honest and intelligent tax-paying people wanted an honest man to represent tbeir interests in Congress, and not an unprincipled, swaggering damaeigue of much vanity 1 1 - . 1 j t 1 . 1 1 . anu low lnsuDcw, wuo ueiiguis in au nis political speeches to harp on the negro negro, negro, while at the same time intending an insidious and invidious disparagement of the white race. The honest anc discreet people do not want a braggart or a bogus statesman to represent them, whose main bo by mania, now tnat tne commission is ac-. tually in the harbor, wiih the stars and stripes waving over it and a score 01 bustling aides in canvas uniform in at tendance, the city suddenly seems to think that Cuba is United States prop erty. The period of regret and suspense is over. The Havanese want to be "Yan kees." The hotels are buying American flags. The sien "English spoken" is be coming numerous in the shop windows on ObisDO street. In about half the res taurants the menu is written in English. Several cafes, in which the portraits of the Queen Regent and Martinez Campos still decorate the walls, have during the last few days supplemented the signs over their doors with the English equiva lents, such as "Coflee and liquors sold here." Havana is playing the overture which rjrecedes reconstruction. In nothing is this more manifest than the preseat fad of the studdy ot the English language. Although there have been many English-speaking people in Havana, English has never been popular in the schools here. In the acadamies aud colleges it was taught by instructors, usually Span iards who were not any too familiar with the language. French, or even Gennau, was far more studied than English. But during the last week Havanna has resolved itself into a school for the study of English. The few American newspa pers which pass the censor's office are eagerly sought, not so much for the news they c rataln, but far practice in reading the language of the inevitable future. Hack men, while waiting for customers on the Prado, pore over dirty little Eng lish primers. Boatme.i, lying in the sun on the wharves, try to unravel the mys teries of English dime novels given them by soldiers. Politicians and high -class residents read McCauley and Irving with the aid of the dictionary. "Good evening" is supplanting "Buena noche" at the clubs, triends who meet frequently practice the new language, so far as their limited .knowledge will per mit. The principal book store in Hayana had more than thirty English grammars on its shelves when the protocol was signed. All were sold in two days. The proprietor ordered two dozen more, which arrived last Friday, and were all sJd within twenty-four hours. There is great difficulty in obtaining English text books. The demand is so great that the book stores in Havana are unable to sup ply it. Royal auk a tha food para. wool FOVDEtl Absolutely Puro awm mtxmn t tn r vrmt. FA ICO BUILT THE CHURCH. Bishop Pat np a Good Fight ana the Sports Chipped In With a Winning or $l,SOO. Chicago Chronicle. v Bishop Vorthinton,of Omaha, is now a strict church man. His sermons are se vere in doctrine and hold out little hope to sinners unless they repent. However, the Bishop knows human nature. He learned it in the best school for an educa tion of that kind the Far west. Years ago, when Mr. Worth ington was a recent graduate from the theological seminary, he began his gospel work m Butte, Mon. The town was then a min ing camp pure and simple. It had sa loons, dance halls and gambling rooms, but neither church nor school. Its in- habitants were rough, tough and ready manliness was their god, and it was this manliness which made the West what it is. At college Wentworth was a boxer and an oarsman. In Butte these accomplish ments served him well, for they gave him a strong arm and a quick, eye- His gospel services were in a tent. There was no money to build a church. One day as he was walking along the principle street the bully of the town ap proached him. "Do you want to fight?" asked the des perado. "No," replied the clergyman. "Then take that!" But "that" never came. Worthington warded off the blow and with his good right fist sent the bully to grass in scicn tiflic fashion. That night the affair wa3 talked over in Cy Henry's gambling house. "I like that chap Worthington," said Bill Johnson. "He strikes a good blow. Let's all play for him tonight." The propsitioa was agreed to, and the next morning f 1,800 won at faro was pre sented to the minister. That moneyjbuilt the first chnch in Butte. THE WORST 151 A CENTURY. Three Hundred People Killed and 20,000 Made Homeless Uj the West Indian Hurri cane. Kingston, Jaimaca, Sept. 16. The hur ricane of Sunday was undoubtedly the worst; visitation of this kind experienced by the West Indies during the century, both in violen x and extent. The hurri cane swept along the island chain, from Barbadoes westward to St. incent, and thence northwest to St. Kitts, where it was last heard from. Details received from St. Vincent show that an unparalleled destruction of life and property has taken place there. Out of a population of 41,000, 300 were killed and 20,000 were injured and rendered homeless. Besides this, owing to the complete destruction of the provisions, they are all starving. The island has been absolutely gutted by the wind and floods from the mountains, in addition to the waves along the coast. There has been great loss to shipping along the track of the cyclone. Relief funds are being raised in response to an appeal from the Governor of St. Vincent. is to deal in the filth and slime of low de bauch and disgusting charlatanry. Curtis H. Brogden. E-RU-NA'S VICTORY. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any Salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest Dcople to attempt to counterfeit it Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. J. A. Hardisoa, very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the fall will put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the ua ud fish are 00 the wrapper. . All druggist; 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWXE, Chemists, New York. . Evangelist Cairns, who is conducting a revival in the Baptist church at Ashe- yille, makes a good point against the skeptics wh ) doubt the authenticity ot the Bible. He says there is not an event recorded in the Bible that seems . more improbable than dos the naval bittle at Manila. If that same story, says Mr. Ciirn, should appear iu the Bible, there w uld be those who would scoff, at the idea of its being true. States ville Land mirk. For broken eurfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Wi;ch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits 01 frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. J. A. Har j disou. 5". B. Hart Columbus, O. Dkar Sib: I feel like anew woman since using1 your I e-rn-na. Your medicine k Vta O Via1ruw4 rrtsa est ra l v. mwM uxt-nu avu ov v Zg much that I can u IL work and never feel tired out. When I first began to use your medicine I couldn't sweep my own room, run the sewing machine or lift anything, net even a chair. It even hurt me to ride or walk any distance. Now I can do all this; and I believe more, and never feel the effects of it. I feel so proud of the way It has brought me out that I tell it far and near. I can heartily recommend your medicine to any woman suffering from female dis ease. I know from experience that your medicine will do just' what yon say it mil. 1 tnanlc you, jjoctor,- a thonsand times for your treatment. I shall recommend your medicine wher ever I fro. I know what it has done for me and I know it will do the same for others. I feel that there are thousands of other women who would, after using' your treatment, as I did, be thankful. I am so glad I got your treatment. This month is the first time in my life that I can remember of having my menses without pain. Why, I cant do anything but recommend Pe-rn-na. Miss Emma L. Bolden, Wilberforce, O. The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Colum bus, O., will mail Dr. Hartman's special book for women, free on application, to women only. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. Aneient Playing Cards. The ancient Tarot packs were the earliest playing cards known to our forefathers. They consisted of 72, 77 or 78 cards. These cards are still nsed in remote parts of Italy, France and Switzerland and are made in Florence, the designs being handed down from generation to generation. Presence or Mind. Selected. When General Andrew S. Burt was Colonel of the Seventh United States In fantry he was watching target practice on the range at one of the Western forts, says the New York Tribune. The Col onel was an errant shot. Sometimes he could mike a brilliant record, and then he would suddenly become unable to hit the side of a barn. The p. ivate who was shooting plumped bullets here, there and everywhere until General Burt became disgusted. - "Here, give me that gun?" he order ed. The man obeyed. The Colonel took caretul aim, let fly and hit the bull's eye squarely. "That's the way I shoot!" he said tri umphantly. Encouraged by his success, he drew bead and fired again. This time his aim was treacherous, aud the bullet never hit the target at all. The enlisted men tried to cover up a smile. But the Colonel was not in the the least discomfitted. "That's the way you shoot," he said cooly, and handed back the gun. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Litt'e Early Ris ers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. J. A. Hardison. With all their alleged drunkenness democratic administration have managed, under God, to bless the state with the boon of good government. But there is sobriety and sobriety, and there are more kinds of intoxication than one. The fusionisU governor of this state is reeling and reeking drunk with blind prejudice and passion and malice. The fusionists secretary of state is intoxicated with Phanseeism and egotism to the point of delirium tremens. And the whole brag-ged-of administration is drunk with greed for "pie." When there is such a "putrid pit" within, it hardly becomes the fusionists secretary of "state . to point with pride to the outside of this "whited sepulchre." Charlotte Obser ver. More than twenty million free samples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof or their confidence in it s merits do you want? It cures Piles, burns scalds, sores, in the shortest space of time. J. A. Hardison. One Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick cures aud children may take it in large quantities without the least danger. It has won for itself , the best reputation of any - preparation used to-day for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or obstinate coughs. I. A. Hardison. ITED' TUB HCniEXCE OF STKP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CaiaroajriA Fie Stbcp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and . original reme- , As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California. Fiq Stbitp Co. . only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. "The high standing of the Cau roRsiA Fig Stkcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the "kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. A3! FRANCISCO, CsL LeCISTTLLX. Kj. JiXW TOKJC X. T.

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