if nil lit i l HI Til ll i I Ii I II I r JAMESrc. OOYLin, Publisher. The Vadesboro Messenger and Vadesboro Intelligencer Consolidated July, 1888. PRICE, l.ooYar 1IEW SERIES-VOL I3.--N0. 15. Vadesboro, N. C., Thursday, October 20, 1898. WHOLE NUMBER 926 -V Pains of ' . Rheumatism Have Completely Dis appeared Since Taking . Hood's Sarsaparilla. Bheumatism is due to acid In the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neutral izes this add and permanently cures tht aches and. pains of rheumatism. Itead the following: . " I was troubled with rheumatism when X was s small boy, and I have been a suf ferer with it more or less all my life. Not ' long ago I took a bottle of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and it did me so much good I continued its use, and since taking three, bottles I have felt no symptoms of rheu matism." B.JB. B la lock, Durham, N. C MI was troubled with rheumatism and could hardly walk. I have taken three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and today m a well man." Bobebt Joitks, 302 Maoke St., Wilmington, North Carolina. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. An druggists. St; six for $5. Get Hood's. AerAa DM 1c are the favorite cathar nOOU S fins tic. All druggists. 250. f R. T. BKirsETT, Jno. T. Bennett i , Crawford D. Bennett. Bennett & Bennett, Attorneys-at-Law, Wadesboro, ' ; - -" - - N. C. Last room on the right In the court house. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Special attention given to the examination and investigation of Titles to Real Estate, drawing Deeds and other instruments, Col lection of Claims, the Managing of Estates for Guardians, Administrators and Execu tors, and the Foreclosure of Mortgages. Will attend the courts of Stanly and Mont gomery counties. .- Prompt attention given to all business in trusted to them. Covington & Redwlne, Monroe, N. C. T. L. Caudle, Wadesboro, N. C. Covington, Redwine & Caudle, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, WADESBORO, N. C. Practice in all the State, and United States Courts. Special attention will be given to exami nation and investigation of titles to Real Estate, the drafting of deeds, mortgages, and other legal instruments; the collect ion of claims, and mangementof estates for Guardians, Administrators, and Executors. Commercial, Railroad, Corporation and Insurance Law. Continuous and painstaking attention wilt be given to all legal business. Office in the Smith building. V:A. INGRA M, D. SURGEON, WADESBORO, " - - - N. C. Railroad calls by wire promptly attended . Office opposite J ationat Hotel. W. F. GRAY, D. 1). 5., (Office ia Smith & L anlap Building. Wadesboro, North Carolina. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED. IMGE.1T9S Bronchitis generally begins with a common cold ; if not cured it becomes dangerous and thousands die from bronchitis annually. Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup, the best remedy fortius disease, cures itin a few days, , mm COUCH SYRUP Will promptly cure Bronchitis. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cU. At all druggists. It rests with 70a whether yon continue the nerve-Killing- tooacco beoii. nu-i w-uav remove tne aeatre tor kodacco. out nervous distress, expels blood, re s-m 1111 -a-1.600.. a 1 RjF- r-m t 1 1 1 in null 1 mm . . m m m WmW a tm .W ft f m m tlno. Dorifiea the tore lost manhood, nakei Ton troo? ID, in nealt and pocket- DOOK. OlaiEs boxes 400.000 cureu. hut AO TO B AC from jour own drugrgiiit, who uiTooeoiorna. race ltwitn .patiently, persistently. One wm., m i. .111.117 cures; o dviqi, vz.ov, umuHcnre.Drviniiiiin Tn nr.. .nuctjCe., Cklcaca, oMnal, law Terk. J k r peculiar ills. The I f right remedy for I A I i VA ' I C aabies' Uls-especlaUy f irorms aud stomach fLn disorders U , t reys vermiTugo fcju eared children for GO years. Send for illna. book about toe ills ana ma rmcxly. OatetUBallejrSMU. S. a 8. rliKI, KaiUBore, ma. A. S. MORISON, DEALER IS or 2 O O 2 hi V CO Watches, Clocks, Eye-Glasses, Spec tacle8 And Jewelry of all kinds re paired on short notice. Inspected Watcnea for S. A. L. R. 1L four years. Fourteen years .experience. - Can be found in Caraway's store on Wade itreet. THE SLANDERS CONTINUE. Rev J. HV. Page Receives an Anonymous Letter From a Ne gro Preacher. Charlotte Observer. It will be recalled that some weeks ago a private letter by Rev. Jesse H. Page, of the North Carolina tJonference, ad dressed to a friend and former parisMon -er in Catawba county, was published iu The Observer. The gentleman had written Mr. Page to know if political con ditions ia the eastern part of the State are really as they have been represented, and this gentleman furnished the reply to this paper and it was printed. Upon the strength of this Mr. Page has received an anonymous letter of which the follow ing is a true copy: Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 11th, 189S. Rev. Jesse Page, Rockingham, N. C. Dear Sir: I have just read your com munication on negro rule in the Eastern part of the State, as you are pleased to call it. I am a negro myself and have become disgusted over the malicious falsehoods and baseless rot that is being published by you and the corrupt patty to which you belong. . I am a Minister of the Gospel myself and find that you claim to be; but I do not think that the Lord esus Christ had much to do with send ing you out; for when he commissioned his Disciples to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature," ect., they were to preach against every wrong and try if possible to establish peace among all men. In fact the golden rule was to be engraven in our, heart mind and life. I hope you will remem ber this. Again I learn you are an old man that will not stay here as long as you have stayed, and after all, as long as you have been pretending to preach the Gos pel, if you don't mind hell will be you portion.- By these lying statements that you and your Democratic allies are. pub lishing, will serve tosolidfy the Populists and Republicansnd especially the negro against you as neyer before. We, the colored peopl e of this city expect to start a daily paper here and denounce you and your party as a set of lying hypocrits. If this iathe way you expect to get the State back to the Democratic party, we shall see to it that you "will never accomplish that end. I talked with a well respected white man from the East the other day who was a Prohibitionist, he said to me that all of this stuff which is being published by the Democrats an i their lying newspapers were all lies and the white people of Eastern North Carolina are disgusted with it. I would advise you to get out of the pulpit, for the Lord Jesus has not had one thing to do with you. When you get true religion you will find that you will be a uew man altogether. If you want to answer me write to the Charlotte Citizen. There has never been a peroid in the annals of history in which an attempt at nullification has ever sue ceeded. God will see to it that you and your poor rotten party will never suc ceed. Old man yoa had better get right for you are as good an agent for the de yil as he wants. - : Signed. 411 South-Mint Street, Charlotte, N. C. Rev. D. C. Covington, colored pastor of Clinton chapel, A. M. E. Zion Church, lives at 4ti South Main street He has been, for two or more yeais, conducting a column in the Sunday Observer a col umn set apart for the colored people; a column set apart for their religious, moral,- educational and industrial elevation. The original copy of the foregoing letter to Mr. Page has been exhibited at The Observer office, and the hadwriting is identified as that of Rev. D. C. , Coving ton by the two members of the staff of the paper who handle his correspond ence. '. We wish to make the point that Mr. Page has furnished nothing to the press of a political character his letter was fur nished by his correspondent. But wheth er it came as it did or was given out tor publication by him directly, it is outra geous that for his simple recital of plain and well known facts that he should be thus coarsely and brutally assailed by f jn anonymous writer .white or black. As to who Mr. Page is.very few of the intelligent people of North Carolina need be told He is one of the very ablest ministers of the Methodist church in this State, a man of lovely Christian character, an univer sal favorite wherever known. The better class of the colored people of this city aud State will not endorse this un warant ed assault upon such a man, but all intel ligent people will see the spirit under ly ing it. , .v THE NEGRO PARTY. SCHOOL TEE5IAN. COMH IT- Ncarly 1,000 Negroes EleeteU to Office in Two Tears by the Fnslonists. Raleigh News-Observer. "1 Now, let us see how many negroes are holding office in North Carolina, under fusion goverment today. In the Second district they havjg a ne gro Congressman, recently renomi nated by the Republicans. In that district a negro has been nominated for solicitor. In the Agricultural Department, several negroes hold important positions. Until recent ly one was chief fertilizer inspector, with -white men holding subordinate positions, under him. In the reve nue department, in this district, one of the best positions, that of gener al store-keeper and ganger, is held by a negro. In a number of coun ties in the East, negroes have been nominated by the Republicans for the Legislature. A great many have been nominated for the county offi ces, and a greater number still would have been nominated but for the appeal that has been made to them to wait awhile and the assurance given them that while it would be dangerous to put them on the ticket, if they carry the next Legislature they will fill the departments, aud j the other appointive positions, with J the people of their race. .There are in five counties, one hundred and forty-three migistrates. Altogether in the State there are nearly 300 ne gro magistrates, and . taking the State at large there are nearly one thousand negroes holding office to day, every one of whom were elected 1 or appointed by Republican or fusion votes or officials. Now this is the record of fnsiou, nearly one thousand negroes holding office at one time. To answer this charge of negroism, fusion spell binders say that a few negro magis trates were appointed by the Legis lature of 1876, twenty-three years ago. They attempt to make much of out of this, notwithstanding the fact that for twenty-three years after this time not a negro magistrate was ap pointed by a Democratic-Legislature; and notwithstanding the fact that they know, as every "well-informed person in the State knows, that the few magistrates appointed by the Legislature in 1876, were recom mended by the few Republican mem bers in that body, having appealed to the Democrats jo give them some recognition in the selection of mag istrates, and the Democrats being generous permitted them to name a small proportion, and they, taking advantage of this generosity of the Democrats, named a number of ne groes. As soon as the Democrats or the State learned how the Republi can members had taken advantage of and abused the generosity of the Democrats in that Legislature, they unanimously declared against the policy of allowing the minority to name a part of the magistrates to be appointed by the Legislature, and no more negro magistrates were, during the next twenty-three years of Dem ocratic rule, appointed. In addition to this, in their harrangues the fu sion 6bouters claim that the Demo crats appointed, in certain localities in the State, about a dozen negroes to small, subordinate positions Some of the appointees that they re fer to were made as far back as 1873; some were made eight or ten years ago. So that in twenty-three years of Democratic rule, according to their own snowing, only about a dozen negroes were appointed to any positions whatever. 15ut notwith standing the fact, according to their own contention, the Democrats appointed only about a dozen negroes to positions, and all of them trifling positions, in the period of twenty three years, while their crowd have appointed or elected about one thousand negroes in two years, these populist orators have the assurance and audacity to seriously argue to intelligent people that the Democratic party is a negro party. It is such recklesness as this that is bringing the champions and apolo gists of negro'rule in North Carolina into contempt. The Illinois Tragedy. I A NEGRO Atlanta Constitution. The terrible tragedy reported from Illinois, in Wliicn it IS saia mat one ne visits a White School In Ala. i 3 3 i i ;J nunarea men Dave uceu mucu, i . orwhi.h m. Vn White Suggestive Of thought. L.dr lV the. Teacher. TkTi. 1 t-inl . jxocomy are we tuiiuaucu such an exhibition of lawlessness ai"BUCC U1?auer should ' be possible anywhere, but You have heard the Democrats charge that even in those states which have that there are negro school comnuttee- hitherto claimed the monopoly of men right here iu Alamance, ana you law-abidinff virtue, that men should I have heard Republicans say in answer to be so easilv moved to crimes 01 Oiooa cnarge. m&i inese negroes oniy nu anrl mnTvW Whpn it is rficollected I charge of the negro schools. Keaa this that the victims of this outbreak andsee what you think of it: weie almost wholly negroes who I, Miss Alma L. McCulloch, of Nor- were seeking employment in the I ton township, Alamance county, North . . .. i f n . Lincoln to the union, the subject wimeroi loaz-isaa, commencing m uc becomes invested with even greater tober, 1837 and ending in Debruary, interest. I 1898, 1 taught the public school for school In Years past when an occasional district No., in Pleasant Grove town life was forfeited to the indignation J ship, Alamance county; that one of the of the people throughout the south (school committse who had supervision for the commission of a crime which of this school was a negro named Solo- stirs thi, blood as no Other crime mon Martin; that while I was teaching can, we have sometimes been taunt- the school this negro committeeman, the ed bv the newspaper press of the said Solomon Martin, came to the school north with a want of civilization, on two separate occasions. His first These journals have been loud and visit was during school hours and while . ... . I -v . 1 . yrr J i persistent IU their lecture3 to the was mere in cnarge. ne saiu ne came southern people, advising them to to see if the desks had come. His other stud v that refined civilization of the visit was before school had opened in the north which grew angry at no of- morning ond before I had come to the ense. and where personal rights scnooihouse ana was reported to me mat were so fully understood that they Martin said that the white school, which were never Questioned. The Door 1 was teaching, would be discontinued eero, while at a distance, was a sub- the next day, tnougn as a matter ot laci ect of the greatest 3olicitude and it was not scheduled to stop the next day claimed the tearful sympathy - of and in truth did not stop for many days . after this. "Alma D. McCcixoch 'Sworn to and subscribed before me, this, the 11th day of October, 1898. . "E. S. Parker, Jr., (Seal) "No-ary Public." White men, what do you think of this! ; Miss McCulloch is known to many of you. She is the equal of any-lady in this or any other county, and yet, under the editors who protested so vig orously against what they denomi nated "southern barbarity. Now from the state which Chica go is the metropolis cornea the news of this wholesale-slaughter of ne- roes who had oeen induced to - go there under the promise of employ ment As quoted in the telegram, Governor Tanner, instead of flying to the protection of these special this infamous school law, passed by a wards of the late Abraham Lincoln fusion Legislature, she is forced to receive declared his purpose "not to allow visits from a negro school committeeman imported labor to be unloaded at that while she is in discharge of her duties as nlane " Thus the freedom of the oer- teacher of a white school right here in sonis interfered with, the protect- Alamance county. Democrats are pledg Mrs. Samuel P. Swartwood, of "Moun tain Top, Pa., wife of a switch engineer, is the champion mother of America. She is 40 years old, was married when she was 14 and in the 26 years haB had 27 children 12, boys and 15 girls, twins twice. Nineteen of the children are alive and well and four are married. Mrs. Swaitwood and her huband are proud of their family. She i3 in robust health and has much contempt for women who object to having children. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Litti.e Early Ris ers are pleasant, easy, thorough" little Eills. . They cure constipation and sick eadache just as sure aa you : take them. J. A. Hardison. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Coueh Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once. J. A. Hardison. : Ednrato Yoor Bowels With Ca carets. - Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If CC.C.faiL, druggists refund money. i lime ; always u n n int, atisfme- I J 11a aeold or fever, i a Jei ills, sick head- U ; is U W Are much in little; always ready, efficient, tory: prevent cure all Uver ills, sick head ache, Jaundice, constipation, etc Price SS cent. Tha only PUis t toka witU Boodl SarMpariUa, upon tne nrst publication, by a paper of another State, of the statement that South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia negroes are preparing to colonize in North Carolina, on account of their great er privileges and the better chance for them to get .offices here, The Observer paid silght attention to it and did not copy it; but events are going to show that it was not a baseless allegation and the conviction that it is true grows upon us. Upon reflection one.can see reason for it. There are at this time nearly one thou sand negroes holding office in this State and they absolutely dominate some ot our cities, towns and counties. In no other Southern State do any of them hold office, except possibly over people of their own color, and nowhere else are they a ruling power. There is reason, as we have said, why North Carolina should be an inviting field for the negroes of neighboring States Charlotte Observer. - How to Prevent Croup. We have two children who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever an at tack is coming on my wife gives them unamoeriain s uougn Remedy and always prevents the attack. It is a house noid necessity . in tnis county and no matter what else we run put of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain! Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines oom bioed. J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by J as. A. Hardison. To Cora Constipation Forever. " ' Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c XI U C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund mooey. KCUBO DAY IX WILJIISGTOS. WESTERN XEUROES' HOPES. Jury Composed of One White and Eleven Negroes In the Criminal Co art. Wilmington Star ,14th. vesterday was negro day in the Crim inal Court. There were negroes on the sidewalks, negroes in the halls and on the stairways, negroes in the court room, ne groes everywhere. But the climax was reached when the jury in the case of the State vs. Joe Hooper and William Mur phy (both negroes) charged with larceny, was empanelled. It was a3 dark as the cloud of negro domination that now threatens North Carolina, having but one white spot to relieve its inky blackness. That jury was composed of one white man and eleven negroes. Some of the white men who came on the excursion yesterday from Randolph and other counties witnessed this posi tive evidence of the result of fusion rule in Eastern North Carolina. One white man and eleven negroes on a jury in the largest city "in the State. How long would the white men of the West stand this But they'll have to stand it if Dan Rus sell, Marion Butlr, negro Jim Young and negro "Abe" Middleton carry the Legis lature ,in November. Then you'll see negro juries, negro policemen, negro magistrates, negro deputy sheriffs and ne gro constables in Charlotte, in Greeos boro, Asheville, Statesville and other town3 and cities of the West. Dan Rus sell will be no respecter of persons or towns if the next Legislature is a negro one. ion of the law is refused to kfaose in danger, and the - newcomers are given to understand, mat u iney wonld not meet the fate of their dead comrades they had better re tire from the scene. All of this brings up a lesson which should have at all times been perfectly known. throughout the un ion. - It shows that humanity is pretty much the same wherever found, and that human indignation aroused in Illinois or in Massachu setts is much the same with the same indignation stirred up in Geor- gia or in Mississippi, ihc tact is that the comparison is to the ad vantage of the south. While in this section crimes against woman are aid under such a ban that no man dare commit them, and social recog nition is declined toward the colored people because of the irresistible barrier of nature, yet in the personal treatment of the colored people and in the recognition of their human rights to live and to have employ ment in order to live, the south has ever been on the human side. It has never been considered a crime in the south to give employment to a colored man, and yet, what do we find when we go up to the state of Abraham Lincoln, where the colored man would be justified in expecting the greatest degree of consideration Jie is met by bands of armed men, who shoot him down on sight, and the only comfort he gets from the republican governor who sits in the chair of Eichard J. Oglesby, is that he had better get back home as soon as possible. ed to change this school law and if you are a white man you want it changed. We have "mixed school committees now and it ia but one more step to "mixed schools." Are you in fayor of that step and having "mixed school?" If so, vote the Republican ticket. If you are in fa vor jf white committees having charge of white schools and against "mixed schools," then be a white man and vote the Democratic ticket. Indoors aud Ont. "My health was very poor and I suf fered from dizzy spells, rheumatism and weak nerves. I did not care to live in such a condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla has changed all this. . It has completely cured me and I am now able to work hard indoors and out." Mrs. Tohn A. Lively, Dallas, West Virginia. Hood s nils are the favorite family ca thartic. Easy to take, easy to operate. An exchange uses a neat business card, At one end of which appears this rhyme: "Mau wants but l:ttle here below," So runs the good old song; But if he advertises, though. He doesn't want that long. M ' r'ersistei Coughs Lt A cough, which seems to tang on in spite of aU the remedies which you have applied certainly needs rnergrtic and sensible treatment For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-liver oil, SCOTT'Q EMULSION has proved its effectiveness in curing- the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why t the cod-liver oil, par tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys- H'lll Yon Vote for Negro Kale? Oharlotte News. Mr. Charles Eudie, a white Republican of this city, believed that the publica tions of the Democratic newspapers re garding negro office-holders and negro rule in Eastern North Carolina were "Democratic lies." He went to Wilming ton and saw the situation for himself and this is his summing up of it: "I found conditions there much worse than I had ever expected to find.1 'I am so disgusted with the condi tion of affairs down there that my mind is fully made up. I do not think that there is a white Republican or Populist in Mecklenburg county who, if he went to Wilmington and saw the condition of affairs there as I saw them who could vote the ticket this year, and thus help to perpetuate negro rule in Eastern North Carolina. 'Though I am a Republicad in princi ple and have heretotore always voted the Republican ticket, at this election I shall cast my vote for the Democratic state and county ticket. I believe that it is the duty of every white man in this cdunty to vote, that ticket this year. A vote for the fusion legislative ticket in Mecklenburg county, is a vote to perpet uate such conditions in Eastern North Carolina." . - . His experience is that of every other sincere white man who goes into that section and impartially investigates mat ters for himself. Mr. .udie says even the Republican and Populist officers ac knowledged the state of affairs. The fusion legislature fastened upon Eastern North Carolina this horror of African-domination. The legislature alone can undo it. A vote to elect fusion member of the legislature from Mecklenburg is a vote to endorse negro rule and retain our white brothers of the East iu thralldom. Is there a white man in Mecklenburg county today who will cast his vote for a Republican candidate for the legislature or for a Populist caa din ate, for the Populists are in this cam paign the allies of the negro party? Some Interesting Statistics In Regrad to Confederate And Federal Pensions. New Orleans Tnnes-Democrat. Th money needed for Confederate pen sions has to be voted directly from the State treasury, from the ordinary taxes and revenue A the State, and it is no easy matter to get enough in this way to care for all the soldiers in gray who need aid and assistance in their old age. Thers are 36,000 Confedeiate veterans or the widows and orphans of veterans receiving pensions irom tne several Southern States, the amount thus dis bursed being $i,5oo,ooo a year in mark ed contrast with the millions voted to the Union veterans. There are over i,- 000.000 of these latter pensioners, or thirty times as many as the Confederate cause has placed under our care. There is one pensioner on the Federal rolls for every two soldiers who fough in the civil war. as against one pensioner for every twenty Confederate soldiers. The United States is thus apparently ten times as liberal in the matter as we can afford to be: as a matter of fact, it is even more liberal, for it gives roo for every $1 paid by us to the men who wore the gray. The trouble about Confederate pensions in the South is that there is no unity of action, or similar policy among the sev eral States. The plan adopted in Louisiana of in vestigating the applications carefully so as to free the list from all except those who really need the assistance will cor rect to a considerable extent this weak ness of the Southern pension system and will probably be adopted iu time by the other Southern States. It will also call further attention to the rottenness of the Federal pension sys tem by showing that not more than one veteran in twenty or thircy actually needs assistance, whereas the United btates is paying pensions to eyery other old Union soldier. Coaple of Incidents from Un ion Which Should Caaae White Men to Think. Monroe Journal. The Editor ot the Journal: 1 will drop you a lew lines, to inform your readers 01 the stale ot affairs here, as the negroes have about taken this place since the Republi cans have been in power, and it is not a rare thing to hear of negroes insulting decent while people. Seeing a crowd of negroes gathered at country store the other day, I drew near enough to hear what they were talk ing about. They were talking on politi cal matters in North Carolina. They said that the Republicans were working for them, and the Topnlists too, and they were their only friends, and they had fused together in order to get into office, and u tbey were elected "we will soon take things and run the white people but of the State." Tbey then; went on to say that the South Carolina darkies were go ing to join them. lu two years, they said, tney would bve every thing in their bands. The other day a negro man went to a re spectable farmer's house while the man was away from home and- there was no one present but ins uaugniers. lie was drunk, and taking his seat in the house, ordered them to briii him cider, and threatened to cut their throats if they did not do so. Tbey had to bear it because they could not help themselves. Kepub- icans aud their co-aJjutors seem to en joy it. l'lease puDUsu this so mai people may see what is going on here, as well as n eastera North Caroliua, and let every while man see that we are in need of good white man's government. We can secure it only through the Democratic party. Tours for good government. It. S. JlILt-KU. Adlai, Union county. N. C. A Very Tense Situation. Wilmington Messenger. It came to our ears weeks ago that one house in W llmmgton was selling cart ridges largely to tne negroes. It now turns out that Sambo is seeking to furn ish an armory here with sixteen repeat ing rifles to kill whites and promote race war of extermination. Other ru mors' are afloat that should be promptly looked into. Last week, in this county negroes summoned to work the public road, told the white roadmaster that they hoped the time was not far off when they could nse their axes and hoes to kill white people- Those are bloody-mineded devils incarnate and should be looked after speedily. - mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so effective as this? Sa thstths Of More thaa twenty million free samples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have been ilistrihntrl hv thft manufacturers. What temt the hvooohosohites I better proof of their confidence in it'; art a a trmic to the I merits do you want? It cures Piles, burns scaius, sores, iu iuc uuiut rjjawc time. J. A. Hardison. . Old fashions in dress may be revived but no old fashioned medicine can replace Chamberlain's folic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. For sale by Jas. A. Har dison. : ' Be sure yoa get SCOTT'S Emulsion. nun ana taa arc on the wrapper. 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT ft B0WNB, Chemists, New York, No-Ttt-Be for Xlfty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit eure, makes weak . mea twos, oiooa pure. euo,!!. AU druggist Our little boy was afflicted with rheu matism in his knee; and at times unable to put his foot to the floor. We tried in vain, everything we cor-ld hear of that we thought would help him. We almost gave up in despair, when some one ad vised us to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm We did so, and the nrst bottle gave so much relief that we got a second one and, to our surprise, it cured him sound and well. J. T. Bays, Pastor Christian Church, Neodesha, Kan. For sale by as. A. Hardison Royal ssakes the 1oo4 para, wnolcsosss aa4 lirllrts. FDYDZn Absolutely Puro imi mumi prmnrp rv, mcw iwwh. North Carolina in the Civil War. Nashville Christian Advocate. One cannot be in North Carolina long without discovering that the memory of the late Senator Vance is held in extrav agant veneration by the people of that State. Their admiration for him includes element of warm affection. More than any other man of the recent era he reDresented everything that was best and strongest in the life 01" h!s Common wealth. Not narrow nor provincial, he was still an intense North Carolinian, and never missed an opportunity o show lL Soeakin? in Baltimore before the Association of the Maryland line, Febru ary 25, 1835, he made the fallowing state ments, which we have neyer seen called in question: "In relation t? the number of troops furnished to the Confederate Government, I have more than once made the boast that North Carolina fur nished, not relatively but absolutely, more than any other State. This asser tion has not yet been denied, to my knowledge. The official records of the Adjutant General's office show that North Carolina furnished 124,000 men, organized into 71 regimeuta, 20 bat talions, and 24 unattached companies ah inese were raisea our. 01 a wnue p-- ulation in 18G0 of 629,942, or one soldier to every six souls. At Appomatox and Greensboro, North Carolina (Surrendered t.vice as many muskets as any other State, aud in more than one of Lee's great battles they exceeded the dead from all the other States put together. This record constitutes a proof of a very proud distinction, but it is due to North Carolina as sure as truth is truth. In mv opinion, she was less exhausted when the end came than any other State. and she had the mearis and vitality and the spirit to have continued the struggle two years longer. The last to begin the fieht. she was the last to leave it. Let not these things be forgotten." They Are Quirk to Nee the Point Charlotte Observer. ' It is stated that in 1S96 Irwin county, Ga., gave the Democratic ticket a major ity of 654 and last week a . majority of 2,560. Commenting upon which fact The Columbia Register says: "This is the county in which the colony city of Fitzgerald is situated. The colonists came from the Northwest and the North. Hew they voted before they came South does not make any difference; the returns show how they are voting now. The South wants more colonists ju3t like thtm; thousands of them." It is gener ally thus. Good citizens coming from other sections to the South soon learn to " become Democrats in State and local matters, no matter what politics they carried where they came from or what national politics they have or keep upon coming here. Iu the Southern States the Democratic party alone has either the ability cr the willingness to give de cent government, and it does not take long for intelligent settlers or even visi tors from other sections to find this out. This being ture a3 it undoubtedly is what a shame it is that respectable na tive white men, calling themselves good citizens, should unite with a party of ig norance and vice to overthrow Democ racy in the South and install in its stead such a condition of affain as now exists in North Carolina, for instance? Nor thern people coming here are willing to change their politics in order to get in to the Democratic party, seeing that through it alone can public safety and an able, just and economical administration of public affairs be had; while natives change their politics to get out of it for what reason? We cannot imagine what, except in the cases of those who aie moved by a desire for the loaves and fishes. He "If I stole fifty kisses from you, what kind of larcency would it be?" She T should call it grand." Tankers Statesman. I mi I.J ,i. , W mm1- THE EXCRLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fie SrBrjp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio SrstTP Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Strup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AIT FRANCISCO, Cal. LOCIBVTLIJti Kr. XEW TOBK. V. Dr. Xornient Did he Get the Six Hundred Dollars? Lumberton Robesonian. At Alfordsville and at Maxton G. B. Patterson stated that he had been in formed that as soon as Dr. R. M. Nor ment was paid $600 in cash he was, . by the terms of the agreement, to take from' the columns of the Charlotte Observer his card announcing himself an indepen dent Republican candidate for Congress Mr. Patterson gave as his informant R B. Russell, colored, editor of the Maxton Blade and chairman of the Regublican Congressional executive committee of this district. At Maxton both Dr. Nor- ment and Russell were present when the charge was made and neither opened bis mouth. Dr. Normentdid not deny hav ing agreed to come down from the Con gressional race when paid fGOO, nor Rus- aell deny haying told Mr. Patterson that such was the agreement. Dr. Norment, we understand, ha3 not yet staled on the stump for what office he was lunning. He was asked at Alfordsville the only time we have heard him speak to de clare himself but faded to do so. He says, however, that whoever says he is bought is an infamous liar. As stated by Mr. Patterson, the "people have the facts and can form their own conclusions." A Nother'sLovr. Headlight. Sons know but little of the anx iety, the nights of sleepless and pain ful Bolicitude which their mothers have spent over their thoughtless waywardness. Those loving hearts Co down to their craves with those hours of secret aconv mi told. A3 the mother watches by night, or prays in the privacy of her closet, she weighs well the words she will address her sou in order to lead him to a manhood of honor and useful ness. She will not tell him all the griefs and deadly fuar3 which beset her soul. She warns him with trembling lest he say overmuch. She tries to charm hiru with cheery love while his heart is bleeding. Xo worthy and successful man ever yet kuew the breadth aud depth of obligation which he is under to his mother who guided his feet at the time when his character for vir tue and purity was so narrowly bal- auceu against a course 01 vice ana ignominy. Let the dutiful son do his utmost to smoothe his mother s pathway, let him omit nothing that will contribute to her peace and hap piness, and yet he will part from her at the tomb with the debt to her not half dischaged. We find the following in a Populist newspaper: "It is a well known fact that during all of the Cleveland Democratic adminis tration there wa3 a negro postmaster at Fayetteville, one of the most important offices in the State. But this was dur ing a Democratic administration and the railroad organs won't mention it. ' This is only one of many examples where a half truth is perverted into false hood for campaign purposes. The Pop ulist paper intends f r Its readers to be- lieye that a neg o was appointed post master at Fayetteville by the Democra's. As a matter of fact he was appointed by Harrison, Republican, and allowed to serve out his four years part c-f this term of service extending into a Demo- - cratic administration. When nis tour years expired a white man and a Dem ocrat was appointedjhis successor. States- vine Landmark. ! To See the Heroes Oft White Mau Chained to a Negro. Newbern Journal, 13th. Not less than 500 negroes were at the depot yestei day morning to bid farewell to the prisoners being taken to the peni tentiary. The crowd was waiting when Joe Hahn and his two negro deputies ar rived with six prisoners. There was a rush to see them, and the car was invad ed in short order. There was one white man among the prisoners. Tom Rollins,, who was sent up for larceny, for six months. He was chained to a nero. Sheriff Hahn an nounced several days ago that on his next trip to the penitentiary, he would chain a white man and anegro together. He kept his word. Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refunc money if it fails to cure. 25c The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, bums, skin diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Wkch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits Oi frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. J. A. Har dison. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale ot any Salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for DeW ltt s itch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. J. A. Hardison. - QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, PYtlY.PECTORAL: Th Canadian Rewedv for all THROAT AXD LCK3 AtHCTOS. LaROB BOTTtBS. 25 OTS. ' DAVIS LAWRENCE CO., Urn.. Psws PtMV Davi Paim-Kiu.ik. I. 1