JAMEStC. POVLIN, Publisher. ' ' The Vadesboro Messenger and Wadesboro Intelligencer Consolidated July, 1 8S8. WHOLE NUMBER U27 HE IV- SERIES-- VOL 13.--U0. 16. Wadesboro, 11. C Thursday. October 27, 1898. A Skin Disease In a Terrible Condition " Scrofula Sores with Took Hood's Sarsaparilla and Is . Better than for IO Years. " I bt'iiUn disease which was very troublesome. I. took a great deal of strong- medicine which:-did not do me sny good and I was at last obliged to give Jvp. I was in a sort of stupor tome of the Um. Scrofula sores broke' oat and I oould get nothing to do me any good. My daughter told me of a woman who wasafflioted as I was and who found re lief in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I concluded to try this medicine. At that time 1 was In a terrible condition with sores on my bead and body. The first few doses of Hood's Sarsaparilla seemed to give me relief, and in a short time the sores be gan to heaL' My appetite improved and I felt like a new man. I am now in better health than for 10 years." S. M. Gribb, Winnsboro, Fairfield South Carolina. Co.. Little Biver, - Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Hood's Pills Sick Headache. 26c ft. T. Ba.rsKTT, Jno. T. Bennett Crawford D. Bennett. : Bennett & Bennett, Attorneys-at-Law, Wadesboro, - - - ' - N. C. W- 4 : : , Last room on the right in the court house. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Special attention given to the examination and investigation of Titles to Real Estate, . drawing Deeds and other instruments, Col lection of Claims, the Managing of Estates for Guardians. Administrators' and Execu tors, and the Foreclosure of Mortgages. : Will attend the courts of Stanly and Mont gomery counties. , Prompt attention given to all business in trusted to them. . Covington & Redwine, Monroe, N. C. T. L. Caudle, Wadesboro, N. C. Covington, Redwine & Caudle, . ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, '""'rai.tinA in 'nil states Courts. WADESBORO, N. C. the State, and- Un ited Special attention will be given to exami nation and investigation of titles to Real Estate, the drafting of deeds, mortgages, and other legal instruments; the collect ion of claims, and mangementof estates for Guardians, Administrators, and Executors. Commercial, Railroad, Corporation and Insurance Law. ',"'" Continuous and- painstaking attention will be given to all legal business. Office in the Smith building. W.ANNGRAM,M.D. SURGEON, WADESBORO, ;- - - N. C Railroad calls by wire promptly attended Office opposite .N ational Hotel. W. If. GRAY, I). I). 8., (Office ia Smith & L aalap Building. Wadesboro, North Carolina. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED. WOT 0)JI Colds are easily taken and often de velop into bronchitis or consumption. You should cure a cold promptly 'with Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup. This celebrated remedy is most effi cient and will cure a cold at once. QOUCH SYRUP promptly cures Stubborn Colds. ' Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. , Price 25 cts. At all druggists. It rest with you whether you continue the nerve-Eiiiing ioduco oaoiK. n v- j. v-u removes am aeatre ior too&cco, wn out nervouvUistreM, expels loou, re i sru tine, oarifies the bl tores lost manhood, makes you strong in neaitn, nerve and Docke book. boxes 400f0n cases cured. Buy C from your own druittrist. whe willTonch for as. Take it with Hl.xatlentlT. DersistentlT. One . i. unuaiiy cures; a ooxes, ez.ov, d to enre. or we refund mnm BUrlUc SMtd Co., ChJcafa, BaatrMl, Mmw T i4!)JJIi t 1 prepared W ham & IimV especially for vou. -which V wo iiuu iree. n treats or tno stomach disorders vorma. ti that every child Is liable to and tor which t?.ji..r Vermifuge V j has been snccestfaby used 1 1 iorjt.nau century. I I JOu bottlo bf Ball fcr Bo. I ' KTatS. I A CRY FOR RESCUE. A SOUTIIEKN WOJIAN S PLEA. A. S. H0RIS0N, ' -':;; DEALER IN. ' or r o o 1 I ' ;" yi V 1 h J; ( V I - I " v y a A Lailj of Eastern Korth t'aro- Iiu Plelares the Dreadful Conditions in that Section of the Fair State Under Negro Supremacy, Bronglit About by Greedy Folltieians Who Have. Sold Their Soul for Uold- White Girls Who Teach School Mast BO to Negro School Committeemen for Their Pay How Would : Wes tern Men Like Their Wives to be Arrested by Negro Consta bles and Tried by Negro Magistrates? A Southern Woman, in Charlotte Ob server. Men and women of North Carolina, to the rescue! They tell me it is waste of time to ap peal to a Republican for help. The idea in eastern Carolina is that there ia not one on the face of the earth that would not drag men and women and children to perdition and hurl them in for ten cents per head. That ia why the very name is a stench in their nostrils, but I have reason to know that there are men in western Carolina, and enough of them to save us from a degradation worse than death, who would not vote for fusion lsts if they knew what it means to ns. It would be useless to speak of the dis graceful act3 perpetrated in our State capitol two years ago; the very prince of darkness might well shirk the reading of such a record. I will only speak of the effects of some of their actions on us. How would you like for that fair young daughter of yours to have to get permis sion from three negroes to teach the white free white school? We have to submit to it and they have to go to a negro to get their wages. Every school in Vance county is under negro rule, directly or in directly. The superintendent appoints three negroes, and two white men, for the committee, or if there is a white man meari enough to vote against his race, he puts him and two negroes, in. Last spring the appropriation' for free schools in this township was somewhere about $ 300. The three negroes divided it thus: Seven teen dollars for the white school and the remainder to the black. , One of the white men complained to the superintendent and he said: "Go back and tell them if they do not allow you more than that I will appoint anoth er committee." Then they agreed for the white school to have $80. We pay nine-tenths of the tax; and take whatev er they allow ns to have. How would you like tor your wife or son to be arrested by a negro constable, and carried before three or four negro magistrate, to be tried for perhaps no offense at all, and have judgment given against them iri-the face of positive evi dence to the contrary? If we anneal to a higher court we have to pay our money and be tried before a Bepublican judge, with perhaps a jury that can be bribed to do anything. . uon t tnins ior a moment mat this is published to advance the interest of any party. I despise the very name of poli tics. I have no axe to grind no relatives that are looking for a soft place. Of course every white man in this portion of North Carolina is a Democrat who i3 not an infidel or an idiot, but they are not office-seekers. We have five negro vo ters to one white man in this township, and four out of five of these are worki ng hard to make a living and are being cheated out of their ;labor by high taxes and low prices just like the white man, They are afraii not to vote for Republi cans though they know it is bringing destruction on mem. j.ney come to us with pitiful stories of their privations, but it is simply impossible to make them understand the condition of things. One negro said two years ago, "If cotton does not go up after the election I will never vote that way again." A few weeks aqo he said he had found out all about it. Cleve land had taken the tariff off of everything a"hd they had shipped so much cotton here from Liverpool that we couldn't get anything for what we made. Suppose you had a large majority of ig norant people in yoar county and a man a member of the church, a son of minister of tie Gospel should get upon a public platform and tell them: "If white people don't do to suit you stick a torch to their houses and burn them over theif beads." Suppose a man was to tell your neighbors to vote for hiaa for solici tor and he would not notice their stealing a pig or a chicken; he was going for these white rascals that tried to cheat men out of their yotes? . Oh time would fail to tell of the villainous advice that is given to these poor ignorant negroes by every single office-seeker that has ever spoken in our country, a tew years ago a man in" Davidson county shot a woman- and the men in the' community never stopped until he was hung to a limb. Last year, a negro near Henderson went to a white woman's house and backed her head to pieces with an axe. They found her dead or dying next morning with her little babe crawling over her, dabbling in her blood. Did they hang the brute? Nay, verily,"-a Republican judge gave him 30 years in the penitentiary. Why was he not hung? ; They said it was against our North Carolina law to haug one for murder unless you could prove that he left home with the intention of committing the murder. I could write a ream of paper about the indignities we have to to suffer, and we are well off compared to what they are lower down, but it would be a waste of time. If any one thinks that Southern people will continue to bear it, and kiss the rod that smites them, let a hundred battle-grounds in old Virginia, where thousands of our brave sons and brothers are sleeping in untimely graves, bear witness to the contrary. Mothers, when you kneel by the little white cot to 'ask for protection for the precious, innocent sleeper, remember your eastern sisters and send up one petition that God' will not forsake them in their dire extremity Fathers, when you look on that fair young girl that you would aie to save from harm, remember that the pen of in spiration has written: "What measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again," and may God deal with . you in your direst need as you do with us in this mat ter. Oh! ye Republican office-seekers! Clothe your wives and children in purple and fine linnen and let them fare sumpt uously every day. Build palatial homea to shelter them with your ill-gotten gains, but as sure as the sun shines in the blue canopy of Heaven you will see the time that all your money will not shield you from the worm that dieth not, and the fire that is not quenched. And you Populists poor, pitiful jackals, crawling alter the Republican party, if perchance you may find somo fragments on the bones of truth, and honor, and justice, with which to glut yourselves may God have more mercy on you than you have had on us when the day of reckon ing comes! And on the back of everything else, nine-tenths of our postoffices are kept by the most contemptible negroes that they can find in the State. They have turned out widows with no other means of mak,-, ing a living, and honorable white men that gave every satisfaction to all con cerned, and put in negroes, that have not sense enough to know to which end of the road a letter ought to go. Per sons send , letters to the office to go off in haste, and perhaps in a week the same letter will come back to them. never having left the office at all. If it is a matter of life and death, sometimes you can t get your mail irom the omce till it is a week old, though you ask for it every day and regular office hours one has to go all over the village to fi d the post-negro to open the office and let you have your mail. It is not safe for any young lady to go to the office without a body guard. 'And what is all this foi? Why must we suffer such things? Veil your faces, oh ye angels, while I write! Simply because some men, made in the image of God, wants to get his hand in the public treas ury to steal the hard earnings of farm ers and other business men in North Car olina. Every one of them has stood in the presence of God and man and an gels and sworn to protect the constitution of the United States, but they care not that they stand perjured. They care for nothing but money and power. The cries of the oppressed is music in their ears. God pity them! God pity them! We rejoice in the prosperity of the colored race are always glad to know of any good fortune that may come to it. The kindest feeling exists between us and a majority of them, but they are too ignorant to rule us, or even themselves, and no one desires such a state ot things , except some one who is lost to every good impulse one that has given himself to Satan for a certain amount of money. There ia little doubt in the minds of any one who understands the situation that there will be blood shed, unless there is a material alteration in political affairs in the extreme eastern counties, and the brand of Cain will not sit lightly on the brows of politicians, hardened sinners though they be. If I could die to day, and save my mother State from the horrors that threaten her, I think I would willingly lay down my life to save her, but that would not ayail any thing; so I appeal to you, honest, faith ful Christian men, both white and black, to help u-; and may the Supreme Ru ler 01 tnis universe bless you in? your store, your children and grandchildren, your body and your soul, as you listen to the prayer of - - A Southern Woman. IN DEFENCE OF REV. JESSE II. PAGE. Watches, Clocks, Eje-Glasses, Spec tacies ano, Jewelry 01 all kinaa re paired on short notice. Inspected Watcnes for S. A. L. R IL four years. . ' Fourteen years experience. Can 2 found in Caraway's store on Wade ,C Li I n . ns mm m Pills Cure sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, gas in the stomach, diitreu and indigestion. Do not ireucen, Dut nay tonic effect. . 2s mt- Tbt only mis to take with Hood's BempexlU. Cigarette Stops ai Wedding. Midville, Neb. , Dispatch, 18th. ... Because her fiance, Harry Keldar, de tected the odor of cigarette smoke on her breath he left Miss Geneva Randsom at the altar, where they stood, awaiting to be married. He had previously discov ered that she smoked, but she had prom ised him that she would discontinue the habit. Shortly before the hour" set for th marriage one of the bridesmaids of fered her a cigarette ' r and she smoked it. As the clergyman commenced the cere- mony7 Keldar sniffed suspiciously. Then he leaned forward with his face close to the bride's. - "You've been smoking again?" he exr claimed. .. '" - . Miss Ransom vouchsafed no reply. Without another word Keldar turned and walked out of the house. The bride faint ed. The bridegroom's friends hurried out to bring him back. But Keldar wouldn't go. Nor would Miss Ransom liaye accepted him had he changed his mind. The match has been declared off. ' Mr. II. A. Gillelsnd an Hon est Populist, Besen'B the In solent Attack of a Negro Upon the Good Miulster, and Calls Upon White Men to Steer Clear of TralHelilBK in Principles. Charlotte Observer. . To the Editor of The Charlotte 0b " server: . I am an old man, a peaceable man and have always lired an honest man. Never in my life have I taken any active part in political affairs and I Bhould not do so now if it were not in defence of my dear old pastor, Jesse H. Page, when I see him assailed as a negro has done in your town, and feeling I am partly to blame for it, I feel that I would be a mean man to sit still and have nothing to say in defence of my dear old brother, whose name will live in the heart3 of his people, and ia defence of his country, long after such negroes as the one who wrote such insulting language (calling him a liar, etc.), are gone; , I wrote to Brother Page myself to know the truth of negro rule in the eastern counties. I hatl his first letter to me published without ask ing his consent Knowing the man as I do I felt that every word .is true. I felt that I wanted my friends to see and know, for them selves what was truth, having no thought of any reasonable, unpreju 'ded man, who knows Mr. Page, de ny ng what he says. And yet I find niqn that do not believe him. I have another letter from him, which I did not have published from the fact that there is such a howl over the first one, so I concluded I would not be instrumental in bringing up anoth er howl and thought I would keep quiet and let the office-seekers do the fighting, but, lo and behold! Up turns a vicious negro and calls my brothel a liar, insolently demand ing that he stop his "rot" and "lies," etc., and yet this negro calls him self a preacher! What kind of love do you call that? How mauy souls will he be instrumental, in the hands of God, in saving? I am thankful to say that we do not have such vicious fellows np this way and I feel that all good men, white or black, will denounce all such men as willlet their evil pa s Bionand hatred go so far as to induce them to write Buch lan guage. Now to my brother Populist friends what do you think of it? Or,- in other words, what do you think of a trading party that will undertake to join one side and fail to do so and then whirl back and join the party that they did not aim to defeat, and call the party tney wanted to loin all sorts of bad names because they failed to trade with it? Come back, brother, for vou will fiud it best to do so. Let politicians howl, but let us good common, solid-thinking white men come together and say this is our fair land and white men must rule it. H. A. GlLLELAND. Jonesville, Lincoln county, N. C, They Will Come Back. News and Observer. Judge Hines, of Atlanta, who, as the Populist candidate for Governor, receiv ea the highest number of votes any Populist ever received in Georgia, sees that there must be an end to his party in the South, and he proposes a pleasant way f r all Populists to get back home. Here ia his idea: "In the next State election I am will ing to let the Democrats and Populists run separate tickets in a white primary. If the Democratic ticket gets the most votes in such a primary, let the Populists retire, and the Democrats have an open field. If the Populists carry the day in such a primary, let the Democrats retire from the field, and not oppose the Pop ulist nominees. "I am willing, to extend this method to Congressmen and other officials." INCITED NEGROES SAUvr. TO AS- Tlie Iulatnens Speeh of a Repub lican in Richmond County. Raleigh News and Observer. - ;Laurinburg,N.C, Oct 21. The Repub- lican county candidates, in company with white Republican by the name of Henry Covington, are now making the county canvass. Yesterday Covington spoke- at Old Hundred and(made a villainous speech. He told the negroes they were the best race of people on earth. He also told them that when our white girls return from colleges and schools the negroes are usually employed to look af ter them and drive them about over the country, he added: 'If I were in your places I would pat my arms around them." To day they were billed lo speak at Mason's Cross roads, near here. The best citizens of Gibson, Laurinburg, Laurel Hill and the community gereral lyj resolved that they would not have a repetition of the occurrence. So they were promptly met by three hundred of our most determined element and ad vised to make no mora inflaming speech es in lower Richmond. . As lor Coyinton, he was made to stand op in a buggy and retract, saying he was sorry for what he said, and promisin g never to do so again. He was then put in his buggy and told to hit the grit, which he did. If men who call themselves white are determidedto go-round inflaming' the negroes, and abusing good white men and women, the people are determined that they shall seek other quaiters to carry on their nefarious business. BLACKBURN'S FATAL ADMISSION. Old fashions in dress may be revived. but no old-fashioned medicine can replace Chamberlain's tviic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. For sale by Jas. A.- Har dison. : . ' -How to Prevent Cronp. We have two children who are subject to atlacKs ot croup, whenever an at tack is coming on my wife gives them unamoeriain's Cough Remedy and it always prevents the attack. It is a house 1 1 j ' 1 - ... . . noiu necessity in inis county . ana no matter what else we run out of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines com bined; J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros., merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by das. a. iiaraison. . . Doa't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour life Iwiy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. fall or life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or II. Care guaran teed. Booklet and sample free Address Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago pt New York. No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. . Guaranteed tobacco habit care, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, 11. All druggists. SCROFULA ; One of .America's most fa mous physicians says: "Scrof ula is external consumption." Scrofulous cniliren are often t44'2f.1 - fwf.4 twit' li-ir lack nerve force, strong tones, stout muscles and power to resist disease. For delicate w children there is no remedy $ equal to. I Scott V Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- $ A phosphites of Lime and Soda. g m it iius out xne sun oy putting w $ good flesh beneath it. It makes $ Dentf 'Bodies A Misrepresenta tion. Charlotte Observer. This is from The Asheyille Regis ter, a Republican paper: 'It ia reported that Mr. Craig, the Democratic nominee for the Legis lature in this county, has been mis representing the law relative to the delivery of certain dead bodies to the1 medical institutions of the State. Mr. Craig tells the people, so it is said, that the law of 1897 provides that that the bodies of those who die in the almshouses and insane asylums are given to the medical schools; aud on this misrepresenta tation makes a pitiful appeal. Now we are willing for the truth to be de veloped, and"will stand or fall by it." The law 1897 provides that the bod ies of criminals who die in jails and prison hospitals, and who have been executed for crime shall be given to the medical schools. If, however, the bodies of these criminals are claimed by relatives who will inter them at their own expense, the au thorities are required to deliver them to their km people. Toe law ap plies only to the bodies of criminals who die in jails and prison hospitals or who are executed for crime, and only then when the expeuse of bur ial must be borne by the btate or county. The unfortunate in the poor house or the insane asylum is as secure from the operations or this act as the wealthiest family in the county, and Mr. Craig knows it." This is not true, we nave no right to say that its writer knew that he was misrepresenting the facts, but if he did not, he has no business to be writing so about something he knows nothing about. The law in question provides not only that the unclaimed bodies of dead crimi nals shall be turned over to the med ical schools for dissection, but also the unclaimed dead bodies of pau pers and lunatics dying in "public institutions." To satisfy himself of the truth of what we say, one has only to turn to chapter 203 of the laws of 1897. JNow, it is often im possible, by reason of distance aud lack of expeditious mail or telegraph facilities, for the authorities of our insane asylums to notify the family of the death of an inmate, in time for the body to be claimed. Take the State Hospital at Morganton, for instance, and if an inmate whose relatives live in the country dis tricts of Cherokee, Clay, Yancey, Anson, Union, Mecklenburg, Ashe or even Mitchel, an. adjoining coun ty. : should die, the body would, under this law, be shipped to one of the medical schools of the State for dissection, instead of being decent ly interred in the neat little ceme tery connected with the institution, because it would be impossible to notify these relatives in time for them to come for it In the case of patients of the Marganton Hospital I this shipment of bodies to the medi cal scaoois nas nor. occurred and win not, but only for the reasoo.that its superintendent, Dr. P. L. Murphv, was so outraged by it that as soon as he learned of the passage of this law that he declared his purpose to bury his people at his personal ex pense when he could not reach their relatives in time for them to come or send for their bodies. This is one of the most odious 'X White Nan of Properly er Respectability Will Live In w Couimuuitjr Uoiniuated b Ne jcroes." Statesville Landmark. Senator Pritchard was not the only Republican oratorical pebble on'the beach in Statesville this week. Assistant Dis trict Attorney E. Spencer Blackburn waa his forerunner, he having spoken at the court house Tuesday evening. Black burn is "noted for his attempted sky scrapping oratory, his poses and his ut ter recklessness of statement. ' Life is short and space in The Landmark is val uable, therefore -we didn't follow Mr. Blackbnrn'8 speech, but in the course of his remarks he made one startling ad mission which deserves notice. He was complaining about the Democratic speakers were doing the State great damage by representing that communi ties were governed by negroes. "What worse could you do for Statesville," he exclaimed, "than to let it be known aboard that the town was dominated by negroes and controlled by negro offi cers! No white man of respectability or property would come and locate among you!" . That's it, Mr. Blackburn. That's the Democratic argument, and you didn't think how it sounded -when you made it. What white man of respectability or prop erty wants to live in a community con trolled by negroes, as you say; and yet your crowd turned over Greenville, "New Berne, Wilmington and other towns and communities to them. Even if there are a few white men in office in these places the negroes control -them. And Senator Pritchard in his speech bemoaned the fact that this negro cry was damaging the reputation oftheState and working harm by creating race an tagonism. Who made it possible, pray! Does any sane man suppose that the white people of the ea3t who pay the tax es and own the property are going to sit quiet and be controlled by negroes rut over them by Senator Pritchard's friends! No; and when they resent what has been done for them by these fusionists, these latter cry out in alarm that the btate is injured and a race clash is threatened Much regard had they for the State's rep- putalion when they brought these things about. "COLORED L.1DIKV AD DRESS TO VOTERS, While-Livered Commend the CONDEMNED BY THEIR OWN. Anelher Prominent Republican or Wilmington Favers While Rule. Wilmington Messenger. A reporter of the Messenger last even ing called upon Colonel F.W.Foster, one of the most prominent and influential ot ihe Reoublican business men of Eas tern North Carolina, and lately chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover county, for the purpose of ascertaining his views upon the pres ent condition of affairs in our city. Mr. Foster said: "Taking into consideration the deter mined will and set purpose of the citi zens who represent the class of our citi zens who pay 95 per cent, of the taxes, to take control of affairs,! have remarked to quite a number ol people, and am still of the oninion. that it would be best at this time for the Republicans not to put a county ticket in the field. While I say this, I want to emphasize the fact that I firmly believe in the principles of the Re publican party." In speaking further of the terrible con dition of affairs here Colonel Foster said he recognized the fact that the pres ent movement was one by the business men and tax payers of the commuuity to administer and control their affairs. "I think," he said, "that the representa tives of 95 per cent, of the taxes paid ought to control. They ought not to be deprived of their priyilege of controlling the administration of their affairs. I want no citizen deprived of any of his rights or privileges to which he is en titled by reason of his intelligence and moral worth, yet I am heartily in favor of the control of affairs by the intelli gence, character arid property interests of any community." 'An Baking Powder Made from purs cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest mm a cm to health ol the present day. WOVM. SAKINQ PffntK CO., NW TOPIC CHAINED TO SEGUOES. Brand Men as Cowards and Daily Record. Wilmington Messenger. The "Colored Ladies" Association of Wilmington publishes the following in the "IJaily Kecord, the negro paper that slandered white women: "Resolved, That every negro who re fuses to register his name next Saturday that he may vote, we shall make it our Dustness to deal with him in a way that will not be pleasant. He shall be branded a white-livered coward who would sell his liberty and the liberty of our whole race to the demons who are even now seeking to take away the most sacred rights vouchiafed to any people. We are further "Resolved, To teach our children to love the party of manhood's rights and liberties, trusting in God to restore order out of the present confussion. Be it Resolved Further, That we have the3e resolutions published in our .Daily Re Cord, the one medium that has stood up for our righs when others have forsaken us. Respectfully submitted, An Organization of Colored Ladies." The Eyes of the Country Upon Us Charlotte Observer. The political situation in North Caro lina is attracting the attention of all the country. Our South Carolina and Vir ginia brethren of the press are watching narrowly the progress the the campaign and commentine on it frequently, and yesterday alone our attention was at tracted to editorial articles upon It from The Springfiield, Mass., Republican and The New Orleans States. That from the latter was with special refer ence to the vile articles which appeared a few weeks ago in the negro paper at Wilmington, in which it was alleged that the white women of the State are as much to blame as the negro men, who are lvnched for outraging them, if not more. The New Orleans paper ob serves that "it is safe to say that there is uot a con: munity in the South outside ot North Carolina but would have hung the black scoundrel who pen aed the article to the first lamp post." Certainly our people have been more than patient under this outrageous publication, and many other thing3 which they have en dured, but there is a better remedy for these thine3 than hanging the vil- lians to lamp posts. The remedy is to be fou id at the ballot-box, and if is not applied next month then indeed will the State be fairly obnoxious to the implied ceusure of it' contained in the foregoing quotation. We started out to say, however, that the eyes of the natiou are upon North Carolina, and unless the State rights it self at the coming election we are likely to fall under that contempt which is al ways visited upon cravens. White Boy Fourteen Tears Old Delivered by a Fusion Sheriu" to His Deputies Fettered to Two Negroes. Goldsboro, N. C, Oct. 20. V. J. Mc- Arthur and Jerre Mat this, deputies of the Fusion Sheriff of Sampson county, ar--. rived at Qoldsboro at noon to-day with Henry Johnson, a white boy, I4 years old chained to two negroes, en route to the penitentiary. While they were sit ting in the waiting room they were seen by many citizens of this county, whose indignation was excited by the pitiable " spectacle. The deputies were earnestly requested by many of our leading citizens to un chain the white boy from the hero pris oners. The deputies indignantly de clined, and stated that Sheriff Marshburn delivered them to them on the train chained togetherr that they should eat dinner together, and he proposed to car- 7 ry them to Raleigh, chained together. Many remonstrances were niaJe, and these proving unavailing, a warrant was issued and the deputies and their prison ers were taken before the magistrate's court, where the matter w:is investigated and where, to avoid judgment against them, the deputies agreed to separate the boy from the negroes. This was done, and the deputies departed with their prisoners for Raleigh. This is the second time within the last tew days that white prisoners have passed here chained to r.egroe3 in charge of Fu sion officials. The people of this community, irre spective of politics, are justly indignant at these repeated attempts to dagradethe white man. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale ot any Salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest DeoDlo to attempt to counterfeit it Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for De Witt s Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. J. A. Hardison. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bite3. burns, skin diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Wkch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits ot frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. J. A. Har dison. " Mood. It creates an appetite S for food and gives the body jg power enough to digest it, Be Q sore you get SCOT PS Emul- you get sion. ,; , ; '' - - "50c nd $1.00 ; all dmggkt.' ; SCOTT St BOWHE, Chemists, New York. ".. laws of the last Legislature, and there is no need for anybody to try to construe it away. It is there, in language s plain as language can be. See chapter 203, laws of 1897, page 344. - . An Explanation. The reason for the great popularity of Hood's Sarsasparilla lies in the fact that this medicine positively cures. It . is America's Greatest Medicine, and the American Ceople have an abiding . con fidence in its merits. They buy and take it for simple as well as serious ailments, confident that it will do them good. T Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. . Mailed . - r. t t y f t T A o r . r 11 g , ; . - . m, ior ou. uv vi. i. nuuu cc vu.t tioweu VCS CCCCCCSC 1 Mass. . . . To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo ot So. It C C C. lail to cure, druggists refund money. Public Statement From A Public Man Hon. W. H. Ohley, Ex-Seeretary of State of West Virginia, write an open letter. Charleston, W. Va., Mar. 9, 1898. To ivhom it may concern : "I most heartily recommend Pe-ru-nt as of great benefit-in cases of catarrh. It ia especially beneficial wherever th mucous membranes are affected. As 1 tonic it certainly has no superior." , W. H. Ohlkt, Ex-Secretary of State. Probably a Mistake on the Fart ot the 1'opulists. Raleigh Post. The Republicans, five-sixths of whom are negroes, have not the bras3 to deny that their's is the negro party. Not hav ing the brass to make this denial them selves, they have put forward Butler, Ayer, Thompson & Co., to deny it for them. These funniest of orators and writers say that the Republican party is the white man's party, and that the Democratic party is the negro party. Is it not strange that the 120,000 negro voters don't know which is their party, and that for 30 years they have been voting with the wrong party? And ia it not stranee that Holton and Hyams have printed the names of ne groes on their tickets lor Congress and Solicitor? And will print the names of neeroes on local tickets in thirty coun tiesr It is not strange that negroes exclusive ly attend the conventions of a party to which they do not belong:, and often nominate the ticket? May be those gocd and trnthful men, Butler, Ayer, Thomp son and Jenkius are mistaken. And may be the party which has 120,000 ne groes to 30,000 white voters, and which sends negroes to Congress, to the legisla ture, makes solicitors, magistrates, coro ners, treasurers, constables, policemen of nearly a 1,000 negroes, is really a negro party. And may be the party of 155,000 white men, with none dui wnite voters, can didates or officers, and asking for none but white votes, is really a white man's party. Knows How to "Ad." Charlotte Ob server. Mr. T.J. Anderson, general passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line, some times goes outside of the newspapers for a little advertising. Recently while iu the . Atlantic Hotel at Norfolk, Va., he observed a man who had fainted." Let me pass,"cried the genial railroader, elbowing his way through the surrounding crowd, "I am a doctor.' The people fell back ard the self-ap pointed physician found himself in front of his patient. His manner was some what heroic, for after pinching and pound ing the man, he took something from his pocket aud stuck it on the man's forehead, jamming his hat over it "to keep it from the air," he said, adding: "The effect of that plaster will be simply magical. Take off his hat in a few min utes and he will be completely well." With these words, he started for the Portsmouth boat. The crowd became denser every minute, awaiting the effect of the wonderful cure. After several minutes the man's hat was removed, witn surprise me peo ple gazed at the plaster. It was a "stick" on which was inscribed in large tyr e: "Go South via the Seaboard Air Line." Hon. W. H. Ohxkt. Pe-ru-na ha" cured thousands of ob stinate cases of catarrh, and is perhaps the only efficient remedy in existence for catarrhal diseases; but there are countless multitudes of people who are still struggling with catarrh and seed help. To snch as these the unqualified recommendation of Pe-ru-na by Ex- Secretary Ohley is directed. Pe-rtx-na is scientific and purely vegetable. AH druggists sell it. More than twenty million free samples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's ment3 do you want.' it cures nies, ourns scalds, sores, in the shortest space of time. J. A. Hardison. You invite disappointment when yon experiment. DeWitt's Litt'e Early Kis ers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. J. A. Hardison. v4 Untv, , lira Oliver Dockery says the -conditions in eastern North Carolina are ideal. Rev. O. L. Stringfield, one of the most prominent Uabtist min isters in the State, says: "Not oue- twentieth 01 the horrors 01 negro domination has been published in the papers. It is impossible tot print the picture as black as it real ly is. The patriotic white men of the west ought to come to the rescue of their brethren in the east at the ballot box in November." Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. ; 25c The genuine has L, B. Q. on each tablet THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also' to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fia Syeup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali forkia Fia Strut Co. with the medi cal profession, and ' the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy... It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritating or weaken ing them,- and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please" remember the name of the Company - - CAUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , saji raxx CISCO. Cal Lensnixx, kj. hew yorje. .i