I it v- . A. I If j 1?',' t b J f r ttia flmfftitrifr JAHES-.C. DOYLIN, Publisher. The Wadesboro Messenger and Wadesboro Intelligencer Consolidated July, 1888. PRICE, l.ooi.' SERIES-VOL I3.-N0. 17. Wadesboro, 11. C, Thursday, November 3, 1898. IV HOLE NUMBER 928 Extreme Weakness Chronlp Diarrhoea for Years Feet and Ankles Swelled and Blood Was Out of Order-Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. f I iu troubled with chronic diarrhea for eight yert and tried everything I was told wu food for it, bat no medicini'dld m any good. I kept op all the time but was ao weak I could not do anvthinir. Tf I walked a few hundred yards I would be out of breatt. Mr feet and ankles swelled Tery badly and I had about given np all hope of ever being welL I read about Hood's Sarsanariila. and. knawimr mr blood was out of order, decided to give it lair trial, i nave now taken nine or ten bottles of it and several bottles of Hood'r Pills, and I am perfectly well.M MBS. B. A. WARD, Battleboro, N. C. Sarsa-parilla Is the Best hi fact the One True Blood Purifier. BoM by an druggists. $1; six for 5. IHIood's HAAfic D:il are the best after-dinner amuiruo r ilia pIU8t aid digestion. 250. R. T. Ba.NKTT, J wo. T. Bennett Crawford D. Bennett. Bennett & Bennett Attorneys-at-Law, Wadesboro, - N. C Last roonrt on the right in the court house. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Special attention given to the examination and investigation of Titles to Real Estate, drawing Deeds and other instruments, Col lection of Claims, the -Managing of Estates for Guardians, Administrators and Execu tors, and the Foreclosure of Mortgages. Will attend the courts of Stanly and Mont gomery counties. ' Prompt attention given to all business in trusted to them. Covington & Redwine, Monroe C. T. L. Caudle, Wadesboro, N. C. Covington, Redwine & Caudle, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, WADESBORO, N. C. Practice in all the State, and United Mates conns. Special attention w.ill be given to exami nation and investigation of titles to Heal Estate, the drafting of deeds, mortgages, and other legal instruments; the collect ion of claims, and mangementof estates for Guardians, Administrators, and Executors. Commercial, Railroad, Corporation and Insurance Law. - Continuous and painstaking attention will be given to all legal business. Office in the Smith building. . W. A. INGRAM, M.D. SURGEON, WADESBORO, - - - N. C. Railroad calls by wire promptly attended Office opposite National Hotel. W. F. GRAY, D. D. 8., (Office in Smith & Lanlap Building. Wadesboro. North Carolina. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED. THE ANGLO-SAXON Remarkable Demonstra tion at Goldsboro. GUTHRIE AMD FOUNTAIN ARE FOR WHITE RULE. Constant coughing is very annoying, and the continuous hacking and irri tation will soon attack and injure the delicate lining of the throat and air Sassages. Take advice and use Dr. all's Cough Syrup in time. This wonderful remedy will cure yon. COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Doftes are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it Price 25 eta, At all druggists. It mta with you whether yon continue the rvoiuvoi tuo uevre tor coDacco, w ouinervgm autre, expelsn tine, purines the blood, re- wrci aw mauuugu, and pocket- poos. i 1 Mill -m A V . . . a w la StSa boXM 4jvi AAA cured. Bur JTO-TO-BAC from your own droplet, who Touch (or os. Take it with MtlentlT. MralntAiitlT On. box, 1, usually cores; 3 boxes, S.M, ruteed to en re. or we refund money. Irea are a source of comfort. They are a source 01 care. also. If you care for your child's health, send for illustrated book on the disorders to which children are subject, and which , Frejr's Vermifuge una cureu ior 50 years. 1 seuu y nan Mr a Mat. St 8. FRET, Baltimore, Ud. A. S. MORISON, DEALER IN Jkl o JO or 0 Watches, Clocks, Eye-Glasses, Spec tacles and Jewelry of all kinds re paired on short notice. Inspected Watcnes for S. A. L. E. K. four years. Fourteen years experience. Can be fonnd in Caraway's store on Wade jtreet. ' The Eflgeconibe Couuly Fusion 1st Leaders Endorsed All That Klmuiong aud Gallirie Said and Will Support White So preinacy MMjor Ciathrie Pre sided and Made a Great Speech He Drew a Parallel Between the Present Times and Those of the Rescue of the Jewish People Jrom Baby lonian C'aptlflty Resolutions in Favor of While Vovern- ment Adopted. Goldsboro, "N". C, Oct. 28. Ten thou sand white citizens of North Carolina met here to-day and declared they would free the people of the State from negro rule. It was the greatest and mist en thusiastic meeting ot the Anglo-Saxon race known in all the history of the State. : Every section of North Carolina was represented, but the lagest represen tation was from the East, where the ne groes have been placed in evere political office from Congressman to magistrate. The object of this great mas3 meeting. which was called by Hon. P. M. Sim mons, chairman of the Democratic State executive committee, was to publish to the world a true and deliberate statement of the deplorable political conditions ex isting in Eastern North Carolina, and more especially to show to the people of all sections of the State the exte"t to which the negro has been pushed as a re sult of the Republican-Populist fusion. Resolutions giving these facts and call ing upon the people of all sections of the State to come to the rescure of the white men in the East were introduced by ei- Governor Thomas J. Jar vis. A. dozen of the most prominent and foremost citizens of the State seconded the motion for the adoption of these resolutions. GREAT ENTHUSIASM. The enthusiasm manifested by the great conyention, which was held in the open air, can be well compared to a great tidal wave. It swept everything before it. The speakers were constantly inter rupted by cheering, and when the reso lutions were adopted pandemonium broke loose. Ihese ten thousand white men cheered themselves hoarse. They mani fested a spirit of enthusiasm and deter mination which made it apparent to eve ry one that the old North State will be freed from negro domination November 8th. PROMINENT POPULISTS TAKE PART. Hon. Wm- A. Gutherie. who two vears ago was the Populist candidate for Guv nor, made his first public appearance as a Democrat He presided over this ereat white man's convention, and in delivering his speech of accptance he was accorded an ovation. The sensation of the day was the an- pearance in the convention of W. E. t ountam, of Edgecombe, who was until four months ago the chairman of the Pop ulist State executive committee. He is now chairman of the Populist congres sional committee in the Second district, where the negro Congressman, George H. White, resides. The vast audience had no intimation that Fountain had united with the Democrats to restore white government until he took the floor. He declared that the white men of the State had to get together for their own preservation. He pledged his efforts to defeat his old associates, from whom he broke away to-day. . MAJOR GUTHRIE PRESIDES. When Major Guthrie arose the great assemblage turned loose its pent up ea thusiasm and accorded an ovation to the new champion of white supremacy. It was a flattering reception that Major Guihrie received. In accepting the tem porary chairmanship he made a magnifi cent speech.lt was eloquent t was forceful, it was logical and withal it carried a spirit of sincerity and conviction that moved and swayed the vast assemblage. Major Guthrie mast have felt at home. His ef fort was one of which he may feel proud. REV. MR. JOURNEY INVOKES PRAYER. Before beginning his speech Major Guthrie said: In this great crisis in the history of our State and before we decide upon further policy, I shall ask the Rev. Mr. N. M. Journey to lead in prayer. Every man arose and every head un covered as Rev. Mr. Journey began pray er. The minister invol-ed the divine blessing of the Almighty on the occasion . ; He made a beautiful prayer. Major Guthrie taid: "Fellow citizens and white men of North Carolina: "We have met here to-day from all .sections of North Carolina and we have met to exercise the high constitutional privilege of meeting together to consult one another among ourselves for the pub lic, good. This is a right guaranteed by our constitution..- This right stands side by side with the right to petition the leg islature for redress against all grievances and let us not forget that these princi ples were given us by the Anglo-Saxon race. It is meet and proper that we should meet here in Wayne to-day on the border of the black belt. Men of the western part of State and central North Carolina want in format iou on this snbject We have met here to-day to ex change views to see if there is not a rem edy that can be proposed. The men ot 9 a.(& m uure au liver ins, Dilious- ness, headache, aour atom- I Qj all ach, Indigestion, conatipa- I,r IIIC tion. They act aIlT, with- U II ka? oot pain or grip. Sold by U draggttta. Scents. The vnlr nua to tako with Hood's gampKUa. North Carolina will decide in the right as they have always done. I want to offer to Mr. Simmons. , and the committee whom he represents my pei son al thanks for the honor conferred upon me in being temporarily called upon to preside over the meeting. I want us to lay aside our party difier ences and prejudices and come breast to breast as white men and settle this ques tion. . Pardon me for saying so, but it was the proud boast of the People's party of North Carolina, from its organization in '92 until the last election m '96 that the Populist party of North Carolina did not have a negro vote in it I stand here today as I have stood from the beginning advo cating the principles of the People's party. I only mention this in passing But I say we must lay aside all party dif ferences. . Is there a good white man in North Carolina who loves his State and loves his race that wants to perpetuate the ex isting condition of things. If there is let him and rise and say it. Now what Is the remedy? What brought these conditions? I can answer in two words. Parties and prej udice. In the last election there were 120,000 white voters and 120,000 negro voters. It is plain that if the white peo ple want to come together and remove this eyil they have the remedy at their own hands. These 120,000 negroes went to the polls in the last election and voted as one man in solid phalanx. They did so at I he dictation of the white bosses. If the negroes were told to vote for the dry skin of a miserable jackass labled Re publican they would do so in preference to voting for the best citizen of North Carolina. There were four parties in the State two years ago. The Democratic party having in its ranks the largest number of white citizens cast 145,000 white votes for Watson for Governor. The Populists came next They cast for me as their representative 31,000 votes. The white Republicans cast 30,000 and the negroes 120,000. There were 5,000 professed Populists who under the leadership of men that bought that party, cast 5,000 votes for the Republican candidate and he was elected. They were renegade vo ters and they elected their man. We have it in our power to protect the white men in the negro counties. All we have got to do is to elect white men to the legislature The Supreme court has recently given us a lawful rem edy. It is the highest authority in our State. We must giye Halifax and Edge combe . and other counties a different form of government. We must let the Legislature elect the magistrates in those counties and let the magistrates elect the county officers. This is the remedy. Though I was betrayed as the candi date for Governor of the Populist party two years ago I did not sulk. I had rather now live, as I am living, a private citi zen under white government than to be Governor of North Carolina with ne gro rule. Seventeen Populists betrayed their party in the Legislature and re-elected Senator Pritchard to the Senate. What did they get for it? "Magistrates!" yelled some one. No; they got postmasters and revenue deputies. They sold out their party. Those professed Populists and traitors carried the Populist farmer over to the ne groes, ihere he is to-day. The white man's flag is good enoogh for me to fight under. I want every Populist in Horth Carolina to undnrstand it and vote ac cordingly. ! I want the Republicans to understand it. I was once a Republican, but when that party became the enemy of the people I turned my back upon it. It is not the party it once was. It is like the potatoe, the best part of it is under ground. ' Major Gutherie here read passages from several chapters from Nehemiah. He told the story of the destruction of the walls of Jerusalem and the capture of that city by Cyrus and the Persians. And how j afterwards Nehemiah rebuilt the wall laying brick with one hand and using" ; the sword with the other. He drew a parallel from the administration of the fusionists to this great historical event. It was a forcible illustration and moved the crowd to the wildest enthusiasm. He said the white people would rebuild the wall against negro supremacy, which Russell and his crowd had torn down as did Nehemiah of old. We are a race of peop le who carry the Bible in one hand and the sword in the other like the Hebrews of old. We sub mit to the teachings of this Holy book. We live in amity and peace. . If the black race attempts to put its foot on us, we will wipe it from the face ! of the earth. (Cheers.) Referring to the Bible which he held in his hand Major Gutherie said this is a book which the fusionists never carry in their hands. (Great cheering). It is not the book carried by the party that wants to put the negroes heel on the people. Major Gutherie here read several pas sages from the Bible. Before opening the book, he said: "If there are any fu- ionists here, I don't want them to go away and say that I read a Democratic Bible." This caught the crowd and pan demonium broke loose. The cheering lasted several minutes. Men professing to be Populists, who two years ago were begging me to go out on the campaign and who paid my ex penses are now cursing me from one end of the State to the other. These curses will reverberate on their heads. "We belog to that race of people that gave us Ensign Bagley, who perished at Cardenas; Shipp who sacrificed his life at Santiago; Hobson, who sunk the Mer rimac, and Blue, whose daring bravery excited the greatest admiration. If McKinley should send one company of Federal troops to North Carolina the Anglo-Saxon race wouid rise up as one man and carry the State by 50,000 ma jority. 'We will go to the election on Novem ber 8th, armed with ballots. We shall see that our wives, daughters and sisters may live at home in peace and traverse the soil of North Carolina without dan ger. We will let it be understood that we will enact wholesome laws and put honest men in offices. Our motto in North Carolina shall be white govern ment "If it comes to thatonr wives and daughters and fair women have got to be submitted to insults and indignities on the streets and public highways, we will resort to the virtue of shot guns. MIf the people of North Carolina will come together with spirit and determioa tion we will build up our broken walls, as they did in Jerusalem, in 12 hours and you will hear a shout of gladness go upoverthe State. , THE RESOLUTIONS. The resolutions adopted follow: "We, a portion of the citizens of eastern North Carolina, in mass-meeting assem bled, being mindful of the obligation we are assuming and being desirous of in forming our fellow-citizens of the condition affairs in our sectiou of the State, do pub lish to the World the following plain state men ts of facts: " "First, The population of this section of our State is divided into two distinct races the Anglo-Saxon and the Afri can. "Second, That in soma coaaties the whites exceed the blacks ami in other.t the blacks largely exceed the whites, but in all of them the negro is fotvid in large numbers. "Third, It is not claimed, even by his white leaders, that the negro is capable of administering a government; on the con trary, the man who is the present Governor of the State has declared in ttie must em phatic language that he is wholly unfitted for it. ""Fourth, That In many of the counties, cities and towns of the east the local gov ernments have beenlurned over wholly or in part to the negroes. Among these we mention Bertie, Craven, Edgecombe, Hali fax, New Hanover, Warren, Greenville, Newbein and Wilmington. In these coun ties, cities and towns, c negroes may be found holding the offices of register of deeds deputy sheriff, constable, justice of the peace, school committeeman, town com missioner, policeman and the like. In sev eral other counties many of the post-offices are filled by them. "Fifth, That counting offices of register of deeds, deputy register of deeds, deputy registers, deputy sheriffs, constables, jus tices of the peace, school committeemen, town commissioners, postmasters, collec tors, storekeepers, gaugers and the like, here are now in office in the counties and towns in eastern North Carolina nearly l,0ca negroes, there being nearly 300 negro magistrates alone. "Sixth, That as a consequence of turn ing these local offices over to the negroes bad government has followed, homes have been invaded and the sanctity of women endangered, business has been paralyzed and property rendered less valuable, the majesty of the law has been disregarded aud lawlessness encouraged. In many localities rnen no longer rely upon the of ficers of the law for protection, for they are known to be incompetent or corrupt. Con ditions have become so intolerable m these communities that they can be no longer tol erated or endured. "Seventh, That this negro domination was made possible and these deplorable conditions were brought about through a division of the white men at the ballot-box. Had the while men remained together as they did for many years these things could not have deen. ' Eighth, That knowing these evils came about through a division of the white men, the white man's party has been, zealously working for months to reunite the white men at the ballot-box, where these wrongs can be righted and these evils remedied. "In view of these thiags, it is resolv ed: "First, That the Republican leader shave a second time clearly demonstrated their inabilityand their unfitness to govern North Carolina. "Second. That the time has come when those who have followed these leaders should no longer do so and that all men who love their State and their homes should unite in one supreme effort to redeem the State and to place honest, capable men in office in State, count j, city and town. "Third, That our appeal has been, is now and shall continue to be the ballot-box and to honest white men. - We have contem plated no violence, but we are determined to use all proper means to free ourselves of this negro dominationwhich is paralyzing our business aud which hangs like a dark cloud over our homes. "Fourth, That we declare it is not our purpose to do the negra any harm. It is better for him, as well as for us, that the white man shall govern; that while we propose to protect and encourage him in all his rights and duties cf citizenship, we affirm that North Carolina shall not be tie groized. It is of ah the States of the Union peculiarly the home of the Anglo-Saxon, Puny. (Children "Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, puny child ? Its muscles and nerves are so thoroughly ex hausted that they cannot be whipped into activity. The child needs food; a blood making;, nerve-strengthrafing; and muscle-building food. Scott's Emulsion of God-Liver Oil Is all of this, and you still have a tonic in the hypophosphhes of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure you get SCOTTS Emulsion. 5- Joe and (1.00, U druggist. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Nw York. and the Anglo-Saxon shall govern it. "Fifth, That we affirm that no such con ditions exist in (his 8tate as justify . .Sena tor Pritchard In calling upon the President to send troops to this State r the Governor iu issunmg ais brutal proclamation, and we hereby condemn in the most unmeasured terms the conduct of Senator Pritchard and Governor Russell in attempting to make it appear to the outside world that the des cendants of the men of Mecklenburg, Hal ifax, Albermarle, the Cape Fear, of Ala mance, Guilford Court House and King's Mountain need the military power of the government wieb they helped to create aud organize to compel them to observe the law. The white men of this State, above all others, are interested in maintaining law and order, and for them to be charged by Senator Pritchard and Governor "Russell with having a purpose to become insur rectionary citizens is a foul slander, and we denounce them. They have been lea ders in establishing negro domination among us and they are therefore responsi ble for the conditions now ixisting and in appealing to the President to send troops into this State to aid them in maintaing ne gro domination, they have shown they care less for the honor and reputation of their Slate than they do for their official position. "Sixth, That it is in the power of the Leg islature to restore to the white men of the east the management and control of their local affairs; that if the Democratic party shall be placed in control of the Legisla ture this will be done. ' If the Republican party is placed in control , It will not be done. We, therefore, appeal to our white brethren in every section of the State to gc to the ballot-box on the day of election and vote for the Democratic candidates for the Legislature. "Seventh, That a learned and pure ju diciary is necessary to the preservation of the rights of the weak, as well as of the strong. The Democratic candidates for this high position are men learned in the law and of eminent fitness for this great office. We, therefore, appeal to all men who desire learned and pure men to sit upon the bench to work and to vote for the Democratic candidates. "Eighth, That the president and secre tary of this meeting are hereby directed to cause this statement of facts aud these res olutions to be published iu all the papers of the Slate, and that the Democratic execu tive committee is requested to give them the widest possible circulation among the people." KEITH ROLL APSES. Will Retire From Polities and Resume Business at the Old Stand. Wilmington Star. Mri B. F. Keith requests publica tion of the following announcement: Owing to the deplorable condition of the politics of the Sixth district, and the bitterness of feeling which it has engendered and the fact that my business now demands my per sonal attention, I iiereby withdraw from any further participation in this campaign as I cannot afford to sacrifice my business interests for political consideration. I have al ways been, and still am in favor of Anglo- Saxon supremacy in all things pertaining to our State, as well as our National government and I have always tried to make it plain to all fair-minded people in all my efforts for the betterment of our people. . Kespectfnlly, B. F. Keith. The Salvation of Society at Stake Extract from Col. A. M. Waddell's recent Wilmington speech. What a commentary it is upon our boast ed civilization that here, in the most quiet and conservative of the original thirteen States,, and at the end of the nineteenth centnry, we are reduced to the pitiful ne cessity of choosing whether we will live un der the domination of negroes led, by a few unprincipled white men, and see the rum of all we hold dear, or prove ourselves worthy of the respect of mankind byre- storing good government at all hazards and at every cost. Yet this is the issue and the only issue in the pending election. There is with the people of eastern North Carolina no question of gold or silver, or tariff, or the like, and still less any question of mere local and factional politics. The man who would, even for a moment, inject such an issue into the contest is both a fool and an enemy of society. We are in the presence of a crisis before which all such questions sink into insignifi cance. The satvation of society depends on the outcome of this election not ttie resto ration of good government only, or the pro tection of property, or the reduction of tax ation, or of the public expenditures, but all these, together with the preservation of peace, and good order, aud prosperity for all of both races. To suppose that under such circumstances North Carolinians will fail to meet the issue squarely and manfully is to attribute to them an imbecility and a pusillanimity which they have never, in the two hundred years of their history, exhibit ed, and which would make them forever comtemptible in the eyes of the civilized world. - -. . - . . Are we less intelligent, or less courage ous, or more degraded than the people of the other States who have settled this ques tion for themselves? What is the matter with us? : 1 will tell you. We are afflicted with an excess of the virtue of forbearance which, beyond a certain point, ceases to be a virtue at all, and becomes a want of self-respect. A Sore Sieu of Croup. Hoarseness in a child that is subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the at tack. Many mothers who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and hud that it saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale ly Jas. A. Uardison. In 1887 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh, of Alien town, Term., had au attack of dysentery which became eb'onic "I was treated by the best physicians in East Tennessee with out a cure," he says. "Finally 1 tried Chamberlain's Cotic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keraedy. After using about twelve bottles 1 was cured sound and well." For sale by Jas. A. Uardison. EUacato Your Bowels With CascareU. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. lc,25c II a G.G. fall, drugsuw reload money. SOME VERSES. FOR WORTH CAROLINA. The Editor or-the Slate Re calls a Poem He Learned When a Boy. Columbia State. If our North Carolina friends feel the need of a poetic stimulus to their efforts for the redemption of the Old North State we beg leave to com mend to them the spirited verses which are subjoined. They were written 30 years ago, in 1868, and the editor of the State as a little boy memorized them then so thoroughly that he recalls them in full, although he has not seen them in print Bince they appeared that year in the New York Day-Book. The writer was a western farmer. Prophetic these lines proved to be. At the time they were composed Seymour was competing with Grant for the presidency. The negro was not yet in practice a voter. Recon struction was not complete. Carpet bag, scalawag and negro rule was yet in the future. The era of "good stealing" had not set in. Yet in ten years 1 f rom that time the destiny of the South had been fulfilled and the black shadow passed from every State. In ten years the whites "ruled the land" again, despite num bers, and bayonets and the war ha tred of the North. And the world approved. Even Northern Repub licans acquiesced. The issue reyived in North Caro lina; and with the issue comes the thought that burns in the verses: The whites shall rule the land or die! The purpose glows in hearts of steel; With burning cheek and flashing eye We wait what waiting may reveal. But come what may the whites may hold What white men's patriot valor brought; Our grandsires' ashes not yet cold, Hallow the soil for which they fought. Shall low born scum and quondam slaves Give laws to those who own the soil? No! by our grandsires' bloody graves, No! by our homesteads bought with toil. Our rights are rooted in the land, Our law is written in the sky; Fate flings the fiat from her hand: "The whites shall rule the land or die!" fare a Cold iu One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refunc money if it fails to cure. 555c I he genuine has L,. B. Q. on each tablet. Insane Slnu on a Street Car. Atlanta Oct 28. W. G. Shock- ley, an insane farmer of Auburn county, Ga., cut tbeVhroat of J. D. Bishop and wounded Police Captain John Thompson, on a street car to day. Robert McCoy, an ex-policeman, in effecting the capture of the demented murderer, was seriously, but not fatally, stabbed. Bishop died instantly. Shockley called at the police station during the morn ing and asked to be locked up as he was going insane, but was thrown out of the station. Shockley then called on Governor Atkinson and asked for protection, aud while the Governor was tele phoning the police, the insane man departed. Shockley was sitting next to Mr. Bishop in the street car, and without a word drew a razor, reached around aud nearly severed the head from the body. Shockley is under arrest. Constipation prevents the body from ridding Itself of waste rr atter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trou ble aud cure Sick Headache, Billious ness. Inactive Liver and clear the Com plexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. J. A. Hardison. Late to bed and eaily to rise, prepares a man lor his home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Erly Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. J. A- Hardison. To Cora Constipation Forever. - - " wvui..vm V. If C C CL fail to cure, druggists refund money. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Srsup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California. Fig Stbup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding' the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia. FlS SrRUP Co. with t.Ka mAi. cal profession, and the satisfaction wrucn tne genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of familion. m the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, a it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not mrirm urn- nauseate. In order to get its beneficial enecis, piease remember the name of the Company- - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AW FRANCISCO. CaL BLACK AliD WHITE RADICALS. Dishonorable Kwuavet Klionld be Treated as Such ou all Oc casion. W. J. G. in Raleigh Observer. To the Editor: Thirty years' of re flection has confirmed me in the convic tion laid down in the Democratic State convention of 1868, that social ostracism is the only preventive or curative for fecial negro equality as practically enun ciated and taught by so-called white men, creatures with white hides but black hearts. Since the primal caurse fell on his orignal progenitor Ham by his father Noah, the negro has - no alterna tive. Indelible mark lrorn that day down, accentuated by inherent instincts, leaves him no alternative. Negro he has been, negro he is, and negro he will continue to be, is as fixed and ineradicable as a decree of fate. No one blames him for it, if he only elects to be a decent, well behaved negro, as many there have been and many there be. It's only oblivion of the fact that he is one that makes him unnatural and obnoxious. The part of ruler over white men is not in his do main, never has been and never will be. So much for the black component of this unfortunate and mischief making race, most respectable, however.of all its components. To explain the paragraph, be it known oh, brothers of the governing race, that some there be who bear our mark of the white skinned tribes, who would rather be of the ebony race, asham ed to be the sons of Shem, preferring to be naturalized amongst the descendants of poor Ham. Incredible, incredible, if it did not stare us in the face. Well, let them exercise their option to their shame and that of their progeny. If a white man prefers to be a negro to a White man such is his indubitable right, barring taste. But it is our indubitable right, nay, bounden duty, to tieat him a3 such if he so elects. When one of his black comperes enters your stable, smoke house or poultry -yard and appropriates the contents of either to his own use, he is given a striped livery at the State's ex pense and comes back a disgraced and debarred malefactor". What special immunity from like pen alty, or at least the penally of honest con tempt, has he who for his low, base, sel fish ends, embodied in a paltry office, conspires to steal your binhright and that of your children, and to degrade the better element of society by putting it beneath such as he and their ignorant black allies? The crime in the latter case is ten thousand times greater than any supposable in the other, and yet this gea try, especially if they have achieved their devilish ends and subverted the normal condition of affairs by securing the prefix "honorable" to their dishonorable names, are recognized in public by some as so cial equals, and treated as such under the family rooftree. When the greatest of felonies is thus tacitly compounded, the natural outcome is a cumulative brood of new fledged felons of kindred kidney. Brothers, this condition should not ex ist. Dishonorable knaves should be treat ed as such on all occasions. I have said my say. Some Things for White .lie 11 to Remember. Morehead City Pilot. Poor white men, do you forget the fact that it was a negro newspaper, a news paper published by a Republican in the interest of the Republican party, that said: "Poor white men are careless in the matter of protecting their women, espe cially on the farms." And said further: "Our experience among poor white peo ple in the country teaches us that women of that race are not more particular in the matter of clandestine meetings with colored men than are the white men with colored women;" and said further that some of the negroes who have out raged white girls traveling along lonely roads perhaps carrying their father's dinners, "were sufficiently attractiye for white girls o culture and refinement to fall in love with them." And, gentlemen, have you forgotten that when the Democratic press com' men ted upon and denounced the negro scoundrel who published the scandal, the Republican organs took up the cud gel in his defense and said he was put up to it by Democrats? Are you going to.further associate with and vote with and for a race of people who express such an opinioa of your wives? Are you going to give your vote to sustain a party that elevates to office such scoundrels, such slanderers of poor white women, your wives and daughters! Are you going to thus give your endorse ment to the outrages upon the white wo men of the country which are occurring almost every day'at the hands of ne groes! God forbid! Help is wanted when the nerves be come weak and appetite fails. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives help by making the Diooa ricn ana pure. A Patriarch Iu Israel. Farmyille Cor. Greenville Reflector. Mr. Thomas Harris, and old man 81 years old, who voted the Populist ticket ever since the prarty was organized, was among the first to approach the speaker and ask for a button, saying that he had not voted a straight Democratic ticket for sixteen years, but he expected to leave as a sacred heritage to his children pro bably the last vote of his life a straight Democratic ticket. n Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar Safeguards the food against alum Alum fcakine powders are the greatest cers to health of the present day. menacers 1 DOVM. BtKWO POWOER CO., HCW YORK. CHIEF EMilSEEK OF DEVILTRY. Overcome evil with ?md. f)vormm vour coufh and rolik wtth Onp nni,. Cough Cure. It is so good children cry ijr iu cures croup, bronchitis, pneu monia, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. J. A. Hardison. A cough is not like a fevpr Tt rW nnt have to run a certain course Cure it quickly and effectually with One Min ute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all agesand tor the most severe cases. We recommend it .because it's good. J. A. uuuuun. It Trouble Comes Work Should Begin at the Head of the List. Wilmington Dispatch. In referring to the possibility of trouble between the races, Hon. Alfred W. Wad dell, in his speech last night, said: "If trouble comes the white leaders of the negroes will be held responsible for it, and the work should begin at the top of the list. I would have no doubt as to who I mean. I refer to Governor Rus sell, who is the chief engineer of all the deviltry and meanness from which we suffer. I know that this will be rigidly and fearlessly performed." " This sentiment was cheered to the echo, and the feeling of the audience plainly showed that those present would know where to strike il trouble came. ASprcimeu Fasiou Lie. Pittsboro Record. It is amusing as well as disgusting to see to what desperate straiti the Repub licans are driven, as is evidenced by the campaign lies that are being circulated by them. One of their latest is the state ment that an old colored Democrat in this county, named Tip Alston, was elect ed a door-keeper in the Legislature, some years ago, and was paid $i a day. Now, it so happens that no part of this state ment is true. Tip was not elected -a door-keeper, nor was he paid $i a day. He was appointed, as were some other negroes by different legislatures, a sim ple laborer to carry wood and water and do such other menial work as negroes are accustomed to doing for white people and was paid the usual price that all our Legislatures have paid for such work. And yet Republicans seize upon this as an instance of Democrats putting negroes in office over white people! No, tbe difference between the Dem ocrats and Republicans in this respect is very striking. The Republicans elect negroes as members of the Legislature and then appoint white employees to wait on them, while the Democrats elect only white men to the Legislature and appoint negroes to wait on them? Xew Book. The Seaboard Air Line has issued this season three handsome illustrated book lets, "Winter Excursions," "Southern Pines" and "Sportsman's Guide," These are now ready for distribution and will be sent free of cost to any address. Their " Winter Excursions" gives full informa tion in regard to Rates and Routes to the best Winter Resorts in the country. The "Sportsman's Guide" is one of the hand somest and most complete books of its kind ever seen by U3. Its make up is ar tistic from cover to cover and it contains, not only information in regard to hunting grounds, guides, dogs, Hotel rates, &c, but a digest of the Game Laws of the States covered by it and some actual experieces of Hunters along the line of the Seaboaid Air Line. The "Southern Pines" booklet is also very artistically gotten up, and the information contained covers every point. Any or all of these will be mailed upon application to Mr T. J. Anderson, General Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va. Sad Tragedy Occurs not Far From Roek Hill. Rock Hill, S. C, Speb.al, 26th, to Col umbia State. News of a sad tragedy comes from Edge more, Mr. P. M. Blanks, a respectable farmer of that section, purchased yester day afternoon a bottle of chill cure from Mr. Sidney Robinson's store, taking it home with him. This morning he administered doses to his wife and four children. The effect was unlooked for. Mrs. Blanks died this morning; the oldest boy, aged 6, died a few hours ago, and a little girl was ex pected to die when the messenger came here this afternoon seeking physicians. Fame Going to Waste. "What was your chief impression of New York?" "Well, I never before saw a city so fnll of unknown celebrities." The Booner a cough or cold is cured without harm to the sufferer the better. Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is distressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste. J. A. Hardison. When you ask for De Witt's Witch Ha zel Salve don't accept a counterfeiter im itation. I here are more cases of rues being cured by this, than all others com bined. J . A. Hardison. M'I'I'I'IIII.IiI.IiIiIiM.I.IiI.I.I.IiI.y iPYNY-PECTORAL! A QUICK CURB FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, g VERT VALUABLE rmA. 1. n 1 -i w m vv THROAT OR LUNGS. Larf BottUs, xse. DAVIS k LAWRENCE CO., Urn.' Pwt or Pimy Davu Paib-Kium, i --

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