his Iitfdltg tttfp ClttCf JAMES C. BOYLIN, Publisher. . Trje Wadesboro Messenger and W desboro Intelligencer Consolidated July, 1888. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR NEW SERIES-VOL I4.-N0. 52. ' Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday. July 26, 1900. WHOLE NUMBER 998 J Founded 1842. fIANos "Sing their own praise." Practical demonstration is the proof of merit and we have ST1EFF PIANOS all over North and South Carolina, giving per fect satisfaction in every particular de manded of a perfect instrument. As we sell direct from factory to consumer you secure the "Acme of Perfection in the art of piano construction"' a product founded on expe rience of 58 years at a very reasonable ' price. Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., and yon too will be numbered among onr patrons. Fine tuning andTepairing. Pal ace Organs. Chas. M. StiefF, PIA.NO MANUFACTURER, Baltimore, Mcf. FACTORY BRANCH WAREROOM, 213 North Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. , C. H. WILMOTH,Manaqer. (We sell- the celebrated '"Manhatten" Typewriter.) When you want a nice Coffin or Cas ket at a reasonable price examine the uew new stack of S. S. Shepherd, which has jnst beeD opened over the store o Bennett Bros. Mr. Sam Shepherd will give prompt and careful attention to all orders night or dav. W. F. GKAY, D. D. 8., (Office in Smith & L anlap Building. Wadesboro, North Carolina. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED O TATE OF NORTH t AKOLlNA, O ANSON COUNTY, Superior Court. Sallie A. Swink, PlaintifF, VS. William A. Swink, Defendant . NOTICE. The defendant above named will-take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced m the Superior Court of Anson county, N. C, for the purpose of se curing a divorce from the bonds of matri mony now existing between the said Sallie A. Swink, plaintilf, and William A.. Swink, defendant, and that said defendant, Wil liam A. Swink, shall appear at the next Term of the Superior Courtof Ansou coun ty, N. C, to be held at the court house in the town of Wadesboro, N. C, on the 1st. Monday in September, 1900, and answer or demur to the complaint of the above named plaintiff, which is now on file in the offica of t tie Clerk of the Superior Court for An son county, or the relief therein demanded will be-granted. This, 9th day of July, 1900. John c. Mclaughlin, c. s. o. By W. P. Ledbetter, D. C. PARKER'S HAIR v BALSAM Cleansei and beantiftes the hmir. Promote! luxuriant ffrowth- Wever Fails to Restore Gray . ..r;-- -- Jtiair ID 11B X DUUI111 UOIOT. Cum scalp diieaaes Jc hair f&lkng. Je,nd tl-UOat Dniapiti EBfflDS m CasEBts, Have you seen the lot of HATS we are closing out at 25c. NOW is the opportunity to get a nice SUMMER HAT at onefourth and one-half price. The great value we are offering in SUflMER FABRICS at satisfy ingly LOW PRICES will move them fast. 7 r The ISnife Has Eeen Socked Deep Into a Great Many Lines, and we take this opportunity to warn you not to delay in looking through our store and taking some advantage of the SWEEPING REDUCTION. We will not attempt to give prices, as the stock is LARGE and VARIED, and in our line we are acknowledged LEADERS. we sre giving some rare BARGAINS. In connection with our regular line we offer a lot of ODDS and ENDS in OXFORDS at about HALF PRICE. If your size is in the lot you are fortunate. SKIRTS-A nice assortment of Colored Petticoats at cut prices. SHIRT WAISTS-A few of those BEAUTIFUL ready-made WAISTS at a sacrifice. And MANY OTHER THINGS in our IMHENSE STOCK during the ballance of THE SEASON WILL BE SOLD AT RED LETTER PRICES. and TRADE INCREASING as the days go by explains the SITUATION and shows PLAINLY that nothing CAN STOP THE TIDE OF POPULAR FAVOR thats carrying our large and growing business ONWARD and UPWARD in the eyes of an appreciative shopping public. that we have 10,000 yards of Shirting and Summer Calicoes at 4 and 5c. Beautiful patterns. Come to our store when in town and see for yourself. "Every Cloud Has a Silver Linina. ft The clouds of bad blood enveloping humanity have a silver' lining in the shape 'of a. specific to remove them. Jt is HoocT s SarsapariHa, America's Greatest Medicine, which drives out all impurities from the blood, of either sex or any age. 55 i "' 0V JBxe subject to peeultiur Ills. The I A 1 rlght remedy tor I VV I Cbabies' Ills especially jf' jworvaa and stomach Frev's Vermifuge bM cured children for 50 years. Send for lllus. book about the Uis aiid the remedy. On botu. mailed for tf east. & S. FBEI, Baltimore, Hd. ALWAYS KEEP OH HAND mah'liilet THERE IS RO KINO OF PAIN OR ' ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL , THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE- I LI EVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS tfc SON. R. B. Redwine, Monroe, N. C; T. L. Caudle, Wadesboro, N. C. Redwine & Caudle, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, WADESBORO, N. C. Practice in all the State, and United States Courts. Special attention will be given to exami nation and investigation of titles to Real Estate, the drafting of deeds, mortgages, and other legal instruments; the collect ion of claims, and mangementof estates for Guardians, Administrators, and Executors. Commercial, Railroad, Corporation and Insurance LaW. Continuous and painstaking attention will e given to all legal business. - . office in the Smith building. Fred J. Coxe, Attorney and CounseftDT-at-Law, WADESBORO, C. Prompt Attention Given to All Legal Business. Special care taken in the management of estates for Executors, Administrators aud Guardians; investigation of titles to real estate; collection of claims: and the draft ing of alt kinds of legal instruments. Will be in Ialesvilleon the second and fourth Fridays in each month. Office: Third door below the Southern Express Office, Hun BUTLER SCORED BY A POPU '. LIST. One of the first men to go into the Populist party in North Carolina was Mr. J. A. Marsh, of Union county. He had been a Democratic member of the Legislature, but since leaving the party no man has been a harder fighter of the Democrats than Mr. Marsh, and he is still a bitter oppo nent of the Democratic party. He is not willing, however, to sit still and be carried bodily into the Republi can party as Butler is now tryiDg to carry all the Popnlists, and is adyO cating the constitutional amendment. In Union county the decent element of the Populist party, led by Mr. Marsh, Mr. J. Z. Green, Mr. Price, former Populist legislator, decided not to play second fiddle to the ne groes this year, and decided to nom inate no county ticket. Butler didn't like this, for his trade with Hanna and Pritchard compelled him to fuse his party with "niggers" everywhere, and so he sent orders to Radicals in Union county to hold a Populist convention when the Populist com mittee had decided not to hold one. It created indignation in the ranks of the Populists of the county which is voiced by Mr. J. A. Marsh. 1'rom a letter, in "Our Home" in which he vigorously denounces Democratic politicians, Mr. oiarsn scores nuner i heavily. We quote a few. extracts: j "I see in the Monroe Journal that there is to be held a county con-1 vention in this county for the pur- j pose of nominating a county and, I 1 . T T l TT j 1 1 suppose, a legistive, ticket. ney style it a Populist convention. I, as one of the few Populists left over from the infamous, indecent, fusion deal of 1898, which has forced on us a certain republican henchman sent around here from Raleigh, think the proper name of said meet ing would be a ten cent Republican side show. "lias the thing been gotfeen up by Messrs. Boss Butler & Co.? ot who? What can it mean or what in the name of common sense is the thing gotten up for? It can .possibly have but one effect, that is to antagonize the issue of all issues, the ratification the pioposed constitutional amend ment. If that is the object I can say to the men who are the authors of the movement, that the result will be just to the opposite, it will strengthen instead of weaken the vote for ratificatien. Why? It will drive many of us to vote jtne entire ticket for the party that has exhaust ed the English language in slan dering, vilhfyiug, and abusiug us. Not that we propose to step back into that monopoly ridden party, but we take that as a better plan .fd place the State in the hands of white men. "It is being argued all over the State that the amendment will dis fanchise white voters. I think Sena tor Butler very well knows, that to -"iicnIXDsvtirO In disfranchise white men in North Carolina it would be necessary first to get all the shot guns and revolv ers out of '.the State before such a thingjcbtild possibly be done. White men of North Carolina are law abid ing, but there is a point beyond which to go" forbearance ceases to be a virtue. . Hence we consider that argument simply campaign rot gotten up to deceive the uninformed. White men need have no tear of ever beifij disfnfE chised in this Sate. No difference what ticket you vote, the white people are not built to disfranchise. Again, in the name of common rationality have the white peo ple not got eight long years in which to correct that part of the amendment? Surely they have and they will do it." "The Better Part Of valor is discretion," and the better part of the treatment of disease is prevention. Disease originates in impurities of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood. People who talteitat this season say they are kept healthy the year round. It is because this medicine expels impuri ties and makes the blood rich and health giving. All liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills. 25c. Every white man ought to work for white supremacy as if the result of the election depended upon his one vote and on his personal efforts. Let no advocate of the amendment feel so confident of its adoption as to relax his efforts in the slightest degree. Of coarse we are confident that the amendment will be adopted by an overwhelming majority, but our confidence is based on the belief that every white man will do his full duty. ' No election can carry itself, and it mat ters not how good or how popular a ca.use may be its advocates strive for its success. And surely no cause was ever more worthy of the greatest efforts of its advocates than this great cause of white supremacy in North Carolina. White men of North Carolina, do your utmost and "weary not in well doing," but from now until the sun sets on the the second day of August go to work un ceasingly unremittingly, with all your zeal and energy, and a glorious victory will surely gladden your hearts! Chat ham Record. After many intricate experiments, scien tists have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural digestants. These have been combined in the proportion found in the hu man body and united with substances that build up the digestive organs, making a compouud called Kodol Dpspepsia Cure, it digests what you eat and allows all dy s peptics to eat plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles are being radi cally cured by the medicinal agents it con tains. It is pleasaBt to take aud will ive quick relief. Jas. A. Hardison. Work or Art. Cleveland Plain Dealer.J "Don't you think his nose will be like his father's in time?" "I don't know. It takes something be sides time to produce a nose his lather's." Biliousness, sour stomach, constipa tion and all liver ills are cured by 5 The iion-irritatina: cathartic. Price 25 cents of all druggists or by mail of C.I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. MM REPUBLICAN'S IX CHARGE OF POPLEIST PARTY. Butler Aauouuees Ills Speakiug Through Negro Loving Repub licans Populists Repudiate It. "Our Home," the leading Populist or gan in this section, edited by Mr. J. Z. Green, of Marsh ville, contains the follow ing article in his paper this week: "It is said that Steen, of Monroe, got a telegram Saturday from Senator Butler announcing that he would speak at rJon roe' Friday, and that Edward Flow had some handbills printed advertising the Senator's speakings A majority ol the members of the county executive commit tee of the People's party haye not asked that a local ticket be put in the field this year, but Senator Butler want to draw the $30,000 for the next six years in the ttenate and ho has written to all the leading Populists ol the county expressing his desire to have a legislative ticket put in the field. By fusing with the whiskey ring and the Republican Vd negroes and everything else in sight that will '"fuse," of course there would be some sort of fighting chance, but even then it would mean inevitable defeat. If such a 1 "fusion" could secure victory" it's too ' costly a proceeding for Populists and it takes lot3 of cheek in Senator Butler to ask them to keep on "fusing" for noother purpose than t keep him in the Senate. Honest Populists are sick and tired of fusion and tUejr are done with it. Tbey have not asked Steen and Flow to take charge of the party yet Flow and Steen sre!y have enough to do to look after the Republican hosts of this county, hen Butler has any more speakings to announce in this connty we hope it will be old time Populist-speaking and that he will seud his telegrams to Populists instead of sending them to - dyed in w ool Republicans." t ... A Good Cough Medicine. ' Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Cham berlain's Cough Uemedy. If atnicted with any throat or lung trouble, give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for rears, have yielded to this remedy and per fect health been restored. Cflses that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefits have been perma nently cured by its use. For sale by Jas. A., iiaraisou. Why should Populists vote against the amendment? Their State platform does not declare against it and does not , make it party issue. On4he contrary the Pop ulist State platform declares that "the People's party is and has always been more distinctly than any other party in North Carolina a white man's party." If this be true then surely every Popu list ought to support the amendment more heartily than the Democrats do. And the leading Populists are supporting it. We mean of course, those who are really and sincerely Populists, and not office seekers who pretend to be Populists and yet are nothing but Republicans at heart. Chatham Record. A gentleman recently cured of dyspeps-a gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns' famous blessing: ' Some have meat and cannot eat, and some have none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked " This preparation will digest what you eat. It instantly relieves and radically cures indi gestion and all stomach disorders. Jas. A. Hardison. O Bears tli Signature of STOIIXA. r The Kind You Have Always Bought sinicfLL JO U rQs J LJ "TRAITORS AXD PERJURERS." That's What a Black aud Tan Candidate Calls Confederate Soldiers. Lenoir Topic. The Democratic candidate for the House, in opening the joint canvass in Richlands last Friday, referred to the weil known fact that thousands of the best citizens of North Carolina were not "pernrirted-to-vote jn 1868, while all the nesrroes were marched to -the ballot box. In reply to this Mr. Isbell, the Republic! can candidate for the House, said thai this was because they were Confederate soldiers, who had torfeited, not only their right to vote, but their lives also, because they were guilty of treason and perjury. He argued that they ought to have been deprived of their vote, and intimated that they were fortunate in that they were not hung as traitors. When you want a modem, up-to-date physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver t ablets They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Jas. A. Hardison's drugstore. Rotten Egged a Democrat. Raleigh News and Observer. Our correspondent at Wilson sends a spe cial to the effect that Fusionists egged Mr. Chas. W. Gold, editor of the Wilson Times, while he was speaking in that county. Mr. Gold is a son of Klder P. D. Gold, editor of Ziou's Landmark, the leading divine of the Primitive Baptist church in the South. He graduated at the A. and M. College and in herits his father's high character and gen tlemanly bearing. It is monstrous that so worthy and upright young man should be treated in this manner. It behooves the Fusionists to investgate this outrage. If committed by boys, it ought to he disavow ed; if by men, it is disgraceful. 'But," some Fusiouists will say, "didn't Democrats rotten egg a Fusion' speaker at Shelby ?" The answer is emphatically no. Some boys did rotten egg Mr. Sewell, but the Democratic executive commute at its meeting next day passed resolutions deplor ing and condemning the action of immature boys. That was ttie proper thing to do. Fusion papers, however, denouueed the Democratic party for the work of a few thouuhiless boys. According to their rea soning, the whole Fusion party is responsi ble for the Fusion outrage in Wilson county, while in fact we would not think so mean of all the members even of the Fusion party. Heartburn. When the quality of food taken is too large or the quality too rich heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if the di ge.sticui has been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily di gested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, indicat ing tuat you have eaten to much, take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by Jas. A. Hardison. A A v Iff V CONSUMPTION never stops because the weather is warm. Then why stop taking SCOTT'S EMULSION simply because it's summer? Keep taking it It will heal your lungs, and make thenvstrong for another winter. 50c. and $imo all druggists. A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIP ur fid? ess JF3uTl rs:Ibi"CL Y ;xriK True Econo The difference of cost between a good and a poor baking jpo wder would not amount for a family's supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would cost many times this in doctors' bills. Royal Baking Powder may cost a little more per can, but it insures perfect, wholesome food. In fact, it is more economical in the end, because it goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. Royal Baking Powder used always in making the biscuit and cake saves both health and money. - VOYAl RAKINQ POWDER CO., Keflertioiis ol m Bachelor. New York Press. Man is mind; woman is matter; aud it is a matter that triumphs over mind. Modern children aren't careful enough in the way they bring up their parents. All a woman has io do to catch other people in thing3 they ought not to be in is to pretend she is a fool about such things. H a woman can't have the enjoy ment of being 6ick herself she "is bound to have the enjoyment of hav ing somebody else sick. When a man has wilted down on a warm day running errands for his one wife he winds np tne day won dering why a Mormon does it. It has been demonstrated by experience that consumption can be prevented by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Cures quickly. Jas. Hardison. TTT You cannot, if you value good health, afford to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking pow ders. They are apt to spoil the food ; thev do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is poisonous. 100 WILLIAM ST, NEW YORK. Kxmri. Omaha Bee. Miss Sentiment Were you erer disappointed in love? Eligible widower: Two and a half time3. Miss Seutiment Two and a half time3. Eligible widower Yes; twice married and once rejected. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers are famous little pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. Jas. A. Hardison. Farmers provide yourself with Pain Killer at this season of the year, when colic, cholera morbus, dysentery, diar rhoea, &c, may disable your hands use it in every case of the kind, but be sure that you trust to noother remedy tut the old, long tried Perry Davis Pain-Killer which never failed. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c. and 50c Bean th Tha Kind Yds Haw Kwars 8attt I r 1 mm