c JAS. G. UOYLIN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MOXDAXS AXD THURSDAYS Volume 27 Wadesboro N. C, Monday, January 10, 1910 Remedies are Needed "Were we perfect, which we are not, medicines would not often be needed. But since our system have be come weakened, impaired end broken down through - indiscretions which have gone on from the early-age, through countless generations, remedies art needed to .id Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses.- To reach the seat of stomach ' weakness and consequent - digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov er, a glyceric comDOUnd. extracted (rnra native meHin. tail roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. ' For Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating, Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal . .Derangements, the "Discovery' is a time-proven and moat efficient remedy. The genuine, has on Its outside wrapper the Signature Ton can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as substitute for this non-alco-holio, medicine op k'nowkT composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets 'regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowel. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Watch Ansonville II . After a quiet and undisturbed slumber of 50 years. Ansonville is rubbing the sand ,up, and something is going to happen around her soon. The queen of the Pee Dee section is going to take her deserved place among the ; prosperous, enterprising, wide awake towns of our state and step lively to the front. If. you want to share our prosperity and enjoy our beau tiful location and climate, come, get on the ground floor and help us push to the front. . In the most desirable part of this place I have 500 Lots that I am going to either sell or give away to The Southbound railroad I have already deeded lots for CD store; am negotiating for a large college, oil mill, bank, large modern ginnery, cotton mill, hotel, and livery sta ble, all on this property, and have much encouragement to hope these and other enterprises will be loeated here before trains are runuing next fall. '- I am laying it out in modern style, with large blocks andvwide streets and avenues and with a beautiful natu ral park in the center. ; Two excellent never-failing min eral springs on grounds. Will be glad to correspond with or show th property to any one wanting a desira ble business location of any kind, or a beautiful home. See Ansonville before you locate., - Ulnsomdllfl Jeal; A. H .RICHAKDSON, How IsYour If it's not as g6od as you wish it to be, try a two-pound can of our Morning Joy, or a three-pound can of our Morita. They have the Cup Quali ties that will satisfy the lovers of a good cup of coffee. Our Gold Medal Coffee, put up in one-pound cans, at 25c, can't be beat at the price. 13 IJE Bl 3& Up out of her eyes and waking actual settlers depot is on this property. a large $50,000 wholesale Esfate Company lit I President and treasurer. 3QE 3EE3E 30 ON ITO. 0. n Pi. m "EST HAS GO. MET A HORRIBLE DEATH. ! Yonng Mm Calls Into Starch Vt t Scalded to Death. Concord, N. sC, Jan. 6. James Vaughn, a young white man, 18 years of age, who worked at the Kerr Bleachery, met a moat horrible death yesterday afternoon, by falling in one of the large Btarch vats at i the bleach-, en a'nd being burnt to such an ex tent that he - died four hours later. Soon after the dinner hour yesterday, the superintendent of the bleachery sent young Vaughn down to the .starch room to stir the starch in one or the large vats. While he wa9 working at this one of the blow pipes, used in conveying heat to cook the starch, bust. 'The discharge of steam from the pipe struck him full in the face, lie staggered back few steps, falling in the vat of boil ing starch. : When he was rescued by some of the workmen he was burned beyond recognition. Dr. J. E. Smoot, 8umraoued and used every ef fort for the alleviation of his suffer ing, staying with him until he died at five o'clock. Young Vaughn came to Concord three years ago from Wilmington, and since that 'Mini' he has been em ployed in the mills here, boarding at the home of Mrs. Berryhill. " He left his home at a tender age and from what could be learned from him, he kept no trace of his family. He told his friends yesterday that he did not know where hfs father was and that Lue only member of his family that he knew of was a married sister, in Fayetteville. 0OICK RELIEF OF ITCHING ECZEMA Was Surprising--Inflammation Re duced in a Few Hours and Cure . Soon Followed - Boy's Torture .. had Been Intense for Years , -Friend's Child had Eczema, Too, MOTHER TELLS MOW -CUTICURA CURED BOTH ' When mv boy was bix years old. he Buffered terribly with eczema. - Hecouid nails and that only made them worse. A doctor treated him and we tried almost everything, but the eczema seemed to spread. It started in a small place cn the lower extremities and spread for two years until it very nearly covered the back part of his leg to the knee. "Finally I got Cuticura Soap, Cuti cura Ointment and Cuticura Ills and gave them according to directions. I used them in the morning and that even ing, before I put my boy to bed, I used them again and the improvement even in those few hours was surprising, the inflammation seemed to be so much less. I used two boxes of Cuticura Ointment, the 6ame cf the Pilla and the Scap and my boy was cured. My son is now in his seventeenth year and he has never had a return of the eczema. "I took care of a friend's child that had eczema on its face and limbs and I used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. They acted on the child just as they did on my son and it has never returned. I would recommend the Cuticura Reme dies to anyone. Mrs. A. J. Cochran, 1823 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 20, 1009." ' FOR SKIN HUMORS Torturing, disfiguring patches of hu mor on the skia, scalp or hands are instantly relieved and speedily cured, in" the majority of cases, by warm baths -with Cuticura Soap and gentle anoint ings of Cuticura Ointment. For ecze mas, rashes, itchings, irritations, inflam mations, dandruff, dry, thin and failing hair, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing and all purposes of the toilet, these pure, sweet, gentle emollients are unrivaled. Cuticura Soap (25c.) to Cleanse the Skin. Cuticura Otr.:mcit .50c.) to Ileal the Skin and C uticura ResoivcDt (60c), (or In the form of Chorolate Coated Pilis, 25c. per vial ol 60) to Purify the Blood, are old throughout the wprkl. Potter Drug & Civeni. Corp., Sole Proris.. i35CMU!iibus Ave., Boton. Mass. iMr-Mal!cd Free. 32-rwfre Cutletir Book, a com- pleve Guide to tiic Transient ot Skin and cal" ROY M. HUNTLEY D. D. S. Office ; Second Floor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. - PJIONl", NO i)0 JOHN W.V GULLEDGE, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law and Heal Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N. C. .Ul legal business will have prompt and painstaking attention. Your sales and puivbattcs of real ear.ale may be facilitated by calling' ou or writing to iu. . Will also reut or lease vourtowu propertv and farm ing lands aud collect the rent for the same Office over Wttde-sboro Clothing & Slioe .ompany's Store. VV.F. Gray, d. d. s. (OPICK IN HM1TH A DUNIiAP BIj'DG) Wadesboro, N. C. ' All Operations Warranted . . H H. IcLksdov F. E. Thomas Thomas JcLendon t :Vrr()IlN KYS-AT-LAW vaui;s oiio, x. v. . K 1! NEW LIQUOR LAW. All Persona Ordering Ltqaor are Now Htqalrcd to Ht It ghtppari I Thvtr It is no longer lawful for persons living in dry territory to order whis' key in the name of some other per son or under a ficticious name. The new liquor Jaw passed by Owngreas went into effect January 1st. , and is as follows: " t "Section 288. Any officer, "agent or employe of any railroad conipany, express company or other cviaumon carrier, who shall knowingly deliver or cause to be delivered to any:: per son other than the person to wm it has beeu consigned, unless upoil the written order in each instance cf the bona fide consignee, or to an$ fic titious person, or to any person fender a fictitious name, ' any spirit jous, vinous, malted, fermented, or ther intoxicating liquor of any kind which has been shipped from one State, Territory, or district of the United States or place noncontiguous tabut subject to the jurisdiction tberedl Into anv other State, Territoey, or dis trict of the Unit'ed States, or laee noncontiguous to but subject to , the jurisdiction thereof, or from any . for eign country into any State, Terri tory, or district of the United States or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. ; ' I i.o .-.... n. i I i;. &oa. xuy ruiiruau uuuipn- i ny, express company, or other pjhti- mon carrier, or any other person who in connection with the transportation of any spiritoua, vinoua, malted, fer mented, or other intoxicating liquor of any kind from one State, Terri tory, or disteict of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, into au'y other State, Territory, or district --of the United Stales, or place noneon- ukuous to but subject to the jurisdic tion thereof, or from any foreign country into any State, Territory, or district of the United Statea, or place noncontiguous to iiut subject to the jurisdiction thereof, sharl cplkct the purchase price or any part throf, before, on, or after delivery from the consignee, or from any other person or shall in any manner actjis the agent of the buyer , or seller of ary ing or selling, or completing the sale thereof, saving only in . the actual transportation and delivery of the same, shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars. "Sec. 240. Whoever shall know ingly ship or cause to be shipped from one State, Territory, or district of the United States, or place noncon tiguous to but subject to the jurisdic tion thereof, or from any foreign country into any State, Territory, or district of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof any package of or package containing any spirituous, vinous, malted, fermented, or other intoxicating liquor of any kind, un less such package be so labeled on the outside cover as to plainly show the name of the consignee, the nature of its contentsand the quantity contain ed therein, shall be tinea not more than five thousand dollars, aud suuh liquor shall be forfeited to the United States, and may be seized and con- denied by like proceedings as those provided by law for the seizure and forfeiture of property imported into the United States contrary to law." A. Wild Bllcxard KKlng bring! clangor,' suffering. often death to Uiousuuds, who take coUU, coughs and lagripio that terror of wiulerand spring. Its (lunger signals are "atufftid up" nos trils, lower part ot nose sore, chills Hid fever, pain in back of head, and a throat- gnppiug uougu. Wheu Grip attacks, as you value your lire, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bottle cured me," writes A. L. Dunn, of Pine Val ley, Miss., after being 'laid up' three weeks with Grip. "For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coutrhs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron chitis, Asthma, its supreme. 50c $1.00, Guaranteed by Parsons Drug Co. A 50-cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion given in -half-teaspoon doses four times a day, mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near ly a month, and four bot tles over three months, and will make the baby strong and well and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. FOR SALS EY ALL t-UGGXSTS Efti lJc, rs'.-.e of piper Bad our beautiful Savings Bank and CI Book. Each tank contsias a. this ad. f -.r aid's Sketcli- CLERK'S STATEMENT, 1909 To the Chairman of the Board of Com I compliance with section SIR of m Revisal of 1905, I. Thomas C. Robinson. clerk of the Superior Court of Anson county, respectfully submit the follow ing report of moneys remaining: in my nanus on me nrBi Jttonaay m Decern oer, iwtw: Amount Received from Capt. John C. McLauch tin. ex-Clerk Remaining la my Hands - oa Above Date. Date when paid to ex-clerk. Names of parties to whom payable. Dockets . and other records where fouud. Feb 24, 81. Phillips M W, minor heirs of. civil jdirt A 1332 $27.57 Jan xi, 83. Ingram Jas, children of. civil idert b 96 - 16 Nov 24, 86. Manxes M A and oth ers, civil id art B 749 46.44 July J7, 87. Gullege Henry's chil uren irroin JS liuiiedere est! 13.65 Oct 29, 88. Hanna W A (from Kobt Hanna estate) 5 06 fearsou Elisabeth .. (from Robt llanna estate) ' 5.06 Carpenter va Tucker, part of cost, cml Jdirt B 835 85.45 Kendall vs Davis, part of cost, civil idirt B 33 20.53 April 24. 8t. ... Kirk Thos V. civil jdprt C 201 8.10 8.10 Kirk Willie, civil jdgt c 201 xvua, VUttiUB, C1VJJ JU I J XUl -f; Mar llr 92. McLean Nannie (less 3.10 cost in C233). civil idst C 502 -- 6 01 July 4. Marc-'iall Steve J, civil " jdgtx;387'' 5 97 Carpenter WT. civil jdet c 387 23 87 23.42 56.89 Nov 29. Shepherd B F (in lieu of homestead), civil idart D 114 May 9, 96. Stockholders of Anson Institute, civil idsrt d 277 May 14, 93; Aug 20, 9ti; Hept 19, 98, Plff in suit (division of S W Col t al. fivil iiit c: K74. 101 9.1 Jarman Martha J's childreu, civil 3ii8rt D 4rf2 8,46 Vet 5. Uroaaaway Myrtle, cml -v- , jgt D 469 5. 93 5.b3 Broadaway Mary, civil jdgt D 469 July iu, w, i-Jaintiit m cauae, civil jdgt D 31tt 113.83 July 6. Lilea Simeon, dee'd. heirs at law, civil idgt o 551 12 62 6.90 6 96 Nov' 27. Watkina Jessie, civil jdgt D 507 Watttins Pickett, civil jdgt O 607 ' $697. 37 Jan 19, 1900. Hanna Robt F, civil jdgt D 605 1.45 Hanna Thomas, civil jdgt D 605 1 45 Hanna John A, civil jdgt D 605 1.45 Hauna Cap, civil jdgt D 605 1 45 April 19. Bedfearn Dauiel F, surety of, civil jdgt D 600 74 29 Nov 23. Ratliff Dennis O. civil jdgtD 621 13.12 Julv 14. Lockhart R J (from J F Horne estate) ' .23 Hamilton John VV est (J E Home esUte) . . 1.65 95 09 Jan '6, 02. Threudgill 411en, heirs of, civil 'jdgt D 70 -Jan 17. Anatin Maggie (from M - G Curtis est:ite), 5. .. r-r-- Ant'7 ."b' ('itl.' . j 31.53 1(U) i.oo 1.00 25.10 50.19 6.40 6.40 4.56 4.56 Williams Minnie ( ) Feb 25. Rushing Willis, heirs ot, civil jdgt D 773 ' Whitney Simon, heirs of, civil idart D 773 Swarner William Joby, civil jdgt c 601 Swarner Catharine, civil jdgt C 601 Nev 8. Gaddy Frank, civil jdgt D 779 Oaddy Pearl, civil jdgt D 779 132.74 Up to and including 1899, 696.87 For the year 1W u For the year 1902. 132.74 Cot Due Officers and Witnesses Reported by Ex-Clerk. 1898-1901 Allen J L,chainer, civil jdt i4:32 $ ."0 Baker Addie, wit, or assignee, mm idgt c 148 - 2 10 Johnson C O, D S. crim jdgt C148 30 Joues Ham T.shff, crim jdgt C177 .30 Kendall Alice, wit. or assignee. crim idet C 288 Maske N C, D S, crim jdet C 1G3 .15 McFarlau J V, Rhff, civ j.tgt D338 30 Marsh H G, comr, civil 3 !gt D4M 2.00 Turner Henrv. const, enm Idgt C 214 f 7 80 Costs, Etc, Retorted oy Ex-Clerk 1899-1901 Brown R F. wit, civil jdgt D 874 $ 4 10 Buchanan M L, Bhff civ jdgt l534 00 Diggs T E, wit, crim jdgt C 261 2 20 Davis Sylvia, wit. crim jdgt o 21)8 2. 10 Ewinffs J B. D S, crim jdgt C 291 .50 (iraham C4nr, wit, or aasignBe, oritu jdgt C 842 8 10 HallJ W, hff, crim jdgt C 816 1 50 Heavener W.wit. civil jdgt D 584 4 90 Johnson W R, civil jdgt D 4(50 .50 Kendall Alice, wit, crim jdgt c 337 .80 Kelly J E, civil jdgt D 4861 7.60 Little J M, const, crim jdgt c aea .u Pntnam, wit, D S, civil jdgt U584 - .30 Sellars P H, D S, crim jdgt c 325 . 15 Smith Z T, civil jdgt D 316 .60 Turner Robt, D S, crim jdgt C333 .45 Wridht May, wil, or assignee. mm jdgt C 3a9 oa 40.15 Costs. Etc., Reported ty Ex-Clerk 1900-1901 Buchanan M L,shff,criiu jgt C370 20 Beacnum J L. wit, enm jdgt C37Q 1.05 Dabbs S Li, D S, crim jdtrt V 336 .45 CJaddy J Frank, I H, crim jdgt t' 425 - . .30 Hair John J, const, crim jgt c 377 .95 Johnson A W. D S, crim igt C 428 .65 McCall & Nixon, attys, civil jdgc D 605 - " .75 Smith Z T, shff, crim jdgt C 425 .15 44 65 . 1901 Costs, Etc.. Reported ly Ex-Clerk Dec Caudle J C. wit, or assignee, crim jdgt C 451 I 1.70 Dabbs S T, D S, crim jdgt C 315 .45 Griggs John, D S, crim jgt C 514 .15 Harris Jim. wit,7 or assignee, crim jdgt C 518 1.43 Kiker W A, wit, or assignee, crim jdgt C 451 Rush RL.D8, crim jdgt C 524 Smith David, wit, crim jgt C 408 Saunders T W, D S, crim jgt C513 Niven D, D S, crim jdgt C 389 Redfearn A S, D S, cairn jgtC 369 Teal Benj, wit, crira jdgt O 869 Edwards Ben, wit, crim jdgt C369 Buchanan M L,6bff, crim jgt CMS Crowder Abe, wit, or assignee, crim Jdfrt C 222 Crowder Abe. wit. or assignee. 1 70 1.25 1 10 .30 .10 .20 3.30 1.43 .90 3.0U . crfin jdgt C 223 8.60 6 5 88 Costs Pa d Into Clerk since Dec. 2, 1902. aad Pepcrtsd December. 1503 D 7'. 1 r- j Lowery J T, crim jdgt C 41 Melton Bill, wit, or assignee. 6 80 3.40 .30 crim jdgt C 618 D S, civil jdgt D 7.r D S. crim jagt C 558 - r ,iT7 .15 .55 1.05 .30 1.73 .30 .60 1.00 1 00 Robinson Clarissa, wit, or astdg ! nee. criro jdsrt G 57 j Ratliff Will, wit. crim jdgt C 585 Redfearn A S, D S.eriin jgtC 41 liedfearn K T.wit, crim jgt C 41 Smith 2 T, shff, crim jdgtC 41 Smith T M, D S, civil jd'gf D 759 . Teal Jos. chainer. civil jdgt B 479 Wafcson Eli, civil jdgt D 390 92.79 Amt of costs, etc, on hand ree'd from late clerk, $92.79 Amt of judgments on hand ree'd from late clerk, 925.20 1017.99 Fees Due Officers and Witnesses Reported by Clerk December. 1903 Nov 3, 03. Alien J F. criin idtrt Jdgt J 505 , 1.65 Feb 7. Allen J F. crim idgt C5tii 1.65 Apl 8. Brasington J W, crim Jdgt U 053 15 Feb 23. 03. Crumn E S. crim idst (J 625 - 1.00 Goodwin Ura, crim jdgt C 032 6 10 Apl 8. Home J A, sliff, crim jdgt U 558 .30 Feb 11. Ingram Jean, wit.'or as signee, crim idgt O 7ii 1.10 Apl 8 Julian D R, shff, crim 3d;rt C 555 0 Lilly Calvin, wit, or assignee, ctim Agt C 692i 1.55 McLinnn W D, shff, crim idgt CtiTB .50 Sept R). McLean, solicitor, crim idgt C 716 4 00 Mny 2. Morrison D S, D S, civil ' jdj;t E 15 . - .60 Apt 8 Pago M N, shff, crim Jdgt (J 653 .30 Alay 2 Robinson Ransom, civil Jdgt E 151 5.10 Mar 2 Rush R T.D S, Montgom ery county, crim jdgc C 654 .08 Robinson Lacy, wit, ci vil Jdgt E l&J ,.'8.70 Feb. - Shff. Perquimans coimtv. V' crim jdgt C 715 10 Apl 8 SuUivan Jrhn, wit, or as- ; sigiiee, crim jdgt C 650 .48 Scardoro Warren, wit, crim jlgt C714 2.10 Apl 80. Taylor Lem. crim Jdgt . C 58 .80 Tyson Marshall, wit, or assignee, xnm-Jdgt C 658 - 1.10 Moneys Remaining in Hands of Clerk Paid In on Judgments, Reported by Clerk First Monday la December, 1904. Names.of partfea to whom payable. Dockets and other records where lound. Jan 3, 04.- For J W Covinsrton ami children. civil jda-t E fti it 31 SB For Adolphus iiowe, civil jdart E 92 - 94 65 $12S 20 Fees Due Officers and Witnesses, Reported by Clerk First Monday In December, 1904. Feb 20, 04. Boyette J H, HUrveyor, civil jdgt D740 - . $ 6 00 Nov 7. Broaciaway Calvin, wit, or assignee. crim jdrt c 829 1 55 30 15 1 20 15 2 02 Nov 17. Crump EH.DS, civil jdgrt E 107 Apl 4. Crump W S, D S. crim jdtrt c 779 Capel J T, D S, crim jdgt c 779 et4. f.odwin V. cum idset c 717 GaitlwR T, wit, crim jdKt c 779 ' Hamih.on Wyatt, wit, or assigre, crim jdgt C i!3 Nov 7. Hend Nov 17. Juliai ar'f Lisk J A; Little D Nov 7. .idsrt Morris, Morrit! Apl Nov Apl Tren. Nov Apl 4. Young Moneys on Judgn Mont Dockets sJt Kept . 04. Fl Spencer lan Sept 25. For use tower, dec'dL' For the heirs pf Step? Fees Due Officers and fcy Clerk First Monday ia Dtfc May 9, 05. Allen J R, civii jdgrt E 135 Oft. 10 Allpn .T V. prim iilurt D 16ti May 5. Barrett E E, or assignee, crim jdgt C 868 June 5. Carpen ter Lee, or assiirnee, crira WittC 1072 . Oct 10., Crump Letha, or asEignee, crim . jdgt D 7 Aok ii. Douglats R D, shff, civil jdgt E189 Juno 5j Ditfers Tom, crim jdt c i)24 June 1. Gaddy Ida, or assiir, erim Jdgt C 944 fraddv Tom. or assie. crim jdsrt C 944 1 95 2 05 1 60 2 65 2 60 2 20 8 15 2 20 -..73 30 1 00 Gullfilffe Geo, or assig-, crim jdirt C 944 Oct 10. Gaddy J , crim jdat D 11 Gaddy H G, crim jdgt D lti May S. Hlldreth Tucker, or aasiff, erim jdst C 86S June 5. Home David, or assifir, crim Jdsrt "C 944 Huntley Will, crim jdirt C 94s 4 Hammond Marian, crim jdirt C 948 Hendtey J A, crim jdtrt c 949 Huneyeutt E E, crim jdgt C 1072 -Hammond Fred, crim jdgt D 1 Hinson M L, shff, crim jdsrt D 155 . Apl 17. Knight David, D S, erim jdgt C 950 Feb 2S. Lampley J H, or assig, crim jdgt C 759 Oct 10. Leak Bob, crim jdgt c 942 June 6. Laton Green, crim jdgt c 1072 Little Ed, or assig, erim jdgt D 1 Oct 10. Lowery M F, crim jdgt D 155 June Myers G F, crim jdgt C 944 Oct lff.; Martin Jessie, or assig, crim jdgrt Dll McNair Ann, or assig, crim jdgt D 151 Aug 24- Pate Frank, civil E 1S9 June 8. Pettie CCDS, civil jdgt E 174 Sept 10. Pratt Dan, crim jdgt e 753 Pratt Easter, crim jdgt C 753 ' . May 10. Phillips John, crim jdgt C 9b Aug 22. Redi'earn J J, civil jdgt 15 Dec Hi, 04. Hobinson Ninn, os. assig. crim jd-rt C 878 ' RatlifT Gao, or assig, crim jdgt c 379 : Ratlift W N, or assig, crim jdgt c 381 Ratlifl" W N. or assig, crim jdgt C 885 Katlitf W N, or assig, crim jdgt C 380 June 5. Sturdivant Burwell, or assig, crim jdprt C 944 Sturdivant Burwell, or assig, crim jdgt e 944 Smith W A, crim jdsrt C 512 May 9. Thomas W S, civil jdgt E 185 Timmons S T, crim jdgl C Sod June 5. Tiddy VST E, crim jdgt C 932 Tread away J T, or assig, crim jdgt C 1075 : June 6. Vick J M. or assig, crim jdgt C1072 Oct 2S. Wall Edwin, or aseig, crim jdgt C833 June 6. Webb W L; assig, crim jdgt C ($80 2 20 2 20 1 10 1 25 2 06 2 22 1 00 1 00 S 25 165 5 30 2 55 55 " 15 2 05 3 35 2 30 30 8 70 5 70 3 80 1 00 6 7i 4 10 4 90 7 70 2 20 3 15 2 20 2 56 4 40 2 20 1 05 2 05 Z 06 3 Sr, 1 90 ': 118 CI Moseys Remaining In Hands of Clerk. Paid In on Judgments. Etc.. Reported First - Monday In December. 1906 i -: Dockets and other records where found. Septl. Bennett John, heirs of. civil jdgt E 343 Digg May Lee, civil jdjrt E 343 Diggs I-ydia. civil jdgt B 34S June 22. Wall Jas C. eivil jdfcT E 385 Wall W M, civii jdgt E 335 1 8 48 1 74 1 74 23 15 23 15 $53 26 Fees Due Officers and Witnesses. Reported ' First Monday ii DBcemter, 1906 Oct 1. Adins T C, erim jdgt u 889 - 9 3 70 -Nov 6. Jfrfhum J L, wit, or assjg, jcn't D 4 1 55 Ottl, Joe, wit, fr assig, crim jdgt D SIH : ' ' ' ' Nov 14. r'-'-.i J B, civil jdsc E 026 Oct 1. (Vu'.ij '"':;U", or a'P, c- im jdt D 404 Car -l Cii'. or as- ' . i rim ..'-. t D 4!9 Oct r5. ..;.'. r!oe V J. civil jdgt y. -J - l " '.j. - . ci- I E ...T , i . , .- c: T. ' 3 25 1 10 - 55 1 W 1 M ' r 1 1 Tuci Apll Wall. Walla WallaJ WallS Nov 7 -.eruV A 5 1 idsrt r. 2i' 1 Kinson M Ij, crim May 11. Hn.M-n Oct 1. Ingram ' Jerman Wat, or as : 'st d: i L. civil ' .Mar L,iiiy t m; n, , it ut i ti'Mj.'.-t D21S Little Wiley, y it, or !,'..;', rrin J.;l D 1-1 Little H W. criir: jj,;t r July 2. Leak w., cr"n a 342 Oct 1. Lee S C. cr sma'.-;, cr"n j :-'t D 4.5 Jan 12. Liies N P. on.--i ,7'Ct'. Apl 5. Liles A 1, civil j- .rt E 44 Jan 12. Liieg N i c.-,:n ji-pt !.. July 10. Maske J H, c!-. i! jv.rt c. .. Oct L Martin L L. D S, crim jlw i 3.19 McLendon Alex, wit, or asaiti, enm jdgt D332 Morgan F H, or assijr, crim jdgt o 8sl Meijre C B, enm jdgt r 3s:J Nov 6. Nash L A, wit, crim jitrt D " i5 Nov 19. Poplin J G, civil jdgt S 2.-4 Nov 5. Redfearn H A, J P, crim jcisrt D ::T7 Jan 12. Sullivan John, or assigr, enm jdt't C659 ' Sullivan John, or aasisr. crim jdsrt C 6C3 June 15. Wallace A W, civil jdirt E 24 Nov 19. Watkins J D, civil jdsrt E 254 Mar 5. Watkins 3 D, wit, crim jdgt D 2M Sept 14. Wallace A W. hiT, enm j:igt a y53 Sept 20. Wallace A W, Bhff, crim ;ijgt 377 Oet L Wallace A W. shff. crim jdjrt D S91 Williams W H, or asaig, crim idsrt n 4i2 Wright Bud, or assig, crim jtlut O 4("2 Jan li. Winiield Ed, or aaaiir, crim jdgt C 603 $71 42 Moaejr Kemaialng tn Ilanis of Cletk, Pttld la u Judgment, Kte., Report ed 1st Monday la December, Dockets aud other records where fonad Dec 10. "06 Wall WM. crl jdgt eici5 iZi Wall J C, cvl jdsrt e 3:i5 54 May 11, '07 Dumas F E, hir of, cvl jdgt e 423 53 Crump Jo&nua B, heir of, cvl jdtrt e 4235.1 Polk Laura Jan, lietrof. cvliudte1 3 Clark Mary Jane, hetrof, cvl jdgte423 3 oo j Joe Staton, heir of, cvl jdgt e 4'f4 3 00 I Richardson Kliza. Jane, , cvl idart e 422 - 3 00 Burns Wlncy Ellen, crt jdfrt e 423 3 00 Mar a, Uaddy Martba cvl judgs e 4aa 34 7 $264 67 Peea Da Officer omit Witnesses Report ed December 1st, 1907. Adams, W A cvl jdgt e 91 : $ 2 10 Adams aud, cvl idgt e vi 5 do Allen Jft H, or assig, cvl jdirt e 2.29 3 10 Nov4,- Atkinson Alex, c;-iaij3gtd447 1 50 Atkinson Alex, wit, or ass crim jdgt Q 447 1 J I Ashcraft J, J P, oripn jdfrt d 4S0 45 Bl.tke U li, or ass, criiii jdsrt d 4t; 1 05 Brown Dan, wit, crim jdf?t d 480 . 3 M) lirown tLA, a a crini jdgt a m : io Beverly W H, "d a, crira jdsrt d 4S3 I 20 Sept 4, Bowman C L, or ass, crim idart a 563 .. 3 05 Ballard Joe, wit, or ass, crim jdgt d 573 ... Oct 8, Beaudoit T C, s w, rrim jdgt d C8K , Sept IS, Burk A A, crim jd?t d 3S1 lien ton Jessie, enm jugt a 4UI Crosland W E, cvl jdgt e 33 Crovvson J M. cvl jrdsrt e 211 Caple J T, cvl jdgt e 211 - Dec o Oti, t'.rowder Jaa, wit, crim jdgt d 428 Mar 4 07, Chambera Amos wit or ass crim idsrt d 446 , Orump Pope, wit or ass crim jdgt d 448 ' 8 00 3 05 1 75 ' 5 10 Deese Dave, crim jdgt d 450- - May 6, v.Davis J C. wit crim jdgt d oZS- Mar 8, Edwards Ben, - wit or ass enm idgt d 4li Edwards Dock wit or ass crim jdgt a 523 Edwards Stanly cvl jdgt e 231 flowrifs Oscar, wit, or ass crim jdgt d489 - - - . 3 CO S" -' - -;t. crim jdgt 2 80 4 10 4Srt 6 (X) 15 90 1 00 2 SO 3 00 4iM 2 50 3 60 1 Oft 24 15 60 4 90 Sept 14 ijtivoJ D, shff, crim jdgrt a b4b Mch t Lee I C, d s. cvl jdsfc e ot Dec 6 '06 McUiie EE, j p, crim jdgt d Jaa 20 '07 M-'.rrisoa A 9, J P. enm jdgt d 427 ; Mcli 4 Maske Henry, oiim jdgt d 451 Mch 8 Moore Ben, wit, or uss, vim jdf?t d 4hM St pt 14 McNair Ann, wit, or aas crim jdfrt d 517 - ' - McNair Ann, wit, or asa, crhn jdgt d 537 , Oct 8 Moore J E, or ass, crim .jdgt. - d595 -Marsh G S.crim jdgt d 645 Oct 8 '07 McLaurin W D, crim jdgt d 64a- Apl Vi Moore W B, crim jdgt d 5 Mauney J M, or ass, cvl jdgv.e 375 Mill A P, d S, cvl jdert 432 Mills A P, com, cvl jdgt e 433 ; McRae E E, j p, cvl jdgt e 231 Maness A W, pvl jdsrt e 2i9 -McGregor J W, cvl jd?t e 190 Sapt 14 NashlLuther, crim jdgt d 553 Nash L A, vit, crim jdgtd ft58 Jan 20 Palmer B F, d s. crim jd srt d 42S Apl J6 Perry John, wit, crim jdgd512 Sept 14 PopeSC, wit, crim jdtrt d.W Nov 6 -Porter J T, crim jagt d (546 Apl 19 Page M W, ah ft Wake co, cvl jdgt e 211 Mch 4 llorie Kansom, s w,-crim jdrt d 44S Sept 14 Kedfearn Henry, witr crim jdgt d 555 , Nov 6 Robinson B L,crim jdgtd4tf Nov 4 Uedtearn, K J VV, or ass, crim jdgt d 480 Mch 4 Simons Lizzie, crim jdgt d443 Simons George, crim jdgt d 448 Smith D L, s w, crim jdgt d 451 Sikes Van, crim jdgt d 4(17 . Oct S Sturdivant Mary, crim jdgt d , 596 ''--.. ' Smith Paul, cnt. crim jdgt d 611 Nov 6 Steele VV Leak, crim jdgtd 646 Dec 21 Spencer J A, cvl jdgt. e 211 3mith D L, cvl jdgt ei'll Mch 4 Teal Ben, wit, or ass, crim jdgt d 450 Tyson Delia, cnstt crim jdgt d 460 Tillman Ed, crim jdgt d 599 Apl 19 Timmons S T, enst, crim jdgt d 5 , Timmons S T. as, crim jdgt l ,5 Apl 19 '07 Thomas J M, wit, cvl jdgt e400 Thomas J W, cvl jdgt e 22tf Vaughn Pleasant, cvl jJt e 91. Oct 8 Webb R L, or ass, erim jdgt d594 Webb Huntley, or as, crira jdrtd iiiU , Webb IIunti.'T, crim jdtrt d os-4 Nov 6 Wallace A W, sLf, crim j-lgt d 646 ;. i Webb W T, cnbt. crim jd jt d 646 Mch 4 Waiters W;i';-?, or a.-s. criai 1det d 401 4 20 2 00 75 2 50 Go 2 'So 2(H) 60 2 50 1 65 2 70 2 10 3 00 1 55 50 4 75 2 50 2 45 I 10 3 06 1 'II 1 15 i 1 W i TiyU5 1 95 60 2 20 3 05 1 80 55 2 20 7 50 r 50 2 'ivl 2 CO Waiters Oral-' cvi y i t e .!.) ! -t ev.J Walt li R, cvi ara: Wail " J e io s 3 4U t 2- 75 f 1 J i 5S- 1 05 i 2 f.M the la::: si CF fold's 1 "SUPE? "I have won past six year auperior to comfort and i it 1 cou; toriea at Li-:, fcow carefu . I ; made, you '.f. s thir shape, Li i t-t, . are f greater vd-s 1 t! A I'Tl OX-Sec thst W. T is stamped ou the bnuoir.. i 05 j ao : ! 39 ' 39 : (K) It your dealer cannot fit you .. 7e ror S14U Onior (?2J aIv. v Mass. FOBSAXH WadeSboro Cloth!-: woo: . Na Burt, or Ninety Day, tlwA i . Swedish Salect. Appier, tt -."-n v . White and Eia&k Zzil?. . All first-cla?s stock 3, tezlazc and Bent out ia new bngs. Our large varehouie aaJ med cleaning equipment giva us ad vantages lor supplying East fa Fans Czziz j j class seeds cau be sold. i Wood's CCih Annual C-t i Booh g-ives full informa;Ion bc'a about Farm and Garden Ca5. issued monthly, vpvea curref -price8of faim eeecb &nd Bmao ble information as to crops fcf; plant for success and pro&f r - Both publications mailad request. Write to-' ' 7. 17. WOOD Seedsmen, Rlotf 1 When ycf UoneyJ omlinsons draj Wadesboro, N. O. Fleetwood W. Dunlap ATTORN EY-AT-LAW YVadt'sboro, ' - -, N. C om 2nd Floor Flrt NatlttMt Bank Bnlliflng. .. Notice. Haviner qualiScd bofore the e?erkot tVe court of Auson county, an exeeuti'tz ot ttt Ifiaii V ill . V -. V.l 1.'. n L ..... - w . . - w . , duceas.nl All perjous .having claiau against her estate are hureby notlHea vQ present 'the name tn the undersigned on of before the 30t hday ol December, 1910, e thia notice will l-c pl'vidiyl in bar ol ttfcir rwivpry. This Dtc 'J4ih, UH.iJ. MVRY SIMMONS, . , .TE-WIK 1-HOUA8, EiKUtrixs ot Hari iet D jBirry, dee'd- State ot North Carolina, j; . -. Anson Comb Ly. , A. E. Hendiey, Administrator ol J.HL Hcndley, deceased, vs. - 1 Minnie K Hend lev, Theo ' Hendiey, Joe HeuiUey, Mail" Hendiey, Elizabeth Keod KY, Mary ricndlevJrftLa.H.., Rblnsoa ' Clarenc- Il-ndiey, Helms Hendiey a4 Smedes Hendiey. i NOTICE. The deft-udj.uts, Clare ux5 HndUy, R&l?s Hendiey and Smedes Hendiey, t mjiict! that an aciion entitled is above k. been eommrtucd iu the Superior Court ci Anson (Jour.ty for the sale o die rt-a' esta oi the late J. H. tljndiey lort'nepiirpow rr making assets to pay the deots of ue s.. decedent; :itid the said defendants wui further tako notice that ihey aie i-equl-i to appear boJoi-e the Cltrk of the Sowrnif Court of Anson County, at hi o-ll-e in n. Court House of said County, on Tnwi -' the 2."ta day of January, UiO, and &ha! . or demur to the petition in said action nr the petitioners will apply to the court fv? the relief demanded in sn;l petition. This, the lth d.iv of Dwinhor, 1 ". THOMAS C. ROiJINSO;, ;'.(rk of the Superiov Robinson & Caudle. Atcy.s. foi l". 2 : t . . M ' V . l-o V 1 5.-. y j 2 m . 3 00 fill ! 1 94 j iw. 4 60 I y , 30 j