( vU , 1 1 r . . ' . . i Hi'.'' J 1 J AS. G. BOYLIN, EDITOR XST PUBLISHED PUBLISHED JIOXDAYS AND Til t BSD AYS $1.00 A YEAI5, DUE IX ADVA Volume27 Wadesboro, M. C., Monday, January 17 1910 Number ! encei The instinct of modesty aataral to every woman la often greet hindrance to the care of womanly diseases. Women shrink from the personal question of the local physician; which seem indelicate. " The thought of examination is ab horrent to them, end so they endure ia silence e eoaditioa of disease which surety progresses from bod to worse. 'It Mam beea Dr. Pierce's privilege to carom '' ' Great many womem who hare fouad m retake " tor modesty la aim otter of FREE eonmalta tloa by letter. Tilt correspondence t held am maeredly coafldeatlal. 3 ddresa Dr. R. Y. Pierce, Buffalo, N. T. ' f. jr ' for. ' Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores end : regulates the womanly functions, abolishes pein and builds up and ' puts the finishing touch of health on every weak woman who- gives it a fair tnal. It Makes Weak Women ' Sick Women Well. You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this don-el coholio medicine or known composition. - Watch Ansooville ; Wake" Up . After a quiet and undisturbed slumber of 50 years, Ansonville is rubbing the sand out of her eyes and waking up, and something is going to happen around her soon. The queen of the Pee Dee section is .going to take - her deserved place among the prosperous, enterprising, wide awake towns of our state and step lively to the front. If you want to share our prosperity and; enjoy our beau tiful location and climate, come, get on the ground floor and help us push to the ..front.'. h,-, .' y- In the most desirable part of this place I have 500 Lots tha t 7 am going to either sell or give away to actual settlers f The Southbound railroad depot is on this property. I have already deeded lots for a large $50,000 wholesale tore; am negotiating for a large college, oil. mill, bank, large modern ginnery, cotton mill, hotel, and livery sta- II ble, all on this pro'perty, and have much encouragement to hope these and other enterprises will be loeated here before trains are runuing next fall. ; I am laying it out in modern style, with large blocks and wide streets and avenues and with a beautiful natu ral park in the center. Two excellent never-failing min eral springs on grounds. Will ; be ; glad to correspond with or show the property to any one wanting a desira ble business location of any kind, or a beautiful home. See Ansonville before you locate. - , , Ansonville Real : : A. II. RICHARDSON. EEE 3E How Is Your If it's not as good as you wish it to be, try a two-pound can of our Morning J oy, or a three-pound can of our Morita. They have the Gup Quali ties that will satisfy the lovers of a good cup of coffee. Our jGold Medal Coffee, put up in one-pound cans, at 25c, can't be beat at the price. 1ARDIS0N: :-C0. PH0IIE JOHN T BENNETT V ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' S , AH ii business will receive prompt cy.iou. "trace in the last room qn the t in he court house for the present, it - u ..) room heretofore occupied, by tt- & Bennett, Attorneys. , ts 1 iw T"f')f6Li FatsTiMls 1:4 ve -i f A Strong, ; t ; 4 3EHE 3& President and treasurer,- 0 30E 3E3E NO. 0. DIL BOYETTE, Dentist Ofnoe up stairs over Tomllnson's drug tore. ' ' ' -. Phone 78. : , : : Wadesboro, N. C ; Fleetwood W. Dunlap - " ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Wadesboro, , - ; ' N. C. OBu Sad rieer rirs NtUastl ,, . BaakBalUlag. " state Company n n n u r W o STOLE $200 OUT OF THIS JAIL, Hartford Rrparta BnrflaiT Tltet Hm, Cp Mark. Fer K.r.. Hartford, Conn., January 12 Something new in the annals of crime was pulled off in this city this morning, when somebody broke into the Hartford County Jail and walked away with $200 of the funds of the contractors, Ford A Johnson, who have the services of the prisoners in making chairs. The robbery was discovered when the engineer, Charles Campbell, walking around the building, found that the bars on one of the cellar win dows had been broken off, and natur ally sappesed that someone had broken out. An investigation was made, and it was found that, instead of breaking out someone had broken in, had smashed the cash box in the factory and got away with about $200 which the contractors had left there with the idea that the money would be safe there if anywhere: The robbery occurred In the fac tory which is cut off from the Jail proper by an iron door, but which ia county property, and has barred win dows like the rest of the establish ment. It is rented to Ford & John son, and every morning the men are turned in, being taken out again at night. The obvious Inference would be that some previous inmate, know ing the location of the cash box, did the trick. BEDRIDDEN WITH Itching, Burning Eruption frem Head to Foot- Doctor Gave Her Up Entirely First Application of , Cuticura Brought Relief and Sleep. CUTICURA REMEDIES EFFECT PERFECT CURE " Four years ago I suffered severely with a terrible eczema, being a mass or sores irom heed leieet and for six weeks con fined to my bed. Dur ing that time I suffered continual torture frem . itching and burning. After being given up bj my doctor I was ad- vised to try the Cuti- eura Bemediea. ' After - tha flrat Hath with fnfi. . f3SvZr'A cure Soan end rnlio- CPf "tion of Cuticura bint- good sleep during my entire illness. I also used Cuticura Resolvent and the treatment was continued for about three weeks. At the end of that time I was able to be about the house, entirely cured, and have felt no ill effects since. I would advise any person suffering from any form of skin trouble to try the Cuticura Remedies as I know what they did forme. Mrs. Edward Kenning. 1112 Balina St., Watertown, N. Y.. April 11, ltK)9." - b Cuticura Soap Soothing, Cooling, Refreshing for Tender Skins. Because of its delicate, eaaollient, sanative, antiseptic properties derived from Cuticura, united with the purest of saponaceous ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors, Cuticura Boap is unrivalled for cleansing, preserv ing and purifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands, for dispelling itching, irrita tion and inflammation and preventing clogging of the pores, the cause of many disfigurmg facial eruptions. All who delight in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair, will find that Cuticura Soap realizes every expectation. Cuticura goep S5c.). Cntieun Otatmcat BO ) ana i.imcura Hewireu (sue L or in ins lorm OI Chocolate Orated Pill 2i ptt vlai t 60) ire sola throuiuout the world Potter Onjit Cbcm Corp , aar-32-ptgt Cuticura Book, swile fre n)Tlns eaKxiptioB. natBMiii sad cm oi sua sOaettoM. ROY M HUNTL E Y D. D. S. Office Second Floor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. PHONE NO 80. JOHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney aad Ooanaellor-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, - Wadesboro, N. C. All letral business will have nromnt uml painstaking attention. Your sale9 and purcnaaes oi real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to me. Will also rent or Wwuw TAnrtAvn nmnartv &nl f n Ing lands and collect the rent for the same viumutor ylUdliing OC onOO uompanys store. W. F. Gray, d. d.s. (OFICE Hi 8UITH A DCNLAP BL'DG) '- Wadesboro, N. C. All Operations Warranted H H. McLiNDOir P. EL Thomas. McLendon & Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W WADES. X)RO, N. C. AH Business will Receive Prompt Attention. PHONE 61.; Farms For Rent. - Two rood two horse farms for rent in side the Wadesboro Graded School Dis trict. An excellent ODnortunitv for fam. ilies who desire to farm and send their children to school. I - T. Ix CAUDLE. EC7FMASIXWEEKS GENERAL COTTOJI SECURITIES COUP ANY. Jtha'Hvi Hmmb4 UtomW la (be VB4irtaklaf. . ' Manufacturer's Record. The General Cotton Securities Or. has been incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000,000 for the purpose of operatkiK the Dorerooa cotton gin in connection with improved cotton compresses, and to furnish a ware housing system issuing negotiable certificates. It has not determined details as to the mechanical equip ment, baa not engaged the engineer in charge, and has not selected the cities in which the plants wilt be lo cated. John Hays Hammond la president; Daniel J. Sully, vice president; D. B. Atherton, treasurer, and Ralph P. Buell of Graham A L'Awoureaux, secretary, all of New York. The directors are John Hays Hammond, Daniel J. Sulley, Mont. D. Rogers, George S. Graham, Har ris Hammond, D. B. Atherton and John P. Miller. The company's main offices are at 71 Broadway, New York, and it has a branch office at 901 Union Trust Building, Wash ington, D. C - In a letter to the Manufactors' Record Mr. Suiiy seta forth the plans of the company as follows: The company has been formed for the purpose of acquiring and building warehouses of approved modern construction at interior and concentrating points throughout the South. -Also acquiring and building ginning plants with the modern Doremus gin as the mechanism . for ginning; also modern compress aux iliary attachments, whereby cotton can be ginned and compresed at out station, an economic advantage which we consider of vast greatness as com pared with present methods. This will enable the farmer to place the bale directly in the warehouse, re ceive a certificate which guarantees the quality and weight of the cotton and also guarantees that the bale is where the face of the certificate states it to be. "This company through its organ ization, will endeavor to become a great factor in the conservation and reclamation ot the tremendous loss which is now a great factor and oi large financial loss to the South, and will thereby necessarily be of -great value to each and all of the varied interests in our Southland. "The General Cotton Securities Co. has acquired ' the majority of the stock of the National Cotton Im provement Co., which owns the en tire rights in America of. the Dore mus gin. The posibilities of this gin, in my opinion, are vast." Ceagrass 8ha!d Cfevaaga laaagaratleB Day at This Bessleau The House Committee on the Judi ciary has reported faborably on a re solution changing inauguration day from the 4th of March to the fourth Thursday in April. The resolution provides that hereafter the terms of Ihe Presidents, Vice-Pitsident, Uni ted States Senators and members of the House of Representatives shall be gin on the new inauguration day. The House resolution provides for a reform of the highest importance, and there ought to be prompt and final ac- I n on it by Congress at the present session. The next President of the United States should be inaugurated on the fourth Tburday in April, 1913. There is no necessity for postponing legislation. The reform is approved by the country, and as the subject has been thoroughly considered in all its phrases Congress is prepared to act without delay. Conclusive action at the earlies practlble opportunity ia de manded by every consideration of hu manity and of enlightened public pol icy. ; FARM FOR REN r A good farm, 1 1-4 miles north of Lilesville, with mule for same. Good dwelling and barn. Apply to Smith Henry, Llles viite, N. C. ABOUT HYOlfEI. A Battla Casts Oaljr BO Cat& Caa Oaiai, laeladtaa; Iaaalar, S1.O0. When Hyomei is guaranteed to cure catarrh , or your money back. what is the answer? Are you satisfied with your condi tion, or do you want to rid yourself fortver of vile catarrh, with its hu miliating symptoms, such as hawk ing, spitting, blowing and bad breath? Hyomei is a simple, antiseptic medicine, that you breathe through a small pocket inhaler over the parts affected. It Is made of Australian eucalyptus mixed with other germ killing and membrane soothing antiseptics. Get a complete outfit .today. It only costs $1.00, .rxi contains every thing necessary to eore any ordinary case of catarrh. Extra bottles, if needed, 50c , v ' , Hyomei is the best remedy in the world for sore throat, coughs and colds, croup and bronchitis. It gives wonderful relief in twti minutes. For sale by druggists everywhere and by the Parsons Drug Co., who guaran tees it. SAFES IN BIG HOTELS. Valuable Kept In Them by Guests For Years at a Time , A woman wallrod nn tn th mnntiT m. a zasnionaDie notei ana asKea ior a package of valuables which was In the -sail. "If I had not wanted one particular thing I suppose I should have left the package where It was to? auother three years." she aaid to the clerk. "Yes," said the clerk In answer to a question after the woman left, "that t-cket had really been la our safe for three years. Why, we have all sorts t -valuable papers, jewelry and even Ukcney that are intrusted to our keep ing for years at a time. -People seem ti "prefer a hotel -safe to a safety de posit vault. One reason, perhaps ia that it costs nothing.' Another la that the standard of hotel clerks has Improved. 1t is astonishing the amount of jew elry that people keep In hotel safes. Of course the owners hare originally stop ped' la the hotel, but they go away, leaving their valuables, and 1 have known such persons to be gone as much as two years and never make an inquiry about their property"' in that U348. ' "To show you how much coafldeoce people bare in hotels and their em ployees I might mention that the other day a man came in here and put four KflCOO bills in aa envelope, wrote his natee on the latter and aaked me to put it m the safe. Not long ago an other man actually did the same thing wittt seven 10,00d bills." Toe clerks of several other hotels talked in- a similar strain without any outside suggestion. T11 bet I have handled more than a million dollars worth of jewelry to day, said one. "Look here," and be opened the safe and plied six or eight big Jewelry cases on the counter, but hurriedly put them back, "in one1 of those I know there is over $200,000 worth, and what I showed you was only a few of what the safe contains." New York Sun. A RESTRAINING HAND. Its Action Followed by a Voice That Warned. v "Patrick H. MeCarren once told me of a funny Incident that happened la Home," said a Brooklyn lawyer. "Me Carren said that on his first visit to Rome, after he had sees the Coliseum and . the Forum, he visited the Ara Coell church, on the left of the Capi toline hill. He climbed the grand stairway leading to the church, the finest open air stairway in the world. He pushed back the heavy leather cur tain, and, entering, he found a service la progress. So he put his bat on the marble floor at his side and took a seat, - t 1 "After ten minutes or so he decided he woi-'d go and reached down, for his hat. ','42tt a reatralDlag hand was laid on his. and he desisted. He knew, of course, that some churches don't like people to leave ia the midst of a eerr ice. . "Tea or flfteeu minutes more passed. The service still continued. Senator MeCarren got Impatient and again reached for his hat. But again the un seen hand restrained him from the rear. "A little later, however, the senator quite lost patience. This was, he told himself, an important service, , of course. Nevertheless be did not pro pose to miss his luncheon, and It would harm no one if he slipped out quietly. "So a third time he reached for his hat. and the invisible hand a third time, detained him. - He persevered, however. ..The silent hand pushed, and his silent hand pushed against It. But just aa he was conquering In the strug gle a voice said in good American: " 'Cheese It, .. boss; that's my bat you're taking.' "Exchange. Could Prove It. A few days ago an aldermaa was glancing over the register at one of the local hotels to see if a friend of his was registered there. Near hira stood a man who was holding on to the desk for dear life la a semlauccess ful attempt to maintain his balance. "I s-s'pose you think I'm druBk?" said the stranger, looking belligerently at the alderman. "No: not In the least." replied the alderman, anxious to avoid the possi bility of a row. "Well, you'd knew 1 was if I let go this desk," answered the man. New ark Star. : "Chinese" Gordon. It was there that 1 saw General Gordon for the only time. He was a curiously listless looking, 'nervous lit tle man, with a sort of furtive look and expression as if he always antici pated something unpleasant. He was not agreeable or encouraging, and he gave very little outward evidence of the power and influence he possessed. He 8 poke little and seemed bored when he was addressed or asked any quea tloa. Lady St. Heller's Memoirs. Spartan Self Denial. When Mr. known to be miserly, but not believed to be a mlaer. was approached delicately for a contribu tion to the organ fund, he shook his head courteously, but with an air of finality. . ; . "Charity," he said, "is a pleasure oe must do without" ' What the Band Dia. "Here's a heading la this which says, 'Badly Mutilated paper by a Mounted Band." r.What was the name of the; piece the band was mutHattagr' Tjbnkers Statesman. If you wish for anything which be longs to another you lose that which he your own. Epictetus. A Wtl Billiard Bagtaaj brings danger, suffering, often death to thousands, who take oolds, coughs and lagrippe that terror of winter and spring. Its danger signals are "stuffed up" nos trils, lower part ot nose sore, chills and fever, pain in back of head, and a throat- gripping cough. When Grip attacks, you value your life, don't delay setting Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bottle cared me." writes A. I. Dunn, of Pine Val- ley, Miss., after being 'laid up three weeks I wUhGrip. "For sore Iup". llnmorrhapwi I Coughs. Co' !' i chitu, f iiear&s ANNUAL - STATEHENHT OF COUNTY FINANCES. To the Chairman of Boaid County i Commissioners . Anson County, North Carolina: C. W. Thomas, Clerk to Board County Commissioners, beg to sub mit the following report of all Dis bursements of County's funds made by order of Board County Commis-I sioners, for year ending with November 1909. BHOIIPTI. Dec I To balance - $1535 14 Dec 7 '08, to amt reed of J T Orww, silt- of old bridge i 2 60 Dec 10 '08, to amt reed of K W Ashcraft, error In order 2 00 Dec 19 '08, to amt reed of J T - Bennett, office rent 6 00 Ic 21 '08, to amt reed of T F Jones, hire of Waiter De- - Berry 2 00 Jan 14 '09, to amt red of S P Martin, taxes 1908 100 00 Jan 16 '09, to arnt reed of R E Little, office rent 89 00 Jan 18 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, taxes for 1908 604 67 Feb 1 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, taxes for 1908 1000 001 Feb 8 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, taxes for 1908 700 00 Feb 8 '09, to amt reed of S P Martini taxes for 1908 5000 00 Feb 8 09, to amt reed of R L Hardi&on, admr error 2 60 : Feb 13 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, stiff, taxes for 1908 800 00 Feb 27 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, shff, taxes for 1908 200 00 Mth 2 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, sbff, tsxes for 1908 200 00 Mch 4 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, shff, taxes for 1908 200 00 Mch 16 '09, to amt reed of 8 P Martin, ehff, lax s for I90fr 700 00 Apl 6 '09, to amt r. cd of S P Martin, ehff, taxes for 1908 1000 00 May 4 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, ehfT, taxes for 1908 2000 00 May 17 '09, to amt reed of 8 P Martin, shff, taxes lor 1908 3408 06 May 18 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, shff, excess com for 1907 92 68 May 18 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, bbfl. exess com for 1908 90 18 June 5 '09, to amt reed of L J Huntley, Bale fold bridge 11 00 June 24 '09, to amt reed of T C Robinson, CSC, Jury fines 44 65 Jly 19 .'09, to amt reed of H B Allen, old lumber 2 00 Oct 9 '09, to auit . reed of 8 P Martin, sbff, taxes for 1909 200 00 Oct 12 '09, to amt reed of S P Martin, ehff, taxes for 1909 800 00 Oct 16 '09, to amt reed of J M F ake, sale of old bridge 2 13 Oct 28 '09, t aiut r cd of S P wjiri-.s ff. ox 1909 1000 0O S V 26 09, Ui ami reed of TO RvLhubOu, C K C, Jury fiu8 181 86 Total .18,690 So DISBURSE! JZHTS. Co order No 1 John Lowe, J P oathbomis, etc for clerk's office . $ 5 00 2, J T Porter, conveying I prl.-oner to iil -1 00 3. J T Porter, election services in Lilesville tp ' . 15 14 4. C C Griffin, electiorrservicts in White Store tp . 12 48 5. J W Jones, election services in White Store tp 6 00 6, J C Huntly, serving 8 road orders and conveying 1 pris oner to Jail , 8 40 7, J T Teal, election services In Gulledee tp 2 00 8. W V Walu-rs. election servl ces In Ansonville tp 4 00 9. E W Martin, election servl ces Nov election 4 00 10. John W Kiker. electonser vljes Nov election 21 11 11. J M Sings, election servi ces in Morven tp 2 00 12, WQ Bailey, nails for bridge at Rhnda station ford 0 66 18, C H Rivers, election servi ces 8 days 6 00 14. R E Lee Northcutt. elec tion services Morven tp 15 66 15, R S Beeman, election servl ces Nov election 2 00 16. H H Cox. 1 mattress for Co home '20 17, B F Trexler, election servi ces In Ansonville tp 2 00 8, T T Caraway, election ser vices as registrar 16 44 19, W S Braswell, election ser vices as registrar 14 64 20. T V Hardison, lumber and nails for Jones creek bridge 86 60 21, LC Duke, election servl ces In Lanesboro tp 8 00 22. K W Ashcraft. election servioi s as registrar . 16 32 23, W T Edwards, election ser vices in Lanesboro tp 16 90 24. Dr, E S Ashe, medical ser vices rendered county 17 00 25, W S Covington; election services 2 00 26. H B Allen, fruit trees for co home - . d oo 27. W B Csgie. conveying 3 prisoners to jail 3 00 28, W P Martin, D S, convey- inir John Ureorv from Kl- eiarh 14 00 29, S P Martin, repairs insher- ifrs office and wood for court room ' 6 20 30. W S Clark, electioirservlces in Ansonville tp' 2 00 81, W Henry LUes, supples for co home 11 12 32, W P Martin, conveying Jack Carpenter to Goldsboro hospital - 41 20 83, T C Robinson, preparing annual statement to corns. etc 75 27 84, W F Crump, repairing bridge on Polk tan Dad 10 00 85. D E Gate wood, suuolies for co home 91 69 86. W W Barrett, service to mall pox patients 18 87. S P Martin, iall expenses Nov 1908 43 88. S P Martin, serving notices for Nov. '08 election 9 89, W P Led better, election service, stamps cost of print ing etc - - 12 40. J A Redfearn. election ser I vfeeg Lanesboro tp . 18 ay lor, repairs: 42, J D Horne, supplies for co home 88 68 43, Goldsboro hospital, trans portation and clothing for J Dunlap and W Ledoetter 17 90 40 56 200 200 , 9 00 4 50 8 OO 3 00 600 4 60 800 4 60 8 x 4 60 6 00 800 300 4 50 4 50 8 00 1 60 9 00 8 00 300 4 50 4 60 3 00 800 300 2 25 3 00 4 50 8 00 4 60 4 60 6 00 4 60 800 3 00 4 50 3 00 3 00 800 300 2 oo 8 oo 800 4 50 44, J M Horne, repairing bidge on Gould's fork 44, H J Wall, services as poll holder prohibition election 45, 8 T Flake, f-leetion services Nov election '08 46, Henry Boggan and wife, support 47, M E Brooks, support 48, Bety Byrd, supporr 49, Rebecca Byrd, sup. ort 50, Misses' Mary and Mcllia Brantly, support 51, George Baucun and wife, support 52, Ann Bennett, support 63, J J Bog tran, support 64, London Bennett, supt 55, Pecira Buchanan, support 56, Jacob Bennettand wife supt 57, Harriet Bryant, supt 58, Sam Cole, supt 69, Crook Cramp, supt 60, Hannah Cole, supt 61, Harriet Christian, supt bz, Malinda Covington, supt 63, Frank Cox and wire, supt 64, Ells Edwards, supt 66, Anthony Edwards, supt 68, Flora Dean, supt 67, Jordan Dunlap and wife, support 68, Caroline De Berry, supt 69, Easter Dunlap, supt 70, Kate Forte, BUpt 71, Sam Gaddy, supt 72, Mary Jat-e Gaddy, supt 78, Foster C Gales, supt 74, Lydia Horne, supt 75, Bettie Hubbard, supt 76, Laura Harris, supt I 7 j 7, Julius Hudreth, supt 78, Alice Hammond, sup 79, Sylvia Horne, supt HO, Bettie Jarman, supt 81, Henry Hooker, supt 82, Charlotte Horne, supt 83, Sallie E Hutchinson, supt ' 84, Frunle Uanna, Bupt 85, Alex Kirby, supt 86, Sophia Kirby, supt 87, Harriet Leak, eupt 88, Susan Lee, supt 89, John Lear, supt 9o, Viney, Lee supt 3 oo 8 oo Hlj.feggle Martin, supt 92, Mrs Alex Melton, supt 93, Arch McCormick, supt 94, Mrs Geo Martin and child, 3 oo 3 oo 4 oo 3 oo 3 oo 4 6o 8 00 8 00 support 95, Mary Maske, supt 96, Mrs Nancy Meeke, supt 97, Miss Jane McDuffey, 98, Pleasant Medley, support 99, Mary McGougan,' support 100, John Morgan, support 3 00 4 50 101, Eliza Meeks, support 102, Wheeler McOurmU-fc, sup port 3 Ht 108, Mrs. Ri-t v.i r, ?up. 104. Ltua Pi , supo- rt 6 6 Oo 8 00 105. Margaret Polk, support I 106, Thomas Prophet, support.' . 800 3 oo 3 oo 3 oo 6 oo 5 oo 8 oo 8 75 2 oo 6 oo 2oo 3 oo 3 oo 4 5o 8 oo 8 oo 8 oo 4 5o 3 oo 3 oo 6 oo 2 8 on 2 OO 14 87 2 6o 8 oo 16 5o 7 6o 4 85 82 25 107, Nancy Jane Price, support 108, Willie Pope, support 109, Mary Robins, support Ho, Joe Ratliff and wife, sup port 111, Millie Radcliff, supt 112, Mag Richardson, supt 113, Pherabee Rorie, supt 114, Hannah Smith, aupt ' 115, J. Van Shepherd, supt 116, Yankee" John Sturdl- vant, supt 117, Richmond Smith, supt 118, Geo. Sullivan, supt 119, Math Smith, supt . 12o, Eliza Steele, eupt 121, Henderson 8hort, supt 122, Melvina Tyson, supt 123. Columbus Terry, supt 124, John Ellis Williams, supt 125, Sherword Williams, supt 126, W; L. White, eupt 127, Jane Wall, supt 128, Ellen Williams, upt 129, HS Ledbettt-r, elctn ser vices, Nov. 'c8 election 13". S H Gaddy, elctn serves Ansonville tp 131, Traywlck 4 Biven, burl Hps of John Sturdivant 132, Julian Allen, swge rt, 4 months for Jail 183, S S Shepherd, coffins for county home 134, 8 8 Shepherd, 3 eofflns for outside paupers 135, J B Henry, supls for coun ty home 186, J B Henry, sal for qtr In cluding this date 187, J B Henry, extra aervs, Mary Rickets W Prlvett 15 OO 183, D A Lowery, elctn serva for Nov. 'o8 electn 4 2 17 4 84 3 2 84 189, M. B. Howell, bf for co home 14o, H H Cox, fur for registers office 141, H H Cox, sup for co home 142, J F Trexler, bldg 2 bgs etc 143, H H Cox, brm for ct hse 144, W H LI lea, comfts for jl 145, Uoggan Bros, coffin for Henry Hooker 146, T T Caraway, sups for co home - 147, James Cameron, building bidg over Brown crk 4o 1 148, Mrs. J. H. Flake, ml for Jurors, Dee 08 court 149, Amos McLendon, ct avt Dec o 7 15o, W H Downer, ct officer Dec 08 lo 151, J W Therrell, pis for cse- wying Wht Store road 3 152, Wadesboro Oil Mill, coal jail 2o9o 153, B F Trexler, oonvying Darling Richarkson to jail loo 154, G C Martin, wood .ior et bouse 9 155, S P Martin, wd for et hse 49 156; W P Martin, court officer Dec 08 167, B P Martin, summog Jary Dec 08 court o 168, W B Rose, telgrm to chim em 159. Frederick Disinfectant 'o, i gallons creo insecticide - ,10 80 160 Thos C Robinson preparing dockets Deo, 08, court, etc 60 65 161. W Henry LUes, comforts for co home .2.50 !&. C W Led better, conveying Oscar Tadlock to jail . 1.00 163. II B AH jn, services 7 days as ecu quarter inclung trJs date 14 00 164. II J V7all, services 6 days as com quarter inclmdlcj tiiis dat-15.&) ie. E He "a eprv-;-r9 6 days t. ir,-art..r iz-.lil i tV.s data 19. SO 00 20 90 00 61 7TT 1 CiO THE LARGEST MAKER Ad RETAILE: CF KEN'S FINE SHOES i'l THE ::i2. 8UPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES." "I hava worn W. L. Douglas shoe for tn past 1 years, and always find trier are far Superior to all other higrh grade shoes In sty la. comfort and durability." W.G. JONE3. U I coo la take you into my large fac teriee at Brockton, Mass and show you how carefully W. L Douglas shoes are made, yoa would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are et greater value than any other make. CAUTIOX See that W. 1 DrmtflM name ti4 mh-s to uampe4 on the bottom. Take feubxitute. It yoor de&ier caiiDot tit yoi w.ta W.L.Poueiii5h wnte rw aiu uruof t. itaio?. w.L-Docgla, iroeioa FCSSaXEET Wadesboro Clclh'ng & Shoe Co. The Offering Incense isn't always the burning of it in the chalice. No sweeter license' offering can be made the dead than . a bf fit ting funeral. - '-''i-' -Should you beeltctc?d as the man aging party to look after the arrange-" ments, call us. We go anywhere at any time day. or "night. We -will aid you in every way in carrying out to the letter every wish of the bereaved family, ' XtOur New Hear?e is "up-to-date; in every partjVulisr. V - . S lupl- v '- -t and .,.- . t r ( t . - r-1 ii i Otiat. J. Oil tti ;;!A-"er.' ... (lathings Fotti !of. t -r &ma4i WOOD'S Seed o4ts. The New "Washington. Burt, or Ninety Day, Rust Proof, Swedish Select, Appier, Bancroft White and Black Spring. All first class stocks, recl&aned, and sent out in new tags. Our large warehouse and seed cleaning equipment give us ad vantages for snpplyin s The Best In Fa.m Seeds at as reasonable prises as first elass seeds can be sold. Wood's 3Cth Annual Seed Book gives lull information both about Farm and Garden Seeds. WOOD'S CROP SPECIAL, issued monthly, gives current prices of farm seeds and seasona ble iuformatioivaa to crops best to plant for success and profit. Both pubRcatlons mailed free en request. Write to-day. T. 17. WOOD & sons, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. c 5 Notice of Sale by Commis sioners. By virtue of the power and authority conferred upon us by a Docree of the Su perior Court of Anson county in aa action entitled Joiia V. Ross and her husband R. D. Ross vs. D. T. fovinRion, we, the na dersifreed Comrnissiouers- will on Monday, the 7th day of February, 1510, at 13 o'cl'X:k V. at the court house door in Va4esboro, North Carolina, offer for sale to the hieii st bidder for cash the following described real estate, bounded aa follows: 1st Tract Besr nuina: at a stake form erly 2 f ines Ratliff's comer and runs N. 75 W. 19 chs. to St. formerly post oak and oo 73 oo 75 99 4o oo 5o 96 3 pines; then J. 33 i. 17.a?-jchs. to s6. , formerly 2 piaa, white oak aad persim mon ptrs.; then N. 59 W. 10.15 chs. tc a rook pile; then N. 18 E. IG chs. to pile of rocks, hickory, pine and post oak ptrs.; -then N. 42 W." 86.50 chs. to Mi'l Creek Par- . sons 2 oaks, maple and elm ptrs., then down tae various courses of the creek to the upper corner of lot No. b on ?ad creek 1 white oak, holly - and sweet gum Etrs.; then S. 5 W, 88.60 chs. to St. in a eld; then. S. 33 W. IS. 95 chs, to the be-g-inuing containing' 206 acres; arid beinj? No. 7. in the partition of the lands of the late J. J. Dunlap, deceased, allotted to oo 75 Julia V.Rois and described as above. Said land is more fully described by refer ence to the partition of the J. J. Duutap' lands as recorded in the offloe of the regis ter of deeds for Anson county in deed book 38, on page 444, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete descrip tion of said laDd. 2nd Tract. Beginning at a fallen down walnut tree on the bank of Pee Dee River and runs N. 64 W. 17 ehs. to a large red oalt, Gibson's corner; then N. 48!' VV. 19 9f chs. to a stake 3 pine ptrs.; then X. 434 W. 24 ehs. to a stake on bank ot Miill creek, 2 white oaks, maples and elm ptrs.; then down the various courses of said creek to its intersection with Pee" Dee river; then op Pee Dee river ia.40 chs. to the beginning, containing 100 aorvs more or lees and being that t ract ot land de scribes in a mortgage de'd executed by Abner Flowers and wife Martha A. Flow ers, Ella J. Morrison aul others, datt Feb. 10th, 18S8. aod recorded ia the oiSje of the reisti-r of ded t-jr Au-;ib conuiy In trust b ok No. 20. ost n il, d ,K - oo oo oo so lo o 89 hig the land c avt'y 1 y i' U. C& :, Comiuivjioof r to J ' "' m tZ Ia Uorrisoa and E-izi - a. " f: ; -ddt-d. the I9th day ot tXn , ! i f " -imv i tt,vd reference is hei-eby nir.ie r a urore c jji plete description of said lani. These tracts will be soli separate a i ;i a whole. There ia a good foar Lhrse !..r:a open on this lacu wLLh i ia go.i s..: of cultivation and hu-i-iy pi-v.-jcive. A:L aeoessary buiidings tor ijr!n.j ourp - in good repair. A )z p. -J. l : . . ; : is beaviiy tiaibert-J. ' - The said saK arv'.r iU ' ' ' ' cocftnnatiou 'ot ti c..':; . Tiiis Jan r:h 8