I I IF 3 J AS. G. .BOYLIX, EDITOR AXD PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AJND Til UKSDAYS $1.00 A YEAH, )UElNfc ADVAXC i: Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. G., THursday, January 20, 1910 Number 16 .IVARREN TOPPAW, Lynn, 171a Vlnol is certainly a wonderful medicine." . Mr.Toppan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected merchants, whose word is as good as his bond. - i The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because it contains the' two most world-famed tonics the medicinal, strength ening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Your Money Back C, You Are Not Satisfied. FOX & LYON, Druggists, Wadesboro. The Kind You Hare Always in use for OTer SO years, and has J7 . sonal All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infknta and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Farev goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the. Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR! A AL17AV0 X7 Bears IHe The Kind You Hare Always Bongbt In Use For Over 30 Years. v mum MUMiir, r iwiuf evaccv. acwveaa env. Howls Your Coffee? If it's not as goodf as you wish it to be, try a two-pound can of our Morning Joy, or a three-pound can of our Morita. They have the Cup Quali ties that will satisfy the lovers of a good cup of coffee. Our Gold Medal Coffee, put up in one-pound cans, at 25c, can't be beat at the price. AMD PH0ITE Cured ot severe com pou ndll VcVu ana cougn oy - Vino! From Dec. 20, '08. to March U?09, 1 had three bad colds, one on top of too other. 1 got bo wealc 1 could han2y get around. Nothing seemed to help me until 1 began to take VtaoL The change was magic Three bottles com pletely fixed that compound cold and stopped the terrible cough -and what surprises me most, at the same time It cured me of a severe stomach trouble that has bothered me for 20 veara. Bought, and which has been has borne the signature ot been made under his per- saperrlsion since its infancy. Signature' ISON CO. no. 0. JURY CONVICTS TWO OFFICERS SEKIH0LE C02IPAHY. J.ka TflwHBtMTM4 J. Tsaatff - Tmm Oallty mf St Tnut With Praadvlaae: laleat. Colombia, S: C, Jan. 14. John Y. Garlington and J. Stobo Yoanjc, for merly president sod secretary respec tively of the Seminole Securities Com pany, to-night-wem-found guilty of breach of trust with: fraudulent intent, the fourth count in the indictment against them. The other four counta were dlaraisBed. A motion for Tie w trial wm made immediately after the announcement of the- verdict. Judge Prince announced that he would hear arguments on the motion to-morrow morning. In the meantime the de fendants Darlington and Young were remauded to jail, Judge Prince refusing- to continue their bonds. . At 11 o'clock tonight the Jurors an nounced that they had" arrived ai a verdict. The defendant were con ducted into court and the verdict was announced. The defendants received the verdict with perfect composure. TLa verdict carries a prison--sentence of 2 to lo years. The specific charge on which- Gar lington and Young were convicted is that they fraudulently appropiated from the Seminole Securities Com pany funds amounting to 155,696.77. The other counts 'in the indictment charged breach of trust with regard to Block of the Seminole Securities Company, lareenyiofstoek and iarteny of money and conspiracy. After two days of hard fought legal battle the case was given to the jury it 2 o'clock this afternoon, after the attorneys for the defense bad eouir plettd their closing argument, and the judge bad. delivered an exhaustive eharfre to the jury. Eight hours later the jury aunouneed Its finding. Both UaTlington and Young are members of highly respected and pro mineut familksof Laurens county, this State. Saturday Judge Prince sentenced Garlington to three years in the pen itentiary and Young to one year. The M. A I. 8la.pt Bcamljr fmr LaUrlpp. LaGrippe coughs are dangerous, aa they frequently develop into pneumonia. Foley's Hooey aad Tar not only stops toe cough, but heals and strengthens the tHC e tha mm nctluue- tmlw wi - b feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Pae Dee Pharmacy, Parson Drug Co. Dyspepsia is oar national ailment. Bur dock Blood Bitters is the national care for it. It . strengthens stomach mem branes, promotes flow of digestive juices, purities the blood, builds yea op. A Notre Dame Lady's Appeal. To all knowing sufferers ot rheumatism, wueiner muscular or or the Joints, sciati ca, lumbago, backache, pain in the kid ney or neuralgia pains, to write to ner tor a home treatment which ha repeated ly cured all ot these tort ore. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home as thousand will testify no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes uric aoid from th blood, loosens the stif fened lOLBtS. nurifias ttut hlnrwt nnA ens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. It the above Interests yon, for proof addreea Mrs. M. Hummers, Box K. Notre Dame, Ind. ROY M. HUNTL E Y D. D. S. Office Seeond Floor of New National Bank BuiWing. Work Done Day or Nisht. PHONE SO 80. JOHN W. GULLEDGE. Attorney and Counsellor-et-Law and Keai Estate Agent, ' Wadesboro, N. C. All legal business will have vromot and painstaking attention. Your sales and pnrcnases or real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to me. Will also rent or lease you down nronertv and farm. Inr lands and collect the rent for the same Office over Wadesboro Clothing & Shoe vompany-s biore. W.F.Gray,d.d.s. (OriOS IN BMITH A DCNLAJT BL'DQ) Wadesboro, N. C. All Operations Warranted U II. McLasoos F. K. Thomas. McLendon Ac Thomas ATTORNE YS-AT-LA W WADKSJORO, N. C All Business will fteceive Prompt Attention. PHONE si. Farms For Rent. Two good two horse farms lor rent In Ida the WadrahAm ClrmAaA cl..i ' ru. trict. Aa excellent opportunity for fm- IHm allA llttliM . .X I.. 1 . . T, , . . . " Mn aeaa tneir children to school. T. L. CAUDLE. JOHN T BENNETT ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. Alllesral bnn(nM will . attention. Offim In t)u i.t 'nrnt nthtrnnrtlimiuln. it... . ... - - -. . uu iu wm resfoi, ii I vite ruoiu eere&core ok-ria try ' t -uutt Si Eonest, AtitH-sr. EHD OF A PATHETIC LIFE. Mooroe Enquirer. . Mrs. Martha Jane Harris, widow of the late Mr. Dorsey Harris, of Bu ford township, died at the county home last Friday afternoon - and ' was buried at Macedonia church on Satur day .'afternoon. -The lives of Dorsey Harris and his wife were pathetic ones They started life' together with fair prospects : and bright hopes.- They made a good living and were laying a little something by for old age or for that "rainy day" which comes in most lives. Sickness came. For years the husband was confined to his house with rheumatism. Nothing was made on their little farm, except what the wile eked ouL This did not equal, the expenditure, skimp and and save however carefully they might. Debt and poverty came band in hand to their abode. Old age and blindness came on the wife -and her ever willing hands could do no more. They had no child to be a stay and. support to them. And One day tbr drawn and crippled old husband and his blind wife knocked fit the door oT the county home for the aged and In firm and asked for admission.' That was fourteen ytar ago. Two yean, after that the husband died. The wife remained' until the date above named, always submissive, never complaining of her lot. ' Mrs. Harris was one whost. Christianity was known to ay who came in contact with her. . She was tried ip the 'fire and prove I to b pure gold. Those who visted Mrs. Harris- and read to her from the Bible, as she requested all who earn, and spent any time with her to do, remember that she would always say, "Head that chapter where i' says 'In my Father's bouse are many mansions.'" Poor old -oul, sitting in, the house of charity, the onl) home offering a friendly roof, asking that she might hear read from tht great old Book about mansions in th house of the great . All Father there was unutterable pUbos in in it, and yet there was a faith -and un shaken hope which challenges admir ation. - Mrs. Harris was a little over 88 years old. She bad been for many years ; a member of the Baptist church. -t- A yonng farmer from -Clemen ton, N. J. was selling rgga at the corner of Fonrth aad South streeta this morning, when a bartender walked up to him and ,ked aim the price of a doc-n eggs. The farmer anawered 4l cents a doaen, and aa there waa an extra egg in the doien he wanted 3 eenu extra, but the bartender wanted it "thrown in with the bargain. ,r "Well," said the one who eel! the liquor, "I will take the egg and treat you to a drink " "All right," said the farmer. When they came to the tavern he was asked what he wpold drink, to which he replied: "Well, I alius drink sherry with an egg in it." And they aay farmers bny gold brioka. Philadelphia Times. It la a dangerous thing to take a cengh medicine containing opiates that merely stiflle yont cough instead of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and expels the poisonous germs', thus preventing peeoavoala and consumption Refuse substitutes and take only the geanine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow ackage. Pee Dee Pharmacy, Parsons Drug Co. , j m , He Qrausitt Dealr4. A school having instructed . a pupil to purchase a gram afar, the next day received a note thus worded from the child's moth er: : ' ' .-. . ' . "I do not desire tor Lulu shall ingage in grammar,' as I prefer her ingage inyuseful stud lee and ean learn ber how to spoke and write properly myself. I have went through two grammers and I eaa't say ae they did me no good. I prefer her ingage In germ an and drawing and vocal masic on the piano." Burr Oak (Kan) Herald. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case ot kidney or bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of medicine. It in vigorates the entire system and strength ens the kidneys so they eliminate the im purities from the blood. Backache, rheu matism, kidney and bladder troubles are all cured by this great medicine. Com mence taking at once and avoid Bright's Disease and Diabetes. Pee Dee Pharmacy, Parsena Drug Co. CMskllthtBa a HptU. " Father," said little-Rollo. "wa Sol omon really the wisest man?" - "I don't know, my son. You see, hia poetical power was so great that when he claimed to be the wisest maa nobody had the nerve to contradict him." Washing ton Star. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Chamberlain's Stomgch and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you -require their aid. Iheae tablets change weakness Into aureagth, liatlessness into energy, gloom! ess into joyousnees. Their action is so gentle one don't realise they have taken a purgative. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. : A Chinee m Lesat. A change of tenors bad been made in the church choir. Eiirht-vear-old JmU turning from the morning service, was anxious to teu the news. "Oh, motherl" she exclaimed, "we have a new terror in the choir!"--Woman's Home Companian. You'll feel better after taking De Witt's Little Early Risers, the safe, sure, pleas ant, gentle little liver pill. If you would he sure of good results insist on Dewitt's Carbollsed Witch Hazgl Salve the original. good lor big cuts or little ones, small scratches or brnlses or big ones, but it is especially good for piled. Bold by I-fsoc9 Pre j Co. ATOP THE FREIGHT TRAIN. Walking the Care a Hair Raising Ex perience For-a Neviee. There came over me ax I gat in tha caboose that evening a wild desire to ride with the engineer la the. cab. Planning to slip ahead along the half mile or so of train at the first stop. 1 made' known my desire to our con ductor over that part of the run. . -They'U be glad to see you,' he told iae.' "Yoa won't have any, trouble get tia' there. It's a mild evenln'." He swung open the wladowof the lookout and eatled to his rear brakeman, "Jim- -mi& run atoa with this here party." muuv puiieu me inroogn ine wioaow t the lookout before I clearly realized toe entice plan. J was a slippery path over the roofs i-f sixty cars to the big engius that wan puiling us, and- the wind that wept lo from the shores ot the Ice beuad. take, along which the tracks rau for many miles, snapped sharply over those ear roofs. Jiuimie buug oo to hi lantern with one hand, to his con-toy- with the other. Long miles over those) slippery car roofs had taught blw to regard It aa no very serious business. 1 This ala't aotfcta'." was bis assur aiMe.' "It sometimes gets nasty when wr get down to aero an' a blbzard comes a-rippin from off over the lake. "Sometime you have to get down an' crawl on aN fours. It wouldn't be touch fun to be swept off the tops of those car." . ' There was no disputing that, nor that the three lengthwise planks at the gable of the "car roofs were sot wide promenades, ' You jump from one t another ta tross from car to car. a Ed a 'mas has get to have something a 'gymnastic training and some cir Cfs; aaXweu" as -railcoad blood lu Jus vilus 'to da it. many times without dicpplug-tnto' one of the hideous dark attysses between thia. A hand, out of -the dark slapped me in the facer- Drep" said Jlmmle. and. fearing possibly that 1 might not ebey. be polled- me flat down upon the car roof. . . . That was a teUtai'.' he explained, and before 1 could ask., further we were to a short reach of a tunnel, and I uuderatoodi We were -whirled through that tunnel like a package in a tube,' and if we had raised our arms we could have touched the flying roof 6f the bore. The smoke lay heavy iu the place. It filled our eyes and nos trils. ?: "Not real niee,' said Jlmmie cheerily. But no danger In the boles, save uow and theu an icicle gets a crack at your nut You see there ain't much use In arguln the matter after that 'telltale' strikes you." Edward Hnngerford la Harpers.- . . PARIS: RAGPICKERS. 3- Occupation That la Passed Atone. . From Father to 8an. The ragpickers of Paris are born to their work, Ihe occupation being pass ed from father to sou for generations. Each ragpicker family has Its own dis trict, which is iuherited by the chil dren and grandchildren. In spite of all the progress made iu modern aud elegant Paris barrels of waste are piled up on the streets in front of luaur buildings on beautiful boulevards la the early morning hours. and it Is the privilege and In fact the mission of the ragpickers to examine this refuse. They have use for everything, and but little Is left after they have passed, their thoroughness being one reason why the system is still allowed. Ev ery scrap of paper hss Its market; rags are gathered for paper manufac turers; shoes go back te leather deal ers.' Oft sardine and preserved meat tins are used for making playthings, oia bones produce gelatin and glue, lem ons and orange peels -are greatly sought after and sold at the rate of a cent a pound to perfume and sirup manafacturers, old metals. are highly prized, elgar stubs go to tobacco fac tories, and eveu stale vegetables are carted away. t The quarters of the ragpickers of Paris are Just outside the confines of the city sections carefully avoided by most people who do not belong to the guild. Every member of the rnmuy. from the oldest to the three-year-oia. takes part In the sorting of the spoils. and it often happens that members or family die either from poisoning from stale food or from a cut iron one of the tins. Popular Mechanics. -A Nine Days' Wender." The- memorable reign of Lady Jane Grey is satd to have given me to we phrase "A nine days' wonder." iay Jane .was proclaimed queen of Bug- land July 10. 1533. four days after the death of Edward VI. After the lapse of a period of nine days, on July 19. she relinquished her title to tbe crown. thus terminating her reign In the snort space of a week and a half. A noted English historian says. "ibus we come to the end of the diary of that snort and troubled eign that from its length Is said- to have given rise to the now (1020) popular phrase. 'A nine days wonder.'" A Secial War. 8ee here, old man. every time my wife orders a gown your wife orders two gowas. Tesr "Wheceupoa my wife goes your wife one better." "Welir "Cast we arbitrate this matter?" Pittsburg Post. That Kind of Flower. Ella That red headed girt Is always on the go, but she is the flower of the family. Btella A sort of "Crimson RamblersNew York Frees. Have you a -weak throat t It so, yoa eanaot be too careful. You oaneot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another and the last Is always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the out set you will be saved much trouble. Sold by Parsons Durg Co. "I Don' have been somewhat costive. bat de Scriptural Carving. A Scriptural method of carving fowls when In secular company was claimed by a "witty clergyman who, having beeu asked to carve oue day, said. "Inas much as you demand It. I wilt carve the fowl according to Biblical princ plea." "Yes," exclaimed the hostess.' "act according to the Scriptures." The theologian therefore began the carv ing. The baron was tendered the head of the fowl, the baroness the neck, the two daughters a wing apiece and the two sous a first joint, the carver re taining the remainder. - "According to what Interpretation do you make such a division?" inquired the host of his guest as he regarded the clergyman's heaping plate aud the seant portions doled out to the family.' "From an Interpretation of my own," replied the clerical wit. "As the mae ter of your house the head belongs to . you by right; the baroness, being meet near to yeu, should receive the neck, which Is u rarest the head; in the whigs the young girls will recognize a sym bol of their nobie thoughts, that fly from oue desire to another; as to the' young barons, the drumsticks t bey have received will remind them that they are respooaiule for supporting your bouse, aa the legs of the capon support the. bird itself." London. Standard. i - Camet a Delicate Beast. wontrary to the widespread but erro neous opinion, the camel Is a very deli cate animal. A camel that has worked fifteen days In succession ueede a month's pasturage to rectqerate.r It Is liable to a host of ailmeuts aud acci dents. When a caravan c-roasee a seb kha, or dry salt lake, it ia rare that some ef the animals do not break a .leg.: If the fracture i iu the upper part of the limb, there Is uotbing for it bnt to slaughter the animal aud re tall It a fleish aa butcher's meat. If the lver part of the limb has been iujured ike bone Is set and held in poeitiou by lueaus of splints made of palm branches, which are bound with small cords. If no complications ensne at the eud of a month the frac ture la reduced. When it Is a ease of simple dislocation the Injured part is cauterised with a redhot iron, theu coated with clay and bandaged with a strip of cloth. Fifteen days afterward the animal Is generally cured. Vulga risation Scleotifique. That's All He Fargot. The cab containing the abeentmind ed man and his family drew up In front of the Broad street station. There emerged the absentminded man. bis wife, three children, a birdcage, a dog on a leah and Innumerable bun dles and parcels. The absentminded man paid the driver, gathered up the bundles, dropped them and pressed his band dramatically to his fevered brow. "There," be exclaimed, "1 just knew t had forgotten something!" ... His wife carefully counted the three children, saw that the dog aud the birdcage were iutact and took an in ventory of the bundles. "We seem to be all here," she re marked. "1 am sure we have every thing. What do you think It is yoa have forgotten?" "Why, bless my soul!" cried the ab sentmiuded man. "Now that we are here I've forgotten where we Intended goingr-Philadelphia Ledger Tongue Cauflit Ermine. "This stole Is of tongue caught er mine, hence Its high price," the sales man said. "Tongue caught ermine, eh T" "Yea, madam. You see, the ermine's coat Is extremely delicate, A trap tears it horribly. So the trapper catch-' es It by the tongue. "The ermine is fond of ice. The trapper smears heavy knives with grease and lays them here aud there ou the snow. The snow whits ermine, lithe and quick, rushes up iu tire aero weather, licks what he takes for a sliver of ice, aud. lo, Is doomed, for the steel of tne heavy kuife has frosen fast to his tongue." Exchange. Longest English Lawsuit. ' The longest lawsuit ever beard in England was that between the heir of Thomas Talbot. Viscount Lisle, and the heirs of Lord Berkeley respect ing certain lands and possessions not far from Wootton-uuder-Edge, la the county of (Hoac-catter. It commenced at the end of the reign of Edward IT. aad was pending till the reign of James I., when a compromise took place after it bad lasted about 120 years. London Answers. Beware mt Olatsnaats Catarrh that rBtla Mereary, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of small and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Snch articles should never be used, except on prescriptions from rep utable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them.- Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney St Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is takes internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken Internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Bl Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c per bottle! Take Hall's Family Pills tor Constipa tion. t Tsa, Curate f to wife beater) But. mv rood man, ean you and yonr wife live together without Bgntingt Loafer No, air; not 'appily." M. A. P. Don't trifle with Kidney and Bladder trouble. Take Dewitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed and you will at once notice satisfactory results. DeWltt'a Kidney and Bladder Pills are antiseptic, healing and soothing. Be . sure to get DeWltt'a Kidney aad Bladder Pills when yon ask tor tbem. Refuse substitutes aad Imitations. Look for the name on the package. Sold by Parsons Drag Co. I Krinw Irish Be pardon, sorr, the clock has stopped an' would ye plase look at your watch an tell me If It Is time to wake ye!" VM. A. P. A spelSo for pain Dr. Thomas Y.'m-'- rvi, stragst, cheapest liniment evrr ' v-out?hold remedy la An,?rk UNDER THE OCEAN. Things That Happen 'at the Bottom ef the Saa. Naturalists dispute m to the quantity of light at the bottom of the sea. Ani mals from below Tuo rat boms either bar no eyes or faint Indications of them, or else their eyes are very targe and protruding. Another strange thing is that If the creatures iu the tower depths have any color It la orange or red or reddish orange. Sea anemones, corals, shrimps and ' crabs have this brilliant color. Sometimes It la pure red or scarlet, and lo many specimens It Inclines to ward purple. Not a green or blue fiab Is found. The orange red is the fish's protec tion, for the bluish green light In the bottom of the ocean makes the orange or the red Ash appear of a neutral tint and hides It from Its enemies. Many animals are black, others neutral lo color. Some fish are provided with boring tails, so that they can burrow to toe mud The surface of the submarine moun tain te covered with shells, like an or dinary sea beach, showing that it Is the feasting place of vast shoals of car nivorous animals. A codfish takes a whole oyster Into It mouth, cracks the shell, digests the meat and ejects the shell. Crabs crack the shells and suck out the meat. This accounts for whole mounds ot shells that are often found. Not a flshboBe is ever found that is net honeycombed; by the boring shellfish and falls to pieces at the teucb ef the hand. This shows what destruction is constantly going on .in these depths. If a ship sinks at sea with all on beard it will be eaten by fish, with the exception of the metal, and that will corrode aud disappear. Not a bone of a human body will remain after a few days. Philadelphia North American. For indigestion and all stomac b trou ble take Foley's Orino Laxative It is the natural remedy Jor indigestion, dys pepsia, heartburn, bad breath, sick head ache, torpid liver, biliouNueas aud habit ual constipation. Foley's Orlna Laxative sweetens the stomach and breath, and tones up the entire alimentary system. Pee Dee-Pharmacy, Parsons Drug Co. . ANNUAL STATEMENT For tbe year endiug December 31st, 1909, of the condition and affairs of tbe Anson Building & Loan Asso., Incorporated Dec. 4, 1889, com me- eed busi ness Jan. 1, 1890. home office. Wades boro, N. C, made to Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C, aa required by law. HIHIOEHKIT. Pres., W. J. McLendon, Wadesboro, N. C; Sec aud Tinas.. Tbos A. Marshall, Wadesboro; Atl'y. J. A. Lockliart. Wades boro; Vice Pres.. W.'LT' Marshall, Wades boro; Directors: T. Covington, Wades boro; Geo. W. Huntley, Wadesboro: J. D. Leak, Wadesboro; W." P. Parsons, Wades boro; It. L. Hardison, Wadesboro; R. T. Bannrtt, Jr., Wadesboro; W. T. Brusfng ton, Wadesboro; H. H. McLendon, Wadear boro; W. T. Hose. Wadesboro. STOCK. Par value ot each share I 100 Ho shares in force at beginning of year 1S16 No shares subscribed during year 340 No shares eancelled and withdrawn during year - 1W No shares in force at end of ysar 1464 No shareholders white 121 No shareholders colored 32 RECEIPTS. Cash on hand December SI 1908, as per last report 771 39 Instalments paid 17 663 00 Mortgages paid In whole or in part 1 750 00 Loans or shares paid - 3 715 00 Interest received 8 838 29 Fines received 48 50 Entrance fees 17o 00 Insurance premiums repaid 3 10 Money borrowed - 9 COO 00 Sale of bonds S 000 00 Adranoed payments or prepaid stock 33T75 Total, t39 182 03 D1SBORAKM JCXTS. Leans on mortgages, white ( Loans on mortgagee, eolored ) Loans on shares Paid on withdrawals, dues Paid on matured shares Salaries Advertising and printing interest Taxes Insurance commissioner's fee Advanced payments c barged off Bills payable. 114 4o0 00 6 r 60 859 01 S 4 " 4H 4S00U i 18 'J5 ! I'. 14 55U SI ' sou! isi : I 500 oo i Total dlabursementa Balaaoe-T-Casb on hand $37 237 14 I 944 69 $39 183 03 : Total ASSISTS. Loans on Mortgages (face value) ) Loans on shares $65 136 00 Loans on other securities , ) Puh In hank Furniture and fixtures 1 944 89 Interest due aad unpaid Pines due and unpaid Total $67 070 89 1JABU.IT1HB. Due Shareholders, instalments t paid Due . shareholders, earnings ) credited J Borrowed money ' 600 00 Total, $67 070 89 State of North Carolina I County of Anson W. . McLendon, President; and Thos. A. Marshall, Secretary, ot the Anson Build ing and Loan Association, ot -Wadesboro, state ef North Carolina, being duly sworn, each tor himself deposes an! says that tney are the above described oi tne said aho- ciotlon, and that on the 31st day of Decem ber last all tbe above-ueacriDea assets were tbe absolute property ot tbe said Associa tion, free and clear from any liens orciaims thereon except as above stated, and that tbe foregoing statement, with the schedule and explanations therein contained, as sumed or referred to, are a full and correct exhibit of all the assets, liabilities, ii come and disbursements, and of the condition and affalrs-of the said Association on tiit- said 31st day ot December last, and for the year ending on teat date, according K tbe best of their information, knowledge and belter, respectively. w. J. MCLJDUN THOS. A. MARSHALL Sworn to subscribed before me. this 81st day ot December A. D. 1909. j. r. utuLbi, notary Public. BTaaE OP NORTH CAROLINA. ISSCBJ.sC DBrABTMSST. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 8. 1910. I, James R. Young, Insurance Commis sioner, do hereby certify that the above i$ a true and correct abstract of the state ment ot the Anson Building and Loan As sociation, of Wadesboro, N. C, filed with this Department, showing the condition ot said Association oa tbe 81st day of ! eember, 1&09. Witness my hand and cScial seal the day and ddta above wrUt-n. ' For Sprains 7 , - Sloan's Liniment' is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. 'It is a powerful prepa ration and penetrates instantly relieves any inflammation and con gestion, and reduces the swelling. Here's the Proof. Mr. L. Roland, Bi .hop ef Scran ton. Pa. says: "On the -th of this present month, as I was leaving - the building at noon foi lunch, I slipped and fell, spraining my -wrist. 1 returned in the afternoon, and at ' four o'clock I could not hold a pen cil in my hand. I returned home later and purchased a bottle of Sloan's Lininierii and used it five or six times before I went to bed, and the next day I was able to go to vork and use ray hand as usual." - Sloan's Liniment is an excellent ami-. septic and germ killer heals cuts, -burns, wounds and , contusions, and wiQ draw the poison from sting of poi sonous insects. . 25c, 60c. and $1.00 SIttan't 1l a lio-. eitttle. .bprr utl poultry ftenfc frre. A 11 !-. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Kasi., TJ3.A. . KtumiiVi. years uj for Stieff Piano s Shaw Pianos In the purchase of either of them there in the same consis tency of vaiue and price. Un solicited testimonials from ar-ti-ts and music- lovers all over the country are of one. mind when their merits are under dtacusdion. If you inter d to buy a plan", o a !' u 'ii e O c that ha I' kiud? Manfuactured by Chas. M. Stieff Builders of Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self-player Pianos. Southern Wareroom: W. Tril Slrfri, Charlotte - - N. C. " C. H. WILM0TH. MANAGER. (Mpntion this pper) ,,m Notice Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Peter Myers, deceased, late of Anson county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persous haviogclaims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wad3boro, N. C. on or before the 2ord, day of Decem ber 1910, er this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, - All ersou3 in debted to said estate must make immedi ately payment. R. H. GULLKDGE, Administrator of - the estate of Petr Myars. - Jako W. ulVadjra, Attorney. DR. BOYETTE, Dentist. OfHoe up stairs overTbmiinson's drug tore. " - .'"'hone 79. : ; yv-.r. N- C Fleetwood W. Daulap ; ATTORN Y-AT-L AW Wadesboro, ; - C. Administratrix's Kotice. Having qualified a adm-'instcat-ri o, the estate of tbe late U;-om W. Rorrs, this is to notilo ail persous LoU'.i- cia'ms against said estate to preheat t; . to !'.. undersigned on or before j a miry 7, or this 'notice' will be ii-ox-V-- i": v ir s.,1 their recovery. MRS. Hi'. ! ';;',';, Admin Utratt-rs of G. V. K, y ;., a v' J. A. Lock hart, At;... - -, - m