A. ' - si i I I ! ! J AS. G. IJOTLIX, EDITOR AD PUBLISHER PUBL1SUED MONDAYS AXD THURSDAYS sr.oo a year, dui; i:; Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, January 27, 1910 Nil; mm 1 ' ; rvn r f f i : : - i r i FATHER 80 - I trying winters neither cf them had a cold, and were j able to walk farther and do more than for years. j.I think. Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard of." We want every feeble old person In this town to try Vinol. We will return their money without question 11 It does not accomplish all we claim for It. FOX & LYON, Druggists, Wadesboro. NIGHT OR .DAY Ve Are Always Heady to Serve You If you want to take a drive around town; If you want to go to the station; If you want to go on either a long trip or a short trip in the. country; If you want to go anywhere, night or day, Ring 'Phone Number 7, and we will lose no time in sending you a good turnout. We are in the livery business to stay, and we make it a point, to please our patrons. Huntley & flartin How Is Coffee? If it's not as good as you wish . it to be, try a two-pound can of our Morning Joy,x or a three-pound can of our Morita. They have the Cup Quali ties that will satisfy the lovers of a good cup of coffee. Our Gold Medal Coffee, put up in one-pound cans, at 25c, can't be beat at the price. HARBISON - GO. ii P HOIIE NO. 8. Notice. The supervisors of public roads of White S .ore township, will meet at White Store at 9 oVlock A. M. on Saturday, the 12th day of February, ltflO, aud the overseers of roals are required to be present prompt ly with theia reports; and also we request oversoera and all persons having; tools be-long-ius? to White Store township to pre sent theiu at this meeting, as we will sell them before this meeting adiourns to the hh'h'-st bidder. So please bring the tools up and buy them at vour own price. Bv oruer of t!:e board, 'ilis Jaa. lcth, 191 j. V. 11. Mu;.UAN, Cl;,,;...-;,D. J. V7. v r - v. OTHER 76 The aged father and mother of prominent Boston lawyer safely carried through the last two winters by The son. says : " My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to ' Vinol. During the last two Your JOHN T BENNETT ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. All legal business will receive prompt attention. Office in the last room on the right in the court bouse for the present, it being the room heretofore occupied by Bennett & Bennett, Attorneys. l:..::v CASH SUBSCRIPTION PAPERS. Charlotte Observer. Every week or ao some weekly pa per in this State drops into line with the aunouocement that after a certain date it will adopt the cash-in-advance system on its subscription list. The Oxford Ledger is the latest to make the change, stating that the new rule will go into t fleet February 15, thus giving subscribers plenty 01 time to pay up arrearages and to conform to the new ruk of thefulure. Probably every paper paper in the State could with ud vantage adopt some such rule, especially the weeklies and semi weeklit s. : Why should subscribers to these papprs expect to be 'Carried on the subscription books for years, while the editors are struggling to make their monthly accounts balance and, because of the heavy load of unpaid subscriptions, are not able to give their readers as good a paper as they woutd like. A man who cannot pay promptly from one dollar to two dol lars a:;d a half a year for a paper has no business taking it. He would think it mighty bard if he had to dis pose of bis dry goods or his groceries, supposing him a merchant, or his country produce, supposing him a farmer, in one-dollar cr two dollar tols aud hava to wait several years fojr pay, while the bills were Increas ing all the time. We would like to see more pap.ra fall into line ou the fmbseription-in-advauce princi pal. Hiey could Boon! Educate their sub scribers up to it, and the latter would quickly see the advantage it waa-lo j Uiem iu assuring a better paper. Have you a weak throat? If so, yon cannot be too carefuL You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another and the last is always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the out set you will be saved much trouble. Sold by Parsons Durg Co. - Are There Any of TkaC Ktnctf It is a weak-kneed resoultion that has grown tired already. Chicago News. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil, strongest, cheapest liniment ever devised. A household remedy in America or 2o years. Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Oronogo. Mo. "I was simply a ner vous wreck. I could not walk across the floor without my heart fluttering and I could not even receive a letter. Every month I had such a beaming down sensation, as if the lower parts would fall out Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has one my nerves a great deal of good iand has also relieved the bearing down. I recommended it to some friends and twoof them have been greatly benefited by it." Mrs. Mae McKnight, Oronogo, Mo. Another Grateful Woman. St. Louis, Mo. "I was bothered terribly with a female weakness and h?.d backache, bearing down pains and pains in lower parts. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, regularly ana usea the isanatiye Wash and now! have no more troubles that way." Mrs. AX. Herzoo, 6722 Piescott Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Becavse your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vetretable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as in flammation, ulceration, displacements. fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner vous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth mil lions to many suaenng women. ROY M. HUNTLEY D. D. S. Office Second Floor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. PHONE NO 90. JOHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney asd Counsellor-at-Law and Real EsUte Agent, Wadesboro, N. CV Al legal business will have prompt and painstaking attention. Your sales and purchases of real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to me. Will also rent or lease vourtown DroDertv and farm ing lands and collect the rent for the same umce over wadesboro Clothing & Shoe oompany s store. CURES 5 H II. McLknuo-j p. E. Thomas McLendon & Thomas ATTORN EYS-AT-L A W WADES..ORO, N. C. All Business will Receive Prompt Attention. riioxr. ei. Darhaam Bay Dlti rR.UM-l'.Uw; mt .' M.dlt.M Pmta. Durham, Jan. 24. Bern ice Man gum, a young boy 1 year old, today died of a typical case of hydrophobia at Watta hospital. The young boy was taken to the hospital Saturday night and he developed rat Its rapid ly. Prior to the treatment the mad stone had .been successfully applied and nobody was anxious. Yester day and todoy he suffered the horrors of the damued and had to be chained to the bed. y He was bitten two months ago by a deg that attacked four boys before it wa3 killed. Three of these took the Pasteur treatment and are no iongei uneasy. The death of the little jtellow on his natal day saddens the circum stances surrounding the case sQ the more. His father, Mr. John MMan gum, tried the madstone Saturday but It would not stick. The child had been given one Pasteur treat ment. : v - Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure- aoy case of kidney or bladder trouble that U not beyond the reach of medicine, It in vigorates entire system aad strength ens the kidneys so they eliminate ,tbe im purities from the blood. Backache, rheu matism, kidney and bladder trouble are all cured by this great medicine. Com mence taking at once and avoid Bright's Disease and Diabetes. Pee Dee Pharmacy, Parsons Drug Co. 1 . . L.iid.M Weather. "Yes, this is bad weather," said Sena tor Tillman oa a day ot rain and sU-et. "It Is nothing to London, th ugb. "Once, oa m dripping winter day in Lon don, a sulphur brown or pea-soup 'fog In the air, and everybody drenched to the skin, I eat on a 'bus top betdde a Parses in iyred tet. " , "When the Parsee got off the driver of he 'bus, touching his bat ith bis whip, said to me: '"" ' 'Would you mind tellin' me. sir, wot sort o' chap that is t' , C, - He's a Parsee,' said I. An Indian,' you know; a sun worshipper. ' 'Worships the sun, does he, sir!' said the wet and shivering driver. '1 suppose he's come 'ere to 'ave a rest t" Providence Journal. - You'll feel better after taking De Witt's Little Early Risers, the safe, sure, pleas ant, gentle little liver pills. If you would be sure of good results insist on Dewitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, the original. It is good for big cuts or little -ones, small scratches or bruises or big ones, btrt it is especially good for piles. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. ' Etu "Urtca" -A traveling salesman died very sudden? v n Kalamazoo. His relatives telegraphed the florist to make a wreath; the ribbon should be extra wide. W ith the inscription Best ai Peace" on both sides, and if there is room, "We Shall Meet in Heaven." The florist was out ot town and his new assistant handled the job. It was a star tling floral piece which turned np at the funeral. The ribbon was extra wide and bore the inscription: 'Rest in Peace on Both Sides, and Jf There is Room We Shall Meet in Heaven." Human Life. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Chamberlain's Stomgch and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you require their aid. These tablets change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, gloomi ness into joyousness. Their action is W geutle one don't realize they have taken a purgative. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. Coaaaltlnc Am Oocall.t. "Doctor, I want to be fitted with glass- "Quite so." "Someting that will give me an intellec tual appearance." 'I don't think I have anything that powerful." Washington Herald. "I have been somewhat costive, but Doan's Regulets gave just the results de sired. They act mildly and regutatetbe bowels perfectly." Geo re B. Krause, 306 Walnut Ave., Altoona, Pa. Lots For Sale in Anson ville Situated near the center of die incorporate limits . of Anson ville, and runs ning back, I have 150 acrc of land for sale. Will Be Cut Into Lots to Suit the Purchaser. This land is well locat ed, and is certain to great ly inerease in value. It is suitable for homes or any other purpose. Thi is a chance intend ing purchasers of Anson ville real estate should not miss. Come quick before the land has-- been picked over. . Anconvill'!, N. n OUR CAITVASS FOR THE "MES SENGER AND INTELLI GENCER." BV MARY. Mr. Boylin: I wrote you that fatta r had given us some grod advice as to how to get subscribers, and it is a good plan for all the children to adopt, lie gave me the names of ten men who lived in Texas and other states who were born in Anson coun ty and who had moved away. Some of them went when they were boys; others during the past few years. Etclostd I am sending you the names of four of those" menna who I have heard from, and I am enclosing a check to cover their subscriptions. It has only bet n a week since I wrote, and four out of the ten have already subscribed. Father thinks they will all send in money for subscriptions, and I am writing to others. It is a mighty simple thing. 1 just tell them how nice it will be for them to get the paper twice a week for fifty-two weeks, and that it will be better than any letters that could be writ ten to them by friends because you have the advantage of getting news from' every - part of the county, and you do have lots of country news, yourf paper gets better and better every year. One of these days Wades boro will grow into 4 great, big cltyj and then you will hava a daily M. A I. It Is mighty easy to persuade any one wno was born in Anson County to take your paper. All you have to do is to get the address of these peo ple and write to them. Father said it was good practice to have me write otters and that he would furnish me all thepipr. envelopes and stamps if I would do the writing, for he said It was money well ppentttl would get good schooling In writing L'ttera. So I shall write heaps of letters be fore school is out. I shall write to alt the people who went away from this section, and shall write to some of the children of those who were born in this county, for surely the children will be interested-fn reading all about the county in which their mother and father were born and rais ed, even if they have never seen any part of the county. wonder IPany other girl is taking as much interest in the separator business as I am. Teacher sa s she does not see how 1 learn as good les sons as I do because she thinks I give all my thoughts to these subscrip tions, but I do not, Mr. Boylin. I only work on the separator contest Satur days. I write some letters Saturday night. Mother writes some of the ktters for me, and r tint Rachel, who U'k real good writer, helps me. You sel, Mr. Boylin, I write the same letter to each person. It is a short letter. This is what I say: My dear Mr. As you were born in Anson county Ik.fvow your will be gUd to get the county ;.W8, aud is the Messenger and luHligeLi" is the oldest p per in the couuty, I aiir"rklug for sub scribers for it. All the dupils in our bebool are doing the same. i7 a get the largest number of subscribers or any school in the county Mr. Boylin gives us a DeLaval Cream Separator, the best shat is made in the world, a machine that causes the farmers to save lots of money that now goes to waste. - This machine we are to sell ti some enterprising farmer for one hundred dollars. With this one hun dred dollars we will have erected around our school swings, we saws merry-go-rounds or lightning whirl- era, as they ere sometimes called, slide ladders, Joggliug boards and other things that will help make tht chlldred very, very happy. All of us are anxious to have these play things. And we wane you to help us get them. Don't you know you were once a child and you wanted such things? Many grown people do not think children ought to have such things.? Some teachers do no, think children ought to have any recess. ome parents think the children can be stuffed full of book learning from sun-up to sun-down five days a wevk and many children's tea 1th is ruined by crowding book learning into them, il wish some grown-up people would come to our rescue and prevent the school authority from forcing us to have bo many studies and to teach us in a way the child is taught who U going through college. The major ity of us have to quit school at six teen years and only get the country school education. Yet we are com pelled to study in books that are only intended for those who can go to col lege and graduate at about twenty years of age. . Well, you are away off there, and may not be interested in all this, but I just wanted to write about my troubles to some one. One of these days I shall ask Mr. Boylin, of the M. & L, to come to our rescue and- see that we have competent sympa thising mends who will understand us and help us in the way we need beld. Please send me one dollar or more toe a subscript ion. , r a t hie xours truly, Mary. at is the kind of letter that has brought the subscriptions from a dis tance. I will write you again soon. . . Your friend, "s " Mary. Best tor coughs and colds is Kennedy's Laxat'te Cough Syrup. It moves the bowe' freely yet gvntly and thereby 7 .,, .V t,m. It stops . A Word For the Tightwad. Id France they have m eiprenslve phrase, "liquid money. It meaua that part of the family income which i used for the necessities and luxuries of life. It Is quite apart from and kept apart from the more serious, sub stantial part of the Income, which is the saved part. In America the entire income is "liquid, and the man who at tempts to make part of It solid is called a "tightwad." A "tightwad" is really a man who creates a princi pal a capital, in other words and be la the 11 v lug example of what every private business must be aud of how the country's resources should be han dled. Argonaut. Voting In Spain. Voting in Spalu is held to be a duty to the community, not merely a priv ilege of the individual, and neglect of civic obligations carries its own pen alty. Male adults of legal age and un der seveuty. with the exception of priests, notaries and judges, are re quired to vote in municipal elections. Failure to cast a ballot is punishable by having one's name published u censure "for ueglect. by having taxes increased 2 per cent, by sotZertng a deduction of 1 per cent In salary If employed In the public service and for the second offense the loss of right to hold elective or appointive office. His Landscapes. A nouveau riche recently attended a picture sale. A friend who bad noticed him at the sale asked afterward. "Did you pick op anything at that picture sale. Jorklns? aud the other respond ed: "Oh. yes; a couple of landscapes. One of 'em was a basket of fruit and the other a storm at sea." Rather the Other. "Don't you know that rune? f for get the name of it. but it gc j like this." And he whistled It. After be had finished his friend turned to him with a sigh. "I wish to goodness you bad remembered the name and not the tune," he said. Lip plncotfs. Exactness in little duties Is a won derful source of cheerfulness. Kaber. Biwan.l OlBtn.aU for Catarrh that Coatata Mcrcarf , as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole Vystem w'hts gfiteriag it through the mu cous surfaces. SuetTariftTles should never be used except on prescriptions from rep utable physicians, as the damage tbey will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from tliem. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be ture you get the genuine. It Is talyn . internally and made in .Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c per bottle Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipa tion. Smth A. Itaagaaga. 'English is a funny language, after alL" "Why so?" "I beard a man talkingof a political can didate the other day say: "If he only takes this stand when he runs, he'll have a walk over.' "Tit-Bits. Pn.amaal flUwiCM but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from your sys tem. Take at fi st sign of a cold and avoid a dangerous illness. Pee Dee Pharmacy, Pai sons Drug Co L. I ml feil Kxp.rleae. Gentlemen (hiring valet) Then I un. derstad you to have some knowledge of barberiug. You've cut bair, off and oat Applicant--Off, sir, but never on. Bos ton Transcript. Any skin itching is a temper tester. The Diore you tcntch the worse' it itches. Doan's OintweuVeres piles, eczema any skin itching. At all dru stores. ' A is frequently estimated by the quality and reputation of his instrument. The Stieff Piano is known everywhere by repu tation, and the quality speaks for itself. Come into our salesroom and let us demonstrate to you its musical and durable qualities and scientific construction, its harmony and sweetness of tone, its vibrant, singing qualitit-. The Stieff is the piano of quality. Terms to suit the customer. Manfuactured by Chas. M. Stieff Builders of Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self-player Pianos. Southern Wareroom: 5 W. Trad a 8 treat. Charlotte - N. C. Musician C. H. Y7TLZZ0TU, MXGKR. (Mention this y-T) 1C0 Bushels Corn Per X You can build up your farm to produce 1 bushels of corn per acre, and even a big-er -: by systematic rotation, careful seed selection and ; plowing with good implements, proper ctiltivatiaa, By Usin Virginia-Coroliiin Fertilizers liberally. Accept no substitute; If your dealer h c of these fertilizers, write us and we will tell you where to get them. Write for a free copy of our 19 to Farmers' Year Book or Almanac. ' It will tell you how to rj; a big yield of corn. 9AUU K-aoaa. Va. K irlait. Malt a tkU Caaaoa Viaet.Ni Ciiauu C'tMirm. COaMKT. n M caa, at ram, ivta "vaci' Year Sae (tea a caau T'm'a. .................... ........ tw CalMkia. 1. C. Dw. N. C. WtucM-tMta, -.C. Ca.ieam.S. C Bthiamc. U4. Cateakaa. Ga. MlauaaMln. Ala. klrraaaia. Teaa. Sbmcaati, La. .. Forty Some people say they can buy fertilizer ingredients and mix them at home and save two big round . dollars per ton. Also, it seems if you don't use any fertilizer at all you can save thirty dollars per ton. This is what the ancient philosophers called reducing things to absur dity. " Any cotton plante in this countuy would quickly recognize the absurdity of doing without fertilizer. A little later, you will, after some coaxing, just as 6urely "TcCCnizethe absurd in the two dollar saving. Two dollars per tdn-isten cents per hundred. If you use four hundred pounoVpeiC-flN sauing is Forty Cents Per Acre. If you are planting for a bale per acre, 40 cents is about One-Half of One Per Cent on the value of the bale. If you get a fertilizer wrong wrong only by a half of one per cent, the saving is lost. It is not possible for any farm hand to measure up anything within half of one per cent. This requires skilled and trained operatives. It is not possible for any farm hand to mix up the ingredients so that every ounce will be like every other ounce. This requires, spe cial machinery. It is not possible for any planter to be sure of a correct and uniform fertilizer if it is mixed by hand. This requires the guarantee of a responsible fer tilizer manufacturer who maintains his brands . and is proud of them. - Forty cents saving on eertainly uncertain fertilizer, or half of one per cent on the result, is a certain way to risk ten per cent. Ask about GLORIA BRAND. The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Wadesboro Branch, N. C ZED ZD In "Wadesboro Again I will sell another car of fine Mules and Horses - . - . . Monday, January 31st AT COWARD'S STABLES, formerly occupied by G. W. Huntley. The sale will commence at 10 A. M regardless cf weather, and every animal will be sold to the best bidders. Ycu can come to this sale knowing that the best fcil :ts your horse or mule. I have'sold so often in Vadesboro that you Ir.ow in advance that this sale will be red hot from start to finish. Come and inspect the stock, and rcni:rrJL-r t! it I make everything just as I represent it. Very truly. T5 1 V7. F. Gray, d. d. s. ' (ones in smith rvrur tL'r-;) OFFICES! AtUata. Ca, hrmit p. Fen'" -er. Cents Per Acre .1 v ii w - V ) . v .

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