'4 1 1.1 I-J 1 a ijr . r v 1 i J AS. G. BO VLIX, EDITOR PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AXD THURSDAYS 1.00 A YKAli, DUE IX ADVANCi: Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C., Thursday, February 10, 1910 Number 22 ATHER 80- MOTHER 76 The aged father and mother of prominent Boston lawyer safely carried through the last two winters by ytnol The son says: "My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to Vinol. During the last two trying winters neither cf them had a cold, and were able to walk farther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is f the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard of. We want every feeble old person In this town to try Vinol. We will return their money without question U it does not accomplish all we claim for 1U FOX & LYON, Druggists, Wadesboro. r.linyiai ttmrimmartiMtrkiti-rmmi'rrrr-t ' trmnKTMrnmrmmm---- "rri' aTtiaart it hilf "r Tr" " Forty Cents Per Acre Some people say they can buy fertilizer ingredients -and mix them at home and save two big round dollars per ton. Also, it seems if you don't use any fertilizer at all you can save thirty dollars per ton. This is what the ancient philosophers called reducing things to absur dity. Any cotton planter in this country would quickly recognize the absurdity of doing without fertilizer. A little later, you will, after some coaxing, just as surely recognize the absurd in the two dollar saving. Two dollars per ton is ten cents per hundred. If you use four hundred pounds per acre, the saving is ."' Forty Cents Per Acre. If you are planting a bale per acre, 40 cents is about One-Half of One Per Cent on the value of the bale. If you get a fertilizer wrong by only a half of one per cent., the saving is lost. "anything within half of one per cent. This requires skilled and trained operatives. It is not possible for any farm hand to mix up the ingredients so that every ounce will be like every other ounce. This requires spe cial machinery. It is not! possible for any planter to be sure of a correct and uniform fertilizer if it is mixed by hand. This requires the guarantee 01 a responsimc ici tilizer manufacturer who maintains his brands and is proud of them. V Forty cents' ; saving on certainly uncertain fertili zer, or half of one perent on the result, is a certain way to risk ten percent. AskAbout Gloria Brand The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Wadesboro Branch. : SEVEN BLOWN TO ATOMS. Careless Blotorman of Gasoline Car Hedleaa ol Warning, Tries to Ran Car Fast Smoking Dynamite Charge With Horrible Results. ' Phenix, Ariz., Feb. 5 Heedless of the warning of a foreman in charge of excavation operations along, the line of the private , motor road from Kelvin to the Ray copper mines, the mi)torman of a gasoline car containing 3ix passengers ran his car close to a sputteriug fuse of a heavy charge of dynamite today the car and it3 seven occupants were blown to atoms. Tha dead: - J. B. .Joyce, A. S. Bieber, J. C. Griffin, all civil engineers employed by the Ray Consolidated Copper Com pany; R. P. Coleman of Salt Laka City, V II. Freelaud and Walter C. Erenz, mining engineers employed by Henry Krumb and engaged in sampling the development work at the Ray mines and W. H. Lyalle, motorman of the car. The foreman had discovered a miss ed shot in the execavation at noon and before the motor-car came in sight he had relighted the fuse, - As the car approached he signalled to the motorman and warned him of the im pending explosion. Motorman Lyalle, believing that he could take his ear past the charge to safety, paid no heed to the warning and started again at full speed. Just as the car was passing the charge the explosion came aDd the car with its load of human frieght was blown high; in the air amid a great cloud of debris. The dead men were all prominent in mining attiirs in Arizona. Dont use harsh phvsics. The reaction weakens the bowelsrlead3 to chronic eon stipation. Get Doan s Kegulets. They operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. . GREAT MEETING OF METHODISTS. For Lame Back Intensely Interesting tfcaestlona To Be Olsenssed at tne Sixteenth la.alr.ai nlal Conferene Which Will Beef aji Ashevllle In Hay. 1 ' Asheville, Feb. 5. As the tfcae fast approaches for the meeting) of the sixteenth quadrennial General Conference of the Methodist Episco pal Church, South, the members of the church are becoming intensely In terested in proposed legislation affect ing the church. Certain new issues, or new forms of old issues, seem to have superceded the proposition for re-statement of the faith which was the core of discussion, the emotional center of the Birmingham confereoce in 1906. The conference will con vene here on May 4; next, for a ses sion of 21 days. The general conference is the sn preme legislative body of a church organization that numbers between 1,700,000 and 1,800,000 members fn the Southern States; some 10,000 churches, and about 6,500 traveling preachers and 5,000.. local preachers. The bishops preside in the order of their seniority, and have no voice in the action of the assembly and do part in its deliberations. If one may judge by advance discussion the three overshadowing issues will be the modification of the episcopacy, the modification of the presiding elder ship and the lengthening or the abo lition of the pastorate time limit. Various restrictions upon the blsh ops, to prevent the exercise of "arbi trary power" have been proposed. The enactment of a "recall" is one of them. A limited instead of a life In cumbency has been considered. The advice and consent of the cabinet In pastoral appointments is another pro posal. One prominent churchman has said: "There is a preeent ceisis in the church, in regard to the presiding eldership," and another: "Mr. Wes ley used to carry Methodism in bis arms, and dandle it on his knee, and feed it from a spoon. But it has grown to be a great giant and we are with baby still trying to clothe kit tiappings." Each bishop has charge of one con ference for the term of one year. The bishops meet and make their own as signments. A bishop may be re turned to the same conference in. definitely. There are eight bishops now. The general conference is a body of 310 men. There are 43 conferences, and each is entitled to one lay . and one clerical delegate for every 48 minis ters In it; if there are fewer than 48, the conference has two representa tives. There are now 48 conferences. This year's general conference will be the first to be held in North Caro lina. There 'will certainly be six new bishops chosen. That number, Bish ops J. C Granberry, W. W. Duncan, C B. Galloway, A: C Smith, J. J. Tigert and Seth Ward all in active service except the first named have died 8ince the last general conference. So many bishps have never been chosen at any session, and the elec tions will assume a large place in the attention of the delegates, to the com parative exclusion of matters of leg islation. Here are the list of strong est probabilities talked of for - eleva tion to the episcopacy: Dr. W. B. Murray, president of Millbrook Col lege, Jackson, Miss.; Dr. John C. Kllgo, president of Trinity College, Durham, N. C; Dr. W. F. Tillett and Dr. Denney, of Vanderbilt Uni versity, Nashville; Dr K. G. Water house, president of Emory and Hen ry Collegs, Virginia; Dr. DuBose, of Nashville, general secretary of the Epworth league; Dr. C W. Byrd, of NaBhville; Dr. G. a Rankin, of Dal las, editor or the Texas Christian Ad vocate it is said the five conferences of Texas are all behind him Dr. M F. McMurray, of Louisville, secre tary of the church extension board; Dr. Gross Alexander, of Nashville, editor of the Methodist Review; Dr. Ainsworth, of Georgia; Dr. C. M. Bishop, of Missouri, (who began his pastorate of a mission in Asheville.) The 10,000 church edifices belong ing to the conference represent a cost ut approximately $33,000,000 and the 5,000 parsonages about 17,000,000. WARNING FROM THE LORD. A Onrham Connlr Xcgro Sells Ills Prop, pertr Vi 111 I. Its Hoary to the Poor. Durham Sua. This morning in the sheriff's office a citizen from Patterson township re lated the wonderful and curiou ac tions of a negro by the name ot IUu Bom McClain, who sold all his pos sessions in order to give tne money to the poor. The story gpes that the negro is a good old soul and a meralvcr of oije of the churches in that vicinity. A few nights ago he had a dream in which the Lord told him to sell his posses sions, and not hold back a sme piece, and give the money to the poor. Acting upon the directions of the Lord, as he thought, the sale wa made yesterday, when the people of that section gathered together as pur- chasers. During the sale some of his best friends tried to peisuaue him to hold back something but they could do no good. .The negro- told tlu in lo let him sell as started and aM to the crowd: "It is a curious thin to me dat lie Lord jam telling me to sell,dt-n others tryin' to git me to hold back partob my things. Let iue te!l yi:u one thing. Aunanias held I ack p.rt ob his possessions when de Lord toKi His property uumbered abuiit 30 acres of land, two mules, one Imr-i1, furniture, feed, groceries, chicken.-, hogs, and many other things that help make a home. The entire salt- realized him . about 700, and this amount will be distributed by him among the poor of the county. The negro's friends are anxious now about his future, they seeing no way for hi in to exist unless he moves to town to work. THE ZANZIBARIS. P Mow's Thlsl We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward There are proposals to abolish alto- or any case of Catarrh that cannot be gether the presiding elder's office and i cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. others to make it elective. A de- An aching back is instantlv This liniment takes the place of massage and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates ; without rubbing through the skin and muscular tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood, relieves congestion, and gives permanent as well as temporary relief. Here's the Proof. Mr. James O. Lee, of 1100 9th St., S. E., Washington, 1.C, -writes : "Thirty years ago I fell from a scaffold and seri ously injured my back. I suffered terri bly at times ; from the small of my back all around my stomach was just as if I had been beaten with a club. 1 used every plaster I could get with no relief. Sloan's Liniment took the pain right out, and 1 can now do as much ladder work as any man in the shop, thanks to F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sale of Land by Commissioner. By virtue of power conferred upon me by a decree of the Superior Court of Anson county, made at the March Term, 1909, in an action entitled James A. Leak and ua Hamr Flowers and wife, the undersigned commissioner will, on Mon day; the 7th day of March, 1910, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Wadesboro, North Carolina, the following described tracts of laud. . , , First Tract, adjoining the lands of the itw a Parsons and others and bound ed as follows: Beginning at what was the Kilgore corner in the middle of the Cam den road some gum ptrs. and runs with said Kilsrore line S. 62 W. 3.17 chs. to stake black gum ptrs ; then S. 26i E. 62 chs. to stake pine ptrs.; men o. v. w.u stake at the edge of the woods small post oak ptr.; then S. 18M E- 9 00 chs. crossing a branch to a stake by hickory near a laree pine stump; then with another line of the Kilgore lands N. 76 E 15.20 chs. to stake in said line pine ptrs. a corner of a t.rant of Henrv Capel's; then b. VH E 24.70 ens. to siane in uower uuo pine ptrs ; then with the dower line S. 7Ah4 V 27.50 chs. to stake in the field on the south side of a swamp, corner of another 50 acre tract; then the line ot said tract N. Ibli w- 44 00 chs- to the middle j the Camden road; then with said road eastward to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less. Second Tract, adjoining the lands ol E. A. Parsons and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the mid dle of the Camden road opposite a black jack &tump standing on the south edge of v.cirl nnd runs with said road N. 74M E. 3.16 chs. to a stake in the middle of the road: then S. 251 j E. 6.33 chs. to a stake; iin T4Vrf W. 3.16 chs. to a stake; then xr w ft : chs. to the beerinning, con taining two (2) acres, more or less. Terms of saiJ sale are casu, suojeuii w flrmaMon of the court. ; This January 29th, 1910 . H. H. McLesdos, Commissioner. Consult Ms When you have the "littlest thing" or the biggest thing to tackle in what must be done by plumbers and (my word for it) you will gain in time, in mon ey, in worry, : and because you will not have to get the work done all over again. . My patrons say even more good things about me than I say for myself. " REA, the Pljimber. Phone No. 162, Wood and . Iron Works building. onus . i Liniment Mr. J. P. Evans, of Mt. Airy, Ga says: "After being afflicted for three years with rheumatism, I used Sloan's Liniment, and was cured sound and wetl, and am glad to say I haven't beerr troubled with rheumatism since. My leg was badly swollen from my hip to my knee. One-half a bottle took the pain and swelling out." Sloan's Liniment has no equal as a remedy for Rheu matism, Neuralgia or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints. Prices, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 What may be called a compromise plan in reference to the presiding eldership is to enlarge tne aisincia I aud call the elders, electdd by confer- ence, junior bishops. This woald in- volvn a senior epucopacy, and tne juaiorepiscopacy would be diocesan in character. It is pointed out that if the local i church government were so changed as to let the church conference elect all local officials without nomination by the pastor, this would give the power that the congregation has in congregational churches, and step by step up to the general conference dele gates would be elected and seated Dy 'the voice of the people," and the laymen would rule the church. Liiy representatives might he given a voice in the bishop's cabinet; and pastors might elect their presiding i elders at the annual conference. . ; Some favor the extension of the i successive years a pastor may nerve i one charge from four to six; others, iho abolition of the time limit alto- transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligatsons made by bis firm. Walmxo, Kisnan & Makvix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent frea. Price. 75c. oer bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. gr nd Raw Lung. Most people know the feeling, aud the miserable state of ill health it indicates. AU people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quickly cure the soreness aud cough and restore a normal condition. !Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Which Blaj( Itrprtd. Joseph was interpreting the dream of seren lean and seven fat kine. uIt means the beef trust will charge top prices Xor both," he declared. Herewith they saw him as a prophet. New York Sun. Sloan' hook on horses, eattle, sheep, ana poultry seat free. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. m r m iTiES'Iitl An attack of the grip is often followed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamb.-rlain's nmiirh Pamor Vina Vwn fY t.rwi VPl V USfd ii I n '- J " ' - gemer. and with good success for he relief and The women of the church are ask-l rf ms cougb M&ny caseg have ,becn ing for representation in omci cured all other remedies had failed bodies. They are eending literature sold by the Parsons Drug Co memorials, etc.to the members ot thji; conference, and conducting a etronej nt n.r. I .vn Tha onowaa t.t ihfftR efforts Th Tlrtntor Mrs. MufDhV TOU must be 1 I 1 I I Id 1 K. LI a -A. UVVVVJW I ' Dense Stupidity and Amusing Blunders of the Natives. In the "Autobiography of Sir Ilenry M. Stanley" the author says of tht colored natives of central Africa: "Good as the' majority of Zuuzibnri.s were, some or tueui were inue-sci'ioa- bly and for me most unfortunately dense. One man who from his persona! annearaiKe iniirut have been judjrod it was to. be loaded, lie never could remember wbtther he ought to drop the powder or the bullet Into tLe mus ket first. Another time he was scut a-ith n mnn to tmnsnort a company of men over a river t camp. After w rti: lug an hour I strode to the ban!; of tha rh-Ar iiiul found them ia(l.iiii:ff in opposite directions, each blainiu the other for hi stupidity and. bvii'S i;i a nntsimi of oseitemcLt. unable to near the advice of men across the river. who were bawling out to them bow to manatP theh- canoe. nother man was bo ludicrously stimid that he ceuerally was saou from punlshmont localise his mistaues were so absurd. We were one aay floathiir dowu the Kougo. aud. it beir; near camping tirtie. 1 bade him, as u. happened to be 'bowman on the occa sion, to stand by and seize the nis on the bank to arrest the boat when 1 should call out. In n little while we t n tit nlace. and 1 cried. 'Hold V t Mlv. w - i hard. Kirango'.' "Please GohI. master. he replied and forthwith Kpraug u chr.ro nmi seized the crass wuu lUb Jlva v - both hands, while we. of coure, were ranidly swept down river, leaving him aloue and solitary ou the bank. The twinfa erew roared at the ridiculous sicht. but nevertheless his stupidity cost the tired meu a hard pu!l to as- fnr not everv I)!ace was VCUUB S ' " ----- - - available for a tamp. "lie It was also wuojd au occasion wheu we required the branch of n sp cies of arbutus which overhung th river to be cutaway to allow the ca noes to be brought nearer to the bank for safety actually went astride of the would clve thm membership in the at your husband's side constantly, as you and chopped away uutil lie t( . wuuiuKiv artrPlv J will need to hand him something every lit- juto the water with the branch and board of stewards, and quarterly conj hmwlt oU H H. McLbndos F. E. Thomas. McLendon & Thomas ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW WADES JORO, N. C. All Business will Receive Prompt Attention. PHONE 61. ' JOHN T BENNETT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All lpo-a.1 hnsiness will receive prompt rTTt T T?Tr'T? 1 attention. Office in the last room on the JOHN W. Attorney ad Counsellor-at-Law - and Real Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N. C. -All Inrrll hiiainu will have prompt and painstaking" attention. Your sales and v,oo ,,t w.n.i estate mav be facilitated by calling on or writing to me. Will also wr,t ,.r l.a'u vour town property and farm- nvt thA rent for the same ow. rwor Wadesboro Clothuir & Shoe Company's Store. ' ,. - , --- right in the court house for the present, it being tne room nereioiore o:micu Bennett & isenneii, Aiiorueys. DR. BOY&TTE, Dentist. over Tomlinson's drug : Wadesboro, N. C. To the Cotton Farmers Who Wish the Best We wish to invite your atten tion to the importance of planting the best seed it is one of the foundations of successful form inc. We have a limited amount oi "Simpkins Prolific Lotion seen nn hand, which we quote you at $1.00 f. ofb. Raleigh. Let us boob your order now ior iu- ture delivery. Write for testimonials ii you do not know ol its merits. Our- book, "How to Grow Two bales of Cotton Per Acre," will be sent upon application. Refer ence: Any bank . or business house in Raleigh. WASimpkins, Raleigh, NC Originator and iutroducer of Simpkins' Prolific Cotton Seed. fprpnea and. loelcaliy, me aistrici, , annual and General Conference?; also; logically, entitle them to the office Sunday school superintendent. Tho opaainn nf the conference lasi 21 days, and an attendance oi l, to 3.000 or more at various stages the proceedings, is probable FAIR EXCHANGE Mrs. Murphy Nirer, doctor. Fur be it from me to hit a man whin he's down. Puck. lost our ax. He had the outer end of the branch. "My child was burned terribly about the face, neck and chest. I applied Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. The pain ceased and th child sank into a restful sleeu.', Mrs. Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg, N. Y. If troubled with indigeslit.u, constipa tion, no appetite or ferl bi:iu-. jMve Chamberlain's Stomach and .Liver TahVt a trial and you will bo pleasrd with the result. These tablets invigorate the stom ach and liver aud strengthen thedigetin soul y tne Parsons Drug Co. r . n n to 1 1 4 7 U y V'rs A A T) ft A - If yon had positive proof that a certain remedy for female ills had made many remarkable -cures, would you not feci like trying it ? If durmcr the last tr.irtv years we have not succeeded m r .. -.1 i .l.i t t? Convmcir.cr ever ia:r-minueu v. umaa uieti l.)uu j. i Ing ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousand:' and thou- sands of women of the his peculiar to their sex, then we long for an opportunity to do so by direct-correspondence. Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee to be genuine ar.d truthful. Hudson, Oliio. " I suffer J fr a loner time from a weakness, inflammation, tlrr nil tsl i ur. each month and suppression. I lipd been cotciiiijr ""(! retx-ivinsr on lv temporary relief, when a lriend ndvic-d me t take Iydia 11. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. 1 did so, and rote to 3 on for advice I have faithfully followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles of the Vegetable Compound, I have every reason to believe I am a v.-ell woman. I id ve vott full iet-mission to ue my testimonial. Mrs. Lena Carwciuo, Hudson, Ohio. K. l 1. Xo. 7. St. Ilrzi i 1'alls, X, Y. "Two years asro I was STl-.adth.it I had to take to my bed every month, and it would last from two to three weeks. I wrote t yo;i f-r advice and took Lydia K. I'ink- 1 ham's Ve-etablo C'omiounl m dry lorm. a am luipr-y to say tint I am cured. thanKS 10 your mu-'iKiPe and jroou auvne. iu may use my 'letter for the jrood of others." 31rs. J. 11. iii-cyerv, St. lll Falls Y. .1 - Tnoro is absolutely no doubt about the ' ) ability cf this grand old remedy, made from JJthe roots arxf herbs of our fields, to cure female diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact. enough to convince the most skeptical. For GO years F!. XMnkhanvs Vegetable Compound li s Jjccm the iandard remedy for female ills, l.'o k-k w-.nan does justice to herself wL; will nA trv V.v famous medicine. Made exclusively frcia roots aud herbs, and has thousands oi cures to its credit. , ?!rt . T--?;! am invito ail sick women t .....- j.,., ;tn.i"ice. She has Office up stairs ttore. Phone 79. : : J. A. Catron W.F.Gray, d.d.s. (0F1CB IN 8MITH 4 DUNLAP BL'DG) I Is at Morven with thirty head of Virginia Mules. Will he there until March. R. CATRON. Fire and Life Insurance. I write Fire insurance . in two North Carolina coaipaniea, in nine nthar TTnitwl statps eomcanies, and in four foreign companies. I repre Rfint. one of the best Old Line Life In rvr,rQ n ioa Thp Mutual Ben . hb - . mil a 1 ii :n vajlu ijLiiiivu rnTTTTOT - nVj5FA U ! efit. Phonel03. Hill House. New Back for M Old 0. UW CiiBtDuili WidHlxn The back aches at times with idull, indescribable reeling, maKin you weary anu resuess; pierciu pains shoot across me regiou 01 u kidneys, ana again toe ioiuo re r iMue to stoop is agony. No U3e t rub or apply a plaster to the backu this condition. You cannot reach cause. Exchange the bad back fo new and Btronger one. .Wadesbo residents would do well to proat (r. the lollowing example: fij Smttli fnl.ton Mill Hill. Lauj- xaviu . , burg, N. C.,says: "My lack watweaiia dull ache across my loins that unfitted for work. At times 1 coma wwwj liniments, the pain did not lessen. f kidney secretions were unnatural and o- tained a heavy sediment, """'J that my kidneys were aw 1 K IillnPT Pills I DTOf llCiill " . - ed a box and began using them. 1 nff before had taken a remeay v T. . " quickly and effectively as they did. t m, v rtnms were resiureu iu normal condition and I telt better in e7 way." . - tr. Qq1q hw oil rlealsrs. PricoO 1 JM. OW.V. J ' nra Prvstpr-Milburn Co., Burp, New York, sole agents for the Und Remember the name Doan'-d 100 Bushels Corn Per Acre You can build up your farm to produce 100 bushels of corn per acre, and even a bigger yield by systematic rotation, careful seed selection and good plowing with good implements, proper cultivation, and By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers liberally. Accept no substitute. If your dealer is out of these fertilizers, write us and we will tell you where to get them. Write for a free copy of our 1910 Farmers' Year Book or Almanac It will tell you how to get a big yield of corn. Mali (his Coaoa Viicinia Caiolina Chemical COUtANY, Flew ma1 mc a capr mt mat 191s Faiatcn' Veat Book tee ol caau Ka SALES OFFICES! licamool. Va. " Atlanta, Ca. Norfolk, Va. SaTaaaak. Ca. Colambta, S. C. -Eaiham, K. C. Wiaaton-Salenw-N. C. Charlciton, J. C Eelt:mo:c. Ua. Cdaatbna, Ca. Muatcaovcir, Ala. Meatpbia, Teao. ikrcvcTurt, La, y l-cn-Mzers V Ninrlnia-uaroi'j: 1 n..7-v L7 I I - Ni ( : guided 'tli. frt of cbarrre. fwn 7 P7wi rf ( W)ki 11 r-v 'if v LTV M The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and whicli lias been ia use for over GO years, lias borne the signature of . . and lias been made under bis per- Sr s -f-t sonal supervision since its infancy. WLzi-tVc Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits Imitations and " Jnst-as-grood" are but Experiments tliut trUle with, and endanger the health of Infants and Cli ildreu Ilspcrience f-aiiiit Experiment. mi ml 1 8 i J CASTORIA Castoria is a Isarmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare-1 goric, Irops a:ul Sootuin- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neiilier Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotic substance. Its a-e is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allavs Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and FLitulecev. It assimiLvtes the Food, regulates the Stomach and levels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Pauacca The Mother's Friend. CEFJUIKS CASTORIA ALYAYO Bears tne Signature or m 29mw Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tuecimua oomt. tt awur rnmrr. rw torn mm. m?. ii MOftEY LOST If you fail to carry INSTJEA1TCE I write Fire, Accident, Health, Liability and Fly-Wheel Insurance. W. LEAK STEELE. PHOKE SO. 163. The Peace Which Passeth al! un.lcTrtan.liE c;.:tie quicker when the oh.-n quit's hive Itten quiet ly and t-u-t fully ' condavlenl. 3:uvh ' deiends upon The Undertaker. May we suest a rc'IV-H-nce to thoe vluim we have t-:rved? It w i'.l dUclos? the e-iru'tr uf . cur sirvie 'S more fully Iha'i we f-v dj'-fd tn. We prefer to l.-t oth r? :k. of or work. We resj;ond to ca'.!-; at a y hour. GATHINGS K'ubalnieran'l Funeral i'irrtl r. 1 Wadesboro, N. C. l'L. 11. Lyric Theatre We arc trying our best to give the people a good clean Moving Picture En- j tertainment. Lome out and encourage us. Your ! patronage will be appreciated. WANTED att.m mill h :- wt avers, spinners, 1ck.mii tilers &:. t-eanier?; g'XKl wi,', runnh. fall. Appd to J. A. H)lMr.Il, Sjm'i, Lt-:iia Coltou Mi.ls Wi..r.'; :. N. C Wadesboro, N. C. All Operations Warranted D. A. MeGREGOIL take no other. '

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