a;;cr Cz Intelligencer ' IKSIORO, C, Ktb.lO, 1S19.! jdbds cksketi aoaki B-inn-iTroT nnni-iiMn im iM-rnrri-r n0RI?"Iosow uUlJlLdl.uliUUIIUi li: liiltlitOl I JAS. Q. r.OYLIN. Publisher. Corn upon a farm 69 years ago the t ICtK rf Ictat InnA A tut, AtiA fha craaiaWt The flrt ij?ue of the Charlotte San ! " 1 " ' " , , d y Moving New,, wbkb appeared j frt of cny Jle to the .ou-ii, cuitl- j lat Sunday morula, contain aivf to popular-ru- Jong editorial on the faUure of the j DOlB yaadvUloR ; urstfig.ru sh-; -nni- .nf,1M th hiMtini .., t ing, popular endeavors in the straight-1 r.r. t" i . .i i, j j . . . .. .. . . . . In the editorial thisref- - uui ueu cuuru m iue uearus oi me people is provea oy me way in wnicn mey are tax wnicn M good or norma'. s New Schools Enter the Contest and Those Already! Entered Increase Their Votes-r-Cool Springs School Sends in Several Thousand LilesviUe Still in the Lead. That oar De Laval Cream Separator Contest has 9truck a responsive )f the stater erence Is made to Wadesboro Take Wadesboro's record one shame ful ia the last decree! Is any ODe so pur blind as to accept this record as having lxen made necessary bva phenomenal state of rcaera( sickness ? W'adesboro's popula ti.n Is small, and yet it managed to eon suils -150 Mcriptrt" in one nionih. is this farce evasion of the spirit of the prohibi tion law to be permit ted by men who re spect law? If this gratuitous insult to Wades boro and Anson coun ty means any thing it Is that the physicians of this town and county are responsible for conditions existing here "shameful in the last degree." To eopie who know the physicians of this county no defence of them i9 neces sary. The insinuation that they are flagrantly violating - the law. in giving prescriptions for whis key is not bom out by the tacts. In fact, according to the reports pub lished in the papers, the number of prescriptions filled here is much less than the number filled in other towns. Take Monroe, for instance. The de pository there has been filling from two to three times as many prescrip tions as has the depository here. In Charlotte all the drug stores sell whis key,and we doubt not that many times as much whiskey, in proportion to population, is sold by them, on doctor's prescriptions, as sold at the depository here. The News also states that no "phe nomenal state of general sickness" justified the number of prescriptions four hundred and fitty-six filled i at the depository here during I the month of January. We ! do not know what it takes to consti tute a "phenomenal state of general sickness," but we do know that grip, measles, pneumonia and bad colds have prevailed all over the county in a degree unknown for years. And it .: -, must be remembered that these 456 j When S. S. Prentiss concluded his prescriptions not only covered the li j argument before the House of Rtpre quor prescribed for sickness by the j sentatives In his contested election doctors of Wad&boro, but that pre- j case, Mr. Adams said It was a etrik scribed Ly every doctor in the county I ing specimen of sententious fluency, outride of Wadesboro as well. This j There has prevalleu a cleavage be being true we submit, the great j twixt the styles of oratory there and amount of sickness prevailing being j here. WThen the orations were spo taken into consideration, that 456 ' ken on Washington in the House of prescriptions for an entire month for j Representatives, Februay 22, 1885, a population of 25,000 is not so exces-1 John W. Daniel, at present a Senator sive as to Justify the language quoted j apoke while the oration on Washing from The News editorial. ; ton by Governor Wiuthrop was read The fact that blind tiger whiskey i bv Ex-Governor Lone. The aualitv " . W -W- M V ing hold and pushing it. The citizens of Anson "know a eood thins when I ppeal afresh to the intelligent j o . j .u - j . "',. . A , . . . they see it," and they are taking advantage of this, opinion ot our people to plant wheat, - B oa'a, rye, having -prepared the soil! Birmingham School, which Miss Eugenia Byrd so successfully teaches, for an early seed bed. - 1 ? nas a thousand votes, though they were not reported Monday. They say The approach of the boll weevil is tney are going to win the Separator and use the money to help build a new a sound excuse for this recurrence to I school house. Cool SpriDgs, which bad 200 votts Monday, has sent in sev Hiementary principles. He is as sure j erai thousand, and they and their energetic teacher, Miss Sallie Benton, to come as death. . Jf th do DQt wiQ the ggpa,. 3ome one eJse wil, have to do mme ull Years ago Horace Or ely published, i in the New York Tiibune, an edito-t nu3tllDS Lilesvike is still leading the list, and is determined to win. They rial in which he descanted upon the i have a large school and will have to secure more, votes than most, bat that advantages of the several states of only makes them and their most capable principal, Prof. J. A. McArthur, this union as places of residence, ob- J and otner hustling teachers work the harder. . Brown Creek School and Its serving there was no place combining j teacher Mbg Phoebe Watkins, who is a host in herself, rhould not be forgot, all the advantages without any ot the disadvantages. I was elector on the j Ifthey are' 80me will te surprised. They say the Sep rator as good as be Greely ticket in 1872, and spoke at j lon88 to them. Nearly all the schools are doing good work, and there wll many pl aces. In Rockingham 1 i be some surprises before the closing of the contest. - - Now is the time to enter. It is not too late, for the contest is just get ting well started. Every one stands an equal chance. It is going to . take hard work to win the individual and school prizes; but when was anything ever accomplished without work? The shools that have no otes should send some in as soon as possible. JSvtry one so far.standa aneven chance, and a "day's work may put you in the lead. Boys and girls, get busy and work for the Individual prizes announced below. You may win the grand prizes, and, even if you do not, you will be well repaid for the v or k you do. (Jet some sample copies, which we j shall be glad to send upon request, aiid canvass your relatives, neighbors! and friends. Write to people you know outside the county. You can se cure renewals of old subscribers, and those who do not now subscribe wil1 be pleased to do so. - how theVotes WILL BE AWARDED called him the "Broad browed man foremost of them who know." Hon. Harvey Wilson, of Charlotte, the wisest manI have known, who entered Hampden Sidney College as a half advanced junior at 14 years old, told me, 27 years since, the sec tion of our state lying between the Pee Dee and Yadkin and Catawba rivers from the South Carolina line to the mountains was as full of promise as any part of the world he had seen. It has made progress at a rate scarce ly matched in our dear state. Governor Tod Lobioson said North Carolina had been a kind old mother to him. Now that your small grain crop Ls in the ground, lop dress it at once with 200 pounds an acre of A. S. Lee & Co. agricultural lime. It may not be as good as some other preparation. While in your wheat pull up a stalk out of ground well prepared for the !eed bed and note the net of roots. It. T. Bennett. n) ID) an r Ol wades is 1 ! 3 i . commenced business in September, 1992. tory of the institution. The past year has been the most prospcrons in the his Your deposits are secured as follows: Capital Stock - - -Stockholders Liability Surplus and Undivided Profits Total - - $50,000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 $135,000.00 The bank's career, under the management of Mr. T. J. Covington as president, was most prosperous, .and our new president, L. D. Robinson, desires to thank the old patrons of the bank for the loyal manner in which they have stood-by the institution since he was elected to that position. The motto of this bank will be to accomnodate its friends and patrons to the fullest extent consistent wiih good business management. Officers: L. D. ROBINSON, President. F. C. ALLEN, Vice President. C. M. BURNS, JR., Cashier. ADAM LOCKHART, Ass't Cash. We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits. The Savings Department has paid over $2,000 annually in interest. We solic it your accounts. Directors: C. M. Burns, H. Haynie, K. W. Ashcraft, Geo. W.Huntley, W. Henry Liles,H. W. Little. B. G. Covington, L. J. Huntley, F. C. Allen, P. R. Bennett, L. D. Robinson. is soldihere, just as it is in Charlotte and probably every other town in the. state, is no reason why our physicians should be insulted and which has distinguished the two schools of speech is again and most strongly apparent to DeToquerelle, who, in his "Democracy in Ainerl- cailed law-breakers. They are neither j ea,"r dwells upon the difference of fi- rpqnnnaihlo fnr itWiiA ' --r -J . . . f ..a..uH tiTwrcrrgTTTngX)nier ffiOre edate, methodical and If possessed. We are the heirs of these psychologi cal features without efforts thereto. R. T. Bennett. PREACHER SHOT IN PULPIT While Making His Opening Prayer Sun day Wight, Colored Preacher 1 Fired Upon Through the Window at Wax- . haw. . ..; Monroe Journal. r Praying is going to be a mighty unsafe business if the experience of the Rev. William McDonald is re peated many times. He is pastor of the colored Baptist church at Wax haw and while kneeling in the pul pit Sunday night to make his open ing prayer, some one took thrw shia at him through the rear window; He hollered out with a mighty voice that he was killed and the congrega tion was in an uproar. While some of them gathered up the minister and conveyed nim to a nearby house others went in hot haste to Sfl if t could find out anything about who mm nrea toe snots. Tney got out In time to hear him burning the wind inrougn tna nearby woods. Notcet- uoiSuiui uim, iney nad Mr. J. S. Plyler, manager of the Waxhaw Telephone Co., te phone to Charlotte to see if the Mecklenburg blood hounds cuuiu De Drougnt down, which they couldn't. Meanwhile a doctor had been called to see if anything could be uuue w save tne nte of the preacher, ue rouua that the only bullet that iiuu nu mm struct the watch in his vest pocket, which no doubt saved his life, as no wound had been made by the bullet, except on the watch. Rev. McDonald had oeeo pastor of the flock only a few months, and the congregation had had a row at the time of hig call. No arrests have been made. The bullets were fired from a 38 pistol. One went into the ceiling in theVaraen corner, one Into the window framing outside, which showed that the marskmen must have been standing some distance away and the other one struck the preach er's watch as described. Corrle Plunkett, a colored woman of Wadesboro, fell dead at the wash tub this morning. We have decided to change the scale of votes on old and new subscri bers, and hereafter votes wii be counted on the following basis. All snb scriptions we have already received have been credited according to this scale. $1.00 paid on one new subscription counts , 4(K) Votes., . . 2.00 paid on one new subscription counts 1,000 votes. , 3.00 paid on one new subscription counts 2,000 votes. 4.00 paid on one new subscription counts 3,000 votes. 5.00 paid on one new subscription counts 5,000 votes. Each dollar paid on an old subscription counts exactly half as many votes as a dollar collected on a new subscription; two dollars on an old one half a8 much as much as two dollars on a new one, etc. It pays well to get renewals on old subscriptions, though much better to get new ones. GET BUSY. A LITTLE WORK IS ALL THAT IS NECESSARY. It is easy to get.subscribers to the Messenger and Intelligencer. People like to subscribe for a good paper; and the M. & I. is a good paper. For over 22 years it has been the leading pjper of Anson county, and it is now better than ever before. It is issued semi-weekly an every Monday and every Thursday, and carries all the ne ws of the county, together with much matter of general information. It is now running a series of articles, "Mak ing Money on the Farm," that should be of much benefit to farmers. THE ''MESSENGER AND INTELLIGENCER" WILL HEP YOU. Any bright, hustling boy or girl (and we are sure there are hundreds interested in the contest) can win valuable premiums with a little work. The M. & I. will be glad to help in any way possible. If there are any ques tions you wish to ask, or any information you desire, write us or phoue. We will do all we can to help you. Sample copies will be sent to anv one wish ing them. Go out ampng your neighbors, friends and relatiaes. Most oft j iSom.Ukii.Jt.ia,. pcwV'nTrYuKut, (Jr Iflfe frill hi w'ti-K' A..T.i iTT ttlCA it. Write ttm orwt . . . .. - UWglttU U) . . uu tci uiicii u iiKcrini inn Pore FeJce "Jomi Saw" 47, l i i r r 39,l i i i - tl 32.h ! I "i JJ - ; 26m; 1 j -j jl Eoi Monaaj snmrt l-r . ' fc ( i" m 5m The Blalock Hardware Company has the biggest assortment of wire fenc ing ever carried by any dealer in Wadesboro. BLALOCK H O W COMPANY get started. It is easy when you BURIED WHILE ASLEEP. - Sadden Death of Judge Shepherd. y Baltimore, Md., Feb. 7. Death ta ne suddenly'io former Chief Jus tice James Edward Shepherd, of Ral eigh, N. a, at the Presbyterian Eye, Eir and Throat Hospital. this morn ing, where he had undergone an op eration for throat trouble. Judge Shepherd, accompanied bv his wife and Dr. K P. Battle, his family physician, arrived in this city at midofeht on Saturday. He went to the hospital immediately. The r s oration was performed by Dr. Rich ard Johnson, at noon yesterday and Wegro Mceta AwrnI Death tn the Seed Hons of the Blba Mill Sometime Mon. Afternoon. ' Charlotte Observer. That death is liable to overtake one in the strange manner and when least ex pected was demonstrated yesterday morn ing at the plant of the Elba Manufactur ing Company when the lifeless body of "Son" Query, a colored emDlovre. found in the seed house buried in a great pile-ot cottonseed. The body was discover ed two feet beneath the surface and on theedgeof the pil. There was not abruise anywhere and the limbs were relaxed as if in sleep. Had he merely dozed Into serene unconsciousness his going to all ap pearance could not have been easier. No doubt obtains as to the manner Of his death although nothing can be stated with absolute positiveness on account of the fact that no one was present when the end came. "Son" Query belonged to a erew of hands engaged in the seed house Monday afternoon. All had been working harp and about 4 o'clock Query, apparent ly a little tired, walked off to one side and out of view of the rest of the gang. Noth iag was thought of this at the time and no attention was paid as to where he was go ing. When he did not appear, however, at at 7 o'clock a search was instituted,. He was nowhere to be found, atthoutrh hi shovel wrs picked up not very far from where he had been working. It was then thought that he had .amply stepped out and had gone home. Yesterdav momino- however, when he did not show up for work another.inquiry was begun. He had not gone home the night before and so a more careful search was made in the seed bouse, where he was last seen. The body was found close to the Dla where the shovel was picked up, buried be neath two feet of seed and just on the edo of the great mountain of seed. The suppo sition is that Query had dropped down tn sleep a few minutes and had burrowed ont REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF POLKTON at?l.kt0,n ia 'H"6 of North Carolina, at the close of business Jan. 3lst, 1910. PEEMIUMS, To the school that wins the DeLaval Separator, $10 in cash To the teacher of the school that wins the Separator, $10 in cash . To the girl pupil of any public school who secures the largest number of new subscribers, a Handsome 3old Ring or a Nice Gold Watch ...v. WJrit,UH1, u, auy puouc scnooi who secures the bt u , ! v;'..,""1" new subscribers, one Stevens ''Visible rd.w r. " , wr OI nouse' furniture O A-wauco RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. i.rverararts s om 54 . None Persons competing for either of the above prizes must secure at least!&::::: 3 1 40()00 100 00 as many as 10 new subscribers. Three dollars collected from mn ...k0..! Z ! coin, incVudinY all' min.; will be counted the same as one new subscriber. Two aSJL TZ'Z kIV,L S1"-.-;. i 38 3-monf.ha anhanrintinna i : . " wur anaoiner U ...a uc cuunifii as one yearly subscriber. uy iierson wno secures as many as five new 1 257 oo Qll Koii-i K-. Mxil i- i k . " "-iniris Will IIO Olttan ' ms or ner choice of a number of valuable articles. Some of these premiums will be: early subscriptions to the Ladies' Home Journal Y. nih.1 anion , Munsey's McCure's, Everybody's, or any other class. Other Drizes will h a fin WHitQ r v. ... . ft OI 11,18 ...I . . r , - .ucgiHjru ocKerei or a spttincr nr White Leehorn effffs. ThP nti . ... tuning or r n ... , . cssr wnicn will come from Mr W. Henry Liles' poultry yards, are of the finest strain of these birS "fi, found anywhere. Additional prizes in this list will be annou m ti There are no blanks in this contest. Everv win h one new subscriber will be given a present wor'h hvTg U P These prizes are offered in connection with the De Laval Prxm a tor Con.est, and all money paid over on new subscript! wTeSSZ to the school designated by the person securing the subscriber This contest, except as to the cream separator i nnon te o n wherp. The m 0r.o .... . iu wau perponsany- -... -n-wiii tn uaioiui VUI1I"ML I -4 PnntinArl iA tL. - . .. . Anson. ' w lue Pmic schools ofl al 14 8SS 02 LIABILITIES. Capital stock - L-'njivided profits, less current' ei- IXnses and taxes paid 256 m rposxts subject to check.. :; 7 M vu fotal. .14 88 02 Liles ville School Ansonville School Savannah School Home School Salem School Cedar Hill School Diamond Hill School Polkton School Forestville School Flint Ridge School Webb School "Votes of Schools. 7,900 1,200 : 400 1,200 1,050 600 600 2,200 1,300 1,200 400 Peachland School ' Bethel School Rowland School White Store School Little School , McFarlan School Cool Springs School Cason Old Field School Morven School Brown Creek School Birmingham School Griffin School Stat of North Carolina ) . bounty of Anson 8S aamd h;nVUtma?' ca?hIer ot above ltyr that the knofled anrrue lne of y I RLk5-TKMAN, Cashier. 8thA7nKnuV,"ora to oefore me this 'J v U.. 101U. Corrit-Atteit7' ALE' otary Public. R. G. Austin, ) Xv- - ?iDWAnD, y Directors. Have You Paid Your Taxes? If you have not yet attended to this important duty, this is to notify you that you must do so at once. The board of county commissioners and the state treasurer are both nich ing me and I am compelled to r-St I lnt- . A. TM o v.vi,vti di once. 1 his nntir- .c intended for every person who as not paid his taxes. S. P. Martin, Sheriff of Anson County. Fertilizer What is the use of paying so near the same price for a fertilizer made from materials that will not feed the plant to mature the crop, when you can buy an ANIMAL BASE FERTILI ZER for just a few cents more on the ton? The only practical way to learn the commercial value of a fertilizer is to try it. We sell and recommend for cotton the use of 8-2-2 and 8-3-3 Animal Bone Fertilizers which contain the proper and lasting elements, of plant food. Coffins and Castt S. K. Harris, oj V 900 500 70a 1,200 200 800 4,600 - 200 1,000 4,100 1,000 1,200 Interesting Experiment. A prominent Yale professor is ex ceptionally fond of mushrooms. His a place on the edge of the pile in order to I son, who is an enthusiastic botanist, be comfortable. He had Ihtu doaad i.ff j u t. uumuisi, iatoasoundeep. A little 1 JtZ?" DG da flight some home and told of seee slipped and covered him, his mou.h ! mother to have them prepared as uu nostnis being ailed, so that he could i BPca ireat tor his father. When the professor came in to dinner he was m. . j uuDuriuaainiij eiron to es cape. This view, while tne only one that is possible, offers strange phrases for an able-bodied man like Query should have oeen aoie before his breathing was cut off to all annearanrea. was anmur,,! Last night Dr. Johnson announced ' io. th?w Mlde the datively thin covering lhat his patient was resting comfort- j or and thiby escape. ; uy, a nurse entered the room at J a. rn. and noticed that the Judge no' hreathing. She summoned i r. IUttle, who pronunced him dead, i h ath was probably due to heart '-.ilare. x . The body was shipped to Raleigh ;-i afternoon. delighted to find his favorite dish at nis place. "lhese are not all for me. are iucj asaeu, not wishing to be selfish. "Yes, father, I gathered them es pecially ior you," answered the duti ful son. Next morning his son was await- you will just take Kodol now and then j head not foar or hesitate to cat all the 1 food that you want, for Kodol will t, whatever you cat. Kodol is for k iici sour stomachs. Kodol is pleas- tnkc, and it is guaranteed to give r r i onee. Bold by paraona Drug Co. j thing BQW?,B ; Hooree Congna, StniTr Cold. pain in chest and sore lungs are symptoms that quickly develop into a daneerous ill- Hot.LrJiJf-"01 cured-. FoJey'sig with rather an anxious express- u ue cougn, neais and i luu u,s 'ace. "uooa morning, dad," "Did you sleep all right eases the congested parts, and brings quick i he Ventured. relief Pea Dee Pharmacy; Parsons DrugCo. It The Pontic Phone. Bystander (to Uncle Hiram, who has ben yelling Into the transmitter without takiug down the receiver) He", you'll have to get Central first, you known. Uncle Hiram Don't kid me, young fel low Ain't I sauare in fmnt .K-Vl -, . uKufauca last night?' ply Fiue'" wa3 tne eneouraging re- Not sick at all, or didn't have anv pain?" J "Why, of course not," answered the professor. "Hoorah," said the botanistf I have discovered another spacies that la not poisonousl' . KOTICE. By virtue of the authority vested in the ,??Kfcgned pommioner under an order -"-.-"ix-'i uuuri or nson Uountv ii a special uroceedinir onti'tUi di. uf beck. Bettie Ponds and other parti to sale, for cash, at the Court HousTd8? in the town of Wadesboro. nn MfwiJ thl ' .. 0f Mapcl ' 19l0at J2 O'clock fifj the following tract of and, situate in nf PnWn . f' "uviuiuk sne lands ol tphraim Curlee, Lonnie Smith. William Manness and others, and described as fo - u, VV" III, Bffl nnin o at. n 1 MM " rressieys cop- .,luf. iaaea ureeir twice to a TSL'?" Horned noiTo j . , comer stake, 3 red oak and Dost nW nin .1 Ai . ..... vuiucrsianeic JsneDherd's Hn then S. W. 29 ch t.n rZv. i" ptrs.,Jhen X mM W. 8.ra cTttlll "y a DlCKOrv: then & nn. li XT .L r ch tn , X' 7 r "uo n 10.au r, " m CT-"ic iu uower line, then vc-ith said hue N. 45 E. 30 chs. and 63 UnStohe beginning, containing 78?i acres more or This sale Is made subipni; tn tv, c. mstnnnl.l n . wuuf SE ociea ihis the ?7th day of Januarv. lain T. L. CAUDLE, Commissioner. wiiros .wjy Trvnia PMuraanla ABOABD uie in effect Nov. 7, 1909. Train Leave Wadesboro'as fol- "j lows: No. a. m "SPinm nr. sis js? ." sMSiis: S2ljfl?'i''!'i.il S, No. 9.5. m. '"'SEABORD Matt. Orlftnn.n' c --Tur"-"' OT"Pni, Aew ingcarrA7;rt,:u,i:flm.an Sleep- conrnecfthh 5S fasten,- mmorKY10- lor-car fd P;r"7uiL"?tf "P Par- nects at 1" " When von want a. m.o nas.. , - ( basket, at a reasonable tm-; fiamii? tbe lino 1 IcRVf Liom me cheapest to th Nice Hearse HARD ISO tJ GOP'tJ. Is always in readiness, and even feature of the undertaking hJ Tio,. . e. .viiramj carerni atten uon, whether day or night BUBLAL CROBEas.niCe 01 S. S. Shephera The Undertaker ROY M. H UN TL E Y d. d. s. ; ii wiuws cjecona i- ioor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. PHONE NO 90. When you buy Money Orders 8 nects at Imlet with T No 40 for WiLt toniwitlNo. 68 sw3?,iy.,1i",n.: with v.nio"-u f Mail" WaThWi rTff" lo "whmond and New Yai ' "d PuUma Sleepingcars to NO. 44 6 P. m. for OTIlrr,! . nects -witSo. 43 for Onintn wV o con" i nah, JacknviUe and Hori- Thwvunk - m xioriolk: 'OAue JLUa l-nl mon C'l . ' rmi'?a?a H"tot with No. WqC Flamingsfor Richmond. WtMl F'Z, trough PalimM Tin!eriTabtnndersigndforRtea l &tt0DiziDS, outside people and 1 . i toe unitea states government OLD IPERS mn RlT r nr. I T ' . have for 4 a large numbeTcT m Urde" of the KPeSbSfry Savings Bank. imm . I . ' b"' f PCOKI TTT . , . NIGHT OR DAY IVeAre Always Ready to Serve You If you want to take a drive around town; If you want to go to the station; If j io u on citner a Inn tr n .1. . . . in the rniintm- r If you want to go anywhere, night or day. Ring 'Phone Number 7, t irrr.-" food turaout. nvcry Dusmess to stay, and pomi 10 piease our patrons. we make it a I luniley & flart! 1 .-.auu or auefooro