1YT J AS. G. BOrLlX, EDITOR AND PtJ BUSDER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AXD THUHSDAYS 81.00 AEAK, DVB IS ADVANCE Number 24 Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C., Thursday, February 17, 1910 CHARLOTTE MAN A SUICIDE. STREET BOYS. HIS HONEY. WALKED INTO A DEATH TRAP. SOUR IITLK DRINK CRAZE. lgj 7 J 3ERE IS THE PROOF That the best body-building and strengthening tonic for Delicate Children IS- VTnbl MM? 9 year old daughter was weak, pale, and bad no appetite. I ave her Vinol, and she began to thrive at once. She gained rapidly iay eight, color and strength." Mr. W. H. CJLMORE, Dnrand, Mich. ' " My two children, who were puny and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and Strength when I began to give them VinoL I proved that Vinol ia a splen did tonic for delicate children.' Mn. C ALLEN, New Bedford, Ma. Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round j and plump. Cluicren love to taice it. We return people's money without question II Vinol does cot accomplish all we el aim for It. Try ft, please. FOX & LYON, Druggists, Wad" Watch Ansonville : Wake Up If you want a Lot for a Store, If you want a Lot for a Hotel, If you want a Lot for a Dwelling, If you want a Lot for a Factory or Railroad, If you want a Lot for a Blacksmith Shop, If you want a Lot for a Barber Shop, . , ; If you want a Lot fora Carpenter Shop, ' If you want a Lot for a Large Livery Stabc, If you want a Lot for Any Purpose, In a growing town with rock foundation And grit in its craw, . We have the most desirabe ones. Best Located & Most Conven -ent toRailroad Depot in Town rOR CASH OR ON , TIME Will Assist You in Building House, if Desired. Large, Most Beautiful Lot For College FREE to Any Church or Reputable Person. Ansonville Real Estate Company A. H. RICHARDSON, President and treasurer. EEG e 3E3E EH 3Qln Every year about this time the cotton planter (who belongs to the church) fixes up a gamble with the weath er and the farm hands and the mules and the seed and the fertilizer. Sometimes, he bets three hundred pounds of fertilizer ingredients all mixed up at home will make a bale to the acre. Sometimes, he bets four hundred, and maybe eight hundred. He wins sometimes and loses some times, just like other gamblers. ; The planter can't help himself about the weather and some of the other things; but, unless he isjuSt nat urally sporty and wants to bet, anyhow, he doesn't have to include fertilizers in the deal. He can fix to have his Fertilizer a Certainty. The only way to do this is to contract for machine mixed goods on a certain guaranteeed analysis, made by a responsible manufacturer. Then every ounce will be like every other ounce, and every single cotton plant will have a good a chance as the best stalk in the field. Calculate for Yourself. Suppoee 400 pounds of the j best brand of mixed fertilizer costs $6.00. Suppose that under the best pos sible conditions you could buy all the ingredients to mix a ton $2.00 cheaper than the manufactured article. This is ten (10) cents per huadred, or forty (40)" cents an acre. Suppose, by some slight mistake in mixing, a few plants got stunted and you lost four pounds of cotton. Wouldn't your forty (40) cents be gone? Forty Cents Per Acre is all you can hope to save In first cost A Half Bale of Cotton is what might be lost. This is big odds. Better not 4 bet that way. Ask About Gloria Brand AT The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Wadesboro Branch. Suicide of Soi of RflTi T. J. Alllaoa In Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 14. In a natural cave in Fairmont Paik, the body of Wilbur Allison, son of Rev. T. J. Allison, of Charlotte, N. C.was found yesterday by a park guard. An empty bottle of chloroform lying nearby and a wisp of cotton across the dead man's face, gave mute evidence of how the tragedy had occurred. The discovery waa made by Park Cluard Ulenhop. The clothes of the suicide told of wealth and good taste. The fact that the snow around the cave where the body was found was undisturbed, showed that it had lain there at least since the snow storm of last Friday. The suicide bad care fully rt moved all marks of identifica tion with the exception of the mak ers la Del n his hat which gave the name of Ed Mellon, Charlotte, N. C. This slight clew, however, was suffi cient to bring about identification. Allison, who was 22 years old, was studying in a law office in this city and corresponding with his family at home. About two weeks ago the correspondence suddenly ceased, and his family, anxious over the protract ed silence, sent a. telegram yesterday to Henderson Irwin, 939 Spruce St., whose home is also in Charlotte and who is a senior in the Jefferson Med ical College. They asked Irwin to find the young man. When the news reached Irwin that a man whose clothes bore a Charlotte label had been found a suicide in the park he went to the morgue, where the body had been taken, and identified Al lison. Young Allison boarded at 1538 (Jren street. He had not been to his rooms for a fortnight and is said to have been seen on the street last week. A His trunk nnpacked and his things scattered carelessly around the room showed that when he left the hou-e for the last time he probably in tended to return. Hia friend, Irwin, cau oner no explanation wny ne should have taken his life. The fanou3 little liver pills are DeWitt's Little arly Risers. They are safe, sure, gentle and easy to takp. When you ask for DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, refuse to accept a substitute or im itation. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is good for anything when you need a salve, and it tsT especially good for pi;es. Sold by Parsos Drug Co. Charity and Children, t One reason why country boys out strip those from oar towns in the bat tle of life may be found In the fact that the former have no streets to roam under cover; of darkness. In stead of picking up all sorts of devil ment from men of the baser sort, they are at home with their parents and at a reasonable hour they go to bed and rise with the dawning of the day. The carelessness of many parents about keeping their children under their watebcare at the most perilous period of the twenty-four hours, is amazing. , It is between the hours of nine tfhd twelve after nightfall that the sober wishes of innocent boys oft learn to stray. Parents too often yield to the clamor of their children for liberty, and fear that they are de priving them of their natural rights bj confining them at home after, euppi r. Their mistake is monumental, and il is often discovered too late. If the smallpox or the scartet fever were in town ho parents would hesitate to quarantine the children of the house hold until the danger, was over; and yet they allow them night after night to breathe an atmosphere la den with moral malaria, and which is far more dangerous and deadly than smallpox or scarlet fever. We are al ways sorry for a child that is allowed to hang around a pool room. He is worse off than an orphan, for the or phan may get into the orphanage where pool rooms, cigarettes and other poisonous things are strictly prohibit ed. Some times parents make the mistake of allowing their boys to se cure employment that brings them in contact with evil influences. The managers of our Reformatory will tell you that many a boy rinds his way there because he was too weak to resist the temptations that hia own father and mother threw in his path vay. Keep your boy at home, if you vvant to make a man out of him. Men can not be made of street walk ers, me mothers apron string is the strongest tie that can bind the youth of tender years to truth and honor. SAVED FROM AW ByLydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound De Forest, "Wis. ' After an opera tion four years aeo I had pains down ward in both sides: backache, and a weakness. The doc tor wanted me to have another opera tion. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's vegeta ble Compound and I am entirely cured of my troubles." Mrs. AtTGrsTE Vesperhann, De For est, Wisconsin. Another Operation Avoided. New Orleans, La. "For years I suf fered from severe female troubles. Finally I was confined to my bed ano the doctor said an operation was neces sary. I gave Lydia K. Pmkham s Veg etable Compound a trial first, and was saved from an operation." Mrs. Lilt Peykotjx, 1111 Kerlerec St. JS ew Orleans, La. Thirty years of unparalleled success confirms the power of Lydia E. Fink- ham s Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. The great volume of unsolicited testimonv constantlv nonr- iner in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for those dis tressing feminine ills from which bo many women suffer. If you want special advice about your case write to Mrs Pink ham. at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful. Druggist. A.aaalt Minister In Saath Carolina Tawa. Greenville, S. C, Dispatch, 15th. On Saturday morning Rev. J.McCarter, pastor of the Baptist church of Farmville, waa assaulted on the street of the town by 8. M. Pollard and J. A. Burnett, each of the assailants striking him. The cause of the attack is' said to be an item in a let ter which Mr. McCarter, who is Farmville correspondent of The Greenville Reflector, wrote the paper in which it was stated that neither of the Farmville drug stores had a registered pharmacist, but were owned and managed by ex saloon keepers. Mr. Pollard stopped the, minister on the street Saturday morning and asked for a retraction of the statement, which the minister replied could not be given as it was true. Mr. Pollard then struck the minister in the face, knowing him down, and as the latter was getting np Mr. Bur nett, who had come on the scene in the meantime, also struck him a blow on the head. Warrants were issued for both the assailants of the minister and ths trial is expected to take place tomorrow. A lew minutes'- delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves dan gerous. The safest way is to keep Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in the house, and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Sold by the Parsons Drug Co. Luther M. Burbahk, the plant wiz ard -of California,' said of honey, apropos of a flower that bees love: "This flower" grows'' abundantly near Santa' -Barbara, and there was once a yoong Californian who often visited a leading Santa Barbara hotel because they have such excelled honey there a honey that bees make from this flower. "Well, the young man got married in due course and the wedding trip itinerary must Include Santa Barbara so that the bride might taste hi superb honey. "But the first morning at the Santa Barbara hotel there was no honey'on the breakfast table. The bridegroom frowned. He called the old familiar waiter vvei to him. "Wherrs my honey?' " he de manded. i 4The waiter hesitated, looked awk wardly at the bride, then bent to ward the, young man's ear and in a whisperstapamered: " Er Mamie don't work here no more, sir.' " hx. ci. Back WUIIi 'ta Ag-atn.C Cl. at. ml Ht.nt, Jack Monroe Enquirer. "Near Riot Narrowly Averted." was the caption of an article in last day morning's Charlotte Observer, headline looked like there might bo That Tues- The some interesting reading under it, and there was, but as a misleader that little headline is a masterpiece. What do you suppose wa under , that' . scare-producing heading? Nothing in the world but a good writ up of a wordy war on Charlotte's crowded streets between Col. Walter H. Henry and CoL Jake Newell over the "divy" of pro ceeds of a picture show they "had been run ning. That's all there was too it. A ad the idea of a newspaper Jooling its reader with any such headlines just about a war of words between Col. Walter R. and Col. Jake. 'Why, one of these patent medicine headlines which make you think you are going to read an interesting bit of news and then bumps your optics up agaicst an advertisement of somebody's bloomin' pills Is not half as misleading as is the Obser ver's heading to the Henry-Newel! cussiu' match. But, say. there was something interesting going on on the streets of Char i tte while the two champion word-sling- ers were standing np and burling accusa tions frilled with fighting epithots at each other. The Observer says at the wind up of the article "No affair of the kind has occurred In a long time has excited so much talk," and that's no misleading statement. Things are rather dull down here ia Mou- roe and we have no hope of any two of ourcitisens getting up such an Interesting war of words and giving our town such a free show as Col. Jake and Col. Walter R. gave the Charlotte people, for we have no two citizens whocan sling words like those two Charlotte champions, for in the grand army of word-stingers they are far above the rank of "colonel" and at least should rank as "major generals" Wish that we could have heard 'em in that mouth bat tle. But Monroe and Wadeboro might join forces, "being as how" neither one of them has two citizens worth entering in a battle of words, and do Charlotte one. Suppose we put CoL Jack Williams of Monroe, "ferninst" CoL Buck Newton of Wadesboro and show Charlotte that h?r champions don't know the first rules of drill when it comes to a war of words. Columbia Dispatch, 14th. Walking into a trap set by her hus band for chicken thieves Mr. O orge L. Neel, living between Prosperity and dewberry, was seriously and pos sibly mortally wounded. Mr, Neel had been missing some chickens and had driven stakes in the ground in front of bis chicken house a ar und which he had led a cord at tached to the trigger of a coc ked shot gun, pointing to the approach of the chicken house, so that any one ap proaching the chicken hou-e would run against the cord and discharge the gun. Mrs. Neel received the load of shot intended for the thieves. She was in the yard looking after matters before retiring for the night, and probably did not know or had not thought of her husband's precautions. The load entered the right leg be low the knee joint at close rauge,bor ing au ugly hole. It is probable that the leg will have to be amputated, and serious fears are entertained for Mrs. Neel'- life. GERMS IN HER SYSTEM. What Robbl. Waa ted tm Kaaw. He asked so many questions that day that he finally wore out his mother's pa- tieuce. "KODert," sne cried, ir you ask me another question I shall put yon to bed without your supper." Robert promptly asked another and was packed off to bed. Later his mother re pented. After all, asking questions was tne only way he could acquire knowledge; so she tiptoed upstairs, knelt besides Rob ert's bed and told him she was sorry. "Now, dear," she said, "if you want to ask oi.e more question before you go to sleep, ask it now and I will try to answer." Robv-i t thought for a moment, then said, "Mother, how far can a cat spit?" From S..coes Magazine How's TbLI We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belie vo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligatsons made by his firm. Walwsu, Kin-nan Si Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, "oc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. TakeHall's Family Pills for constipation. Sore Lbc ad Raw Laagi. Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it indicates. All people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quickly cure the soreness and cough and restore a normal condition. Aak for Foley's Honey and Tar. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. SCHOOL BOOK8 FOR HALF PRICE AH kinds of books bought and sold. Lirgest stock in North Carolina. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tend lists, catalogues free. Smith's Otn Ikxm Stork, Raleigh, N. C OLD PAPERS FOR SALE We have for sale a large number of old papers which are going very cheap1 ly. Come quick before they are 11 gone. To the Cotton Farmers W ho Wish the Best We wish to invite your atten tion to the importance of plaiitlug the best seed it is one of the foundations of successful farming. ' :We have a limited amount of "Simpkins' Prolific Cotton Seed on hand, which we quote you at $1.00 f. o. b. Raleigh. " Let us book your order now for fu ture delivery. Write for testimonials if you do not know of its merits. Our book, "How to Grow Two Bales of Cotton Per Acre," will be sent upon application J Refer ence: .Any bank or business house in Raleigh. W A Simpkins, Raleigh, N C Originator and introducer of Simpkins' Prolific Cotton Seed. Light Diet. An old darkey went to a bospitaL Upon his arrival be was placed in a ward, and one of the nurses put a thermometer In his mouth to take his temperature. When the house doctor made his rounds, he said: "Well, my man, how do you feel?" "I feels right tol-ble, suh." "Have you had anything to eat yet?" "Yessuh, I had a little." "A lady done gimme a piece of glass ter suck, suh." Harpher's Monthly. If you will just take Kodol now and then you need not fear or hesitate to eat. all the guod food that you want, for Kodol will digest whatever you eat. Kodol is tor weak and sour stomachs. Kodol is pleas ant to take, and it is guaranteed to give relief at once. . Sold by Parsons Drug Co. A Mkather'a Aaxlatr. N Willie Ma, can't I go out on the street for aBTittle awhile? Tommy Jones say there's a comet to be seen. Mother Wfell, yes; but don't you go too near. Boston Transcipt. Woman loves a clear, rosy complexion Burdock Blood Bitters purifies too blood, clears the skin, restores ruddy, sound health. Asking Taa Haeb. The country doctor had come to pre scribe for Lucy, the colored girl's tittle daughter, who was suffering from the un fashionable ailment known as "chills." The doctor opened his saddlebags and prepared reveral doses of the time-honored remedy, quinine, in capsules. Lucy sat up in bed watching the pro ceedings with great interest as the doctor filled each tiny capsule and capped it. But when she heard the instruction, "Give her one of these every two hours," she wailed in terror: "Is you gwine to mek me swaller dem little glass bottles, stoppers an' all?" Youth's Companion. Kvarjr Wainaa Bbaald Head thla dvle And tba Oti Offer Tbat Un Willi It. The number of diseases peculiar to woman h such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a fact that most of these dis eases are of a catarrhal nature. A woman cannot be well if there is a trace of catarrh in her system. Som women think there is no help for them. We positively de clare this to be a mistaken idea. We are bo sure of thi that we offer to supply medicine absolutely free f all cost in every instance where it fails to give satisfation, or does not substantiate our claims. With this understanding, no woman should hesitate to believe our boo- ety of purpose, or lipsitate to put our claims fo a" test. There is only one way to over come catarrh. That way is through the blood. You may use all the suuff, douches or like remedies for years without getting more than temporary relief at best. Catarrh in general is a diseased condition of the system that shows locally most frtqueutly iu discharges from raucous membranes. Local treat ment should he assisted by internal treatment for the general diseased condition if a complete cure is to be reached.. That internal treat ment should be scientifically devised and faithfully adminished. Kexali Mucu Tone is scientifically prepared lrom the prescription of an eminent physician who tor thirty years made catarrh his specialty, This remedy is admirably adapted to the treatment of the catarrhal ailments of women. It purifiies and enriches the blood, tends to stop mucous dirfchanges, aid in remov ing impurities from the system, soothes, heals and ctlreugthens the mucous tissues, and brings about a feeling of health and Rtrength. We want you to try Rexall Mucu Toiie on our guarantee. If you are not benefited, or for any reason not satisfied, simply tell us and we will hand back your money. Rexall Mucu-Tone come in two sizes, 50 . cents and $ 1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Wadesboro only at our store, The Rexall Store. The Parsons Drug Co. Ortpplac Brltaaa la llapa at Attalalaa Old A. London Cablegram to Hoastoa. The fashionable craze of the nomeat U neither linking nor aviation, but the drink ing of sour milk or the maachiag of spe cially prepared tabloids. charged with sour milk bacteria. The craie began a little while ago with the publication of Dr. Rein- bardt's book, "One Hundred aiul Twenty Years of Life," ia which he detailed Pro fessor Metchnikoff's theory that sour milk prepared according to the Bulgarian plan Is the rea' elixir of life. Dr. Metchnikoff, the famous pathologist of the Pasteur In stitute, of Paris, was much struck when visiting Bulgaria to find that ia many of the country parts the proportion of ceo teaarians was gveater than anywhere else. Ho started to investigate the taose, aad came to the conclusion the long life of the people was due to the fact they nsed sour milk in their daily die try. This milk, pre pared by means of a living culture of lactic acid for baoeilli, destroys putrefactive or ganisms in the banian stomach, ao at Ua5t Dr. Metchnikoff maintained. This theory, which has since been supported by Dr. Os ier, has caught ou amazingly. Every chemist shop is full of sour milk losenges and chocolates. Every cartful wife is urging her husband to drink spe cially prepared aletchnlkoff mL'k that is sold by the leading dairy companies at fab ulous prices. Cooks have a fresh burden added to their lives by being asked to pre pare sour milk at home, a process taking many hours and much careful regulation of temperature. Meanwhile the folk to whom an expenditure of $! to to a week a bead for specially prepared sour milk Uimpoasi- ble, can obtain much tbe same result by drinking the once despised buttermilk. Do you know that croup can be prevent ed ? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the crupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a c r- tain cure for croup and has never been known to fail- The Parsons Drug Co. Dlataatlr Helatva. 'Are you related to Barne; O'Brien?" Thomas O'Brien was asked. Very distantly," replied Thomas. "I was me mother's first child Earner was th si vinteenth." Chicago Sociaty. "My child was burned terribly about the face, neck and chest. I applied Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. The pain ceased and the child sank Into a restful sleep." Mrs. Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg, N. Y. The The Stieff Shaw Kidney disease is a dangerous ailment. You should never delay a moment to take some good, reliable, dependable remedy. In such cases we recommend DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Puis. These wonde tul pills are being used by thousands of people daily with fine results. They are for weak kidneys, weak back, back ache, inflamma tion of the bladder and all urinary disor ders. " Sold by Parsons Drug Co. Tba Last Tin. Creditor I ask you for the last time to pay ue that 5 you owe me. Debtor Thank goodness there's an end to that silly question! Tits-Bits. A Safrgaard To Chlldrca. "Our two children of six and eight years have boen since infancy subject to colds and croup. About three years ago I start ed to use toley's Honey and Tar, and it has never tailed to prevent and cure these troubles. It is the ouly medicine I can get the children to take without a row." The above from W. C. Ornstein," Green Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience of thous ands of other users of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cures coughs, colds and croup, and prevents bronchitis and pneumonia. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. ALL TIRED OUT. The best piano? when qual ity and durability are consid ered are the cheapest. The best pianos on the mar ket are the Artistic Stieff and Shaw Pianos Their quality end durability are unexcelled. Their dignity has been proven by the en dorsement of the thousands of American families using them. These pianos are manufac tured and sold by Cbas. M. Stieff, and their durability, ar tistic and exquisite features can not be denied. Remember STIEFF. the name A day's delay in procuring one of these pianos is a week'rf pleasure lost. Chas. M. Stieff MANUFACTURER OF TUE Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self-player Pianos. Southern Wareroom: 9 W.Traae Mml, Charlotte - - N. C. C. H. WILHOTH. HUAOBR. , (Mention this paper) An attack of the grip is often followed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been extensively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies had failed. Sold by the Parsons Drug Co. ' Imperfect. Tommy The doctor brought the baby. Freddy It looks just like ma had been shopping by telephone again. Harper's Bazar. Vc Grippe pains that pervade the entire system, LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and T&r. Is mildly iaxative, safe and cer tain ia results. Pee Dee Pharmacy: Par- a son Drag C- Haadreda More la Wadesboro la tba Santa Plight. Tired ail the time; Weary and worn out night and day; j Back aches; side aches, All on account of the kidney?. Must help them at their work. Let one who knows tell you how: Mrs. I. B. Hargett, 303 No. Graham St Charlotte, C, says: "I suffered from rheumatism and kidDcy trouble for years. My kidneys were very weak and by their failure to act properly caused me to fee1 dnll and languid most of the time and lit tle like performing roy housework. I also had sharp twinges throughout my body, was very nervous and generally run down in health. Having Doan's Kiduey Pills highly recommended to me, I concluded to try them and procured a box. They acted directly on my kidneys, restoring them to their normal condition and thus removing all their other troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills proved of the greatest value to me and I do not hesitate to speak well of them." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, - Remember the name Doan's and take no othtr. Stops Lamenccs Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not al lowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first sign of stiffness. It wonderfully penetrating gees right to the spot relieve the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant. Here's the Proof. Mr. G. T. Roberts of Rcasca, G, R.F.D. No. i. Box 4 , writes : I hare tuad join Liniment on a bona foe mas ncy and effected a thorough car. I al so ramovad s ipavia on a amJa. Tbia pivia was a large as s guinaa an. la my astimatioa tba bast TCsady fntlsma aess and soreness is Sloan's Liniment Mr. H. M.Gibb.af Lawranca, Kaa., R.F.D. No. j. writes: -Your Lini ment is the best that I hare ever ased. I hid a mare with an abvres on her neck sad one ;oc. bottle of Sloan's Liniu.tat entirely cored ber. 1 keep it around all . the time for falls and small swellings aad for everything about the stock." Sloan's Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, re duce wind pun's and swollen joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. Prfct 60c. and $1.00 SImii Wak m riM, eattla, kp mm woaitrv aaas Arao. A4aru Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Sostea, Xsm V.S.A. if f - I mm : . . ATTENTION! Poultry Raisers! n We have Just received a consignment of PURINA POULTRY PECOS. Call and examine them. POULTRY FEEDS are a mixture of over a dozen varieties of grains eud see4s. Thev contain absolutely ro grit which makes weight. Tbeycontainafcsolutely.no burnt nor smutty wheet. Your chick ens will thrive upon this feed it's no eiperimeiit, but a practical feed lor practical poultry rai3-rv CvOUC la aad ak fur a sample of iu FOR SALS BY KARDISON CO. Livery at Ansonville We have opened a flrst-class livery business at Ansonville, Our turnouts are new and sty lLsh and we are prepared to give our cu-tomtrs the best ot service. If you want to make a trip anywhere, call on us. We are also prepared to do all kind of hauling. Our rates are rea sonable. Little & Gaddy Ansonville, N. C. The Peace Which Passeth all understanding cornea quicker when the obsequies have been quiet- lv and tactfully conducted. Much depends upon The Undertaker. May we Buggest a reference to those whom we have served? It will disclose the character or oar services more fully than we feel disposed to. We prefer to let others speak of or work, we respond to calls at any hour. GATHINGS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Wadesboro, N. CL Phona 41 Sale of Land by Commissioner. Bv virtue of power conferred upon me by a decree ot the Superior Court ot Anson county, made st the March Term, 1909. in an action entitled James A. Leak and others vs. Harry Flowers and wue, the undersigned commissioner wui, on Mon day, the tth dav of March, 1U10, offer for sale to the hiehest bidder, for cash, at the court bouse door in Wadesboro, North Carolina, the following described tracts ot land. First Tract, adjoining the lands of the late E. A. Parsons and others and bound ed as follows: Beginning at what was the K 11 fro re corner in the mid die of the Cam den road some gum ptrs. and runs with said Kilgore line S. 63 W. 3. 1 7 cfas. to stake black gum ptrs ; theo S. M-4 E. 6i chs. to stake pine ptrs.; then S. 63-; W. IS chs. to stake at the edge of the woods small post oak ptr.; then S. 18 K. 9.00 chs. crosaleg a branch to a stake by hickory near a large pine stamp; then with another Use ot the Kilgore lands N. re-, E li-A'chs. to stake in said line pine ptrs. a corner of a 60 acre tract of Henry Ca pel's; then S. lo'i tu. 24.7U chs. to stake in dower fine pin!ptrs.; then with the dower line fci. 74 ;,' W. 27.50 chs. to stake In the fi-vd oe tbe south side of a swamp, corner of another 60 acre tract; then the lice ot said tract N. lb, W. 44.00 chs. to the middle of the Camden road; then with said road eastward to the beginning, containing 1j0 acres, more or lees. - Second Tract, adjoining the lands of 1 A. Parsons and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the mid die of the Camden road opposite a black jack stomp standing' on the south edpe ot tne rosu sou ruua s&iu rua . E. 3.14 chs. to a stake in the middle of t ba road; then S. Vft'si K. 6.33 chs. to a stake; then S. "H v- 1 chs. to a stake; I ten N. lf W. .3Mchs, to the beginning, con taining two (2) acres, more or lev. Tents of said sale are cash, subject to the rx-a- armatioa of the rourt. This January '-rth, 19Vd H. H. liltLsao.N, CoH-suitsioter.