O ! J AS. U. BOYUX, EDITOR AXD PUBLISIIER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE. IX ADVANCE Volume 27 Wadesboro, N.; G.j Monday, February 21,1910 Number 25 mm J, -U J We Give Away Absolutely Free of Cost A L O The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain English, or Medicine Simplified, by K. V. Pierce, M. 1J., Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute at Buffalo, a book of 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost cf mailing only, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, one and a half million copies - were given away as above. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready for mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. . - Address World's Dis rENSAsr Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough that its makers ore not afraid to print on its outside wrapper its every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Mode from native medicinal forest roots offwell established curative value. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the sigrnature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare: goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wimjl Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatioa and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE G ASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of TILLMAN QUITE ILL. Will Mat b Able to Take Anjr Aetiv Part in Remainder ef Senate Session. Washington, D. C, Feb. 17 United State Senator Benjamin R. Tillman, of South Carolina, is seri ously ill and possibly will be unable to participate in any active delibera- WflAT CAN A BALE OF C0T10N BUY? Manufacturers' Record. - k What can a bale of cotton buy? What can the grower of the staple obtain in exchange for it? Consider ed superficially this question might tions of the Senate for the remainder seem an easy one to answer, and the of this session, answer, in the lieht of the change Following the coll apse ot the sen ator on the steps of the ca pitol build' ing Wednesday he was removed to his home atd appeared to recover from his attack of dizziness but'to- from the starvation prices of cottou I in the last decade of the nineteenth century to the fair prices of the first decade of the twentieth century. day his condition was such as to thor-1 might lead to a conclusion that cotton oughly alarm his friends. I growers are at present rolling in un- Dr.'E. F. Pickford, Senator Till- accustomed wealth. That conclusion man's physicians, said tonight after would hardly square with facts. It he had made a car ful examination would be dominated by the confusion of the patient that the senator is arising from the use of the dollar suffering, from slight paralysis dub to Idea in estimating the value of eottoL. a leakage of blood in the brain caused without due regard for the dollar idea THE CONTEST FOR THE i LAVAL SEPARATOR. DE- j THE GESTURE GAVE HER AWAY A. CaBalac Seooad by calcification of the arteries. In the opinion of the doctor rest and quiet are essential and Senator Till man will be unable to participate in any heri-.m work: oi this eesrion of Congress even if his affliccion grows no more serious. The senator's phy sical condition according to Dr. Pick- ford, is favorable, considering the nature of his trouble. in estimating the value of things fui which cotton is exenanged." If then, were no currency, no money medium Oatfit Offered as Grand Prise. The contest between the schools for the De Laval Separator is becoming the all-absorbing question in every home. The children of Auson have talked the good qualities of this, the best separator made, until there is not a home or hamlet in this county but what knows that it pays the family who own two or more cows to have a separator. Because of the great interest mani fested both by children and parents it is proposed to have a "GREATER DAY" School and Dairy Celeoration when the prizes are awarded, which will be on Saturday, April the 16th. A large number of the children have expressed a desire to have the award ing of prizes as late as possible, so that they could have some time after the closing of school to work for sub scribers. ' Let every one, old and The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. the ocMTAua oejMMuir. rr MuRiur siimi. mwvomi errv. A LUIle Too Hillf, Yuotli's Companion. In the scramble that followed a pre mature discharge of dynamite in a building-let, says a writer in the New York Sun, a stout man lost a scarf pin. After he began to search for it he noticed another man poking round in dust and debris. He immediately grew suspicious, and at last spoke. "I do not wish to give offense," he s.tid, '"but I must ask you to refrain froru assisting me in this search. I appreciate your willingness to help, but n a means of self protection I Ions ao mde it a ruie never to al low siracgers to assist me in a search r a lost article." . - 'Oti, very well," aid the stranger. 'You nve no objection to my look up ou, 1 suppose?" -Hf sut down on the curbstone and watched the stout man silt dut and overturn stones. After twenty min utes ot painiu! stooping the stout man 1 lUiul a scarf-pin. "But it is not my pin," he said. dHPctfdly. . "No, it's mine,", said the other uidn. "i heard it strise somewnere ii-ivaltouts. That was what I set out to look fur, but when I saw how anx ious yoa were for the job l let you go ahea 1. Your own scraf-pin,ir you waot to know, is sticking to the nip of your left eoat pocket. . of exchange, no inetal "standard of I young, recollect that they can help value of varying intrinsic value itself, I their school by working for new sub- the problejn of low prices or of high scriptfons, and by paying up back prices for commodities would be dues. And bear in mind you can simplified and the individual produ- j help your school very much if you cer would measure the value of its I pay in advance for a few years. Let product in terms of other products I all of our old subscribers help the chll that be might obtain in exchange for of eir respective schools by it. How interesting the' develop ments from such a return in this lat ter day to the primitive trucking sys tem of exchange might be is suggest ed in a brief consideration of the pur chasing power ot a 500-pound bale of cotten in a year of "law prices," such as 1893, and in a year of "high prices," such as 1908. The-full reve- j ldtiou would come from knowledge of the wholesale prices received by paying one or more years in advance. A SECOND GRAND PRIZE. The school children have done so' well that we propose to offer a Second other matters Haw Did Clever Dttretlve Knaw Hath Aba Paarlag Beer! New York Press. " I see your wife is a German," re marked Brown casually. K-jbinson looked up in surprise. "Why," he said, "how did you guess that? She was born in this country and has neither a trace of accent or German idiom." Brown Lughed a little confusedly. "I just guessed it," he answered." "It was well, maybe it was that I thought 6he had Teutonic features." Robinson looked first at his wife and then at Brown. "That is curi ous," he said. "She is more often taken for a person of French extrac tion. Her people are lrom the Rhine district, you know, and as she isdark and slight very few would think she was German. In the popular mind that type is lair and large." "Oh," answered Brown, who had by this time recovered his assurance. "I am well acquainted with many types of Germans. That is probablj bow I came to make such an incon siderate remark." Mrs. Robinson laughed lightly. "I'm proud of my Germanic origin," she said. "But it has never happen ed before that anyone gutssed it so accurately as you did." Then the conversation drifted to But Mrs. Bron re- f 1 For S K line, rlcli, cua Grand Prise which will go to the school that gets the second largest number of subscribers to the "Mes senger and Intelligencer." This prize consists of a full and complete RAYNEY CANNING OURFIT which , is- to be sold by the school winning it to the highest bidder and the money Used for buying swings, the cotton grower and the retail pric- j see-saws, olerry-go-ounda and other FORTY 0EMTS Some people say they can buy fertilizer ingredients and mix them at home and save two big round dollars per ton. Also, it seems if you don't use any fertilizer at all you can save thirty dollars per ton. This is what the ancient philosophers called reducing things to absur- Any cotton planter in this country would quickly recognize the, absurdity of doing without fertilizer. A little later, you will, after some coaxing, just as surely recognize the absurd in the two dollar , saving. Two dollars per ton is ten cents per hundred. If you use four, hundred pounds, per acre, the saving is Forty Cents Per Acre. If you are planting a bale per acre, 40 cents is about One-Half of One Per Cent on the value of the bale. If you get a fertilizer wrong by only a half of one per cent., the saving is lost. It is not possible for any farm hand to measure up anything within half of one per cent. This requires skilled and trained operatives. It is not possible for any farm hand to mix up the ingredients so that every ounce will be like every other ounce. This requires spe cial machinery. It is not possible for any planter to be sure of a correct and uniform fertilizer if it is mixed by hand. This requires the guarantee of a responsible fer tilizcr manufacturer who maintains his brands and is proud of them. Forty cents saving on certainly uncertain fertili zer, or half of one per cent on the result, is a certain way to risk ten per cent. Ask About Gloria Brand The Southern Cotton 0 Co: Wadesboro Branch. KNEE TO ANKLE ft MASS OF HUMOR II Suffering Simply Indescribable Had to Scratch Till Blood Ran Health Undermined from Lack of Sleep Gave Up Hope but CUTICURA FREED HIM FROM SKIN-TORMENT "About seven years ao a small abra sion appeared on my right lee just above my aniue. 11 imtacea ma so that I began to ccatch it and it began to spread until my leg from my ankle to the knee was one solid Dcule like a scab. The irritation was always worse at night and would ' not allow me to sleep, or my wife either, and it was completely under mining our health. I lost fifty pounds la weight and was almost out or my mind witn pain ana chagrin as no matter where the irrita tion came, at work, on tne street or In the presence of company, I would nave to scratcn it until 1 naa ine oioca runninz down into my shoe. -1 simply cannot describe my suffering during these seven years. The pain, mortifi cation, loss of sleep, both to myself and wife is simply indescribable on paper and one has to ex(enence it to kn what it is. "I tried all kinds of doctors and remedies but I might as well have thrown my money down a sewer. They would dry it up for a little while and fill me with hope only to break out again just as bad if not worse. I had given Up nope or ever being cured when 1 was induced by my wife to give the Cuticura Remedies a trial. After taking the Cuticura Remedies for a little while I began to see a change and after taking a dozen bottles of Outicura Kesolvent, in conjunction with the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, the trouble had entirely disappeared and my leg was as fine as the dav I was born. Now after a lapse of six months with no signs of a recurrence 1 foci perfectly safe m ex tending to you my heartfelt thanks for the god the Cuticura Remedies have done for me. I sooll always recom mend them to my friends. W. H. White, 312 E. Cabot St., Philadelphia, mod. ana Apr. 13, iao. Cuticura Remedies are told throughout the world. Potter lrua A C hem. C'?r .. 8olp Proos Boston. MasH. ar MaUrd tree. 5i-cse Cuticura Book OQ Ue Cars ana ireatmeat ci uu uin. e he must pay for most of hi par chases. But it id practically .impose able to make the study upon the re tail basis, inasmuch as so many ele ments enter into the question of retail prices as paid by the ultimate consu mer. However, a comparison of av erage annual wholesale prices of cer tain articles, measured by tne dollar, of arbitrarily fixed value itself, but varying frequently in purchasing power, will give one an inkling to the meaning to the grower of cotton of the advance in prices in the past 10 years. The average price of 500- pound bale of upland middling cotton in 1898 was $29.86; the average price of the 83 me kind of bale in 1908 was a little less than $5245.- ..Those were wholesale prices. What the bales could buy of other articles at whole sale prices in the two years mention ed is indicated in the accompanying table: Commodities. 1S98. Corn,, bushels 95 Wheat, bushels 33 Beans, bushels 24 Cornmeal, pouns ...... 3,380 Flour, barrels 7.2 Bread, pounds... 838 Steers, pounds 600 Hogs, pounds 790 Sheep, pounds 730 Bacon, pounds 501 Beef, pounds 381 Mutton, pounds 404 Butter, pounds. 170 Coffee, pounds , 471 " ICggs, dozen 163 Herring, barrels ' 7 . Molasses, gallons 96 Uiee, pounds 4U1 i Salt, barrels 45 Sigar, pounds 600 playthings for the school grounds, or tor any other purpose the children and teacher may agree upon. This canning outfit is on exhibition at the office of the "Messenger and Intelligencer." Every family in the county san afford to have one of these outfits. Young men and ladies of North Carolina have made enough money by the use of the Rayney Canning . Outfit to pay -their way through college. . The cost of the out fit is so reasonable that every family in the county ought to have one. Won't HMd A Crateh. When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Corne lius, X. C, bruised his leg badly, it start ed an ugly sore. Many salves and oint ments proved worthless. Then Buckien's Arnica Salve healed it thoroughly. Noth ing is so prompt and sure for Ulcers, Boils, BurnaBxuiaea. Cuts, Corns, Sores,. Pim ples, Eczema or Piles. 25c. at Parsons Drug Co. SCHOOL, BOOKS FOR HALF PRICE All kinds of books bought and pokl. Largest stock in North Carolina. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send lists, catalogues free. Smith's Old Book Store, Rileigh, N. C OLD PAPERS FOR SALE We have for sale a large number of old papers which are going very cheap ly. Come quick before they are all rone. ; . Fire and Life Insurance. 1 write Fire nsurance in two North Carolina companies, in nine other United States companies, and in four foreign companies. I repre sent one of the best Old Line Life In surance Companies The Mutual Ben efit. Phone 103. Hill House. ! D. A. MCGREGOR. Potatoes, bushels ..... 58 Brogans, pairs.., 33 Women's shoes, pairs 35 Thread, spools 979 Gingham's, yards 693 Men's hosiery, pairs . . 35 Women's hosiery, pairs 480 Candles, ponnds 4S0 Stove coal, tons 7.8 Petroleum, gallons .... 327 Barb Wire, pounds .. l.lKO Common locks, number 398 Eight-penny nails, pds. 2,500 1908. 78 53 22 3,240 , 12.2 1,469 '800 930 10,50 580 560 004 213 833 v 183 7.3 147 832 66 1,051 73 46 54 1,382 972 54 828 828 10.8 349 1,990 315 2,680 295 1.S6 10,200 35.8 50 1,060 1,710 14,700 115 Nature makes the cures after allr Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping put. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo- phosphites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tis sues, and makes rich blood. FOB BUI BY IXLDBUGOISrS tueiubtred, and on the way homesb said to her husband, "How did you guess Mrs. Robinson is German?" "Nearly got my foot in it, didn't I?" said her husband throwing ou- his chest a little. "But it wa-; clevei ietective work, on my part. Did yor see how she paured tea? No? Well, she lifted the pot high and poured i so that bubbles formed in the cup. She got that gesture from pouring beer, or seeing it poured, s as to get a head. Thut made me think she Aas German.; .Of course, she might have been some other nationality, but the Germans take must care in p'jur log their beer, and do it most artis tically, so" But his wile interrupted him. "How does it happen," she demand ed, "that you kuov so much about the art of pouring b er?" ADd thongh 3he continued to question him all the way home aou fur a considerable lime afier they arrived home she did not what she considered a satisfac tory explanation. n 1 7 Indispensable For Home Baking Cald ! Afford tb KHrM. Those who object, like the negro in the following story, to the high fees of good physicians, do not always realize what they are paying for. The doctor in question, says a writer in Tit-Bits, was called out to attend an uuknow patient. When he ar rived he found that a decrepit negr.o wanted his attention. The negro first asked, "How much yo' charge, doctah? "Two dollars a visit," said the jther, and when the negro g&spid his surprise, he continued, "That In-.-ludt-s, you must know, my time, jxp rience, advice and the meii ine." "A poor old nigger like rae don't leed all dein extras," remarked hi patient. "Jist gib me ten cents' vo'th o' cough med'eine, and dat'i enough f' tne." WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. Saved Fram Awfal Peril. "I nover felt so near my grave," writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester, Ohio," K. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled medowo to 115 pounds a spite of many remedies and the bestdoc- tors. And that I am alive today is due solely to Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 180 ponnds and can work hard. It also cared my four cLildren of croup." Infall ible for Coughs and Colds, is the most cer tain remedy for L&Grippe, Asthma,desper- ate lung trouble and all bronchial affec tiou.H, 5oc and f IM. A trial botllo free. Guaranteed by Parsons Drug Co. Said Mrs. Chick-Chick to Dr. Puck-Puck "I'm laying fine these days; and it's all ou account of the Purina Santa T4 yo prescribed for me as a steady diet." WULT5Y RAISERS: OrsV Purina Soraieh f4 PErina Cbtak Fttd froa , t Sold by Pig iron, tons 2 56 Steel rails, tons 1.69 Brick, number 5,200 Cement, barrels. ...... 11.9 Lime, barrels 40 White oak, feet.... 830 Yellow pine, feet .. 1,600 Cypress shingles, nub'r 11,900 Turpentine, gallons.. 92 If all cotton growers were able to live at home, that is, to raise such food supplies as corn, wheat, beans, rice, live stock, potatoes etc.; if eve ryone had his own granary and smokehouse instead of drawing upju the West in those particulars, there would be little use in comparing the relative prices of cotton and other farm products. But in view of the fact that some cotton growers pay too little heed to raising borne supplies, it is interesting to note that cotton, in spite of its increased price, could buy less corn, less cornmeal and fewer beans at wholesale in 1908 than in 1898, and that, of course, there was even a greater dinerence when it came to retail prices. Between 1898 and 1908 the dollar value of a bale ot cotton increased more than 76 per cent, but its value in exchange for other direct or indirect farm products was nothing like as much, the bale of cotton being able to buy in 1908 at wholesale only 60 per cent, more of wheat than in 1898, only 70 per cent. more flour, 33$ per cent, more beef on the hoof and 47 percent, imore fresh beef, 18 per ceut. more live hog and 16 per cent, more bacon, 44 per cent. more sheep and 4 per cent, more mutton, 25 per cent, more butter and Seat Ma., mama of paper and this ad. for ear beautiful BaTiaas mu ana Ublta onotcn-uooa kaoa aaak eoataiaa a Good Lock Pcaay. SCOTT EOWNE. 409 Pearl St, New York Ab 0Tr Uackad bjr On of Oar Mast Rspatablc Concerns. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of consti pation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. That's a mighty broad statement, but we uiean every word of it. Could anvthing be more fair for you? A most scientific, cemmon-9ense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. Their active principle is a recent scHntific dls covery that is odorless, colorless and tasteless; very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, and particu I irlv agreeable in every way. This af - tt - ingredient does not cause tnarrnoea, nausea, flatulence, " griping or any inemvtuience whatever. Itoall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate per sons. If you suffer from chronic or hab itual constipation, or the associate or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Itexall Orderlies at our riBk. Remembef you can get them in Wadesborftonly at our store, 19 tAhlets 10 cents: 36 tablets 25 ronu The liexnll Store. The Par sons Drug Co. Al TktParlr . .... "Why, Willie, don't seem to be enjoying yourself." "No, uncle,- I'm having a miserable time. Auntie told me to cat as much as I wanted and I can't."' M. A. P. Bsaallpax Patlsnts Praia Ta Daatku Dallas, Texan, Feb. 17. Four ne gro patients at a smallpox detention camp near Oklahohoma City wert frozen to death today, and nine others under detention are reported ia a critical condition as a result of sxpo-sure. $3.$3.5J&$4SE0ES BOYS AT ST iX THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPERIOR TO trTHEf? MAKE8." "I have worn W. L. Douglas shoes for the past six years, and always find they are fa su pari or to all other hlgH grada shoes in sty la, comfort and durability." W. G. JONES. 119 Howard Ays.. Utica. N. V. If I couki take you into my large fac tories t Brockton, Msi , and shew yoa kow carefully W. L. DoagUs shoes ara made, yoa would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, end are ef greater Talus than any other make. C A l:T10X-f that W. l Doaptas same and priet U Ksiuped oo tlw tocu. Takt . a akiii, II your d!-r raitnot fit you wiin W LDwimMim, vmxt tut MaJ Order Cataloc. W. (.Douglas, luvciloa " rOSBAXXST Wadesboro Dry Goods Co. Don't Forget The Premiums. De Laval Separator and Ten Dollars in cash to the school getting the largest number of subscribers. Ten Dollars in Cash to teacher of school that gets larg number of subscribers and wins the Separator. Rayney Fruit and Vegetable Canner to school getting second largest number of subscribers. Cold Watch or Handsome Gold Ring to Girl who gets largest number of subscribers. Handsome Repeating Rifle to boy who gets the largest number of subscribers. To each person who secures as many as fiive subscribers, his or her choice of useful premiums. To each school child who gets one subscriber, a ticket to Wadesboro's splendid amusement hall under the charge of Patrick Bros. To each child in the school that gets the Separator, a package of Patrick Bros.' delicious candy. IT in.e B a irk of commenced business in September, 1902. tory of the institution. Wadesb oro The past year has ben the most prosperous in the his Your deposits are secured as follows: Capital Stock Stockholders' Liability Surplus and Undivided Profits Total . - - $50,000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 $135,000.00 The bank's career, under the management of Mr. J. J. Covington as president, was most prosperous, and our new president. L. D. Robinson, desires to thank the old patrons of the bank for the loyal manner in which they have stood by the institution since he was elected to that position. The motto of this bank will be to accomnodate its friends and patrons to the fullest extent consistent wiih good business management. Officers: L. D. ROBINSON, President. F. C. ALLEN, Vice President. CM. BURNS, JR., Cashier. ADAM L0CKHART, Ass'tCash. 9 We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits. The Savings Department has paid over $2,000 annually in interest. We solic it your accounts. Directors: C. M. Burns, H. Haynie. K. W. Ashcraft Geo. VV. Huntley, W. Henry Liles.H. W. Little. B. G. Covington, L. J.Huntley, F. C Allen. P. R. Bennett, L. D. Robinson. 9' 'tH'r VxU 'SZImx and C:44i Elfihl XA 41 A u X O W 11 VJ 2i 26 per cent, mora potatoes. 1