A I, rl o f r n fi V JAS. U. IK) VLIX, EDITOK A2sl PU BUSUER PUBLISHED ilOXDATS AXD TIIUKSDAYS . 51.00 A YEVB, DUE IN" ADVANCE Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. G., Thursdayv February 24 J 910 . ; Number 26 100 Bushels Corn Per Acre You can build up your farm to produce 100 bushels of corn per acre, and even a bigger yield by systematic rotation, careful seed selection and good plowing with good implements, proper cultivation, and By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers liberally. Accept no substitute. If your dealer is out these fertilizers, write us andive will tell you where get them. Write for a free copy of our 1910 Farmers' Year Book or Almanac. It will tell you how to get j a big yield of corn. SALES OFFICES Mail at thit Coupon Richmond, Va. Norfolk. Va. Vikginia CAnoti.sA Chemical Company Pleat, tend ne a copr of four 1910 Faraei,' Year Hook free of cost. K2me... .................. ........ Town. St,r-.. Atlanta, Ga. lavaanah, Ga Columbia, S. C. Durham, N. C. Wintton-Saleni, N. C Cfcarlciton, S. C. Baltimore, Mi. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala, Memphii, Tenn. SLrcTepott, La, C1rgnia-Crollna) - '11 , f? ALCOHOL 3 PER nevT ANgetabkEttparationfirls. simUating feFoodareffiegufr ting the Stomadis andBowebtf Promotes DigpstionJdneifiil-' nessarvdRestrontalnsDciHiff Opium Morphine narMoeraLi HOT NARCOTIC. ' M(MlBHMI((MHBain JiKfaafCldlk&SM.'tLfflWSt flmpti,Smf' JhcMie Salts- I jinattt - I hrmbtd- 1 CtmtkiSum I hmtapttatkn. I Apcict Remedy forConsRp Hon, Sour Stoiuach.Diarrtoea.j Worms X. onvulswns l evEnsfr ness ami Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signatnreof NEW YORK. IF rr 'Guaranteed wertheifwiw For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of IF IP Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use Far Over Thirty Years HF1M MARY WRITES AGAIN. ym ecHTAuai teaNxr, New vena. rrv. "IMS , C0TT0H OEOE" Mix your fertilizers at home and save two dollars per ton. This sounds big -two whole dollars. But hold on! How much fertilizer do you put on an acre? Four hundred pounds? If so, you might save Forty Cents Per Acre. Also, you might and would make this mixture irreg ular, and some plants would certainly be slighted, and you would have poor spots in the field not half as good as the best spots, and your poor little forty cents is gone. This year, seed cotton "is worth 6 cents per pound. The loss of seven pounds would swamp your saving. If you are figuring on making 1,400 pounds of seed cotton per acre, "... One-Half of One Per Cent would get away with your alleged forty cent saving. Now, if you can pay forty cents more and have a responsible manufacturer guarantee absolute uniformity of mixture and absolute certainty of ingredients, why isn't this good insurance against uncertain crops? One-Half of One Per Cent isn't much premium to pay For Insuring Your Crop. There is only one way to insure absolute uniform ity of fertilizer. Buy a guaranteed brand- of machine miqed fertilizer. Ask About GLORIA. The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Wadesboro Branch. My Dear Mr. Boylin: I was mighty glad to get your kind letter asking me why I bad quit writing for, the M. & L "Honest Ingin," Mr. Boylin, truth compels me to tell you that even mother Baid she thought 1 was tiring you, and,-when I got your letter asking why I did not write and saying that many grown people as well as children were want ing to hear from me, mother just said: "Well, little daughter, I am very proud if the people want to hear from ray little girl, and you may write for Mr. Boylin all he wants you to write." You see, brother kept talking about ray saying too much. Brother will "butt in" and find fault. I do love him, Mr. Boy lin, but he gets me nervous some times by finding fault with what I do; but he does net suggest anything better. I have heard it said that some peo ple are finding fault with the M. & I. and the Ansonian forgetting the chil dren interested in the contest. They ay it interferes with the children's school work. Without bragging, Mr. Boylin, I think we are ahead of any ichool in the county and I am ahead f any pupil in our school. I went o our teacher and asked him if I was aek ward in my lessons on account jf the work I was doiug for the M A .," ami he said: "No; this work renlly getting up such energy iinong the pupils that all are work ing tidruer ami making better re- ords." - And what our teacher says u ans something. He is just as good any teacher that ever came to An on to teach. Our school board hasn't he rich people to help it that Anson ville or Wadtsboro or some other 'hoo! places in the county have, but ur board and our people are deter mined to do their part by the ehil- Iren. ;1 If those who find fault like my brclhtr would only suggest ways and 'neuns for improving conditions tht-y ught to be leaders aud you ought to follow their lead; but until they do lon't you pay any attention to them. If you do we children of Anson will te compelled to go to the same old di lapidated school buildings, surrcund d by dirt, filth aud unwholesome onditions. Brother and others may tie satisfied to go on in the old way. ut you are not, Mr. Boylin. You vant the children-to have Tis g school surroundings as the children of any State. And I am told the Yankee children have fine school houses with all kinds of things tc amuse them, and we know that we are making the cotton at fifteen cenb a pound, or less, and they work it up j into cloth, lace, clothing and other j things and sell it to us for two dollars a pound. Why is this? I believe it Is because we are taught everything from books and nothing from real practical ways, and when you try to teach us things like butter making that will help us save and make money and brother and others butt in and condemn you for it. I feel like saying "shut up and get out or do something" I kinder feel bold to talk and write since receiving your letter for you braced. mother up, she has been on your side all the time but brother's whining around so much had caused her to feel that there might be something in what he said about the people being tired of my letters and of your progressive way of doia;j things. Mr. Boylin, don't you think things are livening up in a great way in the contest. We all feel so glad that we are ahead we don't know what to do, but are afraid some school is hoki iug back until the last week. But that's all right. We are not going to hold back and when they wait un til the last to work we may be so far ahead no one can catch up with us. I am glad you and Mr. Bivens and Mrs. Little are planning to have a "Greater Day" when the prizes are given out, and that many people from a distance will come to see what we have done. 1 am uot only working for subscribers but am working on a butter mold, and I expect to get one of the prizes Mr. Patrick is offering for the best butter mold made by the school children. . Mr. Boylin, when you see that dear iady, Mrs. Eugene Little, tell her we girls and boys do love her so much for the work she is doing to help us have nice pretty schools; and we know she succeeds in. everything she undertakes and that she will eueed in this because she will have the help of all the best boys and girls and jjrown people of the county. There may be a few like my broth er, but he is a real good fellow when it comes down to the truth. He does not mean all he says. He just natu rally wants to take the opposite side to what I do. You know you find real good people who do that, and we have to overlook their ways and con tinue to love them. I'll write you again right soon. Yours very truly, . WHEN THE MINE CAVED LN. AFTER QURYEAffi OF MISERY Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham s Vegetable Compounc Baltimore. Md. "For four yean my life was a misery to me. I sufferec iium n leg man ties, terrible drag ging sensations, extreme nervous ness, aud that all gone feeling in my stomach. . I had given up hope of ever being well when 1 began to take Lydia E-Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound'. Then I felt as though new life had been given me, and 1 am recommending it to all myfrlends." Mrs. W. S. Fokd, 2207 W. "Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of iemaie complaints is lyaia js. irinK ham's Vegetable Compound. It has 3tood the test of years and to-day is more widely and successfully used than any other temaie remedy, it na3 cured, thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearingilown feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration, atter all otner means naa railed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give up hope until you nave given L.yaia iu. riMnamg vege table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write to Mrs. Pinkhano, Lynn, Mass for it. She has guided thousands to health- tree of charge. A gafegaarit To Children. "Oar two children of six and eight years have been since infancy subject to colds and croup. About three years a?o I start ed to use Foley's Honey and Tar, and it has never Tailed to prevent and cure these troubles. It Is the only medicine I can get the children to take without a row." The above from W. C. Ornstein, Green Bay, Wis , duplicates the experience of thous ands of other users of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cures coughs, colds and croup, and prevents bronchitis and pneumonia. Pea Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Exact Data Lacktag. Collector How many more times have I got to come here with this bill? ' l ebtor How many times have you been here m fore? Collector This is my ttnth call. Debtor w ell, sir, to use tne words or a great patriot and orator 1 quote from memory I know no way of judging the future but by the past. Chicago Tribune Kidney disease is a dangerous ailment. You should never delay a moment to take some good, reliable, dependable remedy. In such cases we recommend De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, These wonde -ful pills are being used by thousands of people daily with fine results. They are for weak kidneys, weak back, back ache, inflamma tion of the bladder and aU urinary disor ders. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. Ox Glaam Of Jr Johnny bad two presents at the same time one a diary, which he kept very careful ly, and the other a pea-shooting pop-gun, which be fired indiscriminately on all occa sions. One day his mother, fouud the fol lowing terse record in his diary: "Moudy cold and sloppy. Toosday cold and sloppy. Wensday cold and sloppy shot Granma. Youth's Companion. Dread ia the alarm of fire in a coal mine. - The sound smote the eats of the women of Cherry as an omen of death, for three hundred men, their husbands, brothers and sons were deep in the mine below the town. Three hundred after all who could reach the shaft before the flame and gases cut them off had escaped! Aiweek later, to the very hour and ruinate twenty-one of the men were rescued; but who can tell what the women of Cherry lived through in the draging hours of anguish of those black seven days, or the sorrow that settled into despair in the homes of the other women? What can a woman do when the mine caves in and buries her hus band underground? She can weep and saffcr and pray, and hope, and that is all. All? ,Yes, but It saved the rescued miners of Cherry. Men fought the . fire in the first three terrible days. Firemen came from Chicago, and lowered their lengths of hose, and followed it presently and dragged it with them. The fan supplied them fresh air. For three days there was hope that water would subdue the flames; but the mine led off in cou fit less passages, and the; fire subdued in one woke from its embers ia another, and the battle waged uncertainly, with the advantage in favor of the fire. Then On the third day the sharp order was given to stop the fan and withdraw the firemen. This was done. ' As soon as the fan stopped, the smoke increased from the mouth of the mine. The fan that kept the firemen alive had supplied oxygen for the flame; and now, when the blower stopped, the flame followed the firemen, chasing,- chasing them to the shaft, and bellowing after thera; and the shaft in a little while became a roaring furnace. Then a galloping team brought a load of planks, which were laid over the mouth of the mine, and after this came other wagons with loads of railway-rails, and these were laid above the pi inks; and then came carts of sand, and these were backed up to the mine and shoveled over the rails, til1 the last flissure was cov ered and the last faint wisp of smoke disappeared, i . It - was the only way to stop the fire, the managers explained. Thty h id been fighting the fire and feed ing it at the same time, and while pouring water on it in one or two places, had been blowing it into blaze in many places. They must smother it out. And all knew that they did wisely. But what of the hearts of the wo men who saw those planks laid above their buried husbands? To smother the fire was to drive the black damp into the remotest corner of the mine. There bad been hope while the fan ran, but uothing now could live be low. " They cried out in agony that their men were being smothered to death in the mine. Wise men addressed th.m, and told them to go home and be brave. As for their husbands, unfortunately there was no hope for thera. The mine had not been sealed till it was practically certain that eveiy living man was out. Three days the fire had been raging, and no one could remain alive below. Let the women go home now, and relief would be sent to them. Everything had been done that could be done for their bus bands. But when would the mine be open ed? When would their husbands be rescued? The women pleaded pile- ously. They knew something told them that there were living men below. The experts were divided in their judgment, but most of them held that the mine would never be opened. The mine was ruined. But the women would not go to their homes. They hung about the sand-cover .d pit, as the women ling ered at the tomb of their Lord in the garden near Jerusalem. They pray ed, they wept, they insisted, they would not be reasonable. Some of theiu were hystericai; some were furious; more were dumb, with bauutlug eyes that pierced the soul of every man that looked into them,and then returned and fixed their gaze despairingly on. the mouth of the miue. At lat they made small holes in the sand, and dropped lines of boee down the shaft and let the water Sow. Then, lowering a thermometer and finding the heat reduced, they uncov ered the pit, and brave men went down. They brought up dead bodies, alas! very many of them. But as they worked they heard noises that meant life, and they worked till they rescued a score and more of their fel low men, who had walled them, selves in, and waited, against all probability, for the coming of their friends. 'ow who saved the miners of Cherry? Brave men, who took their lives in their hands, and whose forti tude bad its reward in the salvation of their brothers. Bat not theee only. The women of Cherry saved their husbands and brothers and sons b; their tears and prayers aad unreason able insistince and blind faith that would not be denied. Fven so in the long ago, when the wisdom of men had done its utmost, and the disciples huddled, cowed and helpless In the Upper Room, the love and tears of women watched without at the sepulcher till life triumphed over death, and love had ita answer from the tomb. - ATTEltPT TO DLL AND ROB AGED UNCLE. llsw'a Tkltl We offer Ouo Hundred Dollars Reward (or any ca.ua of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cvtarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe bim perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligatsona made by bis flrnu W alw.no, Kixxax St Maevin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure to taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbo system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottled Sold by all Druggists. - ' !' . Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. FmaeliaallB. 'Why is Mr. Jones so popular with you girls? 'Oh, he's a dear! Why, he doesnt do anythlug but tell lies, and none of us can catch him at It." Clevtland Leader. 8or Laa(t a aid Raw Laags. Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it indicates. AU people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and loog remedy, will quickly cure the soreness and cough and restore a normal condition. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Oat OfTk Fa-jrlaa Bmm. Beacon So Penn-Heck wants to go to congress, does baf Hill Said he'd be willing to go most anywhere to get away from home awnlle. Boston Herald. Wheat va ar Foley's Orino Laxative. When yon have that dull, heavy, feverish feeling, accom panied by constipation. Wben you have headache, indigestion, biliousness, pain In stomach and bowels, then you need Foley's Orino Laxative. It moves the bowels lively and gently, aud thoroughly clears the intestinal tract. It does not gripe or nauseate and cures constipation. Pee Dee Pharmcy; Parson Drug Co. War Oaaa at Haa f CmU, Waa Ha4 A aaiae al4 Taai ta tae Jat WbaNOtte Waa CaasaUttaa. Burtlagtoa Despatch, 21st. One of the blackest crimes in the history of Burlington, one depleting the utter depravity of the perpetra tors, waa that attempted Sunday morning about 6 o'clock la which Will and Robert Lee Burcb. attempt ed to kill and rob their uncle, Charles Bradahaw, withla a few feet of the Southern passenger station. The two boys, whose parents live in Spray, and whose mother is a sis ter of Charles Bradshaw, bad been visiting their uncle and were accom panied by him to the elation, where it was their expressed purpose to board a west-bound train scheduled toav Burlington at 6 o'clock. Mr. Bradahaw told them that he was go ing to a restaurant where he would procure lunches for them, but was called back -and Will Burcb demand ed his money or his life and at the sinie time began using his knife on Bradthaw. He was knocked down by Mr. Bradahaw, but just at this time Robert Lee "truck Bradsbaw with an iron bar, knocking him senseless. - They were frightened away, however, before tbey had time to rob the man. Air. Bradsbaw had nearly 100 in his pockets at the tlnieol the attempt ed robbery, which fact the boys had ia some way learned. TbU attempt at highway robbery was tae second attempt made by Will Burcb within twelve hours. During the afternoon of Saturday, while at the small suburban store of John Dickens, Just north of the corporate limits, be started at Mr. Dickens with his knife just as be opened his cash drawer, but was pulled off by bis brother, Robert Lee, and another man. before any damage waa done. The boys are still at large. A GOOD REASON. An attack of the grip Is oftea followed by a persistent cough, wbtcu to many proves a great annoyance. . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been extensively used and with good suocess for the relief and core of tills cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies bad faild. Sold by the Persons Drug Co. TkNaTarta, "What aretbetbreekaowndlBeasloas?" asked tne teacher at tbenlgnl school. Tb world, the flesh and the devU." gasped the shaggy-hairad pnpU, taken Ly surprise. Chicago Tribane. Woman loves a dear, rosy complexion. Burdock Blood Bitten purifies the blood. clears the skin, restores ruddy, sound .-aalth. WaanNra tal l aa TU It la Sa. Taa "r Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cau of disease, and that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tone up the kidney, helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cauee back ache, headache and distressing kid ney and urinary complaints. Wades born people testify to permanent cures. H. D. Pinks ton, retired mercbaM, of Wadesboro, N. C, says: "I ssSsred severely for several months from pains across the smaU of my back add through my hips. I was so laine aad sore at times that 1 could not turn over in bed and was unable to put on my clothing without as sistance. I did not know how to find re lief nntil a friend finally advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills aod I orocored a box at the Martin Drug Co. 1 began oslag tbem in accoedance with the directions and bad not taken the contents of one box before the pain left, and I am glad to say that I hare had no return of it. I now feel better in every way and cannot praise Doan's Kidney Pills too highly." For sale by all dealers. Price Gi cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Bu&lo, New York, sole ageuta for the United States. Remember the name Doan's -aod take no other. NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Anson County. ( Court. R. L. Porter & Co., vs. VV. H. Odom, Alice Aumaa, and ber husband A. E. Aumaa. NOT! E. Tbe defendants above named are hgyeby notified to appear befere tne Clerk of toa Superior Court of Anson' County, at bis office at the . ourt House in tae town of Wadesboro, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tbe &d day of March 1910, and show canse, if any they have, why execution should sot issue on tbe judgment referred to In the affidavit of John V. Gulled ge in tula cause, other wise execution will issue to the sbartS of Anson County on said Judgment. Thomas C. Rosj.vsos, Clerk of Superior Court. This 16th day of February, 1910. Notice. Raving this day qualified as administra tor upon the estate of Bob Cash, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claliss against the estate ot tbe said decedent, to present tbe same to tbe undersigned Administrator on or before tbe 22nd day of February, 1911, or this notice will ba plead in bar of tbelr recovery. This, the 21st day of February, 1SI0. F. M. Hie tow am, Adm'r on the estate of Bob Casta, deceased. Robinson & Caudle, Att'ys. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR HALF PRICE All kinds of books bought and sold. largest stock in North Carolina. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send lists, catalogues free. Smith's Oij Book Stork, Raleigh, N. C OLD PAPERS FOB SALE We have for sale a large number of old papers which are going very cheap ly. Come quick before they are all gene. Don't Forget The Premiums. De Laval Separator and Ten Dollars in cash to the school getting the largest number of subscribers. TeA Dollars in Cash to teacher of school that gets larg numbcr of subscribers and wins the Separator. Rayney Fruit and Vegetable Canner to school getting second largest number of subscribers. Gold Watch or Handsome Gold Ring to Girl who gets largest number of subscribers. Handsome Repeating Rifle to boy who gets the largest 1 number of subscribers. To each person who secures as many as fiive subscribers, his or her choice of useful premiums. To each school child who gets one subscriber, a ticket to Wadesboro's splendid amusement hall under the charge of Patrick Bros. To each child in the school that gets the Separator, a package of Patrick Bros.' delicious candy. A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go tor a doctor often proves dan- gerous. The safest way is to keep Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in tbe house, and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Sold bythe Parsons Drug Co. II II Th e Up Ta Bias. "See here," asked the cautions stranger, 'if I decide to stay here for a week how much is it going to cost me?" "You can answer that Best yourself, "re plied tbe clerk ot the Florida hotel. "How much have you got?" Catholic Standard and Times. More people are taking Foley's Kidney Remedy every year. It is considered the most effective remedy tor all kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, builds up the system, and restores lost vitality. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. - 'Bank of Wadesboro commenced business in September, 1902. tory of the institution. The past year has been the most prbsperons in the his Your deposits are secured as follows; Capital Stock - -Stockholders' Liability Surplus and Undivided Profits Total - - - . $50,000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 $135,000.00 as Iataa.arasl Saaplcloa. "Bliggins says his word- is as good his bond." : . "Well," answered the sinister person, "that's a good argument for not taking bis bond." Washington Star. Said Mrs. Chick-Chick to Dr. Puck-Puck; "I'm laying tine these days; and it's all on account of tne Psrins Saratea rasa yc prescribed for me as a steady Ciet" rCUUKY FJUC"S: Order rwlna Scrtfes Fm4 mt Nrka Click Fsu! from Sold by The famous little liver pills are De Witt's Little Larly Risers. They are safe, sure, gentle and easy to take. When you . ask for DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, refuse to accept a substitute or im itation. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Haxel Salve is good for anything when you need The bank's career, under the management of Mr. T. J. Covington as president, was most prosperous, and our new president, L. D. Robinson, desires to thank the old patrons of the bank for the loyal manner in which they have stood by the institution since he was elected to that position. The mette of this bank will be to accomnodate its friends and patrons to the fullest extent consistent with good business management. Hr -f r i S I a salve, and it is especially good for piles. I a i UlaUll V-l U a Sold by Para,ss Drug C. r Officers: ( L. D. ROBINSON, President. 'F. C. ALLEN, Vice President. 6M. BURNS, JR., Cashier. AD AS L0 CKII ART, Ass't Cash. We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits. The Savings Department has paid over $2,CC0 annually in interest. We solic it your accounts. Directors: C. M. Burns, H. Haynie, K. W. Ashcraft, Geo. W.Huntley. W. Henry Liles.H. W. Little, B. G. Covington, L. J.Huntley, F. C Allen, P. R. Bennett, L. D. Robinson.

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