11lirlm rfrtTffiifiW J AS. G. BOYLIX, EDITOR AKD PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MOjSDATS AND THURSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IX ADVANCE Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C Thursday, March 3, 1910 Number 2 G iiwm 1 Ay HERE; 1 That and "My 9 year old daughter wu weak, pale, and had no appetite. I fare her Vinol, and she began to thrive at once. She gained rapidly in weight, color and strength." Mrs. W. H. GILMORE, Durand, Mich. 7 rl ' 5 Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round and plump. Children love to take it. ' We return people's money without question 11 Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for It. Try it, please. FOX & LYON, Druggists, Wades ---o. I Some people say they can buy fertilizer ingredients I and mix them at home and save two big round dollars I per ton. Also, it seems if you don't use any fertilizer at all you can save thirty dollars per ton. This is what I the ancient philosophers called reducing things to absur dity. Any cotton planter in this country would quickly recognize the absurdity of doing without fertilizer. A ? little later, you will, after some coaxing, just as surely i recognize the absurb in the two dollar saving. Two I dollars per ton is ten cents per hundred. If you use v four hundred pounds, per acre, the saving is i Forty Gents Per Acre. v If you are planting a bale per acre, 40 cents is about One-Half of One Per Cent on the value of the bale. If you get a fertilizer wrong by only a half of one per cent., the saving is lost. It is not possible for any farm hand to measure up anything within half of one per cent. This requires skilled and trained operatives. It is not possible for any farm hand to mix up the ingredients so that every ounce will be like every other ounce. This required spe cial machinery. It is not possible for any planter to be sure of a correct and uniform fertilizer if it is mixed by hand. This requires the guarantee of a responsible fer tilizer manufacturer who maintains his brands and is proud of them. Forty cents' saving on certainly uncertain fertili zer, or half of one per cent on the r esult, is a- certain way to risk ten per cent. Ask About Gloria Brand The Southern Cotton 07 Co. Wadesboro Branch. Sale of Land by Commissioner. By virtue of power conferred upon me by a decree of the Superior Court of Anson county, made at the March Term, 1909, in ' an action entitled J ames A. Leak and others vs. Harry Flowers and wife, the undersigned commissioner will, on Mon day, the 7th day of March, 1910, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Wadesboro, North Carolina, the following described tracts of land. First Tract, adjoining the lands of the late E. A. Parsons and others -and bound ed as follows: Beginning at what was the Kilgore corner in the middle of the. Cam den road some gum ptrs. and runs wirti Bald Kilgore line S. 63 W. 3.17 chs. to stake black gum ptrs.; then S. 26 E. 63 chs. to stake pine ptrs.; then S. 63 W. 13 chs. to stake at the edge of the woods small post oak ptr.; then S. 18K K. 9.00 chs. crossing a branch to a stake by hickory near a large pine stump; then with another line of the Kilgore lands N. 76 E. 15.20 chs. to stake in said line pine ptrs. a corner of a 50 acre tract of Henry Capel's; then S. 15 E. 24.70 chs. to stake in dower line f inejptrs.; then with the dower line S. 4 W. 27.50 chs. to stake in the field on the south side of a swamp, corner of another 50 acre tract: then the line of said tract N. 15 W. 44.00 chs. to the middle of I the Camden road; then with said road eastward to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less. I Second Tract, adjoining the lands of , E. A. Parsons and others and bounded as i follows: Beginning at a stake in the mid I die of the Camden road opposite a black jack stump standing on the south edge of j the road and runs with said road N. 74 E. 3.16 chs. to a stake in the middle of the road; then S. 25 E. 6.33 chs. to a stake; then S. 74 W. 3.16 chs. to a stake; then N. 15 W. 6.33 chs. to the beginning, con taining two (2) acres, more or less. Terms of said sale are cash, subject to the con firmation of the court. This January 29th, 1910. H. H. McLendos, Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA, ) In the Superior Anson County. Court. E. L. Porter & Co., W. H. Odom, Alice Auman, and her husband A. E. Auman. NOTICE. - The defendants above named are hereby notified to appear befere the Clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County, at his office at the ourt House in the town of Wadesboro, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 22d day of March 1910, and show cause, if any they have, why execution should not issue on the judgment referred to in the affidavit of John W. Gulled ge in this cause, other wise execution will issue to the sheriff of Anson County on said Judgment. . Thomas C. Robixsox, Clerk of Superior Court. This Iflth day of February, 1610. Witch H rc3r:::tC . K. S . IS THE PROOF the best body-building strengthening tonic for Dclicato Children is- inol " My two children, who were pony and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and strength when I began to giro them VinoL I proved that Vinol is a splen did tonic for delicate children." Mrs. C ALLEN, New Bedford, Mass. NOTICE. ' By virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned commissioner under an order of the Superior Court of Anson County in a special proceeding, entitled Parks Horn beck, Bettie Ponds and others, ex parte, the undersigned commissioner will expose to sale, for cash, at the Court House Do t in the town of Wadesboro, on Monday, the 7th day of Marc) , 1910, at 12 o'clock M., the following tract of land, situate in Lanesboro Township,- adjoining the lands oi iupnraim Curlee, Lonme Smith. William Manness and others, and described as fol lows, to-wit: . Beginning at a red oak, Pressley's cor ner, and runs with his line S. 76 E. 19 chs., crossing Lanes Creek twice to a stake, red oak ptr., then with Home line S. 30 W. 17 chs., to his corner stake, 3 red oak and post oak ptrs., then with his other line S. 64 E. 15 chains and 30 links to his other corner stake in Shepherd's line, then S. Sl W. 29 chs. to a stake, red oak ptrs., then N. 59 W. 8.75 chs. to a stake by a hickory; then a new line North 10.20 chs to a stone in dower line, then with said line N. 45 E. 20 chs. and 63 links to the beginning, containing 78 acres more or toss. , This sale is made subject to the confir mation of the Court. This the 37th day of January, 1910. T. L. CAUDLE, Commissioner. F. W. Hunt Contracting Company, vs. John M. Smith and W. A. Young. NOTICE. The defendant, John M. Smith, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Anson County, which action is to recover- riiteen Thou sand Dollars damages for a breach of con tract entered into by the defendant with the plaintiff, for the construction of a sec tion of the Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad, as appears in the affidavits filed in this cause, and the said defendant will take notice, that he is required to appear at the term oi the superior court ot said County to be held on the 18th day of April, 1910. at the Courthouse in said County, Town ot Wadesboro, North Caro lina, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of at tachment was issued by the Court on the 27th day of January, 910, against the property of the defendants, which warrant is returnable at the term of the Superior Court of said Countv. at the Courthouse of said County, on Monday the 7th day of jviarco, iiu. This, the 18th day of February, 1910. Thomas C. Robixsox. Clerk of the Superior Court, xiouinsou si uauaie, Attorneys for Plaintiff, i DR. BOYETTE, Dentist Office up stairs over Tomlinson's drug tore. . , Fiona 79. t V l Wadesboro, N. C. V FACTS ABOUT HALLEY'S COMET Interesting Informative Abomt the Caw laatlal Visitor to Appear. Prof. J. F. Lanneau, of Wake For est College, said to be one of the best informed astronomers in the State, has given the Raleigh News and Ob server some interesting facts about Halley's comet. As the comet has attracted general attention and ex cited much interest, the following extracts from Prof. Lanneau's inter view are of interest: : Halley's comet, the most interest ing of all comets and the one that al ways filled the hearts of the people of the middle ages with terror, will become visible to the naked eye about the first of April. During April and the first half of May, it will be visible in the east just before sunrise and after that time will be seen in the wee tern skies just after sunset, and will make a fine display. Halley's comet is a periodic comic, making its appearance every 76 years. It derived its name from the great astronomer, Sir Edmnnd Hal ley, who observed it when it ap peared in 1862 and had the courage to predict its reappearance, fixing 1758 as the date. Sure enough in 1758 it reappeared, being visible for some time, and again in 1835. Al- For Sprains Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on lighdy. It is a powerful prepa ration and penetrates instantly : relieves any inflammation and con gestion, and reduces the swelling. Here's the Proof. Mr. L. Roland, Bishop of Scran ton, Pa. says: "On the 7th of this present month, as I was leaving the building at noon for lunch, I slipped and fell, spraining my wrist. I returned in the afternoon, and at four o'clock I could not hold a pen cil in my hand. I returned home later and purchased a bottle of " Sloan's Liniment and used it five or six times before . I went to bed, and the next day I was able to go to work and use my hand as usual." Sloan's Liniment is an excellent anti septic and germ killer heals cuts, burns, wounds and contusions, and will draw the poison from sting of poi sonous insects. -25c, 60c. and $1.00 Sloan's book on horses, cattle, sheen nnd poultry sent free. Adam Sr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Kail., U.SA. Eliminate All Risks in Buying Your Piano of getting a cheap "made to sell affair" by ordering a STIEFF or SHAW, the pianos whose name is all the knowledge or guaran tee you. need in making your selection. If you buy a Stieff or Shaw your piano purchas ing days are over for life, and year after year your piano will be as sweet and tuneful as the day you bought it. WK1TK TODAY. Chas. M. Stieff Maker of the . - Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self-player Pianos. Southern Wareroom: W. Trad Street, Charlotte - - N. C. C. B. WIL1I0TH. MANAGER.. (Mention this paper) ; MS ! ready it can again be seen by the astronomers, and is moving rapidly towards the earth. Is Halley's comet an ill omen? Does it have anything to do with the happenings on earth? This is a question that has puzzled the minds of men for two thousand years. Halley's comet (not so named until 1682) has appeared 23 times during the past 2,150 years, and according to tradition, many notable events have transpired. It is stated that it was visible in the year 70 A. D., when Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus. It was visible in 1456, three years after the Turks conquered Con stantinople, and when they were again about to terrorize Christendom. Its appearance has never since equaled that of 1456, but it is sup posed that it will do so this time. This comet is the one that was vis ible in 1066 A. D., during the Nor man Conquest and at that time it was called "the comet of William the Conqueror" for the want of a better name. It was visible when the French lost Canada to England in the first half of 1759. Coming nearer home, It is said that Halley's comet was . visible in 1607, when Jamestown was 'settled by John Smith, and in 1835, not long after the nulliflication act was passed by South Carolina. The tail of this immense comet will envelop the earth about May 18, when the star will pass between the earth and the sun. The result of this immersion remains to be seen. It may be that the people will wit ness a brilliant inetoric display or it may be that the aurora boreal is will be seen in the northern skies, but the comet's tail will have no effect what ever on the earth or it inhabitants. The head of the comet, says Prof. Lanneau, cannot obscure the sun, as it is not solid. The solid matter in the head of the largest comet that ever appeared, he says, would not, if condensed, amount to as much a one-one hundred thousandth part of the matter of the earth. The approaching comet will form a brilliant .pecUcle and its tail will sweep half way across the heavens. The nearest approach to the earth will be 9,000,000 miles, therefore a collision would be impossible. The relative position of the earth, tht sun and the comet are the same as in 1456, when the comet showed with unusual brilliance. - AVOID HARSH DRUGS. Many Cathartics Tend to Oanse Injury to- the Bowels. If you are subject to constipation, you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give tem porary . relief and their reaction is harmful and sometimes more annoy ing than constipation. They in no way effect, a cure and their ten dency is to weaken the already weak organs with which they come in con tact We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treat ment ever devised. - Our faith in it is so strong that we sell it on the positive guarantee that it shall not cost .the user a cent if it does not give entire satisfaction and com pletely remedy constipation. This preparation is called Rexall Order lies. These are prompt, - soothing and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical dis covery. Their principal ingredient is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Combined with other well, known ingredients, long established for their usefulness in the treatment of constipation,' it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy. i Thev mav be taken at anv time. W W W either day or night, -without fear of their causing any inconvenience whatever. They do not gripe, purge nor cause nausea. They act without causing any pain or ex cessive looseness of the bowels. They are ideal for children, weak, delicate persons and aged people as well as for the most hearty person. They come in two size packages, 12 tablets 10 cents, 26 tablets 25 cents. lie member you can ob tain them only at our store, The llexall Store. Parsons Drug Co. Concha That Hang Coughs that start in the fall and hang on until spring are si. re trouble breeders unless checked and cured. Bronchitis, poeumonia and consumption are the direct result. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the cough, stops the hard breathing and heals and soothes the iuflamed air passages. Refuse substitutes. , Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parson Drug Co. A Determined Salter. Nervous Suitor Ter wish to marry your daughter, sir! Parent Well, my boy, hadn't you ter see her mother first? bet- Nervous Suitor I have, sir, and er er I still wish to marry your daughter. Punch. - Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of r which require any internal treatment. Ail that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain's liniment. Give it a triaL You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it af . fords. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. HOW PATRICK HENRY DIED. Youth's Companion. v For centuries the would has admir ed the calmness and fortitude of Soc rates in the presence of death, but if Socrates died like a philasopher, Pat rick Henry died like a Christian. In his last illness, all other remedies hav ing failed, his physician, Dr. Cobell, proceeded to administer to him a dose of liquid mercury. Taking the vial in his hand, and looking at it for a moment, the dying man said: i 'I suppose, doctor, this is your last resort?" 'I am sorry to say, governor, that it'is." ; J"What will be the effect of this medicine?" j "It will give you immediate relief, or-" The doctor could not finish the sentence. . His patient took up the word: You mean, doctor, that it will give relief or, will prove fatal immediately?" ; MYou can live only a very short time without it," the doctor answer ed, "and it may possibly relieve you." " tThen the old statesman said: . 'Excuse me, doctor, for a few min utis," aud drawing over his eyes a silken cap which he usually wore, and still holding the vial in his hand, he prayed in clear words a simple, child like prayer for,his lamily,for bis coun try, and for his own soul, then ia the presence of death. - Afterward, in per fect calmness he swallowed the med icine. ' .Meanwhile Doctor Cobell, who greatly loved him, went out upon the lawn, and in his griet threw himwii down upon the under one of the trees, and wept bitterly. Soon, when he had sufficiently mastered himself, the doc tor returned to his patient, whom he found calmly watching the congeal ing of the blood under his finger nails,' nd speaking words of love and peace to his family, who were weep ing round his chair. Among other things, he told them that he was thankful for that good ness of God which, having blessed him through all his life, was then permitting him to die without any pain. Finally, fixing his eyes with much tenderness upon his dear friend, Doctor Cobell, with whom he had formerly held many arguments re specting the Christian religion, he asked.the doctor to observe how great a reality and benefit that religion was to a man about to die. , And after Patrick Henry had spok en, thfse few words in praise of some thing which having never failed him in his life before, did not then fail him in his very last need of it, he con tinued to breathe very soltly for some moments, after which they who were looking upon him saw that his life had departed. . Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling iu your throat? Does your cough' annoy you at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning? Do you want relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be pleased. . Sold by Parsous Drug Co. A Suggestive Name. Lucinda Well, 'Rastus, Lab yo' at de 'elusion what yo' Am gwine t' dis chile? rived name 'Rastus- Yes, Luctuda: I guess we'd bettahcall him Heunery. LIppincott's. Good health is impossible when there is any derangement of the digestive organs. Foley's Orino Laxative is a natural rem edy for stomach, liver and bowel troubles. It aids digestion, stimulates th- liver, and cures habitual constipation. fee u-c Pharmacy; Parson Drug Co. Misunderstanding. "Pa, what is 'rough on rats?'' "This new style of wearing the hair low, son." Judge. There's nothing so good for a sore throat as Di. Thomas' Electric Oil. Cures it in a few hours. Relieves any pain in any part.- . IF The Bank commenced business in September, 1902. tory of the institution. Capital Stock -Stockholders' Liability Surplus and Undivided Profits Total - - - The bank's career, under the management of Mr. T. J.' Covington as president, -was most prosperous, and our new president, L. D. Robinson, desires to thank the old patrons of the bank for the loyal manner in which they have stood by the institution since he was elected to that position. The motto of this bank will be to accomnodate its friends and patrons to the fullest extent consistent wiih good business management. Officers: L. D. ROBINSON, President. F. C. ALLEN, Vice President. C M. BURNS, JR., Cashier. ADAM LOCKHART, Asst Cash. W. H. REAL JR. SHOT THROUGH HEART. While Ketnrnlng Front n Hantlng Trip Monday Afternoon, Mr. W. H. Keal, Senef Kz-Jndge Walter H. SeaJ Was Shot Throagh the Heart Was Fonnd .Lying Sear a Stamp, Half a Mile Prom liaartannrg. Laurinburg Dispatch, Feb. 28th. The town of Laurinburg was thrown into excitement this evening shortly before seven o'clock, when it was learned that Mr. W. H. Neal, the son of ex-Judge Walter H. Keal, now division counsel for the Sea board Air Line, had accidentally shot and killed himself while return ing from a hunting trip. Today was the last day of the hunting season in this county, and Mr. Neal, in company with Mr. A. H. James, went out for a day's pleasure at the sport. Upon reaching a point about half a mile distant from town oc their return at 6.30 o'clock, the two young men separated, Mr. Neal going across the road to shoot a sin gle bird. Mr. James missed bis companion, but thought that he had wulked on to town alone. When he reached town, Mr. James learned that Mc Neal had not arrived. A party was organized and went in search of the missing youug mau, whom they found lying dead near a stump, on which rested his gun. Up on examination, it was found that he had been shot through the heart. It Is thought that Mr. Neal - sat down on the stump to rest and that his gun went on" accidentally and in flicted the deadly wound. ' From all appearances the young man walked about ten feet after he was shot, as there were traces of his blood leading to the stump. Mr. Neal was well-known through out this section of the State, and was a traveling salesman. He was twenty-two years of age. It is not known yet when the funeral will be held. The friends of Judge Neal through nut the State will regret to learn of this deep bereavement in the loss of his son. Deafness Cannot be Cnred by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucuous liuiug of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bear ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the inflama tion can- be taken out-bIUiU tube re stored to its normal condition, heariug will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten arv caused by Calanb, which is uothing but an in.laaied condition of the mucous surfaces. Wcwill give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for i-irculars. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Make The Tall Tell. 'Nellie," said the teacher, "you may tell me how to make a maltese ciosh." "Step on its tail," answered Nellie, promptly. Everybody's. Worth A Dollar A Drop Fiod Patcheu, Manlius, N. Y., writes: "For a long time I was affected with kid ney trouble which caused an almost con stant pain in my back and inflammation iu my bladder. Other remedies did not even relieve me, but two fifty -cent bottlts of Foley's Kidney Remedy completely cured me and 1 nave not nad any symp toms of kiduey trouble for over two years." Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parson Drug Co. Thrlr Province. If figures did not lie, there would be fewer of them used. Philadelphia Ledger. Woman loves a clear, rosy complexion. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood, clears the skin, restores ruddy, sound health. 9We pay 4 per cent of The Savings Department has paid over $2,000 annually in interest. We solic it your accounts. CONVINCING OF THE VIRTUE OF Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Ccmpcund What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a trial ? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these thousands of them they are genuine and honest, too, every one of them. Mrs. S. J. Barber says : IthiukLydiaE. I Pinkham's Vege table Compound is the best medi cine in the world for women and 1 feel it my cut 7 to let others know the good it has done f or iao. Three year; a T- II had a tumor which the doctor I said would have to be removed by an operation or I could not lire more than a year, or two, at most. I wrote Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice, and took 14 bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and to day the tumor ia gone and I am a Krfectly well woman. I hope my stimonial will be of benefit to oth ers." Mrs. S. J. Bakbek, Scott, N.Y. Mrs. TL Fe Hayes says : 1 "I was under the doctor's treat ment for a fibroid tumor. I suffered with pain, sore ness, bloating. and could not walk or stand on my feet any I length of time. 1 wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad- vice.followed her (directions and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. To-day I am a well woman, the tumor was expelled and my whole system strengthened. ' I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female troubles to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. E- F. Hayes, 1890 Washington St Boston, Mass. 1 1 1 For 30 jei .a Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lias been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick -woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. - Mrs. Pinkham Invites to write her for ad guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Fertility means productiveness and productiveness Beans pros-7 ; perity for the farmer. Farmers want productive land and you js can have it by properly distributing the barnyard manure. The only proper way ia with a Clverleaf manure spreader. Yon will not only be increasing your own profits, but you will benefit the entire community by keeping your land in the best possible condition for raising large crops. Barnyard manure when prop- erly disintegrated and evenly distributed gives the soil the plant food which ... renews its fertility and , 1 ' ' ry enables it to retain the moisture suppUed bT V nature. Handling - ing manure way is slow riousand be LlfAr of its value - verleaf manure spreaders make the work easy and get ail of the i .value out of the manure. No machine on the farm is of more . benefit, or tne source of more profit than a Cloverleai manure , f spreader. Cloverleai spreaders are of the endless apron type and are simple, effective and durable. Thousands ef farmers who have used these machines unite in the opinion that there is none ' better. Call and examine one of these machines for yourself and m talk over the advantages of having one on your. farm. M M M -r-m " A CLALOCK Wadesb The past year has been the most prosperorts Your deposits are secured as follows; on Time Deposits. PROOF Mrs. George May says t T'No one know Irvhat I have suf- from f e troubles. pains. rrad backache. Xly doctor said ie could not giT me anything to nre it- I arouen o use Lvdia E. JPinkham's Vege table Compound, and the pain soon disappeared. 1 continued its use and am now in perfect health. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has been a God-send to me a3 I believe I should have been in my grave if it had not been for Mrs. Pinkham's advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. George Mat, 80 4th Are, Paterson, N. J. Mrs. TV. K. Iloush says : 'I have been completely cured pi a severe ie male trouble by I Lydia i,. pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and want to recom mend it to all suf fering women." Mrs. W. K. Housh; 7 East view Ave.. Cin- icinnati, Ohio. - Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, dor not continue to suffer with out giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a triaL It surely has cured many cases of female ills, suchas inflammation, ulceration,dis Dlacements. fibroid tumors, irregu- r larities, periodic pains, backache.etc all sick women rice. She has '(:Jf nd PPly- - r obiBBhin tne old and label sides most is lost. Clo- H'DTJ GO. 5$ oro in the his- $50,000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 $135,000.00 t:pi-ed 1 wi' " leuralrfa Z e, -W Jv . -?sy "SJtue advice of a "U- ? If rlend I b e e a n IT f y r v v vim Directors: C M. Burns, H. Haynie, K. W. Ashcraft. Geo. W.Huntley, W- Henry Liles.H. W. Little, B. G. Covington. L. J. Huntley. F. C Allen, P. R. Bennett, L. D. Robinson.

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