mm) TvfY AC J OV J AS. G. BOYXIX, EDITOR AXB PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AXD THURSDAYS 1.00 A YEAR, DUE IX ADVANC Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C., Monday, March 14, J 910 Number 31 4 iUwi v Strong Healthy Women woman ia stron and healthy in a womanly way, moth F ? me"D to her but Lttle suffering. The trouble lie n the fact that the many women suffer irom weakness and disease of. the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted r motherhood. - This can be remedied. s Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Curee the weaknesses and disorders of women. It acts directly on the delicate tad important organs concerned in motherhood, making them healthy, strong, vigorous, virile and elastic. "Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It quickens and vitalizes the feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women have testified to its marvelous merits, - -- It Makes Weak Women Siroag. It Makes Sick Women Well. ; Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as "just as good. Accept no secret nostrum in place of this nan-secret remedy. It contains not a drop of alcohol end not a grain of habit-forming or injurious drugs. Is a pure glyceric extract of healing, native American roots. ; . M ) L V VT The Kind Yoi Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of ' and has been made under his per- J7" r sonal supervision since its infancy. f-CccA44tii A 11a nn 011R todemivfl voain this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms end allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GCriUIME CASTORIA AIAVAYO Bean the Signature of Hie Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' tm eiMTAun oenMHf. rw Kumar nMtr. hcwvohh enr. Fertilizer Cheap? Exactly the same thing that makes shoes cheap, and clothes cheap that is, the use of inferior material. If you get "stung" in the purchase of a suit of clothes, you can buy another one. If you get "stung" with cheap atod inferior fertili zer, you are permanently and incurably disabled for the year. You lose your labor and the proper income on the land. If one fertilizer analyzes 8-3-3, it isn't necessarily exactly lide another 8-3-3. There may be a difference in the availibity or solubility, just as there are differ ences in the digestibility of food. Some manufactu rers, who are striving for cheapness, may get their am monia from scrap leather or hair. The land can not properly digest such material and hence this sort of fer tilizer is cheap in name only. It is very expensive if it is the cause of your getting half a bale of cotton where you are entitled to a bale. It does not pay to take such chances- not if it takes a year out of your life. You take no chances when you buy the brands of The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Fact ories at Wadesboro, Gibson and Monroe. DEAOjEES T. V. Hardison & Co., Morven ; Q. A. Martin, Morven J. E. Moore & Co., Morven - J. C. Marsh & Co., Polkton T. A. Home, J. O Mareh 4 Co., J. L. Austin, D. H. McGregor, The Northcutt and Braswell Company, McFarlan. Lllesville Marshville Wingate Ruby, S. C. LASI LEGAL HANGING IN STATE. Ca.demaed Negro Wkt for e, Pall Ynr Had Lived tm tlte Verjr Sbadew Deatb Executed at Kltaabethtawa Friday. Ellzabethtown, N. C, March 11. The last legal hanging in the Old North State took place at Elizabeth- town at high noon today when Henry Spivey, colored, paid the death pen alty for the murder of his father-in-law, Frank Shaw, near Abbottsburg, this county, in the fall of 1908. Spivey was tried and convicted at the March term of court, 1909, and sentenced to be hanged on May 11th, following. He had been respited by the governor twice and had high hopes of further respite if not re prieve to life imprisonment. At his trial he had the services of nine at torneys and they have worked dili gently to Have his neck. Judge Adams, who tried the case, re fust d to sign a petition for life im prisonment; so did Solicitor Sine air, and only tv o of the trial jury would sign for a reprieve. Attended by Father Price, a Kal- eigh priest, the condemned man slept well during his last night on earth aud seemed inclined to be cheerful. : He remarked a day or so ago that he would not get all the worst of the banging because it would cure his indigestion, be being -eve rely afflicted with the same. Sin rift Clark has had his prisoner guarded closely day and night, know ing the character of his mail. He nad tried to escape from lh jail here tfter his conviction and "Was taken to ne Slate penitentiary for safe keep i g and guve the officer of that in -dilution lots of tn utile. Tne gallows Unlay was enclosed by t hUh Umrd fence and an inclosure iiout it was roped off. Spivey etmpd brave aud wblktd to the gal lows, t ut just as the black cap was oeing adjusted he began to sink and ith quick of mind Sheriff Clark nulltd the lever. It was 10 msnutes before the attending physi ians pronounced the doomed man dead. Although Spivey had considerable property at the time of hi arrest and had handled thousands of dollars as a gambler, at which business he was an expert, his body was buried by the county authorities at the county poor farm, his wife refusing to have anything to do with it. The crowd dispersed in an orderly manner. JNo trouble was manifested or expected, though armed guards were in attendance. DOCTOR TOLD HER TO USECUT1CUHA And Thus Cured a Scalp Disease Like Scald Head It had Lasted Several Months and Made Most of the Sufferer's Hair Fall Out. TROUBLE SOON GONE AND NEVER RETURNED - "When I vras ten or twelve -years old I had a scalp disease, something like scald head, though it wasn't that. I suffered for several months and most of my hair came out. Finally they had a doctor to sue mo and he recommended the Cutieura Remedies. They cured me in a few weeks. I have used the Cutieura Remedies, also, for a breaking out on my hands aud 'was benefited a great deal. I haven't had any more trouble with the scalp disease. Miss Jessie F. Buchanan, R. F. D, 3, Hamilton, Ga., Wan. 7, 1009." BABIES' SKINS Should Know Only Cutieura Soap Pure, Sweet, Economical. Because of ita delicate, emollient, saaative, antiseptic properties derived from Uuucura Oint anent, united with the purest of cleansinc ragrodieaU and meet recreahinc of flower odors, Cutieura Soap ia unrivaled for pre- (f and heautifyiBc the K and beautiryiBc the skin, scalp, batr and hands of infanta and H. II. McLindon F. E. Thomas. McLendon & Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WADESBORO, N. C. All Business will Receive Prompt Attention. PHONE 61. JOHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney a ad Counsellor-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, , Wadesboro, N. C. All lefral business will have prompt and painstaking attention. Your sales and purchases of real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to me. Will also reut or lease your town property andiarm Insr lands and collect the rent for the same OUcoover Wadesboro Clothing & Shoe Coiuiany's Store. Consult M When you have the "littlest thing" or the biggest thing to tackle in what mast be done by plumbers and (my word for it) you will gain in time, in mon ey, in worry, and because ypu will not have to get the work done all over again. : My 'patrons say even more good things about me than I say for myaelf. REA, the Plumber. Phone No. 162, Wood and Iron Works building. 1 children. In the pre- , ventive and curative treatment et tortur ing, cussguring eczemas, rash, itchings, irritations, inflammations and chafing! irom miancy to age; lor tne aanatave, antiseptic cleansing of ulcerated, ia- mamea mucous surfaces and for many other usee -which readily suggest them selves to ynien, espeouuiy mothers. Cutieura Stfi ed when all else falls. Guaranteed aeaoiuteiy pttre and may be usea i rem tne neur cl ntrtn. 6omp)te ExtaTMl u4Ieral Traitamt for fcvtry a amor ih idi&bu. uaHone caa Adult toa ustt 01 Cutlmrs entsp (aSv to 0M the Skla. Cu lira's Ointment (Sot 1 1 Beat h kia and Can- cora Keaoi-rrat (sue itornii CuntPd Pill. !M prr vtat o( 60 M Sold larourhout tae mrn rotwr Drue Cora . soi Prone . 15 OommauM a v . boMoa. Um Quia ia u Mat caxc 0) V ritrMy taa Blaoa rottarDrus a Caara plat : at Skja aaa Sc4a A SCHOLARSHIP TO THE TEACH ER OF THE SCHOOL THAT WINS THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR, DR. BOYETTE, Dentist over Tomlinson's drug Office up stain store. Phone 79. : ; Wadesboro, N. C. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as adminis trator on the estate of B. J. Pratt. Sr. this is to notify all persons havinp claims against said estate to present the same to the undersifmed on or before the 7th day of March 1911, or this notice wille plead in Par oi tneir recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This the 4th day of March, 1910. B. J. PRATT, Administrator on the estate of B. J. Pratt, Sr., dee'd. ROBINSON & CAUDLE, Attorneys. All persons who teach school ought to try to perfect themselves ia those things that help make them compe tent instructors. One of the essential things is to have children learn to do things with their hands, and one of the easiest ways is to make pictures with a pencil. "Well, what good Is that," says some hard fisted fellow who has worked day in and day out to bring up the country to Its present state of prosperity. "He asks the question because he wants to know, and if an honest answer is given him and he sees the good of It he say , "Go ahead and try." - For he want the children to have every advantage, but be does not want money or tim thrown away. This is the secret ot all knowledge and success. First, to .be told how to do things. Generations ago that telling bad to be done by men whose business it was to recollect , Then came sign writing on stone and then on bark and then on paper, and then came the type and the printing press to rpcord successful experiences of the man and woman who had learned. - In order to learn how to talk prop erly the era ra mar was written and printed. Th'-n the keeping of accounts brought out the arithmetic. Then the wanting to know what the other parts of the world looked like brought out the genrgraphy. - Then the wanting to know how other people talked brought the Latin, French and German readers and grammars. So that is what our children have been and are being raughk First, the gram mer to teach him to say Those" instead of "Them" and not to say, "Where is John at." It is all right to leatn to talk properly, but 1 it does not make corn and potatoes. Second, the arithmetic to leirn how to figure up interest on money. That is all right, but the boy never has money saved up unless be is taught bow to do things. Third, the georgraphy to learn how the world looks, but that does not make, fifty bushels, of corn grow where ten bushels, have been growing. Fourth, the Latin grammar, but t hat does make sweet and nice butter that sells for thirty cents a pound, or chickens that are worth thirty cents apiece, and which are mighty good to eat. That is what our shools have given the children up to this time. But now the man who thinks nays "Let's teach the children something that is useful as well as those things that are ornamental." That Is what brought out the Instruetion in draw ing with a pencil. In this th child's eye and hand are brought into use as well as his brain. He is taught how to draw houses, factories, cattle, vege tables, and flowers, and as he draws thfse things his mind expands and his desire Is to have things develop. That is the secret. Next to making the thing is the making of the picture of the thing, whether it be home, fac tory, machine, vegetable or flower Therefore all teachers should know how to teach drawing with a lead pencil. For this reason the Messenger and Intelligencer is going to give to the teacher of the school whose children win the De Laval separator a free scholarship to the best summer art school in the United States. The making of good butter, is the most Important but next comes the draw ing. This scholarship is worth twenty five dollars. The school is at Booth bay Harbor, on the coast of Maine, one of the most beautiful spots intthe world; a spot that will give inspira tion to the person to try and to do. The teacher who goes to the art school comes in touch with the most talented teachers from all over the United states, who go there to learn more. The association with thesa teachers for six weeks or two months will be worth a great deal to the teacher who wants to learn. The art instructor in .pencil draw ing, Mr. A. G. Randall, is recognized the United States over as one of the most competent teachers in the coun try. He is employed during the school term as the director of manual art in the schools of Providence. R, I. His business there is to see that the art teachers teach correctly, Under him at Providence are several nunarea teacners. 'in is summer school at Boothbay Barbor is owned by Mr. Randall. He has as bis as sistants & number of the most noted teachers in American and foreign lands. He has instructors to teach painting in oil, modelling in clay, manual training, (that is the work ing in wood) and teachers who in struct in the artistic working metals, and other persons who in struct in (hose things that fit; the teachers to be more useful to the children. Prominent men give lect-j nres everv evening rlnrinor the, ?octr I are free to the students. " But to the pencil sketching,- which Lj the beet thing for our teachers to MaH In, Mr. Randall, the head of the Inelitution, gives his personal atten tion. This scholarship which we are giv ing', is transferable. If the teacher whose school wins does not want to, cr nnot go, he or she may transfer t -to any other teacher of Anson county, to be used this year. July 10th to August 30th, for the entire ime or a part of it. The expenses at Boothbay are very reasonable. Rooms can be had at one to two dollars a week, and par ties can do light housekeeping, get ting their owq meals, or they can get ttoard at four dollars and fifty cents a wk.. The cost ot going to, and re timing via Norfolk and Boston, Boothbay, all steamer route from Norfolk, will be less than fifty dol lars. The whole ernense will be lens i hau one hundred dollars. And, outside of the instruction, it will be ineoftbe most pleasant outings a teacher can have. This geographical lesson of seeing the ereat cities o! Boston, Mass., "Portland, Maine, Bath, the ship building town, and the ocean, bays, rivers, etc., of tht Eastern part of the United States, will be worth much to the teacher. ts more than the whole coat. The' father or friends of the teacher an well afford to sacrifice something iuive him or her obtain this great q! ing and splendid educational ad vantage. t !(( to Have F!a gaheel BalMlma;. Monroe Euqutrer. The people of Wingate last week ubscribeU $4,875 for a brick pchool building to coat 110,000 and will raise heir subscription to $6,000. A dor nitory for girls will also be built. he pastors of the Union and Pee Def 3ociations will meet at Wlngab next Tuesday to make arrangement- for the erection and equipment of th new buildings. The Wingate chon has !one a great deal for Wingat nl Wingate is going to be liberal t ia giving It a new home. Th. sch'xil has far outgrown its house blob was' considered a pood on hen it was built several years ago. Htahbarai aajttatra. . are liver and bowels sometimes-, seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble Loss of Appetite Indigestion, Nervous ness, uespoadenc.v. Headache. But sucn But such troubles fly before I)r. King's Vnvr Life Pills, the world's best Stomacb n-l f.-ver remedy. So easy. 25c at Par- -u iruK Uo. COLOSSUS OF RHODES. This is the trade mark which is found on every bottle cf the genuine Scott's Emulsion the standard God Liver Oil preparation of the world. Nothing .equab it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old. - FOR SALE, BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c, name of piper and this ad. for ear beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Boat. Each bank oontaia a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT at BOWNE. 409 Faari Su. N. Y. One of the Anciant Savan Wondara ef the World. The a dc lent a succeeded In making that alloy of copper which ia known as bronze. Among the seven woDder of the world was the famous statue, wholly made of bronze, historically known as the Colossus of Ithodes. It represented Phoebus, the national dei ty of the Ruodiaus. It was begun by Chares, a pupil of Lyslppus, the sculp tor, and was completed by Laches 2SS B. C. The popular belief Is that It stood astride the harbor of Rhodes, that It was 103 feet high aud that hips could easily sail between ita legs. Pliny said that few men could clasp Its thumb. It was cast on metal plates, afterward Joined together, and this process occupied twelve years. In the Interior was a spiral staircase reach ing into its head, and in a great mirror suspended to its neck were reflected the coast of Sfia and the ships sailing to Egypt- After It had stood for sixty-four years this colossus was overthrown by an earthquake, and its remains lay on the shore for 923 years that la, until A. D. 072 when they were sold by the Saraceus to a dealer. The original cost was 300 talents about $0,000,000 and It Is not too much to Bay that a similar Image might be constructed now lu one-fourth of the time and at one-third of the original cost Rhodes, by the way, must have had colossus on the bralu. for Pliny relates that the port was adorned with 1.000 colossal statues of the sua. LONDON THEATERS. The Ordeal of Getting Past the Aged Ticket Taker. The first difference I always fiud be tween golug to the play in London and In New York Is that In New York the man who bus paid for a seat la made to feel that he Is patron of the house. hile In London be Is greeted by the staff of the theater uot exactly as an Intruder, but as a necessary evil. They appreciate that a audience is a ueces sary evil, but sooner than have one thev would almost prefer to close the bouse. In London for that Importantly stra tegic outpost of ticket taker an out man of eighty is always employed. You think this Is accideut. but it Is not. Old age naturally suggests railing eyesight, and when he keeps you wait ing In the foyer while he examines your ticket aud assures himself that it Is not a laundry bill or a motor bus re ceipt you attribute the delay to his old eves. But in detaining you he has a motive. Standing at bis elbow, scowl ing darkly, there always is another man. apparently a plain clothes out from Scotland Yard, uncomfortably disguised la eveniug dress. And while the aged ticket taker pretends to scru nltlze your ticket the lookout man cans you. You cannot eRoaje his eye He never sleeps. No ' American, no matter how reckless, can hope to pass that man with a concealed bomb or a revolver or wearing a white tie with a dinner coat. Collier's. fi THE ONLY DAKINC POWDER MADS FftOM ROYAL CRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR a v" W I t I m Absolutely Pzsi'Q Roxboro, March 11.- Spurgeon on hearing of the dev- ! northwest ol lloxboro, Flies at Saa. The' finding of flies and butterflies a long way out at sea Is perhai to most readers u fact not very well known. A recent traveler In the trop les relates that when thirty mile out from land a plague of flies over took the vessel on which he was steam ing. The cabin was so full of them that the beams were blackened. Com moD black hontteflies they were for the most part. with, however, a good sprlnkllng.of large green flies. Where they could have come from was a mys tery, but they were a terrible nuisance, and, although those on board swept off hundreds in a uet. their numbers were uot sensibly diiuluished. Another sin gular circumstance was that, although no land was in sight, large dragon flies repeatedly flew across the ship, aud a large dark butterfly was observ-i-d to flit across In the direction of the nearest land, quite thirty miles away, without stopping to rest on the vessel at all. London Globe. Am Awtal Rrnpllaa. of a volcano ex. Ite brli-f interest, and your interest in skin erup lns will be a short, if you use Bucklen's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the worst bolls. ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it Best for Burns, Cnts, Bruises, Sore Lips Chapped Hand', Chilblains and Piles. It gives instant relief, 25c. at Parsons Dm? JCo. Both Rather Flippant. There U a curious imrallelisra be tween two stories told respectively of the late Mr. Spurgeou aud of Dean Swift. Mr. astatlon wrought by an earthquake lu Essex merely remarked. "1 am glad to hear that my county is moving at last." The dean of St. Patrick's. Dublin, was watching with a frieud the roof of a building on which several men were at work fixing slate. Suddenly one of the men vanished. Thereupon the dean turned to his companion and said. "1 like to see a man go quickly through bis work." 10 NEGROES BURNED TO DEATH Egotism of Genius. When Wordsworth. Southey and Coleridge were walkiug together, and Coleridge remarked that the day was so fine -It might have been ordered for three pots." the gentle Words worth promptly exclaimed: Three poets! Who are the other two?" Disraeli, when a mere youth, wrote to his sister that he had heard Macau ley. Shell and Grant si-eak, "but be tween ournelves I could floor them all." And agaiu he said. "When I want to read a good book I write one." His Birthday. "When were you born?" asked an inquisitive of Robert Louis one day "May 10, 1SSO." was the instant reply, and Robert Louis and Fanny Steven son exchanged glancee, .Thla was their wedding day. A Foot Rule. Workman Is there n foot rule in this hoas.? IInsekeeier Yes. Everybody v their feer on this mat befere ttUulnre onie in! Comic Cuts. $3.$35M$4.SH0ES DDY5 SHOES, rr- vx f f- ' I IV THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHSES IN THE WORLD "8UPERIOR TO OTHER MAKE8." "I have worn W. U Douclas shoes for th past six years, and tlx ays fmd thev are fai superior to all other hish trade shoes In style. comfort and durability." W. Q. JONES. 119 Howa.d Ave.. Utica. N. V. If I could take you into nay Urge fac t ories at Brockton, Ma-, and shew you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, vou would remits why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ef greater value than any other make. (' . I TIO-f!M that W. 1- DoorIm Bum and prif is Mumped on the bottom. Tk ,-. II jour dealer cannot Si yoo with W.lIooi!iaiiors. writ tor aiau oroer taiaioe. .umhmui wvtn Maw. TOXSalJCBT Wadesboro Dry Goc Js Cc. -Seven mlhs on the fariM of W. E. Farley, ten negroes met a horrible death early last nijjht, John Wagstaff, hi3 wife end eight children being burned to ashes in their home. Not one was left to tell the gruesome tale and the only evidence of their death was the charred bones from which all flh was hurned. No one kno ws just how it happened and it is a mystery how all could have been so completely trapped. The house was of log body with cook room adjoining. It is supposed that the fi re originated in the cook room, spread to roof and the inmates were either Miffocatedor the top fell in and caught them before they cou.d awake. The family was industrious aud hard-working. f.luies&Horses are the highest of high priced animals. liaise you a 41 Mule-Horse", tough and easily kept as a mule, Midi ail the gHxl qualities of the horse. For the next two months "Dan", a thorough" tired Bank's Pony Stallion, can be ft u nd at our stables. $5.00 for Season or Guaranteed for $8.00. Allen & fifassagee Ceo. L. Sinclair, Mgr. Lilesville, N. C , sg ROY M. HUNT L 1 Y D. D. S. - Office Second Floor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. PHONE NO 30. JOHN T BENNETT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All lepal business will receive p ouipt tteotion. Offlif in tht la3t room on tle ipht In the coun boust for tbe presrut, if -iri ihr room heretofore occupit-0 by i. irtl .V i illicit. "A". lvi IM'YS. The .Bank of Wadesboro commenced business in September, 1902. tory of the institution. The past year has been the most prosperons in the his Yoyr deposits are secured as follows: Capital Stock Stockholders' Liability Surplus and Undivided Profits Total - - - . $50,000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 $135,000.00 II c in The bank's career, under the management of Mr. T. J. Covington as president, was most prosperous, and our new president, L. D. Robinson, desires to thank the old patrons of the bank for the loyal manner in which they have stood by the institution since he was elected to that position. The motto of this bank will be to accomnodate its friends and patrons to the fullest extent consistent wiih good business management. on various subjects. . These leciures ill :;- 1. 1 1 'aUK Officers: L. D. ROBINSON, President F. C. ALLEN, Vice President. C M. BURNS, JR., Cashier. DAM LOCKILVPJVAss'tCash. We pay 4 per cent om Time Deposits. The Savings Department has paid over $2,000 annually in interest. We solic it your accounts. Directors: C. M. Burns, H. Haynie, K. W. Ashcraft, Geo. W.Huntley, W. Henry Lilcs.H. W. Little, B. G. Covington, L. J. Hunt! :y, F. C Allen, P. R. Bennett, L. D. Robinson.

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