fffftfr. II ."v Jv . is.-"- JAS.G. BO YLIX, EDITOlt AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 1.00 A YEAR, DUE FN" ADVA! Volume 27 J r & J6 c Wadesboro, N. G, Thursday, March 17, J 910 Number 1 ifrrm M 2& 1 wV ELDER HEWRYCUMWiniCHAril Mfter taking .two bottles'!" regained my Strength, and am now feeling- unusuaily well." HEN CUNNINGHAM. Hlder Baptist Church, Kinston, N.C. '$ I Vinol contains the two most world-famed tonics the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic i Iron. Vinol contains no oiL and is by far the Best Strengthening: tTonic obtainable. We return ALCOHOL i m CENT AVegetaWeKrepamlMiirAs- sunuanng meraotfan&teuia- wig cue atofnacos aodBowehof nessanaKestroiuainsnESSff Opiuntfarphine norMiaeraL WOT NARCOTIC. JhcJami AtttUtUli- mm seta- : t 5 13 ADenctBemedvfcrOoQsfist- Hon . Sour StDiaach.Diarrtoti Worms fonvulsioiis Jevcrtai- nesstfuLoss or Sleep. RcSimile Signatmcof , NEW YORK. - Guaranteed under the : w4 Exact Copy of Wrapper. jif VinpJ doe not&mt.4abMitL jfc fit 1 M ?) ffimdlstl). I ',5i!,l'' LC(fflOfc a PER nMil S Whatiflakes Fertiliier Cheap? i " ry,; '' --tr 't:- "7-. .-:f. 1 - ExactlhejnetKingat ?matest shoes cheap, and clothes cheapthat is, the use of inferior material. 1 ; IE youriet-pstimg iian -ftc pttrciasie..bfi ; clothes, you can buy another one. If you get "stung" with cheap and inferior fertili ' zcr, you are f permanently and 'Incurably disabled for 5 the year You lose your labor -and the., proper income .. : on the land. , , , - If one fertilizer : analyzes 83-3, it s i t necessarily i exactly -lide another 8-3-3fThere may he a, difference, f : in the availibity or solubility, just as there are differ- ence.s in the digestibility of food;' Some manuf acta- -rers, who are striving fo cheapness, may get- their, am- s monia from scrap leather or hair. The land can not Utilizer is l:Beap,rrlMnae'6nlyI it is the cause of your getting half a bale of cotton where ybij are entitled jtb a hale, i if 4 4 T f T v It does not pay to', take such chances-notf iF if takes a year out of your life. : You take no chances when you buy the brands of ne sotiMimemtmaiMm Factories at Wadesboro, Gibson and Monroe. T. V. Jlardispq A Co.t Morven O. A. Martin, r" Morved J.t Moore &CoM j 1 Moryen J. C. Mnrsh & Co., Polkton. The Northcutt and BrasweU Company, 'McFla'ri'an.-i JOHN W. GULI;EDGE, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law . and Beal Estate (Agent, i j!i v Wadesboro, N. C, All logal baalaess wilt iiaV prompt, ajid painstaking attention. , Your, sales and purchaa8 of real estate May b4 facilitated 4. V" by cullinK on or writiaff to me1 WT11 alfta J rent or lease vour town DroDGitv and farm- InR lands aDdcoUootha rent for ,toe same Omoo over Wadebr6 Clotrrtnr A -Shoe Uompany's Store. W.F.GRAYtrr.'p,; (0FIC IN SMITH "&. PUKLA BL'PQ) , Wadesboro, N. C, AH Orcriticna 7arrit.tad '' ' 1 Recommends - ffinbl : . FcrWca!i,Ilun-Down People. " T-was run down and weakf rcm indigestion and general debility, also suffered from vertigo. : I saw a cod liver preparation called Vinol adver tised and decided to give it a trial, and the results were most eratifviner. your jnoney without question For Infants and Children. The Kindi You Have Bears the Signature Fotvdver VMt Mimra omu(t new nm citt. a; suit ot 5v . sfc -V r-- 5ff T A. Home, y4f -. LafvtlIej0 J. C- Marsh & Co., Marshville Ji iiiAusUa j 3 i ill .Wbijzate D. H. McGregor, Iiuby, S. C. - -j i r- Ii. fi.McLXDON F. E. Thomas McLendon & Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-L A, W ( v All r Business will-Receive v . 1 .1 Tm-riTtt Uttmntlnn P rmpAttCnuOn, j PHONE 61. Always3 Bought 11 ijJ n- ? F " i? win ; n " nM JH " OR. JSOYETrEJiDehtist i- Q2ce up wusfc ovey 5iuiIinAon'i drug tore. ; Xlioiis 79J I . t s , WadMboro, N. C. SUPPURATION. Youth's CompanioQ. - An ' with so many physical ail ments which afflict the human race, it is now generally recognized that a boil or carbuncle is really a battle royal between the veils which are our protectors and the germs which would be our destroyers. The little microbe the especial disagreeable office of which is to excite the formation ot pus, is called in medicine the staphy lococcus. . When it gains entrance to the human body, it at once goes to work at its unpleasant industry. The immediate results are signals of distress which take the form of local iaflttrauiatlon,1! with its 5 accompanf- neutsof itching,, a welling and burn tig. These uncomfortable symptona ire a warning name jeueocytea, or protecting blood-cells, that a colony )f staphylococci has formed and set- iiog up a factory, and will' presently ia much damage to the surrounding country unless they can - be checked. rDJime Nature therefore', hurries a reat number of leucocytes to the -pot, so many, in fac , that they arc ible to cut off the enemy from the gro unding tissue, and after starv- ng them into suDmtssion, to tnrow nem out. 1 When a boil breaks and discharges fh it & rniu.it ion at once goes down, nd iiih is a sign that virtue has tfi- impiied once more the leucocytes tiavtswon. This particular cell seems to be en- lowed with almost human iotelli- ence, as shown by its knowledge ol hat to attack, and when and where tUdn it. . People who are suffering roiu certain ; weakening diseases, uc-h as Hright's, ate very prone to attacks of boils, and so are convales f Dt4 from exhausting illnesses, and, n fact, any one who is in a condition of Towered vitality from any cause whatever. A single boil will Borne mes make its appearance because of tome local irritation, as, for example, rom the constant rubbing of the feck by a rough sweater. Nevfr tulnd. what may be the di -ct cause, or how good the general condition of the sufferer may-seem to be, it is well to take that boil to tb- 4!ijy9ician,fwho,; - he if sees 1 it early uougb, will probably make efforts to iefeat it, or at least to limit as far joesitile the supjMiration, or pus-for- -uatiou. Any iffort3 on the part ol he patient to squeeze it are unwise; hey will not help i the boil, and may lead to 1( ial reinfection, rt-ealting in 8 outinuous crop of boils the condi ion known as furuculosis, a mostdis ressing affection, which may last for uonths, and may even run through a ftmily or a school. ', The abortion of a boil in its early stages is often brought about by the injection or a little carbolic acid into t. This, or any other form of sur gical intervention, is of course the orovince of the surgeon, who will -sxercise the utmost antiseptic precau tion to prevent local reinoculation. R PHYSICIAN ROVES Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound y; fiabattus. Maine. "You told me to take Lydia llnkham'a , Vegetable Gompouna and Liver Pills before cMld-birth, and we are all surprised to see how much srood it did. My physi cian said Without doubt it was the Compound that helped you.' thank you for your kindness in adymng me and give you full permission to use my name in your testimonials." Mrs. U. W. MrrcHEtt, Box 3, Sabattus, Me. i Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt "I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered I rom nervousness and other annoyin symptoms. Lydia JS. Jfinkham's V eze- table Compound restored my health and Strength, and proved worth mountains pf gold to me. - For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you iBhould publish my letter." Mrs. Chaei.t:s Bakcijly, B.F.D., Granite- tille,-Vt. - - - . Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffer ing from any of those distressing ilia jpeeuliar to their sex should not lose Sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham'8 Vegetable Com pound, which is made from roots and terbs, has been the standard remedy for female Ills. ' In almost every com munity ' you will find women who iave been restored to health by Lydia TZ. unKham's vegetaoie vompouno. ROY M. HUN T.J. FY ;i "-it d. a a Office Second Floor of Mew '. National Bank BuildingV Work Done Day or ' Night. ; PHONE NO 90. IN Mr. Boylin: Who U that Susan, her real name? Brother says if I find out and tell him he wont "Jaw" me any more, he is in love with Susan 'Sight unseen." He aaya he' just knows she is a mighty sweet blue eyed girl. Mother saya that she is evidently a very bright and smart child and will make some one a fine wife. Father said that girl U all O. K. What does Ov K.mean, Mr, Boylin? 1 asked falher'and'he'Mid "find out." ... : ; Weil, Mr. Boylin, you tell Susan to coine to my hoasff and: I-wiUi taka her to ride. We will talk De Laval Separator.! and Messenger and. Intel ligencer, v Brother say I, talk" Do Laval in ray sleep. Mr. Boylin, please print the follow- Dg as my . letter to Susan;- h Dear Susan, the M. A.I. ia a good thins to talk about working or sleeping and the De Laval' 'Separator is the next best ' thing to" talk - and dream .about;;i i;:;i'y I tell you, Susan, we are Just getting subscribers these days in a hurry. One of our floe boywas elected. a Congressman from our school Id the Children's Industrial Congress and beu he went to Wadesboro hejgot a good showing of Bubscribers' arid from now on every one who can will be working day and night. xlod That is a good idea about several families buying a separator in part nership. .But they are so cheap, ai- nost any farmer can, afford one. rtie whole outfit can be had for' $t 5 and the interest on that amount la just four dollars and fifty cents a year. fhat is not much money'. -- No, I did not go to Mr. Patrlck'a carnival but I saw ' and heard Mr. Patrick at our school house. I went to the tent in which he and Mr.. Joe Smith lived in, it was striped and had a queer little round stove a-real beauty, of a tent. Folding chairs apd tables, rugs and ' bear skin on the ground for carrjeta,.Jaslce4jPa rick if they were big black cow skins, they wereso large Jl-th,oughtthfy vere cow skins, and he said, no, my litte girl,- those are black- bear-skms.-r asked where he got them. He said they wera killed by hft gui.l wyjup 14,000 feet above sea feyerucAP0 nountains of Old Mexico. I asked if he shot at them and he said .No, that the uide kepr inTadvahce aslie as an old hear hunter - and he said, ittle lady, I do not like to take the tife of a dumb animal; perhaps I am responsible for their death but I did not kill them. - - Mother says Mr. Patrick la doing much good but brother puts in his tongue nd says 1 don't like the way he does. Mr. Patrick wants the chil dren to work, be wants them to rhake axe-handles and butter molds arid tots of things, and he says Mr. Patrick gives the girls bigger prices, for doing the same Kino oi work the boys do. Bat then Mr. Patrick heed hot mind what brother says, he will just grum ble-and complain, Susan. And I warn, you right now if you should fall in love with my brother and when you and he grow' up you -get narried you must learn to know him and humor his ways. My brother is a mighty good brother and I fry ou just know how to manage him; and mother says mat is me way a wo man ought to do anyway, just learn how to manage their husbands. I ex pect it is just learning bow to , humor them. My mother is just the Bmart est woman at that in the county. She gets everything she wants and father just thinks my mother is the besi and sweetest woman be ever eaw and its just because my mother knows how to humor him. bhe does pot growl and complain every time lie "comes home and she has us children to run "out to meet and .kiss him every time be comes home. . This is the kind of a mother 1 have, Susan, and if yc-u get mv brother, and he is sure coine to Iry to find you, just' treat htm as my mother treats father and you will have a happy lime in inev Sucsan you' ask me "tu 'calculate; WeH Susan, ray teacher says.-J. .am just one of the best calculators she - . W T ever saw to my age and that I can add to the calculations so many thoughts and questions it keeps her guessing what is coming neiTi'"" "How long it would take ji worrum to pay for a De Laval Separator if she had four cows from which she got fl ve . pounds of butter each per week to Bell, aud butter . and:-milk enough fjr ber famMy. That's what you ask me to figure out Susan that's easy, ; Let's figure this way. Four cows five pounds each, makes twenty pounds of butter a week. In fourteen weeks she has two hundred and eighty pounds, and at thirty cents a pound it brings in eighty four dol lars. So in junt fourteen weeks,' one week more than three ; month?, she has money enough to get a nice out fit of the De Laval pattern and that is the kind to get. Others can be had for less money f but they are pot so good. In a year's time,tbis , to man has saved enough, tootsy terfostfit and has left more than one hundred MARY'S BROTHER FALLS LOVE WITH SUSAlC i savings bank of her town. The milk and butter used by the family and the stable manure from the four cows l worth enough to pay for the teed io? the rows and the rich sweet but tit and the fine , butter milk and the rice fresh sweet milk that the whole family get) to eat on account of the separator will pay lor all the labor of making and churning as well as the feed. -Then there are the little calves far sale, if they are good Jersey stock t$ey are worth at least one hundred dollars. So the ladv with four has ber separator paid for and two hundred and - fifty dollars in one yer's,time, ,-. t , This is the way I figure it out, Su- a. lpn't yon think l am a good fig- werr hi havn'ta kodak; wlsh l had, for 1 ulduily take a picture :of Ir. iHylin's cowa,; : However, my fath toki roe about those Cows but he s id Mrs. Boyjin.' ani .the boys , were Ibh ones who had the fine cows; he Bjld Mr. Boylin bad to' stay in the ptrjnung office and work hard to gel out the beet pper ever published in tiofl county, But be said the cows I re. surely fine and be said it just jinvincel him any woman and boys ajio, would, hustle could have just all it y wtntt-d and a Cue borne thrown Sit He told me about Mis. Colt Rtd: fiaro, loo. Father said ihe was a o vular hustler. He said Mewlames i4ylin nd Redft-ari were doing iKin.to help the farmers than any l' n men in the county. Susan, try and persuade these ladies to jl.lt out Bchool,' they would do us lot They would tell us how to get iaore subscribers and that is what 1 4ir thinking moeuy or just now. -Jusan, youri fchool In Wadesboro is ! t trying for the separator: persuade 4nn to help us. I am afraid our l will miss itBrother is right i he says that I talk De Laval and M. A I.' In my steep. V p Susan, please- write- me again, brother wants to go and see you soon, aa he is desperately in love with you. P. S Sqsan, If yq argon speak ln termawith Mr Jioyllu, go for him with gloves offi - He made me ay m ray last letter that our -school -Oft 800 when it cost $8,000.. An: -nvilhy should have a 110,000 buiid iag not a'penny less. Tbty.are aU yen to aojwopic yjts oi mem ricn. i I. heard lii said i ;Mr. Littl?.4 one of ricfiest inea Wtbe county would 4l the old institute and ground at grounds ait ti a I cost. That would make a fine tain ling at a small outlay, If the fi-would go to Mr. Little In the ritt spirit, I am sure he would give rlieur' the building and grounds for ine ake of the little ones'. He is a opLMy good man if rigbtlyiapproach eU. I know and like thH ; old lache- r aud I may set my cap for, him hfo 1 grow up. .' , Makv. t ' Wrb A Dllar A Dm ' , .- - -i-. ; ' r :.- . $Y d Patchen,.ManUuaN..ywrites:--Ft;i- a long time I was affected with kid ney ' rouble which caused an almont con- sts wjaio Jnniback aid; InflimraAtioa ir;y bladder. Othor remedies did not ev-n ieliere Coe,' bat two "fifty -cabf hot .lea Potey'a Kidney Remedy, completely aor t me ana l have not. nad any nymp ipr.'f of . kidney trouble for over - two ! - -' Pils Cited at Home I B v IT 71 J eW-Absorption7 Method. lf.Tyovoffer from bleedlnV, itohiaffj bliml or protruding lW, send me your ddivs-v and X will, tell you -how to euro youeU at home by the new absorption reamQt; and- .-pUI also Bend kim of tbU home treatment tree for trial, -with refer ences, from your ona locality tt reqmrsted. Immediate relief and permanent cure as sure!. - Send tKf money; it tclLo'horsi( AL - tniiprrr. write today to Airs. m-l Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. commenced business 1 1 vrrm .:- ;- tory A" r: Cariital Stock - - m 'SiocUHolders' Liability - Surplus and Undivided rrohts ; Total-- 'I'.!--'..-.-..' I v The bank's career, -under" the management of Mr.'T. J. Covington as president, was most prosperous, and our tieM president, L. t). Robinson, desires tp( thank the old patrons of the bank for the loyal manner in which they f have stood by the institution since he was elected to that position. The motto of this bank will be to accomnodate 'its friends an5 patrons to the fullest extent. consistent wiih good business management. ' - Officers: :- 1 DROBINSON, President. F. C, ALLEN, Vke President. cIm BURNS, JR., Cashier. - ADAlLLOCKnART, Ass't ELECTROCUTION OF RATS. Charlotte Evening Chronicle. The, great; Oculd fortune wl foundett ou a rat trap, a simple wire concern that did not hold good for very long, for the rats soon got an understanding of what it meant, but the original Oould sold enough of the traps to lay the. foundation for, a for uce. Since then, human ingen uity has been exercised in devising a trap that would not excite the suspi cion of the rat and many more or less successful devices have re u I ted. It has remained however, for Mr. Henry AViliianw. a. Charlotte hotel keeper, to originate a. trick th9t 4he rat will never, become.wiae .. to., i -Jlr. Williams had a good deal of trouble with ,the rats. ...The more .trouble they gave him the harder he studied pp a pldii -to get even with tbem. He has been-much intfrwted in the aubject ..of .electrocution: and the qut-slton occurm , to hun.- why not 5? un He made a study of it and began experimenting. Tliesults were encouraeine from the start, aud one morning when he counted twenty victims ol his elte- ric trap, he exclaimed, and with food cause, "Euirka!" He there upon set about securing a patent an. I it is to be hoped that in hi cane the Gould history will r repeat. itself. In all seriousness, Mr. Williams seems to have hit ujmn an t-nVctive devu-e for theexUnuination or rats and has found a new and -w hat is 'likely -to prove a popular use of electricity. FOR THE STOMACH. Here's OITir m b Id Km Otw. . - - l..k. llexall I)jpsia Tablets remeily stomach trouble by supplying the me element, the absence of which in the ga-tric juices causes-Jndigeftion ind dysprptUa. They ait tte stom ich to digest food and to quickly con vert it into rich red blood and mate rial necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dyspep ia Tablets In your vest pocket, or teep them in your rortn. Take one fter each heavy meal and indigestion .vill not bother you. . We know what llxall Dyspejieia Tablets are and what they wli. do. We guarautee them to relieve indi gestion aud dy-pepeia. If they fail we wtu retund your money... three sizes: 25 cents, 50 cents and f 1.00. Remember you cn obtain Rex ,;11 Remedies in Wadesboro only at our stor, The Rexall Store. The Parsons Dru (X) Behind Every Box of Candies bearing the name 'NunnallyVstands a business .famous in the South for 25 years a guarantee .of the purest, most , wholesome candies. bonbons and choc olates come to us b y h fast express almost' every day, which explains to you the delicious freshness that accentuates their goodness. SOLD BY' - i -Parsons Drug Co, in September, 1902. oi me msiiiuiion. i -.- -- of We pay 4 per cent on -Time Deposits. The Savings Department has paid over $2,000 annually in interest. We solic- it your accounts. - Cash.- A COURT REUINLSCEKCE. Charlotte Observer. With ivgard to a paragraph yester day in names of per us before crim inal courts In this State a friend tells us of an occurrence in Aosoa county superior court some year 4 ago. A man had been indicted for tome mis demeanor. His christian name ap peared in the bill of Indictment a Gus." The defendant's attorney moved to quash the bill for rofcoo ui( r. To the judge's question if the penon was not generally known by that name his ' attorney replied that he had not known the defendant since the latter was a boy and added: 4 And I give you my word of honor that I have never called him any thing but Augustus." A member of the bar who happened to be repre .senting the solicitor rose and said - in a dignified manner: 4May it please ' your honor, I can rery well believe that for knowing the gentlemw who I. .... . hlu iQ "ddrefeef you as well as I do I cannot conceive of. his using as short a word as 'Ons' when be could possibly substitute as long a one as Augustus ' The other lawyer sprai-g to bis feet in great anger and for a while it looked like troobl?. The judee in his efforts at pacifies, lion made matters wor-e for a . while by remarking that he thought the vi olent language . used by the defend ant's attorney wax intended to be an derstood In a -Pickwickian wns. There was talk of a dul, but it n died nut. ... A Sthl AUra. Worse than an alarm of fire at nlht U the tuetalllc couirb of croup bringing J rciwl to the household. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar ia the houe and give it at the first ain of daoper. Foley's Hooey and Tar has sared many l'itie Hvea and la the only safe prrparaltoa tor chU Uren as tt contains do opiates. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. And the- were not' married and ' thus liyed happily torrrer after. - . . Fully nine out of eyery ten cases ol rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or ctTronic rheumatism, neither of which require any Internal treatment. All that needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give tt a trtaL You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it af fords. Sold by Parson Drtif Co: E3E Watch Wake Up If you want a Lot for a Store, ,If you want a Lot for a Hotel, If you want a Lot for a Dwelling, If you want a Lot for a Factory or Railroad, If you want a Lot for a Blacksmith Shop, If you want a Lot for a Barber Shop, : . If you want a Lot for a Carpenter Shop, If you want a Lot for a Large Livery Stabe, If you want a Lot for Any Purpose, -In a growing town with rock foundation And grit in its craw, ' We have the most desirabe ones. Best Located & Host Convenient toftailroad Depot in Town fOR CASH OR ON TIME Will Assist You in Building House, if Desired. Large, Most Beautiful Lot For College FREE to Any Church or Reputable Person. Ansonville Real Estate Company A. H. RICHARDSON, President and treasurer. Wadesboro The' past year has been the most prosperons in the his Vour deposits are. secured a9 follows: in Every Community Ve Find Peoph Who want the beat pianos, and will not be per.-uaded by asett? (.r fake advertising into buying a cheap or medium grade piano, i Are you one of this class or are yoa ooe of thos unfortu mte ones who take the word of any agent or relieve any adver tisement, and becinse you do not -know the diff.rvnce anl think you have learned, buy a Cheap piano? . -D.v you really know what constitutes a fine piano? If you do, you buy a Soeff or Shaw; if you don't the name Mtieff or Shaw is all you need to know. . The piano will be perfect, and elity-apveu years experience ia behind our guarantee. Write today. WKITK TODAY. Chas. M; Stieff , - Maker of the 'Artistic' Stieff," Shaw and Stieff Self-player Pianos. Southern Wareroom: , - . - - .- f 9 W.Tradi Street, Charlotte - - N. C. H. WILM0TH. ' " MaaaaKH. . (Mention thli paper) Notice. ' The J. tl Fox Barber Shop is strain open to the public. We have purchased the J L. Fox barbershop, situated in the city of Wadesboro, and the same is now open lo the public. . Your patronage is solicited. - - ' Respectfully, - - - A. C. HARMON, - - - : C. EL THOMAS. This Feb. 10. 1910. 3B3E S50.000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 $135,000.00 Ansonville Directors: -. C. M. Burns. H. Haynie. K. W. Ashcraft; Geo. W.Huntley. W. Henry Liles.H. W. Little. B. G. Covington. L. J. Huntley, F. C. Allen, P. R. Bennett, L. D. Robinson. -r" i and fifty dollars In cc to ', a ilia r