) r Izzzcnzcr & Intelligencer U lUKNIIORO, N.IC Marrh 94. IftlO. JAS. Q. BOYLIN. Publisher. Printed trice a twk, and entered as pfroiwlciM matter, December C, 1S09, at the pout office at Wadesboro, N. 0 under tue Act of March 3, 1879. - Darlne the bad weather of !ast month the roads in many' sections of Adbod were almost impassible. Thh condition is liable, and likely, to re cur at any time there is a rainy spell. There is an inexpensive and, from alt reports, a sure way of keeping our roads in splendid condition. Per sons who have traveled over sections of road, worked by Messrs. W. S. Watklns and P. L. flough with their drags, on mail rout No. 3 out of Vadesboro, report that the road is so greatly improved that it is bard to believe that only a drag was used in working it Mr. A. S. P. Smith, carrier on this rout, has a communi cation in this issue of the Messlnger and Intelligencer, commending the splendid work done by the road drag which should be read by every person in the county interested in bet-. , ' ter roads. By the way, would it not be a good idea for the board of county commis sioners to authorize the making o t drags to be placed in the hands "of road overseers in the county. We aie informed that they cost very little and are not difficult to use. If the . drag'will do half as well as those who have seen it work say It will one hundred times the amount of money . they would cost could not be spent to better advantage. POLKTON LOCALS. Dr. L. C. Smith, who spent last week In a Charlotte hospital, has re turned home Improved in health and strength. , " ' Mr. J. W. McOollum, after a crit ical ilineas of several weeks' dura tion, is able to be about again. J. VV. Gales, Esq., our affable mayor, is suffering with rheumatism which has tollowed a severe attack of grippe. Prof. V. P. Humbert has been wrestling with malaria chills and kindred affections for several weeks, but judging by the way he Is .hand ling a Dixie plow these bright days, he has ipassed "beyond the reach ol these Irksome troubles aad is prepar ing to help make tbe 1910 cotton and corn crops record breaking ones. 1 - Mr. Mitchell Duke, one of our bright young men, has been sorely afflicted with acute rheumatism for some time. Hia condition is some what improved this week. Our farmers are now busily engag ed in the fertilizer industry. The pleasant weather and good roaos are helping to lighten the task. The road force is now doing con structive work in the Brown creek swamps. After paasing the creek, Polkton end of the road will be prac tically completed "Progress" begs leave to suggest to the overseers in charge of the roadto plant the wild honeysuckle vine on all embank-, ments that might be likely to wash during floods. One hand could plant each section in a day or two, and weeks ot future labor may be saved. "A stitch in time saves nine." Polkton High School closed last Friday with appropriate and inter esting exercises after a most prosper ous session. On Friday afternoon, the literary address was made by Rev. R. M. Mann, of Wadesboro. Mr. Mann is an able and entertaining speaker, v His theme was "Life." and his vivid and impressive picture of what real life is, and is not, show ed the skill of a master hand. The speaker was eloquent without at tempting to be so. His addreas could readily be followed by every think ing child yet it contained thought that would fire the orator's blood, or "spread wide the poet's fanciful pin s it ... ujus. iw?v Mann's visit to our SOUTH CAROLINIAN SHOOTS UP TRAIN. After Killing Prtr mm B. A O. Trala J. H.StthnUcki Hlma.ir la TaJIcf aadDtflciArriit.' ' vv ilmingtonv Del., March 23. An exciting battle in which three men were killed took, place on a north bound Baltimore A Ohio. train this afternoon. The fight began at New ark, Del., and ended in this city. Several persons were wounded in the deadly affray, which occurred at the Delaware Avenue station here fol lowing the arrival of the r train at 5:17 o'clock. . ; ; The dead: O. E. Wellman, aged 4ft, of Philadelphia, conductor of the train: Samuel Williams, agel! 50, ne gro; pullman porter, whose home is said to have been in Jersey City; J. H. Bethea, aged 40, of Dillon, S. C. The injured: John O. Wiley, aged 40, a park guard of Wilmington, Del. shot in the hand and leg. Matthew Haley, a Citizen of Wil mington, shot In the leg. Others were grazed hyjlylng bul lets. - '- :- CAUSE OF TRAGEDY. The triple tragedy was the result of an altercation between Bethea. who was a passenger, and Williams, the porter in the pullman parlor car, Mercury. The car was bound from Washington to Jersey City. Bethen, who had been drinking heavily, shot the porter through the heart, killing him instantly. When Conductor Wellman saw the porter fall be ran to the scene to remonstrate with the passenger, who still held the smoking (revolver in bis hand, Be thea fired a second shot into the ne gro's body. Then without a word Bethea shot Wellman through the heart. The ' conductor fell dead in his tracks. When the desperado fired the conductor threw up his right arm to protect himself. The bullet struck his arm and enntinninp nlnor tnrougn nis ooay and lodged in hi u eari. . BARRICADES HIMSELik. Before the Dasseneers-could inter. fere the double murderer barricaded himself in the toilet room .ot the Pullman car : and threatend to kill the first one who approached. - Meanwhile t.he train reached Wil mington. When it come into the station a hurry call was sent to the police station and a squad of patrol raen headed by Captains Kane and Evans and reenforced by park guards and a pussee of citizens and train men ran to the scene. Several of the doI icemen had armed themselves with shot guns, and, just as Bethea fired the last shot, Police Captain Evans fired a load of Hhot into his face. Fotwithstanding this injury, he kept blazing away. Pa trolman Boughman opened fire with a piatol and struck Bethea in the right arm. The desperate man tried to fire again, but Sergeant Kelleher opened fire and also managed to spring upon Bethea. When the po lice took hold of him he fell dead in the arms of a patrolman. THE ROAD DRAG AGAIN. WAS WELL-TO-DO COOTHACTGR. Dillon. S. C March 23 Jnhn Ron. ry Bethea, who today killed two men on a Baltimore & Ohio train and was afterwards killed, was a well-tn-rtr. contractor and a mamber of a promi- A n 11 W m .. uui ooum lurouna tamily. Helen here Monday for Johas Hopkins HORDltal. Baltimore, nhuro an operation to curr him of a Jong dtanuing aisease was to he performed. When he left here he seemed nerfVvt.- ly rational. It is that brooding over ui pnyaiwu irouDie anected his mind. New shipment of ladies nuiia triu .4 u rv . g- i . oi me jjry .uooua JO.'a store. From Birmingham Sebaal. Dear Editor: I will have to write a few lines to let you and and the aear reaaers or your good paper know we are uoi an aeaa yel as to what me lime novs and PirlD.sro rintn The old folks are a little banlrvam dui iney will come vet with a im.i perseverance. Thev hav m I . ,,. ' 6"V teacner, iaiss Eugenia Byrd, andoth good ladies such as M. Rn crancx I .If. w BW Jt l tie interested in them. We certainlv LuuBb k.ivc uiein nrmsa rnr nnr nroii X " M. VT Vll aomgs, for such is right. Praise the ooat mat carries us. We lOVe tO DM thPOA aruvt r.on1 town won tor him the sincerest friend- children of the conntv. fnr u,hnn Jl niwp uuu rBgaru oi our people. . I were ooys tnose good Birming- At night, an entertainment consist- .ST people, our fathers and grand ..... - . fathers. could ?o to thpm hofnpo k.ui-. "'8 " - uuuuguen, reciiaxions, aecia- raaf n 27 v"1 matlnn and m,,lnn,a k iW fo,UUO and De .v. K1cu uy Lim i Li!K irir nrpn trja at anrt nntk n. u pupils. J The work was excellently Their children and we childroA wen done. There was that type of P181 wgetner.. when we -would commendable zeal and rivalry which Xvr DUaf ,we kew where to go . . . . . We would Dlav and thun crr fr Tvrth Humuiaies w nonest and successful er Marv ir.tnir "XJuwr" . i j v vjioSuuiiiiiLiifr t-nnw endeavor. Every production showed and I tell me eneci oi carerui training and pa- "g gotju to eat; and such is the case item study. The attendance was good very large at night. Never in the memory of the writer was a more orderly crowd seen In our town. AI though the program was long, yet there was no misbehavior. Score one In favor of Polkton. - -'Progress. or off . i Ctood Friday. Correspondence of tho M. & L - iuo unsuau world. In evpr country and in every age, have ob served this day as a solemn fast a day of prayer and Imedltation whrn it U good for a man to consider how much his salvation cost, even the life of the Son of God. It is most reason able that we - should do this. We keep several days (In this ourIand) of remembrance. Let us as Chris tians observe as holy the day on which Christ died for us sinners. He prophetically said:' "Is it nothing to you all ye that pass bye, behold and our t e a. ' Ht e ji mere was any sorrow like un . . - w . u uiy aurrow." Ja IT SOTHJNfl TO now. You let Miss Genie Byrd MissCorrie Byrd eet hold nf n.h in in es and l tell vnn it 2a A9 to what we will fir. in ha AAn test we can't uuiug mi mai we can. we love to read the good newsnf irhut ;pr- - utuci- ent schools are doing, jjut we certain ly would love to see Kirminham nnmo tn tha - fmnt TIT. . iiuui y o are wphk- butwe hope to eradnallv crnar stmnn. i i- . IT. " ". luruuga me neip oi tnese good ladles the MiSSeS Bvrd. Mra. f.itllaanH 1 I .w -mm w aUU liUII dreds of others. We cant sav half wim we wouiu gay it we bad time, but we must plow some. . ,- - Well, in mnolnalnn 1 box party the little folks had with Miss Eugenia Bvrd last Fridav nl?ht Was a COmDletA anomaa Thulr li(H boxes brought the $8 or $ 10, which Will be a encu t hlnw " "tjwuT en joyed themselves nicely, v , ie" you tney could do well in this placfrifeverybody was not afraid lie WOUld do BOmpthinor ttv . w w DUiilO UUO else. 'That ia tha M ... . UUUU4D with all of os, Mr. Editor. : opeaxing or the cream separator, if otnuui was , in win It - then Da Good health la impossible when there Is any (Vrangement of the digestive organs. i o!i ; a Orino Laxative Is a natural rem- I-.I.7 f r stomach, livsr and bowel troubles. 11 i.-'.i diction, stimulates the liver, and :: ' l.:l.Jttiui isonstlpation.. Pee Dee would be more seDaraterl than o a. now, so we will have to do the best we can. , " - We will Save to clnw. fnr fiF thta . -. .? uuu3 wm worry tne ; good readers. Pardon us for this lono- iPtior inn iia. ten out for " . , ,j , ; - Birmingham Srhool. New embroidered collar fnr lariiaa Just why every road overseer in the county does not nse a road drag raworklng the roads is strange to me. One can be made at practically do ex pense. Surely they do not know the real benefit they are in working the roads, or they would hot work the roads - without one." Everybody knows what a deplorable condition the roads of the county have been In for the last six months. In some places almost impassible; such was the condition of the roads over which I had to take the mails. Just to give you some idea of what can be done with the drag, I will give you a little ot my experience. Near the home of Mr. J. E. Gray was a piece of road 800 yards long so bad that I had to take to the fields and woods to get along. On Wednes day last I met Mr. W. S. Watklns with his team and road drag just be yond that bad place. Mr. Watklns told me that he was going to fix the road so that I could pass over it in a trot the next day, and while I knew the drag would do wonderful work, 1 doubted if it could be done, the road was so very bad. But sure enough. next day the road was so smooth and nice I went over it in a fast trot with comparative ease. In fact some parts of the road would be a credit to the streets of Wadesboro, and to my own knowledge no work has been done only with the drag. No one who has not tried the drag or seen one at work, has but a faint idea the good one will do when properly managed. Mr. P. L. Hough has one that he; tried for the first time on his road and it did wonderful work. He says he can do more and better work with his iteam and drag than he could with fifty negroes in the old way. There are others who are making drags on my route that means better roads for me. Every section of road in the coun ty should have one of these drags, even if the county has to pay for it. Compulsion, by the county, to use the drags in working the roads ought to be enforced, at least every three months. A. S. P. Smith, R. F. D. Carrier. Fully nine out ofevery ten cases of rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any Internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give it a trial. You are certain to h pleased with the quick relief which H af fords. Sold by Parsons Drue Co. IX M KM OAT OK MRS. J. M. BOKKTT. A gentle life, remembered in all its tenor by husband, little daughters, son and cMghbore is writ large la God's remembrance; a wife fall of maternity, eloquent In every feature, reposeful, glorious, has left osstao&ed by the blow. Mary Adele Boyett entered into rest eternal the 20th day of February, 1910, and Awaits on yonder summit the coming of him who is to judge tha world In right eousness everlasting. . . The daughter of James Richardson and Ann Eliza, his wife; refined in manner, countenance and speech. Full well her benevolence shone; her walk became her. High accomplish ments and the gentler elements were so wrought in her. that tbe stranger saw in them purity, virtue and holi ness. When we lose so much oat of our midst eternally bythe stroke all of us must sustain, 'we pause and in the severe economy, of words in si lence accept tbe providence. ' Bat yesterday the crystal bow was raised over 20 years of her useful life and happiness ruled the hour. Verily "All awatt the inevitable hour, Tbe paths of glorjlead bnt to tbe grave." v R. T. Bennett. Coufchs that start 1a the fall and hang on until spring are sue trouble breeders unless checked and cured. Bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption are the direct result. Foley's Honey and Tar cure the cough, stops the hard breathing and heals and soothes the tuflamed air passages. Refuse substitutes.'' Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parson Drug Co. . All colors in silk and kid gloves this week at the Dry Goods Co. store. - Everybo Jy busy as bees at the Dry Goods Co. store now. FAIR EXCHANGE Dr. W. II. Wakefield, of nharinrfo will be in Wadesboro at the National Hotel, Friday, April 8th. one dav only. His practice is limited to dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glasses. A complete stock of ladies' muslin underwear received today at the Dry utRAis co.'s store. A New Back tmw mm Old Oa Haw It Cos Urn D l WiiNktn, The baek aches at times with a dull, indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing pains shoat across the regions of the kid neys, and again the loins are so lame to stoop Is agony. No use to rub or apply a plaster to the back' In this condition. You cannot reach the cause. Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one. Wadesboro residents would do well to profit by the following example. Mrs. J S. "McDufBe, McLanren Ave., Laurinburg, N. C, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they helped me wonder fully. I suffered a great deal, from dull, nagging backaches, often accompanied by pains in my kidneys. It was bard forme to stoop or lift and at times I felt so tired and languid that I could hardly do my house-work. Since using Doan's Kidney Pills, the backaches have ceased, I have been able to rest well and felt better in every way." In return for the benefit I have received, I reoomend Doan's Kldaev Jin u a rename reuwwj. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mltburn Co., Buffalo, mew xora, soie agents tor the United States. Kemember the name Doan's and take no other. r 18 rolls Barb Wire. 4 Oliver Goober Plows 2 No 71 Chattanooga Plows 1 18 inch Disc Reversible Harrow 1 Carthage top buggy ' 1 No. 1 Cole Cotton Planter 1 Success Cotton Seed Crusher 1- Tyson 8c Jones Buggy 1 18-20 Ohio Disc Harrow 1 Ohio Stalk Cutter 1 No. 15 Sergeant Saw Mill 1 48 inch Hoe Saw 1 No. 17 Chattanooga Middle Burster 1 Cole Double Foot Distributor 10 Avery Fertilizer Distributors 1 Nissen Wagon 1 Columbian Buggy and Harness 3 Cole Fertilizer Distributors 1 No. 13 Oliver Plow 2 rolls .Wire Fence 3 rolls Wire Fence 1 Myers Pump , ? , I 65 feet Well Casing 5 rolls Fence Wire 1 Spike Tooth Harrow ; 2 Anvils 1 Bellows 2,500 pounds Plow Steel 1 Champion Forge 8 Boy Dixie Plows 1 f T mm I have bought at a Sacrifice Sale a large stock of Clothing; Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Underwer, Overalls, etc, and a general line of Gent's Fur nishings. I will place these goods on sale at the H. D. Pinkston old stand, next door to the Gathings Furn. Co., next Saturday morning, - March the 26th, at prices lower than ever before shown in Wadesboro. ' WIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. DO WT JISS IT. Everything New, This Season's Goods. A store of bright, new, snappy merchandise bought for the spot cash and sold for spot cash. Nothing charged to any one. Note the following prices and then come and see if we are telling you the truth: SHIRTS & UNDERWEAR CLOTHING $20.00 Suits 18.00 " 15.00 " 12.50 " 10.00 " .... 7.50 " 5.00 " $13.95 11.95 10.50 8.95 6.95 4.75 3.95 A big line of Knee Pant Suifs from $1.48 to $4.00. worth from $2.00 to f6.00. A big line of Men's Pants at prices to surprise you. SHOES. $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes... 4.00 Pat. Blu. " . 3.00 Tan " 3.00 Pat. Leather " ... 2.50 Gun Metal " 2.00 Gun Metal " . . 1.50 Gun Metal " LADIES SHOES $3.50 Shoes 2.50 " . . 2.25 " . . 2.00 1.50 " . 1.25 A big line Men's and Ch3dren Shoes and Oxfords. $4.35 3.49 2.48 2.50 1.85 1.45 98 S2.98 1.89 1.68 1.48 Work Shirts and Overalls. 50c Work Shirts. 38c. 10 dozen 50c Work Shirts, slightly damaged, your choice for 25c. - 10 dozen $1.00 Overalls to go at 85c. A good 50c Overall for 29c. Only 2 pairs to a customer. $1.50 Dress Shirts ... 1.00 " 1.00 Soft Negligee Shirts.... 50 Soft Negligee Shirts.... A good 50c Shirt 50c. Underwear in long and Short Sleeve.. 35c. Gauze Shirt 1 5c. Gortiss Coon Collars 1 5c Arrow Brand Collars 10c Collars.... The prettiest line of Ties ever shown in Wadesboro, at only A nice 25c Tie for.. $1.39 65 85 38 25 45 25 10 10 5 25 15 10 dozen 50c Overalls to go in at 29c per pair. Only 2 pairs to a customer. The Lest $1.00 Overall on the market to go at 85c. 200 dozen "Arrow Brand" and Corliss-Coon Col lars in this sale for 10c each, or $1.10 per dozen. These collars sell for 15 the world over. A good 10c Collar for 5c each. Nothing sold until Saturday, as we will be busy receiving this stock and arranging for the sale. DO NOT FORGET THE DATE S47UHOAY, WtGll TljE 26T11. POT Tho Yellow Front R. T. ASHCRAFT'S STORE Next to Gathings Furn Co. BIG LOT OF SAMPLE HATS AT 0C HALF PRICE. The above is just one day's sales of farm implements. There is no question but what our farmers are waking up to the fact that we must use improved agricultural imple ments. And they are buying the best brands thev can tfet. Our snipe W Q . this month are gointf to he the lartf. est in the history of our business. - 1 11 IMMHHHMia . GUARANTEED Horses and Mules This means that with every Mule or horse we sell we give a guarantee tor refund the money if the animal is not as we represent it. Arrived Friday A car load of fine Horses and -Mules. Come and see them. You will like them, and will find just what you want. The prices are right. UcilBslJoro Live Stock Go. T. L. HUNTLEY. Manager. CFESIP Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema without being materially benefitted that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and that .. ; - Hobson's Eczema Ointment will effect a cure is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, who for many years was a "citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: "This is to certify that for nine years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it. but without effect. But after a few applications of Hobsons Eczema Ointment I was completely cured. ..y WILSON. "Thoraasville, N. C. Feb. 22, 1910." We sell Hobson's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee. If it does not effect a cure yo get your money back. PlQSOpS DQUq GOP'py. IV JOc, 15c and 25c at the Ensy Cor - i-.i ,,i I" Co. r-T. ... u