10 rv :fl:l u t i tp- yMBWii w 1 , a mi, hi urn mukmmh! ; , MW8Ma rA- - - - - - . -W-7r i I 11 x3 ! . . til I I I ? i' - -. , - . - - - - , - mi i rri i - - r i 1 JAS. O.OrXINl?rrOEATOBEISHEB ; I s PTTBLlSIIED3IONDAYSAXDTntrKSDAYS C1.00 A TEAK, DUE IN ADVAirCIi Volume 27 k-:'-I Wadesboro, N. C.,, Thursday, March 31, 1910 . Number 36 FATHER 80- MOTHER 76 The aged father and mother of a prominent Boslon lawyer safely carried through the last two winters by The son says: " My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to' Vinol. During the last two trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were able ' to walk- farther- and" do more than for years." I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard of." We want every feeble old person In this town to try Vinol. We will return their money without question U It does not accomplish all we claim lor it. fOX & LYON, Druggists, Wadesboro. DANCERS MEET DEATH,- j A (fNlT) fl a I i - VWm rl X r ;V-Vf r The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, baa borne the signature of i and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in inis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA : Casterla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parev) goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO Bears the Signature of TIie.M You Haye Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. th ctu mpMt. irr mt tmw. mtm v fry. DON'T GHEAT ; LAND YOUR It is a bright idea to mix your own fertilizer at home, and save all factory profit and save the cost. of the fertilizer tag. ' Why are there any fertilizer factories, anyhow? Looks like every good . farmer should run his own fac tory. But then he can't do it to the best advantage. He is obliged to leave most of the work of weighing and mixing the ingredients to farm laborers, and they are not trained to such work. It is impossible to perfectly mix fertilizers by hand. If all the ingredients are not perfectly blended, one plant will get all the phosphate and another all the potash, and still another all the ammonia; and none of them will be properly nourished, But how about the cost of that tag? The tag is the state government's guarantee that the fertilizing el ements are there in certain proportions, and properly mixed. The tag is one of the best parts of the fertilizer. Keeps You From Cheatinq Your Land. If you mix your own ingredients, any old way will do. You have to giwe your poor old , patient farm a square deal if you by the brands of The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Factories at Wadesboro, Gibson and Monroe? DEALEE8: T. V. Ilardlson & Co., Morven O. A. Martin, Morven J. E. Moore A Co., Morven J. C. Marsh A Co., Polkton T. A. Home, J. C- Marsh & Co., J. L. Austin, D. H. McGregor, The Northcutt and Braswell Company, McFarlan. Lilesville Marahville Wingate Ruby, S. C. Between Tfcra mm Faar Haadrad DiiMriflMl DcatBlaaa Haagarlaa Tiki mad a Score Otaers trt 8ert aalr Baraed. Mate-Szilka,Hungary,March 28. The village of Oekoerito and the ad jacent districts have been thrown into mourning by a terrible disaster which occurred at the: former place last night and which resulted in the death of between 300 and 400 persons and the serious iDjury of 100 more. T A public ball Was announced to be held at the hotel of the village, where the coach house had been fitted up as a ball room. It was a great barn like structure, decorated with tinder dry pine branches left from a previ ous entertainment to which were added other decorations and Chinese lanterns. ; The testfvity attracted pleasure seekers from the whole sur rounding country, and the building was so packed just before the ball commenced that the single door which afforded entrance and exit was nailed up to prevent the admittance of Bcore who clamored outside. . PIKE BRANCH CATCHES FIRE. While the dancing was in full swing a pine branch caught fire and fell to the floor, it blazed furiously and almost instantly the dresses of several of the women burst into flames, which spread with astonish ing rapidity. A dreadful panic en sued, the revelers losing their beads completely. Many of them, with flames shooting out of their garments,- rushed towards the barred door, where a surging mass was jam med together. Women and men fell and were trampled under foot. ThoBe in front vainly endeavored to tear j open the door but were crushed help lessly by the pressure of the crowd behind. The roaring and crackling of the flames mingled with the de spairing shrieks of the doomed throng. ; i A PEW CASES. When the door was finally broken open, some lew persons eBcapea, dui most of these collapsed before they got far. "Inside the building were heaps of charred corpses, and heart rending screams and groans were still audible irom the smoking piles. A detachment of troops was imme diately ordered to the scene to clear the wreckage and hely bury the dead. The official estimate as given to night states that 290 persons perish- i ed. but it is believed that the total death-roll will prove much larger than this, as many persons haven't been accounted for. 1 - r . -, l j i l ; - . . 4 '3-1 ' : i' ili ! ' I f- :s A . ..'J' y- 11 ' K f. n s i - l - --4 , ' ft De Laval Cream Separator, operated by Frank Paul Boylin, and Davis Swing s Churn, operated by Betsy Brandon Boylin, aged 5 years The separator is similar to the one given away in the M. & I. contest, and is the best on the market. HOW MAMMY WAS TEMPTED. Bt Rosa Milks Vn Rn?ER. Among the many stories Mammy used to tell us in the early evening around the nursery fire just before , ' Wa.re Baaw Bird Cai Frm. Monro JonrnaL What boy knows where the snow bird Jcomes from? They are quite plentiful here In the winter but they lea ve before spring comes. The ques tion of whence they come in the fall E?5 IS 1Z l" i - -I "ey go in 6pri-g ha, in- Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets are safe, sure and reliable, and have beeu praised by thousands of women who i have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. Uot a.n Injunction. "I call this the limit." "How now?" "A young cub has enjoined me from in terfering with his attentions to my daugh ter." Doan's Regnlets cure constipation, tone the stomach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetite and eaiy passages i nf t.h bowels.. Ask your druggist lor them. 25 cents a box. ' Y ; h ) Stops Lameness Much of the chronic lameness , in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not al lowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first sign of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieves the soreness : limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant. Here's the Proof. ' Mr. G. T. Robert of Resaca, Ga., R.F.D. No. i, Box 43, writes : "I hava ied your Liniment on a hone for rwea ney and effected a thorough cur. I al io removed a spavin on a mule. This apavin -was a large as a guinea egg. In my estimation the best remedy for lame ness and soreness is Sloan's Liniment JJ JOHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney ad Counsellor-at-Law ' and Beat Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N.C. AH legal business will have prompt and painstaking attention. Your sales and purchases of real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to ma. WU1 also rent or lease your town property and farm ing lands and collect the rent tor the same Oolueover Wadesboro Clothing & Shoe Company's Store. V7. F. Gray d. d. s. (OFJCE IN SMITH 4 DUNUP BL'DG) Vc '!:cro,N. C. H. IL MoLkndoh - P. El Thomas. . McLendon & Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W . WADESBORO, N. C. All Business will Receive Prompt Attention. PHONE 61. Die BOYETTE, Dentist. OOce up stairs over Tomlinson's drug tore. I a. . i i t . j, 2 r, C. Mr. H. M. Gibbs, of Lawrence, Kant., R.F.D. No. 3, writes: "Your Lini ment is the best that I have ever used. I had a mare with an abscess on her neck . and one 50c. bottle of Sloan's Liniment entirely cured her. I keep it around all the time for galls and small swellings and for everything about the stock." Sloan's Liniment win lull a spavin, curb or splint, re duce wind puffs and swollen joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. Price 6O0. and $1.00 SlMWl tMt kwui, r Kttl. ikMp M poultry . AMnu back to sin after bad joined tbe church. ' We would settle ourselves on low chairs or stools around her and she would clasp her hands and roll up her eyes as she rocked her body back and forth and talked In a low subdued voice. . "After we had a great feast of the spirit," said she, 4de Lord telled me it was time to come in an' do his work, so I jined de church, and it was sho de happies' day of my life when I felt sartln I had got 'llgion an my soul was sabed." I was "d at bppy I could do twls' de work I did befo', 'case my heart wuz light an' I 'jes sung de praises ob de Lord all de time. "But one night I forgot to lock de kltchln do', an' wuz clar down to my cabin befo' I 'membered 'bout it, so I sot de supper 1 had brung feraaddy onto the table an' started back up to de big bouse. De moon wuz er shin in' as bright as day, an' when l wuz gwine up through the sweet ta ter patch. I felt somethin' touch me tweeu de shoulders. I was studyin' 'bout dat supper an' de col chicken an' ham an' puddin' lef frum dinner an' hopln' none of dem little niggeiB would find it, so had clean forgot ter sing an' pray, so when I felt dat touch I kinder drawd in ray back an' felt skert like, den a voice said: 'Ju dy, I want you.' I looked aroun' an' dar right at ray back was ole Satan wid his : long ears and forked tail trail in' after him, an' his long fin gers wld da crooked nails like claws, an' his coven feets, an hla eyes wuz like two balls ob ffre an' de amoke er puffin' outen his mouf. I Via re 'fo Ood, I wuz dat scart I jest heeled 11 up dat path 'tween de tater rows fer 'bout 20 yards, an' dat ole devil right arter me. Then I thort ob de Lord, an' 1 turned an' iacea oie satan an sa id: 3it thee behin' me, satan, fer L'se a chile of God an' don't want nothinl mo' to do wid you,' and he jes swunK er way, an' 1 raised my voice an' sung as loud as I could I ng: ' 'Ise gwine home ter glory, Glory,, glory be ter God. Ise gwine home ter glory, In de way dat Jesus t rod. ': ' '"Yes, dear Lord I am thy child, Glory; glory be ter God. Then guide me on wid thy smile, In de path de saints hab trod. " 'Ise gwine home ter glory, Glory, glory be ter God. . , Ise gwine home ter glory, kr , j In de way dat Jesus trod.1 " "An' when I arrived at de kitchen do, satan was an' a great white robed j angel reached out Its nan' an' shet the do' fer me. An' chi liens, de an gel of de Lord had shet out de sin, an' satan's 'fluence was gone." By the time she finished, we three would be so close to her she ' would have her arms around us ail, and we i could imagine the room was full of goblins and the air blue with brim- stone, but that ' hymn sung in her high nasal tone would seem to dispel i the evil and peace and sleep would come at the same time, and our child ish minds would ; be soothed into dreamland by the melody of (to us) tbe sweetest voice in the world, next to Mamma's, as she sung lower jrad softer: .;;. -' f ; ;-. 'Ise gwiue home ter glory, Glory, glory be ter God. , J Ise gwine home ter glory, ,J In de way dat Jesus trod." - ? Taylor-Trot wood, terested Capt. W. L. liowe, of Mon roe, since he waB a boyand on lately reading an article in the Saturday Evening Post on migratory birds' he wrote to that paper for information. His question .was referred to Mr. it. Dean, president of the Audubon So ciety of Illinois, and Capt Howie re ceived a letter from that gentleman. Mr. Dean says that the snow bird passes north early in tbe spring and breeds tin northern Minnesota, Wis consin and Canada, and early last summer it was found breeding in the southern peninsula of Michigan. In his "Stories of Bird Life," Prof. T. Gilbert Pearson, president of the North Carolina - Audubon Society, says: "The Junce (snow bird) is found over .North America east or the Rocky Mountains - In the southern part of its range it comes only as a winter visitor. In the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina it is a resident the entire year. And so when the warmth of Bummer comes the enow birds of all the Southland retire to the North, except those which go up Into the higher moun tains to nest." Deafaeea Csaasl s Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucuous lining of tbe Eustachian Tube.- When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear ing, and when It is entirely closed, Deaf ness Is the result, and unless the Inflama tlon can be taken out and this tube re' stored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ton are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ' ....... We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CIIT1NEY & CO., Toledo, O, Sold by DruggLtts, 75. Take Hall's Family rills for constlpa tion. . Rldlealee Peetra mt CaaC Sir Robert Ball, the astronomer, In an address on Hailey's comet deliv ered at Cambridge University last week, again referred to the needless fear with which the approach of the comet was viewed by a rood many people. There was no cause for anxiety at all, he said. There was just as much chance of a collision between the nu cleous of the comet and the arth as there was of the Empire State Ex press from New York to Chicago running down the night mall from London to Edinburgh. Those who were alive in 1861 spent a couple of hours In the tall of tbe comet, and none were any tbe worse for it The greatest inconvenience he had heard of was caused to a cler gyman who, although It was a mid summer evening, was compelled by ue curious haze that Drevailed tn ight candies In his church in order that be might preach. me comet might be truly called the spectre of the skies, for the great est part of Its bulk was of the intan gible and transparent material that one associated with ghosts. The eom- et appeared at the critical moment of the battle of Hastings, and but for Its advent and the disheartening effect that It had on the English troops the Norman conquest might never have been achieved. The earth would pass through tbe tall of the comet about May 18, and afterward the comet would appear as a new evenrng star. CAROLIUA-VIRGINIA BASEBALL GA1IE IS CHARLOTTE. Charlotte, N. C, March 23. The University of Virginia and the UnL verslty of North Carolina Base-Ball Teams will cross bats in Charlotte April 9h, for the Championship tn College base ball for tbe south. This Is the first time athletic teams repre renting the respective Universi ties have ever met in the Queen City.- Tbe greatest Interest possible Is be ing taken by every one In this Im portant college athletic contest. Char lotte is easily the best equipped city between Richmond and Atlanta to entertain the teams of these large universities and the thousands of vis itors from all parts of the two states that will come here to witness the game.. . Great preparations are being made' to entertain this game and the crowd. Already arrangements have been made to have the elty fittingly and - appropriately decorated with both university colon and music will be furnished by several of the near by bands. Charlotte has the 'hotel facilities to accommodate all who may come, .the quickest and most comfor table car service to be found, and the best diamond and the largest and most commdious bleachers, grand stand, and ball park In the state. The i game Is being systematically advertised in every city, town and village within a radius of a hundred miles of Charlotte and all local papers trill carry special notices of the game and the entertainment which Char lotte wfii furnish those who attend. The lovers of the game In this sec tion have long wanted the game to come to Charlotte and a feast royal la io store for them. There will be no doll moments something doing all tbe i time. In the evening a dance will be giv en, complimentary to the two teams of tbe Universities and the out of town guests. Tbe best of music will be furnished for the dance and refresh ments will be served during the even ing. Reduced rates, on all roads enter ing the city, have been .applied for. Tickets will be good until midnight Sunday of tbe 10th. . Saturday Is an Ideal day, being a half holiday aud an Immense crowd Is expected. You can meet your friends here and we want you to come and be our guest on that day. Other and important announce ments will be made later through tbe Charlotte dally papers and the local county papers In all sections of tbe State.- Watch for them. in the meantime be making your arrangements to come and bring your friends. (pANDY perfec- . tion far 25. years has been ex-, pressed by the name "Nunnally V on boxes of bon bons and choco lates. It is gilt-edgid security for su preme quality and perfect assortment. comes to you fresh and delicious be cause we receive express shipments almost daily. SOLD BY Parsons Drug Co. Fully nine out of;every ten cses of rheumatlsm-of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment. All that Is needed to afford relief Is tbe free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give It a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it af fords. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. Far.ai-an.rf. "With all your wealth you are not afraid of the proletariat?" aasked tbe d el ver in sociological problems. "No; I ain't!" snapped Mrs. Newrich. "We boil all our drinking water. Philadel phia Record. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets invariably bring relief to women suf fering from chronic constipation, .bead ache, biliousness, dizaioess, sallowness of tbe skin and dyspepsia. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. A NlgM Alarsa. Worse than an alarm of fire at night Is tha metallic cough of croup bringing dread to tha household. Careful mothers keep Foley's Hoaey and Tar la tba house and give it at the first sign ot danger. Foley's Honey and Tar has saved many llitla lives and Is tbe only safe preparation for chil dren as It contains no opiates. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. THE ARISTOCRAT OF THE PIANO WORLD. At home In the best . homes of the land." THE STIEFF GRAND The most blase are bound to admit that this piano leaves nothing to be desired. Consistently appropriate la the home of modest means, or the salon of opulence. Stock finishes: : Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany. Finished to order to match any other wood - -- -- -- - Come In and take a lo?k this magnificent Instrument. at Chas. M. Stiefi . MANCFACTCEER OF THE : Artistic Sricff, Shaw and Stieff Self-player Pianos. Baltimore, - - Maryland . HIm4 Hla Otafttais. A small boy in Yonkers recently became tha proud possessor ot a donkey not so handsome or so young as It might have been. . However, it answered, tbe purpose of Its acquisition, which was to afford back rides. Oae day tbe urchin was - enjoying a tide when tbe minister of tbe parish, met him. "Hallo sonny I" greeted tbe minister. "Qnlte a rare beast you bave there." "Yes;" rrpllad tbe boy. "But I suppose there a great many of 'em la tbe theologi cal gardens." Ltppincott's. - Southern Wareroom: B W. Trad. Strart, Charlotte - - N.C. C. H. WILMOTII. HAiiaca. (Mention this paper) Medicines that aid nature are always most successful. Chamberlain's Cough I Remedy acts oo this plan. It loosens tbe cough, relieves tbe lungs, opens tbe ee tious and aids nature in restoring the sys tem to a healthy condition. Sold by Par sons Drug Co. For Sale at Grass Dale Farms. Pure Bred Scotch-Topped Shorthorn Cattle Bulls, Cows and Heifers. These cattle will be sold at very moderate prices. eonalderlng breeding ana lavtduauty. Write or come and see S. B. CARPENTER, Rwt 1, Aosonville, H. C. Wanted. A young man with fair education and pleanant address, and who is a reasonably good judge of the value of property In An son county. Good salary and permaaeat position to tbe right man.' You seed not trouble yourself to apply unless yon are wiUlng to bustle for business. Address Lock Box, ITS, Wadesboro, N.C Er. Tarl S. T 'Tton, Cloas, V.t.A. Torturing " eczema spreads its burning area every day. Doan's Ointment quickly I stopslts spreading, instantly relieves the itching... cures it permanently. At any r The Bank of fi7 V'V v commenced business in September, 1902. - ; . ' tory of the institution. The past year has been the most prosperous in the his Your deposits are secured as follows; Capital Stock - - - Stockholders Liability Surplus and Undivided Profits Total - - $50,000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 $135,000.00 The bank's i career, under the management of Mr. T. J. Covington as president, was most prosperous, and our new president, L. D. Robinson, desires to thank the old patrons of the bank for the loyal manner in which they have stood by the institution since he was elected to that position. The motto of this bank will be to accomnodate its friends and patrons to the fullest extent consistent wiih good business management. M Officers: L. D. ROBINSON. President. F. C. ALLEN, Vice President. C. M. BURNS, JR.. Cashier. ADAM LOCnART.Ass'tCash. We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits. The Savings Department has paid over $2tCC3 annually in interest. We colic? it your accounts. Directors: C hL Burns, 11. liayrus, K. V. Ashcraft. Geo. W. Huntley. W. Henry Liles.H. V. Little. B. G. Covington. L. J.Huathy, F. C Allen, P. R. Bennett. L. D. Robinson.

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