- ---Jr:: TOP Kyi rl 1 if J AS. G. BOYLIX, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND TIIUTJSDAYS $1.00 A YEAH, DUE IN ADVANCE Volume 27 . Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, April 21, 1910 Number 42 2LDER HEWRYCUNWIWGHAni ,'. . s After taking two bottles I regained my strength, and am now feeling unusually welL" HENRY .CUNNINGHAM. Elder Baptist Church, Kinston, N.C. . Vnol contains the two most world-famed tonics- the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Vinol contains no oil, and is by far the Best Strengthening Tonic obtainable, a We return your money without question ITvlnol does not accomplish all we claim for it. FOX & LYON, Druggists Wadesboro Order Fertilizer Today; Get It Tomorrow. We have a perfectly equipped fertilizer factory right in Wadesboro, and we are ready to deliver all fertilizers on a moment's notice. When you order from a distance, you never know when you wil receive the goods. Cotton planting, as well not wait. Telephone Your Orders To . The Southern Cotton 07 Co. Wadesboro POULTRY- ': .... - i . I have 125 rolls of Poultry Wire that I will sell at a price that must move it. If you are going to build a garden fence or a chicken yard you should not neg lect this opportunity of getting your wire at a substan tial reduction. ,r fW7 IfjpLEfJEfJTS My stock of Plows and ments is complete, and the I still deal in W. II SCZEEKA Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema without being materially benefitted, that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and that Hobson's Eczema Ointment; will effect a cure is shown by the . following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, who for many years was a - citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: N , . "This is to certify that for nine years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it, but without effect. But after a few applications of Hobson's Eczema Ointment I was completely cured. " "V. WILSON. "Thomasville, N. C, Feb. 22, 1910." ' We sell Hobson's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee. If it does not effect a cure yo get your money back. pfi$0p$ DRUQ COP'fJY- JOHN T BENNETT ATTORN KY-AT-L AW. All legal business will receive prompt "attention. Ofllce In the last room on the riht in the court house for the present. It being the room heretofore occupied by Bennett & Bennett, Attorneys. W F. Gray, d. d. s. (OFICS IN SMITH & DUNLAP Bli'DQ) Vadesborc N. C. All Operations Warranted " 'Recommends': ' For Weak, IUm-Down People. I was run down and'weak from indigestion and general debility, also suffered from vertigo. ' I saw a cod liver preparation called Vinol adver tised and decided to give it a trial; and the results were most gratifying. as Time and Tid e, can Branch. S3! all sorts of Farm Imple- prices are right. , Fancy Groceries. JOHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N: C. All legal business will have Dromct and painstaking attention. Your sales and purchases of real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to ice. Will also rent or lease yonr town pronertv and farm Ing lands and collect the rent for the same Ofilceover Wadesboro Clothing & Shoe Company's btore. . , HIRE JEMS. G1TK1.0 DR. BOYETTE, Dentist. : Office up stairs over Tomllnson's drug ttore. Phone 79. : : : Wadesboro, N. C. DEATHS IN FAMILY FEUD. Two Killed, On. Dying and Olhera Hurt la 0arc;ta Battle. Lyons, Ga., April 17. Two dead, one dying and probably one or two others slightly wounded are the fruits of a Sunday afternoon battle in a family feud of long standing late today in Emmanuel county. The dead are A. S. Collins,, a well- to-do- farmer, and his son, Wilson Collins. Marion Lewis is so badly wounded that he Is expected to die at any moment. The battle was between the families of Collin9 and Lewis, and wa3 the outcome of a dispute over a public ' road crossing. The two families re side less than a mile apart, and the county -line runs between" their homes. They met in a lane this af ternoon near the Lewis home. The members of the Collins family were armed with pistols, and two shot guns were used on the other side. Joseph Lewis, father of Marlon, is alleged to have fired the shot that ended the life of the elder Collins. The sheriffs of both Toombs and Em manuel .counties have gone to the scene of the trouble accompanied by physicians. . - As both families are well-to-dd and well known, the shooting aroused both counties. It was known ! that they were not on the best of terms. Communication with the scene of the battle can be maintained only by a rural telephone line, and details are meagre. - However, it wa3 learned that a dozen or more shots were fired and it was stated that those wounded besides Marion Lewis are not seri ously hurt. - Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Park Rapids, Minn. "I was sick for years while passing nrouerh the Chanjre of Life and was hardly able' to bo around." After tak ing six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com pound I gained 20 pounds, am now able to do my own work and feel well." Mrs. Ed. LaDott, Park Rap ids, Minn. Brookville, Ohio. "I was irregular and extremely nervous. A neighbor recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to me and 1 have become regular and my nerves are much better." Mrs. li. Kxnnison, Brookville, Ohio. . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Eound, made from native roots and erbs, contains no narcotic or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul- ceration.dispnicements,h broid tumors, irregularities, periodic nains. backache. indigestion antr nervous prostration. Jivery simenng woman owes it to her self to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- taoie uompouna a trial. If you want special advice write Mrs. Pinkhain, Lynn, Mass., for it. It is tree and always helpful. The Peace Which Passeth all understanding comes quicker whPii the obsequies have been quiet ly and tactfully conducted.; Much depends upon - The Undertaker. alay we suggest a reference to those whom we have served? It will aisciose tne cnaracter or our services more fully than we feel disposed to. We prefer to let othersspeak of our work. We respond to calls at any nour. GATHINGr S Embalrr'?r and Funeral Director. Wadesbcr, .C. Phone 41 Notice. North Carolina, Anson County. - ' In the Superior Court . Pheobe Ingram, ' . Jupiter Ingram. - UOTlt'E. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Anson county to obtain divorce from him, the said Jnpiter Ingram, from tbe bonds of matrimony existing between them, and the said defendant will further take notice that ho is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 14th Monday af ter the 1st Monday in March, 1910., at the court house of said county in Wades boro, N. C and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for tlie relief de manded in said complaint. This, 9th day of April, 1910. THOMAS C. ROBINSON, : Clerk of Superior Court. COrTON POOL UNDER EIRE. Government Alma At Tboii Rapn Ibl for High Price. New York, April 18. There will be Btarted in New York tomorrow a Federal in vestige tion without prece dent in this country. . The Attorney General of the United States has or dered an inquiry into the gigantic bull movement in cotton with which the names of James Patten of Chica go; Frank B. Hayne and William P. Brown of New Orleans and Eugene Scales of Texas have been popularly connected. : ; ' Hayne and 'Brown both appear as lefendants in the proceedings, but it could not be-learned whether Mr. Patten will be subpoenaed at Chicago to come here and testify.'''' He has been generally credited, however, with being the financial genius of the podTand in recent interviews he has outlined his bullith position and his determination to fight the supposed bear clique which has been reshipping cotton from this country to England in an endeavor to break the market. The bull movement has reached such a stage, however, that there are ru mors of a possible May corner in the New York market. ; ACTION" UNPRECEDENTED. Never before has the government brought similar action against any pool operating in the market on eith er the long or short side. Subpoenas were issued at the direction of ; Mr. Wickersham, commanding a dozen or more prominent New York cotton brokers to appear before a special Federal grand jury tomorrow to tes tify in the matter of the United States against Frank B. Hayne and William P. Brown." r ; The subpoenas demand the submis sion to the special grand jury of all records, papers, letters, memorandas and an agreement dated February 26 last by Hayne and Brown and others. The agreement, the subpoenas state, was for the purchase of 150,000 bales of cotton for delivery in New York during the months of May and July inclusive at certain prices and under certain conditions. The fixing of the prices and Jconditions, the govern ment charges was a violation of the law. j ACTION DEMORALIZES MARKET. Announcement of the government's action was followed by a very excited break in prices on theNew YorkCotton Exchange, which at one tima bade fair to result in almost as great a de moralization as that noted last Janu ary. Early In April, the market had a very severe break under heavy liq uidation and at that time there were rumors circulating that the bulls were abandoning the position, but a considerable recovery in prices Bince then suggested that the selling had been largely in the way of outaide liquidation and during the past week or ten days there have been renewed rumors of an impending squeeze. The position in the near . months at any rate has led to heavy shipments of cotton to New York for delivery on contracts and the arrivals report ed today were in excess of 23,000 bales, including nearly 11,000 bc'es from Liverpool, while Ihe stock of cotton available for delivery on con tract has already increased from about 87,000 bales to 120,000 bales. Even so, it has been apprehended in local circles that the amounts of cotton ar riving here from the south and abroad were not sufficient to completely satis fy the contracts held by the bull lead ers which have Deen estimated at 400,000 bales, and there has probably been some scattered 'buying based upon an expected successful Issue of the bull campaign. , BULL LEADERS PROFITS. The selling which followed today's threat of possible legal obstacles to bullish plans, probably represented, in a measure, tha liquidation of this scalled trailing interest. In addi tion there were undoubtedly some selling for the account of professional traders ' on the idea that legal action might force the liquidation of the bull holdings. But usually close students of trading around the local ring ex pressed the opinion after the close that the bull leaders themselves had increased rather than reduced their contract holdings, and the market ruled considerably steadier In the late trading and closed at a loss of only from 10 to 19 points ior the day. SOUTHERN OPERATORS FEAR. Atlanta, Ga., April 18. Southern cotton mill operators are alarmed over the action instituted in New ork by the Federal authorities against tne leaders or the Dull cam paign and profess to see in it a cov ert effort on the part of certain New York cotton brokers to get relief from contracts with mills. They assert that the government unwittingly is co-operating with the bears in another and what they fear will prove a most disastrous "raid." Many mill men in this section to night wired Congressman and : Sena tors appealing to them to institute an ivestigatlon with a view to uncover ing the "conspiracy" which they de clare appears to exist. Fuller E. Calloway, of La Orange, Ga., president of mills at Con vers and Manchester, Ga., and treasurer of three large mills at LaOrange, Ga., tonight gave to the Associated Press the following statement: "I ana an officer of severer mills that have bought cotton on the New York cotton exchange at ,a lower price v than it can be bought in the South. We intend to take up and manufacture this cotton this summer. It occurrs to me that undoubtedly Attorney General Wickersham was unwittingly inspired by bears who have sold what they do not own, thereby, depressing the cotton mar ket at the expense of the farmers and demoralizing the market for cot ten goods. : "A great manny mills have bought cotton on the New York, cotton ex change cheaper than it is selling in the South aad intend demanding the cotton. The bears hope by this at tack to Bcare the mills out of this le gitimate trade and further demoral ize the cotton and cotton goods mar ket. In my opinion this attack will prove a boomerang for the bears, as it only accentuates the shortness of the last cotton crop and betrays the predicament they are in through having sold something they did not own. "I cannot believe that the more re sponsible members of the New York cotton exchange are behind this movement, as it questions the right of mills to buy contracts at the New York cotton exchange with the ex pectatation of receiving the cotton whereby denying the exchange rea son or existence." CAUSES DEBILITY. Here Are Facta Backed l'p by Strvng OaaraalH. Catarrh causes debility. In our opinion, most people suffering from general debility have catarrh. Such cases of debility cannot be completely cured by medicine Dot designed to eradicate catarrh. In every case where our remedy fails to give entire satisfaction we will not charge a cent for the medicine employed during the trial Now, surely no one should hesitate to believe us or to put our claim to a practical test under such conditions. We will take all the risk; no one else can lose anything by the transaction. We make these statements and this offer because we know and have time and cgain proved that Ilex a 11 Mucu Tone rarely fails to do as we claim. It is not a cure-all prescribed to cure every disease that flesh is heinto. It is intended for one purpose, I. e., to cure catarrh by assailing the diseased condition in a reasonable, eclentific way, which is to employ agenta that have been found to have the tonic and alterative power to correct faulty metabolism (tissue change) and to stimulate and help nature overcome the cause or causes of catarrh. This being done, appetite increases, nutri tion improves, weight is gained, com fort of body is attained and life's work taken up with" the ze9t natu ral to the perfectly healthy individ ual. , "We want you to try Rex a II Mucu Tone. Follow directions and take it regularly and consistently for a rea sonable length of time. Then, if you are not satisfied, come back and tell us and the money you paid for the treatment will be returned without any argument whatever. It-xall Mucu-Tone comes in two sizes, 60c. and $1.00 a bottle. Sold only at our store The The Parsons Drug Co. Rexall Store. vour tongue is coated. Yonr breath Is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that your sto mach is tbe trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Chambelaln's Sto mach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by Par sons Drug Co. r IT AT THE BANK 0E WADESBORO? If you haven't, you don't want to delay. They are going fast. Will say there is nothing like them to keep secure from fire and pilferers your deeds, notes, and all important papers. Leave your spare money with us and no effort will be spared to care for you when we are needed. J This bank is the bank of the people, safeguarded by diligent and efficient officers and able directors. REMARKABLE . DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. laecMtfal Candidate Ortrctnu . m Heavy Repabltcan 9IJ ertty and te tbe First Deaaearat Elected la Past Twen ty Tcara. Rochester, N. Y. April 19. More than 6,000 voters of Monroe county changedx from Republican to the Democratic column today and elected the first Democratic Congressman that has represented the thirty-second district In 20 years, Jame3 Ha vens, a Democrat, running on a ta riff reform platform, defeated Geo. W. Aldridge, for a score of years the ruler of the county Republican or ganization, by 5,000 votes. Monroe county which comprises the 32 ad congressional district, is nor mally Republican by about 0,000. James E. Perkins, whose death in tbe middle of his third congressional term necessitated a special election today carried the' district in 1908 by 10,167 votes. ""Taking the vote of the presiden tial year 1908 for comparson the to tal turn over vote of the district was 8,033. It Is acknowledged, however, that Mr. Perkins' vote in that year was abnormal, and, accepting the average Republican plurality us a Btandard, the change from the Repub lican to the Democratic columns amounts to about 6,000. Havens had arrayed against' him one of the strongest political organi zations In the State. Yet, in a cam paign lasting but seventeen days and with hastily constructed machinery, he accomplished one of the moast re markable overturns In political his tory. The result of today's election takes its place beside the Democratic victory of the fourteenth Massachu setts district where Eugene N. Foss, was sent to Congress from a district supposed to be as rock-ribbed Repub lican as this one. Rochester is a city of both homes and factories. Monroe county is one of the State's garden ppots crowded with productive farms. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets assist nature in driving all impurities out of tbe system, insuring a free and re gular condition and restoring the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by The Parsons Drug Co. "That's a beautiful girl that you have in your store," said the man acquaintance "I've seen her in the window several days as I passed." . "She isn't au employe," the milliner answered wearily. "She's a woman try ing to docide on a new hat." Buffalo Express. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. It cured me per manently." Hon. John R. Garrett, May or, Girard, Ala. NUNNALLY'S Candies are the standard of ex cellence in purity and supreme good ness. None are so dainty, so alto gether delicious. are shipped to us by express almost daily to doubly in sure you the added charm of absolute factory freshness. - It's good to know there's "None like Nunnally V - SOLD BY, Parsons Drug Co. Your Patronage BANK OF p&feJ) orplalnfoofl, . Y " FV? r :j (J tf? equally valnahle "T.sri 1 and savlnjT. ' ft&t&tr ' I Indispensable For Home Baking B RANKS An laitrantal of Tartar t L.ag Taaga XVantan. London Globe. It is on record that the brack was used on a few occasions to punish men guilty of using obscene language, but such instances are rare, and the brank, or scold's bridle, was made, as the came indicates, to be worn by women whose great fault was that of possessing too long a tongue a fairly common failing today! Although never a legalized instrument of tor ture, it was nevertheless much used during the the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and is fre quently mentioned in the literature of those times, while an early Eng lish poet shows the general attitude toward it in the lines: But for my daughter Jnllane, I would sbo . were well bolted with a bridle, That leaves her work to play the clack, and lets her work stand idle. It cannot be denied that the brank was often used without Justice or mer cy, for those who authorized its us age were petty provincial tyrant and borough physicians, and bo doubt it was a handy weapon wherewith to pay old scores. It seems very strange that it was not put a stopjo, but per haps those in a position to closure the practise were secretly in favor of it. There are still a great many of the old scold's bridles extant, and Ches hire possesses no fewer than 13 of them, and was ever well were to the fore in their use, although there is no reason to suppose that the women of that county wera possessed of more shrewish tongue than their neighbors. In shape the bridles dif fered grealty, some being fairly mer ciful and others very much the re verse. The ordinary brank was a framework of iron, which was lock ed on the culprit's head. In front of the mouth a plate, a gag, or some times a sharp knife, was fixed in such a position that it entered the mouth and pressed tbe tongue, causing ago ny if the 'uaruly roc mot rv was moved. At the back a Bhort chain was attached to tbe collar which was held by the guard, who, if he chose, could inflict severe wounds on his charge by Jerking the chain. Some times tbe delinquent was chained to the pillory,-where ehe stood, an ob ject of scorn and derision, for as long as the beadle chose, while the high spirited youth of the town pelter her with objeclional refuse. The general custom was, however, to lead her thicugh tbe town so that all might see and recognize in her one "ovtr feed" of "playing the clfick." One surmi8 that very few women had to undergo this treatment a second time, unless, that Is, the local authorities bore them a grudge. Supplies for automobiles and bicycles, Piedmont Buggy Company, Repair Department, Monroe, N. C. Is Solicited. WADESBCRO Cycloaa tn R.btua Caaatr. Wilmington, April IS. During a thunderstorm which passed a few miles north of Lumbertou yesterday afternoon the wind asiuaied the pro portions of a cyclone, resulting in the death of one person, the iojury of several others and the destruction of considerable property. Farm houses of William and Murdoch Stone were completely wrecked and in the latter the aged mother of the family was caught between failing timbers and killed. Mrs. Stone, a visitor, w -badly injured and was sent to the ho pital at Lumberton. A child asleep on a bed in the houe was rolled up in a niattre; and blown two hundred yards into a field where it was lelt uninjured. Five or ;six miles further at Fowersville, the cyclone which apparently left the earth, again descended wrecking the house of Hugh Mutlwhitc, who was seriously wounded, five children be' ing slightly hurt. THE ARISIOGRAT OF THE PIANO WORLD. "At home in the lcst homes of the laud." THE STIEFF GRAND The most blase are bound to admit that this piano leaves nothing to be desirtd. Consistently appropriate in the home of modest means, or the salon of opulence. Stock finishes: Rosewood, Walnot. Mahogany. Finished to order to match any other wood - Come in and take a lo k this magnificent instrument. at Chas. M. Stieff MAXTPAfTUllEIi OF THE Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff ScJf-playcr Pianos. Baltimore, - - Mary Is nl Southern Wareroom: 5 W. Trade Street, Charlotte - N. C. C. n. WIXM0TH. - MA5AGER. (Mention this paper) E t

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