C2cr& Intelligencer FORT NOT GUILTY. MEETING OF FARMERS' UNION. C0UNIY AFFAIRS. IE wiDKsaoao, a. c, my a, isio. J AS. Q. BOYUN, PnblUtier. Printed twice a trepfc, ana rave red as GUSTING DECREE UPHELD. P Catr Decide AgatMat asJiLnton, : May 2.- Opinions haixied down today In the United i a -. saiea supreme Uorut sustained the anti-troat ; laws of the States of Ten nesee and Hial3&ippL, In the Tennessee caae the chancery court at Gallatin nearly year ago held that the Standard Oil Company was doing business In the Stat io vlo- lataou of the antUrust act of. the oi-aie. ae aecteion wa appealed by the defendant trust to the State Suprew Court, where an opinion was banded down affirming the deci sion of the chancery court of Galla tin. " The 'Case Waft then hrnniKt r. the United States Supreme Court on a writ of error,wbieh the, decision today dismisses. J : The State of MiaalMippi, which has very drastic anti-trust laws, brought suit against the Urenada Lumber Co. and 35 or SO otter t companies to re cover damages for violation of her anti-trust laws. The State won in her own courts, and the decision today, which was handed down by Justice burton, sustained the decree of the lower courts. The contention of the State was that the defendant lumber companies had formed a trust to raise money damages Involved in thia case i 3t5,000,000 ; and the minimum 1 4,000,000. Senator Leroy- ptrey. of Mississippi,; declared today that this was a most, important and far reaching decision. l&e leading counsel for the Stan- nara on company In the Tennessee case was John J. Vertreet, who is al ho counsel lor Balinger, and Chailea 1 . Catea represented the State. Mr. K. i.fma CirMH JBOBaneat to Hlmscjr Wail Tat Jlv. C. W. Wooley, of 1ft. Giiead, in Charlotte Observer. "' . ' "' ' ' ' "' Ooe of the most original characters in North Carolina today is Mr. E. logram or I.lchmond county. The writer saw bim as he wends! hl way home from the battlefields of Virginia astride a large ml mule, and 1 dare say hia mule was all he poKseed wben tie arrived at the borne of bis father In Anaon county. Today he owns some 6,000 acres of land, a fat bank account and a home made pleasant by a young wife and interesting baby. The old soldier did not care to trouble hia sons to erect his monument after his death. While be is living in peace, prosper ity and happiness, he erected in Beth el church burying ground by the eidt: of his first wife's grave a large mar ble slab eight inches thick bearing this inscription. . N. INGHAM. ' "Horn Feb. 14, 1841. "Died - "Three years in the war between "the States, Fourth North Carolina, Company A. Foujht at Brandy Station, Iteams Station, Petersburg, Ytllow Tavern, Burgess Mill, Jack Shop and White Mail." ' ' ' . ; Why m Haeh Land Atvrtld ftrWtl , Mr. Editor: I notice there are 858 tracts of land, and town lots, ad ver tisied by the eberifl of Anson . county to be sold for iixrs In that county. Ttiia seems to show a very bad record for the tax payers of the good old eoaoty of Anson. I make mention of this fact as the good old county of Anson is my birth placo and l am sorry to see that so many ot the good people care so little for the good and precious soil of old Anson; ' Wonder If the coming of Halley a comet was the .cause of so many people lulling to pay taxes for last year., Yours-truly, ' ;T. E. Williams," Colon, N. C. ar'Cr CI ah tUun Vmutj. AU boys wishing to coo: pete tor the prizes offered by the State Board of Agriculture are asked to send their application at once to T. B. Parker, iirectort at Raleigh, who will give their names to the Progressive Far iiM-r tou uj rroi. iv. u. sonant, bo they can compete for the prizes of fered by them. Buttons are now ready for distribution and one will be sent to each contestant for the State prizea. Five thousand boys are want tsd in this contest from the State and Anaon'a quota will be at least 40, of whieb tbere is only one applicant to this time.; J. M. Wall, Supt. Public Instruction. A lady m town was, a day or eo ago, subjected to a number of qoes tlon relative to tbe "Mo comet' by an bumble .servitor, who evidently was in great perturbation ever the advent-of. this wanderer iu , space, She attempted to give some reassur ing explanation, interrupted repeat edly by auch expressive ejaculations a? the following: "Dar no w," " Well sir," "You don't eay." The lady changed the subject, asking if she had cleaned up the kitchen. 7 : H 7 Tba Hick Oast af LHrta Increases the price of many necessities wtbout improving the quality. TFoley's lkojy and Tar maintains Its high stan dard of exceiknc and its great curative jtiallties without any tocrease la cost. It is the bet rcoiftdy for coufftia, colds, croup, whoota cougi) and tU aLLiEents of the c7' :t &ci lac S3. The fenuiae lata .vena U(v clatter, December 6, 1909, at x cit pon 0S00 at VVadboro, 5. CM under tha Act ot Marc Id 3, 1S7&, . Mr. 8. S. Kri Aeoalted mm HI Smeomm ; Trial ta Charga mf AllawlB( a j MlartKa(i Hliittr BMtltra j Special dispatch to the M. & I. Monroe, May 4. With the ac quittal of G. s. Fort, who last Mon day appeared before a jury In the Recorder's Court here charged with permitting a minor to enter bis near beer saloon, the prosecutions for vio lations of the nearbeer ordinances aeera to have died out. In the ca.se last Monday, the prosecution failed utterly in introducing evidence of a violation of the ordinance. . Allmon Davis, who. was formerly employed by Fort, was put on the stand as a state witness, but he testified that he was over twenty-one; years ot age. Che prosecution - stopped abruptly, the recorder instructing the jury to bring In a verdict of not guilty; Two warrants have been issued for Fort. One charged him .with permitting Mark Blakeney a minor, to enter his near-beer saloon. On this, Fort was tried and convicted. The other warrant charged that the minor who was permitted to enter the saloon was Allmon Davis. - As before not ed, the revolt of this trial was an ac quittal. It is well known that ihere is at least one more minor who en tered Fort's place, but rro prosecution has yet been brought on that charge; None of the minora ha been tried for violating the ordinance which prohibits their entry. Pears lclas; f Cats.": , " Washington! May 1. -Unless all igns fail a large number of the chil dren of Washington will call on"ltepj resentative Gordon L.ee, of Oeorgui, tomorrow evenfog at 6. o'clock, pre pared to sell him pue or more choice cats on the hoof. Fifty cents apiece will be expected'for them, and there is likely to be much weeping and raitwailing when the venders find out it is all a joke" : " Meanwhile, Mr Lee is hunting the ler. ' - The excitement was caused by this advertisement in a morninsj paper: ': - WAifTEo "Twenty-five ordinary house cats, at 50 cents each, providtp tney are suitable on Inspection. Unrig cats to Room No. 142, Cochran Ho tel, Fourteenth and K. streets north west at 6 o'clock p. m.; on Monday. - This looked like a . fine chance to get rid of some of the ; city's super fluous felines, and ' many youthful citizens rubbed up their own eats to day in; the hopn that they might prove ."suitable," and went out to hunt other animals that might be converted into ready cash. On the whole, it was a big day for the cats. Mr. Lee can't see the joke. He doesn't know the perpetrator, but In timated forcibly that he would find out. Also, Mr. Lee announces that he probably will not be at home from 5 to 7 o'clock tomorro w. I'jiptr Lmitboi l(uii. Owing to the very dry spring, the farmers are obtaing very poor stands of cotton and corn and small grain crops promises to be very poor. It seems that the , much talked of Halley't comet has lost a considera ble portion of its tail. Guess that as tronomers are like other people fal lible. - V ...; . -.. Mrs. J. W. Thomas, who has been very sick, is convalescent. . : Mr. C. A. Phifer is very sick. Mrs.;. Andrew Diggs . is suffering with malaria fever. :i I Mrs. Emma Carpenter and small daughter are sick at this writing. - Mr. - M. W. Duncan's family are eonfined with measles. Mr, and. Mrs. J. A. Burns spent Sunday afternoon in Poikton. Mr. Yost left Friday night to accept a position In Virginia. Mrs. N. E. HngheB spent Monday in Wadt sboro. Mr. S. Lw Thomas Is suffering with neuralgia. -7 v ':- V ; .7- - . 7 Mrs. M. S. Stegall visited relatives near Monroe last week.' Mr. H. M, Baucom attended the Bear Creek Association at Concord Saturday and Sunday and reports a pleasant time. Blue Bell. . A nf gro and his truck were rapidly careening down the steep hillto the station. Crates and boxes were nois ily bumping to the street, but a small negro sat on the summit undisturbed &y the rapidly accruing wreckage. Presently the driver pulled up at the station with a flourish, and, looking over, his Bhoulder, . his face became momentarily transfixed with aston ishment to note that a great portion of his load was missing I . - Turning to the small negro, he de manded: V,..SV.iV; "What's de matter wif you mouf, niggah?7 Hit wurfcs well 'enuf w'en dey ain't no 'casion!" Lippincott's Magazine. - ' - Far Mora Ttoan Three Decades Foley's Honey and Tar has been a house hold favorite for all aliments of the throat, chest and lungs. For infants and chil dren it is best auJ safest as it contains no opiates and no harmful dugs. None gen uine but Foley 'si Honey and ,Tar in the yellow package. 'Refuse substitutes. Pee Dee Pharmacy: Parsons Drug Co. - ' ,7 Wherwk(lifBUDd. ' A. woman living "on the Hill", who is known for her views regardingitrict keep teg ot th' Sabbath, ' passed ah open lot one Sunday recently and saw a crowd of neo and boys playing baseball. Calling one little shaver, to her,, she demanded to know what his father would say If ' be knew his son was playing baseball on Sun day. The youngster looked at her with a Mnile and said: " "Why, there he is "right over there play ing third base if yer want to-flnd out." Newark Star. - - ' Eor a mild, easy action of tbe bowels, a single dose of.Doan's Regulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 23 Correspondence of the M. & L -. The regular monthly meeting Of! the Anson county division of the F. E. and C U. of America met at Moi ven, Saturday, April 80th. j Roil cail showed a goodly number of delegates from "different parts of the county. The best of all was the great spread of the best of everything the appetite of the hungry farmer calls for on such occasions. We are sorry we can't meet with the good brethren of Mor- ven every month. 'We extend onr thanks to the good sisters for the ac tive part they took, for we could eas ily tell they had lent a helping hand. Some very important measures nrpro hrnWht before the Union for consideration, and the way they were discussed showed they had beer well considered before being brought up for discussion. The meeting was the be9t yet held in the county.. The locals showed their faith in the organisation by their hearty co-operation with the county officers. Our next meeting will be held at Bethel the last Saturday in June. The meeting that should have been held in May was changed to the above date on account of the busy time the hist nf Mav. The Bethel lodge ex tends an urgent invitation to the lodges throughout the county. Ev ery lodge should send delegates; not only appoint them but send them. Come; you will see and hear some thing worth the .while. Remember, there will be dinner on the grounds for all. ' We would like for the ladies to meet with us; have a regular picnic tfhile the men are holding their meet ing and trying to educate themselves in the business methods of farming. The lack of knowledge of business methods has been one of the greatest drawbacks to the farmer. The far mers have been laboring under many disadvantages because of this lack of knowledge. They have at last twaked to the importance of eduea--aling themselves to the fullest extent in all business methods. The outcome of such education Is easily seen. The farmer will know the importance of raising his home supplies; how to market such things is he may have to' sell, and how to buy such things as will have to be bought. Remember the place and date for the next meeting. Come and bring some one with you. Let's have one of the best meetings of farmers that has ever been held in this good old county of Anson. . Farmer. Prcttjr Wcddlag at Pal k to a. Communicated. v . ' ', Miss Lillian V. Bricker, of Poik ton, and Mr. Luther A. Cathey, ot Mecklenburg, were married Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at the resi dence of thei brdeV father, Mr. D W. Bricker. The bride is the young; er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bricker, of Poikton, and is a young fody of noble dispositton and man) lovely traits of character. The groom is an enterprising young businesb man of Mecklenburg. The cermony was performed by Rev. Samuel Cathey ot ML Holly, brother to the groom. The ceremony took place in the presence of only the immediate friends and relatives ol the bride and groom. The bride wore a lovely gown of old rose silk with yoke and front of silk net applique. The happy couple left on the 10 o'clock train for a western trip, fol lowed by the best wishes of a host of friends. - 7-. - -' ' 7- Pelu. Success Magazine. , When you lose your temper, when you procrastinate, when you get ner vous, excited, when you are blue and disappointed, when you worry, vou lise much of your enerygy, your effi ciency; you cannot bring the whole.- complete, pesitive man '. to your task. A discordant, troubled, unbalanced mind is in no condition to create, produce. It is negative, and a - negative mind can not pro duce. .Never mind what, others do; run your own machine, think your own thought, live your own life. Let others fret and worry, if they will; keep your poise, your serenity. : Do not imitate, follow, pretend or pose. Be fearless, self-reliant, independent Be yourself. Never hesitate about giving Chamber- lam's Cough Remedy to children. It con tains . no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confidence As a quick cure fcr and colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed Sold by Papons Drug Co. The Heal Olffiealty. Cous.n Will and his sister Mary, a maid en lady timidly disposed, were driving the old nag in the buggy ,whea they met traction engine. The old mare was of a calm and ; undemonstrative disposition. bat Mary, tearing a runaway, insisted on alighting and walking past the engine. xne engineer stopped the vociferous thin and came forward to offer assistance. "Can I lead your horse by the engine, sire be inquired. , . flTk.ntr ..m. tt - - ...... ... ..uou juu, iwerea , win; "i can manage the horse very easily, but I wouia oomucn oougea it you would lead the lady by." Lippincott's. . A touch ot rheumatism," or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble Is, Cham oeriaia's Liniment drives away tbe pain at once and cures the complaint quickly, v - . . . . vj cirst aDDllcation d-ivm relief QaU kt iaraons Drug Co. . " - Repair and repaioting Buggies-Surreys-wagons, -Automobiles and bicycles. Fladmont Buggy Company, Repair Department, 2'towoe N. C. Raads Ordered Opd aad J arars Draws far Jaaa Civil CearU The board of county" commission ers met Monday, H. B. Allen, chair man, and E. E. McRae and J. D Mc Gregor, commisslonersjbeing present. The following business of interest Was transacted: L. L. Boggan was relieved of the payment of tax on a town lot in Wadesboro, it appearing that the same had been listed and the taxes paid by Clark Somraers. A number of other persons were relieved of the payment of taxes on account of er rors. ' . The clerk of the board was direct to notify the tax listers of the county to meet with the board on Tuesday, May 31st, for the purpose of consid ering the valuation of personal prop erty for taxation. A petition,' signed by J. M. (Jriflin and others, lor a public road in Lanesboro . township, was , ordered j filed and posted according to law. 1 The old Grassy Island road, lead ing from a point near the Cedar Row, on the Stanback ferry road, to the Ridge road at Savannah church, in LileBville township, was ordered opened. A public road leading from a point near the Risden Bennett place on the Wadesboro and Ulesville road to the Maria Walton place on the Ules ville and Cheraw road, in Liiesville township, was ordered opened to the public A special school tax election was ordered to be held in ML Vernon district, Ansonville township Tues day, June 28th. A new registration of voters in the district was also or dered and J. M. Broadaway was ap- j pointed registrar and J. R. Sikes and i W. G. Martin poll holders. A special school tax election was also ordered for Flint Ridge district, Burnsville township, Tuesday, June 28th. . For this election S. J. Turner. A'as appointed registrar and C C Curlee and J. P. Hill poll holders. JURORS FOR JUNE CIVIL COURT. - The following named persons were drawn to serve as jurors for the June term of civil court: P. A. McGreg or, Tom Knotts, W. II. Hildreth, Jr., S. L. Lindsey, H. M. Faulkner, C. A. Brower, G. L. Turner, G. A. Mar tin, J. R. Sikes, A. C. Alexander, W. A. WaddeH, M. C. Watson, S. J. Lowry, J. T. Henry, J. W. Davis, CL'F. Henry, W. G. Ratliff, T. B. Wall. Opalenee. New York Sun. They numbered four. ' They abso lutely exuded prosperity. The things which they ordered were such as . to fill with envy the breast of the man Tat the next table, engaged in consum ing the most modest dish disclosed by the bill of fare. - The four were conversing languid) plutocratic- conversation. After a while it turned to the question of money. .viaentiy tney wanted . to do something. How much money had they? One of the four took out his pocketbook and counted up a roll of bills. Oh, I have $145," he said care lessly. ; The second and third members of the party went through their pockets. "I have $215," remarded one. And 1 have $100," said the other. The fourth waved his had grand ly. "Never mind, you fellows," he said. "I'll lend you all you want." Tenderly waiters bore the man at the next table out into the cold air. He will recover. Especially equipped for remodeling Automobile engines and parts, Piedmont Buggy Company, Repair Department, Monroe, N, C. Reformed too 8oaa. ' Ao eminent speaker a, the Congrega- tionalist meeting in the First Congrega tional cuurch, East Orange, was telling the other day of a Westerner's opinion ot the East. xuia ujivu saiu me speaaer, "was a prominent churchman and had occasion to visit New York, where he remained for a few days. . In writing of hts experience to bis wife in the West he had this to say: New York is a great city, but I do wish I had come here before I was converted.' " Newark 8tr. ' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and creste a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. Special department tor repairing - -v ' guns and pistols, Piedmont Buggy Company, r Repair Department, : Monroe. N. C. w anted second hand bags and burlap; any quantity, any kind, any wnere. hrhmoxd bag CO, Kich mond, Va. New arrival of iaaies Skirts at the Dry Woods Uo.'s store today. BLOOD POISON Cured by Marvel of ihe Century, B. d. . lested for 30 Years. Drives out blood poison in any stare per- uinLcuu;, xiwuiit ueaoijr mercury, witn pure Botanical ingredients. To prove It J mil bcuu juu A . - - 8&HPLG TRKATHEST FREE If you have ulcers, eating sores, Itching humors, swellings, mucus patches, bone pains, offensive pimples or eruptions, take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). All symptoms heal quickly. Blood is made cure ana ricn, completely changing the en tire ooay into a ciean. neaitny condition, healinr everv sore and storming .n h. ain and itching, curing the worst case of blood poison.. Druggists or by express I per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Samples sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble Dud frw mpdiral alvk-e tW- Doe't Stop You Show Your Face Here Keep Your Mind on W. J. Huntley's Low Priced Shoes. My shoe trade is good. Help me to make it better and I will help you to save money on your shoe buy ing. The level headed shoe buyers are coming here. Ask your neigh bors about my prices and shoes and see what they will say. I want you, Mr. Shoe Buyer, the next pair you buy. Come and see. Dry Goods. Buy your dry goods from me and save your money. ' Are you saving all you can on your dry goods purchases? Not unless you buy from W. J. Huntley. See my line of Wool for Skirts: $1.00 Goods 75c Goods 50c Goods Linen, White Goods, Ginghams, all going at low prices. Pants Cloth to suit you in price. W. J. HUNTLEY. Equal to Goal I2znn3 and War L lor q Economical Heret"an oil stove on at quickly as on a coal cal. Has no wick hence no smoke, no dirt, no dust and no ashes. The Oil ts always ready. Turn the lever, light the burner, and you have a concentrated beat directly under the cooking- Ask any woman who has ever used a - Florence Automatic VYickless Oil Stove whether she would willingly go back to the ill-smelling wick oil stove, with troublesome wick, ana her reply demonstrate to you wnat a marvel of convenience this oil stove is. We also make the Florence Ovens and Lamp Stoves. for Sal By BLALOCK HDW. CO. ttnsM. mi tit ANNOUNCEMENTS. POH SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candadate for the office of Sheriff of Anson county, subject to the action of tbe -Democratic primary. It. H. GULLEDGE. FOR BIIKR1FF I hereby announse myself a candidate for the nomination fop the nftkv nf tlrifr of Anson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. R. J. LOWERY. FOR KEGI8TKR OF DEEDS thereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for the office of register ol deeds, subject to the action of the Demo- I cratic primary. - D. H. BRASWELL. FOR COriSTY TRKASURKR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of the County ot Anson subject to the action ot the Dem ocratic primary. PLYDE P. MARSH. Carry Water Ton Med nerer earrv another nail of water or Ten go aut at live bous oa siorniy uym. Fut ninninc ater is your home in the kitchen bathroom toilet "fend have an mdequate supply in the barn .or aater ijr ttock washioc carriaces, naniem or the lawn, ardea or lor protection against are beside. A nkaa ttd. immIMa M i;mloa fli. wuirkilT MM tenfe (thm 1. WiiitOT or drm out to &ihh. MMKpfMMd ut m Lm00mSm t..k do all ah. work. oar Mlu brid la lb. gramm H MM tl ui rtwi tfc war nm. trow. imiiMiinMitwt U.(M iipMr at cm wtull rt yaantU. if fM IU. IM m jo. koa a Lmor Water TwUm la iov xm wilt mn yam mbh-iu dWa aiili. a.4 Ma ujw comfort ut aaaiafactw. m th mm. bIM. tHlTtm Sntawito4 otwri ; ill mnr I. f-m a ordr mr mri r.fira. S f miaiilm tMMaacaakiUiaiB.iManwniiM(a. . ' Call or . WrifFor Frew T Detcriptio EoeJJet K ) Sold by W.N. Rea 4 ' i ii f Till 75 cents 50 cents 37 cents which you can cook just range. It's more economi sff, old-fashioned, i'l its J win mt et. SPECIAL LOW RATES Via Seaboard to Baltimore, Md. Account Southern Baptist Convention and Baptists of North Amer ica, General Convention May 11th to 18th. Account tbe above occasions the Sea board Air Line Rallvrajr announces ex ceedingly low rates from all points on its ines to Baltimore; lid. Tickets will be on sale May 8th, 9th and 10th, and will apply via any regular tick eting route Final return limit June 1st. The Seaboard offers excellent services to Baltimore from all points on its lines with convenient schedules, Pullman sleep ing cars, high back vestibule seat coaches and excellent dining car service. Full information can be secured in re gard to rates, routes, schedules, etc, by applying to your local ticket agent or by writing the undersigned. H. S. LEARD, Division Passenger Agent Raleigh, N. C. C. B. RYAN, General Passenpf r Agent Portsmouth, Va. W.F. Gray.d.d. s. f OFIC- IN SMITII A DUNUtP bl'dg) Wadesboro, N. C. All Operations Warranted For Sale at Grass Dale Farm. Pure Bred Scotch-Topped Shorthorn Cattle Bulls, Cows and Heifers. These cattle will be sold at very moderate price, considering breeding and inviduality. Write or come and see S. B. CARPENTER, Rout 1, Ansonville, K. C. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR SALF PRICK All kinds of books bought and Bold. Largest" stock: in North Carolina. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send lists, catalogues free. Surrn'a Old Eook Btoe.k, Raleigh, N. C "-v "taw i'l 1 "1 i ir:i M ? -g- JWsrggSS iT t ' i I I V If V. "Tate a Little Bit . 0T the Top for Ee." We get the crem by'doing this, "and we get all the little, fine grass at small cost by using one of our ' : Hallock Flat Tooth Weeders. 1 V , w Jkrv-r ... A 1 Some prefer our 50-tooth- Ohio Peg Tooth Harrow (i Take your choice. They both do good work. DLALOCK HDW. GOMPAHY Gatkings MTtffB Vadesboro, Oh Mewly Carried Couples! Turn your eyes upon the beacon light that makes housekeeping easy. You've got the girl; weve got the furniture, and you can have both. We are in receipt of anothe car of Beautiful Fur niture, among which you can find just what you want in Chamber Suits,. Odd Dressers, Wash Stands, Sideboards, Couches, Rockers, Chairs, China Closets, Dining Tables, etc. We make it a point to furnish your home com plete from the kitchen to the parlor, and we lend our every effort in aiding you in the proper selection of alt your needs. Buy for Cash or on Easy Terms from "THE E3QUS- OF ODALITV" GUTIIIIIGS ! Lower Street Furn. Co. V? imism 77ft Kin viii Vaa a You FUHII. GO. Phone No. 41.

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