J AS. G. BO YLCSr, EDITOR AB PUBLISHER' PUBLISHED MOKD AYS AND" TH URSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IK ADVANCE Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C., Thursday, May 19, 1910 Number 50 Or i THE REASON WHY w IS THE BEST STRf.3TII3IinG TOHIC for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed-tonics the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements oFCod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, "without, oil or grease, tastes good, and agrees with every one. .We return your money without question if Vinol doe not accomplish all we claim for it. FOX & LYON, Druggists, Wadesboro. 36 CONVICTS DIE IK FIRE. Country Produce When you have fat Beef Cattle or poor ones, see Martin and Green. VVe also wish to buy Chickens and Eggs, Hides, Tallow and Butter, and will always pay the highest mar ket price. Martin & Green (Successors to M. B. Howell) Phone 101 Putherford St. Storkaae Igultad By 0a Ttm 1b tha flapa afKaeaplag. Centervilie, Ala., May 16. Thirty-six negro convicts lost their lives early today, when the stockade of the Redfeather Coal Company, at Ducile mines, Bibb county, about 15 miles north of Centerville, was de stroyed by a fire, set by one of the prisoners in an effort to gain his freedom. Thirty-five of the convicts were burned to death and another was fatally shot by guards while trying to escape. Among those burned is the negro who started the blaze. - The fire spread rapidly throughout the structure, which, on . account of the extreme dryness of the material, was quickly consumed. It was with much difficulty that the unharmed convicts In the stock ade were prevented from eluding the guards. , ' All of the convicts at Luclle mines are State prisoners, leased to the Redfeather Coal Company for work in tbe mines. It Is reported that all or the con victs at the Lucile camp were ne groes. So far as known none of tbe workmen escaped. OTOE Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema without being materially benefitted that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and that; : : :; r-yi ;V. ' Hobson's Eczema Ointment will effect a cure is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, who for many years was a citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: "This is to certify that for nine years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it, but without effect. But after a few applications of Hobs on' s Eczema, Ointment I was completely cured. "V. WILSON. "Thomasville, N. C, Feb. 22, 1910." We sell Hobson's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee. If it does not effect a cure yo get your money back. PARSOfJS DRUQ COP'fJY- An Ideal Haaband ia patient, even with a nagging wife, for he knows she needs help. She may be so nervous and rat-down ia health that tri fles annoy her. If she is melancholy, exci table, troubled with loss of appetite, head- ache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric . Bitters the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from fe male troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys hnve used them and be come , healthy and happy. Try them. Only 52c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Par sons Drug Co. Ovarbeard at a Stare. Inquisitive Lady And what is this lit tle box for? Nerve-racked Clerk Oh, for odds' and ends! Inquisitive Lady But it has two com partments. Why is that?- -v - -' ' Nerve-racked Clerk One for odds, madam, and the other for ends. Har vard Lampoom. " SOME THINGS "LITTLE BROWN CREEK" DOES NOT LIKE.' Mr. Editor: As a nation, both in state and church, are we not patting off the cloak of democracy and pat ting on the garb of autocracy? As a nation, we started a democracy in its simplicity, when 125,000 wftsconsid-. eied a sufficient salary to supply the wants of oar chief magistrate for one - . a a gi year, now anoui it now, woen 000 will not keep him up to the satis faction of the aristocratic nabobs who inhabit our national city and who got their great wealth by questionable means. One innovation after anoth er. Bubmittea to taroeiy, mages u easy for such characters to carry their point, and the time is not far d'stant when 11,000,000 will not be considered too much for a great, pro gressive nation like ours to pay their chief magistrate. Now. the paying of this latter amount would not be a great burden if it did net come from the hard earn ings of the toiling millions, who' bear the burdens of all taxations. Some may say that the men of great wealth pay taxes. Granted; but where did this wealth come from? They gath ered it from taxes in some form from the producers of wealth. To remedy this growing evil, as a llgion. - . The one way to remedy thU fla grant injustice is for the women of the churches to stay home for awhile until the autocrats learn the source from which they eet their bread. Hunger will bring most men to their senses. The ch arches are fast coming to the one man rale, and sooner or later the eyes of the people will be open. Then a reaction, or distraction, which? Our churches are becoming too tolerant in some particulars. They alio?? the on aa who care not how they eet the dollar, so that dollar goes to the support of the church, to hold high positions in the churches. They are toojntolerant in that they wish to rule th praachers' way, leaving tbe preachers out of 1L As we view it. it takes the laity to constitute the church, and not tbe clergy, as they seem to think. Sooner or later this fact will be made manifest, or a dis ruption wiU take place. When men view the churches as being of God, and not man's inventions then men will demand that they be run on uoaiy lines, and not, as now, too much on commercial lines. As I have before stated, tbe wom en are the ones who attend church services, who are measurably respon sible for their support, In many In stances acting as stewards, making nation, we must get back to first collections, etc., and this against the rUles and laws of the church. And when she asks to be placed In position totlegally transact this most important duty her privilege la denied by the ones she has so faithfully labored for. I leave this for the ones to decide who should, from this point of view, love her most The ones, last at the cross, first at the grave. Little Brown Creek. "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease croup. Ha been used with success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteacra, Bui- j falo, N. Y. WAN MOTffiR CURED By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Black Duck, Minn. "About a year ago I wrote you that I was sick and coma not ao any ot My mv housework. slcanesa was caue Retroflexion. When 1 would sit down I principles, and send men to Congress who belong to the tax paying or pro ducing class, who can live decently on the salaries paid our forefathers. As long as we continue to send men of questionable antecedents and char acter we may expect the trend of au tocracy to grow until its strength will defy democracy, and the last vestige of our boasted liberty will be a thing of the far distant past. Your boasted liberty is being curtailed year by year by those you have trusted as your guardians. If you would be free no remedy is left you but to throw off their yoke and get new guardians. I believe in paying a salary to ev ery officer, from president to town ship constable, according to amount of labor performed and the responsi bility involved. I do not believe it to be conducive to the best service to pay any officer in fees or commis sions, It matters not whether county, state or nation, and to pay such sala ries only as the labor involved would pay In any other calling. Get back to Democratic simplicity, If you ean. Else, throw up the sponge and give the autocrats full Bway without pro test. iow, 1 nave noticed tor quite a while tbe tendency of tbe churches to ape the autocrats of the government. In other words', we have autocrats in the churches, who would have the masses subscribe to their way, there by circumscribing the rights of those who are in the main - keeping up the different churches by their means. The preachers, are not the whole church, as I view it, but they ire, as now constituted, the law ma kers. So they are virtually the whole church, for no law can -be John D. Rockefeller would go broke if he should spend his entire income trying to prepare a better medicine than Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Reme dy for diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel com plaints. It is simply Impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Bold by Parsons Drag Co. TEN COTTON PICKERS. SAID THE CHILDREN UP IN HEAVEN." FOR CORPORATION COMMIS SIONER. The following announcement has been made: Car Carparatlaa CnalHlaar. I hereby announce myself a candi date for none ination for Corporation Commissioner, to succeed the late Hon. B. J?. Aycock. subject to the ratification of the Democratic Con vention to be held In Charlotte on July Htb, 1910. Lb C Baqw ell. Raleigh, N. a, May 6, 1910. Mr. L. U. Bagwell is a citizen of Raleigh and has always been known as an earnest and agressive Demo crat, taking part In tbe battles of his party, tor fourteen years be baa been a traveling man and Is largely familiar with affairs throughout the State, having traveled extensively over it, thns learning of its various industrial enterprises and the prog ress wunin its borders. Tka Prlea-aaaaaU Cattaa Pick Car- arallaa fa Oparata- Taa Macal aaa Tala Fall, Haatlr la Taiaa. Textile Manufacturers' Journal The prospectus of the Price-Camp bell Cotton Picker Corporation that has Just been issued indicates that tbe officers of his company intend to proceed with the development of the machine in much tbe same careful manner followed by Theodore Price In the promotion of the company. They have one complete machine that bas been demonstrated In Southern fields, and are now having ten perfected machlues built by the Taft-Pierce Company, Woonsocket, R. I., under the supervision of Angus Campbell, the inventor. These will be completed in ample time for use in harvesting the current crop and will be largely used In Texas. In his prospectus Mr. Price spates that in bis opinion the machine is a com plete success. He further states that "Operated by one man and a boy it can .pick ias much cotton aa forty men can by hand in the same time, and it picks a much larger propor tion of the available cotton than is usually gathered by hand. In addi tion to picking cotton I 'believe tbe machine can be, by slight alterations, adapted to plowing, planting, culti vating and 'chopping out' tbe cot ton, so that it should be capable of profitable employment a large part of each year." As bas been previously noted in these columns the authorized capital stock Is $8, 00,000 divided into II, 250,000 prefened and $7,250,000 common stock of a par value of $100. The officers are as follows: President Theodore Price; first vice president, W. II. Brown, Pittsburg, Pa.; sec ond vice president, Ell wood Hen drick; New York City; treasurer. Russell R. Coates, New York City; secretary, William P. Wood, New York City. Among the directors identified with the textile trade are Herbert E. Walmsley, agent Warn- sutta mills, New Bedford, Mass.; Stephen C. Lowe, Boston, Mass., and Frank P. Sheldon, Providence, R.I. Among the prominent stockholders are many cotton manufacturers and cotton growers. It is noteworthy that the stock of this company ia not being offered forpublic subscription, but is being distributed in a quiet way among friends of the officers and original stockholders. Selected. Who wrote this exquisite poem? One who loves little girls can scarce ly read it aloud, because of the lump in his throat, as he remembers Fan ny, and Alice, and, Josephine, and Louise, and many another darling small friend now numbered with God's saints in glory everlasting. And the streets ot the city shall be full of boys and girls playing ia tbs streets t hereof. ' Zach. 8:5. "Oh, wbat do yoa think tbe-angeU sayf Said thachUdroa fepiatavca; "There's dew Ultla girl coming hosa to-day, She's almost ready to fly away Fron the earth we used to lire la; Let's go aad ope the gates of pearl. Open tbesa wide for tbaoawllttJo glrL" ' Said the children up Is. heaven. . A LESSON IN THE, HEAVES the power of the layman wherever it ; conflicts with their idea of what is IT. McIjBndon : McLendon & F. E. Thomas. Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W WADESBORO, N. C All Business will Receive Prompt Attention. PHONE 61. JOHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N. C. Al legal business will have prompt and painstaking attention. Your sales '-and purchases of real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to me. Will also rent or lease your town property and farm ing lands and collect the rent for the same Office over Wadesboro Clothing & Shoe Company's Store. ROY M. HUNT L EY D. D. S. Office Second Floor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day Night. f PHONE NO 90. or Fleetwood W. Dunlap ATTORN EY-AT-L AW Wadesboro. N. C. Ofllei ad Flaor Tnilth Balldlag. W. F. Gray, d. d. s. (OB'ICE IN SMITH A DUNLAP BL'DG) Wadesboro, N. C, All Operations Warranted Wanted second hand bags and burlap; any quantity, any kind, anywhere. Richmond Bag Co, Rich mood, Va. " Our Self-Sharpening Shears SUPPLY A LONG FELT WANT. Never work loose. The more you use them the Hharper they get. Out last six ordinary pairs; cost less. Full size by mail, 35c Satisfaction gu iranteed or money returned. Dept. C, WILL ART UFU. CO., 323 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. paesed over their protest, and every felt as if I could not law they now pass looks to centralize tykPinkham's Uon' That is, they are curUiling tht Vegetable, Com, pouna ana aui just was sva. m, a- - v. ft J vrsaa aai tuuu ivvi standpoint. They do not now allow tbe churches to say who their stew ards shall be. They think the preach ers know better than the laymen who will likely be able to raise most money, whether he be a Uodly man or not And it one should be so silly as to kick against tbe innovation they would, it they dared, speedily unchurch him. i ou can not say whom your Sunday school superin tendent shall be, nor whom you would have as your local preachers. This power bas all been taken from you. The ones who are sustaining the present day churches have no yoice in the counsel of the church. This is not Democracy, much less re- Far Mar Tstaa Tkrw Daeadea Foley's Honey and Tar has been a house hold favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. For Infants and chil dren it is best and safest aa it contains no opiates and no harmful dugs. None gen uine but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Wad K vary bad? WtatM Everybody desires good health which is impossible unless tbe kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy 1 should be taken at the first indication of any irregularity, and a serious illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kidneys and bladder to their normal state and activity. Pee Dee Phar macy; Parsons Drag Co. ' Fare af Habit. "What did you break your engagement with that school teacher fort" asked the friend. 'If I failed to show up at her bouse every evening, site expected me to bring a written excuse signed by my mother." Woman's Home Companion. "God wanted her here wber His little ones meet," ald tbe children up in heaven; ,'Shebball play with ns in the golden street; She has grown too fair, she has grown too sweet For the earth we used to live In; She needed the sunshine, this dear little girl. That gilds this side of the gate of ?rl." Said the children up In heaven. So the King railed down from the angels' dome," Said the children ep In heaven; 'My little darling, arise and come To the place prepared la tbe Father's home. The hone the children live ta.r Let's go aad watch the gates of peaL Ready to welcome the new little girl," Bald the children np in heaven. "Far down on earth do you hear them weep?' Said the children np In heaven; "For tbe dear little prfrt has gone to sleep! Tbe shadows fall and the night clouds weep O'er tbe earth we used to live la; But we'll go aad open the gctea of pearl! Oh, why do they weep for their dear little girl?" Said tbe children np In heaven. "Fly with her quickly, O angels, dear!" Said the children np in heaven; "See she Is coming! look there! look therej At tbe jasper licht on her sunny hair. Where ths veiling clouds are riven!" Ah! hush,-hush, hush! AU the swift wings furl! For the King Himself, at tbe gales ot Perl. Is taking her hand, dear, tired little giri. And Is leading her Into heaven. Presbyter IaNcmrs. Balthnore Sun. Commenting on Halley'i corral, our esteemed contemporary, the New York World, Indulges In t ioqaerjee. "Measurements past comprehension, sped Inconceivable, wanderiujs transcending the power of man to Imagine are in Hal ley's comet; no more marvelous than the genius that plots its path, times its return, estab lishes by spetroscopy its likeness to the cold earth and tbe burning stars." If these things fill our mind with wonder and amasetnent, bow much more should we be filled with awe when we contemplate the incompre hensible Omnipotence that not only created Haliey's comet and set its course in the universe, but created and inspired the human mind, which has eueceeded In plotting that courne and measuring the time of the wan derer's return, and which has said to that human intellect "Thus far shall thou go and no farther"! The old idea that comets were fearful beacons, portending disaster, bas faded away; but, like the un wearied sun and tbe stars in the heavens, they still .teach the lesson conveyed In tbe old familiar lines; In Reason's ear they all rejoice. And utter forth a glorious voice; Forever sin ring as they shine: Tbe Hand that made us Is divine! A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Cham berlain's Liniment drives away tbe pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. I now I am perfectly cured, and have a lWct hahv bov." Mrs. Anna Anderson, Box 19, Black Duck, Minn. Consider This Advice. No woman should submit to a surgU cal oDeration. which may mean death. until she has erven Lyaia is. xnnanam s Vegetable Compound, made exclusive ly irom roots and heros, a lavr trial. This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and inviarorator of the female organism. Women resid- mir in almost everv cltv ana town m the United States bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia "E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female ills, and creates radi ant, buoyant female health. II you are ill, for your own sake as well as those you love, give n a inai. Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Blass Invites all sick women to write iierl'or advice. Her advice is free, . CaagatTbat Tlaaa. A college professor who was always ready for a joke was asked by a student one day If be would lika a good recipe for catching rabbits. "Why, yes," replied the professor. "What Is it?" 'Well," said the student, "you crouch down behind a thick stone wall and make a noise like a turnip." "That may be," said tbe professor with a twinkle in his eye, "but a .better way than that would be fcr you to go and sit quietly in a bed of cabbage beads and look natural." Ladies' Home Journal. Piles Cured at Home By New Absorption Method. If vou suffer from bleeding, itching. blind or protruding Piles, send me joue address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment and will also send some of this home treatment tree for trial, with refer ences from your own locality if requested. Immediate reuer ana permanent cure as sured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Sum' mers, Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. Never hesitate about giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to children. It con tains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with Implicit confidence. As a quick cure fcr and colds to which children are susceptible. It Is nnsnrpaiscd. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. .. - JCxtraa Caa- Caaiaaa, Robert Lincoln O'Brien, editor of the Bcw toe Transcript, is a great admirer of the yermonters, but thinks some times tbey Carry It too far. O'Brien was np la Vermont last sum mer and went to dinner with a friend who has some political aspirations. Aa they came la the door he heard tbe lady of the bouse say to the hired girl: "I see Mr. Jones has somebody with him to dinner. Take these two big potatoes down to tbe cellar and bring up three- small ones." Philadelphia Saturday Evening Poat. The High Caalaf L4laa Increases the price of many necessities without improving the quality. Foley's Honey and Tar maintains Its high stan dard of excellence and its great cnrailve Qualities without anv increase In coat. It is the best remedy for coughs, colds, croup. whooping cough and all ailments ot the throat, chest and lungs. Tbe gen aloe Is In a vellow packaire. Refuse substitutes. Foley's Kidney Pills contain in concen trated form ingredients of established tber apentlc value for the relief and enre ot all kidney and bladder aliments. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Especially equipped tor remodeling Automobile engines and parts. Piedmont Baggy Company, Repair Department, i Monroe, X. C. A Jekar. A seedy looking man entered a tore In Trenton the other day, and asked for assistance, backing up his request with a long tale of sickness and of employment. With a wink at the clerk, the merchant pointed to a friend who happened to be in the place, and re plied: 'Ask that gentleman. He Is the proprietor. 1 am only a clerk." The friend received the beggar's request in a sympathetic manner, and, turning to the merchant, re marked: "This seems to be a worthy case, Mr. Jones. Give him 11 from the tash register," and walked out of the store. It was in vain that the merchant protested that it had been a joke. So Insistent did the seedy one become that de boss" directions should be carried out that it was finally neces sary to do so In order to be rid of him. Lipplncott's. Foley's Klndey PlUs are antiseptic, tnic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all nrtnary irregnlarlUe. Refuse substi tutes. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. THEY NEVER FAIL. Tbatls Wbat Thay Bay Abaat Tba la Wa4aiVara, aad It la, Tbarafarr, Reli able. Another proof, more evidence, Wadesboro testimony to swell the long list of local people who endorse the old Quaker remedy, Doan's Kid ney I'll is. Ilead this convincing en dorsement of that remarkable prepa ration: John L. Matbeson, of Wadboro, X.C., says: "I found Doan's Kidney PilU to b a reliable remedy and I am pleaded to recommend them. I suffered from paint through the small of my back and my kidneys were disordered. I at lenjrth pro -cared Doan's Kidney Pills and it was not lootr after beginning their use that 1 i relieved. Since then I hnve h,ad bat little trouble from my kidneys. Whanever I feel that these organs need n tonic, I i ai med lately use Doan's Kidney Pills aod they never tail to give satisfactory results." For tale by all dealers. Price 6" cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Slates. - Remember the came Doan's and take no other. Heavy, Impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, in digestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale, , sickly. Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich, red, pure restores perfect health. . DR. BOYETTE, Dentist. Office up stairs over Tomlinson's dreg store.. Phone 79. : : : Wadesboro, N. C. and always helpful. Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen, Pat ronize the Old Reliable Tailoring Shop. ' Pressing, repairing, cleaning scouring of all articles of cloth ing our SPECIAL STUDY.' All work satifactory an prompt ly done Yours to please, Effie Byrd. At Byrd'a, the tailor, old Btand, Phone No. 149. ASHCRAFTS Condition Ti.-l For Horses and SrULULLXil J Mules only Ask for th Kind Put Up in Dose The Peace Which Passeth all understanding comes ' Quicker when the obsequies have been quiet ly ana tactfully conducted. Much depends upon The Undertaker. May we suggest a reference to those whom we have served? It will disclose the character of our services more fully than we feel disposed to. W,e prefer to let othersspr k of our work. We respond to calls ut any nour. Q-A.THI2S5TG-S mbalimr and Funeral Director. 'WadeEbon X.C. Phone 41 Bestand .unierent tells the toothsome story of Nunnally's Candies. They're supreme in purity and quality the most deli ghtful you ever ate. bonbons and choc olates are shipped to us by fast express almost daily, hence their freshness There's "none like Nunnally's. ' SOLD BY 'Parsons Drufr Co.! Tht Lazy Haaabar. Mayor &neenan, or Tirana, was ridiculing the pretensions of a politi cal oponent. "He takes," said Mayor Sheehan, with a smile, "too much credit. He reminds me of the Cayuse farmer. iTbis farmer came home one night from a banquet, and throwing him self down in a rocking chair before the stove, he sighed: "I'm about tired out. Be the cows in the barn?' " (Yea, Adoniram, said his wife. " 'flosses fed and bedded down? asked the farmer, and be took from his pocket a cigar with a gilt band about it. Yes, Adoniram.' 'Chickens ain't locked up,tbough, I be they? 44 'Yea, Adoniram, long ago.' "Wood chopped for mornin'?' Yea. " 'Ducks picked and wagon wheel mended for tomorrow's market? Yes, Adonlram. ; The farmer lighted the clear. yawned and said: ' Wellr then, Just hand me the Farm Journal and draw me a Jug of cider, . Maria, I'll turn in soon. Fannin's beginning to tell on me." Albany Journal. Before Placing Life Insurance Investigate The SOUTHERN LIFE S TRUST Anywhere COMPACT 2. 3. 4. 5. This Company has been successful from the beginning, and has never experienced the ups and downs of the average insurance company at the expense of ita policyholders. In six years its surplus to policyholders has increased from $200,000.00 to $477,816.00. A record unapproach ed by any other company in North Carolina. Its actuary is one of America's most eminent insurance experts. It makes no contract that it cannot carry out and no provision that it cannot fulfill. In its interest earnings it stands at the head of American Insurance Companies. Its death rate is exceedingly low For 1909 it was only 30 per cent, of the expected. Its dividends to policyholders are as large as those paid by any insurance company in the country. Those Results of an Economical and Successful Management Make Possible the Ccst Results to Poiicyhcldtrs Investigate fully Before Placin Yc:r Insurance Anson Real 1. C. C0XE, Pres Estate u La.aOwi Uaa J J U V IV. T. ROSE, Sec. erj'Trcr: