eager & Intelligencer UU SCORO, S. C. JaM ,rl10. J AS. Q. BOY UN. Pbllsher.. i "tin ted twice a week, and entered as a ! cia matter, December 6, 190, at - rowt office at Wadesboro, N. 0. under c Act of March 3, 1S79. XER1I0F SUPERIOR COURT. ! u tercatlag Stilt Agal. S. A. 1 lr B. P.BIgsa : The June term of the Anson Coun ty Superior Court will be held here next week for the trial of civil cases. The docket is very heavy and an ef fort is being made for a special term of the court in order to clear the docket. Ou the docket for Monday ia set for trial the suit brought against the Seaboard Air Line ltaiiroad Compa ny by B. F. Biggs. In this suit Mr. Biggs asks for $5,000 damages for al leged libel, and contends that because of erroneous checking of his accounts he was forced to give up hia position as agent of the railroad and accept a position as telegraph operator. Mr. Biggs was agent of the Sea board Air Line here and gave up.the position in the fall of 1907 and ac cepted the agency of the Atlantic Coa9tLineat Orangeberg, S. C In his complaint he alleges that when he resigned here he was checked out bv the traveling auditor of the compa ny but that later he was notified that there was a shortage in his accounts of $437. He immediately asked for a re-checking and examination but was refused. The company demand ed a settlement of the shortage and threatened to report him to the bond ing company and finally did sj. At . this point the bonding company wrote Mr. Biggs and he employed Attor ney Walter E. Brock to represent him. In response to the demands of the attorney the railway company sent one of their representatives to re' check J,he books with the result that the shortage was found to be only $4, and this came from an error in the sale of a ticket and had been made by the auditor in his first examination. In the meantime Mr. Biggs had been appointed as agent at Wades boro of the Atlantic Coast Line Y but the bonding company refused to make his bond on account of the complaint of the Seaboard Air Line. Mr. Biggs was thus forced to give up the agen cy and take a position as operator for the Atlantic Coast Line at Columbia, f which hejaow holds. After the final examination of the books here the a bonding company acknowledged , its error and offered to make the bond lor Mr. Biggs. - Automobile May be Curse to Country 8ay Chancellor Day. . New York, June 5. There are so - many youDg men coursing about the country in automobiles and their pleasure absorbs such a large share of the productive capital of the country that Chancellor James R. Day of Syracuse University believes it is be coming a question if the automobile is not a curse to the country. The chancellor was speaking to the graduating class of the University to day on self-sacrifice and self-denial and be chose the automobile as a "broad and apparent illustration" of a luxury that too often is not aacri . ficed. : . : ' "Young mechanics and clerks and business men," he said, "who need all of their capital, are mortgaging their homes by the thousands and losing their positions often by their infatuation with this form of pleas ure. V y "It is said that about five hundred million dollars are invested in the automobile trade and this enormous capital is non-productive. I know the criticism that will be sure to come because of what will be called an attack on a great industry but I address myself to the abuse of self indulgence in a good thing. I em phasize self-denial." " ' Lack of self-denial is accountable, the chancellor believes, for a lower marriage rate. "If you want to know," he said, "why men marry less than of old, perhaps the secret ia in the false whim of supporting a wife. He can not afford to support a wife, the bachelor says. No woman ought to consent to be such a wife. The greatest woman is the woman who brings to a man -a home. She is greater than the suffragette or the female temperance lecturer." "Had dyspepsia Or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." J. H. Walker, Sunbury, Ohio. . Notice to Masons. A special communication of Kil winning Lodge A. F. & A. M."will beheld Tuesday evening, 14th, for work in the master's degree, the can didate being Mr. H. E. Allen. A full attendance will be expected. Thos. A. Marshall, W. M. ' Don't let the baby suffer from eczema, sores or any itching of the skin. Doan's Ointment gives Instant relief, cures qulck ; ly. Perfectly safe for children. All drug gists sell it. Delicate Consideration. "I understund your constituents are criticising you." . . .-: ""Yes," answered Senator Scrghum. 'For the first time in years my enemies have found a weak point in my papulari ty. They are saying that tha brass band I hired for the last campaign wasn't as good as usual." Washington Star. .' ; Foley's Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable results. It does away -with bed wetting, at, d isalao recom mended for use after measles and scat-let fever. Parsons Drug Co. i Pee Dee Phar macy. - '.: . ." Nrrr- 1 tind tas and -r, fy kind, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. W. T. Rose is In Greensboro today. .-. '? Lenox.IcLendon, who graduated at the A. A M. last week, has accep ted a position in the plant industry division of the Department of Agri culture and will be located in South Carolina for several weeks. He i3 here spending a few days with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McLen- don. Miss Mary Johnson, who was one of the attendants at the McLendon- Morton wedding last night returned to .her home in Thomasville this morning. - ; : , - Miss Margaret Morton, sister of Dr. W. MV Morton, returned to her home at Greensboro this morning. ; Rev. S. R. Brock of Loweryville ia visiting his son, Walter E. Brock. Mrs. J. M. Dunlap of Ansonville is visiting friends here. Miss Mamie Boone, of Pee Dee, is visiting the family of Mr. L. C. Phifer. Mr. Earl Polk, of Miami, Fla., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Ella Polk. He is accompanied by his friend, Mr. R. L. Rivers. ;" ; . Mrs. J. A. Boggan and Misa Mary Kendall have gone to Rocky River Springs for the summer. . Mr. Ashe Lockhart has returned home from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blackburg, Va. He has been elected manager of the baseball team for next season, one of the most sought after honors in college. Dr. Wrttt Ashcraft, of Monroe, is in town today. . - Rev. R. M. Mann returned today from the meeting of the Presbytery recently held at Lewisberg,' Pa. Mr. Mann returned by Philadelphia where be spent several days with hia sister. Mr. J. Dannenberg," proprietor of the Anson Suit and Skirt factory, ia in town today. Mr.3eorge Craig has returned home from . from Wofford College. He graduated this year. ; Rev. J. H. West attended the commencement at Trinity College this week. His sons, Messrs. Claud and Walter West, graduated this year. They will return home Friday. Messrs. W. L. Marshall and James A. Leak went to Rockingham Tues' day afternoon in Huntley and Mar tin's new machine. Mr. Leak tells of the pleasure of the trip and seems to have a touch of "Autonitis". Mr. and Mrs. W. Jl McLendon of Marshall came in Tuesday night to attend the . McLendon-Morton . mar riage and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McLendon.' Savannah and Wshoms. Rev. C. II. Clyde delivered a fine and instructive sermon at Wahoma Sunday afternoon. . ; Harvesting is in progress at the present time. There ia hardly an av erage yield. .The refreshing rains of Saturday and Sunday were more than welcome, as garden stuffs and some crops were suffering. Indications at present are that there will not. be a good crop of anything except candi dates this year. . Some of the "boys" seem to think the pies are extra large this year, but we fear they will not be largeenough to go around. ': Preparations are being made to ob serve children's day at Savannah the fourth Sunday in June. : Pee Dee local Farmers Union held its last meeting Saturday evening, and an interesting one it., was, too. Our farmers are beginning to do something. Two new members were initiated. Brotherwon't you join us? Do not wait to see whether we will do any good or not, but help us to do good. : If every one were to wait like you, of course we could do no good, for there would have been no Farm ers' Union. Our local will purchase a canning outfit, on the co-operative plan, at an early date. , . The discussions between - the mem bers are getting to be an interesting feature and of educational value. The next meeting will be Saturday, June 18, at 3 o'clock. , : : v ' The Wahoma Debating Society will be reorganized next Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Everybody in vited. Cyclist, Splendid Showing. Perhaps the most reliable index to the amount of business done by a town is the postal receipts of the town. - Judged by this standard Wadesboro hasihad a steady growth. as the postofice receipts here have shown a good average increase from year to year. The salary of post masters is based on the receipts of the office, and at the annual readjust ment of salaries .. throughout the country the increase In the receipts of the office here justified a raise in the Balary of Postmaster Matherson from $1,700 to $1,800. . ;; ' The annual report of Postmaster Matheson shows the receipts for the year ending March 31, 1910, to have been $6583.90 as against the receipts during the previous year; amounting to $5999.99. A remarkable fact was that for the year ending March 31, 1909, one more cent received would have given Mr. . Matheson $100 a year increase in salary. This year the c.Tice only lacks a little of the erooHEt &ece3?ary for aa increase "cf TWO JUNE WEDDINGS. Isa Helen Hay McLendon and Mr. De Witt Morton Were Harried last Kven tncBlss Charlie Bell Cralf and Mr. Bald Tnll to Take the Tows This Evening. MORTOS-M-LESDOS. ' Amid picturesque surroundings, and attended by many loving friends and relatives, the marriage of Misa Helen May McLendon and Mr. De Witt H. Morton, of Thomasville, was beautifully solemnized last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McLen don. The nuptial music was an attrac tractive feature, Mrs. W. J. McLen don, Jr., rendering Lohengrin's March and accompanying Miss Char lie Bell Craig, who sang delightfully, "Could I But Tell". The scene of the wedding was on the lawn, which is prettily terraced and made an ideal Betting for the bridal tableau. The color scheme was white and gold, and was beautifully carried out in every detail. The Rev. T. W. Chambli33 offici ciated, and stood beneath an archway of evergreens studded with daisies, in the center of which hung a huge white bell completely covered with the dainty blossoms. The aisles were laid with white, and the lerract was outlined with broad yellow rib bon caught at intervals with bunches of daisies, the beauty of the scene be ing further enhanced by the use ol many Japanese lanterns. The bridal party advanced down the side aisles, the ushers, Meesm. H. H. McLendon, W. J. McLendon, Jr., Dexter Liles and Clyde Bivens, leading the pro cession. Next came the bridesmaids, singly. ' They, were Misses Ruby Reid, of Wake Forest; Mary John son, of Thomasville; Sue Watkins, oi Henderson, and Sarah Allen, of Polk- toa. Following them were the matro n of honor, Mrs. H. II. McLendon and Mrs. L. L. McLendon, and the dame of honor, Mrs. J. Coit Redfearn, al of whom wore the softest and dainti est of white lingerie dresses- and car ried arm bouquets of daisies tied will streamers of dewdrop chiffon. Tbt flower girls,Sara Redfearn and Eunice Morton, wore pretty white mull lact trimmed dresses with yellow sashes. and carried baskets of the chosei flower. The groom was attended bj his brother, Mr. W. M. Morton, as- best man. The bride, who was ac companied by her father, was a vi sion of loveliness in a soft white crea tion of pure white crepe meteor. The lace yoke was seeded with pearls, her tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms and her exquisite bouquet was of bride's roses and maidenhair ferns, from which fella shower of wbite sweet peas and other blossoms. After the marriage vows were spo ken! the bridal party advanced to the veranda, where congratulations were extended. Here punch was dis pensed from a flower decked table by Misses Portia Huntley and Goldie Mills. Receiving in the hall were Mrs. T. W. Chambliss and Mrs. H. W. LittIe.-"The parlor was lovely with clematis, daisies and ferns, and every one lingered to admire an elegant collection of gifts from the family and many friends. Here the white and gold wedding register was kept by Mrs. R. M. Mann and Mrs. Rosa lie Polk Stevens. - Mrs. H. B. Allen led the way to the dining room, which was also prettily decorated with daisies and myriads of wax tapers. Mrs. C. M. Burns Jr., and Mrs. Earl Martin were in charge of this room and were gracefully assisted by Misses Eliza beth Home, Laviece Chambliss, Julia Lockhart, Ruth Allen, Lina Lock- hart and Angelyn Fetzer, who served a Neapolitan ice course with cake, further carrying out the color motif. The bride wore for traveling a handsome suit of champagne chiffon cloth, with a blouse, hat, and other accessories to match. She has been one of the most loved and admired ot her social set,' and many affection ate wishes will follow her to her new home, where the groom Is a promi nent business man. TCLL.-CRA1G. The Wadesboro Methodist church will be the scene tonight of a very pretty church wedding. The decora tions consist of cut flowers potted plauts and smilax with a profusion of sweet peas, the colors being pink and white. It ia the occasion of the solemization of the marriage vows between Mias Charlie Belle Craig, a charming and attractive young woman of Wade8boro, and Mr. Reid Tail, of Kinston,' N. C. The vows will be taken in the presence of the pastor of the Wadesboro Methodist church," Rev. J. H. West, using a simple service without the ring. The ushers are Messrs. Frank Fetzer, Adam Lockhart, George Craig, of Wadesboro, and J. H. Griggs, of Charlotte. Ju3t before the arrival of the wed ding party Miss Portia Huntley will sing 'For Love'a Sweet Sake." Miss Goldie Mills will be at the organ, and for the entrance of the wedding par ty will render Mendelsohn's wed ding march. Misa Mills will wear a becoming costume of white batiste with trimming of val lace, and a black picture hat, and carrying pink sweet peas and fearns tied with pink tulle. Miss Portia Huntley will wear a white princess satin costume with pearl trimming, and carrying pink sweet peas tied with white tul'e. The bride, Miss Craig, -enters the church with the church with the dame of honer, Mrs. W. H. Craig, of At-! tenia, Gi., and at the alter will meet r. accoKf-anied by hfsbest man, Mr. Harwcod Bet be, of Baltimoore. The bride will wear a costume of champaign rajah with hat, gloves and shoes to match, and will carry bride's rosea and lillies of the valley. ; The dame of honor, Mrs. Craig, will wear a handsome costume of pink chiffon over mpssaline, with embroidered net and silver bands, and wear a black picture hat and carry pink sweet peas. immediately ? afier the ceremony the bride and groom will go to the Seaboard Air Line Passenger station, and leave for Charlotte on the first train. They will be at home near Whitney, where sMr. Tull is busy with the construction work of the Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad, Among the guests from a distance are: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. , Craig of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. George A. Lind-' say of Greensboro, and Mr. John LL ruil, of Sanford, N. C r . Hnrlcd a Bible at Jnstlee. Asheville, N. C, June 7. A vic tim of a North Carolina prohibition dope compound, suddenly losing hi? mind, A. P. Courtney a wealthy young man, son of the former Coun ty Treasurer Courtney, started on a rampage last night, leaving conster nation in his trail, and ended in jail. He purchased a pipe, immediately burling it at the storekeeper. Walk ing down the street he slapped men md women indiscriminately as "he went, and upon reaching the post office, pulled out a hundred-dollar s?o!d watch end hurled it at a by stander. : When arranged in the Police Court this morning Courtney said: "Thif is how I plead," and threw a missilt at Police Judge Adams. Consterna tion reigned momentarily, the offl'cei thinking it was a Domb. The mis sile proved to be a Bible. 1 FREE TO YOU MY SISTER f t " 4 1 wlsa to continue. It will cost yon only about II cents a week or less than two cents a day. 1 Will not Interfere with your work or occupation. Jssi ms4 as sr ssns ut sssrats, tell me how yon uffer If you wish, and I will send yon the treatment for your ease, entirely frpe.m plain wren- u tW raf lien mall T nwJll .1 Jk a I a..M m.a .at .1 . .1 . . K 'You mast Have tn nnprsitiAfi " von juiiia !nSmeLV0" w. my home remedy. It cures sit sM sr raetf. Ts Msifesra st laaffeMfs, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leuoorrhoea, Green Sickneniand Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladies, rUumpness and health always results front .iiWherer" To UyMcan refer yon to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly te" any sufferer that this Hans Trastnsal really cent all women's diseases, and makes woman welL strong, plump and robust. Jut tH nt rer sis rtts, and the free ten day's treatment is yours, aaM the book. Write to-day, as you may not see UUs offer again. Address - mrs. m. summers, BoxH - Motro Dame, Ind.. U.S.A. For reference, writeaire. L. A. Chappell, Lileaville, N. C DR. R, H. DRAKE, The Eye Specialist, who is now at B. H, Crowder's Store, will be here until next Wednesday, June 15, after strong solicitation. Be sure and call to see him. Don't put it off until the last day Satisfaction Guaranteed. Examina tion Free. i - Dr. Francis Of Greensboroi 1ST. C. Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist, will visi Wadesboro, N. C. (8th visit) on Monday, June SOtli, 1910. at the Klonkyke Hotel, and regularly every month tnereaiter, Ono Day W&SSfflE BrltishCanadlan Medical Expiri, Surgeon and Diagnostician. Dr. Packard has been educate! is an1 rid satei from tbe bett hospitals and colleges of Europe tni America. Special EximinerUoitei . States Pension Bureau. Consultation and Elim ination Free, Invited A Strictly Confidential. Nocases takes or treated without a per sonal examination con sultation sr interview. Ms sul srier kssisctt ssss sr ssrrctsssseiics sshcited RsW nus esrtfsl!,. If ss srs is it health, live it ts s sick fries- hs will thssk yss. a Consultation Examination at all times FREE and Invited. I rare to stay cured erery esse I take for treatment. Surgical Cases I treat without Op eration or suffering. Without Ether or Chlo roform, without detention lrom Business or Pleasure. This North Carolina Doctor, registered and licensed by the State for the Cure of all Ner vous, Special and Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and Children, Treats all his Patients in person. No hired Assistants to split the re sponsibility. He treats the following Diseases only: AH Nervous Diseases such ss Neuras thenia, Neuralgia, Melancholia, Nervous De bility, Spinal Irritation. Hysteria, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Fits or Fallinr Sickness, Chorea. Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Headache or aj Mi graine. Heart Disease like palpitation, gen eral Weakness or sinking spells. Diseases of the Blood or Skin like Anemia, Scrofula.Ecze ma. Ulcers, Tumors. Growths, Swellings, pimples, etc. Ha wants to meet all sick per sons who suffer-from Chronic Constipation, Obstipation, Intestinal irritation. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ulceration or Dilation of the Stomach or Intestines, Hernia,' Knptnre of the Bowels, Appendicitis, Piles, itching.bleed ing, protruding or internal in Character. Tapeworm, Diseases of the liver, such as en largement or displacement, or congestion. Cirrhosis, hardening or engorgement. Diseas es of the Kidneys like Bright's Disease, Dia betes, Dropsy, Gravel, Urie Acid. Scalding or burning Urine. Bed wetting or too frequent Urination, Sexual Impotence, weakness or irri tability. Diseases of the bladder. Catarrh in all its forms. Purulent, discharging or Dry Catarrh of the head. Throat, lungs or Bron chial tubes. Stomach, Bladder, Kidney or Systemic This enemy of the human race. He is now sble to cure in a short time by sn original and sew method ot Osmosis or absorption. Asthma in all its forma. Con sumption of the many stages.- A Cure, guar anteed if in the early Stages, before destruc tion of tissues has set in. Deafness csnsed by it. I have cured frequently in 80 min utes. Sometimes accompanied by Head noises. Cured to stay Cured. Diseases of Women, I lrtienr Ovarian are must aueeesafuijy V l-iSX'-i--tt ia, ocx fit-4 r. ir Giant Compear Takes Over One Mil ton of the State Bo nil e. Raleigh, Jane 7. A bid for $1,000,000 ol t North Carolina forty-year 4 per cent landing-bonds received this afternoon om the American Tobacco Company sares the State from the necessity of as sembling the Legislature In extra aeasion as called through the recent proclamation of Governor Kltchin for June 14. This is the view that Is taken here in official and business circles, thre being no donbt that the conference of the bankers of the State tomorrow with the Governor and Coun cil of State, along with the other ontside bids that will be in hand for the final sale Friday, will easily take up the entire $3,111,000 remaining ol the total $.4,000 issue after the first sale of $1,319,000 be fore the call was issued for the Legisla ture. The American Tobacco Company bid leaves only $1,111,000 to be taken care of by tbe conference of bankers tomorrow and through other bids that are coming in to be opened Friday. BANKERS SCBSCR1BB RF.M&ISDKR The call for a special session of tbe Legislature was withdrawn yesterday by Governor Kltchin after the conference with tbe State bankers. In this confer ence there were more than one hundred bankers representing towns and cities from Wilmington to AsheviUe. There was a full and 1 ree discussion of the situation and the rtsult was that the bids were made for tie entire amount and $o0,000 over. Mori than this it appeared that the bankers were prepared to take $250, 000 more of tbe bonds. It is estimated tl at when tho final bids are opened it will be found that the bonds are a halt million or more over-subscribed for. Governor Kitchia- -was enthusiastic over the rest It of the conference, declaring that it was - source of special gratifica tion tc him that tha bankers responded so generaUjr 'jid adequately to the appeal that it was found necessary to make to tnem, ineir prompt action navmg oont erated the necessity for the extra session. Treasurer Lacy says that yesterday, af ter receiving tbe liberal bid of tbe Amer ican Tobacco Company, the principal of ficers of which are North -Carolinians, be felt confident that the balance of the bonds could be absorbed readily by the banking and other business interests. He calls special attention to the fact that it re quired less than fifty minutes for tbe bankers to subscribe for an aggregate ot l, 045,500. Frn to You and vry Sister Suf- vnng from woman's Aiimonts. I am a woman. I know woman's rajfsrinra. I nave found taa m . I will mail, free of any charre. T --- net with full Wrioui .uJ!Tf?!S woman's alimenW. I want to tli tM woaZ! tnia eare mm. my reader, tor roarself. yonr out the help of a doctor. Men cssen onderstaad women's Buffering. What we women know hen iiMriMct, we know better than any doctor I know that my'home treatment Is safe nod rnre vurv iu unniHl ST B-llini SltCSSfrM. en mills BJ. jl.c.a-l , rslli.1 sf Iks Ssnk. ,t7M kMs ksck set sen Is, kttrist fees fcelnis. crMSMf Ntlisf st Dm ssns, snUscawf, sen OstsM, ssfistM. kisser, sei ktM kttkit t ewwa innsrs, er sraelsc MM sane n SMira Is ttf ma mm nj wvMsssses sscsusf o our sec I want to send you s sensMs n car's fcartnssl sattratr Ires to prove to yon that yon eaa care yourself at home, easily, qnlekly and sorely. Bemember, that, 4 tin cri ate nkk to miwm tha trMtm A Tit a ryiTnnt. tw.l m .A i t vnAi irkHU.4. u S. Packard, Ilniirc 8:00 A. H.S UUUlOt 6:00 P. U. Utdleal EiDirt la Triitminl cf Chrcr.Is Clsimsef I-tn, Hesiia tad Chlldrias Dr. Packard kas suds start rosiarkanle csres is ens Switnirn States tbasaon; fvisf pbysi Ho MCnTshl cases Uaeo for trtatauat. Al catos takto for trestaett will is aar ajrtecd s care. - t set si patioata is persss. Ms sosstitstes sr usittaots sstplsrtd or tntsted. Intoexsnnr s sat ss ss- WUN I a ssesssMios s0 hi mediately replaced in a very few minutes. Disesses peculisr to men, or any complicated troubls beyond the aid of the general Prac titioner. And if yon have tried everything else and failed, and if yon want to get well again. Then Go and See thia advanced and progressive Specialist of experience and rep utation Who. If there is a cure for yen, will bring it about and produce it with the aid of the greatest Scientific achievements of modern times, which he has mastered and has at his commands. NO MATTES What your aumsnt may be: NO MATTER what others may have told yon. No Matter what your experience may have been with Other Physicians, Hospitals, Sanitariums, Institutions or Psteat Medicines, it will be to your advantage to see this re markable Doctor of ENGLAND, everywhere acknowledged to be the greatest center of Medical Learning ia the world today. 0Go then, and have it forever ssttled in your mind if your esse is one for which a Cure can be had. If your case is curable, hs will put yon on treatment at once, and give yon all such medicines or remedies and preparations needed to effect your Cure. If incurable. He will tell yon so, and give yen such coun sel snd advice ss may prolong your life. BEMT.MBEB This is not a scheme or catch or insre to get your money and ran, as is too often the ease. This is a legitimate prop osition and you deal with your Doctor Tour self and direct. Every Statement here made is guaranteed as True. A visit for Consul tation and examination will cost yon noth ing, and implies , no obligation whatever. If treatment be decided on aad given you. it will restore you to perfect health, and may B,n. "?f your life. A Nominal fee will be charged only if the Cast can bo treat ed with a view to a cure. Do not pot off this duty you. owe to your Your Family, your friends and Vur relatives who are now or may later be suffering because of yonr neglect to Scat Disease and procure Health without which Lite instead of a Plasura becomee ft nuaeca lie and painful p tm.a, i,v.t;,es lb. I :;t. ,t V$Ue, ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CLERIC Of COCRT I hereby nononnc-e myself a candidate) for the fiJce of Clerk of the Superior Court ot Aoson const?, subject to tbe action oi too uemocratu; primary. , hreby.ononnrw myselX a, candidate' the ofHaA nt C'-rir nt tK finfwirln. ' for Court of Anon county, subject to tbe j tuu" w mo i-fiiux-ranc prtmarv. rY, P. IEDBETTER. FOR SHCRirP. I hereby snnouncr nrvlf a. ra.nli.late tor the office ot sheriff.of Anson county, subject to tbe action of the Democratic primary. T. S. CLARK- , harebv nnnnntuva nv1f m. nA A at. for the nomination for tbe office ot sheriff or ad son county, subiect to tbe action of the Democratic primary. , J. X. W ILUAUb. T tlAHw ntfnMVA M.Ukll A .1 J k for the office of Sheriff of Anson county, sunject to tne action of tbe Democratic primary. it. U. GULLEDGE. I hereby annonnw bitwII a tn.nAAtLtA for the nomination fnr th nfHna nt ,hH(T of Anson COOntr. subieet to the action nf the Democratic primary. K. J. LOWER X. I hereby announce mvself a r&nAMat for sheriff of Anson county, subject to toe action oi tne uemocratic primaries. I will appreciate the suDDort of mv fellow countrymen, and Dromiae that, if p1mlI toiuis important ana responsible posi- muu. iu servo ine county in tnt capacity w i.ue very oesi or my aollliy. xXaJ AH GUIJLEDGE, I hereby announce fuvself a candidate for tbe office ot sheriff of Anon county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. E. E. BARRETT. FOB REGISTER OS DEEDS I herehv ansnnnm m,ulf ntlA for the nomination for theofflceof register of deeds of Anson .county, snbject to the iltlon f T' . . . . . : f a.Mvu w iw xjvuiwraiu; primary. . , V. M. JOHNSON. Ihereby announce mvself a candidate for the nomination for the office of register of deeds, subject to tbe action of the Demo cratic primary. . D. H. BRASWELL. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office ot register of deeds of Anson county, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. I am only asking for the office for two more years, and if elected will not be a candidate to succeed myself. Respectfully, C. W.THOMAS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-nomination f nr rh nfflw centatire tor Anson county in tbe next oeuerai Assemoiy. T. C. COXE, FOR COl'NTY COMMISSIONER. We hereby announce ourselves candi dates for the re-nomination for tbe office of county commissioner, subject to tbe ac tion of the Democratic primary. j. d. McGregor, ; V'H. B. ALLEN, E. E. McRAK. FOR rOUSTV TREASPREH. I hereby announce trryself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Anson coun ty, subject to tbe action of the Democrat ic primary. F. K. LENTZ. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tbe office of treasurer of Anson COUnty. Snbiect to the SMinn nt t a rtin. cratic primary. S. A. BENTON. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Anson coun ty, subject to the action of tbe Democrat ic Primary. YV. F. CRUMP. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for tbe office of treasu rer of Anson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. T. J. WATKINS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for the office of treasu rer of Anson county, subject to the action of the Democrat Ic pri mary. ARCHIBALD D. TARLTON. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of the County ot Anson subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary.-' - PLYDE P. MARSH. To tbe voters of Anson county Greeting: I embrace this opportunity of soliciting your votes, in the coming Democratic pri mary, for the office of treasurer of Anson county. If you will elect me to said office, I promise a correct and faithful discharge of the duties incumbent upon one in that position and promise at the expira tion of four years to cheerfully surrender the office to whomsoever you may elect as my successor. Thanking you in advance for any support you may give me. I am Yours most respectfully, . D. GAUDY. FOR COROSER. -I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of coroner of Anson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ADAM GREEN. FOR COTTON WEIGHER AT WADES BORO, T hAraHv Q n n mi n,..1l , , . for re-nomination for the office of cotton wei?hAr at Wo rlaakA .k: . . . . l action of the Democratic primary. C. B. ALLEN. LIST YOUR TAXES. The list takers for the several townships of the county will attend at the following times and places for the purpose of list ing the taxable property of their town- WADEsBORO TOWNSHIP. I will be in the court house every day durinir thn mnnt.h nf i court week, from to 12 a. m. and from 1 to 5 p. m. to take the lists for taxes for tbe township. During court I will be at my office during tbe same hours. J. F Allen will also take tho tav Dot. . town ot Wades bo re at the same hours and places. D. A. McGregor, List Taker. LILE8VILLE TOWNSHIP. The nnAersirned will attoni at 1 1, i lowlnfl tttttA . n ntoA. n 1. . v. . lists fftr Lllesvil A tnwnahln. nonira ocaooi nouse, via inst. Battle St Battle's store, lath inst. Lilesville everv othAr dm u- T T 1 1 t , ..". above dates. S. T. Usher, List Taker. MOHVEM TOWNSHIP. Tim snilmtmiAil will tt.. ,r . for Morven township at following times and places: Morven, 4th inst. Shady Grove, 6th inst. Coiro, 8th inst. McFarian, 8th inst. Paris, 10th inst. And at alorvAn Anw4ntm tkA v i the month of June, - . c- H- un, List Taker. GCLLGDO TOWNSHIP. The nnHApalariuul (n !,. n. , . - - - b " ud tur sax lists forGutledge township at the following times and places. ' tjason via field, I5th inst. geep Creek school bouse, 18th last. Bethel church, 17th inst. Littles school house, lth inst. Geo. T. Little, List Taker. WHITE STORK TOWNSHIP. I will be at tho fn!1in- -i. named to takeTaxs for" WW tore V"aUUIU, Rock Spring, 4th inst. Red Hill, Uth inst. Union, 18th inst. White Store, 3ith inst. J. E. Tar! ton, List Taker. LANKSBORO TOWNSHIP. - me tax lists at the places and dates given below: Peachland, Uth and lsth insts. Poikton, 20th and 21st insts. T. M. Smith, List Taker. HURNSVILLE TOWNSHIP. I will attend atth hiiu.u. . i .,i to it property ia Burnsviile township: - "u.'. .1111, ItlB UlSl. Diamond Hill, loth inst. Wightman, ICth inst. Rocky Mt., 17th inst., morning. Ross Store, ISth Inst. ANSONVILLE TOWNSHIP, The undersigned will take tax lists of Ansonville township at the following limes sou piuces. . . Wharf, 3rd Inst.. B.T. Staton's rsideaoe, 4th inst. Hancock school 1 cnise, 10th, inst. Cedar H1U, 11th iBt. AnsonvUle, 17th aod 18th lasts. S- 1.1. Ciaxk, List Taker. 1 The Farmer's Fa vorite. Grain Drill Buy now. Wc have them. Drill in your peas. Pay for it next fall. Best Drill Made. EMLOCK !1DU. G0L1PM If Uhaf Do You Drink? . If you drink Coffee you will find our Royal Blend High Grade always uniform in quality, packed in 3-pound sealed cans for the price of $1.00 per can. As a coffee of excep tional value and superior merit, we offer our Gold Medal Brand Coffee which is pleasing many of our most particular coffee customers. Packed only in 1-pound cans for the price of 25 cents per can. If you like a cup of good tea, try a small can of our White HouseMixedTea which is-high grade and has perfect cup qualities. Hardison Co. ' ' The Peace Which Passeth all understanding cornea quicker when the obsequies have been quiet ly and tactfully conducted. Aluch depends upon The Undertaker. May we suggest a reference to i none wnom we naveserveur it will diacloee tha character of our services wore fully than we feel dUpoaed to. We prefer to let oLheraspeak of our work. We respond to calls jtt any hour. Gr A.T HI ZST Gr S Embalirv and Funeral Director. . Wadeebon .G -Phone 41 SCHOOL BOOKS FOit SALF PRICli All kinda and sold. Largest stock In North fX . 1 n . i ... . vwruitua. oaiiaiacuon guaranieeo. Send ISstt ratmlAcrnM frA. SuiTB'a Old lUiOi SroaE, rlelgb N. C Mi. Water UlLJ Tea Bcd never esrrr another paO of water or m go out oi the hottM oa nonaf oar- Ptlnuiiti uer ia yoor home ia tbe kitcbea-'tathmoiii aaiiet aad hare aa adequate supply ia the bara .or watrr T nock ntbmt carnacea, harantHor the lava, ardea or for protection mmn ferr brmtci. A . mtm took hM ff ia !- trmm Ma ia tt lainr. 1 iJtil aflarSMM-mtUli. mmk. iSla?wta!lll' l'wt ia ml ft i mm ai(tMiiaoiw iBMli kfZnltt,' It kk - ym hmm Lmr Waaa. tj li i la W "" Tom mammr aam'l kmjka, aa4 asiai a awtert ul Mliama. mt aa. r kM. Wafcw SpHii I a. aka - - - af aaar r ar I ruiin. A ft. ac mt m an aat aW apfjaraaas aaaam. Sold by W. N. Rea Notice. I will be at tbe following plavs on th dltM naillMl fnp tra taxes of Whlt Store township: Roc Snrtnri Juruaa- n;n n i; . .. - c - - W UUO II. I. U1K.U Juuo IS; Wlilte, Store June 25. List Taker for Wliii Kioro lowuxliip. OIJ ParersforSa!eTLe ll.Lt