AO J AS. GvBOYIJN, EDITOR AKD PUBLISHER rUBUSHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 1.00 A YEAR, DUE IX AD WANT Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, July 21, 1 910 Number 6 s - - - !i it 1 m '-li'jia,.,...', i',WZmif KKWPl!':x"EB'mtBfes Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema without being materially benefitted that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and that Hobsoix's Eczema Ointment will effect a cure is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial-of Mr. Venable Wilson, who for many years was a citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: "This is to certify that for niae years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it, but wirhout elfect. But after a few applications of Hobson's Eczema Ointment I was completely cured. "V. WILSON. "Thomasville. N. Feb. 22, 1910." We sell Hobson's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee. If it does not effect a cure yo get your money back. PSQS DRUQ COY. H Unless previously called for and charges paid, or otherwise disposed of, the Southern Express Company will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auc tion, in the express office at Wadesboro, N. C., on Sat urday, July 23rd, 1910, at 10 o'clock A. M., all mat ter that has been cn hand six months or over, an iem-iz.-d list of which can be seen at the comoanie's office in Vadesboro, N. C This June 23rd, 1910. W. EGLESTON, Superintendent. J. G. RIDDICK, Agent, Ji R 1 X The Peace Which Passeth all understanding comes quicker when the obsequies have been quiet ly and tactfully conducted. Much depends upon The Undertaker. - May we suggest a reference to those whom we have nerved? It will disclose the character of our services more fully than we feel disposed to. We prefer to let othersspeak of our work. We respond to call3 at auy hour. . . GrATHINGS Embalir r and Funeral Director. Wedtrbt ro,N C Phone 41 You need never carry another rail of water or en to out of the bouse on stormy aays. Pat running tet in your borne in the kitchen bathroom toilet and have an adequate supply in the barn ior water K stock washing carriages, names for the lawn, vden or or protection against fire besides. A mkm this voMiMa. It aiimln.Ua th. nirfclr aimM . tor teak 4fca4 frMMS In winter or dri. out In SamnMr. btcoapMN. air ia ...0rSlMl tank doM aU th. work, s .our wUw or barUd ia th. r round it ran not ft rr, ..d mAim th. wtw probtan hnw. k compute tiatem coat. : W W apaarda ud jem oi toUsll it foarMit. it yov nk. 1M m show yoo how a tsftfw Water System In your ate will jo mtoafm doctor's bills, aad add te ion I . aoutort sod atiibctioo mt tb. sain. tima. A Loader W.Ur iit! Vth Mad of your horn ill omrmr gwk oat of ordr or s4 npain. A w lining Swbaa anca day is all that tb apparatus nqoins. J. CoBor Writ For Ft Dcriptu Cockle i "bj sail awl 1101 II Fpsi Carry , J 21 Water ULLi Sold byW.N.Rea !) JUST TELL US HOW MUCH t cut 1 ff ai.d we will eome pretty uar getting exactly t'je quantity you want. You tioij't liuve to worry ab mt the quality of 1 ur merits. We take so much pairs i-i selecting theio you can be assured they re the ch'dcest to be had. A trial will prove it. P. T. RHYNE. B23 i to A E 9 SHAKE? Oxidine is not only the quickest, safest, and surest remedy for Chills and Fever, but a most dependable tonic in all malarial diseases. A liver tonic a kid ney tonic a stomach tonic a bowel tonic. If a system-cleansing tonic is needed, just try OXIDINE a bottle proves. The specific for Malaria, Chill and Fever and all diseases due to disordered kid neys, liver, stomach and bowels. SOc. At Your Druggist - -J a via- U mfBAst . U.I Morven Drug Co. Morven N. C. Buy Money Orders OF THE Southern Savings Bank. Pear bland Wadeaboro AnaoavlUa thereby kcepinff yonr money at home, instead of patronizing out side Interests, as you will if you buy money orders of the post office or the express company. 0UE.1B (i k wS!F?T DRAINING SOUTH OF COTTON BdccIbI Trains Ratshad to Qsthsm to Fill July Contract. New Orleans, July 17.--As a re- Bait of the scarcity of spot cotton, which the so called July squeeze has brought about in New York, the South ia being drained of practically all available cotton. Coastwise shipments from Savan nah, New Orleans, Mobile and Gal veston have been heavy for a week or more, and with the jump of July op- ! tion3 to 16 53c. in the New York fu ture market yesterday, the highest price recorded since the Sully cam paign in 1903, telegraphic orders be gan to pour into Memphis, New Or leans, Hous'on and other spot cen tres, calling for the shipment on spe cial trains of all cotton that could be bought. Ijocal spot houses have made ar rangements for special Iraiusover the Illinois Central and the New York Central railroads to cany a part ot this Cotton to New York. One of these epfcials, carrying 3,000 bales, left New Orleans this morning, and another, eIs j bearing a large ship ment, went from here tonight. The railroads are under contract to put the cotton in New York within 96 hours, and the trains will be operated on fruit express schedules. Tha Southern Pacific steamers Co- mus and Antilles carried heavy ship ments of cotton to New York last week, and the Comus will carry a large shipment this week. Houston, Memphis and other important mar bets also report heavy shipments. With middling cotton selling at 15 1 16 cents a pound in New Or eaas, 15 cents in Memphis and 15 3-4 cents in Houston, the Southern ship pers will make profits averaging about $4 a bale. Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Oronogo, Mo. "I was simply a ner vous wreck. 1 could not walk across the floor without my heart fluttering; and I could not even receive a letter. Every month I had such a bearing down sensation, as if the lower parts would fall out. Lydia E. iVV LfinKnanrs vegeta- 'ivvrrKible Compound has sr?vv?T'J-Ndone my nerves a great deal of good Jand has also relieved the bearing down. I recommended it to some friends and twoof them have been greatly benefited by it." Mrs. Mae McKniqht, Oronogo, Mo. Another Grateful Woman. St. Louis, Mo. "I was bothered terribly with a female weakness and had backache, bearing down pains and pains in lower parts. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound regularly and used the Sanative Wash and now I have no more troubles that way." Mrs. Ah. Herzog, 6722 Prescott Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as in flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner vous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and ths result is worth mil lions to many Buffering women. The Nor lb Carolina. College Of Agriculture And Mechanic Arts. The Statt-'H rnlleee for training In-dn-"ri. , r-nw. Ciiir-es in Agri-tp'!!'-.-, M r'u!nre. Animal Hus ii; dr. H iil 1) iryins; i i Civil, ElMl-fri-i E lsreneerintr; i C ; i Miiii Hitd Oyeint; in 1.: luti i .! Cn-Hiittry; ttnd t) gri- C!ti'!'l j tl'rtClliflif. Errtnen mmtiittliriH at each ...n -iy tho 1 tfh tf July. 1 11. UIL.U President, West Raleigh, N. C Fills What They WiU Do for Yon They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright'a Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. and Pee Dee Pharmacy. CHICHESTER U PILLS 1111 la Ked aad Uo Kocs, sealed wit Bli ywiUonn fieit. Sunt ai u ut,- MORE CURES tI s Foley Id BietiilicWy -Going (found the World. In sailing around the world east ward the days are each a little less than tweuty-four hours, according- to the speed of the ship, as the sun la met a little earlier every morning. These little differences added together will amount to twenty -four hours. This gives the sailors an extra day not in imagination, but as an actual fact. They will have done an extra ay's work, eaten an extra day's ration of food and imbibed an extra day's al lowance of grog. On the other hand, in sailing west ward the sun is overtaken a little each day, and so each day Is rather longer than twenty-four hours, and clocks and watches are found to be too fast. This also will amount in sailing around the world to the point of departure to one whole day by which the reckoning has fallen in arrears. The eastern bound ship, then, has gained a day, and the western bound ship has lost one. This strange fact, clearly work ed out, leads to the apparent paradox that the first named ship has a gain of two whole days over the latter. If we suppose them to have departed from port and returned together. Philadel phia Record. Modern Gold Mining. Up until about 1S50 only placer or surface gold was mined that is, free gold, deposited In the beds of streams, in sands and in the crevices of rocks. Placer mining, mainly In new and re mote regions, still furnishes a material though not a large percentage of the world's output. Formerly the alluvial gold was separated from the sands and gravels containing It by washing them in pans, cradles, rockers and sluices. In 1852 the hydraulic method was first employed In California. By this means a "giant" stream of water turned against the side of a mountain washes everything before it. The gold settles to the bottom of the runnel or sluice through which the gravel, snnd and water flow. In 1SS0 dredges or excavators were first used In Austra lia. Today steam and electric dredges produce a considerable portion of the world's output Byron W. Holt in Ev erybody's. Why Boiled Water Freezes Easily. Water which Is hot of coarse cannot freeze until It has parted with Its heat, but water that has been boiled will, other things being equal, freeze sooner than water which -has not been boiled. A slight disturbance of water disposes it to freeze more rapidly, and this Ls the cause which accelerates the freez ing of boiled water. The water that has been boiled has lost the air natu rally contained in It. which on ex posure to the atmosphere It begins again to attract and absorb. During this process of absorption a motion is necessarily produced among Its parti cles, slight certainly and impercepti ble, yet probably sufficient to accel erate Its congelation. In unboiled wa ter this distnrbance does not exist. Indeed, water when kept perfectly still can be reduced several degrees below the freezing point without Its becom ing ice. Gardens In the Ice. A glacier when it dislodges itself and sails away over the Arctic ocean never travels alone. In the wake of every large one floats a line of similar com panions. The Eskimos call this phe nomenon "the duck and ducklings,'' and any one who has watched the progress of the wild duck followed by her brood will appreciate the aptitude of the name. Strange as It may seem, plants grow and blossom upon these great ice mountains. When a glacier is at rest moss attaches itself to it, protecting the ice beneath. Jt'st as sawdust does. After a time the moss decays and forms a soil, in which the seeds of buttercups and dandelions, brought by the wind, take root and flourish. Those who have traveled much in arctic lands say the poppy does not bloom during the brief north ern summer. A Bismarck Incident. It used to be the privilege of Aus tria's representative at any conference of representatives of the German states to smoke, the others refraining. This was supposed to be an acknowl edgment of Austria's supremacy. At the first conference that Bismarck attend ed as Prussia's representative he be gan to puff smoke across the confer ence table as soon as the Austrian dip lomat lit up. That set everybody pres ent to smoking on equal tefms. and Austria's supremacy got a blow. A Timely Warning. "Tour dog Beems a very intelligent animal," - remarked an inexperienced sportsman to a gamekeeper. "Yessir." was the ready response. "Wonderful intelligent 'e is! Yes, t'other day 'e bit a gent as only give me a -arf sovereign after a day's ghootr London Scraps. Her Dear Friend. Susie Now. when I'm asked to sing I never say. "Oh, 1 can't!" I always 6lt down at the piano Jennie And let the audience find it out for them selves? Illustrated Bits. The First Step. Young Woman (before milliner's window, to her maid)-Jhat hat Is per fectly lovely. 1 must have It Marie, be sure to remind me to kiss my hu band when I get home. Quickly Subdued. Von Blumer (roaring with rage) Who told you to put paper on the wall? Decorator Your wife, sir.. Von Blu mer PrJty, isn't it? Txoks like ever'thing In the world comes right if we jes' wait long enough. Mrs. Wlggs. "F.l.y Ktdai.y Pills Haw. Car ad H." The above is a quotation from & letter written by H. M. Winkler, Evansville, Ind. "I contracted a severe case of kid ney trouble. My back gave out and pained me. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition; was bothered with dizzy spells, my head would swim and specks float before my eyes. I took Foley Kid ney Pills regulai ly and am now perfectly well and feel like a new man. Foley Kid ney Pills have cured me." Parsons Drug Co.; P. ! I) 2 V. ."; VULPiriE SAGACITY. Th Tale of a Fox 'From th West Coast of Ireland. It has often been said that the fox ls the most cunning of all animals, but the following story of vulpine sagacity seems to require some cre . dence. Some fishermen on the west coast of Ireland were In the habit ot going to a small Island, a few hundred yards from the niuiiiluud In quest of bait. The Island was Inhabited by large numbers of rabbits and could 1 reached at low tide by wading, th water then being only a tew Inches deep. Cue morning they, went Iu tbeir boat quite early. It being high Hoe. 'and on landing saw what seemed to be a dead fox lying on the beach. The fur of the animal was all bedraggled, and he seemed to hare beeu drowued. One of the men, remarking that ts ' skin was worth something, pitched V him Into the boat Procuring their bait they returned to the mainland. , and then the man who had possessed himself of the fox seized him by the r tall and flung him on shore. As soon - as the animal struck the beach he ' picked himself up with considerable ! agility for a dead fox and shot off like : a flash along the cliffs, while the men stood 6tarlng at one another Iu mute astonishment The. men concluded that be had crossed over to the island during the night when the tide was " low in search of rabbits and. fiudlng in the morning that he was cut off from the mainland, counterfeited death, with the expectation of thereby procuring a passage to the shore in the boat an expectation which was fully realized. London Globe. A DOG IN THE SKY. in Ibetan Explanation of th Cause of an Eclipse. Every one has heard of the Chinese myth explaining an eclipse and the enormous dragon that stalks through ' the sky seeking to devour the sun. j But the Tibetan legend Is a little dif j ferent and very interesting as descrlb i ed by Sven Hedln in his Trans-illma- laya." After describing the eclipse and the terror and depression with which it was received he says: Then 1 visited Hlaje Tsering with the corner pillars of my caravan. He sat at his lacquered table drinking tea and had bis long Chinese pipe In his mouth. I Why is it that it has Just been so ! dark?" 1 asked him. "The gods of l the Dangrayumtso are angry because you will not allow me to visit tbeir ! lake." "No, certainly not A big dog roams about the sky and often conceals the sun. But 1 and the lama Lobsang have prayed all the time before the altar and have burned joss sticks be fore the images of the gods. You have nothing to fear. The dog has passed on." "Very finer' I cried and made a desperate attempt to explain the phenomenon. Robert held up his sau cer to represent the sun. and 1 took two rupees to represent the earth and moon crossing each other's orbit tr I.. t rPannlno . .1 l . Mu named Isa's translation of my demonstration, nodded approvingly and finally expressed his opinion that this might do very well for us, but that It did not suit Tibet Meteors. There Is one very Interesting" fact connected with meteors - that have truck the earth. Hundreds of them have been examined and found to cou tain animal remains thaTTs. the very lowest forms of life. This Indicates that they are parts of a world that burst into fragments loug, long ago. Whnt a thought a world broken up and scattered through space! Maybe we had another moon once, but that broke Into pieces and these are the pieces, and maybe they are parts of the planet that once revolved between Mars and Jupiter. Over 500 of the larger pieces of this planet have been discovered and catalogued. One of these flew away inside of Mars' orbit. Why may not many of the smaller pieces and these solid meteors be tbeyr It ls probably so. Columbus Journal. The Way to Float This is the advice of an old swimmer to those who cannot swim: "Any hu man being who will have the presence of mind to clasp the bands behind bis back and turn the face toward the zenith may float at ease and In perfect safety In tolerably still water. When you first find yourself in deep water you have only to consider yourself an empty pitcher. Let your mouth and nose and not the top of your heavy head be the highest part of you and you are safe. But thrust up. one of your bony bands and down you go. turning up the handle tips- over the pitcher." There are reason and logic in this. Dense. One day the teacher asked her class to write an essay on London, about which they bad Just been reading. When examining tbeir papers later she was surprised to read the following: "The people of London are noted for their stupidity." "Where did you get that from?" ask ed she of Maggie Jones. "Please, miss, it's all in the book. It says the population of London is very dense." "London Answers. Props. "My dear brother," said the clerical looking man. "are you doing anything to keep your brother from falling?" "Why, yes," was the reply. "I'm in terested in a concern that manufac tures lampposts!" Boston Courier. Do Rood to thy friend to keep hi in. to thy enemy to gain him. Fraukllu. 7 Constipation causes headache, nausea, dizziness, languor heart palpitation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don'C cure. Dean's Regulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. OLD PAPEttS FOR SALE We have for sale a large number of old papers which are goin very cheap ly. Cajir.e n-i?..-S H? tV-v or-s uM Rsady For the Next One. A generous and brave but very ec centric Virginia planter named Hill Carter, who bad ouce been an otScer In the (Juited States uavy, bxd a baud to hand battle at fisticuffs one day with his plantation overseer and came off second best. He therefore chal lenged the overseer to a formal duel, but the latter declined on the ground that, being a husband and father, he was under obligation nut to risk leav ing his family destitute. Carter at once removed that objection by set tling upon the family a comfortable annuity. Then everything was got ready for the fight, but Just as the two men faced each other the sheriff arrived on the scene, toot them luto custody and bud them bound over to keep the eace. Mr. Carter did not. however, change the deed of gift with which he bad provided for the over seer's family, remarking that be Uiibt wish some time to resume the inter rupted fibt aud hence would rather keep everything iu readiness for prompt action. New York Post Consul King David. This amusing unecdute of Lamnrtine ls related by the Baroness boude in her volume of letters. Sbortly aftr the revolutlou of February be wrote on the blank leaves of bin pocUelbook the names of bis proteges and seut the list to be provided with places Imme diately. Previously, however, it seems, he had scribbled "David" on the paice. and the head of the cabinet appointed the said David consul ut Bremen. The postulant, however, never came for ward, and. though the poet did not HLc being disturbed. M. Hetzel was obllg ed to ask who was tbe David on his list "He who danced before the ark," wus the answer. 'Oh. dear! I have gazetted bint to Bremen!" "How very singular! I meant hla for a subject for meditatiou, not for nomination. But you can caucel It." The monlteur Tegistered the chauge. but few knew tisat the last consul i polnted to Bremen was King David! Language of Switzerland. It Is a curious fact that the people most celebrated for love of couutry should In a manner be without a lan guagethat Is. a mother tongue. The Swiss have three official lauguages German. French and Italian. About three-fourths of the population of the mountain confederation speak Ger man, while the remainder divide four other language-among them, chiefly French and Italian, these languages being found, as a rule. In districts In close proximity to the countries where in those languages are the principal tongue. In Switzerland documents and notices are printed hi loth the French and German languages. In the nation al assembly members deliver their speeches in either French orfJcrman. for nearly all members understand both tongues. The decrees and procla mations of the president are translated by an official Interpreter and furnished to the press In both languages. New York Press. Her Fault The teacher In charge of the primary department at a school In West Phila delphia was talking the other day about her work and her pupils. "They are dear youngsters." she said. but they sometimes make curious re marks. Several times I have had oc casion to reprove a little boy who isn't bad. but who Is verv mischievous and annoying. He Is always getting into trouble and making a disturbance. "One (lay he had leeu more thau usually uproarious, and I was very tired. Instead of scolding or punish ing him I began In rather au exasper ated tone to talk to him. "Tom.' I said. 'I'm afraid I'm never going to meet you In heaven.' "He looked up with the most shock ed face. "Why, teacher." he said, "isu't that just too bad? What have you done? "-Philadelphia Times. A Modest Request. An Impeccably dressed geutlemao the other day wheu walking along Piccadilly felt a movement in his pocket and. clapping his hand thereto, seized the wrist of the thief. He drew forth the errius member, aud. looking at It with supreme disgust, he released It. saying, with a grimace of disgust "For heaven's sake, my good man. go and wash your hands before you put them Iu a gentleman's pocket again!" London Tatler. Made Him Feel Old. "What's the matter?" "Oh. nothing much." "But yon look as If you had some thing serious ou your mind." "Well. If you Insist ou knowing, a boy who was named after me has just become engaged to be married, now time flies!" Chicago Record-Herald. The Dollar Mark. Tlave you seen the Washington mon ument?" "Yes." replied the New Yorker. "It's a pretty tall building, but what's the good of It without auy offices for renf?" Washington Star. Economy. Husband Excuse me. dear, but don't yon cook much more for dinner than we can use? Wife Of course! If 1 didn't how could I ecouomize by utiliz ing leftover dishes? Cleveland lad- r. Not New. "Electricity Isn't a modern discov ery. It is as old as I he flood." "How do you make that out?" "Why. didn't Noab have to have ark lights?" Better a blush iu the face than a blot In the heart. Cervantes. Nat a Ged Liar. Judge Prisoner, are you guilty or not guilty t Prisoner Lev my lawyer plead not guilty for me, Judge, I ain't got the nerve! St. Paul Dispatch. Don't let the baby suffer from eez.Tjs, sor-s or any itolnri? of the skia. loan's T0L9 W A DREAM. Th Me?s; a Dmg Girl Conveyed tc Her Crother. This is u b lutfly true dream story: A certain youre- lady, whom we will call Mary A., was reeoveriug from illness. The doctor had declared her to be out of dauger. und her friends and relatives were rejoicing in the fact. Nevertheless Mis A., receiv ing a visit one day from a sisrer. gravely assured her that she was go ing to die. The sister itooupoobcd Hit? idea aud treated it as an invalid's fan cy. Miss A., however, with the ut most calmness, repeated her state ment She was certain she would die that night and begged her sister to fetch her parents and other relatives to say goodby. Thinking to humor her. the sister complied. One person was absent from this 8trauj:e family gathering a brother, who was at sea 8Dd was exiectedTome in a wee!; or two. "But It does not matter." Miss A. quietly observed. "1 saw him last night iu a dream and said goodby to him in his cabin." licfore the suu rose again Miss A.'s prediciiou had come true: she was dead. That how ever, is not the strangest part of this weird story. Wheu iu due time the sailor brother reached port he was met by his other sister, who begau to te'.l him the sad news. "Ah," he interrupt ed, "you need not tell me! Mary Is dead. I knew It. for she came to nie one night In my dreams and told me she was going to die and wanted lo say goodby.' On comparing dates it was found that the dreams were dreamed on the selfsame night. Lon don News. A MUSICAL PRODIGY. Richard Strauss Composed Dance Mu sic tt the Age of Six. Richard Strauss was a muslcnl prodigy. His brst effort at writing music was made at a Christmas cele bration, says the liesigner. Some chil dren were dancing a round ibe tree and singing a three part song. "I can com pose music like that." n:d the sis year-old Richard to his mother. There upon be sat down and did so. t'.ut his motLer was oWigt-d lo write in the words, because, although be could write music legibly, bis pot hooks were too large. Strauss himself not only vouched for the truth of this story, but said that while he was still sis years old he composed a polka and a schottische. Richard was ouly fifteen when a sym phony composed by him was brought out by Herman Levi, court conductor at Munich aud conductor of tbe first performance of "Parsifal" at Bay reuth. When Richard came out to bow Lis acknowledgment of the ap plause which followed the symphony a man In the audience turned to his neighbors and a.-ked. "What has that boy got to do with Iff "Nothing." was the reply, "except that he's the composer." Ancient Ideas of Africa. In mediaeval times Africa was an unknown continent us well as Asia. Until a few years after tbe discovery of Columbus no one had sailed around It and it was quite generally thought, as It had previously been thought in regard to Asia, that the African con tinent extended ou and ou iudennitely. It was supposed that far to the south was the zone of heat, in which no Im man being could live. This was by no meaus an unreasonable Iuference to the ancieuts. They knew that the far ther they sailed to the north the colder it grew and that in the extreme north was a regioa of perpetual snow. They also knew that the farther they sailed to the south the warmer it grew, and what was more natural for them to suppose that If they went far enough In that direction they would come u(mhi lauds that were parched aud haked and upon s-eas that boilt-d. where uotb lng could live but salamanders? The Smile. We talk of a smile of defiance. There is really no such thing. Such a so called smile is nothing more nor less than a snarl, a survive I of t he way our savage ancestors had of show lng their teeth in order to strike tear Into the hearts of their enemies. Tne real smile of pleasure begins with slightly opening the mouth, aud is. ot course, traceable to the joy of those same savage forefathers of ours at tbe prospect of food. A Mean Comparison. "Confound these railway time ta bles!" snapped Mr. Stubb as the loug folder refused to remain closed loug enough for him to place it In his pock et "They remind me of a womau." "The idea!" replied bis wife in sur prise. "What is the comparison':" "Why. they are bard to understand, and you can't get them to shut up." An Old Story. Doctor I shall have to forbid you smoking, drinking and staying out late nights. Patient Oh, doctor, be origi nal! Sly wife's done that already. Boston Transcript. A Proud Prerogative. "When can a boy be said to have ar rived at man's estate?'" "When be begins giving his eld clothes to his father." St Louis Re public. A Change Impending. He If you accept me it will make another man of me, but if you refuse me I shall never be the same ruau again. London Punch. It Is as easy to deceive oneself cs It is difficult to deceive others. Roc r.e foucauld. Kill. ChlMrea, K.tlag Ptierto Plata, Santo Domingo, July 18. The disappearance of Dominican children near the Uaitian frontier has been explained by the honible confession of a Haitian woman that she had mrrdeied them, eating four. Thia African cult ia prevalent lo Haiti. Christianity apeurs there to be a failure." The Ii.Moii'-iiMn ir--- ' -'- 1 TRAGEDY STIRS OXFORD. Oil. Urswa Ft... II,. sj.rp- Ilir, This Sailcldts. Oxford, July 18. The ni(t bejrt rendiog tragedy that ever o-eurred in the town of Oxford shocked thj -pie at 4 o'clock thH attfrnvuj w.i i OiU Urown, younsr st sou f tbe late J. S. brown, in a fury of rage, -hi.t hij step-mother and killed himself. The shooting took place in the front hall cf Mrs. Brown's ref-iderre. The ycun man entered the house acl demanded a sum of money from bis step mother, which she had refun d this morning to give him, and when she refused rgain this afternoon, he drew bis pirlol and tired three timf s. One bull strurk and remains in tt. j I door. The second ball pa.d tbrr u?h j Mrs. Brcwn's arm ard acro?a hr breest near her heart. The third sh :t I went into tbe head of the youog man and he fell ga?piu his lire out fciik.t by his own hand. Mrs. Brown fltd in terror and fell on tbe fn nt steps of her next-dorr neighbor, Mrs. Mary Canaday. rH.. is In a verry critical conditi n and inteiDI hemorrhage is feared. Ir. T. I. Booth, Dr. S II. Cannada, Dr. Waikins and Dr. Nelson Thomas are iu atter.dence and tbe ball has been oca'ed in the chesf. TKOCBLE OVEE E.STATE. Mr. J. S. Brown died several years ugo end left his fotate, wbrch was valued at j 10,000, to Mrs. Brown Juriiig her lifetime, TTavirg tbe ut tii. st cotflJetice in her ability to iuanage and Lke care vf the estate. She has been geuerous at:d kind in advanciug money to young Otia Brown, who wa3 just a Jittle over 21. Caving advanced him. $ 1,000 lately, Le v. fia slow to pay over the den and -i-.f. rnale today and in a Gt of irrita tion the tragidy followed. TJrs. Brown has cue daughter j i-t tudding into womauhced and tbe hearts of tbe people go out to her in sympathy . She is at her motbtr'a bedside. The deceased left one broth er, John Brown, a grocer of Oxford, and me sister, Mrs. James Floyd, vitb whom he lived. The whole town is s irred with sympathy and horror ut the awful aSair. DAYS OF, DIZZINESS. Cento la Hundred. er W. Thpre are days of dizziness; Spel 3 of headache, sideache, back ache; S-irre'imes rheumatic pair.s; Oft n orirsry disorders. A'i te!l ynu plainly the kidneys are Doan'a Kidney Pilia cure ell kid ney ills. C. n Wadtsl.cro rfsldenta doubt this statement? M-s. N. C. Teague, of Lauriubnrg. N. 0., ays: "I was bothered a great deal ty backactes. I did cot rest well and in the r-orniDg I felt laine atd tirtd. I often had :izy speiis, was very nervous aud ws acrit to atteud to my work. My kidnev .vcrr so weak that 1 had but litue control jver tl-o secieiions at.d 1 was bothered a ..'reat deal. I nstd only one bos of Doan's lvidtey Pills, but this was sufficient to top the backache and correct all the other kidney difficulties. I am now in zood Leaitl) and 1 gladly give Doau's Kid-, ;ey Pills the credit fortnis great hcprov.- liCUt." For pale by all dealers. Price 50 tnts. Fueter-Milburu Co., Buff.l.., New York, sole agents for the Uaittd Statr?. Krmemler the tame Doen'a aud . ke no otht r. TIIK KORTH. CAROLIN A State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the state for the vu nen ol North CaroliLa. Four reeu ar evurses leading t degrees. Spe idl ot.ursf 3 fi r leechers. Fall ?es-iin .'jetin- Siitfmter J4, 1910. Tfco- if-ir:otr to enter should apply aa ear 'y aa pt -sible. For catalogue m il tber icformation addresa FOI ST, Pre., (irNaibara, N. C. MOflEY LOST If you. fail to carry INSTJEA1ICE I write Fire, Accident, llealth, Liability and Fly-Wheel Insurant-;. W. LEAK STEELE. PRO KB NO IC?. ROY SI. II UN T L IY D D. S. OtSce Secood Fkor of New National Pank Iksilding. Work Done Day or Night. PHONF. NO . .

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