no - "V PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS JAS. (J. UOYLIX, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER $1.00 A YEAH, DUE IN ADVANCE Wadesboro, N. C, Monday, July 25, 1910 Volume 27 Number 69 v i 1111 wmw L mrm mElt P JUST TELL US HOW MUCH to cut off and we will come pretty near getting exactly the quantity you want. You don't have to worry about the quality of our meats. We take bo much pains in selecting them yon can be assured they are the choicest to be had. A trial will prove it. P. T. RHYNE. ECZEMA CURED Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema without being materially benefitted that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and 'that :-r Hobson's Eczema Ointment will effect a cure is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, .who for many years was a citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: "This is to certify that for nine years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it, but without effect. But after a few applications of Hobson's Eczema Ointment I was completely cured. V "V. WILSON. "Thomasviile, N. C, Feb. 22, 1910." We sell Hobson's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee. If it does not effect a cure yo get your money back. II 18 latuoYou Drink? If you drink Coffee you will find our Royal Blend High Grade always uniform in quality, packed in 3-pound sealed cans for the price of $1.00 per can. As a coffee of excep tional value and superior merit, we offer our Gold Medal Brand Coffee which is pleasing many of our most particular coffee customers. Packed only in 1 -pound cans for the price of 25 cents per can. If you like a cup of good tea, try a small can of our White House Mixed Tea which is high grade and has perfect cup qualities. Hardisori Co. j REPLY TO REV. MR. MARTIN'S SERMON. am going to let the teaching (ine plain letter of the Bible) of the worJ ! of God dictate to me my belief in j Youths Companion. preference to the oener 01 any ma u. It 13 well sometimes to pause and Now, let's see what the Scripture Uke bearings with problems of health With the many won- THE CONTROL OF DISEASE. 1 $32,500 FEE TO WOMAN LAWYER I FOR CLEVELAND MEMORIAL Large! Ever Granted a Female Attar Bf f In America. Chicago, July 17. Mrs. Mary E. Miller, woman lawyer, won a decid- Work O. Tower at Prlatsteat Will aVeon Bt Started. Xevr York Tribune. Most of the money for the Qrover Henry D. Winton, who is secretary of the com- -'''i::v-ffl.r-T'-'- 1 j. . -r-ffiffuwp .'...igaaggg Dear Mr. Editor. I have read and thought over the religious article of teaches us on this important sulject and sickness, Mr. Martin, as published in one of 0f salvation and as to the ability of derful discoveries, the serums the victory before Judge Gibbons in Cleveland memorial at Princeton is a .1 a l!l I - a I i I -4. I I .1 your tasi weeK B iauea, wuicu ue au- man t0 choose ior nimsen. urwi immunities and the improved knowl - the Circuit court yesterday, when, now in hand. Senator dressed "To lawyers ana v nom i. 8av3 - e have not cti03en ine, out a Pllft of kvpunp hat ,ho oi, after deliberating an hour and a half. Mnv nnnnern". and it seems strantre. I hauo nhnapn vnn and ordained vou I .i.,.,o rn . , 1 mo Snit Mint Haa kon koP anSt frtv . 1 aj w - - I urun , j. iJCit; urtf UitfULV OI aLttlJSI il'H I"' J 1. lit . iart uro . i niv . cu. awa ... surpassing strange, to me that any that ye should gc and bring forth which althouh thpv ftnnnt .. . i5o.000 attornev fees aerainst the erection, saw yesi raay one with the Intelligence fiossessed by fruit and that your fruit should re- not allwavs tell the tenth It ia three Lloyd brothers, grandsons and tbftt about l73 had been subscrib- Mr. martin wuuiu euueavur iu muu- raaia", ana so iorm. auu aguiu uu known that, although many diseases heirs of John Bross, once Lieutenant j J, ana mat mere would be no trouble tend or prove mat mere wua .u 8aygf "According as ne nam couhi are wipfd cut an(J many otnew Governor of Illinois, voted for a ver- in collecUng the $27,000 needed. tence sucn a creature ua a ree us in Him Deiore me iounuauon 01 dmprl t -TtinMrin of a nav Aa diet of f 32.500. This ia the largest Agent". It seems to me a poor con- the world that we should be holy and there are nfhpr .i,..,, mlnr , . ' fee ever granted a woman lawver in ceptionoi me greai creaior 01 iue aDd without blame Deiore nun m 0n the increase. America. The case has been on trial universe to fcach or argue such a iove, having predestined us unto the Typhoid fever, one of me mots for nearly three weeks, and argu- -a 1 1L r a-. n I a 1 m ? A. I - I doctrine as una auvucaieu u, i. aaoption OI cnuaren 01 JtBus unnsi dprl nf h,.0ii h. i al menls were romnletwl vesterrtav. .t ,i: ,i oa K . .. J? ' "J;3 13 " - fliarun. ne ruua uimuj t,UOT vur w niffige accoruing w ine gtiou piea- livPiv khn,n tn , Mrs. Miller was retained bv the plain teaching of the Holy Bible. lie sure-ofhis will to the praise of his water or milkf or other food ortobe Lloyd brothers to conserve and pro- seems 10 Deneve iuai iue bh glory", ara so on. "tor ny grace cr,roc,, fm KD 4 tu..u t.t ihir vminprr brothpr. Jnhn . - I k.a'vuva Jal AA1 ajuur- ill III niw I II I I III l' I - - - - - j The memorial will be In the form or a tower, 70 reet nigh, in accor dance with the wishes of Mr. Cleve land's family, and characteristic of his own ideas, there will be no life (ize or heroic figure of himself on the exterior. It is possible that a figure vah only just created man and placed are ye saved through faith and that tbeag of h fl d . d Br0B3 Lloyd, -of Boston, who was of the ei-President may be placed u: kn.n nn fkio north In Hn nal D4 -.1 .( i Tt :r l '. J ' " 'J ...... ...I J r him here on this earth to do just a9 not of yourselves. It is the gift of he pleased and left it entirely with I q0(j and not cf works, lest any man man to choose eternal life (salvation) j should boast." or cnoose tormeni. .tie auvueara We hold that the spiritual minded that you have life and death set be- j are tne workmanship of God's own ore you and that you are a free agent I hand, and then we see that man has o choose whichever you please. no part in this choice, for men choose " ... . , . . u"&uc" ,a"lcl " r' Ul Diphtheria still rears its head, hut numbered, Yellow fever and malaria are no longer regarded as visitations of the will of Heaven, but are recognized as due to the visitations of moequi tos, although it may take some time Now this is a plain error,and can not be supported by the Scripture, and I supposed to be under the control of a designing woman known as the "college widow." Attorney Henry Scott, representing the brothers, de clared in his argument that John Bross Llovd h still wan the wo man. Mr?. Miller contended that John within the first floor, which will also possibly contain articles associated with his connection with Princeton On the second floor there' will be a room set apart for national and other relics. No special use has been de signated for the third floor, The memorial, which will measure LITTLE DAUGHTER "HUD-SCALP HI ourselves in nature's night before be- u ,9 no ionger formidabiei 9ince Uie Lloyd while a student at Har- 40 feet square at the base, will be of iuB uy iuc mieuiiKuiri., .c antitoiin for it has b .en found. vard had become enamored or a wo- silverstone, to harmonize with the tally unable to work ourselves in the TuherriilnrU i still ail rm.r. man. and had conveyed several nun- buildinca of thp new ora.lnaf a arhnnl favor of God, but wlien this spirit has I, the de8traction of it will mean dred thousand dollars to her. The at Princeton, and still be on the golf 1 Itched So that She Scratched Until Blood Came. Hair Fell Out. Scalp had Unpleasant Odor. Used Cuti cura Soap and Ointment Four, Weeks. Scalp Perfectly Clear a f 1 .. ' Hair Began to Grow Again and Now Has Beautiful, Long Hair. " When my little daughter was about five years old, 6he was taken with the measiets. a. iew raa after the measles were gone, she began to have a 6evere scalp humor. It itched so that she would scratch the whole day, until the blood came. We had a doctor and tried a good many other remedies, but "nothing helped. Her hair all fell out and the scalp itself had an un pleasant odor. "After we had tried all the other remedies, my wife told me to try the Cuticura Remedies. We bought one cake of Cuticura SoaD and one box of Cuticura Ointment. We used the Cuticura Rem Tpdipa - Anpordine- tor directions and-"! about three or four weeks her scalp was clear of the terrible humor. Hpp hair heiran to irrow again and now she has beautiful, lone hair. Since that time I have recommended the Cuticura Remedies to other people and tney also had success. Chas. Salzbrenner, Amana, Iowa, Nov. 8, 1909." rutirnm Smd f25c.. Cuticura Ointment (60c.) and Cuticura Resolvent (50e.) or Cuticura PUI (2Sc ) are sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Ctaem. Corp, Sole Props.. 135 Columbus Ave, Boston. Mass. S"Malled tree. S2-paee book. How to Treat tor Afiections ol tba SKia aaa soup. wrought upon u, when we have been shown our destitution and lost condi tion in the govern uaent of God, then in deep sorrow and contrition we cry out, "O! wretched sinner that I am, let ling unworthy of the least of His mercies but teing so exercised by thi3 holy spirit." We continue in this begging and penitent condition until the good Lord in hi3 mercy sees fit to speak peace to our troubled souIb. And when, this happy period has reached us we adore and praise him in the highest strains for doing for us that which we were' unable to do for ourselves, and then we exclaim from the very depths of our hearts that we love him because he first loved us, After this we are a new creature, not seeing things as before. We are changed from darkness to light, and our trust in the wt rk of man to re deem bimslf is is forever banished, and we become humble through this tuition, and rather than blame the blind for not seeing they are pitied, for after this change by the mighty workings of the holy spirit we see as never before and are willing to con fess that if saved at all it must be by grace. Those wno are inus eniigni ened by this work of grace can trust no longer in "Free ageucy" or the "Will of man", but look solely to him who has said, "I am God and beside me there is none else". Then are we enabled to ft.llow the life that should be lived by a believer or Christian, and our. good works should, follow and be so plain as to be seen of men. But to tell dead sinners who have never been quickened or made alive bv the holy spirit to choose life or death, good or evil, to live or di that they are "Free agents" to accept or reject salvation, is not the teaching of the word of God, and all led to be- toll and care for humanity for years to come, but the work is well under way. The great step was made when this dread disease was moved bv lawyer said she recovered much of this proprty and kept him from ! squandering much more." Mrs. Mil ler showed that she bad administer-1 common scientific consent from the edjthe aftVra of the estate in a busi- farai' in n.Q ki ness like manner and that the rrotv When this has once been done in erty had increased in value during regard to any human ill, it is then ner tcministration. Several lead for humanity to take care of itself. lnS members of the Chicago bar tes links. The construction has beeo de layed pending a settlement of the troubles at Princeton, but it is now announced that the contract will be let in the fatt. A committee consist ing of President Wocdrow Wilson Dean Andrew F. West and Moses Taylor Pyne has been in consultation with Cram, Goodhue A Ferguson, the Those nations that are willing to tlfied ,nat charge of 150,000 for architects, of 170 Fifth avenue, legal services against the estate was reasonable and lair. i Judge Gibbons, in instructing the jury, ordered that Mrs. Miller should receive the same consideration as a man. "If she has performed valua ble services for her clients," said the Judge, "he is worthy of her hire." spend the most money and take most pains to wipe out disease are coming out first in the race. Great cities have learned the lesson that it pays them to take care of the health ot their populations. It is much too expensive to permit unnessary sick ness. Clean water navs. clean atreets pay, decent housing for the poor pays. The boards of health are doing much in these directions and in many others, and as time goes on they will do more. As people are educated in these matters they will be willing and able to give more and wiser cooperation. It is safe to prophsy that the day is comiug when people will refuse to put up with preventa- ahle nuisances, and when the house fly, the mosquito and the rat will be extinct; and when, if people want to know anything about tuberculocis, they will have to read about it in books. AN UNUSUAL BAPTIZING. Highly Kstear4 Lad? af Eighty Year ri(t Baptised hf Sa-lB-kw, Eldar J. T. Caat. Raleigh News and Observer. Elder W. A. Sirapkins, of the Primitive Eaptist Church, who has just returned from the town of Coats, where he visited last Saturday and Sunday, tells of an incident of un usual interest which took place there, the baptizing of a highly esteemed lady, who is eighty-seven years old. Eli?er Simpklns attended a yearly meeting ot the Primitive Baptists at Coats, and after hearing a good ser mon, and enjoying the meeting with many friends and associates, went with the party to the water three miles away, where there took place the baptizing of a dearly beloved and highly esteemed lady, Mrs. Andrew Turlington, 87 years old. She was baptized by her son-in-law, Elder J. T. Coats, one of the most prominent Baptist preachers, a man held in high regard, for many years Moder ator of the Little River Association, a man faithful in the discharge of every duty which comes to him. Speaking of the unusual occurrence, Elder W. A. Simpkins said that he had never witnessed a more solemn occasion, that Mrs. Turlington seem ed to te so strong in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ,-her age making the event one of the greatest Impres-siveness. Tboaa Plea of Bayhaod. -- How delicious were the pies of boyhood. No pies now ever taste so good. What's changed? The pies? No. It's you. Yon have lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigororous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your diges tion is poor and you blame the food. What's needed ? A complete toning tip by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels Try them. They'll restore your boyhood ap- liave such, and pinning their faith to I pettite and appreciation of food and fairly euch a fallacj', are deceived, unless saturate your body with new health, vigor Jehovah in his great mercy sees fit to I and strength. 50c at the Parsons DrugCo. open the eyes of their understanding . . . . and reveal to them his love and raer- -- -- . cy in forgiving sin. I shall have no Pencer vispatcn, iatn.- faith in this teaching because it lsnot j Una farmer at least is playing with back. Batllaof WbUker Coat II lea Ills LJfa. Wilmington, July 19. Charles II. Register, a young farmer of .Warsaw, Duplin county, who was assaulted Sunday night by Walter Way, a young white man of this city, died here tonight at 8:30 at the hospital from injuries sustained. ; The difficulty arose over a 25-cent bottle of whiskey. Register and Way had some words when Way is said to have sudJenly struck Register in the face with hi? fist, causing him to fall backwards. , In falling Register struck the back ot his head upon a: cobble stone and it was this blow that caused his death. lie was ren.lered unconscious by Ihe blow and never ? regained con sciousness. Register was married and is said to have been well known in his &eotion. Way was committed to jiil Sunday afternoon without any bond. The ;efendant Way is well known in po lice circles ami has been in trouble befnre, but never of a very serious nature. He is a plumber. A Frlghtfal Wrack. of train, automobile or baggy may cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains'or wound that demand Bucklen's Arnica Salve earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For burns, boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore eyes or corns, It's supreme. Surest pile cure. 25c at the Parsons Drug Co. Work a Haara a Day. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill Is a a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain-fag into mental power; curing Constipation, Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 25c at the Parsons DrugCo. Notice. The overseers of Ansonville township are requested to work their roads and re port to the supervisors on the 2nd Satur day in August at 1 o'clock p. m. 1. H. SULLIVAN, Chairman. What Ails You? Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head aches, coated tongue, bitter , or bad taste in morning, "heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred rymptomi P If you have any considerable number of the above symptoms you are aufferinf from bilious ness, torpid liver with indigestion or dyspepsia. Dr. Pieroe'e Golden Medical Discovery is made op of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent aenre of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver inviorator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains ao alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. yb The greatest system renovator. Re stores vitality, regulates the kidneys, liver and stomach. If Hollister's Rocky Moun tain lea tails to cure get your money That's fair. 35 cents. Tea or Tal The Peace Which Passeth according to the doctrine of the Bible the automobillst along the National Pets. Fox & Lyon or v,unauau wrieucH. Autn Hiphwav hturn Monl V.L- i an uuuciawuuiuK tuuica uuaaci i " wuuiuuu.v Mi..v-U v- i , A . . , , - k k controversy and am prompted, as I ttUkJ 3 hiiown Dy me ex w urn Liirr iiunruuira iia v c lpct-ij uuicl" . " ly and tactfully conducted. Much depends upon The Undertaker. May we suggest a reference vto GRAND EXCURSION . i r -r I a-., ;n An . t If. T TT T " ml nope, to say ine same in ueience oi ui mr. u. iu. jveuueny, on To Porthmouth-Norfolk via Sea- T. L"r utrj 'T n9t0C-Ba .h mide a tri.P to board Air Line Ry August 2nd 1910. .v,c.r. spencer iasi sunaay in a machine. I rn vourselves ana as nest you can a raw i . .. . . r umuai. vma .u wu.u. t unbiased conclusions, leaving all pre- Approacning a awouen stream inuav- Tho Seaboard Air Line Ry k going to iiirlina and aolf pnnrait nut nf IhP nil PI- I 1U3UO I'OUniV. near BDEncer. lift W&n "l1 "-'r """ i-ui 'uu iu roris- . w w.. ! ' moutb-Norfolk Tuesday August 2nd this iiuu nuu scr, ii Aisaiuic, mc ixmi i iuici u) a loiiuer autuuiug near ine I is the b?st excursion of the sason. and those whom we have served? It will I just as it really is as to God, his worfc stream that it was Derfectlv naaahle ever-v onc s'"ulJ take advantage of it. j: it i j. ! I .1 .i;n I, ; m I I t.h rates ait; verrv low anil Mie nwnmn- Cool and Cleanly. Buy the best refrigerator that is made, for it will save enough in food in a season to pay for Itself. Our t, 1 Northland refrigerator is economi- cal in consuming ice, and nei'.ber flesh, fish, fowl or anything in the way of eatables will spoil in it in the hottest weather, i! you keep a fair amount of ice in it. Have only two left to sell at Bargain. 4 The Covington Hardware. disclose the character of our Ber vices more fully than we feel disposed to. We prefer to let othersspeak of our work. We respond to calls at any hour. GrATHINGS Embalu" 5r and Funeral Director. Wadepbcro, N. C. Phone 41 and our relation to him. J. W. Jones. Marshville, N. C, June 17, 1910. Buy M one y Orders OF THE Southern Savings Bank, Paachland Wadeaboro Anaonvllla thereby keeping your money at home, instead of patronizing out side interests, as you will if you buy money orders of the post office or the exprvss company. UJalJJyi.-'- 0IEYS OBJNOlAXfflVI toa stioKACH ibou6j. and .Constipatiok Trinity Park School A First-Class Preparatory School Certincates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance eo Leading Southern Colleges Faculty of ten officers and teach ers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing more' than forty thousand bound vol umes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of Instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses exceedingly moderate. Twelve years ot phenomenal success. For catalogue" and other infor mation, address F. S. ALDR1DGE, Bursar, Oirkim, M C Nurse and alright to ford the watera with his auto. Reaching a point where the water overrun the bearings the machine was put out of commission in deep water. The autoist was -"I know what is good for young and old peo- Ele," writes Mrs. Clara ykstra, a trained nurse of South Bellingham, Wash., "and will say that I consider Cardui the best medicine for girls and women. It makes them feel like new persons, re lieves their pain and reg ulates womanly troubles. Both my daughter and I U received great benefit." e si r r rz rr? n n n fili Talf-a Li dations are the verry best, Pnlman sleep ers on this train, berth rate t J.50 each way, t wo can occupy berth at the same rate, reservations should be made early by writinrr to James Ker Jr, T. P. A. Charlotte N. C. Persons front west if Charlotte will use train 13-2 into Charlotte forced to employ Ihe farmer to hitch Charlotte K JO 1. M rain or shtn; arrives a hit? nalr of mnlps In tho onin onrl at i-onnmoutn next morning 10.30 A. M 1 5 i) pull it ashore, for which the farmer made a substantial charge. Before leaving the scene,. Mr. Kennerly learned that the same farmer is "good at euch tricks," and that he makes it a practice o tell autoists that the stream is passable doing so in order to get to pu'l them out ot 'he creek. It is said that be ordinarily charges f 10 for the Job and that he makes it convenient to be near the Aujrns', 4ih 8.15 P. M. will make very fast run i-i both directions. Th rate from Charlotte for the round trip is only 11.50 ana eorre-ponainiy low rt?s frtm all stations Hutherfordton to Hamlet. Clark- ton to Hamlet. Chester to Monroe, Hamlet to Cary. For further information call on your nearest Agent or writs the under signed. Make your reservation early. James Ker Jr, T. P. A., Charlotte, I. C. II S. Lea-d, D. P. A., Rakigh. N. C. EXCURSION RATES. m -tn lid - - BI'iml i in iii '5P ? , JE a II U t I I u m m fjs si n t3 u place with a team eo as to get the ex- To Wilmington and Return July 20th on Regular Trains 40 and 44 Via Seaboard Air. Line, Ry. The Woman's Tonic As a medicine for fe male trouble, no medi cine you can get has the old established reputation, that Cardui has. : Fifty (50) years of suc cess prove that it has stood the greatest of all tests the test of TIME. As a tonic for weak wo men, Cardni is the best, be cause it is a woman's tonid Pure, - gentle, safe, re liable. Try Cardui. . tra iee. uting tocatea on tne na tional highway along which numer ous machines pass almost daily, it is said that he makes a big profit of the I new industry brought about by the prevalence of automobiles. Napolcau'a Grit i was of the unconquerable, never-say-die kind, the kind that yon need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung disease. Suppose troches, cough syrucs,.cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Dis covery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for ar.y throat or lung trouble. It has saved thouands of hopeWss suffer rs. It masters sMibborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, lj grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and is the most safe and certain remedy for all bron chial affections. 50c 11.00. Trial bottle j freei the Parsons Drug Co. Established is 1894. Tba aim of the school is clearly set forth by its r.rT-rr Thorough mstructioo under poajovery Christian mflnws at ths tawst iU i I Lh poasible eoat." Tba school was established by tba Methodist Church, not to Dak money, bat to furnish place where girls can be riven thoroag-h training in body. mind, sod heart at a saodarata coat. The object has been so fully carried out that as a It is to-oay. witn its xacuity or wi, iui nsnaioj pairaosgs IK SUU, ana Km building and grounds, worth S14U.00O RESULT: THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CIRLS IN VIRGINIA. $150 S ,ys all charges far the year. Inchading the table board, room, fights, rtnaaa at. laundry, medical attention, pnyatcal cultnra. and teirion in all labncta except muaic and elocution. Annly foe ratakasrue and application blank to MV. JAMES CAKWON. JIUM. Priacsnal. Bl achate as. Vs. We will pay fair prices for all kinds of scrap iron, bines, brass, copper and rubber, delivered at our store near power house. ' " Bailxy & Bbower. The Seaboard will operate special coach es on their regular trains 4u and 44 leaving unarione .;u a si. sou a t- m. July yutn, The rate for the round trip will be only &l IKJ from Charlotte and all points no to and including ivaaesDoro, tickets well be good to return on any retrnlar train up to and including July 22nd, Tbis istbecheap est excursion ever operated on regular trains, see fliers for full information and schfdules. lor further-information write or apply to. Jimet Her Jr., T P. A., Charlott N. C. H S. Learu, D. P. A., Raleigh N. C. fOHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney asd Counsellor-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N. C All legal business will have prompt and xonr sales and militated Will also painstaking attention. purchases ot real estat-e may be facilitated by calling on or writing to ma. Will also rent or lease your town property and farm- d ctillott the re lit for the Tue in? lands an O Joe over Wadesboro Clotulng Trinity College Five Depart racnes Collehiate, Graduate, Engineering, Law, and Education. Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories In all departmenes of science. Gymna sium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Teachers and Students expecting to engage in teaching should inves tigate the superior advantage of fered by the new Department of Ed ucation in Trinity College. For catalogue and farther t;?Dr aatiou, address R.L.FLOWERS, Secretary DsrktH,C Land Sale by Executor. By virtue of th authority vested in me as executor of the last will and testament of R. Catherine Harden. I will sell to tfce highest bidder, for cash, at public outcry, at the court house door in the town ot Wadesboro, at 12 o'clock M., on Mondar the 18th day of July, mo, ail the rit-fct, ti tle. Interest and estate of E. Catherine Harden in and to the lot of land lying and being in the town of Morven, couttv of Anson, state of North Carolina, and bounded as follsws. towlt: On theeast by the plank road: on the south bv the land of T. V. Hardisou and J. K. Moore, ad on me wt ana norm dv tue lsrds cr t-a-sn R. McQueen and Ma'ttie J. W ood burn, containing, by estimate, one and oue-t.v! (l ') acre?. Deed will be executed to tr a tighest bidder rtpon th pavnw nt of X'.e amount of bis bid, and tiu re w i.l be no re sale of the same. I ssle is r,n !-i.'a subject to the etBJ5re-t:..n i f t - . : t. This June 17. Ithj. T. V. llA'.:i.;- Execntor of last wi:i a:: 1 t . r. il Ca.i.r-e 11 a - : , , . company s lore.