mm? J AS. a. BO YLIX, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER PUBIilSHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IN ADVANCE Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, July 28, 1910 Number 70 KINDNESS VERSUS CRITICISM MARRIAGE 2,300 TEARS AGO. KILLED BY A BOMB. THE BEDSIDE MANNER 'THE OLD BLACK MAMMY. JOKE LEADS TO KTT.I.TITO. JV 1 1 " i i I ' JUST TELL US HOW MUCH to cut off and we will come pretty near getting exactly the quantity you want. You don't have to worry about the quality of our meats. We take so much pains in selecting them you can be assured they are the choicest to be had. A trial will prove it. P. T. RHYNE. E55EE OTOSB . Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema vithout being materially benefitted that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and that . ' Hobson's Eczema Ointment will effect a cure is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, who for many years was a citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: "This is to certify that for nine years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it, but without effect. But after a few applications of Hobson's Eczema Ointment I was completely cured. "V. WILSON. "Thomasville, N. C, Feb. 22, 1910." We sell Hobson's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee. If it does not effect a -cure yo get your money back. PARSOfJS DRUQ COP'fJY. WhatD o You Drink? If you drink Coffee you will find our Royal Blend High Grade always uniform in quality, packed in 3-pound sealed cans for the, price of $1.00 per can. As a coffee of excep tional value and superior merit, we offer our Gold Medal Brand Coffee which is pleasing many of our most particular coffee customers. Packed only in 1-pound cans for the price of 25 cents per can. If you like a cup of good tea, try a small can of our White House Mixed Tea which is high grade and has perfect cup qualities. Hardison Co. Mayor of Ridgeway, Va., Blowa to Pieces by Dyoamtte. Richmond, Va., July 25. A spe cial to the Virginian from Roanoke, Va., says that ex-Mayor H. A. Bous man, of Ridgeway, in -Henry coun ty, while lyiog in a hammock on his front porch laat night, was practical ly blown to picea by a ?bomb thrown at him from the road. ' It exploded at his feet, entirely sev ering hia feet and part of both lega, from effects of which he died in two hours. ; It was impossible to determine the character of the bomb, as only small bits of the fuse were found. Portions of the flesh and clothing were scat tered all about the yard. . No cause is assigned for anyone committing such a diabolical crime. Mr. Bouaman, as Mayor of Ridge way, wa9 not known to have an enemy." The Council of Ridgeway has of fered a reward of $500 and the Gov ernor will be asked to supplement it with foOO more. ; " -: Detective Baldwin and his blood hounds aie on the trail. The terrific explosion jarred the whole town and the cries of the dy. ing man were heard for 'several blocks. It is thought that the dyna mite was thrown from the street. Bousman recently retired aa Mayor declining to serve, although he was assurei of re-election. He was 55 years old and prominent ia politics in both Franklin :and Henry coun ties. He is survived by his widow and 12-year-old son. Bousman owned a large farm and waa ithe largest producer of cabbages in this section of rthe State. He wa9 brother-in-law of John C. Coan, the Winston-Salem, N. C, to bacco merchant. Tell WboU APT WEAR! Should Doctors Always .......... . v-..-.,,,, - Tratol - :-" ,: British Medical Journal. What is the manner that is most effective for doctors to assume at the bedside? asks a writer in the British Medical Journal. "No general rule can be laid down, for. the manner must be adapted to the patient. One thing, however, may be said. You may be rude like Abernatny, genial like Sir Ashley Cooper, courtley like Sir Henry Halford, but like St. Paul, unless you have charity that is to say, practical sympathy you are nothing. "There ia nothing the patient re sents so much as indifference, or what be .calls want of attention, on the part of the doctor. We have known an ill-timed jocularity shake a laboriously built- up edifice of faith to its foundations. "On the other band, a gloomy manner has a disastrous effect xn a nervous patient. A , famous physi cian of the past used to relate how when taken to his first important case by a professional patron, he tried to adapt himself to the situation by assuming an aspect befitting the Knight of the Sorrowful Counte nance.' The elder physician, observ ing this, said, 'For heaven's sake, man, don't go into the sick room with that long face; they will - think you are an undertaker.' "Of one fashionable physician it Is related that when he paid his usual call to a patient one day he .was in formed, with her ladyship's apolo gies, that she waa too ill to see him that day. - How much should be said to the patient must depend on circum stances, but the doctor should in all cases uth and nothing but the truth. He need not however,always tell the whole truth, for two sufficient reasons: It might not be for the pa tient's good and, again, he may not be sure himself, and be has no right to disturb the mind of one who looks to him for comfort by suspicion's which may be unfounded." . A Tramp's Stratagy. Pittsburg Gazette. A clever little bit of human nature was used by a "knight of the road" ttired Dy LVaia fc. FifiK1 urb of Pittsburg, and as a result he ham's Vegetable Compound slept with a ma stomach that Baltimore. Md. "For four years night OF MISERY my life was a misery to me irom 1 Wif -1 as I I suffered irresrulari- ties, terrible drag ging . sensations, extreme nervous ness, and that all gone feeling in my stomach. I had given up hope of ever being well when I began to take Lydia E.Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though new life had been jriven me. and I am recommending it to all my friends." Mrs. "W. S. Ford, 2207 W. Franklin St.. Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all foras of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It ha3 stood the test of. years and to-day is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous.prostration, after all other mean3 had tailed. ,.- If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't Rive up hope until you have giveiLydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write to Mrs. Pinkhara, Lynn, Mass., for it. She has guided thousands to health, free of charge. lbe suburb is quite small, and when the tramp dropped off a freight ue waa quae nungry. mere were about ten houses which gave fair chance of meals, and the tramp lost no time. He was not surprised when the first housewife slammed the door fn hia face, nor the second, for that was natural and the proper thing to do. But when he reached the ninth house, or rather was helped away, he was thoroughly disgusted. The town certainly had him hoodooed. After a short rest and a deep think the hungry one knocked at the door of the tenth house. "Madam, can yea let a hungry man have a bite to eat? I don' mint you can, though," he said. The woman opened her ears. "Why can't I?" t iTtl . . iub woman next aoor said you didn't have enough for yourself." He got his meal. Atlanta Constitution. With . ever-refreshing relief men turn from the aDgels, and sometimes the disheartening depressions, of the so-called "negro problem" of our day to dwell with a sigh and a regret upon the "old black mammy." She it la who crooned over the cra dles of some of the south's worthiest men of yesterday, who dandled on her knees the mightiest of the younger generation and who decked for their nuDtials fair brides who were roses of the old regime. Here and there one of her type totters with falling steps and peering eyes through city streets and along roads from which the cotton fields stretche a fair and billowy distance to the crumbled ruins of "de big house,", or the more garish moderni lty of the twentieth century country home: - But they are vanishing fast: soon, like the brides whose loving and tearful attendats they were, and like the great man whom they helped to usher into this world and out of it, they win mingle their faithful clay with the kindly soil that knows no ultimate distinctions. In Athena they are seeking to rear a monument to the Old Black Mam my, and the thought, with a very practical application, originated in the mind of a negro himself of the younger generation. The idea is that of S. F. Harris, principal of the colored industrial high school, of Athens. Five acres have been secured in the eastern sec tion of Clarke countv. As much more has been promised. Nearly $1,000 has been raised, with the aid of the white people, and only $500 additional needs to be in hand. No common monument will be this one. It is intended to here found a school which shall teach cooking and indus trial work to the negro, along the lines the fidelity and deftness of the Old Black Mammy made notable in southern tradition. What is to be the destiny of this particular school we do not know. But every white southerner knows that if it is conducted with the Bound sense, if it inculcates the unswerv ing fidelity of the type of negress for which it ia named, it should prove a benefaction to its environment. Do we not need more of these Old Black Mammy schools in the south ern States? The very spirit of the phrase spells the life-blood of that so lution of the racial problem The Con stitution baa been urging, upon the chuches and the whites and the blacks of the southern States. august a Chronicle. "So many gods, So many creeds So many ways that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind, Is atl this sad world needs." Oh! that this creed of kiDdness could be more preached by those wfiose duty it is to preach! Ob! that the creed of kindness could be more universally practiced! It U 90 much more important than anything else. Ia is so easy to speak the unkind the critical word and so impossible to undo the awful prt it caused to heal the bitter wound it made. How is it that we ever dare to crit icise each othet? How do we dare to forget the commandment of the Almighty, "Judge not that ye be not judged." How do we dare, no matter what position we occupy, to "throw stones," when down the ages comes ringing the immortal words, spoke by the Only Sinless One, "Let him that is without sin among you cast the first.atone? ' Who can stand this test? What man or woman dare say that they are sinless are without fault? And if this ia true how can you throw the s'tone, or speak the word, that condemns your brother or sister? The morality of one country ia the sin of another the virtue of one man would be evil in another man differently -situated "what ia one man's meat is another's poion" ia as true in the moral world as in the ph sical world, so how can we pro nounce judgment on others so reck lessly. And who is ever helped by harsh criticism? It simply arouse a spirit of defiance. The way to influence people is to set them the good example then by your kindness win their love and their desire to follow you. Oh, if today. the ungenerous spirit of fault finding and harsh-criticism could be buried forever 'and the' law of kindness prevail! Poor weak mortals that we are how we need kindness? Kind words, kind aits, kind understanding, and sympathy! We have our burdens to Dear, eacn neart Knoweth its own bitterness" but the burdens, are made so much heavier than they need be the bitterness so unneceasAi rily augmented by the unkind word, the lack of sympathy, and compre hension of our fellow man. . The art of being kind" surely this sad world would speedily become less sad, if we all began to practice this art today. How Thl Lads Aad Uimi Wr Wd Uadr Pfcaraoa. Chas. Johnson, in Harper's Weekly. Most of us make the acquaintance of Egypt in the splendidly dramatic story of Joseph and his brethren, and so come to look on Pharoah .and his people as gloomy and malign perse cutors, fit only to be swallowed up in the Red Sea waves. Or we read of the graves and some other monu ments of the Nile Valley, with the perpetual reminder of death and the kingdom of Night with the result that we are hardly prepared to real ize the gay and lightsome side of An cient Egyptian life, or to credit the thought that these tomb builders could ever break into a smile. But there was a side of gayety and of charm, and just as we are finding that so many of our deeper and more phi losophical thoughts go back to the people of the Delta, so we are begin ning to discover the originals of all our jokea in the buried citieof the Nile. The ladies were not unduly oppress ed in the lands of the Pharoahs, we may gather from the marriage con tract from a fourth-century Demotic manuscript, but dating inform to-far older times: "I," says the lady Isis, "take thee as my husband. Thou makest me thy wife and givest me in token ot dower five-tenths of silver. It I dis charge thee as my husband, hating thee and loving another more than thee, 1 shall give and return to thee two and a half-tenLhs of silver, of silver, of which thou gavest me as my dower; and I cede unto thee of all and everything that I shall ac qure with thee, one-third part, as thou art married unto me." Not even Chicago or Reno can boast of a franker contract than that, and there is something wonderfully naive in the idea of the good 'ady Isis "discharging" her lord on the ground that she hates him and loves another better. The sum that she re turns bim, as part of her now can celed dower, is about equal to a sil ver dollar. So we shall have some thing to learn in marital and femi nine imperiousnesa. StatesTille Landmark. The Aabevllle Citizen learns that Rube Peterson killed Luther Lewis in Yancy county some days ago. Ac cording to the story Lewis and two companions, who had been to an il licit distillery and got some liquor, stopped at Peterson's house at night, called him out and threw water on him this for a joke. Peterson went back into the house without making a row. Later Lewis and companions returned to the house, for the pur pose, they claimed, of giving Peter son a drink of liquor, as a peace of fering, doubtless. Peterson refused to come out when they knocked and Lewis walked to the rear of the house, where Peterson knocked him down with a rock. Lewis walked away but soon lay down and almost immediately expired. Before Lewis was struck with the rock hia com. panions claim they heard him tell I Peterson to drop the rock; that they were only joking. Peterson surrendered to the offi cers and was released on hia own re cognizance. He says Lewis had a pistol when he threw the rock and claims that he acted in self defence. Blast BtAbsTt 8ple!a Kidney and bladder ailments are so se rious in their consequences, and If un checked so often fatal, that any remedy offered for their cure mast be above sus picion. Foley Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and hare successiully stood a long and thorough test. Pee De Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. CERTAIN RESULTS. Clot On to Train to Rid. During the early hours of Sunday morning a long and lank native boarded Frisco train No. 104 for his first ride on the cars, hia destination being Kansas City. He was decid edly nervous, but was determined not to show it, and attempted to ,cuL tivate an air of familiarity with his surroundings. He sought a position in the middle of the chair car, placed his grip on the floor and braced him self against the side of one of the plush chairs. v "Won't you have a seat, sir?" ask ed the porter. "Nope," the yeung man answered. t I rv 1 aw. "xjakx cms my nair ana l suave my self." Youth's Companion. Incxbaastlbls Stock. Youth's Companion. ' Squire Lawson never asked for or accepted any advice. Oue day he drove fifteen miles to the nearest large town, and there left his horse and buggy in a side street in charge of a strange young man. Then he went off in search of an old friend of his, a Quaker. . "Thee didn't leave a valuable horse and carriage to a stranger's care, Thomas?" remonstrated his friend. "Thee'd better go get it, and drive to the livery stable. This town is not like the little place tbee lives In." "I looked the young man over," said Squire Lawson, testily, "and in my. judgment it waa perfectly safe to leave him in charge. Let us say no more abautit." "Very well," said his friend, but when, at the end of two hours, Squire Lawson took bis i leave, the Quaker shut his office' and accompa nied the squire to the place where he bad left his equipage. It had vanished, and no inquiries brought any information as to where Domestic Drama At Daughter's. Atchison Globe. An old-fashioned woman from the country recently packed some fried chicken, bread and doughnuts in a market basket and went to see her daughter who lives in a big city. She was scandalized when the family stayed up till 11 o'clock and decided that she wouldn't tell pa About it when she wrote heme the next day. "He might think we have (alien into evil ways," she said to herself as she was going off to 6leep. She awoke at her usual time, 4 o'clock, and the house seemed unusually quiet. "Town folks do get hiy," she thought, "and they probably don't get up till 5." She dressed and went down stairs and watched the clock till 5. Not a sound; then she waited till 6, and at 7, between hunger and alarm, she was almost crazed. "They have been murdered in their beds!" she yelled at 8 o'clock from the front Bteps, and soon the bouse was filled with people rushing in to see what had happened. The family were sur prised and indignant, when police, market gardeners, news" boys, etc., rushed into their bedrooms and woke them up, -and thU explains, jwhy the - A Robber Wllb Nerve. Memphis, Tenn., July 26. Accord ing lo a local paper here today, T. F. Henninger a merchant of this city, who several days ago was robbed of a diamond valued at 1600, waa men aced with a revolver pointed at hia back, concealed from passing crowda by the folds of a newspaper and marched five blocks along Main street in the business centre of the city, by an unknown man who bad in his possession the diamond. Henninger in answer to a myste rioua telephone message bad gone to Court square and waa there approach ed by a handsomely dressed woman who directed him to a man seated nearby the latter displaying the lost gem. Henninger having failed to bring the advertised reward of $250, was accompanied to his place of business by the thief, who during the entire discourse, covered him with the re- f volver. Henninger not only paid the mon ey agreed to, but added $1, which he had promised the robber "for hl3 trouble" in walking to hia ptece of business. Manr a Wadesbora Cltlsen Knows How Sare Tttmj Axe. Nothing uncertain about the work of Doan's Kidney Pilla In Wades boro. There ia plenty of positive ' proof of this in the testimony of citi-. zens. sucn evidence snouia con vince the most skeptical doubter. Read the following statement: Mrs. A. B Tarlton, of Wadesboro, N. C , says: "I am so well pleased with the benefit I received from the use of Doan's Kidney Pilla that I willingly give them my endorsement. For a long time I suf fered from severe pains in the small of my back, often accompanied by a soreness across my kidneys. The kidney secre tions were unnatural and irregular In passage, causing me much annoyance. I tried many remedies, " but nothing re lieved me until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills Since using tnem l nave neeu steadily improving and seldom have any pain in my back. The kidney secretions also pass more reguiariy ana i ieei uetker in every way. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mlibura Ux, uunaio, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the came Doan's and take no other. Notice to Colored Teachers A teachers' inatitute for colored teach ers will be held in the colored graded school builJincr in Wadesboro, begin ning Mouday August 1st, and continu ing two eeca. The institute will oe conaacieu vj Prof. S. B. Pride, principal of the Char lotte graded school, colored, under the general .supervision of county Superin tendent, J. W. WalL All colored teachers or Anson county who exnect to teach in the putnic (schools of the county are required to be in cjntinuotw atteudanco tipon the se6sifna of this institute, r nilure to observe this requirement will debar the teacher from being employed to teacn in the County schools. TpAihera attending tne institute should provide themselves with pencil -a a r -T T ATT C5 d. and tablet.. J- ai- waiu oay Constipation causes headache, nausea, dizziness, languor, heart palpitlon. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regulets act and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your drnggist. it or the young man had gone. Well, Amos," said the Quaker, af- old-fashioned woman came. heme that ter an hour's hot, unavailing search, 1 aav' 1 never expeciea,- une boddcu "thee has lost a horse and carriage, Pa ay 6" wowa laut uj to be sure, hut thpe still has nipntw nf her ma as jane taiKea 10 me." , r. judgment left, I've no doubt." ers. I The Peace Which Passeth I all understanding cornea Quicker N AT IPG f A llhito Toarh kd., ' ' uuiiuu tu 1 1 ill IV .ivuiyll- nuru tucuuatimca udvc uccu iuicl ly and ; tactfully conducted. Much depends upon The Undertaker. ; May we suggest ; a " reference to those whom we have served? It will disclose the character of our services more fully than we feel disposed to. We prefer to let othersspeak of our work. We respond to calls at any hour. GATHINaS Embalnr sr and Funeral Director. Wadesboro, N. C Phone 41 The biennial county teachers' Insti tute and school for the training of the pnbuc . school teachers of the county will be held in the graded school build ing at Wadesboro, beginning Mondav. 15th day of August and continuing two weeks. ' The County Institute Law can be found in Section 4167 of the school law, to which all who expect employ ment as teachers of the public schools are referred. You are required to bring all of the textbooks nsed in the tinblic schools through the primary and inter mediate grades, as the institutes will partake largely of the character of the school and work will be assigned by the conductors to the teachers just as to classes in the ordinary school room, that methods or teaching may ir3 lilt THE BINORia SCHOOL. liWUte. . C. ku ynm Sot to to Hen tor I1T TEAKS, idemllr looted os U. A.fc.TUW HMaaa. mil faom mtf. UrfuatUoa MLUIABT for SISClPLUiE. CliNTIUit ud CuutUGit. ! iqi lte turn tthm aaaoa ma mmv Ttilm mmjtnaan JOHN W Attorney aad Cbunsellor-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N. C. All legal business will have prompt and painstaking attention. . Your sales and , purchases or real estate may be facilitated by calling on or writing to me. Will also mnt or laasa vour town nrnrian a nH tarm- , Ing lands and collect the rent for the same . considerations will permit. Alms and tb Man. Youth's Companion. Sure Father Flaherity was a good man," Mr. Murphy said of the de ceased parish priest. ' "He hated sin but he loved the sinner, an' he was all compassion an patience an' wis dom. There never was another loike Mm Pr hold In' up hope to the poor batthered man that had any desire f'r good. " 'Faith,' said he to Con Mehan, the bh'y was down an' out, 'faith, this side av paradis 'tis all beginning agan, over an' over, an tin toimea over!' . - "An' that keen," continued Mr. Mnrphy, "'twas niver worth whoile to keep part back av th' price av th' andl Wid a twinkle In hia eve he'd GULLED GE. luatrated in the concrete than in the l c,ean trough anny Ananias thai buoucmi. rui mo Liriuittry WOII TOu I IVci WIliKcU, wiu aiao Dnng. jn addition to the read i . ers, Buuie lauiets ana a pair or scissors. All friends of education and the pub lic schools, - especially the County Board of Education and the School Committeemen of the general town ship, are invited to attend this institute as continuously aa inc ination and other Hilna CCA. K. BIBgma. Smp.. Boot . Oi&tx over Wadesboro Clothing & Laoe uompasys otore. J. M. Wall Superintendent Public Instruction- "An', , gln'rous!" Mr'. Murphy's voice dropped to a lower key and his eyes were wet as he added, "His hand was always in his pockuts, an' whin they prepared him for th' buri al they found his right arrm longer than bis left wid etijetchln out to th' poor." Lt tna Babies Wock. Greensboro Record. Whoever dreamed that a tiny ba by could be made to work, even while amusing itself? But he can. An old colored nurse,, one cl the old mammy" kind, passed along the street today with her charge in a car riage; in the baby's bands was a small bottle of milk, a half pint or more, rne lime cnap was pounding away with his bottle and the old mammy was asked abouttt. "Why, chile," she said, "Iglve de baby de bottle of milk to play wid; he likes it an' he keep on churnin' dat milk until presently he makes a tiny bit of butter. - Den when I gits back to de house I takes it out and -dre93ea it de butter, I mean an' I knows 1 has some clean, pure butter, for de bottle am stopped up rate tight and it am Bcalded afore I gives it to da baby." We need more of this ingenious of this ingenious spirit; 4t's econo my mixed "with pleasure to the child especially. . The scheme, how ever, is not patented and may be im itated with impunity. Jada-s Cstki'i Hlstaks. Charlotte Observer. While Superior Curt was in ses Bion at Raleieb a few days ago, a distinguished member of the Monroe ar entered the crowded court room and passed within the space reserved for members of the legal profession and other offenders. A whiskey selling case was being tried at the time, and a witness for the State was testifying about having seen the defendent banding out drink3. Just at this juncture Judge Cooke looked up and saw the Monroe attorney looking for a seat, and he called out, "Mr. Sheriff, give Mr. a drink Buy III one y Orders OF THE Southern Savings Bank, Poacnlaa Wadosbara aa.oavUls thereby keeping your money at home, Instead of patronizing out side interests, as you will if yon buy money orders of the post office or the express company. er I mean a chair." The roar of laughter that followed the jalge's little mistake was unanimous. A rw Sbort w .. Mr. J. S. BartelL Edwardsville, 11L writes: "A few months ago my kidneys became congested. I had severe backache and pain across the kidneys and hips. Foley Kidney fins promptly cured my backache and corrected the action of my kidneys. This was brought about after my using them for only a tew short weeks ml T can cheerfull V recommend thorn ' Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Foley's- Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble not be yond the reach of medicine. No medicine cwi do more. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. . Better Than Spanking. Spanking does not cure children of bed welling. There Is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W, Notre Dame, lad., will send tree to any mother ner successful boms treatment, with lull Instructions. Seod no money but write ber lodav if your children trou ble you In this wav. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cores adults and atrod peo- I ot night. 1Qti IT! What They Will Do for Yea They will cure your backach, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rectorinary Irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Blight's Disease and Dia- bates, and restore health caii strength. Refuse substltutss. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. and Pee Dee Pharmacy. WANTED- Cord Wood, delivered at our brick yard cr j convenient to load on cars. Yr for prices. Watsoa S lit:! Brkl C , Cteraw.S. C, IU F. D. 2 . 1. v.-