Intelligencer SOCIETY NOTES. POLKTON LOCALS. LILESVILLE AND WALLTOWN. ;l04 S. C4 ll Hi WIO. U. r.OYUN. Publisher. nn. w. k. Brxk'i Kectpii. A very heavy ram visitea mis sec-1 aits. m. w-juargau, ui xviuawu, Last week was gay socially, the tion last Saturday evening. At Mr. N. C, who came pp to attend the moat notable event being a reception W. E. Curlew's four inches of water funn-ul of her nephew, the late Jamea Mrs. W.E. Brock teudered her guebt, fell. At other places, from two to Kicbardson, Is spending the wee Mrs W H. Shaw, of Ausrusta. Mrs. three Inches is reported. Some dam- with her mother, Sirs. Helen Wall. twice wwk, and entered . -m rt.imh; an.t Mn. H. W. ace was done to the crowing crops, f The life Of this bright young man aiTidSSSj'SuEs., ndlr Little weicomecTthe callers in the Mr. Edmund Maske, . of Humble, was ended under circumstances of hallway, and receiving with the host- Texas, is visiting his parents, Mr. peculiar sadness, as reiatea m me ax. ess and honoree in the parior were and Mrs. J. F. Maake of the Friend- & I. He was liked by every body Mrs. Bernard J. Dunn and heir sister, ship comuiuoity. Mr. Maske is a who knew him. mere was mucn 01 Mrs! W. M. Morton, of New Or- trusted employe of the Higgins Oil promise before him and the manner - r T ... kta raSnm atfuboa iraHOMl FO(TMi leans: Mrs. R. L. Haralson, airs, u. tjompany. im1.uI m. t.1 B. Williams, Mrs; L. J. Huntley. I Mr. and Mrs. w. A. uaaay spen nu eymyaiuj. mc ucccv. Miss Goldie Mills led the way to the Sunday and Monday with friends ones me sympamy oi me coiumuuuy goes out in this saddest oiau Dereave- M arch 3, 179. C? NEW YORK SHOT. isrgcilClty Employ BulUt Jack r Head Tht !? W trial to VeH Find Fp..vd nmt se- dining room, where a pink and w hite and relatives near Olive Branch. . s!y K.t.i. I color note predominated w York. Aue. 9. WUiiam J. center of the table was a cut glass jr. mayor 01 it;w iuu vn:, vase oi asier., nuu yiun. v"k" rl and RprioDSh nnikr ninfe ulindpS cast H DftttV filOW led today as he stood on th Mr3. j. d. Leak and Mrs. jrie Mar nade deck of the steamship tjn were in- charge or this room, ana t Withelm der Grosse by Jame I were assisted by Mi-ses Ruth Allen, in Stanly and Montgomery counties i j inrhur a mi jnnnrtrpfi inu uia I Kotoinir. lavitrH iuumuuas auu i iui. nuu iu9. yt . A, uauuv. ui .it pmnliivH. Gallagher I Rnth Ashraft in sirvine a beautiful I Hamlet, are visiting relatives and "j r . I - . . . . - . . . . t.l 1 l!t r 11 . rw(1 I in U.. blAtt n . aimcat instantly ovefpu"" ice course, wnicu lunuer ukuu tu i uiawu nuu .ucouviu. arrested. the chosen colors. The punch , bowl he shot was fired at 9.45 o'cloca J wa9 artistically arranged on the ve- morning, nrteen minuieo ucnu ranaa. auu was uresmtu ui Mrs. Roy M. Huntley and Miaa Jtb el Ashcraft. CsmpMmiulirr Party. Mr. Charles Gulledge, who was ments. . oadly cut by Bunn Sturdivant, last .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. omitn nave rhursday, is rapidly recovering. returned to their home in Charlotte, Mr. John F. Rivers, the hustling er spending two weeks with Mrs. agent for the. Strubler computing Jsmim'd parents, jiir. ana Mrs. o. w. dcale fHimriaiiv. i si-ntlinff this week i Wall. ! j - t r, 7 i steamship was due to leave het r at Hoboken, N. J., and the may teas rpfAiv in OodsDeed from e cup of friends preparatory to a va tion trip to Europe. The bullet ack him behind the right ear and r ired downward, inflicting a dan mrn though not necessarily fata: uund. Aud unless blood poison de lops, surgeons are hopeful of th avur's repovprv. although at his -0 fift vpara snch a wound is e3' litially grave. REPORTS ABE HOPEFUL. 'TV...; fn.nnv ia at. St Mftrv's- lliUlgUi LUC iuojfvi J tf ospital, Hoboken, surrounded b specialials, with members of hir iijily gathered near, waiting tht itcome with anxiety. All early -ports from the'hospital were hope- it in tone and this evening six x ly negatives of the wound were i ken tr fflpilitatp an operation foi le removal of the bullet Galla her, the would-be assassin, is lock A in a cell at Jersey City, held with- ut bond. He expresses no remorse The big liner was gay with flag! nd ringing with shouted good-byef-hen the tragedy occurred. Mosi had been aboard tht hip to say good-bye to friends oi elatlves had gone ashore, but a little wmn remained to ' talk with thf ayor. They were standing on tht iort aide of the vessel near the prom nade deck forward and were in tht ,ct of posing for a group photograph vhen Gallagher, unnoticed, pushed Ma mav almost to the mayor's eidt nd fired point blank at his head. He used a 38-caliber revolver and n fIim i nation later disclosed that he first cartridge had missed fire Chls probably saved the mayor'e ife.for Gallagher, when he first pull- d the trigger, was less tban two fee i way. Backing away slightly ir is excitement.he pulled the trigger l second time and sent a bullet crash ng into the mayor's neck below tht NOT A LUNATIC. Gallagher, jadging by appearan ies and actions, is not a lunatic: Hi. nind is appartntly as sound as any nan's of fifty-odd years, but he "has aourished in his heart a hatred for Mayor Gaynor ever since he was dis charged as a night watchman in the lepartment of docks and ferries it ' July last for incompetency. Sine Meri he has repeatedly written to the nayor, anonymously and otherwise, narping on an obsession that he had jeen persecuted, and demanding re- IreSS. He has even written letters to the Governor, bo it became known to night, and he went on bord the Kai Her Wilhelm der Gorsse today with he expressed purpose of murdering :he man whom he charges wjth hav ing robbed him of his bread and You took the bread and butter 3ut of my mouth," he shouted as he approached the mayor, then he lev eled the revolver and fired. GALLAGHER S STATEMENT. "I came over to Hoboken at 9.20 Lhis morning. I went, to the steam ship pier and I went on board the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse ,1 met a clergyman on boaro the steamer and I asked him to point out Mayor Gaynor to me. "He did so and shortly after I fired a shot at the mayor. I do not know if I fired more than une shot or not. Knowing that Mayor Gaynor wa? going to Europe this morning to en joy himself after depriving me of my bread and butter, not porterhouse feteak, I was irritated to the point of committing the act. ' "The revolver you show me is the revolver that I done the shooting at the mayor with. I don't know bow i.. any shots were in the revolver uhen I used it. I have had this re volver a long time in my possession. I carried it when J was in the em !oy of the city." Gallagher seemed remarkably cool -vLJle making this statement to v iJch be affixed his signature. " - On Thursday morning quite a num ber of gueste, drawn from the young er social element, responde J ttt invi tation issued by Mrs. C. S. Wheeler as a pretty compliment to her guest, Miss Odessa Bruoer, of Richmond, Va. Tables were arranged on the loag verauda for a progressive game, the prizs going to Miss Ruth Ashcraft. A Neapolitan ice course, with cake, was daintily served after the game. Hlu'a Porch Party. Miss Effie Shepherd Leak enter tained on Friday morning with an informal porch party in . honor oi Miss Mary Kenuedy Little. Sixteen guest? were seated on the attractive vpranda for a "same in which Miss Lina Lockhart made the highest score, rne nonoree aiso was .givei, i dainty souvenir. A tempting luncheon was subsequently served, nd the occasion was one. of much pleusuie for those present. Mr. T. C. Lamb, who has bten lo cated in Folkton for some time, has been appointed agent at Wingate. He moved last week. . Mr. William Levett made a busi cess trip to AusonvIUe Iet week. Mrs. C. H. Martin is spending sometime in Maxton. Mis. W. DJ Edward3 was taken vere sick Tuesday evening, but L slightly better today (Wednesday). Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Carter are vis itlng .Niagara Falls aud other noted places in the North. .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDaniel, oi Salisbury, spent several days thic eek with Mrs. McDauiel's parents, Mr. an J Mrs. W. 1. 'Edwards, ol this place. Little Miss Elizabeth Jaughter ol Mr. and Mrs. J ter, celebrated her firth birthday, ruesday, by entertaining . a number of her friends.. The occasion was a moot pleasant one to all. Protracted meeting at the Baptist church will begiu next Sunday. Crops in this part of the county are above the average. The prospects Mrs. Edwin Wall Is visiting her sons, Messers. B. R. and M. P. Wall, oi LItesville. " . ' ... The r wival Jiieeting in progress at the Baptist church iniLilesville, con ducted by Rev. Mr. Davis, ia increas ing in interest.- The attendance is good it is hoped that great good may result from It. - Miss Flora Spencer, of Charlotte, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrsi H. T. Spencer. ; Miss Allie May Spencer expects to return to her home in Walltown this week, after, spending two weeks in Albemarle with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Watkins. Miss Jamie Mc A lister returned home last week, after an extended visit to Elkton, Red Springs and Laurinburg. Miss Flora Spencer and Mrs Mar shall Spencer have gone to Albemarle, Carter. Lwherrt they will visit Mrs. Frank E. Car-1 Watkins and Mrs. W. A. Smith. Misses Sue and Mary Cole, who have been on a visit to relatives in Rockingham, have returned to Walltown, the guests of their aunt, Mrs. B. L. Wall. Miss Louise Richardson, who has been on an extended visit to her aunt, Mrs. M. W. Dargan, has re- tor a good corn crop are the best in several years. The legallz d primary shows im provement . over the old system. There are abuses, - however, which will not be removed until-, we adopt the Australian ballot system. Vo ting publicly is not conducive to in dependent voting. " Our farmers, who have had thresh ing done, report good 'yields. If all our people would give more attention to small grain they would find the results gratifying and profitable. Cotton should .ba dethroned. i. Ac )Iord family, caryiug three well developed cases of small pox, entered our bcr'ders Tuesday. The author ities ordered them to m ive they moved. Progress, turned home. Mr; land Mrs. J. F." Alexander have gone to Forest City. MORVEN CIRCUIT. on, aud. UPPER LANESBORO NEWS for forty-two, making the highest score. Mrs. T, W. Cham bliss and Mrs. H. H. Mc- Lendon served punch in the hand some dining room upon the arrival of the guests, and a beautuul ice "course was much enj iyed after the game. ANOTHER MURDER IN UNION. Evening Party. Miss Willa Clifton was hostess, on last.Monday evening, at a porch and Sawn Dartv given for her guest, Miss Smith, of Gibson. - Japanese decora tions were used with charming effect, and iu a very amusing contest thr highest trophy .went to the honoree, and the consolation to Miss Lockhart. .Punch was served by- Miss Mary. C. Bennett and Mr. T. B. Leak, and late in the evening a pretly ice course gave much pleasure. Tuesday. Afternoon Clnb. Mrs. R. Li Hardison entertained the Tuesday Afternon Club and a number of supplementary guests very delightfully yesterday afternoon. Ta- Quite a large erowd attended the com- hies were placed on the broad piazza munion meeting at the Primitive Baptist Mrs. U. B. Blalock cuurcu a ?""uay. William, the small son of Mrs. Cleo Horne, is very sick with typhoid fever. Miss Faye Allen of Charlotte visited relatives in Peachland last week Misses Tucker of Monroe are visiting Misses 11a Bowers and Rosa Ashford Miss Connie Allen of Charlotte spent Saturday night aad Sunday, with Mr. M. W. Duncan's family. Miss Blanche McRae of Marshville vis ited friends in Peachland last week. Misses Cley one and Josephine . Stegall are visiting relatives near Monroe. Messrs. C. P. Bancom, John McClellan, Samuel Medlin and Misses Pantha Mc Clellan and Carrie Baucom of Monroe spejt Sunday and Monday with relatives in this community.' Mr. C. P. Wright is very sick with ty phoid fever, Mrs. C. M. Curiae is right sick at this writing. Mrs. S. J. Thomas "is very sick with. fever. Miss Reno Fluke of White Store is vis itiug Miss Rosa Caudle. The Misses Maness of Lalesvil le are vis iting Misses Mattle and Maggie Phifer. Mr. Clyde Moore and sister, Miss Anna, spent Monday anJ Tuesday with relatives in Union county. Mrs. J. W. Thomas is visiting friends near Cedar Grove, Mr. A. A. Phifer, Peachland's efficient town marshal, took a pistol off the person of a young man Sunday, who was on bis way to church. We cannot understand why young men want to carry deadly weapons to church with them, Mr. Neal Thomas recently found a pair of brass knucks. and turned them over to Esq.H. M. Baucom, who would be glad to know the owner of them. , If this pistol and knucks carrying business was broken up there would be fewer homicides. It ia reported that the young man Clifford Thomas, who was killed Saturday even ing, died with a pair of brass knucks on his fingers aad a pistol by his side How long will the pistol and knucks business be tolerated? While we do not wish to criticise anyone, we do not believe that our grand jurors make presentments of as are brought ' to their officers of the in your might and put an end to this practice. When you stop people from violating the law in this respect, you will stop 90 per cent of the homicides that are being committed Pistols, knuck3 aad hard cider nsually go together and make a bad and dangerous. comoia&uon. some oi our young men seem to delight iu advertising themselves by carrying pistols. - Blub Bell. GAVNCR RE8TI9IO WELL. lew York, Aug. 10. William J. Gaynor, a yor of New York, lie In St. Mary1 : ital touigbt with two segments of a ; 'in Het fired yesterday by James J .;:;;her, who sought to assassinate still burifd fa hit neck and mouth, t, i e has shown not one alarming symp It is beyond i cman powerto say '. -.-.-r he will recover, for not even the uowued specialist can say whether a will be the aftermath', but- ! ayot'j temperature has given ;.'.,irui'oa this score. Everj ' ' ' it U.e wound is hf-aliiu guudajr School MIlonry Conference Batfiel Cbnrch, Satnrdajr and dy, 13th and 14tn. . '- All the members of the Sunday Schools and churches of the Morven circuit are delegates. The pastors of the five charges in the county are expected to be present on Saturday and discuss Ihe various phases and methods of Sunday school work. On Sunday Mr. J. W." Gul ledge and otners are expected to be present, and such suhjcls'as, "The Importance of Early Collections," 'The Tithe System,' "The Laymen in th j World Movement for the Sal vation of the World," will be dis cussed. Dinner will be served at church. All deuominatious are iuviUd to at tend aud participate iu the discus sions. I hope all my people will attend and be ready to participate io the ex ercises and go back home to do bet ter work along all lines of churh ac tivity. : J. J. Barker, Pastor. Monroe Dispatch-, 9th. Ben Hunter, a white man of about 26 years old, was shot and kiiied last night uear Alton, Buford township, and his companion, Walter Stack, was shot in the arm. It is impossi ble to get particulars of the affair at oreseut. but the shooting is said to have been done by three brothers, Gus, Will and Winfred Belk, who had a long-standing quarrel with both Hunter and Stack. The dead man got into trouble last year by eloping with his wife's sister. The pair came back shortly afterward, however, and Hunter was living with his wife again. Sheriff Griffith has gone to the scene of the killing, and will probably have made some arrests by tonight. Presiding Klder'a Appointments. Rev. H. K. Boyer, P. E., will hold quarterly conferences fourth round for Anson charges as follows: Morven, at Bethel, Sept. 10-11. Polktou, at Poplar Hill, Oct. 15 16. Wadesboro, Oct. 16 at 8 P. M. Lilesville, at Foreatvilfe, Oct. 22 23. . Ansonville, at Concord, Oct. 29 30. LOST Between Loader's mill and Rocky River Springs a silver bandied umbrella with Hallie Horne engrav ed ou the handle. The finder will be paid a suitable reward tor its return to Miss Horne in Wadesboro. The Belk Surrender. Monroe Dispatch, 10. Will and Winifred Belk, the two young wnite men wanted for tne murder of Ben Hunter and the wounding of waiter Stack, Monday, came into town today and surrendered to tne snerin. Tney were at once committed to the county jail. When een by the Observer correspondent they talked rather freely. Their statement of the affair was that they were going along a road in Buford township when they came upon Stack all such cases ind Hunter in another buggy. Stack iua tiunter jurapea out or meir nuggy I knowledge. Gentlemen, .ma openea nre. ; rne tseiKs returned every Doay, rwe up the fire and dashed off without know ing the result of their shots. Walter Stack was also seen by The Observer man and stated that he and Hunter were overtaken ia the road by the Belks, who immedi tely opened fire upon them. ' Both jumped from their buggy and started to run. Stack escaped with a wound in the arm, but Hunter was shot down. His body was found in a cornfield Tbesday morning, where it had lain xll night. His stomach' was pierced by several shots and two bullet-holes were entirely through the head. It is charged that the wounds in the bead were made after Hunter fell, as bullet-boles were found in the ground directly beneath his head. Stops earache in, two minutes; "tooth "ache or pain of burn or scald io live mil? utes; hoarseness, one hour; muscleacbe, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, monarch cvr rala.' - To keep your health sound: to avoid the ills of advancing years; to conserve your physical forces for a ripe and iu-althtul old age, guard your kidneys by takingj'oley's Kidney Remedy. Peo Dee Pharmacy; Par- sous Drag Co. - . For Sale. B eaus ( want to gaTout of business,"! offer n.y stock of goods for sate as a wuoi. any sj-ana on uutnertord street cue ot in uvit in 'owo, and I have bu! up a . spieuuid tiaie. Tin is the best cuauw ytn win cave la a l.-iic i.;,na t buy a iuiL.g and welt estaouautj teas- X. T. CAHAtt'AY. FARMERS UH13H EXCURSION TO SPRUCE PINE FRIDAY. AUGUST 19 An excursion, midsr the auspices of Union Comity Division of the Farmers Union, will be operated from Wadea boro to Spruce Pine, Ang. 19 It will be a strictly high-clans excursion for white people only, through the heart of the Bine Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. After a season of hard work through the crop cultivating pe riod, .this Excursion will afford a pleas ant Outing for f armers Uuion nietn bers, their wives, sons and daughters. It is not limited to Farmers Union peo ple only, but a cordial invitation is ex tended everybody to join as on this splendid trip through the grandest scenery in America, and over a railroad that represents the most wonderf ol feat of engineering in the world. Handbills, iuriitg a detailed description of the cnery and points) of intrubt to be seen 1 ug thin route, are being mailed to tha loot! fir-cretariet of Union and An sou counties, aud -each Lo-"at Union should hold an open meet in? between now aud the 19th and ascertain how many from the neighborhood iatend to go ou this excur&ion, and then make arriinizemeutfl for the trip. The following schedule and rateB will be effective: , - Leuve Wadesboro. .5 oO a- iu Rassellville . . .5 37 a in. Polkton.... Peachland .. Marshville .. Wingate Monroe . . . .. Stoats Indian Trail Matthews..; 5 45 a ..5 63 a ..8 05 a . tt 15 a. m. iu. .6.25 a. m .0 4 5 a u . .ti ft) a. m , 7 00 a iu Fare $3 00 300 300 300 2 50 250 " 2.50 2.50 2 50 2 50 2 50 Waxhaw No. 88 5.47 a. m There will be no Btops for pa angers beyond Matthews, N. C. Ir.iin will arrive at Spruce Pine at .1 10 . m aud leave Sprace Pine returnhi- ut 5 p. in. and reach Wadesboro abon.'.ll 50 p. m For further information apply to J Z Qrff.M, Maua't-r. 1 or - - ii(rshvilK', N. C. h. a r:ud. i) v x. Ur.Ui'h ti.V. The Dixie Development Co.; j and Contented? has bet-n organized to assist itn he development of Acsm county and tha state of North Carolina, by aiding aud encouraging the good men who are now tenants to own their homes, and by all other legitimate means within the power of the company. If you want to buy or sell real estate, see ut before trading. We are in position to help you. - Insurance Department. We write all kinds of Insurance Fire, Life, Health, Acci dent, etc., and do a general bonding business, representing corn companies of absolute safety. - We respectfully solicit a portion of your business and assure you that it will be appreciated. " The Dixie Development Co. T. F. JONES, President. W. C. LONG, Secrety. JOHN. W. GUI-LEDGE. General Manager. Are You Satisfied ECZEMA 0UEED I i " Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema without being materially benefitted that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and that Hobson's Eczema Ointment will effect a cure is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, who for many years was a citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: "This is to certify that for nine years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it, hut. without effect. But after a few applications of Hobson's Eczema Ointment I was completely cured. "V. WILSON. "Thomasville, N. C, Feb. 22, 1910.' We sell Hobson's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee. If it does not effect a cure yo get your money back. PiRSOfJS DRUQ COP'HY. BWiaa HE 17 SMiPfJEfJ T For the Good Old Summer Time' Matting makes a nice summe covering for your floor looks cool and is cool. "Krex" Rugs are Kool and Komfortable for porch, hall or bedroom. ; - Come and look over our mammoth stock. Prices on matting from 18c to 35c. We lay our mattings free of charge. "Krex" Rugs from 40c to 85c each. We Want Your Trade. " . - GatwJqs FuRfJ. Go. "The House of Quality' Lower Street. Phone No. 41. Johny and his father were driving, the father was in deep thought when Johny ..interupted, "Pa is there any diference between being satisfied and being contented?" "Yes, Johnny there is a lot of difference. I am satisfied that I got badlv; cheated in this buggy that we are rideing in. I intended to buy a Tyson 8t Jones buggy when I bought this, but I was induced to by this "Just as good kind" and now I am not con tented, and will not be untill I get the Tyson 8c Jones buggy that I first intended to buy, for I have found by ' past experience that the Tyson 8c Jones buggyalwys brings satisfaction 'and contentment. The Blalock Hardware Company sells Tsson fit Jones buggies, and we are driving to thoir store now"" Our Mr. H. E. Allen will be glad to welcome Pa f . and Jonny and show them through, onr handsome stock of bugies, and what he tells you about our bug gies we are here three hundred and sixty five days in the year to back it up. BLALOCK 0 W. COMPANY Wrinkles and Gray H 3.1 rs. that time will bring at last will worry you, unless you make provision for a happy and comforta ble old age spent under your own roof by Taking Shares in The Wadesboro Bg & Loan Asso. , The money you invest in shares in this associa tion will make you 8 per cent. This makes the rate of interest to borrowing members very low less - than 6 per cent. The next series opens July 10th. Your investments and loans are solicited. If you want to know how it is done, see John W. Gulledge Secretary and Treasurer. JUST TELL US HOW MUCH to cut off and we. will, come pretty near getting exactly the quantity you want. You dou't nave to worry about the quality" of our meat. We take 90 much pains ia selecting tbeui you can be a-urtd they are the choicest to he had. A trial will prove it. P. T. RHYNE. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College M'iDtained by the state -for the wo me lot North Carolina. Four regu lar courafa leading to degrees. - Spe cial courses for teachers. Fa 11 session beKlua September 14,15)10. Those da Iring to eiter nhould apply as ear5 ly as pwsibie. ! For -catalogue and tir Information address J.fl. FOC9T, PrtM Oritaibor, fi.C. Relieves sour stomach, t!;;to:38 cf lie heart. Digests wV yoa eai Farming Lands in Lee Co. For Sale For those wishing- good, productive lods at reasonable prices, ia (rood eonjinunHy, near churches schools and market. We have choice houses and lots ' in town. $300.00 worth dewberries per acre sold this j rr from lauds, like ours. CK- UE4LTV AND GUARANTY CO. J. M. Stephens, Secretary. - For Sale. We offer the following property for quick sale: A good farm 4i miles from the town of Wadesboro, contesting of 250 acr -s, well ioip rot ed4 with good water, rasture, and other conveuleuces. Price A1.00 per acre. A foud convenient resident lot wiih four room dwelling house. Prices and terms rpssooabln. DLiJE DETELOPMENT CO. ' M elivered at Your Home Buy an ice book from the Wadesboro Oil Mill and bave ice delivered at your door every day. Don't "cuss" this hot weather, for it can not be helped, but keep cool in the cheapest and easiest way by using our ice. It is made of double distilled water fronJ our own artesian well and is guaranteed absolutely wholesome and pure: Prices for ice are: 300 lbs,, $1.50; 500 lbs., $2.50; 1,000 lbs, $5.00. 17JDESB0R0 OIL JILL, g Telephone No. 63. CINCHAM SCH30L 1733 1313 TH! BrSilHi STH'ViL. IiWiIW. C . ku rv3 lt fc V Im for 1IT rUJ3 I )", lnniil am U.. rkMl, t uta trMa eii,. OK.iitf I. m.i-il a. I tw ... t , A&lrm COL. K- BaUJL Sxv.. lex

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