J cr z Intelligencer forest fires still raging. PERSONAL' MENTION. HOKE SUITE N0UINATED. U)i.SBOKO, H. 'C t W. JAS. Q. BOYUN. Publisher. HcTkia50 tqiart Miles Unrated lit tfca Wilt Um of Life la Great. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 13. Near ly the whole Pun-Handle, of Idaho, timbered mountain country, is on Art Mr. and' Mrs. W. C Via are spending the week at Atlantic City. Mr.-and Mr?. II. H. Cox and chil drea have reftrratd from Kocky t i e pei offl at Wadesboro, N. 6., under persons may have perished tue Act oi Mwcn 3, i& NEITHER NOMINATED. Printed twice & week, and entered at and it is possible that four hun.Jred t Rivr Springs. Uoired SUtes Forest Supervisor Weighler has not heard from 300 of Lis men who were In the burning woods and he fears they have perished. The other loss of life is estimated at 100. Tne mining town or wara ner is almost surrouudtd by flames and miners are out fighting the Are. The fires iu the Coeur u' Alene N- Commit! Dacfda That BUMhar Clack Mar 0dfa la tfca Leg1 Hamlaaa la Th( Alb District Aaafhar Prlmar? Ordered. :"; - RakUh Dispatch, 21th. The State Democratic executive tional forests are beyond control and . -aa ,rrt timber worth UHIJJLUILICC lUUIKUb nuuutCU 41 m i ... :t burning. or trie special investigation comum- fi OQ d AleQe Io. tee, headed by ex-Governors Jarvia dian rervation are checked, as are and Avcock. to the effect that in the I those of Palmous National Forest. millions of dollars is sixth congressional district neither O. Lu Clark of Bladen nor H. L. Godwin of Harnett county was duly nominated in the recent sensational convention at- Wrightaville Beach, and that there be general voting nHmaries throughout the district not later then S. ptomter 15 for nam- Along the St. Joe River, which runs inrougu wnai n aescnotu ua "The largest body of standing white pine timber in the United Statw," thi-re is a continuous fire from Plum rat-r to point in Mon'ar.a. The United States is the largest loser. Next in importance are the I losses sustained by the Caicago, Mil ine delegales to a district convention waukee and Puget Sound Railroad, that shall declare who the Democratic which has suffered destruction of candidate for Congress in the district bridges, buildings and timber lands shall be. - Furthermore, that the for forty miles. chairman "of the State Democratic Dispatches state that four soldier executive committee shall name a 0f Company G,25'.h Infantry (colored) committee necessary to carry oat the are missing, and also that a' number recommendation in the reports. 0f families have been burned out and ; This latter feature means that the I many persons are dead or missing. : district executive committee that had annh Bprinua clashes at the time of I the former convention, will be expect ed to stand aside and have the ma-; chinery for the paimariea and the: convention set in motion by a non partisan committee. It 1? understood that candidates eeneraliy for the Railroad employes at Avery say that all the Bitter Root Mountains are burain? and that the entire Coeur (V Alene National Forest may be de stroytd. Four familfes of hrm?steaders re ported to be burned on La Tour Creek, Kootenda county, Ida ho, es nomination for Congess can enter this gaped to St. Joe, wading fifteen miles new primary, which it Is stipulated along the bed of the creek with fire mu3t be held In each county separate burning down to the water's edge, and apart and at a frjin any primary or any other purpose. different time convention for MUs Etta Watkins Married. Spencer Dispatch, 34th. A romatic marriage occurred at Matthews, Mecklenburg county, near Charlotte, yesterday afternoon by which Miss Etta Watkins of Monroe became the bride of Mr. James Mitch ell of Birmingham. Mr. Mitchell is an actor in the big hippodrome with the Wilcott Model Shows, now ex hibitine at Spencer. He ten here on a forcing the refugees frequently to submerge tbenit elves when the flames reached their faces. An old man in the party was borne on a stretcher alt the way,. ; Their clothes were nearly burned off. Rennbltcan Candidate la Arrested oa Charge of Uebancbtug Voters. Franklin, Pa., Aug. 23. Joseph C. Sibley, who withdrew as a candi date for Congress 'on the Republican ticket in the Twenty -eighth Penn sylvania district, was arrested late last night on a warrant charging tram fnr nharlnit WHtrdav where "conspiracy to debauch voters." -- i w o:i,i";i n. ho r,rrnr0d an antmnnhile. made a ueicaicu WuB.oulaU i VT D 7 1 i-Vi-vla-taa V,w V-i r tlAIYI 1 not Inn flying trip to Monroe where he was "- " , " ci.v bv Miss Watkins, his intended 500 election expenses an aduLt of Sib- bride,, who had left her home to keep an appointment to meet Mr. Mitchell at a given spot at an hour agreed upon. . Boarding the big automobile ley's account was ordered by the courts Mr. Sibley was released on his own recognizance to appear before Just the young couple drove ' rapidly to Matthews where the marriage cere mony was preformed by Rev. E. J. Poe, pastor of the Methodist church at that place. - Mr. Mitchell is an actor of consider able reputation, known to the show world as "The Little Comedian," of the Two Mitchell's Comedy Break- Away Ladder'act. - The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Watkins, well known cit izens of Monroe. : The couple returned to Spencer last night on a late train and Mr. Mitchell is again at bis post of duty with the showa.V Miss Watkins is well known in Wadesboro, her parents residing here a year or two before removing to Monroe about a year ago. The M. Perry, at Warren, Eflrd'a. Charlatte. N. C, Modernise Al ready Sacceaafal Katabllabment. Dry Goods Economist. - Extensive improvments have been made in Efird's Departmeht store Charlotte, N. C. The party wal which has hitherto divided their es tablishment into two sections has been removed, giving a clear floor space of 60 x 200 feet on the two floors. A modern display front has still he has not lived in vain for his been put in, with two entrances and kindness, lovable vays, and his ice of the Peace Pa., Aug. 28. The arrest or Mr.' bibley . came a few hou9 after he had announced his withdrawal from the Congressional race. According to nis own ngures filed in obedience to the legislative act requiring a public statement of a candidate's expense account, Mr. Sibley spent $47,000 in Warren coun ty to secure bis nomination, which according to population, averaged $1 per vote. In the warrant under which Mr. Sibley was arrested three other prom inent politicians in the Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania district are charged with debauching voters. They are Charles Crandall, D. M. Howard and George M. Dunn. In Remain barenee of Jtmei A. Rleb ,.- ardaon. "' "Leaves have their time to fall and flowers to' wither at the north wine's breath, hut thou hast all seasons for thine Oh! death." . lne gooa aie nrsi is appiicaDie in the death of my esteemed friend and cousin. James A. Kichardson. of Lilesville, N. C, whose untimfly passing away in the flush of his splendid young manhood was both a i I t. ? a . a snocE ana griei wnicn win oe long felt to all who knew him. His light has gone out while it was yet day, ; but while his stay on earth, was short Dunlap returned night from Dunn, a week with rela- Miss Johnsie home Tuesday where she spent tlvts. . ' Mis? Sirah Red wine, of Monroe, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. C. Coxe. Mrs. I. H. Horton expects to go to Shelhy tomorrow to visit relatives. Miss Mary Bowling, of Durham, is the guest of MissAngelyn Fetzer this week. ' 1 Miss Jennie D.jak Plunkett return ed Monday'nigbt from Rocky River Springs, where she spent 10 days. Mrs. Lee Carpenter and little daughter, Callie May, returned Tues day from Lilesvitle, where they spent several days with relatives. They were accompanied by Mrs. Car penter's sister, Mrs. Smith, who will spend some time with her. Miss Janie Gulledge returned Tues day night from Charloote, where she spent several days with relatives. Mr. J. S. Liles left Tuesday for New York to buy clothing and shoes for the Busy Corner. " "' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powers, who have been spending some time with relatives and frfehds in Texes, re- tured home Tuesday. Ct l. and Mrs. F. J. Coxe returned fuesday morning from a tbrpe weeks' trip to Niagra Falls and points in Canada. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Huntley and Miss Lilly McRae returned yes' terday from Rocky River Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Jas A. Hardiaon and sons, Herman and James, . re turned Tuesday night from their summer home at Bat Cave. Prof. J. C. Crawford, principal of Morven High School, who has been doing special work at Harvard Uni versity this summer, returned to Morven Saturday. Mr. R. L, Ussery, of Steele's Mill, spent yesterday here on business. Mrs. W.-T. Williams and little son, of Rockingham, and Mr. Joseph Ft. Postoa, of Statesville, who have been the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Ti m G. Wall, of Lilesville, have returned to their homes. . Mrs. Tom G. Wall and children, or Lilts vine, lett a lew days ago on an extendetvisit toStatesvllle, Ashe- viile and other points. Mr. H. T, Covington, of Morven, is spending the week with friends In Lee county.: Mrs. N. T. Fletcher and little son, Nelson, of Gibo.i, are visiting her parent?, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Little. Mr. "and Mrs. C. - M. Burns, Jr., returned this miming from Holly, N. where they spent some Uime with his si9t-r, Mrs. W. E Housel. Mri. John If. Bizzt-li and little Miss Elizabeth Ridenhourjtv ill leave tomorrow morning for Raleigh, after spending some time with the family of Mr. E. S. Hough. Messrs." T. F. Jones, J. G. Rid- dick, J. M. Lilts, M. W. Bryant and Bennett Leak went to Charlotte today to see Charlotte and Green ville play ball. ' Mrs. J. O. A. Craig 's visiting her daughter, Mrs. N. Lunsford, of Roxboro. M iss Mary Wall, cf Walltown, is spending the week with Misses Hel len and Flora Ashe. " Mr.'-Henry Hendley, of Spartan burg, S. C, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hendley, of the Brown Creek church neighborhood. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 24. "Cannon ism" played an Important part In Georgia p lilies during tbesast sev eral months and at the Democratic primaries yesterday brought about the defeat of Leonidaa F. Livingston and William M. Howaid, In point or set vice the oldest members of the Georgia delegation in the national House of Representatives. In the fifth district, William Schley How ard, a young attorney, won a ue- cisive victory over Livingston, in the eighth district the returns show a convention majority of 4 voU-s for S. J. Tribble and today Congress man' Howard filed notice ot contest of the election. He charges irregu larities at two Drecincts - in Elbert county, which gave Tribble a major ity of 4 votes, The other nine members of Geor gia's delegation in Congress are as sured renomlnatlon. The flbt against Livingston and Howard wis. In each case, based up n . aa I -X on tne Kepreseniaiives' aiiegeu ue sertlou of the Democratic party when it was sought .last Decemebr to change the so-called Cannon rules of the House. Former Governor Hoke Smith won the nomination for governor over the incumbent"4" Joseph M. Brown. Smith's popular majority in the State was approximately 4,000. Two years ago Brown, whom Governor Smith bad removed as chairman of the State iRailroad Commissioner, de bated Smith for re-election by a pop ular majority of more than 10,000 Smith's lUdlority in the convention ill be about 35 votes. Might Oa It. 'Do you know anything that will kill potato bugs?" asked the young man with the yellow fingers. "Yes," said the old lady with the glng bam apron, crustily; ''get 'em to smoke cigarettes." Yonkera Statesman. Marine; Stack. "The man who runs the general store is having bargain sales and doing a big business among the summer boarders." 'Yes; they were just dying for excite ment. Two ladies actually fought over remnant grindstone the other day." Washington Herald. Kor datck Relief Cram Har Fever Asthma and summer bronchitis, take Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly re, lieves the discomfort and suffering and the annoying symptoms disappear. It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages of the head, throat and bronchial tubes. It con tains no opiates and no harmful drugs. Refuse substitutes. Pee Dee Pharmacy Parsons Drug Co. - three show-winders. The center show-window is 21 feet wide and 8 feet deep, providing an extensive dis play cn each side of the entrance. New floors and sealings are being put in, together with new shelving and fixtures. A cable cash carrier has been installed, and a steam heat ing plant has been added. The first floor will be given up to the general dry goods lines, including piece goods, notions, etc., also shoee more parting. and men's clotbitg and . furnishings. high regard for truth and justice will ever be remembered as a fra grant memory when he is dust. His family have the tender sympathy of all in the crushing sorrow they "have sustained, but the hope Is expressed that they will bow in submission to the will of Him who never makes a mistake. Knowing that he is in the safe embrace of the "Almighty fraraer of the skies," realizing that he is so much better off than the liv ing, for it Is only a brief time when we snail join mm wnere mere 19 no The second floor will be devoted, to j Statesvilie, N, C Joseph R. Postox. the millinery and Women's ready-to- Abont Jndga Bennett'a Unique Barings, wear goods. J Statesvilie Landmark. These improvements have been ef "My crops," says that unique wri iected In place of the erection of a . ter, speaker and personality, Judge five-story building, which wa Ren Tyler Bennett, of the county k of Anson, writing to the Charlotte ;'"u" J 6 uj . Chronicle "My crops, the best I Efird, but was abandoned on account "ever saluted from my conning tower, of his death, In july of last year, cumber my lands." That is fine, but 1 Judge Bennett's writings are so filled "A FAIR PROPOBITIOH" Every man, woman, boy and girl desires a wheel. It is natural that every one should want a bicycle as it is the one source of real pleasure and healtbfuiness combined which all can equally er.joy and at very little cost. lne cost to you will be nothing just send to the Taylor-Trot wood Pub. Co.; Nashville, Tenn., a postal card and let them tell you how to make $30.00 and secure a bicycle as a present. . You are not obligated to accept this proposition but we want an opportu to tell you what we have to offer. LOST On :July 18th, one female nouna puppy, Diaca ana tan, nine monshs old. Liberal reward for re covery of same and return to owner, T. J. BALLARD Morven, N. C. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte will he In Wadesboro at the National Hotel Saturday AupuBt 27th one day only. Uls practice is limit d to dis eases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and fitting glass s. DR. R. II DRAKE EYE SPECIALIST W ill be in , Wadesboro at B. H Crowder's store, Sept. 3rd, for one week treating eyes and fitting a r . m glasses, special attention given to ' children and: parents should 1 .1 1 M 1 care tucir children s eves exam ined before going to school. Don neglect this, as it is a very impor tant matter. Consult Dr. Drake while here. Don't miss this op portunity. . Consultation free. Remember the date, from Sept.' 3rd to the 10th. To keep your heaUh sound: to avoid the ills of advancing years; to conserve your physical forges for a ripe and healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley's Kidnry Remedy. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Par sons Drug Oo. New Restaurant. I have opened a new restaurant in the Hightower building, on Martin St., for botb white and colored; the front room for white people and the rear room for colored people. MISS HARRIET WATKINS, Colored. . XQHN W. GULLEDGE, Attorney a ad Counsellor-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, Wadesboro, N. C All legal business will have prompt and painstaking attention. Your sales and Snrchases of real estate may be facilitated y calling on or writing to n:a Will also rent or lease yourtown property and tann ing lanas ana oouect ine rent lor tne s OiSoBOver Wadesboro Clothing uompanys more. & me 10c year. Under the direction of J. B." Efird, now president and general manager, however, the establishment bap with unique and original phrases that it is impossible to say that anyone thing is best. The Landmark, how made remarkable strides, the year ' ever, is partial to the expression in one of bis numerous obituary notices when writing of a friend who passed away at 2 o'clock in the morning, Judge Bennett said: "At that hour of the night when men are least cou rageous he stumbled ..upon death." From the solemn hour - of midnight until near the morning dawn, there i something uncanny In a quiet place, away from ligtata and faces and the sound of voices something about the impenetrable darkness, the awful stillness, that gets on the nerves of the most courageous, and timidity is felt when It may be realized at no other time. It is then in case of -bodily infirmity that vitality is low and the victim otten "stumbles upon death." Perhaps the Last Enemy watches the opporlunity and attacks ben we are least able to give battle. from August 1, 1909, to August 1K laiO, having proved one of the bes. J he concern has ever had. Mr. J. B. Efird, Is a son of Mr. J. E. Efird, of Burnsviile township, and is another youpg Ansoniau who is making good The M. & I. Aeate ar Chrenlc Wblchl ' No matter if your kidney trouble is-acute or chronic Foley's Kidney Remedy will reach your case. Mfc. Claude Brown, Key coldgville, I1L, writes us that he suffered bi-iny months with kidney complaint that i iTied all treatment. At last he tried Foley's Kidney Remedy and a few large . ttles effected a oomplete cure. He says, ' It, La been of iuestimable value to me.'"' ; D.-cPisarnjaey; Parsons Drug' Co. Morven High School September the State MORVEN, NORTH CAROLINA Fourth session will open Thursday Morning 1st, 1910. The full four year course prescribed by Department of Education taught The same teachers as the last three years. .... .Excellent instruction in music at unusually low rates. Free tuition in the High School Department to all county students and public school teachers. .Board can be had at reasonable rates. Healthy location with no demoralizing influences. ' ' For further information apply to - J. C CRAWFORD, Principal, or BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A "a riiiers. Our gins NosTl and 2 have been thoroughly repaired and put in first class condition. New saws have been placed, and we - offer first class work for $1.25 per bale. All cotton .will be ginned as quickly as possible, so that it can immediately be put oo the market. YJADESBOQO OIL JILL Telephone No. 63. . The Dixie ; Development Co. has been organized to assist ltn he development of Acson county and the state of North Carolina, by aiding and encouraging the good men who are niw tenants to own their homes, and by all other legitimate laeam within the power of the company. " If you want to buy or sell real estate, see ua before trading. We are iu position to help you. Insurance Department. We write all kinds of Insurance Fire, Life, Health, Acci dent, etc., and do a general bonding business, representing corn companies of absolute safety. We respefuliy solicit a portion of your business and assure you that it will be appreciated. - . - a ' 1- The Dixie Development Co. T. F. JONES, Piesident. W. C LONG, Sccrety. JOHN. W. GULLEDGE, General Manager. fJEl7 SljiPPEUT Pa TTttfQS Alto "ltEXn RuQS "For the Good Old Summer Time" Matting makes a nice summe covering for your floor looks cool and is cool. "Krex" Rugs are Kool and Komfortable for porch, hall or bedroom. Come and look over our mammoth stock. Prices on-matting from 18c to 35c We lay our mattings free of charge. "Krex" Rugs from 40c to 85c each. We Want Your Trade. QlTWlQs "FyiftJ. Go. "The House of Quait." Lower Street. Phone No. 41. JDST TELL US HOW MUCH to cut off and we will come pretty near getting exactly the quantity you want You don't have to worry about the quality of our meats. We take so much pains in selecting them you can be assured they are the choicest to be had. A trial will prove iu P. T. RHYNE. THEKOHTH CABOLIIi State NormaLand Industrial College Maintained by the state' for the wo men of North Carolina. Four regu lar courses leading to degrees. Spe cial courses for teachers. Fall session begins September 14, 1910. Those desiring to enter should apply aa ear ly as possible. For catalogue and other information address J. I. VOUBT, Pre., Giwubtr, . C. 1 ifca.WaWi Reliefs sour Komach. - lalpiutloa cf tie heart. DL-esU wi'ysa Farming Lrfnds in Lee Co. For Sale For thoae wishing good, productive lnds at reasonable prices, in good community, near . churches - schools and market. We have choice booses and lots iu town. 1300.00 worth dewberries per acre sold this year from laads like oars. LBE BE1LTT AND GUABANTV CO. Jaacabara, If C J. M. Stephens, Secretary. For Sale. Wt offer the following property for quick sale: A good farm H miles from the town ot Wadesboro, oonusting of 360 acres, well Improved, with good water, ? astute, and other conveniences. Prkw JO. 00 per acre. A good convenient resident lot wiih four -room dwelling house. Prices asd terms reasonable,- TILS, DIXJS DEVELOPMENT CO. Saving at The Spigot Wasting at The Dung An Old Sayings But a True One. This penny -wise and pound foolish policy is still practiced by some farmers when they go to buy a farm implement. The' ask the price. Quality is not con sidered; nothing but price. If one mower is cneaperby $5.00; yea, even by $1,00, perhaps 50c, he will buy it. Possibly he uses it one season. Next year he wants a new blade, some guards, an M448 or a Gill. If the party is in business that he bought it from he probably goes to him for repairs and says: "I want so and so." "Well, I will have to telegraph to Kalamazoo for them; 75c for telegram, please; express 90c." "My land! man, that eats a fellow up. How soon can I get them?" J'Three or four days," says the dealer "What? Why, my grass needs cutting now." If that farmer had purchased a McCormick Mower of us he would have no f aouble to get tis repairs, be sides having one of the best if not the best mower on the market. No Fear About Getting McCormick Repairs. Some agent will be glad to supply you with 'Mc-. Cormic repairs just as long as you live. The factory that makes them will be makejng them ages from now. Should Blalock Hardware Co. burn out or go out of business, plenty of people would be glad to take up the Agency for the McCormick why, they would even telegraph for the agency should we drop it. Show that you have the proper gray matter in your cranium by seeing us before buying Mowers and Rakes or land of farm implement or Vehicle. BLALOCK . COMPANY 1 ' 1 MM r ' 1 Many people have tried so many remedies for eczema without being materially.benefitted that they have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing dis ease. That this conclusion is erroneous, and that . . . - Hobson's Eczema Ointment will effect a cure is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, who for many years was a citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson says: " "This is to certify that for nine years I suffered with eczema, and during that time tried numerous so called specfics for it, but without effect. But after a few applications of Hobson's Eczema Ointment I was completely cured. ... "V. WILSON "ThomasvillerN. C, Feb. 22, 1910." We sell notion's Eczema Ointment under an absolute guarantee' If it does not effect a cure yo get your money back. FAilSOfJS DrtUQ G0PW-