,' " 4 JAS. G. BQYIilN, EDITOB AND PUBLISHEE Volume 27 PUBLISHED MOKDZ TS AND THURSDAYS 1.00 A TEAB, DUE IN ADVAirCi: Wadesboro, N. G., Thursday, September 22, 1910 Number 86 FERTILIZER FROM AIR. THE MATERIAL FOR MANHOOD. THE HABIT OF HAPPINESS. MR. BRYAN BOLTS TICKET. DOG HELPS ITS LUSTER. DR. B. p. Dtxcn Simeon. 1 V ' ft CTNll ' If you had positive proof that a certain remedy , for female ills had made, many remarkable cures, would you not feel like trying it? v -. If during the last thirty; years we have not succeeded in convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence. Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee to be genuine and truthful. Hudson, Ohio. I suffered for a long time from a weakness. Inflammation, dreadful pains each month and suppression, l ' had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief, when a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound. I did so, and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles fcf the Vegetable Compound, I have every reason to believe I am a well woman. I give you f ull permission to use my testfanoniaL' Mrs. Lena Carmocino, Hudson, Ohio. B. -o. 7. St. Regis Falls, N. Y. "Two years ago x was so bad that I had to take to my bed every month, and it would last from two to three weeks. 1 L l wrote to you ioraavice huu uhj w" -ftam's Vegetable Compound In dry form. I am nappy to say tnat x am curea, uwuu w medicine and good advice. Xou may use my letter for the good or otners." xuth. u. Breyere, St. Begis Falls, N.Y. There is absolutely no doubt about the ability of this grand old remedy, made frdin the roots and herbs ot our neias, to cure female diseases. We'possess volumes of proot ot this tact, enough to convince the most skeptical. j For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justiee to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit ..xi Mrs. Pinkham Invites all slek women L- to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. if. I . . i f U V r 7,1 Co : tee at: emt H I We have 125 one-pound cans of O Donohue s 5th Avenue a and Java Coffee LJoch The retail value is 35 cents per pound. While this small lot lasts our custongers may have it for 25 cents per pound. This is a high grade coffee, and you will never again have an opportunity to buy it at such a bargain. HARDISON . - ' - COMPANY Hi. W. 6aerl MBKr f SoatfaxB Power onopany, Abn.d-QrMt Dr.atn Abant to 'Riud. ; :C (- - ' Charlotte Observer. ? . ;l Mr. W. S. Lee, Jr., vice president and general manager of the Southern Youth's Companion. , Thev stood under the dome that housed one of the largest telescopes In the world, and listened to the story of the instrument, then looked out through the narrow aperture at the ekv. the secrets of which now Success Magazine. No matter 'what his vocation or condition in We may be, everyone owes it to himself and to the world to form a-habit of being just as-hap py as he can,. Happiness meana har mony and harmony, means health to Power Company, left last night for I and then were let down to earth all bodily functions; It means efflcien- New York, where ha will sail the J through 'the great inquisitive tube icy. faculties give out their best latter part of the wee fof Europe.! that thrust its open eye into the firm-1 wnen they are normal, lo keep As previously stated, the object of ament. Thsy looked at photographs happy la, therefore, the best personal Mr. Lee's trip abroad at this time W of double stars and nebulas and star economy ana surest investment; it to inspect two of the great N6rwe- j clusters, and at pictures of the Milky las area the greatest possible output of gian ?and Austrian bydro-electnc I Way, in which mere blur? of faint j Drain ana Doay. nlants that are ensraeed in making of tlifirht were transformed into countless I I Much natural nitric acid from the atmosphere by I sane; and the patient 'astronomer told electrochemical processes. The Southern Power ; Company recently announced that it had; acquired two secret methods of extracting nitric acic from the air, one the Geneva and the other the Pauling process and that the machinery for a 4,p00 horsepo wer jlan t would, shortly ar rive at Great FanV's. tj.. for inatall- the young people, so far as he could, the meaning of it all. He showed them other instruments that were fitted to the great tele- " - ..... . .. scone, ana eimmtea me wors 01 each. He told them how it bad be come possible with the spectroscope ; to declare the elements that enter in to the most distant star the light of atiqn there.;; Much pf lhia machinery I which the telescope can discover. has been erected;; in rJurope ana i very costly. A second plant of .24, 000, horsepower capacity is also con templated f orchis general section as soon as the first plant js gotten un der way-The Southern Power Com- j pany haaheen working on this L pro- Li Vlt grows upon the astronomer," said he. 1'that welive in-, the uni verse. , Earth, bud' and stars are made of the same substances. There might have been a million elements In creation; but there are less than a hundred, and . most' of them are in position fpjf years j and pnly ,recenUy J par own bodies. You are made of the bestatuflT in the universe. There is ootbing better anywhere. And When you add to this the power of mind to comprehend it and to reflect upon it. and to be moved to rever- ! announced that It had gotton to the point where it ,L could declare with confidence its ability to handle, the scheme .successfully.; It ; will be re membered , that , Mr.: . Lee, who- has dene much pioneer work on this prop osition, announced three years ago that he expected to see the day come when every large planter living in the territory of any great hydro electric power could make . his own commercial fertilizer from the atmos phere. This dream is about to be re alized. The 4,000-horsepower plant that is to be erected at Great Falls the first of the coming year will rep- resent an outlay of about $200,000. Mr. Lee will be joined' by an ex pert in New York and also a patent attorney who will make the trip abroad with him.' He expects to be absent from six to eight weeks. ability is rendered inefficient because men and vomen do not know that discord, whether in fear, worry, selfishness, hatred or jealousy, is a health and happiness killer; an efficiency blighter. Many men waste more vitality and mental energy in a few minutes of hot tem per than would be required in the le gitimate running of their business for days. What would we think of a banker who would open his vaults and throw all his money into the street? But when, in a fit of anger or rage, a man throws open the safety valves of his mind and flings out bis energy, his prious life capital, character capi talwe think very little about it. -'We can make ourselves happy or miserable, comfortable or uncomfor table, according- to the emotions which we allow to pass through our mifids. Whatever goes through the miid must reappear in the character Tfc. Btbrukta WW St spprt DaJfcl. aaaa Fr O.Ttra. xjincom, JNeb., bepL zo. in a statement In which he declares that the crusade which he feels Impelled to wage against the liquor interests of the State and nation overshadows a personal and political friendship ot twenty years, William J. Bryan this evening announced he had bolted the head of the Democratic State ticket Statearilla Landmark. Deputy Sheriff Wm. Oendenin, of Elm wood, and Mr. John Webb, of Chambersburg township, had an ex citing experience with a bad negro and his dog Sunday Afternoon. Mr. Oendenin has for some time had. a warrant for Will Crawford, a negro whose home is near Elmwood, the warrant charging him with dispos ing of mortgaged property, but the In Nebraska and wcO not support negro had always managed to evade for the God who is the soul of an4 physical condition. ence it, still more wonderful is man, even In the presence of the whole vast uni Terse." c . , . . "The best stuff In the universe!"' That, demonstrably, enters into each of ns. ' The material is God's best Out of the dust of the earth, which is the same as star dust, and out of the It is a law that every state of nfind, whether good or bad, affects every? cell in the syBtem and is out- pictured in the body, we are thus the arbiters of our fate through our thoughts, emotions and passionsr The time will come when we shall know bow to refresh ourselves by heart of God come Jthese human lives I menjtal change, by mental chemistry; Soothes itchin? skii. Heals burns or salt rheum, any itching. Doan's oint-1 prehend it, and be moved ment. Your druggist sells it. of ours. There is something wonderful in the thought, and it comes as a glad relief after the feeling of insignifl cance that must oppress 4 one who thinks ofthe Immeasurable" vastness of the universe. : Small as we are, we are made of the best . stuff God has, and with minds that can com to rever ence and worship. Such feelings sjtirredjln the heart , of the group of young people, as- they stood beside the forty-inch reflector and tendered the mysteries of the i -a -Bar-' ' t I ' Lured by Marvel ot the Lentury, I starry skies. - And such thoughts B. B. Bk Tested for 30 Years. I were in the soul of the psalmist of old, who asked: Wha I consider the heavens, the work of ThT fintrers. The moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained: What is man that Thou art mindful ot him ! Or the son of man that Thou visltest him? And the answer of the modern Btudent of f he stars Is not greatly dif ferent: but little lower than CATARRH "5 Hawking, spitting, Foul breath, dis charges of yellow matter permanently cured with pure botanical ingredients, to prove it we will send you a , - . linPLK TREATMENT FREE Catarrh is not only dangerous but it causes ulceration, death and decay ot bones, kills ambitign, often causes loss of appetite, and reaches to general debility, idiocy and insanity. It needs attention at once. Cure it by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It is a Quick, radical permanent cure because it rids the system oi me poisonous germs maicausecatarrn. At tne same tune Blood Balm (B. B. is.) purifies the blood, does away with every symdtom of catarrh. B. B. B. sends a flood of warm, rich, pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves, and parts affected by catarrhal poison, giving warmth and strength just where it is needed, and in this way making a perfect, lasting cure of catarrh in all its forms. : Druggists or by express, $1.00 per large bottle, with direc tions for home cure. Samples sent free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Describe your trouble and tree medical ad vice given, sold by rarsons Drug Co. that ia, by holding in our minds he antidotes of the thing - that have wearied us or vexed us, by holding the mental attitude which will neu tralize the thought enemies that have thrown our bodies into confusion. Thi re is nothing so deadly to hap piness as mental discord, it para lyzes the the thinking ability and de stroys the power of concentration and effectiveness. . Aliisea8e8 and sicknesses of what ever kind are the , outplcturing of soune form of discord. If the mind is kept as happy as possible it is diffi cult for discord to get a foothold in the body. A happy mind is the best possible health producer, disease kill er and discord destroyer. For centuries man's happiness was looked upon by many earnest, think ing people as a condition largely be yond 'his control. They seemed to th'nk that It depended mostly upon the temperament one happened to devlop and that there were James G. Dahlman. for Governor. Mr. Bryan says he regrets that he Is compelled to take the stand he does his first departure from politi cal regularity but says he feels it his duty to do so because of the posi tion taken by the Democratic nomi nee on the liquor question. The statement does not indicate that Mr. Bryan will support the candidate of any other party, but announces that he Is a pronounced advocate of county option and the early saloon closing law, both of which be insists are menaced by Mr. Dahlman's candi dacy. CAN'T ENDORSE POLICY. After declaring that it would af ford him great pleasure to speak for Dahlman if he could endorse the policy for which the latter stands, 'but," Mr. Bryan says, "Dahlman has chosen to make the liquor question. the paramount issue and makes his appeal on that issue." Continuing Mr. Bryan Bays: "Possibly it is just as well to have the issue clearly presented, so that it may be settled this year instead of two years hence. Troublesome as the question is now, it would be even more embarrassing if presented in 1912, when a presidential election is on hand. If Mr. Dahlman is elected, it will be a declaration by the voters of the State against county option a-J against the 8 o'clock closing law. If he is defeated it will be a declara tion in favor of county option and in favor of the 8 o'clock closing law. In other words, the voters now have an opportunity to decide whether the State Bhall go backward or torward on the liquor question. The pr. sent arguments in favor of going back ward would not only contradict what I have already said on the subject, but would embarrass me in the fight that I expect to make heiV'afler Tto save our party from the odium of be ing the representative of the liquor interests." the officer. . Sunday afternoon it was learned that the negro was at his home and Mr. Clendenln, accom panied by Mr. Webb, went to the house to make the arrest Mr. Webb remained In the buggy while Mr. Oendenin called the nezro to the door. When Mr. Clendenln told the negro that he had a warrant for him the latter turned and ran back into the house with the officer at his heels. Crawford attempted to evade the of ficer by slamming the door in his face but failed, and when the officer got inside the negro, who is a powerful-man, seized him and tried to choke him, at the same time reach ing for a gun which he kept op a rack near the door. Hearing the commotion In the house Mr. Webb left the horse and went to Mr. Den denln's assistance. Mr. Webb pulled Crawford away and Oendenin cov ered the negro with his pistol threat ening to kill him if be moved. He was kept under guard Sunday night and was brought to Statesvllle yes terday and lodged In jail. When Mr. Webb entered Craw ford's house the latter's dog attacked him and. fastening its' teeth In the flesh of his leg, held on until Mr. Webb kicked him off during the scuffle with the negro. The dog then attacked Mr. Oendenin and bit him several times before be could be beaten off. Raleigh News and Obserrer, 30th. His many friends throcshost North Carolina and the entire South will regret to learn that Major B. F. Dixon, State Auditor, la in Bex Hospital, In this city, where he waa taken yesterday shortly after noon while suffering from an attack of An gina pectoris, the attack having seized him while at his office at the Stale Capitol, about half past ten o'clock. , Major Dixon went to his oflce at the usual hour and appeared to be In good health. He later went down town and returned to his office, where the attack came, and he fell to lounge in great pain. His agony was so great that his cries could be' heard throughout the building and on the capitol grounds. Doctors Rankin, Rogers and Kitch- In were called to the scene and opi- ater were administered, but It was some time before the pain was dead ened sufficiently for Major . Dixon to " be removed to the hospital, where he was taken at 12:20 by Drs. Rogers and Kitcnin. In the afternoon Dr. Dixon began to Improve and at a late hour last night he was reported resting well. If he continues to improve it will be necessary for him to stay at the hos pital only a few days. Major Dlxon'r many friends are deeply concerned about his condition and hope for his speedy recovery to perfect health. On Sunday night he was at church and nothing unusual was noticed in his condition Monday morning. At first it appeared that the attack was from acute indigestion, but an examination showed that the chest was affected, especially on the left side, and the attack was pro nounced angina pec tores. "-: NO REAS0S FOR DOUBT. ThoM Fell Ha m Wbaot tke Ttw Warn Tats Otbara. Monroe Enquirer. Rev. W. F. Yarborough, in his sermon at Parker Memorial Baptist church, Anniston, Ala., declared that the boll weevil destroying the cotton crop is a direct curse from God In retribution for man's failure other to pay his dues into the Lord's treas- Thou madest him - the anitels: Thou crownest him with glory and l.onor. Tb Gratitude of Kldarly Popl Goes out to whatever helps give them ease, comfort and strengtn. r oiey ma- ney Pills cure kidney and bladder diseases promptly, and give comfort and relief to elderly people. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Par sons Drug Co. JOHN T BENNETT Bu y I on e y Orders OF THE Southern Savings Bank. Paacblaod WadMbor AsmbtUIi thereby keeping your money at borne, instead of patronizing out side interests, as you will it you buy money orders of the post office or the express company. , DR. BOYETTE, Dentist Office up stairs oyer Tomlinson's drug i ttore. Phone 79.; ' i t . Wadesboro. N. O. ROYM. HUN TI. EY D. D. S. Office Second Floor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. PHONE NO 90. th'ngs of so much more importance that we should not consider it too se riously or take precious time to culti vate it directly. We are beginning to find, howev er, that even as an economical invest ment it pays immensely to make a business of being happy and being just as good to ourselves as possible, although not In a selfish way. We could not be good to ourselves in the higher sense by being selfish. " There is is nothing better that we can do for our children than to train them from infancy to form a habit of always being happy, cheerful and hopeful, and of making this a life principle. The habit of optimism, of facing life the right way, will be worth infinitely more to them than the greatest fortune they may inherit without it Children should be given a bright outlook upon life. There is nothing like a sunny disposition, a happy temperament, and. If . they are not inherited they may be cultivated. Keen vourself cheerful, fovous. hao- WVF. GRAY, D. D. S. Py- lt waa never tended that you ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business "will receive prom attention. Office in the last room on t right in the court bouse for the present, it being the room neretoiore occupied cy Uennett S Bennett, Attorneys. mpt the For Sale at Grass Farm. Dale Pure Bred Scotch-Topped Shorthorn Cattle Bulls, Cows and Heifers. These cattle will be sold at very moderate prices, considering i-breeding and inviduality. I Write or come ana see ' Rout 1, AnsonTille, N. C. (OFICI IN SMITH A DUNLAP BL'DG) Wadesboro, N. C. . All Operations Warranted Cols and (Me tSi When yon want a nice Cofin ot Casket, at a reasonable pride: examine the line I earn. Ihait them from the cheapest to tka neat. i llice-Hoarse MONEY LOST If you, fall to carry INSURANCE 1 write Fire, Accident, Health, Liability and Fly- Wheel ' Insurance. -W. LEAK STEELE. . PHONK HO: 163N For Sale. Is always in readiness, and even feature of the undertaking bus ness receives my careful atten . tion, whether day ox night I also carry a niee hue el BURIAL ROBES. 102i acres, the Matbis farm, 4 miles west of Wadeeboro. 2-horse farm in high btate ot cultivation. Price and terms rea sonable. Apply to D. T. TEAL, Cheraw, S. C, or MRS. S. C. MATHIS, on the farm. Notice. TT.T?vTrtr-iTrvTr7f c I mTnTrrnrnrTrci S, Shepherd 1 a i vs wiimwi audi 'aS ft Baaaaaws aimHJ&i00. Temathy Liles, aged 15 years, 'havini run away from home without cause persons are nereDy iomiaaen to nue or any way harbor him, and the law will be enforced against any perfon so doing. jte nas scar in center oi loreneaa. DORSEY BENNETT, Guardian. should be a unhappy mortal. You were made to be joyously happy, exuberant but do not mistake Intoxicating excitement, a titillation of the nerves, for happi ness. Real happiness is as calm as a summer sea; it is deep, quiet, se rene. It works noiselessly, silently but powerfully. We are most power ful when most perfectly poised, when most serene. Happiness is a great stimulator of growth. . Nothing grows when dis cordant. v When we shall have learn ed how to conserve our energies by getting our . minds . into harmony, even the hardest day's work will not tire us. It is netve exhaustion, wast ed energy through unnatural, discor dant conditions, that makes us jaded and tired out, the result of friction in our machinery. If we could keep ourselves in a happy condition all day, we should be tresh at night.' It is by keeping ourselves In perfect harmony that we become more ffl clent and get the most ou of life. afa SI dicta far Cblldr. Foley's Hoaey and Tar is a safe and ef fective medicine for children, as it does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. (Jet only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar I in the yellow pick age. Pee Dee Fharma- cy; Parson Drug Co. ury. Wonder who told Mr. Yar borough that? Once upon a time a tower fell, killing 18 people. There were in the neighborhood of the fal len tower a lot of folks who drew down the corners of their months, rolled their eyes heavenward, crossed their hands on their breasts and de clared that the tower fell pn he 18 unfortunate ones simply because they were more wicked than all others in the community. They talked that stuff every time the subject of the fallen tower came up. " There came One seeing farther into the matter than man wun nis snort vision can see; there came One whose love is broader than the measure ot man's mind and- when the subject of the fallen tower and the crushed our Uvea underneath it was brought up He plainly told the people that they were mistaken in believing that the 18 who lost their lives in the wreck of to tower of Siloam were more wicked than all others la Jerusalem. The boll weevil eating up the cotton crop In one section does not mean that the poor fellows who have toiled to make that crop are more wicked than are those where no pest bothers and where crops are fine. , A 8tBtmat af Facts Backed by a Straas GmeraaUaa. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every case where we fall we will supply the medicine free. Bexall Ordelies are a gentle, effective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthened and tonic They re-establish nature's functions In a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any Inconvenience, griping or nausea. They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be taken by any one at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to bealty ac tivity. Bexall Orderlies are unsurpass able and Ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, . 10c and 25c Remem ber, you can obtain Bexall Reme dies In this community only at our store. The Rexall Store. The Par sons Drug Co. A H.i labia MaaMclaa Hat a Saraatta. Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., says Fo ley's Honey and Tar saved her little boy's life. She writes: "Our little " boy con tracted a severe bronchial trouble and, aa the doctor's medicine did not cura him, I gave him Foley's Hoaey and Tax, la which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well as the choking and gagging spells, and he got welt in a short time. Foley's Hoaey and Tar has many timea saved ns much trouble and we are sever without it in the house." Pee Dee Phar macy; Parsons Drug Co. FOR SALE Pure recleaned Ap pier Seed Oats, Five (5) bu. 80c per bu. Ten (10) bu. 7oc per do. a nteen bo. and over 70c per bu. BENNETT NELME, Wadesboro, N. C, R. F. D. No. SV . GIVING OUT. A Diatant Campllmeat. They were talking about a certain man who did not seem to be particularly popu lar. At last one ot the group decided that it was time for him to say something complimentary about the subject of the conversation. "That stepchild ot bis is a go'od little feller," he remarked, "and they say that be takes after his father, too." Youth's Companion. Mrs. Jacob Wllmert, Lincoln, JU-, found her way back to perfect health. She writes; "I suffered with kidney trouble and backache and my appetite was very poor at tlmrs. A few weeks ago I got Foley Kidney Puis and gave them a fair trial. They gave mereat relief, so con tinued till now I am in perfect health." Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Tba Struggle Dlaeaaragas Bfaaj a Cttlaaa f Wadaabar. Around all day with an aching back; Can't rest at night; " . Enough to make any one "give out." Doan's Kidney Pills will give re newed life. They will cure the backache; Cure every kidney ill. Here is Wadesboro proof that this' is so; E. F. Fenton, Wadesboro, N. C, says: "For three years I suffered from pains across the small of my back and a lame-' ness through my hips. 1 used various remedies bntf ailed to obtain the least re lief until Doan's Kidney Pills were recom mended to me. This preparation helped me from the first and the results of con tinued use were so gratifying that I glad ly advise anyone suffering from similar troubles to give it a trial. For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Foeter-Ahlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ' As AMtlaptl CfellaU Success Magazine , Little Walter was always carefully guarded against germs. The tele phone was sprayed, the . drinking utinsils sterilized, and public convey ances and places were forbidden him; "Father," he said one night, in a tone of desperation, "do you know what I am going to do when I grow up?" "What?" asked hia father, pre paring himself for the worst. "I'm going to eat a germ." Bawara af Olataaaata far Catarrh That CaaUala Maraarr, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on subscriptions from repu table physicians, as"the damage they will do is ten told the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co. , Tol edo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Che ney Co. Testimonials tree. Sold by druggists. Price, 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills tor constipation. VJe Arranged It for You It took time and lots of writing and talking, but we succeebed, and now you can profit with us. We have just closed a big deal with The Weekly Times-Dispatch, of Richmond, Va.; The Progressive Farmer and Gazette, of Raleigh, N. C; Mothers Mag azine all live onesand, in addition, the above com bination has secured the exclusive privilege to use the Farmers Favorite Jack Knife in this offer. A $2.75 VALUE FOR $i.75- The Weekly Times-Dispatch, 6 months $ The Progressive Farmer and Gazette, 6 months Mothers Magazine, 6 months Farmers Favorite Jack Knife (postage prepaid) The Messenger and Intelligencer, 6 months (This" offer applies only to new subscribers.) Send your order today direct to The Messenger & Intelligencer Wadesboro, N. C. (Cut out and send this advertisement with your remittance) 1 1.75 a -.25 LCD

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