6rr "Aflflx J AS. G. BOYXEN", EDITOB AND PUBLISHEB PUBLISHED MONDAYS Am THURSDAYS " - $1.00 A YE Alt, DUE IN ADVANCII Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Monday, October 3, 1910 Number 89 r I c Coffee at: Ceot We have 125 one-pound cans of O'Donoluie's Sth Avenue Mocha and Java Coffee The retail value is 35 cents per pound. While this small lot lasts our customers may have it for 25 cents per pound. This is a high grade coffee, and you will never again have an opportunity to buy it at such a bargain. HARD! SON COMPANY .be . Siflveir M(D)iodl(e JAPANESE MAKING PEARLS. BEACH By.KEX Author of "The Spoilers" and "The Barrier". Attention, Farmers. Our gins Nos. 1 and 2 have been thoroughly repaired and put in first class condition. New saws have been placed, and we offer first class work for $1.25 per bale. All cotton will be ginned as quickly as possible, so that it can immediately be put on the market. JIDESD0Q0 OIL PILL. Telephone No. 63. Jk Notice. ft This is to notify the public that we can not buy cotton with more than seven yards or baling to the bale (except at a reduced price). Mills and exporters re fuse to receive it from us with more tban this amount aud we are compelled to gov ern ourselves accordingly, LEAK & MARSHALL, T.W.AUSTIN, HARDlSON CO , WADESBORO COTTON MILLS, C M. BURNS, W L. ROSE, . . J. D. HORNE. , Application for Pardon of Chas. Lindsey. Application will be made to his. excel lency, W. W. Kitehin, Governor of North Carolina, for tbe pardon of Charles Lind sey, convicted at the September, 1908, term of the Superior Court of Anson county of of the crime of larceny of a mule, aod sen tenced to tbe public roads of Anson coun ty for a term of five years. All persons who oppose the granting of said pardon are invited to forward their protests to the G .vernor without delay. This, the 28th d-y of September, 1910. JOHN W. GULLEDGE, . Attorney for Charles Lindaey. Sale of Land by Commissioner By virtue of a decree of tbe Superior v.. v w amuu wuubj iu au wbiuu enti tled T. J. Tice, administrator of Maria wait on, deceased, vs. Susan F. Tice, Wil liam T. Ballev and others, w tion is a special proceeding before the V. o f . . u us ouperior uouri oi Anson county xor the sale of lands to make as setts to Day debts and charces of art min istration of said estate, th Commissioner will, on Wednesday, the 13th day of October, 1910, at 12 m., at the court nouse door in the town of Wades boro at public outcry, sell to the highest bidder -for cash all the risrht. title, and in terest of Maria Walton, deceased, in and to a tract of land, lying and being in Lilesville township, Anson coantv. North Carolina, upon which the said Maria Walton lived, containing 34) acres, more ui icaa. owu uuu u wore imiy aescriDed by meets and bounds in a deed from Yvm. Walton to Maria Walton, bearing date tn day or July, 1858, and recorded in thi office of Register of Deeds for Anson coun ty in deed book 15, pages 138, etc , refer ence to which is hereby made for a more complete description of said land, by meets and bounds. Said sale is made sub ject to tne confirmation of the Court. xma, me did a ay oi September, 1910. " L. D. ROBINSON, , , Commissioner Cszas CSatss and Cladia Elal ? 1 -V Stirring Story of the Great Northwest Mr. Beach has written his most powerful novel in "The Sil ver Horde." Hi$ characters are men and women of flesh and bone. There is action in'every line of this story of fren- " zied finance that embraces the money markets of New York and Chicago as well as the mining and salmon fishing indus tries of Alaska. - The Silver Horde Is by Far the Most Exciting Story Offered to the Public in Recent Years It will be commenced in the nxt issue of the M. & I Coffins and Castets When yon want a nice Coffin ot Casket, at a reasonable price examine the line I carry. I hav them from the cheapest to tat ' nest. ; n llice Hearse Is always in readiness, and evefy feature of the undertaking busi ness receives my careful atten tion, whether day or night I also carry a nice line or BURIAL ROBES. S. S. Shepherd The Undertaker Attention! Ladles and Gentlemen, Pat ronize the Old Reliable Tailoring Shop. Pressing, repairing, clean! ug scouring of all articles of cloth ing our SPECIAL STUDY. AU work eatifactory an prompt ly done Yours to please, Effie Byrd. At Byrd's, the tailor, old stand. Phone No. 149. Gatwsqs FuwJ. Go. "The House of Quait." Is better equipped to serve you than at any previous time in its long and honorable career. Quick Deliveries, Up-To-Date Goods, Anxiety to Please You. We Hope to Merit Your Trade. Mail orders, as well as those given us personally, ivill receive our most careful attention. If Its Anything in the Way of Furniture or House Furnishinqs See Us and Let's Talk Jt Oyer, ft Pays. Q4 TlllfJQS FUfflJ. cop'py "THE HOUSE OF QUAUTT1 W. F. Gray, d. d. s. - i : (OXTCB IN SMITH A DUNI..AF EL'Thi) '" - ... J- Wadesboro, N. C. All Operations Warranted Lower Street. Phone No. 41. LEAVE A NICHE FOR JACKSON IN THE CAPITOL. Tkif CtBliMidi M Chtap la Cllar New York, Sept 30. The exis tence cf a secret method iu making pearls which, if disclosed, would make them as plentiful and as cheap aa the park row collar button, was told today by Professor Bash ford, Dean of Columbian University, to the American Fisheries Society in session here. 'In a little harbor sooth of Japan there has been produced successfully by a secret process pearls that are of the finest type," said Professor Dean. "When I was at the University of Ja pan tbe .umperor of Japan himself opened these oysters and took there from this new pearl I now exhibit, so there is no doubt abcur the genu ine success of this experiment. But thesecret has even been withheld from the Emperor, otherwise the whole of the pearl industry would be revolu tionized. "Dr. N. C Niskawa, a graduate ot the University of Tokio, discovered the process and left his secret Jolris father-In law. Mikemoto, one of the most famous pearl raisers of Japan. I surmise that the pearl is formed by introducing scientifically a piece of mother of pearl into the shell around which the earl is formed, taking the place of the worm which nature I uses to form tbe core of the naturally grown pearl.' A Bar Bread. The Youth' Companion. The love for animals escialiy dogs, whice distinguished every member of the Horton family, mani fested itself in tbe U3ual Horton way in Robert at tbe age of seven by tbe acquisition of a piece of undesirable canine property. "What in tbe world are you bring ing home?" called Mrs. Horton from the piazza, as Robert roundtd the corner, treading joyfully, but not as rapidly as was bis wont. He was hampered by a yellow-brown, much bedraggled dog, attached to a string, and by a large empty box, which overweighted bis express cart. "Why, father gave me twenty-five cents to spend tor having bad tbe measles," called Robert, as he whirl ed about to disentangle tbe string from one of the wheels of bis cart, "and there's a man down by tbe post-oflce let me have this splendid dog, that be thought be must dispose of, 'cause be bad no borne nor fam ily, for tbe quarter; and Mr. Cole from tbe store gave me this beatuiful box for his kennel. "He's a full-blooded cur, mother!" and with an air of triumph, Robert dropped tbe handle of tbe express cart and rushed tbe yellow-brown aog up the piazzi steps. "I told tbe man my family were more partie'lar about what kind the dog was than how be looked," be added proudly. Baltimore San. Tbe statue of Stonewall Jackson placed in tbe State House grounds at Charles ton by the women of West Virginia is the work of the famous sculptor, Sir Moses Ezekiel. With Sir Moses its modeling was a labor of love, as be himself was a cadet at the Virginia Military Institute when Jackson was an instructor there, and the sculptor fought in the Confeder ate Army and shared tbe intense admiration that the brilliant exploits of "Stonewall" aroused In the men who followed him. No bronze or marble can picture Jackson, the man of instant decision and swift action, or indicate tbe fiery military genius that flamed up in him. But it can and does present the serious, sad- faced man of deep religious nature, the soldier who was moved in every action by bis devotion to duty aud his sublime faith. The statue in Charleston will stand as a monument to valor and genius, and an all-too-tardy tribute to the great General from the State in which he was born. Perhaps it is even yet too eaily to expect the prej udices of sectional conflict to have subsided sufficiently for all the peo ple of a border State to unite in a tribute to one of the leaders of either side. But the time is rapidly an- proaching, if it has not yet arrived, when Union men as well as ex-Con federates will come to regard Stone wall Jackson as the greatest man born in tbe territory that is now West Virginia. The soldiers of every country acknowledge him as a transcendent military genius. His lofty personal character, bis devotion to his people, distinguish him as a man worthy of any honor. In the Capitol at Washington Is the national hall of fame, where each State may place the statues of its fa vorite sons. West Virginia has al ready filled its niches with lesser li ghts. But she may very well re concider her choice, and upon one pedestral place tbe statue of her greatest son, so that in the Capital of a reunited country Stonewall Jackson can once again meet Robert Lee. THE GIFT OF GOD. Haw m Raa t $ UItIb Sr- la Old Xw Kaglaad. Richard Wightraan, in the Metropolian Magazine. More than a hnndred year ago, when the stone steps of the Ok! House were in front of the Meeting House in the village and worship ful feet went np them and along the uncarptted aisles to the straight back pews, each with a wooden doer held shut with a wooden button one Sunday morning after the "long prayer," while the clergyman was in the midst of his discourse, one of the members of the congregation, was seen to rise from his psw and tip-toe quietly out ot the church. Soon a neighbor followed and then another and another, slowly and with rever ent regard for the sanctity of the place they were so unwontedly leav ing during the sermon. The minister, noticing this, step ped in the midt of his discourse and said: "May I be permitted lo inquire the reason for thes exodus?" At this one of the few remaining men stood up in his pew and answered thus: "Since the service began word has been sent us that a large school ot shad has been pocketed in the Oys ter river. The tide has gone out, and the meadows are covered with live fish. Thousands of them are flopping there in tbe sun, and we have thought best, sir, to improve the opportunity and go down there and secure winter food for our fami lies." Then he sat down, and after a moment's paue the clergyman gathered up his manuscript and said: "I think that is a very good idea. 1 will dismiss the congrega tion and go and get some myself." HOW MUCH IS YOUR STOMACH WORTH. HAIR HEALTH. For Sale. Nif 5-room cottage near town on the Chesterfield rosd. Good " neighborhood, good well of water, convenient location,. ' S. J. IIA1KE. For Sale. We. offer tor sale a large quantity oi ODd band Bagging and Tie in good Condition., doc . pauern. WADSSBORO COTTON MILL? CO. BtMir'i Band Collected. Boon Democrat. At the spring term of court it was ordered by Judge Webb that an ex ecutlon tor 13,000 against tbe bonds men of L. M. Banner be issued and tbe same be turned in to tbe clerk by this tall term of court. Every dollar of this bond has been collected, and Sheriff Ragan has the clerk's r.ceipt for the same. Banner was convicted ot homicide and sentenced to tbe State prison, He was released under bond while the case was pending in tbe Supreme Court and when tbe decision of tbe lower court was affirmed be disap peared. PHYSICIAN ENTIRELY CURED OF ECZEMA By the Use of Cuticura Remedies. Prescribes Them and bays Ihey have Cured when Other Formulas Failed. They Always Bring Results. fao waa afflicted with eseaoa ta the year 1807. I uaed the Cuticura Remedies aa4 waaentirely cured. 1 am a practicing physician and very often praacrib Cuticura Resolvent and Cuti cura Soap in caaea of eczema, and they have cured where other formula have failed. ' 1 am not In tbe habit or endorsing patent medicines, but when I find m- eates possessing iru merit, sucu hm tu Cuticura Remedies do, I am broad minded enough to proclaim their virtues to the world. 1 Lave been practicing medicine for twenty years, and must sav I find vour Remedies A No. 1. I stul find the uuueura nemeaies as gooa as ever. 1 hey always bring results. O. M. Fisher, U.D., Big Pool, lid., Dec , 19Q9." DOCTOR RECOMMENDED THE CUTICURA REMEDIES. " When I was ten or twelve years old I had a scalp disease, something like scald-head, though it waan t tnat. i uffered for several months and most of my hair came out. Finally they had a doctor to see me and he recommended the CuUoura Remedies. They cured me in a few weeks. 1 have used the Cuticura Remedies, also, for a breaking out on mv hands and was benefited a great deal. I haven't had any more trouble with the aoalp disease, sliss Jessie F. Buchanan. R. F. D. S. Hamilton, Ua., Jan. 1. 190." CbUcws Soap S4cJ. Csttcars Otatmat S0e ).' CuUcuis KmoIt.di A0c smd Cuticura Pile. (Sic ) ars KM Urougkout U world. Potter Drus AChua. Corp, Sol Props. I3S Columbus An. Boston. Km S4Murtl free. Cuticurs Bock oa ImWul oi BtiB sad Scsis uumors. If Toa Havs Scalp or Hair Triable. We could not afford to so strongly endorse Hex all '93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do. if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall .'93" Ilalr Tonic not give en tire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our state ments, and id consequence our busi ness prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if ycu have any scalp trouble, Bex- all 1 93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness. Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully re funded if it does not do as we claim Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. Sold only at our storeThe Rexall Store. The Parsons Drug Co. laatractlesi Fr.m tits Soalh. Harper's Weekly. When Davy Crockett sat in the national legislature as a representa tive of the state of Texas, he bad many clashes with men of more edu cation but less wit than himself.' It is told of bim that one day, while standing in front of his hotel on Penn sylvania Avenue, a swarm of mules trotted by under the custody of an ; overseer from one of tbe stock-farms la Virginia. A Congressman from Boston, who was standing near by. attracted Crockett's attention to the unusual sight, saying: "Hello, there, Crockett; here's lot of your constituents on parade. Where are they going?" Tbe celebrated hunter looked at the animals with a quizzical glance, and then taming to tbe other, said quietly, but with great emphasis, "They are going to Massachusetts to teach school." It's worth almost as much as your ife; bow much is that worth? Par sons Drug Co., has a remedy that keeps the stomach right and makes it right when it goes wrong. MI-O NA is the name of the great tomach remedy and ' Parsons Drug Co. guarantees it to cure the follow ing Btomach ailments and symptom?, or money back. ' " . Upset stomach, pain in stomach, telching of gas, bilioosnesa. . . Heartburn, sour stomach, lump cf lead stomach, after dinner distress. Nervousuess and headache caused by stomach derangement. Bad effect of overeating or driok- g; sea or car sickness. Vomiting of pregnancy, or any stomach distress. Remember money back if it fails at Parsons Drug Co., or leading drug gists everywhere, and the price i only 50 cents a large box. CssS Pfeysie ss ed Rhsterlc Youth's Companion. The brilliant phrase that turns the day for the harassed orator is worth much fine gold. A writer in the Washington Star tells bow a certain public epeaker once checked a hostile audience. He bad said something which the crowa aia not ai au uce, ana was immediately hissed. He smiled, and when tbe noise had subsided said, "When a stream of cold truth is poured on red-hot prejudices, it is no wonder they hiss." tor that be was heartily applaud ed, and allowed to continue in peace. Cissslp f ta Day. Exchange. Boston couple were recreating near Augusta, Ua., and met au old negro woman, to whom they took a fancy. They invited her to pay them a visit, and the black wemm accepted, especially as her expensfs were paid. In due time she arrived in Boston and was installed in the. house ot the white folks. She occu pied one of tbe best rooms and ate at the same table with her host and hostess. At one of the meals the hostess said: "Mrs. Jones, you were a slave, wera't you."' "Yes, inarm," replied Mrs. Jones, "I b'longed to Mars Robert Howell." "I suppose he never invited you tc eat at bis table," remarked the Bos ton woman. ".No, honey, dat he ain't," replied Mrs. Jones. "My master was a gen tleman. He ain't dever let no nig ger set at de table long er him." Behold the Western Sky, Where people live but never die." The reason for this is plain to see; They all take Rocky Mountain Tea Fox & Lvon. Bluggish liTers and bowels are the cause of nearly every disease. Cleanse your sys- J tern, regulate the bowels and liver to healthy, natural action by Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The surest remedy known to start you on the road to Well- villa. Fox St Lon. Tills k the trade mark which is found on every bottle of the genuine Scott's Emulsion the standard Cod liver Oil preparation of the world Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies cf young and old. FOR SALE EY AU. iJRrGGISTS Sen J 10c name of paper and this ad. f ir oar besut lul Saving Bank snJ C'-'- Sketch-Boot, Each ba.uk. cvatjuu GooU Luck. Fenny. SCOTT A. EOWNS. 4:9 P. 1 Su N. V