oTT -ft f1f1 Mi . r J AS. BO YIaCN", EDITOB AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IX ADYAXC: Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C., Thursday, October 6, 1910 Number 90 THE STAFF OF LIFE. BEECHER'S FARM. GOVERNMENT COTTON REPORT COULDN'T TkUST HER. HA AG'S MIGHTY SHOWS. COTTON CROP IS SHORT. c Coffee A: c emts We have 125 one-pound cans of O'Donoliue's Bfh Avenue Mocha and Java Coffee The retail value is 35 cents per pound. While this small lot lasts our customers may have it for 25 cents per pound. Tnis is a high grade coffee, and you will never again have an opportunity to buy it at such a bargain. HARBISON COMPANY Attention Farmers. Our gins Nos. 1 and 2 have been thoroughly repaired and put in first class condition. New saws have been placed, and we offer first class work for $1.25 per bale. All cotton will be ginned as quickly as possible, so that it can immediately be put on the market. UJi)ESB0R0 OIL PILL. ' Telephone No. 63. Ansonville Heal Estate Company offers a large number of lots for sale at reasonable prices and terms to suit every one. See Ansonville First if you are looking for a pleasant, healthy place to live, a factory site of any kind, or a business lot. v A. H . RicliardSOn Secretary and Treasurer Cm For Sale. Csrsals As Hinui Food From Th Ear liest Ages Pnt'l To-Dr Philadelphia Times. . According to modern , analysis as well aa to well-founded'; traditional knowledge, there ia an amplitude of potent and strength-giving factors in oats, corn, wheat rice and other varieties of the gramniferous products to warrant their use as a mainstay and staple of food. Bread has been for centuries recognized in the telling popular phrase as "the staff of life," and popular . phrases are usually founded on sound experience. Going back to the roots of the language our word "lord" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon words "loaf ward" the loaf-keeper or . dispenser, who was, of course, an Important feudal figure. The Roinan ' mob ciied: "Panem et circenses!" (For grain and pleasure!) . -' Despite the strictures of dyspeptic Carlyle, the Scotch, with their oaten cakes and oatmeal porridge, are a robust race. The Chinese have for centuries flourished on a fare of rice; the aboriginal Americans had maize as their chief food; the Southern Latin peoples partake mainly of spaghetti and the Northern peasantry eat their black bread made of various grains. And so examples might be multi plied indefinitely to attest the value of cereals in the human economy. At this lime cereals are to be obtain ed in many vatied and palatable forms. As manufactured there is as infinite variety of them which might beneficially be turned' to account ia the daily regimen. The objection may be urged that aa soon as this were done the new demand would cause a rise in prices, but such reason ing would be fallacious, in view-of the twofold fact that the manufactuf- er3 of cereals have conducted in their interest a campaign, the feature of which is a fixed price for cereals, and that the supply is too ample with our yearly "bumper crops." DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Cured by Lydia E.Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Galena, Kans. "A year ago last March I fell, and a few days after there was soreness in my right side. la a snort time a Duncn came ana it bothered me so much at night 1 could I not sleep. It Kept f rowing larger and y fall it was as large as a hen's egg. I could not go to bed without a hot water bottle applied to that side. I had one of the best doc tors in Kansas and he told my husband that I would have to be operated oil as it I was something like a tumor caused by a rujture. I wrote to you for advice and you told me not to get discouraged dui to lase i,ycua E. Pinkhams vesrecaDie uompouno. I did take it and soon the lump in my side broke and passed away." Mrs. R. E. Huey, 713 Mineral Ave., Galena, Kans. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Coxa- has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of n l i 1 3 ' 1 A. remaie ma, liieiuuiug uispiacemeucs, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion. and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result has been worth millions to many Buttering women. If you want special advice write for it toMrs.liiikham,Liynn,Mass. it is tro ana always helpluL. f V I t ! II IOI 111 I Sketch Camtrlbatad to Tht Baffalo Ki prsss by Hark Twain. Buffalo Express. Mr. B's farm consists of 36 acres, and is carried on on strict scientific principles. He never puts iu any part of a crop without consulting his book. He plows and reaps and digs and sows according to the best au thorities and the authorities cost more than the other farming imple men Is do. As soon as the library is complt-te the farm will begin to be a profitable investment. But book farming has its drawbacks. Upon one occasion when it seemed morally certain that the hay ought to be cut the hay book could not be found, and befoie it was found it was too late and the hay was all spoiled. Mr. Beecher raises some of the finest crops of wheat in the country, but the uulavoraole difference between the cost of producing it and its mar ket value after it is produced has in terfered considerably with its succes as a commercial enterprise. Hia special weakness is hogs, how ever. He considers hogs the best game a farm produces. He buys the original pig for $1.50, and feeds him about $40 worth of corn, and then sella him for about $9. This ia the only crop he ever makes any money on. He loses on the corn, but he makes $7.50 on the hog. He does not mind this because' he never ex pecta to make anything on corn any way. And any way it turns out, be has the excitement of raisiog the hog anyhow, whether he gets the worth of him or not. His strawberries would be a comfortable success if-the robins would eat turnips, but thpy won't and hence the difficulty. One of Mr. Beecher's moat harass- ng difficulties in bis farming opera tions comes of the close resemblance of different sorts of seeds and plants to each other. Two veara asm hia farsightedness warned him that there was going to be a great scarcity of watermelons, and therefore he put in a crop of seven acres of that fruit. But when they came up they turned out to be pumpkins, and a dead loss waathe consequence. Sometimes a portion of his crop goes into ' the ground the most promising sweet po tato a anil comes up the mo. t execra ble carrots. When he bought his farm he found one egg in every hen's neat on the place. He said that here was just the reason why so many farmers failed they scattered their forces too much concentration was the idea. So he gathered those eggs together and put them all under one expe rienced hen. That hen roosted over the contract night and day for many weeks under Mr. Beecher's personal supervision, but 9he could not "phase" those eggs. Why? Because they were those shameless porcelain things which are used by modem farmers as nest eggs. Mr. Beecher's farm is not a tri umph. It would be easier if be worked it on shares with some one; nui ne cannot nna anybody who is willing to stand half the expense, and not many that are atl. Still. persistence in any cause is bound to succeed. He was a very inferior farmer" when he began, but a pro longed and unflinching assault upon bis agricultural difficulties has bad its effect at laat and he is fast rising from affluence to poverty. Cols and Gaskets When you want a nice Coffin oi Casket, at a reasonable price examine the line I carry. I have them from the cheapest to tbt neat. ce Hearse la always in readiness, and every A i.1 1 A I 1 xttaiurt) oi uie unaert&amg dusi neas receives my eareiui alien lion, whether day or night i aiso carry a nice line o BURIAL ROBES. S S. Shepherd The Undertaker We tffer for sale a large quantity of second band Bagging and Ties In good condition. 60c a pattern. WAD2SBOEQ COTTON MILLS CO. For Sale. ' Nice &-room cottage near town on the unesternetd road, Cjood neighborhood, good well of water, convenient location. . J. H A I KK. Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen, Pat ronize the Old Reliable Tailoring Shop. Pressing, repairing, cleani ug scouring of all articles of cloth iog our SPECIAL STUDY. All work satifactory an prompt ly done Yours to pleaae, EffieByrd. At Byrd's, the tailor, old stand. . Phone No. 149. v A Reliable Atedlelaa jS. a Kaienic Get the gennine Foley's Honev Tar ia the yellow packaf. It is state aod if icciiva. Louiaias no cplai. s. subs' itutes. Pee Doe rtarncacT: F'arsor.s Drug Co. Rrpcrt Otd Nat Bear at Eilr.mtlr Balllali PrlTata Killmtlet Bmt It 8r cd to Adranca Price to a Stw High Rccard Far Season. New York, Oct. 3. Although to day's government report on the con dition Qt the cotton crop did not fully bear out some of the extremely bull ish private estimates, it was bullish enough to start an active bnying movement, which advanced prices to a new- high record for the season. While there was tremendous realiz ing the market advanced to 14.13 for December and 14.31 for March before there ; was any reaction of conse quence. Even then, offerings were so well absorbed that . after selling off some 15 to 25 points from the top the market again rallied and at the close was firm, with last prices 20 to 30 points above the closing figures of Saturday. Business was more general than at any time since last May, for the ex citement which attended the closing phases of the old crop bull campaign did not represent such widespread interest as the market now appears to be attracting, owing to au appre hension that another small crop is to follow. - For the past two or three weeks the maiket has shown an advancing tendency based upon a bullish view of crop propiiects. and" it now ap pears that some of the same bull leaders who were prominently con nected with the movement of last season are already accumulatinc; large holdings in anticipation of fur ther high prices. The f ffect of this buying bad been considerable, and before the government's condition figures were issued today, December contracts, which had sold at 12 83 last month, were selliug at 13.94, while March contracts, which bad stld at 12.89 after the culmination of the old crop bull campaign, had ad vanced to 14.12. While the acreage this year is larger tian last season, bull authori ties assert that the crop this year is so late that calculation bastd upon the condition figures will prove mis leading unl ess there is an abnormally late growing season. The census report issued early in the day bad no immediate influeuce on the market. The Southern spot markets, as officially reported, were unchanged to 1 4 cent higher, - but local buyers pmfcss to believe that the South will be found ready to follow the specula tive advance. She Wasn't Skeptical. "'?.!i:bby youse wouldn't berliere it ma'am," sail the husky bob.t, '-but I onie u? puity good stock." 'Ob, I don't doubt it!" rej ined the kind lady. , "Anyone can see thai it has nevtr been watared." Chicago News. rOIEYSIDEnEYPHIS Capt. Bogardus Again litis the Ball's Kye. This world-famous rifle shot, who holds the championship recoid of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots, is living at Lincoln, III. Recently interviewed, he says: "I suffered a long time with kidney and blad der trouble and used several well known kidney medicines, all of which gave me no rfli?f until I started taking Foley Kidney Pills Before I used Foley Kidney Pills I had severe backaches and pains in my kid neys with suppression and a cloudy void ing On arising in the morning I would get dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills "and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my old self." Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Will Build You Up and Make . You Strong Old people, tired, weak, run down people, delicate children, frail mothers, and those recovering from severe illness, this is a fact. Thousands of genuine tes timonials from reliable peo ple prove this claim, and to further support the fact and prove our faith in what we say, we unhesitatingly de clare that. any one who will try a bottle of VINOL will have their money returned without question if they are not satisfied that it did them good. " . . Fox & Lyon, Druggists, Wadesboro, N. C. Hs Was Too Enthusiastic. Hank Dobbs was noted as an "hon est" horse trader, lie would not lie about a horse. .- He would merely sup press the truth. Incidentally he always beat the customer who dealt with him. The way he could slur over the de fects and buzz about the virtues of an animal amounted to geuius. Once nans was tryii; to sell a neighbor a horse that bad an eye which was nearly sightless. The neighbor knew Hank would not He outright to him, so be questioned the horse trader aa to the various points of the brute. "How about his eyesight? Can he see out of both eyes?" "Sure," Bald Hank. "He's got, good eyes." Here he leaned forward, his eyes fairly scintillating witl sup pressed honesty. "One eye is particu larly good!" Hank's enthusiasm for the truth bad carried him too far. The deal was off. Tulsa (Okla.) Post. Hair Monstrosities. French theater managers In the eighteenth century had worse evils than picture hats, to contend against Marie Antoinette, who was short, even according to French standards, set the fashion of high coiffures and ultra fashionable women prided themselves on measuring four feet from their chins to the tops of their beads. These structures took about six hours to erect, the hairdresser mounting a lad der tn the process. Some coiffures .were almost as broad as they were long, with wings sticking out about eight inches on each side of the bead For the "frigate" coiffure the hair was rippled in a huge pile to represent the waves of an angry sea and snr- Lmounted by a fully rigged ship. As a consequence of these monstrosities. disturbances in theaters occurred al most daily until an ordinance was is sued against the admission of women with high coiffures to the flocr of the house. . in National Monthly. Brown was motoring through the country with a young lady friend who was very fond of wild flowers. Running along beside a country stream the young lady espied some beautiful wild blossoms and asked Brown to stop the car so she could get out and gather a bouquet. Brown stuck to the car while the young lady proceeded to the river bank. In a few minutes time a youngster waited on Mr. Brown. "Hey," said the boy, 'i3that your ady friend down there on the river bank gatberin' flowers?" Yes, she's my triend," said Brown. Will," said the boy, "she's keep as from goin' ia swimmin' and the ft Her 3 sent me up to see if you'd take her away from here." Brown was rather pleased with the old demand and he had the bov watch his car while he ran down to the river bank advise the young lady of the request the boys were making. When he returned to the car, he told the boy that be and hia companions could go right ahead with their swimming and that the young lady bad agreed not to look their way. The boy then returned to his com panions only to come back to Brown few minutes later. "Hey," said the boy. "Well, my son, what is it now?" sked Brown. "That's all right what you said about her not look in', but the fellers say that she's no different from other women and they dassen't trust her." Proof. -"I'm after the gas bilL Gee! . My husband forgot to leave the check he's Just gone." "Are you "sure he forgot to leave itT "Tea; he told me so Just as he went,' Cleveland Leader. . Don't think that piles can't be cured Thousands of obstinate cises have oeen tcured by Doan's Ointment. SO cents at Your visit to the mighty Haag shows Wadesboro afternoon and evening Oct. 12, will not be complete without a tour of the colossal canvas equerry, even though you are not a lover and admirer of blooded stock, it is claimed you will find an hour of genuine pleasure and much to inter est yon inspecting the droves of horses and ponies. For the last year agents have been in the different parts of the world making purchases for this department, with a result that today that Mighty -Haag shows pos sess one of the largest, most varied and cos:ly collection of representative members of the equine family which wealth can procure, and it is doubt ful if anywhere near the like has ever been exhibited before. Certainly uever by any traveling shows. Ladies and children are particular ly invited to visit this horse fair, which all may safely do without escort, as uniformed and courteous attendants are always present, to look after the welfare of callers. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. otacb Sickness Das to Bawcl Dlsoidefs A doctor's first question when consul tea Dy a patient i-, "Are your bowels regular?" He knows that 98 fc of illness is attended with in active bowels and torpid liver, and that this condition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rex a 11 Orderlies are a positive, pleasant and safe remedy for consti pation and bowel disorders In gen eral. We areso certain of their great curative value that we prom ise to return the purchaser's money in every case ween they fail to pro duce entire satisfaction. Hexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, they act quietly, and ba e a soothing, strengthening, healing in rluence on the entire intestinal tract rbey do not purge, gripe, cause nau sea, flatulence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea or other annoying effect. Tbey are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Two sizes, 25c. and 10c, Sold only at oar store The Hexall Store. The Par sons Drug Co. Ths UnhumbUd Valst. The Duke of Cambridge was once about to visit Lord Stratford, who had been appointed ambassador to Turkey. At an early hour on the morning of his expected arrival the ambassador went, In slippers and dressing gown, to see if the rooms were in perfect or der. He found that the duke's valet had arrived and was arramging his master's trunks and portmanteaus. Stratford gave some directions how they should be placed. The man left off working and stared at the intruder. I tell you what it is," be said., "1 know how his royal highness likes to have his things arranged better than you do. So you Just be off, will you, old fellow?" Lord Stratford left In a towering passion. Calling one of hia attaches. he ordered him to go in and tell the man whom he had addressed In such language. The attache returned with twinkling eyes. "What did you say?" asked the am bassador. "T said to him, my lord, that the per son he had ventured to address sucn language to was her majesty's repre sentative to Turkey." "Ah, quite right. And his answer T' Tie answered, my lord, that he never said you wasn't" "With Lord Stratford In the Crimean War."- Three Curious Btlls. There is a curious legend connected with the bells of Messingham church. It is said that a long, long time ago a traveler was passing through MessLng- ham when he noticed three men sitting' on a Btne in the cnurcnyard and say ing, "Come to church. Thompson; come to church, Brown," and so on. Being very much surprised, be asked what it meant and was told that, having no bells, they called folks to church in this way. Tberaveler remarked that it was a pity so fine a church should be without bells and at the same time asked the men If they could make three for the church, promising to pay for them himself. They undertook to do this. They were respectively tinker, a carpenter and a shoemaker. When next the traveler passed that way he found the three men ringing three bells which said, "Ting, tong, pluff"' being maoSa respectively of tin. wood and leather! London Tit-Bits. Calling on Tsnnyson. A young American girl, who with her mother had called at Farringford to see the famous poet Tennyson, but was not received, shortly after ex pressed her regret to Mrs. Cameron, Tennyson's neighbor, who was also bis intimate friend and a lady at once i harming and masterful. "Oh. so he wouldn't see youf cried Mrs. Cameron indignantly. "Come with me!" She took the reluctant American straight back to Tennyson's bouse and. without knocking or ringing, went tnto the room where be sat with his wife. "Alfred," said she as the two looked up, startled, these strangers came from a far country to see the lion of Freshwater, and behold a bearP' Tennyson burst out laughing and be came amiable at once. Rcpart rr 1910 KJtaws Drp Xasakar f Bales Glass. Washington, Oct 3. A census re port on cotton ginning issued by the Department of Commerce and Later shows today 2,302,211 bales, coast ing round as half bales, ginned from the growth of 1910 to September 5, as compared with 2,563,150 for 19, and 2,590,639 for 1908. Round bales included this year are 37.767, as compared with 48,070 for 1909, and 57,107 for 1908; Average Conditio Low. According to a report made by the Department of Agriculture today the average condition of the cotton crop ou September 25 was 65.9 per cent, of a normal, as compared with 72 1 on August 25, 1910; 58.5 on Septem ber 25, 1909, and 66.6, the average of the past 10 years, ou September 25. Wis Man of Gotham. A "wise man of Gotham" Is a fool. but the phrase arose through the real wisdom of the people that lived in the English town of Gotham. The story goes that King John of England once visited the town with the Intention of seeing a castle that he thought of tak ing for himself. But the Gothamltes did not care for the nearness of roy alty and the expense they would be put to If the king should have a house there, and so they cooked up a scheme to drive him away. When the king ar rived with his company of followers and rode through the town he saw all the inhabitants of Gotham going through the most foolish of tasks, each person with a silly smile on his face. The king was disgusted with them. He would not live among crazy people, and so he rode on through the town and did not stop for the castle. Then -the wise men of Gotham, still smiling, but not in a silly fashion, told one an other that there were more fools that passed through Gotham than remain In it Not What He Seemed. Lieutenant General J. M. Grierson tells an amusing story of some maneu vers In which he took part. Only a small body of troops were being ac tually employed, and "skeleton forces" were the rule in other words, small bodies of men represented whole divi sions. General Grierson with his staff was riding along a lane when he sud denly came upon one of the enemy s Dickets sitting calmly by the roadside. Quickly the general rode up to him and said: "You are my prisoner; you had better urrender." Ths man rrinned and Dointed to a flag beside him. "Beg pardon, sir," he said, "but l am a brigade or lnrantry, so you me my prisoners." Lonoon aiau. Oataf llha LlrtaUil. The Yonths Companion. John Burroughs, the aged natural ist, is by no means a sentimentalist, and loses no chance to ridicule the nature writers who attribute almost human intelligence to creatures be neath man in the scai9 of life. In the Kenebeck Jounal there is a story told by a New York editor ot a din ner at which Mr. Burroughs and a young writer of the new school were guests. This young'' man "told a wonderful itory about the intelligence of oysters. He said he was going to put the story in his new Ik ok. Mr. Burroughs gave a dry 1-iugb, and said: "Lft me tell you about a cat, I bid story is quite as authentic as the other out, and it should do for your book nicely." The venerable student paused Im pressively, then sasd: ' . "A Springfield couple bad a cat that age baJ rendered helpless, and they put it out of its misery by means of chloroform. They buried it in the garden, and planted a rose-bush over its remains. The next morning a familiar scratching took them to the front door, and there was the ct waiting to be let in, with the rose bush under its arm. Biliousness is dne to a disordered condi tion of tbe stomach. Chamberlain's Tab lets are essentially a stomach medicine. intended especially to act on that organ; to cleanse it, ntrengtben It, tone and in vigorate it, to regulate tbe liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectu ally. - For sale by ail druggists. Days of Dizziness Corns rot Umdrtdi f Wad at bar Fee pis. There are days of dizziness; Spells of headache, sideacbe, back ache; Sometimes rheumatic pains; Often urinary disorders. All tell yea plainly the kidneys are sick. Dean's Kidney Pills cure all kid ney ills. Can Wadesboro residents doubt this statement? Mrs. N. C. Teagne, of Lanrinburg, N. C, says: "I was bothered a great deal by backaches I did not rest well and in tbe morning I felt lame acd tired. I often had dizzy spells, was very nervous and was un lit to attend to my work. My kidneys were so weak that I bad but little control over the secretions and I was bothered a preat deal. 1 used only one box of Doan's Kidney Pills, but thin nassufllcienl to Stop the backache and correct all tbe other kid ney difficulties. I am now in good heaith and I rladly give Doan's Kidney Fills the credit for this great improvement." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take do other. Taking a Chance. The mistress was giving Harriet the benefit of her advice and counsel touching a momentous step the Utter contemplated. "Of course, Harriet, said the lady of the house, "if you Intend to get married thafs your own business, but yon mustn't forget that marriage Is a very serious matter." "Yis, mum," said Harriet; "yla, mum, I know 'tis sometimes, mum. But, mum, maybe I'lhave better luck than you aid, mum.- rooiuyn uia Yon are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale b its remarkable cares of colds, and can al ways be depended npon. It is equally valuable for adults and children, and mar be given to young children with implicit confidence, aa it contains cotarnif al drug. GATWtfQS FuftfJ. Go. "The House of Quality." Is better equipped to serve you than at any previous time in its long and honorable career. Quick Deliveries, Up-To-Date Goods, Anxiety to Please You. We Hope to Merit Your Trade. X Mail orders, as well as those given us personalty, tvill receive our most careful attention. Its Anything in the Way of Furniture or House Furnishinqs -See Us and Let's Talk It Oyer. It Pays. qTIJIJQS fUQp.GOf.: "THE HOUSE pF QUALITY" Lower Street. Ptom 47. f drug store. &oia cy au drug-gists.