fJ1 fl (1 (7 kl JAS. G. BOYLLN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 1 L PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IN ADVANCE Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, October 13, 1910 " Number 92 1J S ! -::-:?:....:.:r;- - r..:M&& is the name on a box of Candies tfyat guarantees purity, quality, fresh ness. There's "None like Nunnally's." We receive them fresh almost daily. ZOO PHARMACY The Ideal holiday gift. TWQ VIEWS OF JOHN BROWN, The Dixie Deyeloprneht Co. has been organized to assist itn he development of Anson county and the state of North Carolina, by aiding and encouraging the good men who are now tenants to own their homes, and by all other legitimate msam within the power of the company. If yon want to buy or sell real estate, see us before trading. We are in position to help you. Insurance Department. ' ' . . We write all kinds of Insurance Fire, Life, Health, Acci dent, etc., and do a general bonding business, representing com companies of absolute safety. We respectfully solicit a portion of your business and assure you that it will be appreciated. The Dixie Development Co. T. F.JONES, President. W. C. LONG, Secrety. v JOHN. W. GULLEDGE, General Manager. Baltimore Sua. ' The New York Sun "recently df- voted two columns on jts editorial page to a protest against Mr. Roose velt's rhapsody on John Brown. This protest is written by Dr. John Allen Wyeth. , Mr. Kooeevelt in tiw Outlook "holds John Brown up ah representing the men and generations ; who rendered the greatest ervice ever rendered this country a man of heroic valor, grim energy, fierce fidelity to high ideals.';; From this estimate of John Brown Dr. Wyeth dissents, and every citizen of Mary land and Virginia who knows the history of the John Brown raid will dissent. Dr. Wyeth is one of the most emi nent surgeons in New York, but he is a Southerner and was a private soldier iu the Confederate Army. In bis letter to the New York Sun Dr. Wyeth tells of some of the incidents in the career of this devotee to "high ideals." Every incident he relates he verifies by the best authority, lie shows "that on March 25 26, 1856, he (BrowD) caused to be token out of their beds at the dead hours of night five persons (two of these lads under agf ) and in cold blood directed mem bers of his ou family and others to cut them to death, which they did; that he was for years an outlaw ami fugitive from justice, going uboui under assumed names with a reward out for his apprehension; that with out any provocation and without any YSIC1AN declaration of war be led an armed invasion of a peaceful community, carrying guns and pikes with which to arm a servile race (knowing, as those who gave him moral and ma terial aid in this expedition knew, of the deplorable Southampton insurrec tion only a few years before in the same community), and murdered or caused to be murdered unoffending citizens; that he was guilty of treason in seizing and appropriating to his own unlawful uses me property oi the United States; and that he ;waa tried by a court of recognized juris diction, condemned and executed on the gallows for his crimes against God and the laws of his country." In this State people who know anything of its history kuow that Brown began his operations against Virginia in Maryland; that he had his emissaries disguised going from bou-e to house in Washing. ton and Frederick counties, incit ing the slaves to rise against their masters; that he provided murderous pikes for them to do their work, be cause they were unfamiliar with the use of firearm?; that his gang in liar 's Ferry murdered a number of peaceful citizens, the first one to be murdered being an inoffensive col ored man; that Brown and his gang not ouly seized the United Slates arsenal, but fired upon the flag.and killed some of the United States troops who were sent to preserve or der. Surely ex-President R-xwevelt would not have held up this mur derer as an exemplar of high ideate if he had taken the trouble to in quire a little iuto his character and career. There were certain elements of the population of New York aud New England who apparently did USES BOY'S BODY AS SHIELD. ! MEETING OF WOMEN'S PEE DEE I BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. rat. Saatcb.a Twclra-Yaar-Old Bey Praia Sidewalk aad Hold. HI. Bad? la Fraal af Himself ta R.eclv. BaILt Meaat far Him. New York, Oct. 11. Charles Fis cher, a boy of 12 years, was swung writhing and screaming from the sidewalk tonight by a man brute who used the little fellow's body to check a bullet fired by Harry Green wald, an ex-pugilist. The missle pierced the childs brain and he died within an hour. Green wald, terror-stricken and pursued by citizens and police, swung into a hallway and committed suicide. The man who used the boy as a screen escaped. His name is not known to the police. Green wall was about 25 years old aud was known to his sporting friends as "Biz Clark." He was at Hrnaa Wrlt.r Sew la PrlMl. Toronto, OnL, Oct. 8. "Just for Today," that beautiful hymn known throughout the entire Christian world and generally believed to be anony- The 16th annual session of the Woman's Pee Dee Baptist Associ-1 raous, was penned by William Huck auon was held with the Folk ton I el. a former British evangelist, now Baptist church Oct. 7, and 8. I serving a sentence in tha nrovincial II T t 1 1 - - I " r--- airs. u. vj. vjooaman. me presi- i min!kni;0M. Di va. IT JFt - y "Oder 11 Ptenses ul i uuuuai CACit isca aiiu r, . . . . . was a popular hostess, having ar- c.ear.y esuoushea his ranged comfortable home for all clalm the BulnohiP of the sacred the guests. Mrs. W. F. Humbert 90n8 n a letter to me Anglican Arch in a very cordial and happy man ner, welcomed the Association to Polkton. MissFlaussa Nappier extended a warm-hearted greeting to all the young people. Miss Lilhe McKae, in behalf of the Association, graciously re sponded to these christain greet ings. Regardless of the inclement weather, a large number of dele one time a sparring partner of Har-1 gates came bringing good reports ry ("Biff") Stone of Baltimore, but Mrs. J. B. Jackson, Mrs. F. D. of late had been workiue as ticket I nitehead, Mrs. lay lor, and Mrs. taker at a moving picture theater in Qarleiu. Young Fischer was returning from an errand for his mother about dusk. As he turned from one hundred and tnird street into Madison avenue, he saw Green wald and the unidentified man engaged in heated argument. The frightened boy attempted to pass between them when the unknown iuMi grasped him and held him be fore his face just as the former prize fighter whipped out a pWtol and fired. The bullet entered the boy's head aud the unknown coward dropped him and fled. Seeing his mistake, Greenwald, still with the revolver in his hand, broke and ran. A policeman gave chase and a thousand men and wo- not in the years preceeding the war J-men, who had heard of or witnessed the tragedy, joined in the pursuit. W. II, Bagwell were present from Hamlet; contribution $80.61. Polk ton: Misses Lela Goodman, Mar garet Austin and Flaussa Nappier; contribution $16.50. Lilejville: Mrs. George Ingram, contribution, $61.81. Peachland: Mrs. J. A. Burns and Mrs. J. W. Thomas; contribution, $7.00. " Wadesboro W. M. S. Mesdames L. J. Hunt ley, Robert Lampley, J. T. Red fearn, XV. A. Lucas and T. W. Chamblis; contribution: $243.93. Rocky River; Mrs. V . A- Smith; contribution $1. 50. Cedar Grove; Mrs. S. XV. Birmingham and Win. Smith; contribution! 1.00. Hill W. M. S. Miss Mary Johnston contribution $93.95. Laurinburg by letter contribution $71; Rock ingham by letter; contribution bishop of Ottawa, ia which he tells of the poem being written after au open air meeting in nyde Park, England, 1878, when an infidel in the audience interrupted, asking why Christians prayed to God for daily bread, 8a tag, "Why not ask for a year's supply?" In reply the evangelist told a story of a little girl who, on being asked the same question, replied, "Because we do not want stale bread. We want fresh bread each day." upuu rescuing nis home ant thinking about the iucident Huckel composed a leaflet entitle "Just for Today," including the verses which be recited the following Sunday. CEMENT. WHY HESITATE? Far $53 30. Roberdell Mrs. V. G APPROVES consider the murder of Southerners a crime. But Colonel Roosevelt is half ! a s-mtnerner. sureiy ne cannot agree to that proposition, for he has stoutly upheld the Ten Commana- ments. hey Are TheyAreB Here eaiities . That car of horses and mules that I purchased in St. Louis has arrived, and every one who has seen they says they are the handsomest animals- ever brought to Wadesboro. Both the horse an the mules were selected with the greatest care. If you need a driving horse, a mule for the farm, or either a mule or a horse for any purpose, I believe I can please you. I will take pleasure in showing ycu what I have. Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sabattus, Maine. "You told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cotaoouna ana Liver illls bet ore child-birth, and we are all surprised to see how much good it did. My physi cian said ' Without doubt it was the Compound that jhelped you. ' I thanK you tor your kindness in advising A Terrible Creator. V hen Albert Henry Savage Lan- dor reached St. Petersburg on his way from the forbidden laud the fact was duly chronicled, and the London press association sent cable messages to uslralia telling of the hairbreadth escapes and manifold sufferings he experienced. The Melbourne Times received but a hhort note, which was this: "A. Savage Landor arrived in St, the hunted man once turned as if to fire on his pursuers, then, hard pressed, he rushed into a tenement doorway, sprang past a group ot startled children and attempted to force his way into a cellar. Failing in this be applied the revolver to his temple and blew out his brains. The murdered child lived with his widowed mother, Mrs. Madeline "Fischer, and wa9 one of hve sous, the oldest of whom is 19. Petersburg today from Tibet alter me and give you full J suflViing at the hands of the natives." This was meaner enough, but the news editor wasf qual to the occasion. The following morning, among the other matters of new s, the readers of the Times found this starting information: "A savage landor got into St. Pe tershurg yesterday, and the people of the city wer terrified. After consid erable difficulty, the beast, which came from Tibet, was captured, taken to a remote place and there despatch ing from any of those distressing ills pH. it i3 said that this is the first peculiar to their sex should not . lose . , f . , Russia. A Qiuttsui aad Cbarltabla Wlah. "I wish all might know of the benefit I received from your Foley's Kidney Reme dy," says I. N. Regan, Farmer, Mo. Hii kidneys and bladder gave him so much paiu, misery, and annoyance, he could not leal and. Dicky uovington conr tribution $20.64. Ansonville by letter. Morven by letter. Gum Springs by letter. Mrs. Frank Bennett, secretary of literature and Mrs. E. A. Cov ington treasurer made excellent reports. Mrs. T. W. Chambliss, leader of the Y. XV. A. work conducted the afternoon session in a very helpful way and excellent reports were read. Spring Hill was represented by Misses Majrtrie Parish, Mary Liv ingston' and May McMillan $20.00. Wadesboro Misses Portia Huntley, Lillie McRae, Ella McKae, Mary Liles and Mrs. J. F. Allen $70.20. Rockingham Y. W. A. no report. Miss Portia Huntley sang very sweet. rreacning onnst ai Home" all joining in the chorus One of the most helpful features Am Off.r Ttaat Involves So Rlik Tfaoaa Who Accept It. We are so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation. uo matter bow chronic it may tie, that we offer to furnish it free of all Spring I cost If it fails. Constipation is caused by weak ness of the nerves and muscles of the large ioteatines or descending colon. To expect a enre vou mii9t therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. We w ant you to try Rexall Order lies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and are particu larly ideal for children. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral action on the other organs or glands. They do not purge or cause any in convenience whatever. Thev will or positively overcome chronic or ha bitual constipation and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments. Try ltexall Orderlies at our risk. Two siz-s. 10c. and "5r. S.)ld only at our store The Rexall Store. The Parsons Drue Co. Youth's Companion. Thirty yeaisago, when Portland cement was Belling at three dollars a barrel, no one dreamed of the mani fold u?9 to which it would be put, or of the enormous quantities of it which would be made in this country. Since then there has been a steadily increas ing amount produced, and a constant ly decreasing price. Last year ni r than sixty-four million barrels wf re made in the Uuited States, and sold at an average price of eighty-five cents a barrel. This year a still lar ger quantity will be produced.' It can now be made, at a profit, lor eighty cents a barrel. This interesting and ideal condition of a steadily growing output and a constantly falling price is due to the discovery of proper material for the manufacture in many and widely j The busineshas also been greatly stimulated oy tne discovery oi new uses to which cement, or concrete into which cement enters, can be put. Euormous quantities have been and are still being used in the Panama Canal work, the tunnels under the Kast and North rivers, and for sub ways in New York City and BosDu by the railroads, in general. - Various irrigation projects have made other large demands, and the construction of foundations for heavy buildings calls every year for greater -quantities. It Is, however, some of the less common and, in a way, rur domestic uses that are most Interest ing. In the building of homes it .furnishes one of the most durable and fire-resisting materials in existence, and at a moderate cost. It affords a clean, smooth, dry floor for the cellar, and a permanent walk through the garden. . On the farm It makes silos, feed troughs for the stock, a sanitary floor for the stable aud hen houses, and posts for the boundary fence. Touch ed by the hand of art, it places on the American lawn a reproduction of the classic seat that once graced some Roman garden, or of a statue that stood in Athens. It is not only a great and tiseful servant, but a fasci nating playmate, and its resources are Pti'l unexhausted. I Cp. Inf-.rmission to use mv name in vour testimonials." Mrs. H. W. Mitchell, Box 3, Sabattus, Me. Another Woman Helped. Cranitevi vt "1 was nassmc throughthe Change of Life andsuffered from nervousness and other annoying svroDtoms. LvdiaE. nnkham s Vege table Compound restored my health and strength, and proved worth mountains ot gold to me. Jb or the sane or. otnei Eufiermg women I am willing you should publish mv letter." Mrs. Charles Bakclat. It.F.D., Granite- Tille, Vt. v - Women who are passing tnroiign this critical period or who are suiter- work, nor sleep. He savs Folev's Kidnev Rt-medy completely cured him. Pee Dee Of the meeting was the very gen Pharmacy: Paraons Drug Co. - I era! discussion ofthe hindrance in Missionary Societies. Saturday morning devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Walker. This was the day set apart for the Roy al Ambassadors and Sunbeams. Miss Mary Watson of Spring Hill L.lttl Liberty In United Stole. New ork, Oct. 8. Sir William Treloar, the English philanthropist and former Lord Mayor of London, who has been in the United States Bogordoa Again Ilica the Ball's Ere. This world-fatuous rifle shot, who holds the championship record of 100 piteous in 100 consecutive shots, is living at Lincoln, 111. Recently interviewed, he says: "1 suffered a long lime with kiduey and blad der trouble and used several well known kidney medicines, ail of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used Folev Kidnev Pills I and Canada a month, sailed yesterday church reported faithful services had re backaches and pains in my kid on the Celtic of the Whit Star I ine rendered and pare an excellent oppression and a cloudy void- ! yr!-l- . . mapUlkof theR. A. work. Yates ff.Oa arising in the morning I would :M. W. BRYANT sight of the fact that for thirty-years Lydia L. JrinKham s vegetaDie uom- rmiiTiri wrnrh is maae irom roots uiu herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every com Tnnnitv vou will find women who have beentestorea to neaitn oy lyuia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun. How he reached the city after his fights with the natives of Tibet, which is a comparatively unknown country, is a mystery." MacDougall's Mag azine. c QlS and Caske When you want a nice Coflia o; Casket, at a reasonable price examine tne una i carry, i thorn from the cheapest tnftht ntsi. til no j Hearse E5238al Attention Is always in readiness, and ever feature of the nnd6itakiug bust ness receives my caret ul atiea tion, whether day or night l Also carry a nice una .BURIAL liOBEH. S. S. Shephercr The Undertaker 'It Ueate All." This is quoted from a letter of M. Stock- well, Haunibal, Mo. "I recently used Fo ley's Honey and Tar for the first time. To say I am plexseu does not half express my fieiijps. It beats all" the remedies 1 evir uaed. I contracted a had cold and was threatened with pneumouia Tb.- first dobes go.vo rif at relief and one bottle coru- I'letL'ly cured me." Contains uo opiates. rVe L'ee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug (Jo. Ill lilra Of It. Grigys After all he nil?ereueH iv- twrfu uia.ii aud wouimu is one of wear a.d tear , Brings What do you iiiP3u? Grig-trs viau spends hi money roli'ii- lv on a tear and it woman ou wear Bos ton Trausiript. Hi jbarmers Our gins Nos. 1 and 2 have been thoroughly repaired and put in first class condition. New saws have been placed, and we offer fir,st class work for $1.25 per bale. All cotton will be ginned as quickly as possible, so that it can immediately be put on the market. . . JIDESD00 OIL Telephone No. 63. ML Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen, Pat- 4 ronize the Old Reliable , . Tailoring Shop. ' Pressing, repairing, clean i ug scouring of all articles of cloth tog our SPECIAL STUDY" All work satifactory an prompt ly done Yours to please, " Effie Byrd. A t Byrd's, the tailor, old stand. Phone No. 149. 1 R Defors ordering MAGAZINES get 13 : our big clubbing catalogue aad 12 special offers and save MONEY. SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION AGGNCT, A PoiUl Card will . Raleigh, . c. For Sale. vi-e 5-room cottage near town on tie Cheaterneld road. Good neighborhood. good well of water, convenient location. . S. J. HAIRE. For Sale. We ofTer tor sale a large quantity of secondhand Bairgiog and Ties In trood ' conumo'i. rxi a p ttero. Are You Like This? Tired all. the time, not much good for anything, hardly able to drag around, just all run down. If you are, we guarantee our VI NOL will help you. It has helped many people around here who were in this condition. Now look here, just try one bot tle of VINOL, and if you are not satisfied that it did you good, come back and get your money. It will be returned without question. That is a fair proposition and shows our faith in VINOL, and that we do not want your money unless you re- ceiv e benUit. We know what we are talking about because we have sold VI NOL for years, and have seen how much good it has done among our customers. VINOL is not a patent, secret nostrum, but an honest, tried and true body builder and strength, crea tor of world-wide fame, delicious and easy to take.' Come in today and start your cure at once. You take no risk. - - . all. r pronouncing the American wo men the ''smartest dressed women in th" world." Thtir kindness, too, impressed the Britisher, who found on boarding the steamer that enough flowers bad been sent with cards from newlv won fiirndson this side "to make the othf r passengers think I might be a hrUe." Sir William praised the American ciHktail, which he found superior to English drinks, he said, but be could not not understand why while riding through the "province" of Maine be should he refused a cockUii in the hun'tH car of a train. Aud you call this a free country," declared the Britisher, "when a man fflvi likes a drink can't take one be- cuu h- some one else feels that he shi'Uld not. Why. even when I came in, they asked me whether 1 was ni ne or iemaie ana u i naa ever Deen in prism. Upon answering theques nous satisiacioniy mat I was not a tefntli and had never been sentenced to pnon permission was granted me to laud. We know no such ridleu 1-iu-t questioning or restrictions in Tvnulnfl vet. Vim ffill Amerind froa " Circle by letter $30 00. SpriDg Hill $16.82 Wadesboro Sunbeams Misses Mary Katbertne Lues and Sara Smith $4.38. Rockingham, Laurinburir$17.85. Red Hill MUs es Josie and Sallie Thorna and Allie Slaton. Ansoiville not rep resented.' MtBeulah not represen ted. ' Lilesville Sunbeams: $5: Misses Janet Frederick and Beatrice Cook. Tee Sunbeam hour closed with a whisperimr sonsr by Sara Smith and Katherine Liles. A very instructive paper The Duty of the Treasurers by Mrs. V. A. Lucas and The Legend of Service by Vandyke beautifully and touchingly rendered by Miss Walker were special fea tures of Saturday afternoon. The get dull headaches. Now I have taken three botties of Foley Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my old self." Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. Her Deatlnatloa. A woman clerk in a Government office, who enjoys a well-earned reputation for wit, "put one over" very adroitly on a young attorney. She announced that she was shortly going on her vacation, and the youthful cross-ex aoiiner inquired the lady's destination. "At Fiahook," was the reply. "Where is that?" pursued the attorney "At the end of the line," was the smil ing rejoinder. Boston Record. Biliousness is due to a disordered condi tion of the stomach. Chamberlain's Tab lets are essentially a stomach medicine, Association very much appreciated I intended especially to act on that organ; t.hA pnennracremflnt rendered bv I to cleanse it. btreucrtben it. tone and m- Don't trine with & cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy fur coughs and colds in children. It is safe aud sure. For sale by all dealers. Hits Burglar with Plate. Chicago Dispatch. Cnicago, OcL 10. Rev. J. T.Long, recUir of St. Ado's Episcopal church, was not at home last night. About midnight his daughter Gladys was aroused by a noise and was threaten ed with death by a robber, whom she discovered in her room. MUs Long was not frightened. She seized a china plate from a table at the Bide ot the bed and threw it at the robber. It hit him and fell to the floor in pieces. With an oath the thief struck the plucky young woman on the head with, a revolver and leaped through the window. Two other robbers fled with him. " the Pastor Rev. Church. After the report or various committees and the election of some officers adding Miss Kela McMill- en, as Mrs. A. W. Poiters assist ant in the Sunbeam work, the Asso ciation adjourned to meet with the Lilesville church the first week in September. The following officers were elect ed for 1911. Mrs. T. B. Henry Pres., Mrs. Joshua Crudup Vice Pres., Miss Mary Watson Sec., Mrs. E. A. Covington Treas., Mr?. T. W. Chambhss leader of the Y. W. A. work. Mrs. A. XV. Porter and Miss Onita McMillan Sunbeam leaders. Miss Mary Watson Royal I, Ambas sador superintendent. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. L. Hardison. Special thanks were returned to the Polk ton people for their delightful entertainment and to the Seaboard j for allowing the train to stop at Polkton for the accommodation of the delegates, through the kind ness of . A. Gore, superinten dent. Airs. T. B. Henry, Pres. Pee Dee Asso. Miss Mary Watson, Sec. Better Than Spanking. vigorate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectu ally. For sale by all druggists. For Krnw Than Thr Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a house hold favorite for coughs, colds, and ail ments ot the throat, chest aad langs. Con tains no opiates. Pee Dee Pharmacy; Par sons Drug Co. - CERTAIN RESUTS Our a Widiibtra CltUaa Kaiwi Haw Sara Tbtf Art. Nothing uncertain about the work of Doan's Kidney Pills In Wadesbo-' ro. There is plenty of positive proof of this in the testimony of citizens. Such evidence should convince the most skeptical doubter. Read the following statement: Mrs. A B. Tarlton, of Wadesboro, N. C, says: "I am so welt pleased with the ben efit I received jroin the use of Doan's Kid ney Pills that I willi agly give them my endorsement. For a long time I suffered from severe pains in the small of my back, . often accompanied by a soreness across my kidneys. The kidney secretions were un natural and irregular ia passage, causing ine much annoyance. I tried many reme dies, but nothing relieved me until I pro cured Doan's Kidney pills. Since using them I have been steadily improving and seldom have any pain in my back. The kidney secretions also pass more regular ly and I feel better in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Soankintr does not cure children ot bed- Mrs. Long, mother Of the young J wetting. There Is a constitutional cause J woman, rushed Into the room in 2rir' Te oulvr": 001 . . . , , . , . . .. W, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any time to see Ih burglar leap to the mother her successful home treatmeni, ground. - ; with full Instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trou- Don't think that Diles can't h M,l : u'f, " V",UJCue T O f Tv I " - cnua, vae cnauces are 11 can I neipit. 'it's fOX Oc ' LVOn. UrUlStS, I Thousands of obstinate cases have been treatment also cures adults Dd ri- cured by Uoan's Oiatment. 50 centi at pie trouoiea wit a cna? d. "".:;; , . Qj TWfJQS FufjfJ. Go. "The House of Quality." Is better equipped to serve you than at aty previous time in its long and honorable career. Quick Deliveries, Up-To-Date Goods, Anxiety to Please You. We Hope to Merit Your Trade. Mail orders, as well as those given us personally, xx ill receive our most careful attention. If Its Anything in the Way of Furniture V or House Furnishings See Us and Let's Talk It Oyer. It, Pays. GTIJIQS FUQp. G0P THE HOUSE 0F QUALTT Lc ver Stret. Wadesboro, N. C. WADESBORO J. lJr MILL1 CCi. t art sr pa r-'.

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