rino i frtx mm FAS. . llOYI.IX, EDITOR AKD PIT H 1,1 SI IK it ' PUBLISHED MOKDATSAJTO THURSDAYS $1.00 A YE All, DUE IX ADVANCE Volume 27 Y adesboro, N. C, Thursday, October 20, 1910 Number 94 CONVINCING PROOF OF THE VIRTUE OF Lydia EL PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound "a trial ? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these thousands of them they are genuine and honest, too, every Mrs. S. J. Barber says : "I think Lydia E. Unkham'a Vege table Compound is the best medi cine in the Avorld for women. and I feel it my duty to let others know the good it has done for me. Three years ago I had a tumor which the doctor said would have to be remoyed by an operation or I coma not live more than a year, or two, at most. I wrote Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice, and took 14 bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and to day the tumor is gone and X am a perfectly well woman. I hope my testimonial will be of benefit to oth ers." Mrs. S. J. Bakbkr, bcott, y. . Mrs. IS. F. Hayes says : "I was under the doctor's treat ment for a fibroid tumor. I suffered with pain, sore ness, bloating, and could not walk or stand on my ieet any length of time. 1 wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad vice, followed her Idirections and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. To-day I am a well woman, the tumor was expelled and my whole system strengthened. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female troubles to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. E. F. Hates, 1890 Washington St., Boston, Mass. ! W" "IT'' " For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and baa thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She bas guided thousands to health free Address Mrs. 1,'inknam, "Wood to Burn'' The Wadesboro Oil Mill operates a domestic fuel department. Perhaps this seems a curious branch of the oil business, but it is easily explained. It takes , - steam to run a mill, and it takes fuel to make steam. All during the summer, when farmers have an idle day k or two, they bring loads of pine wood to the mill and ' go away with spending money. Long strings of this wood are now stretched over all available space at the "mill.- This Wood Is Dry. Every day Mr. Rogers goes out and selects a nice, straight, clean lot of this wood and marks it for slaughter. This select lot of wood is sawed up into stove lengths by a wood saw, and split into nice fine sticks just right. This Is the Right Wood to Buy All the ugly, crooked, sappy, dirty green sticks are shoved into the big furnaces to make steam for the oil mill. That furnace does not know the difference. Other wood dealers have to sell all kinds, good and bad. Discriminating Customers get the very finest wood every time. COAL TOO Coal, the same way; good clean lumps for cus tomers, dirly dust for steam boiler. WOOD and COAL, any quantity, any time. I'JJIDESBOQO OIL PILL. Telephone No. 63. They Are Here They Are Beauties That cat of horses and mules that I purchased in St. Louis has arrived, and every one who has seen they says they are the handsomest animals ever brought to Wadesboro. Both the horse an the mules were selected with the greatest care. If you need a driving horse, a mule for the farm, or either a mule or a horse for" any purpose, I believe I can please you. I will take pleasure in showing you what I have. M.W. ---I f one of them. George May says : No one knows what I have suf fered from fe male troubles, neuralgia pains, and backache. My doctor said '.e could not give me anything to ure it. Through the advice of a friend I began to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and tlje pain soon disappeared. 1 continued its use and am now in perfect health. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com pound has been a God-send to me a3 I believe I should have been in my grave if it had not been for Mrs. Pinkham's advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. George Mat, 86 4th Ave., Paterson, N.J. Mrs. W. K. Housh says : "I have been completely cured of a severe fe male trouble by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and want to recom mend it to all suf fering women." Mrs. W. K. Housh, 7 East view Ave., Cin cinnati, Ohio. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer with out giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, ulceration, dis placements, fibroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache.etc of charge. Ajynn, Mass. I Mrs. i r r?l i UM AY : BRYANT ; . y ... By REX BEACH COPYRIGHT. 1000. at s ..- A week of hard travel found tee party camped in the last fringe of 'cottonwood that fronted the glacial elopes, their number augmented now by a native from a Russian tillage with an unpronounceable name, whov at the price of an extortionate bribe. had agreed to pilot them through. For three days they lay Idle, the taut walli of their tent thrumming to an luces sant fusillade of Ice particles that whirled down ahead of the blast, while Emerson famed to be gone. The fourth morn ins broke still and crater, but after a careful scrutiny of the peaks the Indian shook his head and spoke to Bait, who nodded ia agreement. What s the matter?" growled Em erson. "Why don't we get under way V But the other replied: "Not today. Them tips are smok ing, seel" He indicated certain gauzy streamers that floated like vapor from the highest pinnacles. "That's snow. dry snow, and it shows that the wini is blowing up there. We dassent tackW it" : - "Do you mean we must lie here walfe lug for an absolutely calm day 2" "Exactly "Why, it may be a week!" "It may be two of them; then, agali,. it may be all right tomorrow." Nonsense! That breeze won't hurt anybody." Breezel" Bait laughed. "It's more like a tornado up yonder. No: we've Just got to take It easy till the right moment comes and then make a dash. Ifs thirty miles to the nearest stick of timber, and once yon get Into the pass you can't stop till you're through" The next dawn showed the mountain peaks limned like clean cut ivory against the steel blue sky, and as they crept up through the defiles the air was so motionless that the smoke of their pipes hung about their beads, while the creak of their soles upon the dry surface of the snow roused echoes from the walls on either sid& At first their progress was rapid, but In time the drifts grew deeper ahd they came to bluffs where they were forced to notch footholds, unpack their load and relay it to the top, then free the dogs and haul the sled up with a rope hand over hand. It was early in the afternoon when the Indian stopped and began test ing the air. Feels like wind," said Bait, with a shake of his head. The native began to chatter excitedly, and as tbey stood there a chill draft fanned their cheeks. Little wisps of snow vapor began to dance upon the ridges, whisk ing out of sight as suddenly fcs they appeared. They became conscious of a sudden fall in the temperature aid they knew that the cold of Interstellar space dwelt in that ghostly breath which smote them. Before they were well aware of the ominous slgaifl cance of these signs the storm was upon them, sweeping through the chute wherein they stood with rapidly Increasing violence. The terrible un seen hand of the frozen north had uh leashed its brood of furies, and the air rang with their hideous cries. There was no question of facing the wind, for It was more cruel than the fierce breath of an open furnace sear ing the flesh like a flame. All the morning the air bad hung In perfect poise, but some change of temperature away out over one of the rival oceans had upset the aerostatic balance, and the wind tore through this gap like the torrent below a few ken reservoir. Bait came close to Emerson and bel lowed into his ear: 'What shall we do? Boll up in ths bedding or run for it?" "How far Is it to timber?" "Twelve or fifteen miles." "Let's run for It! We're out of grub, anyhow, and this may last tor days." ' ,- There was no use of trying to secure additional clothing from the supply In the sled, so they abandoned their out fit and allowed themselves to be driven ahead of the storm, trusting to th native's sense of direction and keepin fltaA fntratriait Pftf Artvn isrA alrlaoilir well drifted over and refused to stir. Once they had gone a stone's throw from the sled there was no turning back, and, although the wind was be hind them, progress was difficult, cor they came upon chasms which they jhad to avoid; they crossed slippery slopes where the storm had. bared Jtbe The Famous Is the Lamp of Real Beauty because it gives the best light of all lamps. The Rayo gives a white, soft, mellow, ..diffused light easy on the eye because it cannot flicker.. You can use your eyes as long fes you wish under the Rayo light without strain. The Rayo Lamp Is low-priced, and even though you pay $5, $10 or $20 for other lamps, you may get mote expensive decorations but you cannot et a better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. A strong, durable shade-holder holds the shade on firm and true. This season's new burner adds strength ana appearance. Ones IUyo User, Always One. &Clarhiluttrtttftcyotkt YJ Standard Oil Horde I Author of "The Spoilers" and "The Barrier" HARPER tV BROTHERS hardT crusf "and- whfctT their" feet re fused to grip. In -such places they had to creep on hands and knees, call ing to one another for guidance. They were numbed, blinded, choked by the irage of the blizzard; their faces grew stiff and their lungs froze. At times they fell and were skidded along ahead of the blasts. This forced them ito crawl back again, for they dared Inot lose their course. Much has been written concerning the red man's physical powers of en durance, but as a rule no Indian is the equal of his white brother, due as much perhaps to lack of mental force as to generations of insufficient cloth ing and inanition, so it was not sur prising that as the long afternoon flragged to a close the Aleut guide be gan to weaken. Darkness found them staggering on. inpportlng him wherever possible. At length he became unable to guide them farther, and Bait, who had once made the trip, took his place, while the oth ers dragged the poor creature along at the cost of their precious strength. """ ' They had long since lost all track of toe and place, trusting blindly to a downward coarse. The hurricane still harried them with unabated fury. when all at once they came to another bluff where the ground fell away abruptly. Without waiting to Investi gate whether the slope terminated in a drift or a precipace. they flung them selves over. Down they floundered, the two half sensible men tangled to gether as If In a race for total oblivion, only to plunge through a thicket of willow tops that whipped and stung them. On they went, now vastly heart ened, over another ridge, down an other declivity, and then into a grove of spruce timber, where the air sud denly stilled, and only the treetops told of the rushing wind above. It was well nigh an hour before Bait and Emerson succeeded in starting a Are, for it was desperate work groping for dry branches, and they themselves were on the verge of collapse before the timid blaze finally showed the two more unfortunate ones huddled to gether. Cherry had given Emerson a flask of liquor before starting, and this he now divided between Fraser and the guide, having wisely refused it to them until shelter was secured. Then he melted snow In Balfs tin cup and poured pints of hot water into the pair Until the adventurer began to rally, but the Aleut was too far gone, and an hour before the laggard dawn came he died. The day was well spent when they struggled into Katmai and plodded up to a half rotted log store. A globular quarter breed Russian trader took them in and administered to their most cry ing needs. v As soon as Emerson was able to talk he inquired concerning the mall boat "She called here three days ago. bound west," said the trader. That's all right She'll be back in about a week, eh? "She won't stop coming back." "What!" Emerson felt himself sick ening. "No; she won't call here till next month, and then if It's storming she'll go on to the westward and land on her way back." "How long will that be?" "Maybe seven or eight weeks." In his weakened condition the young man groped for the counter to support himself. So the storm's delay at the foot of the pass had undone him! Fate, in the guise of wiuter, had un furled those floating suow banners from the mountain peaks to thwart him once more! Out of consideration for hi compan ions Emerson did not acquaint them with the evil tidings until the next morning; moreover, he was swallowed up in black despair and bad no heart left in him for any further exertion He had .allowed the Russian to show him to a bed, upon which be flung him self, half dressed, while the others fol lowed suit Emerson fell" Into a deep sleep, and It was late In the day when be awoke, every muscle aching, every Joint stiff. every step attended with pain. He found his companions up and already breakfasted, Big George none the worse for his ordeal, while Fraser, bandaged and smarting, was his old shrewd self. "Havevou , heard about the mall , 1 Company W 7A 1 t. lill w Wwm WMMhi J mC-W, Butler's Employer Must Wait A Little Longer. boaty asiTeH Emerson. "No.7 "We've missed her." "What d'you mean?" demanded Big George1, blankly. MI mean that that storm delayed us just long enough to ruin us." "Why er let's wait till the next trip," offered the fisherman. - Emerson shook his head. "She may not be back here for eight weeks. No! We're done for." Bait was like a big boy in distress. His face wrinkled as if be were about to burst Into loud lamentations. Then a thought seized him. "Where in blazes is this steamer?" he cried. "Out to the westward somewhere." "Well, she's a mail boat, ain't she? Then why don't she stop here coming back? Answer me." The rotund man shrugged bis fat shoulders. "She's got to call at Uyak bay going east" Emerson looked no quickly. "Where Is Uyak by?" iW . "Over on Kadiak island "When is the boat due at . Uyak?" Emerson asked. "Most any time Inside of a week." "How far is that from here?" "It ain't so- far only about fifty miles." Then, catching the light that 'flamed Into the miner's eyes, Petellln hastened to observe.: "But you can't get there. It's across the straits Shel- ikof straits." "What of that! We can hire a sail boat and" "I ain't got any sailboat. I lost my sloop last year hunting sea otter." 'We can hire a small boat of some sort, can't we. and get the natives to put us across? There must be plenty of boats here." "Nothing but skin boats, kyaks and bldarkas, you know. Anyhow, you couldn't cross at this time of year- it's too stormy. These straits is the worst piece of water on the coast. No; you'll have to wait." Emerson stared hopelessly at the fire. The disheartened man started at this juncture as if a sudden thought Im pelled him and followed Bait out Into the cold. He turned down the bank to the creek, however, and made a care ful examination of all the canoes that went with the village. Fifteen min utes later he bad searched out the dis gruntled fisherman and cried excited ly: "I've got it! We'll catch that boat yet!" "How?" growled the big man sourly. "There's a large open skin boat, an oomiak. down on the beach. We'll hire a crew 01 Indians to put us across to Uyak." "Can't be done." said Big George. still gruffly. "It's the wrong season. You know the Shellkof straits is a bad place even for steamships at this time of year. They're like that pass up yonder, only wrse." "But It's only fifty miles across." "Fifty miles of that kind of water in an open canoe may be just as bad as 500 unless you're lucky. And 1 ain't noticed anything so darned lucky about us." "It's our only chance. Are you game?" "Come on." cried Big George: "let's find Petellln r That worthy uttered a 6hrlek of de nial. "In summer, yes. butaiow you can't do it. It bas been tried too often. The straits Is always rough, and the weather Is too cold to sit all day in an oomiak; you'd freeze." "We'll chance It" "No, no, no! If it comes on to storm you'll go to sea. The tides 1 are strong; you cant see your course -and" "We'll use a compass. Now, you get me enough men to handle that oomiak; thafs a good fellow. I'll attend to the rest" "But they won't go," declared the little fat man. "They know what it means. Why" "Call them In. TU do the talking. And accordingly the storekeeper went in search of the village chief, shaking his head and muttering at the mad ness of these people. But It all proved useless. The na tives would not risk It Desperate, the three men fitted up a boat themselves and resolved to make the attempt (To Be Continued.) for Mora Tbaat Thraa Daoadaa. Foley's Honey and Tar bas been a house hold favorite for coughs, colds, and ail ments of the throat, chest and lnngs. Con talus no opiates. Pee Dee Pharmacy, Par T WANT 7o To COLLECT Cat' Tall Its Bil.nct Pole. Apparently none of life's problems is to escape solution. A British scientist baa just determined why it is that a cat always falls on its feet. To this end he constructed a model, consisting of a cardboard cylinder wherein were stuck four rods to serve aa leg9, together with a tail devised on similar principle?. He then pro ceeded to demonstrate that a feline's peculiar faculty for landing on its feet depends on the rotation of Us tail with sufficient vigor during the pluuge. This faculty, so the discoverer ar gues, is especially developed by climb ing and leaping animals, such as members of the cat tribe, monkeys, squirrels and most lemurs. Accord ing to this inve tigator,a!l tree-inbab iitng monkeys have long tails, and there ii not the slightest doubt these caudal appendages are of great aid in enabling them to turn in the air. The tail also serves ai a balancer, as evidenced in the case of the squirrel, which may he seen walking along a tightly fetreUhed wire or &tring, wingiug its tail from side to side, much after the manner of a tightrope walker balancing himself with a pole. SPECIAL NOTICE. Of Importance to the Pcopla of Welti, boro. Parsons Drug Co., desires to an nounce to the readers of the Messenger and Intelligencer that they have been able to secure the agency for Parisian Sage, the marvelous dandruff cure and delightful hair dressing. Parsons Drug Co., is glad to stat' that Parisian Sage is a rigidly guar antied bair icvigorator. It cures dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff iiiicrnbe.-; it sUij it- falling hair, itching scalp and e lu ting hair or money back. It is a most pleasant bair dressing, especially for ladies, as it causes the hair 16 grow in thickly and makes it luxuriant and lustrous. The price is only 50 cents a large bottle at Par-ous Drug Co. Lame back is one of tbe most common forms of muscular rheumatism. A fw ap plications of Chamberlain's Liniment wtil give relief. For sale by all druggists. F.aktly Rtmtditd. Maid I'm sorry, uia'am, but there ain't no bread in the house. Bride Well, Mary, make some toast Judge. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, labo rers, rely on Dr. mom as jcciectric Oil. lakes the sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at once. .Pain cannot stay where It Is used. $1000 MI wouldn't take a thousand dollars for the good VINOL has done me. I was told that Cod Liver Oil was the medicine I needed for my weakened condition and poor blood. I could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told me that VINOL contained not only tonic iron but all the medicinal prop erties of Cod Liver Oil without the grease or oil or bad taste, I made up my mind that was the medicine lor me. I tried it and to-day am strong and well." Mrs. J. T. Snyder, Greensboro, N. C Wo guarantee tha gennlaeneaa of Uto above testimonial. We sell VINOL with the understanding that if it does not give the purchaser per fect satisfaction, we return his money without question. Will you try a bottle un der these conditions? ''JFtiMY7 UJl cCTV'y ) C-'RP7 'WS. Fox & Lyon, Wadesboro, N. C. Druggists wCAGe YOJ MY OLDHW V MAKE THIS TEST. How ta Tell If Yonr Hair la Dlacaactf. EveD If you have a' luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whether it is in a healthy condition or not. ysji of the people need a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head; if thi bulb at the end of the root is whit and sbruukeu, it proves that th hair is diseased, and r; quires prninpi treatment if its loss would lie avoid ed. If. the bulb is pink and full, tht bair is healthy. We want every oue whose haii requires treatment to try li-xall 'lUl" Hair Tonic. We promise that it sh ill not cost anything if .it do?s not give satisfactory results. It i designed to overcome dandruff, re lieve scalp irritation, to stimuliti the hair roots, tighten thw4iir. at ready in the head, grow hair and cure baldness. - - -; , It is became of what JleSall "93" tlair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in its godness. .-that' We want you to try it at our riskT? Two sizs, 50c. and fl.Otfc Si li only at mi store The Rexall sons Drug Co. 1 Store. The Par Good results always follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They contain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strength n and regulate the kidneys and bladder, and to cure backache. Pee Dee Pharmacy Parsons Drug Co. FREE TO YOU HY SISTER Wish to continue, it will cost yon only about 12 cents a week or leas than two cents a day. It will not interfere with yonr work or occupation. Jtitt Mai bm year uaa aei aairtta, tell me how you suffer if you wish, and I will send you the treatment for yourca-w. entirely free, in plain wrap per, by return mail. I will also send you traatf cast, my bonk "WOMM S Itl SEBIUi. Umw with explanatory illustrations showing whr women suffer, and how ther can easily cure themselrea at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to tkiak tar karsett. Then when the doctor sayaw "You must have an operation." you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. It cures-all aM sr faa(, Ta Markers at aafktart, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhoea, Oreen 8lcknt aad Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladies, Plumpness and health always results from Its use. Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly te" amy sufferer that this Hao Trttlaaat reallv carts all worn en's diseases, and makes women weU, strong;, plump and robust, Jatt saaa oa run aeartss, the book. Write to-day, aa you may not sou MRS. M. SUMMERS, BoxH We Guarantee O TJ 11 EEorses and Mules to be just as we represent them. We Received Another Carload last Friday, and their quality has been highly praised by every one who has seen them. We consider them The Best Ever Brought Here If you need a good horse or mule now is the time to buy it. It can probably be bought more cheaply -now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time. We sell as low as it is possible to sell. WADESB' OLIVE STOCK CO. T: S. CLARK, Manager. SUMMERS BUGGIES "i: by people, who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the Summers wears the longest aad looks the best. CENTINARIAN DEAD. Washington, Ovt. 17. Porn nine days after the signing of the Declara-. lion of Independence, Ann Walser.a negresa, better known as "Grandma" Walktr, died at her home, 305 Ninth street ut-rtheasf, yesterday nioraioj at the age of 121 years. She saw George Washington as President of the United SUtes, being 12 years old at that time. She first came to Wusliiugton in 1SS0. Born in Fredericksburg, Va., she S was for many jears a r-lave in the family of Mr. George Coder, near iherr. "Grandma" leaves 4-1 great-grand children and a daughter living in Mississippi, aged 93 years. You are not experiment ing on yourself when you take Chamberlain's Cough Rem eJy tor a cold as thai preparation has won its gre at reputation aud tx ten jive sale b its remarkable cures of colds, and can al- vays be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adults and children, and may lie given to young childrt n uilh implicit outidi-koo, as it contains no baneful drug:. riold by all druggists. M Llka illiu. Little Willie was detected by his teacher ia the act of stealing from one of his play mates. Instead of inflicting pnni-dinient, siie concluded to try a moral lecture. 'Bear in mind, Willie, that these tempta tions can be resisted if you turn a deal ear to them." Willie's lips trembled 'as he replied: But, teacher, I ain't got a deaf ear.' Metropolitan Magazine. rapt. Bogardaa Again Hit tha Ball's Krc. This world-famous rifle shot, who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots, is liviug at Lincoln, 111. Recently interviewed, he says: "I suffered a long time with kidney and blad der trouble and used several well known kidney medicines, ad of which gave me no relief until T started taking Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley Kidney Pills I nad severe backaches and pains in my kid neys with suppression and a cloudy, void ing. On arisinp in the morning 1 would et dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and feel two per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my old self." Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons l"rug Co. The tictcwajr Fellows. "What is this 'wanderlust' you read of Mt often as compelling people to leave homo?" 'I don't know," replied Mr. Cumrox, 'bnt, judg-ng Trom my observation of people who have it, 'wanderlust' is Ger man for 'creditors.' "Washington Star. Bilious? Feel heavy afterdinner .' Tongue coated ' Bitter taste? Complexion sallow? Liver needs waking up. Doan's Regulets ui-e biiiotis attacks. 25 cents at any drug store. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT: 200 machines of standard make ready for prompt shipment. We will allow two months rent to apply on purchase. J. E Craytox & Co., Charlotte, X. C" Free to You and Every Sister Sui ering from Woman's Ailments. I am a woman. 1 know woman's ralfarlngs. 1 have tuond the cure. I will mall, free ot any charge, my UaM I iwiia iuii uiMirucuom to any sufferer from "woman's oilmen fci. I want to tell ta women aboat this cure-fa. my reader, for youraelf, your daughter, your mother, or your Slater. I want to tell you how to cure y6ursulrea at home with out the holp of a doctor. Men caaaat understand women's sufferings. What we women know feea txrieica, wo know better than any doctor. I know that my'home treatment is aafe and sure cure for UucorrtMl or Wlntnk (itthirgt, Ufearaitaa. Bi pltcal er fill st tha Weak, Profit, Scaity at PawM Nnods, Uttrtss i StariM Taaaft, er Srsvras; Im eie a. tatf, tack iDa kovils, kttriaf tni fitliaft. rimianii, crtu titliig thi mm. aatiackatr. Satire is try, hat flatktt, vtariatss, kicotr. ana kiasotr traaUsa start castas ty aatattstt aecaliai to our f x. I want to send you a csaahita Its air's traakaest antirl trta to prore to you that you can cure yourself at uoma, easily, quickly and. surely. Remember, that, it aill cast tee aaltit to eiTethe treatment a complete trial : and if von and the free ten day's treatment is yours, aiso this offer again. Address lis oner again. Auaresa - not re Dame, ina., u. s. a. sons Drag Co. ...

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