Kflfrfi'rdflrmi t1tT(tll rf?- 1 ' 1 J JAS. G. BOrLCSr,EDITOE A2n) PUBLISirEB . ' - PUBLISHED MONDATS AIJD TH UBSDATS $1.00 ATEAB, DUEK ADVAXCE Volume 27 .. Wadesboro, N. C., Monday, October .24, 1910 . Number 95 . 3 Two bottles Cured My Rheumatism" " I have been a suf ferer from rheumatism for about two years, and have used many lini ments and patent medi cines which gave me no relief. A lady friend of mine told me she had used your Liniment and . : - - found relief at once. I got two bottles and they cured me. 1 think it is the best Liniment a person can have in the house. I shall always keep a bottle in my house as long as I can get it" Mrs. E. R. Wallace, Morrisons, Va. Another Letter. Mrs. James McGraw, of 1216 Mandeville St., New Orleans, La., writes : I take., pleasure in writing to you that I had a pain in my arm for five yearq, and I used ". EM TTTT INlilM. for one week and was completely cured. I recommend your Liniment verv highly." ;,' . . : - , . . .. - . . . ' Sloan's Liniment instantly relieves stiffness of the Joints, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Sprains. Neuralgia. ciatica and Lumbago. Better and cheaper than porous plasters. At All Druggists. Price 25c, 50c. and $1.00 Sloan's Treatise on the Horse sent Free. ' Address DR. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. ,jfarcp.i.i. The Wadesboro Oil Mill operates a domestic fuel department. Perhaps this seems a curious branch of the oil business, but it is easily explained. It takes steam to rin a mill, and it takes fuel to make steam. All during the summer, when farmers have an idle day or two, they bring loads of pine wood to the mill and go away with spending money. Long strings of this wood are now stretched over all available space at the mill. : :':.-'.,;: This Wood Is Dry. ' Every day Mr. Rogers goes out and selects a nice, straight clean lot of this wood and -marks .it for slaughter. This select lot of wood is sawed up into stove lengths by a wood saw, ana split .into nice nne sticks just right. This Is the Right Wood to Buy All the ugly, crooked, sappy, dirty green sticks are shoved into the big furnaces to make steam for the oil mill. That furnace does not know the difference. Other wood dealers have to sell all kinds, good and bad. . ' Discriminating Customers get the very finest wood every time. - COAL TOO Coal, the same wiy; good clean lamps for cus tomers, dirty dust for steam boiler. ; , . WOOD and COAL, any quantity,' any time. VWESBOHO M Telephone No. 63. iney Are TheyAfeB Mere eauties .r That car of horses and mules that I purchased in St. Louis has arrived, and every one who has seen they says they are the handsomest animals ever brought to Wadesboro. Both the horse an the mules were selected with the greatest care. If you a driving horse, a mule for the farm, or either a mule or a horse for any purpose, I believe I can please you I will take pleasure in showing you what I . have.;;: ';:;;:; - : ' M. W. BRYANT - iSilver .Horde. By REX BEACH COPYRIGHT. 1600. BY Author of "The Spoilers' and "The Barrier" 4 a 4 - HARPER t BROTHERS CHAPTER V. LL three knew the desperate chance they were taking, and they spoke little as they mde their way out into the straits. Their craft was strange to them, and the positions they were forejd to occupy soon brought on cramped muscles. The bldarka is a frail, narrow rramewotk over which is stretched walrus skin, and it ia bo fashioned that the crew sits, one be hind the other. In circular openings with legs straight out In front. - Gradually, imperceptibly, the moun tain shores behind them shrank down upon the gray horizon. . It seemed that for once the weather fas going to be kind to them, and their spirits rose in consequence. They ate frequently, food being the great fuel of the north, and midday found them well out upon the heaving bosom of the straits with the Kadiak shores plainly visible. Then, as If tired of toying with them, the wind rose. Had it sprung from the north it would have wafted them on their way, but It drew in from tha Pacific, straight into their teeth, forc ing them to redouble their exertions. In the hope that it would die dowa. with the darkness the boatmen held on their course, and night closed over them still paddling silently. It was nearly noon of the following day when the watchman at the TJyaic cannery beheld a native canoe creep ing slowly up the bay and was aston ished to find it manned by three white men in the last stages of exhaustioa. One of them. In fact, was unconscious and had to be carried to the housft He did marvel, however, that another ! THEY COULD NOT WALK, BUT CREPT. today is the 22d. She'll pull out for Ju !neau on the morning of the 20th; that's three days." j "We must catch her, cried Emer 'son quickly. "If you'll land us in Ka diak on time I'll pay you anything you ask." "I'd like to, but I can't," the man re fplied. "You see, I'm here all alone. Except for Johnson. He's the watch man for the other plant." ' fnurnnn turned his eyes upon the haggard man who sprawled weakly in a chair. And Fraser, noting the ap- of the travelers should begin to cry peaL answered gamely with a forced weakly when told that the mall boat ; smile on his lips, though they were had sailed for Kadiak the previous ' drawn and bloodless: evening. ' "Sure! I'll be ready to leave In the "Too bad yon .didn't get In last ' morning, pal!" night," said the caretaker sympathetic The old Russian village of Kadiak cally. "She won't be back now for a i lies on the opposite side of the island month or more." ? from the canneries, a bleak, wind "How long will she lie la Kadiak? t swept relic of the country's first occu Blg George asked. patlon, and. although peopled largely "The' captain told me ha was going by natives and breeds, there is also to spend Christmas there. Let's see a considerable white .- population, to j whom Christmas is a season of thanks giving and celebration, and It caused I much comment when late on Christ- - mas afternoon an ice burdened canoe. . bearing three strange white men, land - ed on the beach beside the dock or f were they white men. after all? Their 'faces were so blackened and split from t the frost tkey seemed to be raw bleed- ' lng masks, and their hands were crack ed and stiff beneath their mittens. They were hollow eyed and gaunt, their f P..:,.ro Al rv,PQ Kf Qmmra h cheeks sunken away as If from a wast vi uuui.uia. ou -J in.mn n,l tw rniilrt not walk. Ivy Poisoning, Relief Ofjrthich by tbut crept across the snow covered - , , 1 ,S 1 V. ,, t pningie on nanus duu hucts, iucu. I reaching the street, hobbled painfully, j while their limbs gave way as If paral I yzed. A week later Boyd and George were NOTICED BALD SPOT ON HEAD Interesting Story of Consultation with Dermatologist and Successful Use Cuticura was Permanent. DAVID B. HILL IS DEAD. " Nine years ago I noticed a bald spot coming on my head and, as I was only nineteen years old, it did no seem natural, as it was on the side of my head instead of on top. My mother advised my seeing a dermatologist and I did so, one of the best in Boston, and he said it was due to a germ I must nave got at the barber's. He couldn't assure a cure, but by treating each hair separately by electricity, he said, the. hair might come out white or gray, if it came out at all. He proposed giving me a treatment every month for six. months at ten dollars a treatment; using Cuticura and this I did, using, i ciotnes, en . watching the lights of Port Townsend blink out in the gloom astern. A quick change -of boats at Juneau had raised their spirits, enabling them to com plete the second stage of their Journey in less than the expected time. "I suppose a feller has got to dress pretty swell back there In Chicago," George ventured. "Full dress suits of id a In two months my hair commenced to' grow, and in six months ' one would never have known there had been any trouble, the hair coming out being black, the exact shade of my own. I havet never had any trouble since, and feel I can't say half enough for Cuticura.. " Another member of our family was terribly poisoned by poison ivy and every summer for six years the blisters came, bursting and causing great suffer- We tnea everything recommended - J ing. Dv tne nest good result. Finally we tried Cuticura and obtained relief in a very short tint Which was permanent. She has never invaluable to us. you see. G. J. Browne. 1 Remington St., Dorchester, Mass., Jan had any trouble since, so Cuticura- ia 29, 1910." This letter is but one of hundreds giv ing proof of the success of the Cuticuia Remedies in treating the skin and scalp, f otter Drug AChem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston- Silver of Quality Rely on your o judgment to pattern, but re member durability is the most impor tant feature. jj7XU Yes.' "Did you ever wear one?' "Certainly." "Well, I'll be" The fisherman checked himself and gazed at his com panion as if he saw him suddenly In a" new light. "Right along?" he ques tioned incredulously. "Why, yes; pretty steadily." "All day at a time?" Boyd laughed. "I haven't worn one In the daytime since I left college. They are used only at night." "A feller told me a funny thing once," went on George. "He said them rich men back east had women come around and clean their finger nails and shine 'em up. . Is that right?" "Quite right!". "Well, I don't suppose you ever had 'em-shine your finger nails, did you?" "Yes." " The big man opened his mouth to speak, then, evidently changing hU mind, ebserved, "Seems to me I'd bet ter stay here on the coast and wait for you." "No, indeed!" the other answered quickly.. "I will need you In raising that money. You know the practical side pf the fishing business, and 1 1: Lon Finally the steamer docked, and the three men put up at a hotel. You better train me np to wearing a dress suit beiore we get east. George warned, "or I'll make your swell friends sore and spoil the deaL could wear It on the cars and get easy In it." "My dear fellow. It takes more than a week to get easy in a areas suit," Boyd smiled, amused at his earnest ness, for the big fellow was merely a boy out on a wonderful vacation. "Well, if there Is a down east mani cure woman In Seattle show her to me, and I'll practice on her," be Insisted. "She can halter break me at least." It was the labor of several, hours to fit Big George's bulky frame, and when the two returned to the hotel Emer son found the representative of an aft ernoon, newspaper anxiously awaiting hlnr at the desk. "Mr. Athens sent me down to get a tory." "Athens Billy Athens!" "Yes. He is the editor. I believe you two were college mates. He want ed to know If you are the Boyd Emer son of the Michigan football team." Well, well." Boyd mused. "Billy Athens was a good tackle." "He thought you might have some thing Interesting to tell about Alaska. Your partner"" kas been felling me all about you and your trip and your great success." ' "My partner?" "Yes. Mr. Frobisher volunteered an Interview in your name." "Frobisher!" said Emerson. "Sure. That's him over yonder." The reporter Indicated "Fingerless" Fraser, who, having watched the interview from a distance, now solemnly closed one eye and stuck his tongue into his cheek. "Oh, yes, yes Frobisher!" Boyd stammered. "Certainly ?' "He la a character, Isn't he? He told me bow you rescued that girl when Bhe broke through the Ice at Kalvik." "He did?" "Quite a romance, Isn't It? It's a good newspaper story, and I'll play it up.- He Is going to let me In on that hydraulic proposition of yours too. Of course I haven't much money, but it sounds great, and" "How far along did you get with J-our negotiations about this hydraulic proposition?" Boyd asked curiously. "Just far enough so I'm all on edge for it, I'll make up a little pool among the boys at the office and have the money down here before you leave tonight." "I am sorry, but Mr. Frobisher and I will have to talk It over first." said Emerson grimly. "I think we wUl keep that 'hydraulic proposition In the family, so to speak." . "TheftLrou won't let me ln?',v.- (V , "Not just at present," - "I'm sorry.- I should like to take a chance with somebody who Is really successful at mining. When a reiiow drones along on a salary month after month it makes him envious to see you Klondikers hit town with satchels jfull of coin. Perhaps you will give me a chance later on?" ' "Perhaps," acceded Boyd, but when the young man bad gone he strode quickly over to Fraser. "Look here, Mr. 'Frobisher,'" he said In a low tone, "what do you mean by mixing me up In your petty larceny frauds?" Fraser grinned. "'Frobisher' Is hot monaker, ain't It? It sounds like the monev. I ueueve l u suck to - ro- blsher.'" I spiked your miserable little scheme, and if you try anything more like that I'll have to cut you out alto gether, "Pshaw P said the adventurer mild ly. "Did you say that hydraulic mine was no good? Too bad! That re porter agreed to take some stock right away Now, see here, Fraser, I want you to leave me out of your machinations absolutely. You've been very decent to me In many ways, but If I hear of anvthlne more like this I shall hand you over to the police." "Don't be a sucker, all your life," ad monished the rogue. "You stick to me and I'll make you a lot of money. I like you" Emerson, now seriously angry, wheeled and left him, realizing that the fellow was morally atrophied. He could not forget, however, that except for this Impossible creature he himself Sag ef Welfares Reeat Finn Away Unexpectedly. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 20. David B. Hill, ex-Uuited States Senator acd former Governor of New York, died suddenly today at Wolfert's Roost, bis country home. Abnut two weeks ago Mr. Hill wai, aeiznd with a liillious attack while at hU Jaw o&ce in ttm city, and although his condition was not con sidered serious at the lima his pbysl eiau advised him to remain at borne for a few days until he recovered. A c ld developed and a few days later alarming reports of his condi tion were circulated. These rt ports, however, were denied by ftiecd-; in fact, the Senator appeared to be nn the road t recovery until last nignt, when he suffered a 3inkin spell. David B. Hill has been described as "(he man without human weak- ne-.i" and as "the told chisel politi cian, through whose veiu9 runs ice- water instead of blood." Probably both desc'ipticus were exaggerated, bill, iu the uj&iu, they we re accurate. He had no rt creations; work wa bis lifetbeme, and there were no varia tions. He had no irregular habits, cared nothiue for accumulation wealth, cultivated no friendships, was never kuown, after be reached man's estate, to love. He never married two reasons for which have been advanced: Wheu be .was a you tig man his favorite sis ter died, and it was lfibg before his health n c ivered from the shock. Il is also said that he had a romance as a youth, but that the gril's death soured him against women and life. He wes ul aya courteous and at home in the society of women, but he never sought them. Yet he could love, for when his mother lay on ber deathbed be drove daily !rocn bis law office in Llmira, 18 miles, to the little cr ttaee in Haven t, that be might pend each night at her bedside. With men he was austere and dis tant, save where interest made closer relations necessary and as soon es the business was over be retired into his sht II again. Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some der&afeoient or dls ease of the orfans distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cored very day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected and i? at the same time a general restora tive tonic for the whole system. It cures ienale complaint right in the privacy ol home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations auJ local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abliorrent to every modest woman. We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms end means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revived and up-to-date Edition, sent fret on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to cover cost of mailing ly; or, us cloth binding for 31 stamps. Address fir. P. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. a 2 FORAGED PEOPLE ROGERS BR0S.,S is the name stamped oa the back of spoons, forks and fancy serving pieces iu silver plate of proven quality "Silver Piatt that Wears" Wide lat itude for choice is oilered iu the many exquisite designs. Sold by leading' dealers everywhere. Send tar Catalogue Xhl" sliOTTing all designs. MarU IrOsnftii Cs. 4 iDWroauooal Silver Co., Saccsuoru ) WrnUa, team. IC'iESTER S PILLS '1 lie ltlAMOND HKAKo. l lifaia Iie4 auJ CulJ metaiucx eie4 ub fciua IUUoa. 'I ukM D. ul hot- Huw f I ru ' -i . A.l fotl : l- ir. ..TlriJ ad a ... u l nUlku Cli.La, fc o4 uus a as !c.I, batast, Al wmyfc Jtatial H efobe ordering MAGAZINES get j) -our big clubbing catalogue and U so cial offers and save MONEY. , . MOD I'llFUM a-USSCHaPTlOar AGENCY, P...t( td wllCaa. Halclgb, H. C. 0. Ui- Papers Car Sale The M.&.I.' ASHCRAFTS Condition Powders For Horses and Mules only- "Ask for the Kind Put Up in Doses' King off Externals Is the Original in the field of external rem edies for all forms of inflammation such as pneumonia, croup and colds. . Nothing can approach Gowans. It stands supreme. 9 We' bare been Belling Gow&na Preparation tor Pneumonia and Colds ever since it wns put on the market, and have found it 000 of our most Battefuctorv sellers. w CARPEXTER BROS., JVholesale and Retail Druggists, GreenvWe, S. C., July if. litlO MYJQ-OAYlliiYE IT THE KCLIE AII DrassUta.l $1. SO. 2 5 a." i' COWAN MEDICAL CO..' DURHAM. H. C. 8mrtnlMd. 14 swnat itfualii fcr faur InrtUt Old Folks Should ba Carafol la Their Belccilota a Jta(alattvs Hadictn. We have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that la par ticularly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persona of weak constitutions who suffer from con stipation or other bowel disorders. We are eo certain that il will relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfaction ia every particular that we offer it with our personal guaran tee that it shall cot the user nothing 1 if it fails to substantiate our claims. This remedy is called Hexall Order lies. K-xall Orderlies have a soothiug, I healing, strengthening, ionic and regulative action - upon the bowels. They remove all irritation, dryness, soreness and weakness. They re store the bowels and associate or gans to more vigorous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time with out inconvenience, do not cause any griping, nausea, diarrhoea, excess ive looseness, flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c. and 10c. Sold only at our store The lex a 11 Store. The Parsons Drag Co. RaarhlBg tba Tap ia any calling of life demands a rigorous 1 body and a keen brain. Without health there is no success. But Electric Bitters is the greatest Health Builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels; puri fies and enriches the blood, tones and in vigorates the whole system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. "After months of suffering from Kidney Trouble," writes W. M. Sher man, of -Cusbing, Me., -"three bottles of Gloctric Bitters made me feel like a new man." taJc at faraons Urug to. . "MB. ATHXNS BZNT MB DOWN TO GET A BTOBY. would be lying at Petellin'a Btore at Katmafi with no faintest hope of cotu- pletjnglils mission, wherefore-lie did hi? bestlo swallow his Jndlgnation (To Be C Hxinii!.) Kills a Blairdercr. A merciless murderer is Appendieili: with many victims. . But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, pre venting that clogging that invites appen dicitis, curing Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Chills, 25c at Parsons Drug Co alaWWW& Relieves sour stomach, iTaJrsUatioonf tietart- Digests r FOOD FOR A YEAR Meat .3001 Milk 240 qts. Butter 100 tx. Eggs 27 doa. Vegetables 5001m. This represents a fair ra tion for a man for a year. But some people eat and eat and grow thinner. This means a defective digestion and unsuitable food. A large size bottle of Scott's Emulsion equals in nourishing proper ties ten pounds of meat. Your" physician, can tell you how it does it. JOB BALK BY ALL DEUOQISiii Ansonville Real Estate Company offers a large number of lots l.t sale at reasonable prices and terms to suit every one. See Ansonville First if you are looking for a pleasant, healthy place to live, a factory site of any kind, or a business lot. A. H. Richardson Sccrctary and TreaiHiLr i The Place to Buy Where You Can Get What You Want When You Want It My Rutherford street store is that place. If . you ,want nice, fresh groceries I have them. If you want a good, honest pair of shoes you can get them from In fact, if you want anything kept in a general me. store I will treat you right and try to save you money. Don't forget the place Rutherford street, first door north of W. N. Jeans' store. J. E. C. Hill. We Rid You of All the Cares in Making Funeral Arrangements New Goo!?, New Hearse, New Equipment We are prepared at all times to meet every requirement demamled of the undertaking profession. Embalming ami all inHwwary cares iu kwpinfj with the require ments of the State Kuani f Health. A nrUTKTPt! Liofiis 1 EniKilmer I IjrV 1 JtlliN OiJ Funeral Direitcr P II O N K NO. 41. We Guarantee orses our? and Mules to be just as vc represent them. We Received Another Carload last Friday, and their quality has been highly praised by every one who has seen them. We consider them The Best Ever Brought Here If you need a giod horse or mule now is the time to buy it. It can probably be bought more cheaply now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time. Wc sell as low as it is possible to sell. VJADESB OLIVE STOCK CO. T. S. CLARK, Manager. SUMMERS BUGGIES waM& by people who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the Summers wears the longest and looks the best. . . . ROY M. UUNTLEY D. D. S (Office Second Floor of Ntw National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. - - PnONE KO SO. Band 10e.. una of raj-frani ttiSa ai far oar m m-mMM. aa Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen, Tat ronizethe Old. Reliable Tailoring Shop. Prewiug, repairing, cleaiii vg scouring of all articles of rL.tb ing our SPECIAL, STUDY. AllworkBatifiictory an prompt ly done , . Yours to pit -Effie Byrd. At V-yrV, V. t:.r,. r,Cl