6tt t nn JAS. G. BOlim, EDITOR AD PUBLISHER -. . PUBLISHED MONDAYS AXP TlUntSP AYS . . . $1.00 A YEAlf, DUE IX ADVANCi: Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, October 27, 1910 "'. Number 96 ii'imafi on the which can be kept at full or low .it I hour quarts of oil will give a glowing neat tor nine Hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler-cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a bottle, and Is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. . . - An automatic-locking flame spreader prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed In an Instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, will made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle. Dealer Everywhere. If net at yours, write for descriptive circular j i to the nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company i f (Incorporated) ' Now Is Wood Time After a while, ii will rain and the roads will he mean, and there might be some delay in getting what you want delivered when you want it. Why not Order Some Wood Today? You have room enough under the back piazzn to pile a good sized Toad and save it for a rainy day. Then forget it and order a new; load whenever you need wood. Still, you, don't have to do, it that way. Fix it any old way that suits you. Only you will soon find that in any case it will suit you best if you order it from the Wadesboro Oil Mill, Sawed and Split Just Right. Also, you will like their beautifully clean lump coal. The mill burns up the dirty, dusty stuff for steam, and keeps the lumps for you. . Wood or Coal delivered at your door at any time hy the WADESBORO OIL ML. Telephone No. 63. SSSSSSBSSSSS They Are They Are That car of horses and mules that I purchased in St. Louis has arrived, and every one who has seen they says they are the handsomest animals ever brought to Wadesboro. Both the horse an the mules were selected with the greatest care. If you need a driving horse, a mule for the farm, or either a mule or a horse for any purpose, I believe I can please you. I will take pleasure in showing you what T have. . . M. W. BRYANT Cols anfl Gaskets When you want a nice Coffin oi C&skot, at a reasonable price examine the line I carry. I have them from the cheapest to the neat. - , ..- - . . Is always in readiness, and every feature of the undertaking busi ness receives my careful atten tion, whether day or night S.S-Shephera The Undertaker For Sale. we oner ror sale a large quantity of secondhand Bagping and Ties la good cot"iiu!i. ;hz a pattern V, AliilSEOIiO COTTON MILLS CO. ice Hearse side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always . has a lower temperature than the rest of the house. There are times when it is necessary to raise the temperature quickly or to keep the temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest cf the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by other means is to use a SMOKELESS i Absolutely smokeless and odorless heat for a short or longtime. sat - t iere Beauties Sale of Land By virtue of a 1 - - - mil. I U ( 'V J H I -Ourt OI Anson ennntr mn.la v, ti, o ,e ,I'Q ua-v OI October, 191', iu a Special Proceeding, entitled EvaH. Bjr gan and others, ex parte, tu same bt ing for the sale of 1 uersignert commissioners will, on Saturday, ua ui ioveujoor, jyiu, at la o ciock m. at tlie court, baus donr in vvaaesooro, offer for sale to the bifbost bidder for cash the following iWii!! i,t. w land in the town of VVadeabi.ro, or tlio Est side of the Salisbury road and bound CU Its KM UHVS: : Beginning at a stake iotho forks of !h Salisbury and depot roa l andiuusN. 7 I- w. i s.1 cnams to a stake; then ;N. 84 1-4 tt ci cuaita to a stake: thou S. '2 1-2 K .i. cnains to a stake: then S. 65 14 W. t 9 chains to tha bfgiuniue. contaiuinc about 2 acres. There is excepted from the ainive aescripiion tne lots of land hereto fore conveyed by H B. Hammond to Lewis Polk and others. This land is well located lor building purposes and will bo sold iu lota or ae a whole. A plat showing the proposed lots my be seen by prospective purchasers by applying to tbe undersigned commissioners. This sale is made subject to the confirmation of the court This October 24th, 1910. J. A. IXIOKHART, 11 U McLENDON, ' ' ." . ; ' Couuiiissioucrs. - t m 0 153 TTTT Miver M By REX BEACH CO P Y RIGHT. 190 9. ' BY Boyd "Hurried. td"a telegraph ' office and despatched two messages to Chi cago, one addressed to his own tailor, the other to a number on Lake Shore drive. Over the latter he pondered long, tearing up several drafts which did not suit him, finally giving one to the operator with an odd mingling of timidity and defiance. This done, h hastened to one of the leading banks, and two hours later returned to th hotel, jubilant. 'He found Big George in the lobby, staring with fascinated eyes at his finger nails, which were strangely puri fied and glossy. "Look at 'em." the fisherman broke out admiringly. "They're as clean as a hound's tooth. They shine so 1 das sent take hold of anything." "I have made, my deal with the bank." Boyd exulted. "All I need to raise uow is $100,000. The bank will advance the rest. That $100,000 make9 all the difference in the world. The task is easy now. We will make it go sure. These bankers know what that salmon business is. Why, I hud. no trouble at all. They say we can't lose if we "have a good site on the Kalvik river." That evening Boyd and George start ed away, but could not locate Fraser. When the train pulled out a familiar voice greeted them: "Hello, you" and there was Fraser. grinning. "What are yon doing here? ' "Oh, I'm on my way east." "Whereabouts east?" - "Chicago, ain't it? I thought that was what you said." He seated him self and llabted another long cigar. By Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound Black Duck, Minn. "About a yp?ir ago I wrote you that I. was sick and couloiioc do any of icy liouseworK. aiy sickness was ealk-u Retroflexion. When 1 would sit down i felt as if I could not get up. 1 took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound and did just' as you tola uie aim now I am yrfectiy a, and Afive a big baby boy." Mrs. ArrnA Anderson-, Box 19, Jilack Duck, Minn. Consider This Advice. No woman should submit to a surgi cal operation, which may mean deaih, until she has given Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound, made exclusive ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial. This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and invisroratorof the female organism. Women resid ing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female ills, and creates radi ant, buoyant female health. If you are ill, for your own sake as welf aa those you love, give it a trial. Mrs. Piukham, at Lynn, Mass.. invites all sick women to write lier for advice. II er advice is free. ana always helpful. - Leap's Prolific Wheat. The Most Prolific arid Best of Milling Wheats Yields reported from our custom ers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per acre. When grown side ty side with other kinds this splen did beardless wheat yielded from live to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same conditions as other standard wheats. Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat gfiSwera everywhere. - Wrice for price and Wood's Crop Special" which contains new and valuable article, "How to grow big crops of wheat. T. Y. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond Va. We are headquarters for -Farm Seeds, Grass and Clover Seed, Winter Vetches, Dwarf x Rape, Seed Wheat. Oats. Rye. Barley, etc Descriptive Fall Catalog mailed free. rjHICKESTElt ii PILLS 1M1U i. K,4 ud Void B.illicVy toiss. siej with Blue Ribbon. W , Tsks no olker. Itnr of .our V iirit?1'"- Akr'"'lil-Jirkil.TEHa U1AUOMU ItKANU PILL, f,, Hi irean known ts Best, SaKt,Alyi Reli.U SOLD BY DRLCGISTS EVERYWHERE Fire and Life Insurance. I w.'ite Fire n3uranc' in twt North Carolina cunnai.U, in oin other United States companies, and In four foreign companies. I repre sent oue of the best Old Line Life In surance Colupanies The utuJ Bd efit. Phone 103. Hill Uonse. ; D. A. McQREGOIi. ANOTHER eSSk "lOSiSA cure rae Author of "The Spoiler' "The Barrier" ' and HARPER t BROTHER "Are you going to Chicago?" George asked, "Sure, we've got to put this cannery deal over," the crook sighed luxurious ly and began to blow smoke rings. "Pretty nice train, ain't it?" "Yes, ejaculated Emerson, undecid ed whether to be pleased or angered at the fellow's presence. "Which Is your car?" "This one same as yours. I've got the drawing room." "What are you going to do in Chi cago?" "Oh, 1 ain't fully decided yet. but 1 might do a little promoting. Seattle Is too full of Alaskan snares." The younger man ' shook his head. "You are impossible." said he. "and yet I can't help liking you." In Chicago, as iu Seattle. Fraser ac companied his fellow travelers to their hotel and would have registered him self under some high sounding alias except for a whispered threat from Boyd. Promptly at 4 o'clock Emerson call ed a cab and was driven toward the north side. As the vehicle rolledj'Up Lake Shore drive the excitement under which he had been laboring for days increased until he tapped his feet nerv ously, clinched his gloved fingers and patted the cushions as if to accelerate the horse's footfalls. Would he never arrive ? The vehicle drew up at last before one of the most pretentious residences, a massive pile of stone and brick fronting the lake with what seemed to him a singularly proud and chilling aspect. During the moments that he waited he found his body pulsating to the slow, heavy thumping of his heart; then a familar face greeted him. "How do you do, IlawklnsI" he heard himself saying as a liveried old man ushered him In. "Is Miss Way-' laud In?" "Yes, sir; she is expecting you. This way, please." Boyd followed, thankful for the sub dued light which might conceal his agitation. He knew where they were going; she had always awaited him in the library, so it seemed. . Hawkins held the portieres aside, and Boyd heard their yolvet swish at his back, yet for tho briefMi Instant he did not see her, so motionless did she stand. Then her cried softly: "My lady!" and. strode forward. "Boyd! Boyd!" she answered, and came-to meet him, yielding herself to his arms. She felt his heart pounding against hers like the heart of a run ner who has speni. himself, at the tape, felt his arms quivering as if from great fatigue. For a long time neither spoke. - . CHAPTER VL IXD bo all your privations and A hardships went for nothing." said Mildred Wayland when Boyd had recounted the his tory of his pilgrimage Into the north. "Yes," he replied; "as a miner I am a very wretched failure." She shrugged her shoulders In dls approval. "Don't use that term!" she cried. "There is no word, so hateful to me as 'failure' I suppose because father has never failed in anything. Let us say that your success has been de layed." "Very welL That suits me bettor also, but you see I've forgotten how to choose nice words." They were seated In the library, where for two hours they had remain ed undisturbed, Emerson talking rap idly, almost incoherently. "And you did all that for me," she mused. "I wonder if any other man I know would take those risks just for me." "Of course. Why. the risk, I menn the physical peril and hardship and discomfort, don't amount to that." lie snapped his fingers. "It was only the Unending desolation that hurt; it wan the separation from you that punished me the thought that some luckier fel- i low might" "Nonsense!" Mildred was really in dignant "I told you to fix your'own How Old People May Prolong Their Lives At cJvanced age the organs act more slowly than in youth. Circu lation becomes poor, blood thin and watery, appetite foful, and diges- j tion weak. This condition leaves t the system open to disease such as Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pneumo- nia, Rheumatism, etc. , VINOL is the greatest health creator and body builder we know of for old people, as it supplies the very "elements needed to re build wasting tissue and replace weakness with strength. HERE IS THE PROOF A esse is recorded In Albany, N. T., of ; a woman who felt she u breaking down by age and -was doomed to the -weak and feeble condition of old people Khe had uo strength and the slightest ex ertion tired her, but VINOL made her well and strong, and she slates that she feels ten years younger than she did Uo 1 or taking VIKOL. We ask every aged person in this neighborhood to try a bottle -ol VINOL with the understanding -that we will return their money if it does not prove beneficial. f ox oc Lyon, - Druggists v Wadesboro, N. C. time, and I promised to wait Even If I bad not cared for you 1 would have kept my word. That Is a Wayland principle. Aa it is, it was compara tively easy." "Then you do love me, my lady?" He leaned eagerly toward her. "Do you need to ask? she whisper ed from the shelter of his arms. lt Is the same old fascination of our girl and boy days. Do you remember how completely I lost my head about you?" She laughed softly. 'I used to think you wore a football suit better than anybody in the world! Sometimes 1 suspect that It Is merely that same girlish hero worship and can't last. But It has lasted so far. Three years is a long time for a girl like me to wait, isn't Itr I know, I know!" be returned Jeal ously. But legions of men are courting you. Oh, I know. Haven't I devoured so ciety columns by the yard? The pa pers were six months old, to be sure. when I got them, but every mention of you was just like a knife stab to me. I used to torture my lonely soul with pictures of you. You were never out of mind for an hour. My days were given to you. and I used to pray that my "dreams might hold nothing but you. You have been my fetish from the first day I met you, and my worship has grown blinder every hour, Mildred. Oh. my lady., how beautiful you are!" And Indeed she was, for. her face, or dinarily so Imperious, was now softly alight; her eyes, which other men found cold, were kindled with a rare warmth of understanding; her smile was almost wistfully sweet. He recalled bow excited he bad been In that faraway time when he had first learned her identity, for the name of Wayland was spoken soundlngly In the middle west In tbe early stages of their acquaintance he had looked upon her aloofness as an affectation, but a close Intimacy had compelled a recognition of it as something wholly natural, fie found her as truly pa trician as Wayne Wayland, her father, could wish. The old man's domain was greater than that of many princes, and his power more absolute. His only daughter he spoiled as thoroughly as he ruled his part of the financial world. and willful Mildred, once she had taken an interest In the young college man so evidently ready to be numbered among her lovers, did not pause half way, but made her preference patent to all and opened to him a realm of dazzling possibilities. And when he had graduated how proud of her he had been! How little he had realized the gulf that separated them, and how quick bad been his awakening! I It was Wayne Wayland who had shown him his folly. He had talked to tbe young engineer kindly, if firmly, being too shrewd an old diplomat to fan the flame of a headstrong love with vigorous opposition. lyildred is a rich girl," the old flna,.4er had told Bcjd, "a very rich girl, one of the richest girls In this part of the world, while you. my boy what have you to offer?" 'Nothing! But you were.not always what yon are now." Emerson had re- ilicd "Every man has to make a start When you married you were as poor as I am." Granted! But 1 married a poor .rtrl from my own station in life. For tunately she had the latent power to levelop with me as I grew, so that we kept even and I never outdistanfed her. But Mildred is spoiled to begin with. I spoiled her purposely to pre vent just this sort Of thing She ia bred to luxury, ner friends are rich. and she doesn't know any other kind of life." And so it was that Boyd Emerson had gone to Alaska, to the Klondike, to win a fortune and thus to win the girl he loved. He fixed his own time for returning, and so It was that Mil dred Wayland had awaited him-. if today, after three years of depri vation, she seemed to him more beau tiful than ever the Interval having served merely to euhance her charm and strengthen the yearning of his t she seemed ia the same view urther removed from his sphere. To Be C .ntinue.1 ) How's This! We offer One ITundred Hollars Upward for any case of Catarrh thai ran not lx' ur.nl by Hall's Catarrh Cure... , . F. J. CTIICNEY St CO , Tolftio, ( ). VV, the undersigned, have known F. J. Clu'ney for tho last 1-1 years, and beliew biiu perfectly honorable in all business transaction!", and financially able to carry ut any obligations made by his firm. . . WaioiscKixna & Marvin. Wholesale ".Craggists,-Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh" Cure is takt-n iuWimJIr, iciing directly upon Ue blul aqd mucou smfnc-3 of the svmpiii. .TVstiuiooialu u-i,t Ino, Price, 7fx:. per bottl Sold by all drneylsts. Ta :ft Hall's Faudly Tills for uonntipatiou . . VuffillHlUlMe. She I don't soevhy yoiilMiild ho.sitate to marry on 3,00 a year ' Papa says my gowns never cost more than tliat. He But,"iiiy dear, we must havesouie 1 1 . to eat. ' She (petulantly) fsu"t that jit like a ! in? Always thinking of his stomach. Boston Transcript. . "It Heal All." This is quoted from a letter of M. Stock well, Hannibal, Mo.- "I recently used Ft -lej 'S Honey and Tar for the firs?, time. To say I am pleased docs not half express my feliigs. . I. beat all the reruedi'-s lever uied. I contracted a bad cold and wan i.lmalened with pneumonia. '-The first doses pave i?reat relief and oue bottle com pletely cured me." Contains no opiates Pee Dee Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. A I'blloxphtr. "Pa, what is a philosopher?" . " "A philosopher, my' boy, is oiw wh tells other people that their troubles don t amount to much Detroit Free P ess. " . You are not eiperiuientiug on yourse.f ! when you take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for a cold as that preparation has won its givat reputation and extensive salo b Its remarkable cuii-a of colds, and can al ways be depended upon. It is etjus'ly valuable for adults aud children, and may be riven to young children vi ith implicit Confidence, as it contains no harmful c!m' Sold by all druista. BIG ADVANCE IN COTTON. Crns ' Rtporl raase Price t Upl to Climb. " New York, OcL L'5 With an rd vance of practically a bale ia the price of cot Ion today, st Moui If ever Iibh tlie traie, accustomed as It te cttie to rapid fluctuations during the bull campaign of last season, expcrl . nerd such abrupt transition from weakness to strength displayed by the stapie. The sudden climb follow ed the publication of the census bu leau report, showing that theamount of cotton ginned to CXHober 18 was prcl ic illy 000,000 bales short of the 6,000. Hi0 mark, which has been is t! mated by many traders. AX IMMEDIATE RIE. The rt p;.rt was made public ll- e the inarktt opened and the ttrst quo tation showed an advance over Mon day's close. Throughout th? day pi irt s worked higher utdil tin-cife, O.i Monday the market had leen extremely wrak ard U3ett'ed. Jan uary ef;iilrct9, which on 0-f!i-r 14. had sold at 15 01, closed at 13.H2, b d- c!ino of i.fiirly $5 50 pr hi'r from the hitfh record of tu Hc-un. ' ;.; decline had Iwe-u the rtsuit of luvvy selliiic;, iowpirid by inerea?rd csii ina(H of the crop resulting from fa vorable weather during September and tbe first half c f (Mober, and it has b: hi anticipated that the census bureau reports would confirm Ihrse increased estimates by showing more cotb:ii innrd than to s-ime date last your. MORE THAN DISARM NTIXG. The n M,rt showing only 5,410,000 halt's ginned, compared with 5,5:10, 000 bales M the sme date last jesr, wns more than disappointing aud re cent heavy sellers became alarmed wbf n they found that the report was generally interpreted bs cotfirming crop estimates Hf 11,000,000 bales or les. In ud Mlion to hwivy covering by rt ft-nt sellers, a big rush of buy ing orders from outside sources de veloped, the bull leader of the earlier season, who nre supposed to have ta ken profit on their Ijg cotton whpn M:e market reHche-d the 15 cent level, soemod to bo enniing back as big buyers on the advance, and private reports came in from all over the S'Uith, from Western prci;lative ccn b. rs and from many'of the chief cot ton centers abroad, expressed a very bu'lish view of tin- figures. It is dculilful whether a government re lort f ver cau.ied a more general buy ing movement or caused a more sen nrional rapid advance. Predictioii.s of L'0-eent cotton hrfori iho t nd of the s vs u v-rt frequ-ntly heard in local trade circles, ami the market, in short, reflected a com plete revival of the bullish enthusi asm note el on the- advance of the ear lier season. Caf.it. UoKlnl Aln lilt the Bull's This worll-fariKi)s ritte shot, who h.-lds the championship racoid of 100 pig-cons in 100 consecutive shots, is living at Lincoln, III. Recently Interviewed, lie nays: "1 suffered a Umg lime with kidney aud blad der trou Mo and ujed several well known kidney medicine , ad of which gave me no relief until I started taking Koley Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley Kidney Pills I had severe backaclies aud p&ius in my kid neys wiiu 9tippres.iion and a cloudy void ing. On ariniu? in itie luoruiug 1 would fel dull headaches. Now I have takta three butties of Holey Kidney IMUsand feel IdO per cent tetter, lain never bothered with my kidneys or bladder aud again feel like my old slf.' Pee De Pharmacy; Parsons Drug Co. . Hobicc or VIdm. "I don't see any sense In referring to the wisdom of SoloaiOD," said the man smart ly. "He had a thousand wives." . "Yes," answered the woman tartly, "he learned his wfadoia from them." Buffalo Kx press. .',,-: Biliousness is due to a disorder! eoudi tiou of the stomach. Chamberlain's Tab lets are esseutially a stomach 'medicine, intended especially to act on that organ; to cleanse, it, streagthen It, tone, and in vigorate it, to regulate tho live and to banish biliousness positively anfcffectk ally. For sale by all druggists. For Mr Titan Tbrtt Drearies. Foley's llouey and Tar has bo-u ahnuse hold favorite for eouijhs, - odds, aud ai -meuts of tho throat, chest and tuners. Con talus po opiates. I'oe Dee lharuiay; Par sons Dnis (V. ' RHEUMATISM Cured by Marvel of the Century, B. li. B. Tested for 30 Years. AcViutj b-.uos, swollen Joints permanent ly eured throoKh the blood wiih pure bo laiii'.'.il inyirdieuts. To prove It we will send you a . BAMPL.K TflKATMKNT FUEK If y.-u havebone pains, sciatica or sho t iin pains up and down the ca ju-iiin,- l.u-k or shoulder bhides, swollen .inl or I .o !eu muscles, diflVulty in moviugatmu'. sn To have to use crutches: hlno.1 thin - ' skill pale; skin, itehes and burns: fihrftinir . UllMMI Llilll ir- iviiiAo cverv avruDtoiii. Lnmiw H 11 11 seods a rich, '.in-line Hood of warm, i k-i r..,M.k V, 1 . .jl ,11.w ... 1 li.. r. . I .. I Unes and joints, rtvini? warmth ml slreiiKth just wLetv it is ueedeil.andin this way uiakiur a perf. I ltheuniatisui in all it ect, lastioir enre f its forms. It. B. B. has uiade tbousandsof cures f rheumatism afu-r all other medicines, lie inents and doctors have failed to help eure. Druirgisls, or -by express. l n irKe iwuir, wim nireciions ior noiecui o.......Ia . ... . v. v t i i V -. . I . r . 1 J . t a . iu? BhKd Bahu ribe your tron b. given. Sola lo' kiAiuir arm lux OJ i. l l v 1 1J K AJiefOU XlAliil' ( ii.. Atlanta, ui. iescri :.nd fren medical advii-e i'a.'sons Drug Co. Delicious Candies Bonbons and Chocolates that just make your mouth water to think about. Always pure, always fresh ; the highest grade candies made. "None like NunaaUr's" ZOO We Rid You of All the Cares in Making Funeral Arrangements New (Jooils, New Ilearse, New Equipment We arc prepare J at all times to meet every requirement demanded of the undertaking profession. EinUnlo i.-ojr nn l a'l necessary dire in keeping with the require meo's of the ': llord ef llealtn. GATHINGS Liei We O U E Morses and Mules to be just as- we represent them. We Received Another Carload last Friday, and tbeir quality has been highly praised by every one who has seen them. We consider them The Best Ever Brought Here If you need a good horse or mule now is the time to buy it. It can probably be bought more cheaply now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time. Wc sell as low as it is possible to sell. WADESB' OLIVE STOCK CO. T. S. CLARK, Manager. SUMMERS BUGGIES w: by people who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the Summers wears the longest and looks the best. n w& "C? Th Many pc'pl.- h-?ve tried so many remedies for ec7.er.a without being- rr:Herirtlly benefitted that thev hive fme to she conclusion that there is uo cure ( " . r this ease, i nit v.. that Hobsons Kczema will effect a ccr is shown by the following unsolicited testimonial of Mr. Venable Wilson, M ho fur many years was a citizen of Wades boro. Mr. Wilson say : "This is to certify Hmi with cctna, and duriC called specfics for it, but few applications of Hbs ir, completely cured. Thomasville. N. C, Feb. 22. 1910 We sell Hobson's an absolute guarantee. "cure yo-get your money back. .PARSONS DRUQ-'CQP'tfY. Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rect urinary irregularities, build op the worn out tissues, and eliminate, the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism Pre. vent Bright's Disease and Dia. m I Bates, and restore health and Rese substitutas. i . . r - Sold by Parsons Drus: (,n. nr. I J. Hharnfiar.V. i . For Rent Jan. 1st, 1911. r i lwu ,6lu Two story lirict store houo n story r liUtneriort 1 vtrpt rrtm fuwiiri.l h" - . , J, A. Cruwiler. t OX mrtKlllr- tft- i . f . . ' p.y to j n. TiVp va.rtvtr., N. C, v J . ,,.. 1 . ' 01 A' iJ'Jii'i, - Cint nviK.l avenui1, At!jntal Ia PHARMACY i.s'd Eiubalmcr rier I tor I P II ON E NO. 41. Funeral Dire-t uitrantee 1MB most tlirtressinii dis- ronclu.io;i is erroneous, and Ointment f f'.r .ia years 1 sullered I 'Sne titetl numerous so- t!i ii s :ot eliect. Xiit alter a Lcrcma Ointment I was "V. WILSON. Eczema Ointment under If it does not effect a Notice. State of North Carolina, County of Ausoa SnperIorCor.it. J. F. Sp. ncer tud olU i s vs. . " Calvin Spencer or hia lioirs, William R. Spenoerorhis l-irs, George P Sper.vr or his heirs and the heirs' of Jatiies a Soenerr. aiic defendants above naine.1 will tatv. notice that an action entitled as above ti.n b-jen e.mnienoed in the Superior Court- .,f Aosoa couuly, it beinir a pecirvl pr.v-, intf for Hie sale of the' IVry Scnvr lai d for partition anumj; the teuants in in oion. The said defendants an f jfth. r , titled to appear before the clerk of U,e -ia perior Courts at bis ofllco in WadesU'ri North Carolina, at 10 o'clock A. M the 5tb day tn November, lsK. aud aii.v,'r or demur to the petition or judgment w.il be taken against thoaj iu axrdanc a i ij the praver iu the petition. This, ihe e n dy in October, 191". FRANK U DUN LAP, Clerk of tbeSuptrior Courts f..,t .U- u Countv. A Big: Sale. I xrVd sell to the hi.hf.t bidjer, f.rcu-.v, on Thursday. Nov. to, 19H. at u.y s.; . . three miles east of Liicsvi:..-, a .i i.i power LiddeilCe. engiuo tin -J boiVr, i ly new; also my wexnl oi i.,?; i:. :-.,! . V swing saws, rip saws, saw uii.l si,'; beilinsr, sash and door elau.'p, tu: . r. shaper. banU saw, pan.-! ra:tV. e.iMr a lot of oak a. l plae liiiur. f..rni: nr.- new and seeonj hau 1. a iv i-- .'t.ne. a ! i o( aai s,o;l tat.ks a -, ! u . , , t . t tr. frrui,i-, a i.;. M u - ? ; ; u ' ,.' a lot of rare t-:d vi u: V.''"t-' ones and a nU.v vS-: . . ; ' J,' , -" ; some our to v '.. nvoe r. .'.- .. ., ' aud a r. ; ,! 2

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