WW J AS. G. BO YLIIN", EDITOR AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS si.oo a YKAit.'nri: in adva Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C., Monday, October 31, 1910 Number i No Man ts Stronger Than His Stomach S,i ) THE HIGH COST OF CLOTHES. A strong man is strong all over. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right," When he doesn't sleeo well, has an uncomfnrtahla feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond at, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical i Discovery, It cares diseases of the stomach and other t orians ot dliestlon and nutrition. It enriches the blood. Invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH 21SD STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept ticret nostrum as m substitute for this nos. looholio medicine op known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a liule bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. BECKY ANN JONES IN MONROE, don't make a seen the man h jest a stalks didn't average more'n fifteen playln he aint in arne3t.' Then I'd inches apart in the row, an the rows Well, Mr. Boy lin: I've had severil letters an kyards frum yore perscribers axin me to te 1 'tin some more about mi visit, so 1 rf ckin I'Jl tell 'em about ml- stay iu Monroe. I stade thare frum Friday till Monday, at the home of Cousin Jack Grpene, I done told how I wuz sick while I wuz there, but wbzfeelin Now Is Wood Time After a while, ii will rain and the roads will be mean, and there might be some delay in getting what you want delivered when you want it. - Why not ft Order Some Wood Today? You have room enough under the back piazza to pile a good sized load and save it for a rainy day. Then forget it and order a new load whenever you need wood. " Still, you don't have to do it that way. Fix it any old way that suits you. Only you will soon find that in any case it will suit you best if you order it from the Wadesboro Oil Mill, Sawed and Split Just Right. Also, you will like their beautifully clean lump coal. The mill burns up the dirty, dusty stuff for steam, and keeps the lumps for you. Wood or Coal delivered at your door at any time by the IJDESD0R0 OIL f.lLL. . Telephone No. 63. Baltimore Snn. " Advances la. tbQ cost of living are only the local reflection of a world-wide ten dency, and cannont truthfully be said to be due to the present tariff. Theodore Roose velt. "vt Clothes constitute, next to food, the chief item In the "cost of living." No, one denies that clothes, cost more in Amrn.-a man in anv mner fouo- I . .1 c . i 1 T . .. ? n trv in the world. The tariff on wool- Puriv we" owy u " v.m.. I . t r a - a I n n,l enffmi fhripa la hfcrh. JaCK Cama IT.e 8D lYirS. Unmu IU luc er here. For forty years, with oneiopery to see -iiuman nans . break, the manufacturers have been ft bidder in rents his hou3 to Mr?. -i ,i,1 k n.inn DWr ia 1 Unmc an she bords him an a lot or of the tariff to suit themselves It 'other, petpil, an he lutertanes his freutls an relatives fame as ne auers did, an I do think he ir j ys bein hommal wed as anybody! ever seen. was universally regarded as the one schedule of the Diugley act that mcst needed "revisiou downward." It was the one schedule that Aldrich, Cannon and Payne would ' no't allow the revisers to touch. The tariff on cottou goods was actually increased. As soon as the manufacturers were assursd that their high rates would not be disturbed, lney advanced the prices of woolen goods materially. Mrs. Griflin wuz jt as nice to me as she could be, tor, and done every thing she could to make me in joy iniself, which I 9hore done, i Well, as I wuz a savin, Cousin Jack carrid me an her to the op- ery, but if that wuz a play it beet There are much higher now than be- anything I ever seen iu all ml born fore the iayne-Aldrich bill was " looked jest like the raid thing framtd. Everyman knows that It I to me. ril give, you a leetle sketch cost3 him more to get a good suit of I ,,: clothes than it ever did before. Tom Logan wuz the hero, an wuz Every woman knows that her dress- U blacksmith the hansumest an flo es, her hats almost everything she t lookia spaciraen of manhood I wears cost more. " ' ever seen (jeems excepieo, in cor;, In the face of these facts, how can with a hart of pure gold hi ideals an Mr. Roosevelt contend that the high loiy notions oi noner an integrity. I aw - mat of living in so tar as it relates to "e loveu an marriu an oriui puny Clothes cannot truthfully be said to woman, an Iruslid her implu-Itly be due to the present tariff"? She had heen Kinder raz-a up on nai lery, inougn, l inins, an ner naier vuz plzened bi it, jistsame as a body can git pizened on whiskey an drugs Inatct latetllKcBcia. National Monthly. The farmers were sitting around an can't do without 'em. the stove in the general store and telling how the potato bugs had got their crops. Said one farmer: "The hues ate my whole crop In two weeks." i hen anotner spoKe up: "They ate my crop in two days, Well, this woan soon got tired ol Tom an sich a quiet prcsey Ufe, an whn a polished, slick tpngued villiti come along an ijid ner sue had marrid beneeth her, an that sich new- ty as hern wuz ment to adorn a home ot welth an luxury why, the sil!y They Areflere They Are Beauties That car of horses and mules that I purchased in St. Louis has arrived, and every one who has seen they says they are the handsomest animals ever brought to WadesboroT Both the horse an the mules were selected with the greatest care. If you need a driving horse, a3 mule for the farm, or either a mule or a horse for any purpose, I believe I can please you. I will take pleasure in showing you what I have. M. W. BRYANT and then sat around on the trees and I thing jist swallered it all down an in- aited for me to plant - more." I j oyed it same as a baby inj iys ahurs- Ut-re the storekeeper broke iu: J in bottlf ; an it wern't long lilt she "Well. bovs. that maybe so. but! wuz reddy an willia an anxious to IM tell you what! saw in this very J run away with him, an leve her lov tore. I saw four or Ave potato bugs I in nusoand an sweet oaoy. examining the books about a week! They wuz skpered of Turn, though. before plantiug lime to sse who had an plotted to kill him, but made a bought set d. HER HAND AND ARM B R ED M ITCHED Could Hardly Sleep at Night for About 11 Months. UsedCuti cura Soap and Ointment and was Completely Cured. 'M right mother had a red spot on her rapidly. The The Place to Buy Where You Can Get What You Want When You Want It y hand which began to grow worse neiitn-.. bors said it was a tetter. She got some medicine from a doc tor, but it did not do any good. In about a week the tetter be gan to break out on her arm too. She used five or six differ ent kinds of liniments and three different kinds of salves. Not one of these did her a particle of eood. Her hand and arm would burn and itch so much that she could hardly sleep at night. Her hand was that way for about eleven months, Finally a friend of ours recommended I uticura soap and Ointment to us, She bought some immediately and began to use it. She washed her hand and arm with Cuticura Soap and warm water. Then she applied the Cuticura Ointment and bandaged her band up. ihe next morning we all noticed a great improvement. Before she had used a half of a box of Ointment and a very little Soap her hand was completely cured. Now her hand is aa well as ever. I think Cuticura Soap and Ointment is the greatest skin remedy ever discovered. C. E. Canady, San Lieandro, Cal., Mar. 7, 1910. Cuticura Remedies afford the most eeoaomlcal treatment for affections ol the skla and scalp or Infants, children and adults. A cake of Cuticura Soap (25c and a box of Cuticura Ointment 4k-. are often sufficient. Sold throughout Ihe nurki. Potter Drug & Cnem. Corp., Sole Props.. Boston. M-Mailed free, latest 32-paice book, an Authority on the Treatment of Skin and Scalp Affections. My Rutherford street store is that place. If you want nice, fresh groceries I have them. If you want a good, honest pair of shoes you can get them from me. In fact, if you want anything iept in a ' general store I will treat you right and try to save you money. Don't forget the placeRutherford street, first door north of W. N. Jeans' store. J. C Hill. ROY M. HUNT I E Y D. D. S Jt ffice Second Floor of New ' National Bank Building Work Done Day or Night. ruu.NE mo 30. -" 111 ' 31 In' """I , Hlffii'grril, ..riVn , f M, ''uninli """ j mmammmmmmtmmnnnmmmsmmmsmmsaamsmmmmnmmmammsmmmsmanmnmm We Rid You of All the Cares in Making Funeral Arrangements New Goods, New Heare, New Equipment We are nrenared at all rimes tn mcpt ora requirement demanded of the undertaking profession. Buy Money Orders OF THE Southern Savings Bank, Pchln! UKUabar. AsiobtMI thereby keeping your money at home, instead of patronizing out side interests, as you will if you-v buy moaey orders of the post office or the exprvM company. mistake an Killed nis ole daddy in Kted. Then that false wife act illy swore that Tom dun It, an that"" she seen him do it. Poor feller! A net of d irai'iut circumstantial everdencu wuz wove around him, liesidew what liU wife swore a pin him, an he wuz f )und Ril'y on sent to prison lur life, no that woman actil y tuck up with tiiat scoundrel. Sumtiiuea she wood dr. as up in her satin an (Jimontls an go to jail to make fun of poor Tom in his convict garb. But them stripes couldn't hide the true worth of. Tom Logan. If any thin?,' they made his virtues shine still brighter. The rand nobility of his grate sole shone through all, daz y.lin as the noonday pun, an even v prison he commanded respect an ad meration. Alter a while that vil'in got to be in mighty cruel an mean to the wo man who had mortgaged her soul to the devil for his sake; ju-tt like a man, he didn't love her no louger than he could respect her none of them wont do it; so gals, you'd better be keerful! tie wuz orful mean teffbt lett'e gal too, which thay had got away frum Tom's m-irumy. I didn'. keer much if he di.l sorter bang the woman around,' cawse she desarved it; but when he'd git to t-lingi'i that pur ty leetle fore yer ol.! gal e'y around, mi dander wo; d r . : 1 l t up two or three times an v. r1-'" d m una ore I wuti me intention ol k hi ii trare an eivin that vibin a thra hi?'. but C iusin Jjck sypp-tl iti ait s- p ir ao-HlnetH Suke, cousi-i H-fk! NURSING MOTHERS show the beneficial ef fects of Scott's Emulsion in a-very "short time. It not only builds ner up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nour ishes the child. oat 1 r m n Imt rki I.tlittT i r i tlltrt ' 0 b U' IT tl k'Utt IfllkVJ' UUH lllllli M. tell you it didVt lxk. like no play to me but the rale gineerwine thins. Atter awhile in about fore year the Governor sot Tom fre ; an law sake! I never seen any Lody happy as he wuz. when thiy bruit; that parden dock anient to the prism an viveittohim. He j t gibne I it an fell on his nees anr. zid his izi'au hands to heven, an thanke 1 Ood in a glorious outburst of pr.z? fur b'in so go tt him. He wnz o glad he jest cride, an the teenj?t ntled down his face. Then Tom set to work to git his biby bark, caws it mammy wern't fit to ivz- it. tell you what, that villin an wo man wuz skeered atter Tom got out; an the villia gut meaner an meaner to the woman, till she jest' got swal lered up in dispare. She gut to think- in about how good Tom had alters bin to her; how he never spoke a un kind word nor tnunk a unkind think; how he allrrs tride to make her hap py au so on. he comparilide the too mea together, and realized now it wuz too lite thit she had refused Ihe purest gel I fur the stiukinest, no ac- countest kiad of dross, an she mighty ni went crazy with remorse. She got to longin fur Tom an the shelter of his grate strong arms an tender hart, an the more she thunk about him the worse she want"d him. Oh, how she wanted Tom! Svt won" day whpn she outd stand it no longer, she went to him an tridn to git him to make up with her, but his hart fur her wuz stone he jest couldn't do it she her self had dug a gulf betwixt 'em that wuz too wid an deep an black fur human man to cross. She begged an pleaded an cride, an about that time the villia rushed in mad as could be an shot her, an she fell ded at Tom's feet. The viliin got away in the ex citement, an after the hewtiful sinful critter's white hands wuz crossed an ner izj clczed, ever body left her an Pom alone, an be got down on his knees and placed a kiss of forgiveness on the pile lip-", now silent in deth, an then thecurtin went down to stay. She got jest prezactly what she de- sarved I wcdn't a had it to end any other way it couldn't, an j stice be done. I wuz sorry she had waited too lute tr-m pent, an made sich a wretched falyure of her life, but jes- tioe has to be clone. If peepil won't Jet mercy lead 'em, thay may expect jpsMi-e t- drive 'em atter awhile. 1 ean't tell ni all the story, but thare wuz the most redickalm nigger mix- d up in It, an he wood steel, jl to g:t sent to priz in "to te wid Mars' Tom." ' An thare wuz a tramp that uud w ho killed ole man Logan, an heu uzafrend to the villin ti 1 the villin wanted to git him to kill the leetl- gal baby then his stomake lumd an he told all he node an clan d fo-n frum killin his daddy. T.. in's first sweethart, Ruth, wuz a purty, an sweet country gal, an jest a arg- 1 of purity, goodness an charity. S e tuck keer ol Tom's 'mammy at ter .-he cride herself blind, an tended to-Ti mi's baby till its mean mammy sto!.- it. Then thare vuz Tcm'a bnrber Jimmie, a kind of half crack- e I o y that I wuz orful sorry fur. 1 can't think ahoutjts bein a play, fur it lin ked jst like the rale thing to ne. T in's ole blick-smith shop ttie olis t:rm with its rale fence the ole country daddy an his mudder the .j l house an iron ced with Tom an otht r convicks in 'em The Cover i er s omce the pardon of Tom that wnun's turrible reptntenee that mm too 1 ite an her orful windia up; if it sez -ill play, it be t anything 1 ever steii--an. it must u bin a n.av. cause I hearn that thay wuz goin to be in Newberry before long. I tl ick ever body ort to see it even the preachers yes, 1 uo. ISO body can see it with out wanlin to be as gocd an pure as wuz clost together, too. Ever stalk wuz about the same hite, an ever ear the same slz? all whoppers. It wuz a big Geld an a purty eite an I love ' corn bred, pellagry or no pellagry. I We went about a mile outer town ' to a dairy farm, an i never wrn so' maoy ow8 analves at won place be-, f )re. . I seen sum of the funniest I thiags to pack green feed in "siiowa" cousin Jjck called 'em. Tbare wuz too of 'em, an thay looked to be about ten or twelve feet across, an wuz bilt Way up hier then the barn, wuz round an air tite. Green feed ia cut up fine an packed in them silows fur winter use, an keeps jest as fresh an uice as frnte put up in glass jirs. It don't look reasinable fur it to keen that way with'out bein boiled or nott.in, but cousin Jack sed so, an I no be don't tell rong tales about Dothiu. We also went to a place that be call ed "The Substation," but 1 can't flgger out what that Sub" means. It wuz a place frum which Mectricity is scut mighty ni all over N. C. It wuz a queer place an I can't perscribe it, cwse I don't no what to call a thing I seen. Tuay sed tb-? leek trini ty wuf? made down the river sumnu r, an sent op thare threw big wire ropes, an then distribitedout as need ed, to Charlotte, Rock Hill an lota of places. I wuz skeered of that place an we didn't stay thare long. I cum back home the next day. I like to git away frum home wonce in a while; it agrees with me to travel rests me up an does me a lot of good every way; but atter all the best part of a visit is gittin back home to Jeem's or that's what I allers tell him, anyhow! Becky Anx Jones. We Guarante FOR FALLING HAIR. Yu Ida No Rlik Wtoaa Ton TbU - Remedy. . We promise you that, il your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go. too far, you can repair the damage already done by using Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, with per sistency and regularity, for a rea souatle length of time. It is a scientific, cltansing, antiseptic, ger micidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circula tion around the hair roots, promotes hair nourishment, removes dandruff and restores hair ties 1th. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it is di licately perfumed. It is a real toilet necessity. We want you to try llexall "93" Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its ise. It comes in two sizs, prices 60c. and $1.00. RememVer, you can obtain llexall It-rnedies in this community only at our store The Ilvxall Store. The Parsons Drug Co. ' Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor suf fcrors whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not al ways a!re. There's a better way. Let Or. King's New Discovery cure yon at home. "It cnreil me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed, and I gained 47 ponnds in weight. It's surely the King of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Aathma, Croup all Tliroat and Lung troubles. 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free at Parsons Drug Co. Tom Logan an ltuth. An the life an end of that w icked woman, will give any b -dy a cleerer eoi-e ntion of the bUckoess an hide- ousess of bin, an make 'em realiz; tlirl "the wages of sin i deth." Sunday evenin wuz mihty purty, an Cousin Jack trot a fine turn out frum the delivery stable, au tuck me to ri le. I Mowed that bein as we wuz cousins an both cli an .settled, thar- wern't no harm in goin, though I must say he is shore a fine look in an hansum man as I ever seen Cceptin Embalming and all necessary cares in keeping with the require-" menta of the State Board of Health. PHONE NO. 41. G ATHINGS iTr'Lf? ti H. McLBNDON F. El Tmvn McLendon & Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WADESBORO, N.Vj. All Business will Receive . Prompt Attention. PHONE 61. Jeem's, of corse;) we driv all over Nearly all mothers Who Monroe, which I found to be a heap ! hictrer an nurtier then I hail anir Tileo nurse their Children Should I never seen a a'ngle hbu-e that lock- take this Splendid food- ed likea fire ortto bestuck to it. All wuz bewtiful an attractive with artis- tOnic, n6jt Only tO keep Ik combined paints. - He shode me . . v aM the churches, an they air all nice Up tlieir OWn Strengin DUl An lhe cemetery which don't look a bit neglected an has some shore fiue monimenta in it. Cousin Jack has a mighty nice won to his wife's grave; Maggie wuz a good woman, an I don't think Jack will everget done to properly nourish their children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS r Send 10c, Bam of paper and this ad. for oar beautiful SaTtnga Bank and Chlld'a BkiHub-Bouk. Kaoh bank cuntaioa a Ooud Luck Funny. SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Pearl SU New York otroRK ordering MAGAZINES get ' our big clubbing ciUaloj.ii.! and spteial offers and save MONEY". MltTHBRV rRru IMTIIIV i:i.-v,-v Thf Ptiii ts Ralac rotlaa Large Scale. Sanford Ex press. The Southern Pines Tourist says a company which Includes Mr. Henry A Page, of Aberdeen, J. J. Hck ert, and several South Carolina men, has purchased 1,500 acres of land be tween, Aberdeen, Pinebluffaod Rose land on which they propose to raise cotton in a much targer way than has heretofore be attempted in that sec lion. They wilt begin at once to put the land in shape by the us? of cow peas and other soil building crop acd ftrtilizers. The company antic! pati s planting at least CiMi acres as a xtirUr, raiding the acerayie to thousand before they stop. The. i x-p-rim- nt this, omipanj is going to mite with cotton on land thit it wea ojee thought would not successfully j Rrow the fleecy ntapl, will be watclud with inUrest. Should It' prove successful, others in the S-uth- r r Pints sect ion will no doubt en- cage in cotton raising on a larger wale than ever before. ,Thal section hBS Ucr.me famr.usasa fruit pn duc-j Inz s. clion ahd to add cotton as one i of it- profi lal.le crops would great'y iiitreae the value of the land. il missin her. Siuirjiisli livers and bowels are the eai.isc"- "4 of n-arly every disease. Cleanse your js- i teiu. regulate the bowels and liver to 1 healthy, natural action by Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea." The surest remedy t kuiiivn to start you on the road to Well- ' vllle. - Fox & Loo. j f W 4 TPIV V.lll In bnnui Ikal Ko I I saw a field of corn jst out side of . Chrl Ue Kveninir Chrouicle Th town, the finest that I ever seen on J Great Penny Paper" fa ou sale In un land, but I can't remember who it y-r town each evenlnc. and that belonged to. The feddr wuz nulled ' N "' fV,u.rr rowtier is our regularly, ; an the tops cut off d wn to the t ars. which wuz so thick thay could heur apir'nt"d eeent and will deliver at vti l h'urie fir i.mn ftr nna r.n . --.....vi. iwi nut iru, ITI I 1 r ci-nts p r week. Give it a OUR Horses and ESnles i , to be just as we represent them. We Received Another Carload last Friday, and their quality has been highly praised by every one who has seen them. Vc consider them The Best Ever Brought Here .If you need a good horse or mule now is the time to buy it. It can probably be bought more cheaply now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time. We sell as low as it is possible to sell. WADESB' OLIVE STOCK CO. T. S. CLARK, Manager. SUMMERS BUGGIES by people who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the Summers wears the longest and looks the best. QATfflfJQS FufflL Go. "The House of Quality." ! Is better equipped to serve jtu than, at any prex'ious time in its long and honorable .career. Quick Deliveries, Up-To-Date Goods, Anxiety to Please You. We Hope to Merit Your Trade. Mail orders, as well as those given us personally, twill receive our most careful attention. If Iks Anything in the Way oi Furniture . or House Furnishings See Us and Let's Talk - It Over. It Pays. Q TfflfJQS F ?. COf.rp "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Lower Street. Phone No. 41. 200 Riding Saddles For Somebody jti . ... tii. N i m i v w, r f , f M W ! N w i L You N e d One. Come and Look Them Over. The Prices Are Right ia J A- l'antal Ca4 will Ii dmU, A. eve riling w n another sed. Them tt.u

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