f1 fl 0 mm? ( n : ! J. J AS. G. BOYLIN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER . . PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THUItSD AYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IN AD VANC Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Monday, November 7, 1910 v Number 9? ,. - . - . A -it I V . '0 Honored by Women v ben a woman speJc of ber silent secret suffering she trusts you. Millions have Se stowed this mark of confi dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Every where there are .vomeu who bear witness to the wonder- working, curing-power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which saves ther suffering iex from pain, and successfully grapples with woman s weak nesses and stubborn uls. IT MAKES WEAK WOflEN STRONQ IT flAKES SICK WOMEN WELL. I Kill I 3 No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her con fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Piquant Peltetr iadtah. mild natural bowel movement one a day. Ferndon Farm Dairy Has been enlarged by the purchase of the fine herd of cows owned "by B. G. Covington. Will be pleased to supply his former customers. Our Products We give special attention and extra care to every thing that leaves our dairy for the market. Our spe cialties are Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream and But ter. We supply our products fresh and pure and our wagon makes two trips each day over the town of Wadesboro. It Means Something to You and your family to have pure dairy products supplied for your table. We sterlize every vessel after it has been used one time and employ the most up-to-date methods of sanitation. Phone your wants to No. 109C, or give order to driver of wagon. Ferndon Farm Dairy, J. COIT REDFEARN. , Had t Cll An Amalae. National Monthly. When a noted Irish orator wa9 in America a few yeara ago, he appear ed at a meeting in St. Louis and de livered an address on the subject of "Home Rule for Ireland." . There were six thousand of his countrymen in the audience. At the close of his remarks the chairman asked: "Would anyone like to ask the speaker a question?" A man in the rear of the hall, who was quite evidently under the influ ence of liquor, arose and said: "Will the gentleman tell us if there is any reason why the Irish should not be wiped off the face o" the earth?" Immediately pandemonium reign ed. The disturber was attacked from every quarter. Calls of "Down with him," "Let me at him," came from all directions. Finally he was res cued by the policemen and torn and bleeding and in an unconscious con dition was placed in an ambulance which had been called. Order was in a measure restored. While the audience could still hear the clatter of ambulance and the sound of its gong as it conveyed its burden to the hos pital, the chairman stepped forward and asked: "Would anyboby like to ask another question?" PRODIGALS. 8b alt Women Votcl If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feel ings, backache or headache, constipation, dispelling colds, imparting, appetite and toning up the system, they're unequaled. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at Parsons Drug Co. One Theory. "I wonder why the doctor always wants you to stick out your tongue." "Probably to cut short a lot of gab, my dear." Louisville Courier-Journal. IT IS ECZE1 IT WAS The Best Mules Are The Cheapest Mules in the Long Run. I have just received a car load of splendid mules not a sorry one in the bunch. They came high, but every day are increasing in value. Come and See Them. M. W. BRYANT It Spread All Over His Head If Touched It would Bleed and Leave Raw Spot Could not Go to School Spent $200, Still He was Bald. Got Cuticura. In Six Weeks He was Well and Had Growth of Hair. 'One day. when my boy was Ave yrs old. I noticed a sore on the top of his head. I was alarmed, so I called In Dr. and he said it was eczema. After treating it for a week It spread all over hi3 head, so the doctor advised us to see a specialist In New York, by the name of . Be said it was a bad case of ringworm and recommended astudent of his. We doctored with him a long while and snent about 1200 f t and the boy's head was; V 1 9 still bald. He had a 11 disgusting looking lit ' tl head. It would scale over night and if you touched it it i would bleed and leave a raw spoi. au vuu time he had not been able to go to school, although he was eight years old. 'Then an old druEKist named said. Why don't you take him to the J Hos pital, as they have cured a young lady with the Cuticura RemediesT' But they said the vfiime lnHv'a ra.u had been different. So we decided to try the Cuticura Remedies our selves, we got cuticura soap, uiuimwi aim Kesoivent and tney gave our Doy iiumeuiaie relief with the first application and in six weeks' time ne was wen ano nau a growiu of hair. Now he is fourteen and has a nicer growth of hair than my other children! The doctors all said he would be bald or bis hatr would come out In white spots, and several doctors said to take the child to the Incurable hospital. We had at least seven aocters ana we received no benefit from any. Mrs. Harry Fee. Liberty Corner, N.J., t eD. 25, isiw." Cuticura Remedies sold throughout the world. Potter Drue Cbem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston. The Place to Buy Where You Can Get What You Want When You Want It My Rutherford street store is that place. If you want nice, fresh groceries I have them. If you want a good, honest pair of shoes you can get them from me. In fact, if you want anything kept in a general store I will treat you right and try to save you money. Don't forget the place Rutherford street, first door north of W. N. Jeans store. J. E. G, Hill. - HAVE YOU seen the New Standard Annual Dividend Policies now being issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York? The Mutu al Life is the only compa ny which has increased its dividend scale five years in succession. For particu lars regarding policies and terms to producing agents address Marshall Little Wadesboro, N. C. Baltimore San. Fortunate are they who have the happy knaclf of profiting not only by lheir own past mistakes, but also by the bitter experience of others. Verily they are the. comparative few. In spite of the abundant proof of the in evitable outcome of vice anil folly, heedless, unthinking youth and of ten heedle&s age as well goes on in the very uneven tenor of its way, with nothing in view but present en joyment, and no care or thought or the future. . I ' The thought is suggested by a num ber of instance! mentioned in thje daily press during the past few months and they are but samples of the vast unrecorded legions of blighte lives and wasted fortunes, of foolish men who, after spending their all on hypo critical and sycophantic fair-weather "friends," ended friendless,- in ob scurity and destitution. We can't help pitying these poor prodigals whose chief fault perhaps is their lack of sense and judgment their failure to realize that the friends of their prosp?rous days are, In many cases, drawn to them oy sneer -self- interest and consequently sure to de sert them in the hour of need. The prodigal isn't always, or even generally, a radically bad man. On the contrary, he is generally a kind, warm-hearted, good-natured fellow. Not seldom he has in him the very best material, but it has never been developed by proper training or direc tion. Probably he has had no one to put him on the right road and give him the right start. Superficial and shallow-minded people generally re gard as fortunate the child "born with a silver snook In its mouth," but really, unless such a child has unusu ally fine inherited traits and wise di rection, there could scarcely be a greater misfortune for it than to be born into a condition or state of life which precludes the necessity of exer lion or personal efforts the only means possible for the formation of character and the attainment of true and vigorous manhood. Prodigals, like human nature gen erally, are much the same in all times and places; and the Prodigal Son ol the Gcspela is a true type of the prodi gal of every age, while his respectable elder brother-is a fair specimen of the 1 opposite class. This poor young fool of arprcdieal wanted "te see the world," "to see life," as so many others have wanted before and since his time. He saw it and was speedi ly disillusioned. Impulsive and im petuous, ambitious perhaps, full of animal spirits, weary of his dull, com monplace surroundings, of the ordi nary, humdrum, routine life of his father's house, he yearned to go forth into the big world beyond and enjoy life to the full. With the generosity common to such natures as his. he spent his money freely, and of course quickly gathered about him a host of "friends" not his frierds. but his money's friends. We can readily picture the depth and strength of their attachment so long as the money lasted. But when that went, they went too, with the usual result that the erstwhile princely patron became a drudge and a -beggar. The same thing is occurring under our own eyes every day in the year. The prodi gals of. the present generation, like those of preceding ones, will not take warning from the fate of their famous prototype. lo ieiiine iriuii, we nave more liking lor the piodigal than we have for his respectable elder brother. And in this we are in line w;th the prodi gal's own fathi r. It h worthy of nojtei that parents mothers especially seem to have a particularly warm Iot in their hearts for the black sheep of the family. It isn't the badness in the prodigal that attracts, but the good native material that has gone wrong and been abused. Nor La it the really good qualities of the respec table elder brother that make us like him less. It is his sanctimonious We Rid You of All the Cares in Making Funeral Arrangements New Goods, New Hearse, New Equipment We are prepared at all times to meet every requirement demanded of , the undertaking profession. Embalming and all necessary cares in keeping with , the require ments of the State Board of .Health. v GATHINGS Buy Money Orders OF THE Southern Savings Bank, Peacliland Wdsboro Aacoavlll thereby keeping yonr money at " home, instead of patronizing out side interests, as you will if yon buy money orders of the post office or the express company. self-satisfaction and bis mean little ways. Probably be hadn't any very strikingly good traits but was one of the negatives or neutrals observant of the conventionalities, attached, or at least resigned, to his surrounding?, with no desire to get away from them. His sulkiness at the cordial reception given his prodigal brother is conclu sive proof that there was something fundamentally mean about him. It is a pity that there can't be some thing on the order of an orphan asy lum, or a training school, for the poor prodigals; but as this plan is imprac ticable, the next be9t thing is for those who have any influence over such to realize that the prodigal is not essentially bad or irreformable, and try to devise suitable ways and means to reach his heart and bring out the good that is hidden beneath the surface. GOOD WAY TO USE HY0MEI FOR CATARRH. Besides breathing through the in haler a few times a day, many ca tarrh sufferers write that they find inhaling HYOMEI (pronounce it Iligh-o-me) from a bowl of steaming water each night before retiring a great aid in curing stubborn cases. Try it; it's very simple; gives quick relief and makes you breathe easier. r Fill a bowl half full of boiling wa ter; pour into the water a.teaspoon ful of HYOMEI, cover hea.l and bowl with a towel, and breathe through nose and mouth the pleas ant, medicated, antiseptic and heal ing vapor that arises. This method relieves that stufliness ut once, and makes your head feel fine. You can get a lottle of HYOMEI at Par?ons Drug Co. and druggists everywhere, for only 50 cents. Ask for extra bottle HYOMEI iDhalent. But bear in mind that a HYOMEI outfit which includes inhalerand bot tle 6t HYOMEI costs $1.00. HYOMEI is guaranteed by Par sons urug uo. ana druggists every where to cure catarrh, nore throat, coughs, colds, asthma and croup, or money back. Try it on that gener ous basis. Tha World's First Clrcas. Uncle Remus Magazine. "De fust an' biggest circus," said Brother Dickey, to his Sunday school class, "wuz when of Noah tuck all ae animiies inter de Art. mt wuz what dey calls 'a continuous perfor mance', wid no gwlne out fer re freshments, ''twlxt de acts, kaze de walk in' wuz too wet." "What did de animals eat whilst dey wuz in de Ark?" the inquisitive pupil asked. "I don't think dey got hongry,! Brother Dickey replied, "an yit, I don't see how dey could help gittin' hongry; an' ef dey did, hit's my opinion dat dey eat each other." "But, tf dey done dat, Brer Dick ey, how come dar wuz any of 'um lef?" "Dat alnt fer me ter explain, chll- luns. Hit's one er de mysteries er Providence wbat don't stan' fer too close inquirements. Some er 'um des had ter be lef. I reckon 'fo' de las' ones wuz. cat up ol' Noah reached dry lan', an' de Beef Trust nailed um all 'cept de ones w'ich wuz .'speci ally reserved fer Mr. Roosevelt!" We Guaranfc A Uaod Position ' Can be had by ambitious young men and ladles In the field of "Wire less" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the wireless companies are es tablishing stations throughout the country, there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay begin ners from f70 to $90 per month,with good chance of advancement. , The National Telegraph Institute operates six official institutes in America, supervised by railway and wireless officials, and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Davenport, la., Cincinnati, O., Portland, Ore., or Memphis, Tenn. Not Sorry for Blander. "If my friends hadn't blundered in think ing I was a doomed Tlctim of consumption, I might not be alive now," writes D. T, Sanders, of Harrodsburg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better health than I have had for years. This wonderful life saver Is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c, H.00, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Parsons Drug Co. Robbed of Her Happiness. "You are not looking well. Mrs. Wll- "No; I haven't slept well lately." 'What's the trouble? Han the wc alheT affected you?" "Oh, nor it isn't that." "I'll tell you what It Is. You ought to give up the practice of drinking coffee at night, I kuow a lot of people who toss awake all night after they have been out to a late dinner and fin ished with coffee. I had to quit It myself." "I'm sure that Isn't the cause of my trouble." "Have you seen a-doctor?" "Xo. A doctor coulun t help me any." "But how can you tell until you go to one and let him examine you ?" "X ell, If you must know, I m worry ing about my husband. He hasn't kicked at the size of the bills lately, and he's been so kind and even tem pered right along for a month or two that I feel almost sure he must be leading a double life. Ah, If he would only get to grumbling and making It Chicago Record-Herald. Cured r. Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director I PHONE NO. 41. For Rent Jan. 1st, 1911. Two storv brick Rtnr Rutherford street now occunlpd hv J. A. Crowder. For particulars an. DlV to J. H. TIce. Wadpshnrn. tj n or R. A. Williams, 79 Greenwood avenue, Atlanta, ua. GOWAMS King of Externals Accepted by the Mothers of America as the one and only external preparation that positively and quickly CURES all forms of In flammation or Congestion such as Pnenmonia,Croup, Conghs, Colds, Pleurisy. Since Cowans Preparation hus been introtluced here it hus gained R strong foot-hold in nta'n.v of our best families whom I know are giv ing yon advertisement right along without solicitation. It alwnys makes goal. r Weidling & Son, Tiffin, Ohio. Druggists. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME AH VntiUf . SI. SOo. 25. G0WAH MEDICAL C0 0URIIAM. N. C. Siunotttd. tai BMti nbmM kj. roar Dmgflit 13 Before ordering MAGAZINES get D O O SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION AGESCY, Th Waiter With TWo Cart. A Cleveland party recently sojourn ing iu a Toronto hotel decided to take an automobile ride about the city. They approached the extremely self conscious clerk and asked him where they could secure a car. "Our hend w.iltah has two, don't y' know," he replied. It took Borne little time to recover from this shock, tut presently one of the party ventured to ask the price. "Three an hour," was the answer. That was voted satisfactory, and at luncheon one of the Clevelanders turned to the nearest waiter. "Who, is the chap that owns two autfffiiobiles?" he asked. "I am the chap." the waiter replied, and he threw such a freezing empha sis Into the word "chap" that it was fairly frost cracked. They finished their luncheon before thev had enonch courage to ask the price. "Four dollars an hour," the waiter replied with haughty indifference. " Then they went uptown and blreu a very good car for S3 an hour. Cleve land Plain Dealer. "I have used Sloan's liniment on a fine mare for splint and cured her. This makes the third horse I've cured. Hava recommended it to my neigh bors for thrush and they say it is fine. I find it the best liniment I ever used. I keep on hand your Sure Colic Cure for myself and neigh bors, and I can certainly recom mend it for Colic" S. E. Smith, McDonough, Ga. t Cured Thrush. Mr. R. W. Parish, of Bristol, Ind.,R. No. 2, writes: "I have used lots of your liniment for horses and myself. It is the best Liniment in the world. I cured one of my horses of thrush. Her feet were rotten ; the frogs came out ; she laid down most of the time. I thought she would die, but I used the liniment as directed and she never lies down in the daytime now." IMIMEW should be in every stable and ap plied at the first sign of lameness. You don't need to rub, it penetrates. wm kin a spavin, curb or splint, re duce wind puffs and swollen joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founderand thrush. Price, 50c. and $1.00 Sloan's book on honu-4, cattle, eherp and poultry sent free. Add! Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Bocton, Haas., TJ. 8. A. v The Gaelic ABC. Every letter In the Gaelic alphabet is represented by a tree. The alphabet of today consists of eighteen letters In ancient Gaelic seventeen and now, as of old, all the letters with the ex ception of g, t and u, which stand for Ivy, furze and heather, are called after trees. The Gaelic A B C of today runs: Ailm, beite, coll, dur, eagb, fearn, gath, huath. iogh, luls, muln, nuln, olv, peith, nils, sull, telne, ur, which Is equivalent to saying elm, birch, hazel, oak, aspen, alder, ivy, whitethorn, lew, rowan or quicken, vine, ash, spindle tree, pine, elder, willow, furze, heath. .In the ancient Gaelic alphabet the letter h (the heath or whitethorn) does not exist. The alphabet Is called the beth-luls-nuln, because bin and not a b c are its first three letters. ROY M. HUNTLEY D. 0. S. Office Second Floor of New National Bank Baildinff. Work Done Day or Night. PHONE NO 90. 1 We're sarry if you've tried other medi cines ana icey tailed. As &' last resort try Hollilter's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a simple remedy, but It's workedwonders, made millions well and happv. Fu- riflos the blood, makes flsh and muscle, Fire and Life Insurance I wvite Fire Insurance in two North Carolina cumrvanies. in ninp other United. States companies, and in four foreign companies. I repre sent one of the bet-t Old Liue Life In surance Oompan lea The ntual Bpn- eflt. Phone 103. Hill House, D. A. McO REGOR. fen iOMCH.TBouan ardCoTirTio O UE Horses and - m!g: to he just as we represent them. Ve Received Another Carload last Friday, and their quality has been highly praised by every one who has seen them. We consider thern The Best Ever Brought Here If you need a good horse or mule now is the time to buy it. It can probably be bought more cheaply now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time.' We sell as low as it is possible to sell. WADESB' OLIVE STOCK CO. T. S. CLARK, Manager. SUMMERS BUGGIES w-AEd53 by people who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the Summers wears the longest and looks the best. The Dixie Development "Co. haa been organized to assist itn he development of Anaon county , and the state of North Carolina, by aiding and encouraging thifj good men who are now tenant to own their homes, and by all other legitimate means within the power of the company. If you want to buy or sell real estate, see ua before trading. We are in position to help you. - Insurance Department. We write all kinds of Insurance Fire, Life, HealthAcci deiil, etc., and do a general bonding business, representing corn companies of absolute safety. We respectfully solicit a portion of your business and aseure you that it will be appreciated. . , 1 The Dixie Development Co. T. F.JONES, President. W. C LONG, Secret) . JOHN. W. GULLEDGE, General Manager. 200 Rid ing Saddle: For Somebody - V. Jf.- -. '. KTUt ... . . ' ' v . v .if i ! fill f r ' i- 1 A L J j Y o u Need One . Come and Look Them Over. The Prices Are Riih c i L. -4 4 I! . . . m wm to. UMelgh, X. c cleanaos your aystem." "