5T A 0 s I 'I H 1 1 ! i 1 1 . , I.,.,. , , ... . , ., , i . , ,- --- JAS. G. BOYLEST, EDITOR AKD PUBIilSHEB PUBLISHED MONDAYS AXD THUESDAYS S1.00 A YEAR, DUE IN ADV. Volume 27 - Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, November 10, 1910 Number You Can Work Near a Window in winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which can be moved to any part of a room, or to any'room in a house. When you have a jEvLI?ECTflDRJ Absolutely smokeless and odorless you do not have to work close to the stove, which is usually far from the window. You can work where you wish, and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the full light near the window, without being chilled to the bone. The Perfection Oil Heater quickly eives heat, and with one filling of the Jont burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil In the font. The. filler cap, put in like a cork in a bottle, is attached by a chain. This heater has a cool handle and a damper top. The Perfection Oil Heater has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection' Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dealers Everywhere. If not at yours, write for descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company Incorporated) Ferndon Farm Dairy Has been enlarged by the purchase of the fine herd of cows owned by B. G. Covington. Will be pleased to supply his former customers. Our Products We give special attention and extra care to every thing that leaves our dairy for the market. Our sPe" cialties are Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream and But ter. We supply our products fresh and pure and our wagon makes two trips each day over the town of Wadesboro. It Means Something to You and your family to have pure dairy products supplied for your table. We sterlize every vessel after it has been used onetime and employ the most up-to-date methods of sanitation. Phone your wants to No. 109C, or give order to driver of wagon. Ferndon Farm Dairy, J. COIT REDFEARN. The Difference Between a. Sanitarium and a Sanatorium. Scientific American. The words "sanitarium" and "san atorium" are popularly understood to have the same meaning and are generally used interchangeably, when designating (or describing) places of refuge for sick people, but there is, in fact, quite a distinction between the meaning of the two words. In answer to a correspond ent on this subject the Literary Di gest says: "The distinction between these words lies in the fact that they are I derived from two different Latin roots. 'Sanatorium' is derived lrom the Latin sanatorium meaning health-giving. The terms relate specially to an institution for treat ment of disease or care of invalids; especially an establishment employ ing natural therapeutic agents or conditions peculiar to the locality, or treating particular diseases.' On the other hand, 'sanitarium' is derived from the Latin sanitas, from sanus, meaning whole, or sound. 'Sanita rium' relates more specifically to 'a place where the hygienic conditions are preservative of health, as distin guished from one where therapeutic agencies are employed.' Ilence it is the province of a 'sanitarium' to pre serve health, that of a 'sanatorium' to restore it. Care should be exer cised in combining the proper vowels in these two w-rds, in order to indi cate correctly the derivation." NEW YORK'S HUMAN SIDE. HOUSEKEEPERS WASTEFUL. TO MAKE LAND PAY. Woman Faraea Her Son to Hake a Hero of Illmaelf by Rescuing- Drowning Man. New York American. The mother of John Duffy, 20 years old, 184 West Ninth street, lirooklyn, made a hero of her son yesterday by pushing him from the "Oalr Time We Think of Sapplr Is When It la Limited," Say Speaker. Phoebe Dwight in the Boston Traveler. "The housekeeper must learn not to waste the by-products. That is a j lesson the manufacturers are teaching ua. They use everything, heated air and all. Housewives should. Old- Ninth street bridge into the Qow-1 fashioned soap-making is an example. The Best Mules Are The Cheapest Mules in the Long Run. I have just received a car load of splendid mules not a sorry one in the bunch. They came high, but every day are increasing in value. Gome and See Them. M. W. BRYANT Where You Can Get What You Want When You Want It ; My Rutherford street store is that place. If you want nice, fresh groceries I have them. If you want a good, honest pair of shoes you can get them from me. In fact, if you want anything kept in a general store I will treat you right and try to save you money. -Don't forget the place Rutherford street, first door north of W. N. Jeans store. HUM. ale IB, G. SAVED FROM AN anus canal and telling him to rescue a drowning man or drown himself. The boy performed the rescue. 1 A man running east on Ninth street and shouting that somebody was trying to kill him, jumped head first into the first thing he came to, which ' happened to be the canal. Joseph Shea, of 497 Smith street, jumped to the rescue. Mrs. Duffy and her son reached the shore to find that the men in the water were near ly exhausted. The next instant young Duffy went into the water Impelled by his parent's Btrong arm. He was a real hero when he had to be. He managed to get both men out, with the aid of Detective Don- ielly, who summoned an ambulance. But as soon as all three were out of the water the first plunger turned and dived back again. Mr?. Duffy made a flying leap for her son, and he made a flying dive for the canal. He grabbed the man and got him to safety again. The stranger said he was Adolph Kom- mer. He was taken to Seney Hospital. INDIGESTION DEPARTS. Everyone's grandmother used to make her own soap. I do Cot say that women nowadays should do the samerfor many of them in that space of time could earn more than they Could save by soap making. But, nevertheless, the fat that might be refined into soap, is wasted. Think of the soaps and . oils that could be made from the fat thrown away yearly. I feel that there is a moral side to it "There is the matter of the diet," went on Miss Stern, smiling at her own earnestness. "If a person is sick or consumptive or delicate, a diet is arranged for him. Just so much is cooked1, and the patient is expected to eat it all. 'But if a person is well a diet is thought unnecessary. Let him eat all he wants. The amount varies. Hence the waste. "It seems to me that the economi cal housewife should plan her meals in relation to the family consumption so that just the right amount would be prepared and then there would be IntenetT Farming Bring Very Large Retnrna. Allan L. Benson in Delineator. A liviog can be made from land in these ways: 1. By having much land. If one ha3 much land, and is content with a poor living, he may do the minimum of work. The surplus of the land will make up for the deficiency of la bor. He can let beef cattle fatten on the grass while he loafs. He can till ever so poorly and still be alive at the end of the year. 2. By having less land and work ing more. Nothing except land and labor can make crops, and if the land be diminished in area, labor must be increased both in volume and intelli gent purpose. The man who seeks a living from a 40-acre farm cannot sit down until the beef cattle fatten themselves into steaks. He must sow and cultivate, lie must also have a glimmering of the fact that it is not well to keep the seme crop in the same field year after year. 3. By having a little land five or ten acres and understanding! by caring for it as an engineer would care for a great machine that he per fectly understood and wanted to drive to its capacity; by making up for a deficiency of land with an abundance of intelligent labor. The five or ten acre farm is pre- no waste, no left-overs. A very ex- cisely as feasible a method of making Stomach Agony and After Dinner Dla- trcaa Stopped In 5 Mlnalci. Why should any sensible person continue to suffer day after day with errible stomach ailments when the Parsons Drug Co. guarantees MI-O VA stomach tablets to cure even the worst case of indigestion, or money back. If your stomach rebels after eating and food sours or ferments in the BvLvdiaEoPinkhaill'S l8tomacn causing gas, pain, heart I Kuan onrl haatrinooa t mr FariM A Vegetable Compound : De Forest, Wis. "After an opera tion four years ago 1 had Dams down ward in both sides, backache, and a weakness. The doc tor wanted me to have another opera tion. 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and U am entirely cured J of my troubles." Mrs. Augtjste VESPERMATrer, De For est, Wisconsin. Ati other operation Avoided. Kew Orleans, La. "For years I suf fered from severe temale troubles. Finally I was confined to my bed ano the doctor said an operation was neces sary. I gave Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a trial first, anc waa saved from an operation. Mrs. LixYPE-rROTjs, UllKerlerecSt. 2srew Orleans. La. Thirtv vears 01 unparalleled success ham's Veeetaule Compound to care temale diseases, ine great volume or unsolicited testimony constantly pour ine in proves conclusively that Lydia ' ... . 3. Pinkham's vegetanie compound is a remarkable remedy for those dis tressing feminine ills from winch bo many women suffer. If you want special advice about 1 your case write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, juass. ner atmce is Yee, and always helpful. tablets will drive away the misery in five minutes and leave the stomach feeling splendid. A large box of MI O-NA stomach tablets costs 50 cents at the Parsons Drug Co. and leading druggists ev erywhere; -- If you have stomach trouble of any kind, start to use MI-O-NA stomach tablets today. They not ODly build up the stomach, but they act as a tonic to the entire body. They are makers of rich red blood and nerves that never flinch; they increase vital ity and make the weak more vigo rous. I cellent cook and a practical woman once said to me that she could never afford to have left-overs because it rtquired a geniu3 to make them palatable. "Do you think that there 13 waste only in the culinary department?" I asked. "Indeed, no,1' replied Miss Stern "It is just as apparent in dress. I suppose that it is caused largely by the unstab'Uity of fashion. The rich keep abreast of the constant changes and the less rich follow B9 closely as they can. People have grown to think that it Is easier to buy a new garment than to mend an old one, Fashion encourages these ideas, There la little of what the Germans call the 'up-keep' In connection with the American wardrobe. "Americans are so prosperous that they are free-handed. There is never any economy with us unless it JsToTC- ed. The coal famine was an excellent iiiu'.ilration of that. The only time th?t we think of the supply is when it is limited. But I am old-fashion ed enough to believe that a 'penny saved is a penny earned.' " a living as the 80 acre farm. The miniature timply must be worked in a different way. It must be devoted to crops into the raising of which can be packed the labor and knowledge that alone can compensate for lack of land, rsot much labor can be put into the growing of a Small patch of wheat or a few beef cattle; therefore, the small farm mast be devoted to raising of little thiffgs that bring big prices; little things that will not even trrow little unless coddled and teased. Vegetables, berries and fruit require little land, but much Intelligent la bor. They bring good prices. Vege tables, berries and frait are, there fore, the crops with which any man can make a small farm as profitable as be could make the largest farm that he could attempt to till with his own labor, THE LADIES' FAVORITE. AVE YOU I! seen tKe New Standard Annual Dividend Policies now being issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York? The Mutu al Life is the only compa ny which has increased its dividend scale five years in succession. For particu lars regarding policies and terms to producing agents address Marshall&Little Wadesboro, N. C. Hexamethylcnelramlne Is the name of a German chemical,' one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy, llexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and anti septic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy promptly at the first sign of kid ney trouble and avoid a serious malady. For sale by Parsons Drug Co. and Pee Dee Phramacy. Both Doleful. "Who U that man at the next table with that downcast, sad, resigned expression? asked the guest at the club. ' "I don't recollect his name," replied the host, ','but he is either a Republican or married to a suffragette; one can hardly tell them apart nowadays." Life. Deafneea Cannot be Cored by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tnbe is inOamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surface. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free F. J. CHENEY & CO.);Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist?, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ?.'-n'-L s No purer, daintier candies than Nunnally's could be made. Every box is generously assorted. Name and quality the standard 25 years. "SS ZOO PHARMACY almost daily. . - BLOOD POISON Commissioner's Sale of Land; By virtue of the power contained in a decree of the Superior Courts of Anson in a special proceeding entitled "C. B. Allen and Others, Ex Parte" the under signed will, on Monday, December 5th. 1910, at 12 M., at the court house door in Wadesboro, expose for sale, for cash, at fiublic auction, the foUowing lands of the ate George W. Allen, the first being a tract of land known as the Thomas i. Smith land, on Brown creek, and contain ing thirty-eight acres, more or less. The second adjoins the land of VV. E. Watkins and others and is situate on Flat Fork creek and contains one hundred and twelve acres, more or less. Plats and descrip tions of said lands can be seen at the office of the undersigned and will be on exhibi tion at the sale. This sale is subject to confirmation by the Court. This Novem ber 5th, 1910. . JAMES A. LOCKHART, - Commissioner. . Baby won't suffer five minutes with croup if you apply Dr. Thomas Eclestric Oil at once. It acts like magic. ' Stomach Troubles Cured by Vinol HERE IS PROOF 44 1 suffered so long from stomach trouble and indigestion, that I lost flesh rapidly VINOL cured me after everything else had failed. It strengthened my digestive organs- gave me a hearty aopetite, and 1 can eat anything without the slight est distress. I do not believe any thing equals VINOL for stomach trouble and indigestion." (- W. E. Waterhouse, Portland, Me. Mr. Thos. G .Wallace, of Detroit, Mich, writes, "I suffered for years from a chronic stomach troubli VINOL entirely cured me after everything else had failed." It is the curative medicinal ele ments of the cod's liver, combined with the strengthening properties of tonic iron contained m VINOL, which makes it so successful in re storing perfect digestion, and al the same time building up the weak- fc ened run-down system. Try a bottle of VINOL with the understanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. Fox & Lyon, Druggists, Wadesboro, N. C. Wherever Parisian Saae la Kuown It Ilaa the Call. Parisian Sage, that most efficient of all hair restorers, la a verv de liahtful and refreshing hair dressing. B sile3 possessing these qualities it will positively make any woman's hair soft, luxuriant and attractive Parsons Drug Co. sella it for 60 cents Cured by Marvel of the Century, a large bottle and will return your B. B. B. Tested for 30 iears. 1 a .1 . I . -4 monty ii 11 uoes coi cure (lanarun, I Drives out blood poison in any stage per fjl'intr hair an1 iinhinrr OM ; I manently, without deadly mercury, with faung hair and itching scalp in two Botanical ingredients. To prove it weeks. I we will send you a i "I had given up hopes of ever be- sample trkatment frkk If vou have ulcers, eating sores, itching humors, swellings, mucus patches, bone pains, offensive pimples or eruptions, take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). All symptoms heal quickly. Blood is made wure and rich, completely changing the en tire body into a clean, iiealtny condition, healing everv sore and stopping all aches, pains and itching, curing the worst case of blood poison. Druggists or by express, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Samples sent free by writing: Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble and free medical advice giv en. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. ing cureu 01 oanarun, when 1 pur chafed a bottls of Parisian Sage. It has entirely removed the dandruff and has started a erowth of new hair, and all this after having been troubled 16 years. I cheerfully rec ommend Parisian Saee." Mrs EMzabeth Anderson, Mechanicsburg, Pa.. .For Sale. We offer for sale a large quantity of second hand Bagging and Ties in good condition. 50c a pattern. A Ilauarhold Medicine. To bo really valuable must show equally good results from each member of the fam ily using it. Foley's Honey and Tar does just tnia. Whether for children or grown persons Foley's Honey and Tar is best and safest for all coughs and colds. For sale by Parsons DrugCo. and Pee Dee Parmaey. Providential Kaeape. The old lady had a severe illness, and she was relating its vicissitudes to a friend or two in the grocer's shop when the min ister came in, "It's only by the Lord's mercy," she piously declared, "that I'm not in Heaven tonight." Manchester Guardian. There is little danger lrom a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is used. . This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with Implicit confidence. r i 1 , ,, J , r or sais oy twi ueaiers. Faithful To Hla Trnet. "What shall we say of Senator Smuggt" "Jnst say he was alwrys faithful to his trust." - "And shall we mention the name of the trust c?' Louisville Courier-Journal. Commissioner's Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Uourt oi Anson county, the undersigned will, on Monday, December 5tb, 1910, at 12 M., at the court house door in Wades boro, expose for sale, for cash, at public auction, about 300 acres of land known as tbe Perry Spencer place, situate in Liles ville township, Anson county, and adjoin ing the lands of the late John Spencer and of the Rockingham Power Co. A plot of which land and description of the same will be on view at the sale and can be seen before the sale bv reference to the under signed. Said sale is subject to confirma tion by the court. 1ms Govern bfr 6tb lina. JAMES A. LOCKHART, Oood Kcealta Alwaya Follow The use of Foley Kidney Pills. They are up-building, strengthening and soothing. Tonic in action, quick in results. For sale b Parsons Drug Co. and Pee Dee Phar macy. " Th Ilanttny; Seaaon. . "I was after a buck," explained the city sportsman, "but I seem to have shot your cow." "She's worth just fifty bucks," respond ed the farmer. LouisvilleCourier-JournaL "Doan's Ointment cured me of eczema that had annoyed me a long time. - The cure was permaaent." Hon. S.W.Mat- 'thews, Commissioner Labor Statistics, w e liuaraiitee 1-eJ OUR Horses and .Mnle to be just as we represent tTem. . We Received Another Carload last Friday, and their quality has been highly praised by every one who has seen them. We consider thern. The Best Ever Brought Here If you need a good horse or mule now is the time to buy it. "It can probably be bought more cheaply now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time. Wc sell as low as it is possible to sell. WADESB' OLIVE STOCK CO. T. S. CLARK, Manager. SUMMERS BUGGIES A by people who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the Summers wears the longest and looks the best. 200 Riding Saddles For Somebody 7 .. l- t l ' h -V .J . t th'i v- ' h X. - Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Courts of Anson county, made in a special proceeding entitled "F. B. Rogers and Others, Ex Parte," the undersigned will, on Monday, the 5th day in December 1910, at 12 M.,at the court house door in Wades boro, expose for sale, for ca;h, at public auction, a certain tract of land formerly the property of Mrs. Ida M. Rogers, wife of George W. Rogers, situate inLanrsboro township In the Poplar Hill neighborhood, above state and county, and described as follows: Beginning at a red oakstumpon or near Bowman's line on the west edge of an old country road, known in the deeds as the Polkton road, where said road makes a short bend, and runs with the various courses of said old road as follows: N. SO1' E. 1.89 chs to a point in said old road, at the head of a gully; then N. 13 E 3.80 chs. to a stake la said road, one post oak pointer standing on tbe east edge of the road; then N. 3)4 E3$$ chs to a s'.ake on the west edge of the road; then N. SO E. 2.57 chs to a stake on the west edge of (he road; then N. 10 E. 6 50 chs to a stake on the east edge of the road, one post oak pointer; then N. 17 W. 4 74 chs to a. stake; then N. 4 E. 4.12 chs to a post oak on the west edge of the roak; then N. 20 E. 3 96 chs; then N. 4lf E. 3 32 chs; then N. 12 W. 4.70 chs, making 33 83 chs with the various courses of the road to this point; then N 5",' E 1 05 chs to a post oak a short distance from tbe road on the east side thereof, one post oak and one hickory pointer; then with Ida L Funder burk's lino N. 20? E. 2.60 chs to a stake where her Hue crosses the line of the Cieo. Moore land, one small pine, plum bush and crabapple tree pointers; then with t he line of the George Moore land S. 4C E 1.C4 chs to a stake near an old shopplace, three pine pointers: then with another line of the George Moore land S. 91 E. 9 20 chs to to a stake in the edge of the field near a black jack stump; this stake is N. 71 E. iri links from a post oak at the woods; then S. 2 E 56 25 chs to the middleof the Monroe road, at the corner of the woods, one small foiked hickory on the north side of the road pointer: then with the road westward 17.35 chs to ithe Gordon ' and Eldridge corner in the middle of said j road; then with Bowman's line N. 9 E. ' 14.40 chs to Bowman's corner; then with ' his otber line N. 44 W. about one chain j and fifty links down, the aforesaid old ! rolkton road to the beginning: containing 1 sixty-six and two-thirds ( t5t5 -3 acres, ac cording to survey and plat made by R. J. Flane, county surveyor. January, 1n". SaM sale is subit-ct to" confirmation by the 9 --.' ' mm : ,'. Nil . A V You- - Need One. Gome and Look Them Oyer. The Prices Are Right. C. S. WHEELER,. We Rid You of All the Cares in i Making Funeral Arrangements New Gooda, New Hearse, New Equipment We are prepared at all times to meet every requirement demanded of the undertaking profession. Embalming and all necessary cares ia keeping with the require ments of the State Board of Health. P AT'OTXTPO Licensed Embalmer I VTX 1 JLlliN VJrO Funeral Director p 1 1 o n i: NO. 41. n Dtrons ordering MAGAZINES pet " i our big clubbiojr catalosrv.e and sp::al dors and save M'NiZV. )VTiiK!ts svn-cntPTi;N ;.-k.0Y, OLD lP2 cave f - r ?.$ ' ;