C. Sot. 10,11910 r. , and catered at t Wa-l-'Rboro, N. , ontler .-"? IN STATE. ft GREAT VICTORY DEMOCRATS SWEEP COUNTRY :!Jrty a Stat Ticket j AH Ten CsogiuimtB i Oaiu of ThrnA aambtr Hfi that Wt Kcpabllcaa : i A g nelurn tm tbm FI4. :'t of Tuesday's election In ciina, and the country, far th3 expectations of the most Democrat. Democratic vic- ia the air, bat that It would j propotlons of a varitable was not even hoped for. all tbe close and doubtful that went Republican two ) returned to the fold. , our neighbor county, eepe io be congratulated, as by the sort of intelligent work the :an majority of two years ago ed into a;JDemocratic major ua 100 to 150. najority for the State ticket round 50,000. All ten of the ional districts cf the State cted Democratic Bepresenta Tbia is again of three, the Jghtu and Tenth. The Demo- ajoritlea in the Congressional j are about as follows: District Small's majority, 7,- Ml District Claude Kitchin's ty is about 8,000. i District Dr. Faison'a major r George Butler is about 4,- ih District Pou beats Cooly 5. . , ' - a District Maj. Steadman re- tfae Fifth, his majority over , -ing 3,453. i District Godwin beats by 6,000 or more, nth District Page snowd Par ser to the tune of 3,736. ta District Dough ton re. the .Republican majority of ars ago and leads Cowlea by '2s. - f. v; v 7 h District Webb leads Mc . by 5,500. : ; " '.' h District Gudger overcome? lican majority ot two years ago : ata Grant by over 1,000 ma- Democratic GaTtraori Elected im Mew Tark, SFew Jersey, BlaaMebaaetta tad Con iiert lent--Hob t Repreacata tlvca Safely Democratic and 8verml 8Batxa Oalaed. Associated Press Dispatch, 8th. Elections held throughout the coun try yesterday resulted in a political convulsion cf tar-reaching extent, similar at many points to the famous tidal wave ot 1882, and apparently more widespread in its effect. The indications toward midnight sere that tbe National House of Rep- j resentatlvea had been carried by the Democrats, reversing the present Re- ubllcan majority of 43. The United States Senate probably ! 't ill have a reduced Republican ma jority as a result of legislative elec tions held in many States. Tn Kero Ynrfr State Jnhn A. Dix. Democratic candidate for Governor, t is elected over Henry L. Stiunson, I Republican, by a plurality of about j 55,000, reversing the Republican plu-. rality of 70,000 in 1908 for Governor j Hughes. ' i In New Jersey Woodrow Wilson, ! Democratic candidate for Governor, ! is elected over Vivian M. Lewis, Re- j publican, by about 15,000 plurality, j i- versing the previous JttepuDucar plurality of 8,000 for Governor Fort. In Massachusetts, Eugene N. Fos's, Democratic candidate, has defeated , Governor Eben S. Draper. Xtenubli- i )ED SCHOOL HONOR ROLL t Grade Henry McDonald, rj Coxe, Roy Courtney, Oliit spy, Dorothy Fetzer, Eugene ood, Irene Greene, Frank Jerome Liles, Luclle Moore, i Morton, Pauline Sullivan, In it3, Laura Virginia Via, Isla Watson, Cora May Carpenter, nin Hough, Walter Brbwer, G. McLauchiin. acced" First Grade William , ton, Fulton Lampley, Rosaliric ?, Lurah Strickland, Hettie land, Frank Threadgill, llu lO'i, Flossie Hildreth, Daisy er, Fannie Winfree, Claytou id Grade Jack Bennett, An. Jjvington, PaulineCoxe, Blancti rturke, Isla May Hathcock, Little, Clyde Lockey, Charl'-i-. Roa Melton, Nora NelU, Pi i iinwater, Ruth Swanner, Ber! r,, Watermon Tarlton, Fre . Di'wyBell Wheeler. -1 Grade Pauline Moore, Hazt iaju, Claton Livingston, Dai f'A, Mary Burns, Grady Ruacow, Huntley, Jes3ie Grr Fort?. It Hough, Georgia May Fort., - lUt'.iff, Eva Ann Ricketts, Coward, Charlie Ingram, Lester It obert Lampley, E. V. Fenton, ;tt Williams. - : .--.P. :.rth Grade Laura May West, y Katherine Liles, Alice Leak, ie Lowery, John Gray, Chartea n, Murr Crowder, Parker Rhyns, r Bennett. fth Grade Helen Ashe, Al'l; rey, Annie Bee Boyette, Annj :e Ingram, Beth Huntley, Lacv adgill, Owen Saylor, Hat.' :h, Bright Wheeler, Martin Mt: xth Grade Emma Smith, An a Little, Virginia Home, John . Iilvingston, Margaret Fenton. veuth Grade Henry West, Sallf 21, Kathleen Covington, .Minci i Huntley, Robia Mann, RuW Clair Allen, OUie TeaL Margin ;3ge. - , ih Schocl I Hattie May Cov in, Virginia Ross, William Graj . y McCaskell, Emma Winfree, Teal, Annie Copped ge. -llh Scbooll II Ben Covington, -iec9 Chambliss, Mary C. Bennett i Flake, Pauline Crowder, Her? i ilardison, Jamea Hardison, re Huntley, Kate Leak, Risdes ;e, Haille Leggett, Chealey Sed iy, Pauline Piokston, DeLuke ikton, Bessie May Pinkston. ' - I and, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. The 15 Democratic Senators con fid e red assured are from Florida, In diana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. A summary of the contest for gov ernorships shows the following Demo cratic Governors elected, with the ap proximate plurality: New York, Dix, 66,000. 7 New Jersey, Wilson, 80,000. L Connecticut, Baldwin, 3,500. Massachusetts,' Fobs, 33,000 - Ohio, Harmon, 60,000. Oklahoma, Cruce, . ; Oregon, West, . Wyoming, Carey, . Alabama, O'Neal, 50,000. Sauth Carolina, Blease, 60,000. Texas, Colquit, . North Dakota, Burke, 8,000. The Republican Governore elected with approximate pluralities: Pennsylvania, Tener, 20,000. New Hampshire, Bass, 7,000. Rhode Island, Pothier, 9,000. Iowa, Carroll, 10,000. Kansas, Stubbs, 5,000. Michigan, Osborn, 40,000. Minnesota, Eberhart, 60,000. Nebraska, Aldrich, 5,000. South Dakota, Vessey, 12,000. Wisconsin, McGovern, . California, Johnson, 25,000. Nevada, Oldie, . Tennessee, Hooper (Fusion), 12,000. . The governorchlps in two States are not yet reported as being beyond doubt, namely, Colorado and Idaho Unoffical County Returns of Tuesday's Election. "PRECINCTS Congress 7th DIst. T R. N. Page D JoljnJ. Parker R.. For SUte Senate D. N. Bennett D.... R. W. Lemmond D.. VV. A. MoodvR.. C. J. Braswell R . For Representative T. C. Coxe D .... A. D. Griffin R... For Clerk of Co art W. K. Boggan D. H. H. Hayes R. For Treasorer P. P. Marsh D. . . R. A. Templeton R For Register of Deeds D. M. Johnson D. W. V, Walter R. For County Surveyor A. r. Lyman D.. . For Coroner Adam Green D. . . . R. H. HUI R For Snerlff R. J. Lowery D.. .. D. A. Carter R For Co. Commissioners H. B. Allen D .... E. E. McRae D ... J. D. McGregor D . G. W. Forte R. ... J. C. Caudle R. F. P. Harris R.... can candidate for re-election, by about letsdo not sicken or gripe, and may be 30,000 plurality, reversing Governor j taken with perfect safety by the most deli- Draper's former plurality of 8,000. cat wjb&d or tse youngest cnua. J.ne I old and reeDie win aiso nna inem a tuusi. suitable remedy fAr aiding and strengtb- ening their Tveakened digestion and tor In Connecticut, Judge Simeon E. mid win. uemocratic canaidate. i i elected , Governor over Charles A. Goodwin, Republican candidate, by about 4,000 plurality, reversing the previous Republican plurality of 16,- coo. In Ohio, Governor Judson Har mon, Democratic candidate for re election, appears to have carried tb State by G. Harding, Republican candidate In New Hampshire, Robert It Bass, Republican candidate for Gov ernor. is leading Charle3 E. Can regulating the bowels. dealers. For sale by all A. Qofcd Position Can be had by ambitions young men and ladies In the field of "Wire less" or Railway telegraphy. Sine the 8-hour law Became effective, and since the wireless companies are es tahltahin? stations throughout the about 15.U00 over Warrerv ( country, there fe a great shortage o ' telegraphers, fosiuons fpay Degin ! ners from $70 to $90 per montb,witl 1 good chance of advancement. Tbe i NTatinnal Tplpffimnh Institute ODerates leading Charles E. Carr, ! Hix nfficui institutes in America. Democratic candidate, by about 6,000 j supervised by railway and wireless plurality. j officials, and places all graduates into In Pennsylvania, the election o' F.osluo.D8-v " w"f .."J? " ""Vs lOetD IUf lull utwiia at jLavcu)iuii) Pennsylvania, John H. Tenner, Republican candi date for Governor, is claimed by a large plurality. In Rhode Island, Governor Pothier, Republican candidate for re election. is slightly in the lead over Lewis A Waterman, Democratic la,, Cincinnati, O., or Memphis, lenn. Portland, Ore., Service at Primitive Bptlt Cbarch. : Elder E. E. Lindley, of Wilming ton, will preatfa at the Primitive candidate. ' Baptist church here Saturday at 11 with a plurality much reduced from' ".o clock ana buaaay at tnesamenour, that of 1909. , Mr. Rogers, of Monroe, will sing at 'the church Sufedav at 10 and at 2 Ben W. Hooper, i3 apparently elect- : o'clock old time singing. Everybody ed by 15,000 majority. , is invited to har him. Diimfvrntif f4nypm?ra hnvf hci, ! ADAM GREEN, elected in Alabama and Sjuth Caro lina. '.v. . ' In Iowa the Democrats claim t!v election of Claude R. Porter for Go- ernor, but this i3 not yet conceded. In Wisconsin the election of Repub lican candidate for Govefner, Francis E. McGovern, is claimed by reduced majority and the return ot Senate LaFollette to the United States Se&i ate is assured. In Michigan Chas S. Osborne, the Republican candidate for Governor, appears to have a safe lead over L. 5'. Ilemane, Democrat. "I do not believe there is any other ! medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turptn, Junction City, Ore. This remedy is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. Forale by all dealers. A warranted kid glove in all col ors for $1.00. Wadesboro Dry Goods Co. - LATEST RETURNS. pure Wood runs you down makes you ? victim for organic diseases. Bar Mood Bitters purifies the blood .i the cause builds you up. - " 1.5 Fire tn .Vouroe Yesterday. oe dispatch, 9th, to Charlotte Obser- o tiggrest fire In this town's his f! :: "urred at 5 o'clock this morn Lea the cotton platform caug.ji 0 n some unknown cause and 800 and 900 bales of cotton. i ' itform end weigher's stand and freight cars were entirely de 1. The total loss Is placed at ' end it Is not known how 1 covered y Insurance. Crow - are the largest losers, their : estimated at 115,000, partly The firemen were prompt 3 Fpot, bat the flames had rapidiy that little mote : Jonathan putting oat the .vii: adjoining Droperty. . ia the side or chest dampen a !?'-! with Chamberlain's Linl-) i it on over the seat of pain.' ; r tetter. Fur val by all Associated Press Dispatch, 9th. The political upheaval of Tuesday was followed yesterday by a geners.1 survey ot the field, which disclosed with greater detail and precision jast what results had been accomplished Latest calculations on thle natior- ' House of Representatives, based o.i complete but unofficial returns, sho -that the Democrats will have a safe working majority ot 30. The outcome of the United Stat..;, Senate is now definitely settled. Tim Republicans are assured of 1G ne v Senators, which, with 34 holdov..' Senators, gives them a total of 50. Tbe Democrats aret assured of 15 new Senators, which, with 25 hold overs, gives them a total of 40. ; Two Senator3hipsare still in doubr, namely, tba successor of the late Mr. DolIIver in Iowa, and of Mr. Carter in Montana, where there is prospect of a tie. ' '; . .: : These determined totals, however, leave a Republican majority In tb Senate as follows: .Total membership 92; necessary Li majority 47; Republicans 50; Demc crata 40; doubtful 2. . The IS Republican Senators cor sidered assured are from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Massaehuset , z Minnesota, Michigan, Mevada, Norra Dakota (2), Pennsylvania, Rho-ti W NTED: You to know that th Charlotte Evening Chronicle "Th Great Penny Paper" is on sale io your town each evening, and that Wm. Murr Crowder is our regularly appointed agent and will deliver at your home or fcffice for one cent per day or six cents per week. Give It i trial. FOR. S ALE A onmber of fine pigs. Ap ply to J. C. Watkins, Polkton, Route No. 1. HAPPY RESULTS. Have Made Halsy Wadeaboro Reildenta Entbaelasttc. No wonder 'tecores of Wadesbon citizens grow enthusiastic. It u enough to make anyone happy t find relief after years of suffering Public statements like tbe following are but truthful representations of tin daily work done in Wadesboro by Doan's Kidney Pills. H. D. Pmkston. of Wadesboro, N. C, says: "I suflered severely for severely months from pains across tl e small of my back and through my hips. I was so lame and sore at times that I could not turn over in bed and 1 was unable to put oa my clothiteg without assistance. I did not know how to find relief until a friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I procured a box 'and had- not finished the cuntents before the pain left. I am qlad to say that I have hal no return attack. I cannot praise Doan's Kidney PiCs too highly." . For sale by all dealers. Price PC cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's ard take no other. C.'- t Thanksgiving Day Needs & vo- poh THE KITCHEN should bellied now. Don't wait until the turkey is ready for the oven to find you bavent a roasting pan big enough for the bird. Come to this hardware store and get the pots, pans, kettles, and cooking utensils of all kinds which good housekeepers should possess. The Covincton Hardware. fi i m . . O o I 'ft H h s) do j o o 55 5S -I c a ft & 2 9 296 180 180 138 45 124 73 64 35 82 81 177 1,525 14 18 6 2 2 9 I 1 23 55 47 ' 9 . 188 297 181 173 138 45124 73 65,85 82 8G 177 1,526 297 181173138 45 124 73 65 85 82 86 177 1,526 It 19 11 A Q Oil O? Sf A7 Q TC7 . . 11 13 11 4 3 9 1 123 55 47 9 187 . . 298 181 174 138 45 124 73 65 85 82 86 177 1,528 1 1 .. 10 13 11 4 3 9 1 123 55 47 9 186 296182 174138 45124 73 65,85 82 86177 1,527 SI 11 12 11 4 3 9 I 121 55 47 9 184 II 297 182 173 138 45 124 73 65 85 82 86 177 1.527 1 1 111.12 11 43 9 I ipa5d47p9H 186 1 1 E9fll8l H3 I38 4ai24rr3tea85 82 8QI77 ' 1,526 II I 111 12 11 4 S 9 1 123 551471 9 186 II I III II 236 181 173 138 4SI24 73,86 82 8(3177 r 1,526 1 1 297181I73I38 45I24 73 65'85 82 86:IT7l 1,526 11 13 II 4 3j 9 1 11231 55 47 9 187 1 1 nno lor T7 1 too a c! Tr. j to (ir os on o ttt t kot B I Y 12 II 4 a 9 1 M 55) 47 U T8fi II f 1 II 297 181 173 138 45 124 73 65 85 82 86177 1,526 297 181 173 138 45 124 73 65 85 82 86177 1,526 297 181 173 138 45 124 73J65 85 82 86177 1,526 ; " 11 12 II 4 3 9 1 123 55 47 9 186 1 1 II 12 II 4 3 9 I 123 55 47 9 186 Tl Tfi TT A O A T T no p- r a T - c Ton BE Ail 14 L' f' 1) A' UiX til 'LOU I B I I 1 P' What Is the Use of Laying Up Money in the Bank Without Interest or not exceeding 4 per cent, and 4 per cent for a whole year? TfjE iviY TO pake polEY is jo tfJvEST youq flOflEy viselY. - You deposit your money in bank at 4 per cent interest. A hustler comes along and borrows this money your money at 6 per cent, possibly 8 per cent or 10 per cent, and wisely invests it, pays the interest, and makes some thing on his investment. But Mm SMLL W Invest It hh To Jke DiViDEflDS? MO E VE Auction Sale of Lots Monday ,'Nov. 21, at 10 a.m. Brass Band Will Furnish Music 40 Choice Lots for White People $50 Given Away $50 During the sale, we will give away $50. Every adult will be given a ticket upon which to write his or her name. The tickets will be taken up and a child will draw. The first name drawn will get $10 The next 3 names drawn will get 5 each The next 5 names drawn will get 2 each The next 15 names drawn will get 1 each nTCWII I DC oni n oneasyterms LUIU WILL UL OULU AT YOUR PRICE 8. G. GODFREY & GO. Your Opportunity to get the best is to get your grocer ies at the store of V. T. Pinkston & Son. Our canned goods are fresh and of the best brands. . In coffee, rice, sugar and all the staple groceries we can please you. Give us a trial or der and let us convince you. All 'phone orders promptly attended to. J. T. PfmsTOfJ tf Sofj Thone No. 75. Invest about one-third of the proceeds of one bale of cotton and seed in one of our i Ohio or Avery Stalk Cutters and it will yield a good return (25 per cent to 100 per cent) on your investment. After cutting the stalks, inves about half a bale of cotton in one of our Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plows Put those good mules to it, suboil (turn the soil) and pul verize it all at one operation, and we will wager that the ad ditional yield of crops will de clare a dividend that will sur prise you. And say! you save the labor of two hands per day, and if you arc doing the riding instead of walking you save yourself many "leg aches and prolong your life for yourself and family. If you are going to sow oats, invest one bale of cotton in a Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Ssli fin. iltMlllvSi. teiv. Ufti AM Notice. Until further notice the Ingram mill, on Pee Dee river, will be run each Saturday. A. Keller. - Surveying. The undersigned is prepared to do general land surveying, and will give bis best attention to all business of this nature entrusted to him. J. B. DOWNER, - Litesville, N. C. Route No. 1. Application for Pardon of Bunk Rollins. . Application will ba made to the Gover- uur ui norm Carolina ior ine pardoa of Bunk Rollins convicted at the April term ot the Superior Coort of Anson county of the crime of retailing and sentenced to the public roads of Anson county for a term v. I.l-ITC UiUUb 113. All Dersnns who nnnnw t.Via .ran;. said pardon are invited to forward their j protests io me ijrovernor without delav This October 21th. 1910. " 7' McLENDON & THOMAS Attorneys for Bunk Rollins. This is no experiment. In our regular grain sec tions, farmers do not any more think of putting in their grain by hand with a scooter stock and without fertilize than you cotton farmers think of trying to raise cotton without a Cole cotton planter and guano. If a grain drill is good for them, why not for you? If you use up-to-date methods in cotton farming, why not in grain? If you. want to drill oats in cotton land, we have the single row Cole and Gant - Oat and Fertilizer Drills in stock at $8.50 and $9.50 each. O Put a few dollars into some of our j Wire Fencing, f'nr rn Vi i i i. uumuc ui some JU good, healthy, acorn bearing oaks, til throw a few shoats nvr mcU. .l fence, add a few nubbins and if this doesn't prove a good investment, why we will help eat the shoats. uT16 ke?uty" of your investments with us is that they yield large dividends every year that they are used. Yours for bigger and wiser investments in farm machinery, BLALOCK HARDWARE CO. .532- . 39 - I j I Jj. . 26m I" ! i I i it"- si 1 1 1 1 1 jU U t ta L 0 f ! it. v..- vJ V- ... I1 ij - i. -i Con r patios: T Cst.tm KioMoi n Cic -"Ti -Jiiir-. - j:

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