no I 1 11 1 JAS. G. BOYUN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 1.00 A YEAR, DUE IN ADVAC Number 101 Volume 27 Wadesboro, N. C., iVIonday, November 14, 1910 mm VIA 1 J 1 If It Is Insurance That You Want, Call the Anson Real Estate and Ins. Co. Telephone No. 52 (The Strong Agency.") We are agents for the strongest fire insurance com pany in the world, the strongest company in the Uni ted States, and the strongest company in the South.- Insure Your Life in the Southern Life & Trust Co. . the most successful life company in the South. Its sur plus to policy holders is now over half a million dollars. The dividends which the Southern Life and Trust Co. returns to its policy holders are larger on premiums charged than any other company in exis tence as far as we are able to find out. Investigate fully before placing insurance. IT WILL PAY YOU. Anson Real Estate & Ins. Co. T. C COXE, Pres. W. T. ROSE, Sec'y. OLD MACHINE SMASHED. Ferndon Farm Dairy El Has been enlarged by the purchase of the fine herd 01 cows owned by B. G. Covington. Will be pleased to supply his former customers. Our Products We give special attention and extra care to every thing that leaves our dairy for the market. Our sPe cialties are Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream and But ter. We supply our products fresh and pure and our wagon makes two trips each day over the town of Wadesboro. It Means Something to You and your family to have pure dairy products supplied for your table. We sterlize every vessel after it has been used one time and employ the most up-to-date methods of sanitation. Phone your wants to No. 109C, or give order to driver of wagon. Ferndon Farm Dairy, J GOIT REDFEARN. C.ntrol of Seaata Faaaea to Inanrgemta and Democrat Aldrlcli Cltqa. Bro ', k.a p. . Washington, Ndv. 9. There is no more significant feature of. the elec tion yesterday than the complete smashing of the Aldrich Senate ma chine that for bo many years has wielded a power only vaguely grasp ed by the people. This machine Is now a thing of the past , Weakened and crippled by pri mary defeats and enforced retire ments before election, the vote on Tuesday in the several States has wrecked it irrevocably. So relent lessly were the Aldrich men slaugh tered in their States that the ques tion as to who will succeed Aldrich a3 the organization leader is no lon ger a material one, because the or ganization itself has been broken to little pieces. While there will still be a Republican majority, the Demo crats and the Insurgents will consti tute nearly three-fifths of the mem bership, and there will be about that august assemblage an , entirely new atmosphere. v According to the returns, m the next Senate there will be 51 Republi cans and 41 Democrats, a clear gain of nine for the Democrats. The Dena ocrats aDDarentlv have gained seat? in the following States now repre sented by Republicans: Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersev. Ohio. New York and West Virginia. In Maine a Democratic Legislature was chosen in September, insuring a Democratic Senator td succeed Senator Eugene Hale. The slaughter of the wheel horses of the Senate machine, beginning six months ago and ending with the vote on Tuesdav. has been terrific. It be gan with the announcement of Sena tor Aldrich that he wouli not be a candidate for re-election. Later ii tleveloDed that this was a matter of cxDediencv. as the indications were that he could not be re elected. Late returns indicate that the Rhode Isl and Leei3lature will be deadlocked on the question of the Senatorahip. The next retirement was that of Sen The Best Mules Are The Cheapest Mules in the Long Run. - "' I have just received a car load of splendid mules not a sorry one in the bunch. They came high, but every day are increasing in value. Gome and See Them. M. W. BRYANT The Place to Buy Where You Can Get What You Want When You Want It My Rutherford street store is that place. If you want nice, fresh groceries I have, them. If you want a good, honest pair of shoes you can get them from me. In fact, if you want anything kept in a general store I will treat you right and try to save you money. Don t forget the place Rutherford street, first door north. o W. N. Jean store. - ? : : in? C. Mil HAD PSORIASIS FOR TEN YEARS Itching and Burning Terrible. Ap- pearance worse naa specialists and X-Ray, with Some Success, Others without Relief, Used Cuti cura. In 4 Days Relieved. Inside of 2 Weeks Cured. "I had been suffering with psoriasis for a period of ten years. It would dis appear occasionally for a year or so and then return in worse form than before. The last attack came on & little over a year ago, and by early summer had covered me all over. The itching and burning were terrible, and my appear ance was worse. I had tried different specialists and had had the X-rays used on me, sometimes with some success and at others without relief. In the early fall of 1909 I was induced to try the Cuticura treatment, by a party who had heard of a remarkable cure it had made, and I confess that I started in not only without faith, but with every prejudice against the medicine. In four clays I was relieved of the inconvenience, and inside of two weeks cured, except for a slight discoloration of the skin, whifih wore off in a few weeks. 1 sub sequently saw my friend Mr. 7 who had the same trouble. When he gaw the wonderful effect or cuticura upon me, he at ones started tne entire treatment and was well in about ten days. I beg to thank you for the relief you nave given me, ana 11 any one wants my testimony as to tne merit 01 uuticura for that trouble "and will send me a stamped envelope with their address on it, 1 will be giaa to sena tnem a recom mendation under my own signature; Harry G, Martin, 1003 Colvert Bldg.', Sftitimore, Md., Mar. 1, 1910.." Cuticura Remedies aold throughout the world. Potter Drug 4 Chem. Corp., Sole Propr., Boston. "MaUed tne. 32-pase book on Skin Eruptions. ator Eugene Hale, of Maine, who saw the handwriting on the wall and pot out before he was voted out. Senator Julius Ceasar Burrowa, of Michigan, aspired to succeed Aldrich e3 leader of tbe Senate and chairman of the Appropriations Committee. At the primaries on September 5 the Republican "voters of Michigan de cided they had had enough of Bur rows, and by an emphatic majority retired him to private life, nominat ing as his successor Congressman Townsend, a semi-Insurgent. These were the fatalities prior to election day. Now, look at what has happened. Senator Thomas H. Carter, of Mon tana, a wheel horse of the organiri tion, is in danger of defeat., Senator Kean, of New Jersey, another tried and true Aldrichite, will be succeed ed by a Democrat. The New York Legislature is in the hands , of the Democrats, who will electa - Senator to succeed Chauncey M. Depew. Senator Charles E. Dick, the lone- haired Aldrich satellite from Ohio. has been beaten, and a Democrat will come to Washington as Burton's col league. In Nebraska, Congressman Gilbert M. Hitchcock, the Democrat who started the Ballinger investiga tion, has defeated Senator Burkett, upon whom Aldrich could always count when he wanted him. Sena tor Bulkeley, of Connecticut, it ap pears, will not be re-elected, and in West Virginia the confident Senator Scott faces defeat. Thes9 last are both big surprises. Connecticut and West Virginia are regarded as rock ribbed Republican States, and the Democratic campaign managers had at no time counted upon gaining a Senator in either. Greater still, how ever, is the surprise that the Legisla ture is so close in Massachusetts that it is doubtful whether Henry Cabot Lodge can be re-elected, even though the Republicans have a majority. Some Republican members hold him responsible for the defeat of Governor Draper, and, they say, will not vote lor him under any circumstances. Another "standpat" Ssnator elimi nated is Warner, of Missouri, who will be succeeded by a Democrat, probably David R. Francl3. With Aldrich, Hale, Burrow9, Burkett, Lodge, Carter, Bulkeley; Dick, Kean, Warner and Scott all succeeded by Democrats in the next Senate, there will be little left of the "old guard." The only big figure still standing there is Boise Penrose, of Pennsylvania. Prior to the elec tion the most sanguine Democrat campaign managers did not count upon a Democratic gain of more than ix seats in the Senate, including viine. Senator Beveridge ia the only Insurgent Senator who has suf fered defeat. Clapp, in Minnesota, and La Follette, in Wisconsin, are sure of re-election. The changes in the personnel mean a change in Senate methods and Sen ate atmosphere more freedom, more independence, more consideration and legislation lor the pubUc, and less for the "interests..'' PLYLER TO SUFFER DEATH. LAND VALUES. I'mion County Man SI ait Die In tb HWc trie, la Dcfalaof tna laprm Ceart. Monroe, Nov. 11. The Supreme Court ha9 affirmed the conviction ol Charles B. Plyler, who wa9 tried here early In August last for the murder of Carter Parks, his brother-in-law. Plyler was tried with two negroes, George Mayhew and John McManus, and the jury returned a verdict f guilty of murder in the first degree against Plyler and Mayhew, and not guilty as to McManusv Plyler wa9 sentenced to death in the electric chair bu September 15, but sentenced" was not passed opon - Mayhew, Justice Allen taking under consideration a motion to set aside the verdict against him. Plyler got a stay of execution pending his appeal, and now the Gov ernor will set the day ol execution upon receiving a copy of the Supreme Court's certification - to the Union county superior court ol the affirmance of the sentence. , .riyler and Mayhew were taken to the Lee county jiil Immediately after their conviction, their counsel having made a motion to that effect on the ground that they would not be safe in the Union couuty Jail because of the alleged strong feeling against them in this county, and the motion was granted. The sheriff of Lee county hus just reported that Plyler tried to kill himself when he got the news that his sentence had been affirmed. Lauriuburg Exchange. Now and then we hear some- one say that farm lands are too high. Farm lands are now selling in this county at from $100 to $150 an acre, on an average. We do not think ihis ia too high, and we further do not think that this is as high as they are going. Five or six years ago a farm of about 75 acres was offered for sale at 175 per acre. About 50 were in cultivation, the balance in woodland. A very prominent man remarked to us that this was entirely too high; that farm lands were too high. In fact, It was with much difficulty that a purchaser was found at the price. Today this same land could cot te bought for $150. The owner will not consider that -price. And why should he? He has averaged from 23 to 2S on the Investment, and one-third of it has not been touched. He is making from 11 to lift on it at a valuation of $150, and the one-third is still untouched. Pretty good In vestment, it seems to us. Farm lands in Scotland county at the prices at which they are now sellinc offer excellent Investments, and they can still stand a considerable raise. We Offer For Sale on most liberal terms, and at lower price than will ever be asked again, a number of lots near and adjoin ing the Southbound railroad, suitable for all kinds of .business, residence or industrial places, at A.jsrsoisrviLi.E. Come to see me, whether you wish to live here or to invest. Terms: 1-3 cash, balance in 6, 12 and 18 mos. AnsonviSle Real Estate Company A. H. RICHARDSON, Secy and Treas. We G Horse O TJE 8111(1 ISnies AVE YOU seen the New Standard Annual Dividend Policies now being issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York? The Mutu al Life is the only compa ny which has increased its dividend scale five years in succession. For particu lars regarding policies and terms to producing agents address Llarshall&Little Wadesboro, N. C. DANDRUFF EASILY CURED. In fact Parsons Drug Co. has a certain hair restorer called Parisian Sage which costs only 50 cents a large bottle that is guaranteed to cure dan druff in two w.eks or money back. Parisian Sage is the discovery of an eminent student, scientist and specialist, and is made in this coun try only by the Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Parisian Sage Is a most pleasant, daintily perfumed hair dressing, and besides curing dandruff, your drug gist will return your mor,ey if it fails to stop falling hair or Itching of the scalp. II will make hair grow, and wo men who desire soft, beautiful and luxuriant hair can have it ho two weeks by using this famous, quick acting preparation. It is not sticky or greasy. Prominent Woman of Wilmington Dlea Witbont Medical Attention. Wilmington, Nov. 10. Miss Mary Bridgers, one of Wilmington's most prominent women, daughter of the late Col. Robert R. Bridgers, first president of the Wilmington & Wei don Railroad, died here today. She was the founder of the Christain Science effureb hers. - She was ill with fever two weeks, and died without medical attention Her relatives are bitter in condemna tion of the Christian Science element They state that she suffered from a fall at her residence two weeks ago, and that her body shows signs of in Juries. Relatives state that they were not allowed to see her during her Illness, and that they do not know whether de3th was due to fever or to the fall Medical attention wa3 not had, in spite of the efforts of relatives. Her death caused a sensation here, and universal regret. ueceaseu was wealthy and gave the 3ite for the Christian Science church. Christian Scientists have taken possession of her papers. It la expected that legal fight will be made by relatives for possession. Miss Bridgers some time ago gave a deed o the church to the Eddy ele ment. Her relatives will fight for re covery of the proparty. The funeral will occur tomorrow at the residence of Mrs. Preston L. Brid gers. Christian science people are notified not to attend. Funeral will probably be conducted by the pastor of St. Jame3' Episcopal church, the denomination of her relatives, who have assumed charge of the funeral arrangements. Dr. Ktnjrabnry Stricken. Wilmington Star. The many friends in Wilmington and ail over tbe State will hear with infinite regret that the venerable Dr Theodore B. Kingsbury yesterday evening about 6 o'clock suffered a recurrent attack of paralysis and that last night bis condition was regarded critical. Dr. Kingsbury was seated in the family room at his residence, No. 211 South-Fifth street, reading his Bible when he reached np to turn off an electric light, suffering the stroke. His vocal organs are affected and last night he did not recognize those about him. Dr. Kingsbury suffered a similar attack about two years ago, but the one last night seemed more acute. He is in the eighty-thiid year of his age. Friends earnestly hope that he will recove and soon be himself again. been highly praised "We consider them WHY NOT GET RID OF CATARRH? to be just as we represent them. We Received Another Carload last Friday, and their quality has by every one who has seen them. The Best Ever Brought Here If you need a good horse or mule now is the time to buy it. It can probably be bought more cheaply now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time. We sell aJow as it is possible to sell. WADESB' OLIVE STOCK CO. T. S. CLARK, Manager. Bll 0 Dl CO Wc sel1 thcm- Ttcv UUuIlO arc the kind used by people who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the Summers wears the longest and looks the best. O SUFnfiER! Change of School Districts. An application to enlarge the Polkton soutjoi u iinci dv aaainsr inereto eornein of the Brown Creek, High Hill and Potolar Hill districts will be heard by the Board ot Education at its next meeting:, on' the nrss munuay in -tfecemoer, laiu, wnen all who are interested in sueh chancre are no tified to meet the Board and make known their wishes for or against the y.Dif. T! Nov, 10th, 1910. J. M. '.. ALL. t !-'. Ccn.r-i c! i Scott's Emulsion is a wonderful food-mcdi-cine for all ages of man kind. It will make the delicate,sickly baby strong and well will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. - '1 " FOB 8 AXE BY AIX DRUGGISTS Seed 10c, name of. paper and thU ad. lor mr beautiful 6Tin Bank and Ch'M'a 8 ketch-Book. 1 .1 batk fi n- is a IV. i I."- 3 v. pvi no, taxes I pays no rent, Often busted without a cent, But a king among men from, disease I'm free, Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Fox & Lyon. "My God! VVbat Will Cvlomel 8ayl' New York, Nov. 9. A telephone rang in the Associated Press office last night about 8:30 o'colck. A woman's voice at the other end of the wire said: "Thte ia the Outlook office. Will you please tell ua how lhf plpolinn la winP " - - - r r " "Fms haa carried Massachusetts," was the reply. "Connecticut and iew Jersey have also gone Demo cratic. Harmon ha9 been 'elected in Ohio, and Dlx has carried New York by about 60,000 plurality." There was a moment's pause, and then, from the feminine voice. "My GxH What will the Colonel say?" Here are some symptoms of ca tarrb; if you have any of them, get rid of them while there is yet time Ia your throat raw? Do you sneeze often? la your breath foul? Are your eyes watery? Do you take coJd easily? Ia your noae stopped up? Do you have to spit often? Do crusts form In your nose? Are yoa losing your sense smell? Do yoa blow yoar nose a great deal? Does your mouth taste bad morn ings; Da you have to clear your throat on ri-sing, or have a discharge from the nose? Docs mucua drop in back of throat? Have you ringing noiaea in the UYUME1 (pronounce it lilgh-o- ft tne) ia guaranteed to cure catarrh, 1 h coughs, colda, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and croup, or money back. Just breathe it in. Complete outfit, including hard rubber inhaler, 11.00 Parsons Drug Co., and druggists everywhere sell HYOME1. If you already own an inhaler, you can buy an extra bottle of HYOMEI for only 50 cents. Remember that. Hiding Saddles For Somebody Not Sorry for Blander. u.'f ray friends hadnt blundered in think inar I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not be alive now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Harrodsburg, Ky., "but for years tnoy saw every attempt to cure a lung racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. ICIng's New Discovery. The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better health than I have uaa lor years, xms wonaeriui lire saver ii an nnrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs 50c, $1.00. Ttial bottle free. Guaranteed by Parsons Drug Co. done Before. - Penn Do you see anything of onr old friend Cover? Last time I aaw him he snid he didn't like New York. Gothamite That's so, but I guess he'd rather be in IS ew York than where he is now. Penn Vhre is he now? . ijrotnamiie i wouun't care to say He's dead. Catholic Standard and Times We're sarry if you've tried other medi clnes and they failed. As a last resort trv Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a simple remedy, but it's worked wonders. made millions' well and happy. Pu rifies tbe blood, makes flesh and muscla. cleanses your system. For His Sake "My husband begged me to take Cardui," writes Mat tie L. Bishop, of Waverly, Va., "and for his sake I a greed totry it Before I had taken 1 bottle, 1 felt better. "Before taking Cardui I suffered miserably every month and had to go to bed until it wore off, but nowj amall right" E 50 rs - n mbt Wli) . Rhilt Wtmea Vttel If -the? (Ud, millions would vote Dr. King's New LIfi Pills the true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fajrped feel- insrs, backache or headachy constipation, J.' I " ' ' 'v lu'ti-r r : ' r.- ' The Woman's Tonic You know Cardui will help you, because it has helped others who were in the same fix as you." It is not only a medi cine for sick: women, but a tonic for weak women. Being made from mild, gentle, vegetable ingredi ents, it is perfectly harm less and .has no bad after-effects. Cardui can - be relied upon to help you. " Try it todiy. 200 si n 0. I W r B- .J ..-.-. f . - 1 1 - . t l J m i .: Jt: i 1! i H ! VU i I - II -4 i I v a - J You Need One. ij M .4 1 1 IE WBMtf w waarf aaaia. - Funeral Director narantee MaWaMaMSWMa-MaMalaMaMaMaMMaM Come and Look Them Over. The Prices Are Right. We Rid You of All the Cares in Making Funeral Arrangements Hew Good?, New Hearse, Hew Equipment We are prepared at all times to meet every requirement demanded of the undertaking" profession. the rtiuire- Embalming and all necessary cares in keening with menta of the State Board of Health. Licensed Krr.ta'ait-r Funeral Director ii o x i: -NO. II. ' jEFORE orJer:. ? MAG AZIN1V-?