rino- 'SV r lv"N; r AS. G BOYIiDST EDITOR ASTD PUBLISHER " PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IN ADYANCi: l - ' . - - - - ' ! ! ' v 7olume27 Wadesboro, N. C, Thursday, November 17, 1910 - Number 102 1 s! - . . , ; . ' s 1 EXPECTS CHEAPER FOOD. SNAPSHOT OF A GHOST. A PSYCHICAL PAYS THE RESEARCHER PENALTY. .-fiVi,V. Secretary Wilson Say Bread and Meat PrUfi ghoald Com Dsira. Washington, Nov. 13. Uclesa the predictions of Secretary of Agricul ture James Wilson fail to come true, meat prices will 90on begin to topple, and this cart of the consumers food . Prof. Win. Jimtl' 8prlt Claimed t Buyt BB Pbotngltphed. New York, Nov. 12. Prof. Wil liam Jame3, who, at the time of his death, three months ago, wasinstruc I tor in psychology in Harvard Uni versity, and who said just before he Baltimore Evening San The late Prof. William James, of Harvard, devoted most of nis leisure years of hi3 life to the fantastic sport known as psychi cal research. Day in acd day out he will be cheaper. But there is a string died that he would after death try to i;,tened to the trrotesaae messages of . . .it - I A. t ? SAL a 1 I attacnea to tne rosy ouuouk piuiureu geua communication who iuw iuaie- go cane(j mediums nored over the possibility oi rial wona, b&s appeared in tne spirit Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ? We can furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable cures after all other means had failed. Women who are suffering with some form of female illness should consider this. ; As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial lletters. We guarantee they are genuine and honest state smen ts of facts. Cresson, Pa. "Five years ago I had a bad fall, and hurt i myself inwardly. I was under a doctor's care for nine weeks, . 1 1 When I stopped I grew worse again. I sent for a bottle of J . q e. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, took it as directed, i l at Moi now I am a stout, hearty woman. Cresson, Pa. Baird, Wash. "A year ago I was sick with kidney and bladder troubles and female weakness. The doctors gave me up. All they could do was to just let me go as easily as possible. I was advised by friends to take ILydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier. I am completely cured of my ills, and I am nearly sixty years old." Mrs. Sarah Xeighton, ... Baird, "Wash. Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the eranp-ements of the female organism which breed all kinds f miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not ure. are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, - Women who are afflicted with similar troubles, after beading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged to try this wonderfully helpful remedy. I For SO years I,ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Jtlade exclusively from roots and herbs, ana has thousands of cures to its credit. . - ,i-ra Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women L- to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. d1ress Mrs. Pinkham, Iynn, Mass. by Mr. Wilson the combinations of dealers gobbling up and has been photographed by Soren the advantage which Mr. Wilson Linderen, a . resident of the Bronx, anticipates from this year's bumper according to a statement by the lattt-r. corn crops. Mr. Linderen, w ho is a professioo- Secretary Wilson's prediction is as al photographe r,ia the sun of a bweed follows: "We have had bumper I isn clergyman, and, although not a crops, and meat prices should come member of any s fitty for psychical down; that is, if no combine is formed research, has, since a hoy, he say?, among the dealers. My views apply been in communication with pirrs to all kinds of meat The crops have and declares he owes his life to a been such that a falling in nrices I warning coriitnunicated to him some should be the Inevitable result. The years a?o by what he calls "the lady only thing that can defeat this will be In white," who is hi? personal guar- that too great a tollls taken after the dian. Mr. Lindgren wa3 at work in the dark room of his studio developing pictures three weeks ago, when he felt, he says, a strange sense of anoth er presence in the room, and on look" ing around could see a wiaith slowly taking form, but the lines never be- i came dieticct. But almost every day thereafter, he said, the wraith was present. His efforts to encage it in conversation were futile until Thurs- products leave the hands of the far mers and before they reach the con sumer." - In this" statement Secretary Wilson trenches dangerously near the declara tion of Senators Aldrich, Lodge and Gallinger in the Senate during the tariff fight, that the middlemen and merchants were to be blamed for the higher prices of food, declarations ! which were quickly recalled when i the merchants protested against the day, November 5th, when he said he Kccusations leveled at them from the asked: Senate. Mr. Wilson's predictions are based ! upon the survey of the situation made by his experts. He thinks the grains ; are the regulators of prices of food. "Are you Professor James?" The answer was "Yes", and Mr. Lindgren askpd the spirit of the pro fessor if he would pose for a picture. "Not here," was the reply, according affidavits of persons v ho had seen gho-ts. examird slate writings, lnt ear to portent n knock ingr-j npon ta ble, gaz d int crystals, stood aghast before the chil 'isi' tricfcsuf Iusuia Pulladno and orh r u;-h trati-p irt-t frauds. The purpiHt? nf Dr Jam-, of c. urse, w a, very -ry 1 eV 'D lofty or : hp was tri 'o rou"d up t viiin,LI MJpp ri fur Uat belief ia immortality w hich lii:er r- ia nearly ail of s aad is r ur i hiet weapon against M "pair. But lik mcs other men ,v ho have etigagwi in the same enterpri'je, he feU an easy victim to1 chicanery, and so much of the evidence he gathered and published was palpably ridicu lous. '" He seems to have come to a reali- zition toward thj end of his life that he died miud, and he promised his associates to set tle the matter, if "a settlement werv p S8ible, by S iti'lia them a tiies-ake from beyond the grave. Scj fir no such message has coma form him. but a multitude of volunteer "inves tigators," unknown to Dr. Jainejr for- this was the ease,' for when there were still d.uib's in his duriug his iife5,,' hiv? come ward with stories of alleae 1 comma The production of corn this year is to Mr. Lindgren. "I will see you at estimated at 3,121,381,000 bushels, your house tomorrow night at nine compared with 2,772,376,000 bushels I o'clock." Ferndon Farm Dairy- Has been enlarged by the purchase of the fine herd or cows owned by B. G. Covington. Will be pleased to supply his former customers. Our Products We give special attention and extra care to every thing that leaves our dairy for the market. Our sPe" cialties are Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream and But ter. We supply our products fresh and pure and our wagon makes two trips each day over the town of Wadesboro. r.; It Means Something to You and your family to have pure dairy products supplied for your table We sterlize every vessel after it has been used one time and employ the most up-to-date methods of sanitation. Phone your wants to No. 109C, or give order to driver of wagon. Ferndon Farm Dairy, J. COIT REDFEARN; last year. The production of wheat is said to be less in the United States this year, but this is offset to some extent by the big wheat crop of Rus sia and Argentina, which will reduce the foreign' demand for American wheat. The aggregate of crop3 in the United States, Mr. Wilson says, was about 7.6 per cent, greater in 1910 than in 1909, and about 9.1 per cent, higher than the 10-year average. As corn, the great meat producing grain, takes the lead in this increase, the Secretary of Agriculture figures that meat prices will soon fall unless they are held up by combinations. the Best Mules Are The Cheapest Mules in the Long Run. t . have just received a car load of splendid mules not a sorry one in the bunch. They came high, but every day are increasing in value. !... Come and See Them. 4VL W. BRYANT After Grippe or any Sickness Vinol Creates Strength HERE IS PROOF " After a long attack of Grippe,' Mrs. Vaught seemed unableto re cover her strength. She was very weak and had no appetite. VI NOL rapidly improved her condi tion and restored her to health. I sincerely recommend its use during convalescence ' or any run down condition." Judge C. N. Vaught, Huntsville, Ala. Miss Adelaide Gamm, of Water- town, Wis., writes, "Alter a severe attack of the Grippe, my system was in a very weakened, nervous, run-down condition. I took VI NOL with the best of results, and it made me feel better and stronger than I have been for years." We have never sold in our store a more valuable health restorer for weak and run down persons than VINOL, and we ask such pepple in this vicinity to try VINOI. with the understanding that their money will be returned if it does not do all we claim for it Fox 8c Lyon, Druggists, Wadesboro, N. C. Mr. Lindgren says the professor didn't keep the appointtrient, but Lindgren was net discouraged. He prepared for the coming of the 6pirt the next night. He . brought to bis home a dozen dry plates in the origi nal package, and at hi3 request they were opened by a Iriend of his wife, Mias Alva Franson, who put them in the plate holders in the darkened room. Mr. Lindgren had asked her to do that because she bad hinted at photographic trickery. The camera containing the plate was on the edge of the dining room table, at which Mr. and Mrs. Lind gren and Miss Franson were seated, when Mr. Lindgren, looking toward the living room, saw the wraith form ing. He went into the room and ex tinguished the gas light, then went to the dining room and exposed the camera plate. Mr. Lindgren says that it was his purpose after getting thephotograph, which he deemed most important, to engage the spirit in conversation, but before he could do so it had vanished When asked what the spirit looked like Mr. Lindgren gave a fairly accu rate description of Profeesor James as he appeared in life. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most deli cate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strength ening their weakened digestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by. all dealers. nidations with hhUis.-mbcdid spirit One claims to have photographed that spirit: another publishes a Iocs account, supposed to be from Dr, James, of his - sensations at death. Such messages and-' photographs he- long to trie A li l; ot psychical re search. They r.ic' yjgu-; they prove nothing; it take?, indeed, a good deal of imigination to accept them seri ousiy. The corr.naqn or garden spirit ualist, whenever the polio take i nap, inflames ignorant folk with just such balderdash and profits vastly by their credulousne?s. It seerm a pity that b man of Dr James' high attainments -should he made so ludicrous lu death, and yet it is a penalty attaching inevitihly to the work which eniratrtd him rhe late F. W. H. Myers, the Eug- lish psychologist, also made a prom ise to communicate with his friends, if possible, after deatli, and no sooner hsd he been laid in his grave than a m ultitude of prepostero us 'messa sies' ' from his spirii were announced by professional necromancers. These messages, like a!l so ca'Ied spirit communications, were childish and nonsensical so much so, indeed, that Mr. Myers' son put a stop to them by threatening to bring actions fur libel against those who published them. Unless that device is adopted by the family of Dr. James, the "mffisages" from him will increase in number, and as they thus multiply thf y will also move rapidly ard in evitably toward the fl t )d;;:xi!ian maximum. WIFE SLAYS HUSBAND. I : She Wanted ( Dt aid Gald ( Br to !, Him Behind. New York, Nov. 14. Dr. Theo dore B. Burgtorf was shot'acd killed by his wife, Anna, in their home in Bronxborough today. After shooting her bu3band Mrs. Burglorf turned the revolver cn her self, the bullet entering her abdoa en. She was taken in an unconscious con dition to a hospital, where it was said that she probably would die. The cause of the shooting i not known. WAS VICTIM OF DISEASE. It developed that Mrs. Burgtorf hdd long been the victim of a facial disease which caused her excruciat- lU' pain. This, she gasped out at tne hospital, made her wish to die and she sliot her husband, who was a prominent physician in the upper part of the city, because she could not tiear to leave him behind. The physician was shot us he lay sleeping, the bullet penetrating his side. When he rolled to the floor and breathed his last his wife shot herself twic9 in the abdomen and side. ' TELLS HER STORY. Before she lapsed into unconscious ness the woman managed to tell the stcry of her suffering and its effects. Of her husband she said: "I ju3t couldn't bear to die and leave him behind, because I loved him so," she moaned. "Jealousy yes, that's what it is. Maybe it's sel fish of me, but I just couldn't help it." Although ia an extremely critical condition, Mrs. Burgtorf refused to let hospital surgeons operate on her tonight. She was determined to die, she said feebly, and would sanction no attempt to prolong her life. Dcifucn Cannot be Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrb, which is nothing but an iu fiamed condition of the mucous suraca. We will itive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 5c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. he Hamous iu V?5 Does Not Strcin the Eyes Don't use t small, concentrated llht over one shoulder. It puts an unequ&l Bfrsln on your eyes. Use a difTused, soft, mellow llht th&t cannot flicker, that equal izes the work of the eyes, such as the Kayo Lamp gives, and avoid eye strain. The Rayo is designed to give the test light, and It does. It has a strong, durable shade-holder that Is held firm and true. A new burner elves added strength. Made of solid bras3 and finished In nickel. Easy to keep polished. The Rayo is low priced, but no other lamp gives a better, light at any price.. Once a Rayo Uaer, Always One. X5arn flrriff If net at yours, mrfft for itscrtedv ttmiar to thi nrcrtil trcy efthe Standard Oil Company (Incorporate-) A W r if We Hor XXWdL'dU. OTJE es and Mules to We be just as we represent them. Received Another Carload last Friday, and their quality has been highly praised by every one who bas seen them. We consider them The Best Ever Brought Here If you need a good horse or mule now is the time to buy it. It can' probably be bought more cheaply now than at any other time, as prices are advancing all the time. We sell as low as it is possible to sell. WADESB'HUVE. STOCK CO. T. S. CLARK, Manager. SUMMERS BUGGIES . bypeople , who buy a great many buggies and know by experience that the SummcrV"weafs the longest and looks the best. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. No, Indeed. The girl next door seems to have a musical streak this morning." "You must be mistaken." "But I thought 1 1 eard her singing?" "A singing streak is not always a musi cal streak." , it Oat of tne Month of Bmblea. Well, my little man," queried themin's- ter who was making a call -at a West Phi ladelphia home the other day, "do you al ways do as your mother tells you?" "You bet I do," answered tl.e precocious 5 yearrold, "and so does papa." Philadel phia Times. Baby won't suffer five minutes -with croup it you apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil at once. It acts like magic. 200 I H. McLihdos F. E. Thomas. Mc Lend on & .Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WADESBORO, N. C. All Business will Receive ' Prcrrt Attention. ; Change of School Districts. An application to enlarge the Polkton school district by adding thereto corners of the Brown Creek, High Hill and Poplar Hill district will be heard by the Board of Education at its next meeting, on the first Monday in December, 1910, when all who are interested in such change are no tified to meet tha Board and make known their wishes for or against the same. Thi3 Not. 10th, 1910. J. M. WALL, i''c'y Do ard of nidation. HAVE YOU seen the New Standard Annual Dividend Policies now being issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York? The Mutu al Life is the only compa- ny which has increased its dividend scale five years in succession. For particu lars regarding policies and terms to producing agents address Llarshall&Litile Wadesboro, N. C. Sfc-.J ltiMcd lu "Black and Yellow" Not "Football Colors" but the color of the carton containing Foley's Honey and Tar the best and safest cough remedy for all coughs and colds. Do not accept a substitute but see that you get the genuin Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow carton with black letters. For 9ale by Parsons I Drug Co. and Pee Dee Pharmacy. Her Take a box of Nunnally's Candies. She knows just how good they are. The gift v,rill be deeply ap preciated. . Nunnally's name on the box is a guarantee ; of the very highest grade candies. the standardof purity and goodness in the South for over 25 years. W lietever Partatun Sage I Kudh u Has the Call. Parisian Sag?, that mot t Aic'ont of all hair restorers, is a vt-rv liuhtful and refreshing hair (U'tssir-pr U gidea possefsing Uite qualities it Will positively maKe any woinarra hair sofr, luxuriar.t and sttraclive. Parsons Drug Co. 8113 it for CO cents ajarge bottle and will return your inontyifit does not curs dandruff, illing hair and itching scalp in two weefcs. "I had given up hopes of ever be- og cured of dandruff, when I pur chased a bottle of Parisian Sace. It has entirely removed the dandruff and has started a erowth of new hair, and all this after haviDg been troubled 15 years. I cheerfully rec otninend Parisian Saee." Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, Mechanicsburg, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHS The Real Craze of the Age xne meet appreciative girt for our friends. - We make most interesting pictures for both old and young. BLAND STUDIO, Candies reach us by fast express almost daily- your guarantee of ex-. quisite freshness. . ZOO PHARMACY. BLOOD POISON Cured by Marvel oi the Century, B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. Drives out blood poison in any stage per manently, without deadly mercury, with pure Botanical ingredients. ,To prove it we will send you a f , SAMPLE TRKATMfcST FREE If vou have ulcers, eating sores, itcbina: humors, swelling, mucus patches, bone pain, offensive pimples or eruptions, take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). All svmptoms heal quickly. Blood is made pure and rich, completely changing the en tire body into a clean, healthy condition, healing every sore and stopping- all aclys, pains and itching, owing the worst case ff blood poison. Druggists or by express, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure, samples sent iree oy writing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble and free medical advice giv en. Sold by Parsons Drug Co. iding Saddles For Somebody Hexametliylenetramtne Is the name of a German chemical, one ot the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is xcognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and anti septic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy promptly at the first sign of kid ney trouble and avoid a serious maladv. For sale by Parsons Drug Co. and Pee Dee Fhramacy. - ' r " " . Bolli Doleful. "Who is that man at thenex table with that downcast, sad, resigned expression? asked the guest at the club. "I don't recol'ejt his natce,' replied the host, "but he Is either a Republican or married to suffragette; one can hardly tell them apart nowadays." Life. For pains in the side 05 chest dampen a Sale of Land. Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Courts of Anson county, made in a special roceeding entitled "K. JB. Kogers and Hbers. Ex Parte," the nndersijrned will. on Monday, the 5th day in December, 1910, at 12 M., at the court housedoorln Wades-b-ro, expose for sale, for cash, at public auction, a certain tract of land formerly the property of Mrs. Ida M. Rogers, wife of George W Rosers, situate in Lanesboro township in the Poplar urn neighborhood, above state and county, and described as follows: Beginning at a red oak stump on or near Bowman's line on the west ed?e of an old country road, known in the deeds as the Polkton road, where said road makes a short Bend, and runs with the various courses of said old road as follows: N. 30. B. 1.89 chs to a point in said old road, at the head of a gully; then N. 134 E 3.S0chs to astakein said road, one post oak pointer standing on the east edsre of the road; then N. 3 E 3 2S chs to a stake on the west edge of the road; then N 30 E. 2.57 cas to a stake on the west edge of the road; then N. 10 E. 6 50 chs to a stake on the east eage oi tne roaa. one post oak pointer; then N. 17 W. 4 74 chs to a stake; then N. 44 E. 4.12 chs to a post oak on the west edge of the roak; then N. 20i E. 3 96 chs; then N. 4lJi E. 3 32 chs: t hen N. 12 VV 4.70 chs, making 3S SS chs with the various courses of the road to j t this point; then N. 5? E. 1 05 chs to a post ' r oak a short distance from the road on the f, east side thereof, one post oak and one : r hickory pointer; then with Ida L Funder- i S' burk's line N. 20?f E. 2.50 chs to a stake i El where her line crosses the line ot the Geo. Moore land, one small, pine, plum bush and crabapple tree pointers; then with the line of the George Moore land S. 46 E. 1.04 chs to a stake near an old shop place, three pine pointers; then with another line of the George Moore land S. 81 E. 5 20 chs to to a stake in the edge of the field near a black jack stnmp; this stake is N 7xi E. 56 links from a post oak at the woods; 3 - hHCr -1; " V - . .-: to- -w Vv'' V SI I i .( o u Need One piece of flannel with Chamberlain s Lini- , " J. . mrn,r flf th r.. Come and Look Them Over. The Prices Are Right. C. S. WHEELER ment and bind it on over the seat of pain There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. R ntroBB ordering MAGAZINES get, f" special offers and save MOXpV. s(i!'T!!K n f 'V if- r v ? pti o a -r La A Venal Kxctpiloa. ''Do yoa know of any exception to the rule that birds ot a feather flock togctherT' "Yes. Raven locks with crow's feet." Regulates the bowels, natural moveirent., ciiv- proruoies easy c-i iratlon small forked hickorv oi the north side of the road pointer; then with the ' road westward 17.35 cbs to nthe Gordon and Eidridge corner in the middle of said road; then with Bowman's line N. 9 E. j 14.40 chs to Bowman's corner; tliea with ' hi3 other line N. 44 W. about one chain and fifty links down tha aforesaid old Polkton road to the beeinnlng;cntaiuing sixtv-six and two-thirds (eosi acres, ae- , 1 coming to survey and plat made by R. J Flake, count v surveyor, j-ir.uary, iv-X fa'? is s-..b .' ct to cnt' r nn.n t Commissioner's Sale o! Land. By virtue of the power contained in a de:ree of the Sptrior Courts of Ans. a in a. special prociiu-r eotitlod -LV B. Allen and Others, Ex Parte'" the uo Cor sica 1 will, on Moa-iav, IVcemb-r b: i VfK at 12 M., at the court- bouie Uo-t i i Wa'loburo. cspne f.-r fi:..".o. .fr o'v-'.-. Smith land, on Brown creek, a- i ing thirty-v lii.t avro-, raorv o:r U aond adjoins tne uuj uf V. K. and otl.ers and is s-u t a i cree-k and cot; c - ' ; . jwtv. n.r? cr ; ! - ., - tiens t ; - i . -, . i - . ( f u o !: : .: 1 1 i! .nta:a-