A -t t '. & Intelligencer! .monger. ?A.DK;nono, !. C. l, 110. JAS. Q. UOYUN. Publisher. Piloted twice week, and entered at tbe post of3 at Wadesboro N. C., under the Act ot luscbs, 1B. . ; . The Me33ager and .Intelligencer is t very glad to announce that Mrs Ethel Thomas has accepted a position with the paper. lira. Thomas has bteu lot gandfavorably known toourread-tc-ia as "Becky Ann Jones," under which nom de pin me she has from time to time contributed dialect sto rk a to onr columns.- Mrs. Thomas, at an early day, will visit the several towns and communities of the coun ty f:.r the purpose of "writing them ny". Ary courtesies showh her Will t2 greatly 'appreciated . by the M. & I. ' A VAIN EFFORT TO DETHRONE SANTA CLAUS. Baltimore Sub. : A bunch of Boatonians, led by Mus Lotta Clark, have started a new eru-. sade against Santa Claus. They say 8iuia Claus is u myth, and that chil d?en should not be taught to be!i-ve in myths. In other words, they want to rob childhood of its sweetest possession, to dwe.rf its imagination and form its character upon the cold foundation of fact. These people ha ve not stopped to consider that the crea ture of the imagination of today Is the accomplished fact of tomorrow; the accepted ; fact of today, often the exploded fallacy of tomorrow. Tbey forget that everything worth knowing or doing in life has been first pictured to the imaginative mind. Columbus imagined another continent beyond the see, and boldly Bailed away to its discovery. New ton Imagined the force that drew the apple to the ground, and the law of gravitation was soon made plain. Wstts imagined the giant force of steam when beaaw the vapor disturb the lid of his mother's tea kettle, and the mighty locomotive of the present J uay started on its way. Franklin's imagination sent him to fishing the lond with a key, a kite and a silk strlug, and the electric current was le-i captive. Edison imagined ti;e fl..-od of light that dweltin electricity, and the world now d web's in Its radi aoce. Marconi imagiied the invisi bis lines that thread the trackless air, $n 1 we have the wireless telegraph. Ucoumbered fmaginaUons have felt the bodies that gave them habitation eo i ring birdlike over and above the earth and behold the flying machine Imagination explores the unexplo ruble, fathoms the unfathomable, m.3ures the. immeasurable. It ip the forerunner of achievement, the' pioneer of accomplishment, the pro-1 phet of the possible. To stunt the inn gtnation is to discourage the mind, i to hamper the soul, to shackle the ! B'ijitionj. To destroy the imagina- j uad over 100,000 injured while cros3 tiun is to paralyze genius, crippie in-".?g or walking along railroad tracks, vestigatlon and bid the world stand j; This is a tragic record never ap 8t;ll. This from the standpoint of thet '-roaehed in -any other country. In physical value of imagination to the . wo? II. ' .. From the spiritual viewpoint " th-. ltes from the destruction of this pgr ticu'ar creature ct the imaginatloc vojld be still greater. . Santa Claun etnuodies to the childish mind the ftphit of Christmas, implants the 1m pulses of generosity, ofiove and c. brotherly kindness. What but the beautiful belief in Santa Claus would make the rag doll iu the hovel and the costly gifts in the mansion equal ' ly potent to bring happiuess to the citiidish mind? Who but Santa Clau? i cculJ, no matter how much the little one asks, render it content and hap py, no matter how litue it receives? Af:er all, it ia the spirit of the fdver tust really makes the gift, and so no matter whai physical form the bricg er of the gift rray bear, If the gpirir b i that of Santa Claus, with his love for all earth's little ones, and the will to give to all, If the ability were there, then that spirit is Santa Claus, aa much if it creeps In at the side door and hides away the gifts from little pryiog eyes,' or softly enters at the front after those little eyes are elosed in happy eleep -no matter bow or iu v bat form the gift may come, if the bearer has the soul of the myth tea; S iota Claus, then he Is Santa Claus. aod Santa Claus becomes a fact. And even , a bunch of Bostonians can't abolish a fact. : v ho woz it that sed "If our fore Bights wuz az good az our bind sites we'd never mi?s a mark?" . It wont Shskeepere yuz it? Well, I don't want to see too fur ahed,cause "what is to be, will be whether it ever is or cot,"an I mite git a tectle blue. -- "Becky. Ann. WU-n pUnuing next year's reading," Of course yon'll want the best i-e us your name and dollar, And we wil! do the rest. Say thar, Mr Board of Commishner. why dcu't you put Jeem's on tbe ptjeere an eicp ioiss irum growiin?. i Ha s aom mia m on to twenty fw yfarancan reckermeud h Ira as si- , wool an t. yard wide. Frum the wa I He can sling a axe,I no he cud riiDr . . . .. ' ... i,a " bidy " mitey graceful , an he'd b ihe death of blind tigers aa tneaii ' f whiskey. Try him. "Beckv Asir 'M I FOUSALE- I have ar.ts ready for at jjvejy, 'i r 51.cC .sar drove prices down. f caator Own AUtlbilci Drop to Im- eratle Election. Washington, Nov. 17. Food ex perts have another theory on their hand3 today to account for the drop In prices. This latest one is ad vanced by Senator 0en, of Oklahoma, who says that the Democratic vote did it. "Palling prices are due," he as--:rta, "to the powerful influence hich the universal opinion of tee j merican people, shown in the last : Miction, exerted. When a - great; party is overthrown,, as the Repubii- j ? ins were on November 8, it is a far- rtAchln Davc-holosical influence One Of the Chief factors leading to ! .u , Kut. Lnia overthrow was the high prices rKl hv manoDolv. and unless these 1 jices were reduced. tho3e responsi- J h'a for them would naturally antici tate the application to them of dras ' c remedied." The coet-of living situation is fast becoming a puzzle. Secretary Wil Bon says the lower meat prices ere lue to a short hay crop. Dr. Wiley - iys they are a trick of the "inter- sts." Now comes Senator Owen, tt-id says "the Democrats did it." TRAGEDY THAT TOUCHED THE HEARTS OF THOUSANDS. Baltimore Baa. While walking on the railroad track near Tuxedo, Md., a man and i iis wife were struck by a train and j-jstantly killed. In their cottage not rr away were five little children, rpbaned in an instant. All the res taects had been warned of the dan-..-ar of walking on the track, but the 'tilroad bridge formed a "near cut" ; ad scores of them used it as a thor oughfare. The accident in which Mr. and Mrs. Gray were killed cnocked the entire community. Many t -hers had walked along that same stretch of track, never considering the fact that they were jeopardizing their own lives and running the risk rf leaving their babies alone in the workl. y '. The fate of these children left with out father, mother or near relatives t -niched. ''the', hearts of thousands. Friends were raised up on every hand. They found that not only !re the children left penniless, but p here was a mortgage of $300 on the dome. - A fund wao started in Wah- iatrton by the Herald, and in a few nays the entire amount needed to i-iae the mortgage aud put a free roof over their heads was subscribed. A prominent lawyer, Mr. Robert Wells, volunteered to undertake the responsibility of their guardianship. Funds are now being contributed for ieir suppmt, and though a good deal r-jore is needed,1 there is no doubt tijat It will be contributed. Cierks in he Pension Bureau, mechanics in rie Navy Yard, jurors in the courts, uarenls and children were glad to :ive their dimes and dollirs. - But charity cannot give back their jz-rtnta. A statement recently was ssued showing that si ace the compa nies htve kept correct a records more iaan 50,000 persons have been killed 1 .. reat part it is undoubtedly due to is rppklfwriPKfl of nfidpHtrin.ns.whr. m eplte of ail warnings, persist in U3- I ing the tracks as a roadway; but ' aany are killed on the deadly grade crossings Btill maintained by the oada in every section. Yet this hocking waste of life goes on with io strong concerted tflort to prevent t. In England there are no grade. . rossings, the tracks are fenced in, nd the number of persons killed or ulmed by traios is probably not so reat as the number killed by cyclones .rx this country. : .To' dwellers in Eng- .'nd or on ihe Continent, Americans ust seem Jo have a reckless disre gard for human life. IT GROWS HAIR. 4cr Fd V Want Yen to Prove t Onr Risk. Marvelous as it may seem, Rex H "93" Hair Tonic ha3 grown hair n beads that were once ball. Of course, in none of these case were he hair roots dead, nor had the calp taken on a glazed, shiny ap pearance. ' j . Rexall "93" Hair Tonic acts scientifically, destroying the germs hlch are usually responsible for iiiildness. It penetrates to the roote jf the hair, stimulating and nourish ing them. It is a most pleasant toi !et necessity, is delicately perfumed, tnd will not gum or permanently Uaia the hair. : We want you to get a bottle of Rexa'.l "93" Hair Tonic and use it i directed. If it does not relievt scalp irritation, remove daudruti, prevent the hair from failing out ani promote an increased growth of hair and in every way give entire satis faction, simply come back and tel. j as, and without question or formali iy we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for it. Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00: Sold only at ouj store The R xall Store. The Par sons Drug Co. ' R Sam's Life. j The very grave seemed to yawn before K06ertMa,dsen'or WestBurhgton,lowa! rueflf,'"ier CTett wcek3 ia the hospital, Sil f Ve Dp xnenwas shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, aftereight months of frightful suffering from liver !r?ule and yeUow attndioe. getting no belp from other remedies or doctors, fire bOi.tlesor this, matchless medicine com E Elca lot t-f i nlfitelv t-ed for Stomach, Liver or Kidnev tron- r r - - - FvOi m 1 1 V KUilii iin- lies aad lerer dkappoiats. Octy EOc. at ' Parsoca Drsj Go. iade Qlad ly Democratic Victory ' . nTpspondcuce ot the M. & I. ; r Well, by golly! If they aint gone xl done it again! The Democrats of id North Carolina have beaten the Radicals from Dan to Bersbeba, and old Anson, always true and loyal to the principles of Democracy, - has -ihown that she stands . for white supremacy, good . government and o mpetent white men to hold the -ins over the affairs of the county. rne noble manhood, the true and cyal citizenship, of North Carolina -v.ys: "Away with 'Mary Ann', his ..iilowers ard carpstbag bond3." "By is Eternal, it makes my pen stink to .Tite the name. ' done; the great transaction', done; Butler's beat and the race U won. It makes us feel bo good we are al- nost tempted to apply to Conference rr license to preach. But I'll leave mat for Mr. RoswelL He's snowed lader. I wish he would take Booker long as singer and would 'pass this way. If. I didn't go to theehow, "darn" me. I wish I had been a great man, but reckon it is foolish to wish it, for it yaa not so ordained. I do wish eo, hough. I would like to meet some ,f these rascals on JLhe stump and tell u:em bow tbey looked and in what . stimation they were held by white i ilks. Nero fiddled while Home burned, ad I reckon the Radicals curse while ve rejoice Fate is a stranee thine. The tables re turning. There is a brighter day . awning for all nations of the earth. -Vis, the greatest age of graft and ,reed is fast passing away. The day s not far distant when we shall know very man bis brother. Sometimes e get to ruminating over the past nd are blinded by the future,, The vouds hang low. But there is al ways something within us that says Man, the highest type of creation, iolds that which will bring peace, 'applneBS and rest in the windup of the affairs of this world. X. Judge Bennett' Retntnlaeenece. Men have accomplished by indi--iduat effort much that will be eter - aL SiDgU Speech Hamilton by pef ch in 1757 in the House of Com mons, British Parliament, made i-iraself eternally fataou3. Although .e spoke often this was the most vunderful of his productions. Thomas Evans, of the Milton Chronicle, gave ua a good and true emark in 1882. Speaking of the political enemy he said, answering 'heir affected argument, "Let us all puke." The Hillabpro man was wont ) say of the ill natured public, "He vished the club qf the fool killer.""" Boswell wrote of Sam Johnson in " manner not to be imitated. "Deli . tous it was, glorious in the highest egree. Aswe are In a burry the future is pen to us. The Republicans were greatly bro ken in the recent campaign by the Tiolent speech ot Ex-Senator Butler x the cutset. R. T. B. nays no taxes I pays no rent, Orten busted without a cent, ' free, Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Fox & Lyon. Teachers Meeting. ' ' T"V, nr AnM ff AnaM nnn.tir aha ha. t to meet at the Graded School Build- QK ln Wadesboro, on Saturday, the 10th ! aay or uecemoer, nexr, ,ai iu o ciocka. M- At this meeting tne to ac tiers' iteading "lit'ele will be organized, and plans adopted ;o encourage teachers to secure and read :ie books directed by the teacher-training branch ol the State Department of Educa tion. Teachers wi:I bring such books of -.he course as they may have, and will be 'ixpected to secure the others, including North Carolina Journal of Education." -Some leading educators will be present to idciress the meeting. The colored teachers of the county will neet for the same purpose on Saturday, ohe 17th of December, at the same hour as ibove, in the graded school building for their race. This Nov. 18th, 1810 J. M. WALL, County Sup' t of Schools. MONEY LOST If youifuil to carry INSURANCE I write Fire, Accident, Health, Liability and Fly-Wheel Insurance. W. LEAK STEELE. PHONS NO. 163. -in Ton seed never carry another pafl of water or ren go out of the house en stormy days. Put running ater in your home in the kitchen bathroom toilet and have an adequate supply ia the bars tor water tg stock washing carriages, harness for the lawn, arden or tor protection against fire besides. A k hl ponrbta. I, dimlnatM fh ustrfetly dmkf sttortaok th4 fr-ans in Winter or Sria out ia SomeMT. iMOOinpreMed sir in s 4Vtfr Steel tank doel all tfc work, i jont estlu or oorisd ia tn grouse it eaaaot fceaat. 4 wito. tb water arohiem lererer. a complete syrteai cola ts.fi upwards sad roa cast install It joareetf. U joa like. Let a dune roa bow a r Water Srrtem Is your m will aar joa Booey doctor's blll,so4 add la soar va comfort and saAisraitiaa at ms saoM tiats. A Lmd0r Water Srstato suited to the seeds of roar son ill never ret oat at order or need repairs. A few minutes teoeioa each day is all that the apparatus loqairee. Call or Writ For Frt Deacriotlom Sold by W. N. Rca DR. BOYBTTE, Dentist Ofilce up stairs over Tomlinson's drag store. ' FtO!i9 73. : s s" r--"i:?o,IT. C. Iw3 Carry v 221 Water ML IlllelUlH - GrttTtd O-rer OmIb t SUter. 1 Fort Wood, T. Y., Nov. 13, 1910. Mr. Editor: Will you spare me a little space in yor paper this week? I wish to thank yon so much for your interesting pa per. M don't eee' bow I could get along without it. -1 notice as I read your papers there have been quite a lot of sad Incidents since I left. I noticed the sad death of roy dear sister, Etta, too. " - ; Yes, Mr. Editor, before any further writing I wish to thank you again 'or your paper, No; I can't realize that Etta la dead. She looked so well the last time I looked upon her dear, sweet face. Oh! How badly I hated to leave her. But I never had the slightest idea it would be tbe last time I would ever see her. Oh I How I have grieved and wept for her, and the sadness of my heart looks like it's more than I can bear. Poor child! How hard it is to give you up. But God in his infinite mercy has called you up to be with him in a higher and nobler world. Yes, Etsa, lam going to meet you up there some sweet day, where I can join hands with you and the holy angels where :?e will never have to part any more. I want to warn everybody who has oot made peace with God to get ready before death knocks at tbe door. He i-i coming again, and he is going to rather up his children and carry them ip to be with him where there Is joy , r.d peace and happiness throughout eternity. Don't you all want to go to that celestial city where you can march around tbe throne ot God and sing praises to him forevermore? Yes; my heart goes out in deepest -ympathy for all the family and hus band In our sad bereavements. That heaven's richest blessing may descend upon us and sustain us is the prayer of your sorrowing brother,- Fbank; L. Bowman. WIHPromste Btsatf. Women desiring beauty get wonderful help from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It ban ishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety, it glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold eoro, cracked lips, chapped hands. Best tor hums, scalds, fever sores, cuts; bruises and t iles. 25c. at Parsons Drug Co. Surveying. The undersigned is prepared to do general land surveying, and will give his best attention to all business of Lhis nature entrusted to him. J. B. DOWNER, Lilesville, N. a Route No. 1. Bu y hi one y Orders OF THE Southern Savings Bank, Peebla.nd Wsdetbora AataoaiTtll thereby keeping your money at home, instead of patronizing out side interests, as you will if ' you buy money orders of the post office or the jezpress company. CottonSeed Mjeal and Hulls can now be secured up town from us, and we will deliver them. There is no longer any need to send a mile or more for them. Meal and hulls each put up 100 pound sacks. J. T. Pinkston & Son. Phone No. 75. P. S.. Have you ever tried our delivery ;ervice? Prompt and careful atten tion given all 'phone orders. i ROY M. HUNTLEY D. D. S. . Offlce Second Floor of New National Bank Building. Work Done Day or Night. PHONE NO 90. Cols and Caskets When you want a nice Coffin oi Caeket, at a reasonable price" era mine the line I carry. I have them from the cheapest to the neet. '.-,. . 4 Is always in readiness, and every feature of the undertaking busi ness receives my careful atten tion, whether day or. night I also carry a nice line of BURIAL ROBES. ' . S. S.Shophord Tha Undertaker ice Hearse TT (9 "IT I TT ill it 1 That You Want, Call the Anson Real Estate and Ins. Co. Telephone No. 52 (The Strong Agency.) We arc agents for the strongest fire insurance com pany in the world, the strongest company in the Uni ted States, and the strongest company in the South. Insure Your Life in the Southern Life & Trust Co., the most successful life company in the South. Its sur plus to policy holders is now over half a million dollars. The dividends which the Southern Life and Trust Co. returns to its policy holders are larger on premiums charged than - any other company in exis tence as far as we are able to find out. Investigate fully before placing insurance. IX VILL PAY YOU. Anson Real Estate & In. Co. T. C. COXE, Pres. W. T. ROSE, Sec'y. Huntley & Clulledge have just received a fresh carload of H orses and Mules for their Chesterfield, S. C, stables, and they are anxious for every per son in their territory who is in the market for a horse or mule to see them before buying. Do not fail to visit their stables at Chesterfield. Christmas Pictures. Come for your sitting before the rush is on. -Only a few weeks until the holiday season. Many Will have nics photographs made of themselves for Xmas presen tations this time. Nothing pleases our friends quite so much. . Our mounts and Foldersare new and beautiful. STUDIO. Thank And Chickens Wc have just received a fine lot chickens for the Thanksgiving trad, order early before they are all gone. We make a sp'ecialry of quick and careful deliver ies at your door. J. T. PfJKSTOfJ $ So;j 'Phone No. 75. Thanksgiving 3 '""""imI i.aieiaaj hbZL ss.ox-- The Covington Hardware. Listen. I am froing to pive one complete life scholarship in Bookkeeping or Shorthand and Typewriting with all books and sta tionery furnished to one yonn? lady or gentleman, for the snui of f20.tx), provided .yuumiuu touio ju. .isi. r.nroii imine- uiawny ana secure mis. fo;.ix scaoiarsnip fr t'JiM0. Address, L. li Jaokson, Prin. "ieh Point Busineej. Collejrs, High Point, s insurance I 2SS5 0 ving Turkeys of turkeys and Phone in your Day Needs FOR THE KITCHEN should be filled now. Don't wait until the turkey is ready for the oven to find you haven' t"a roasting pan big enough for the bird. Come to this hardware store and get the pots, pans, kettles, and cooking utensils of all kinds which good housekeepers should possess. - JOHN T BENNETT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ail lejfai Dusmesa ml receive prompt mention. UCioe ia the last room on the ntht !u the court honte for t. tn--nt !: j yehig the rnoa hereufore occupy b' ipaoell i Bunttt, Attorney. The Standard for ... FATHER, SON and GRAlvDoOII Each has learned to Know arte! cppreclato tha superior value of 4be Oliver Chilled Plows - These plows wore first placed upon the market over forty years ago and from that day to this their genuine worth has been so con vlncrn g that at the present time there are more than 2,500,000 OLIVER PLOWS IN ACTUAL USE. THE OLIVER CHILLED FLOW WORKS of SOUTH BEND. IND originated the chilled plow industry and REVOLUTIONIZED the FLOW TRADE of tha WORLD. , Oliver Chilled Plows and Repairs stand first and foremost for excellence, durabJity, line finish, long wearing, and perfect scouring And turning qualities. It means money In your pocXet and better crops from now on if you will decide to do your worn with the OLIVER CHILLED PLOW. COME IN AND TALK THE MATTER OVER Blalock Hdwe. Co., Wadesboro, IN. C aiJt".1 "Coal To Burn The Wadesbor Oil Mill operates a domestic fuel department. Perhaps this seems a curious branch of the oil business, but it is easily explained. It takes steam to run a mill, and it We buy coal in great quantities, and now have a large supply on hand. This Is the Right Coal to Buy. We save all the good clean lumps for our custo mers, and use the dirty dust for our furnaces. (There it burns just as well as the other.) Discriminating customers get the very finest coal every time. Coal, Any Quantity, Any Time 17iDESBOFiO OIL JILL. Telephone No. - 63. Q4TfWlQS FuRfJ. Go. "The House of Quality." Is better equtpfHd to serve you than at any previous time in its long and honorable career. Quick Deliveries, Up-To-Date Goods, Anxiety to Please you. We Hope to Merit Your Trade. Mail orders, as well as those given us personally, tvill receive our most careful attention. If Its Anything in the Way of Furniture or House Furnish in qs See Us and Let's Talk It Over. It Pays. QA TfjfJQS tUfflJ. GOP'fJY "THE HOUSE Lower Street. We Rid You of All the Cares in Making Funeral Arrangements New Good9r New Hearse, New Equipment We are prepared at all times to meet every requirement demanded of the undertaking profession. Embalming and all necessary cares in keeping with the require ments of the State Board of Health. A TUT'rVTtO C viiillllllUJ Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen, Pat ronize the Old Reliable Tailoring Shop. Pressing, repairing, cleaniug scouring of all articles of cloth lng our SPECIAL STUDY. All work satifactory an prompt ly done Yours to please, Effie Byrd. At Byrd'a, the tailor, old stand. Phone No. 149. Tlnee Generations 5 ! i ... h takes fuel to make steam, OF QUALITY" Phone N o.41. Licensed Emhalmer I PHONE Funeral Director NO. 41. Fire arid Life Insurance.- t I write Fire" Insurance ia two 1 North Carolina companies, la cine other United States companies, and ia four foreign companies. I repre- ' sent one of the best Old Line Life In- v iurince CuiDpanies The utualDeu- eflL Phone 1C3. Hill House. x D. A. McGIaEGOPw For Sale. f O ie 1 bore power boiler; oca i b'. rs por Liddell engine; cr. 8-rv.nt saw mill; one bxi(r wa-. r . i All rx'IU and apj liinces H v:- c SiM'iun. A plyat ence to V 1. 21 ; tr T: C Coie. r

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