Ja. A la fx IV .1 I - ,1 AO. EDITOR AXD PUBLISHER TUHLlSIir I MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS V Wadesboro, N. C, jiursday, November 24,1910 n r n r jr i 111 i l . r i Yen? Clothes on a Wet Washday WOMEN ON THE WARPATH. or- When -clothes can't be hung outsideand must be dried in a room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Heater quickly does the work of sun and air. You can hang up the wet clothes, light your Perfec tion Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the heat rises and quickly dries the clothes. Do not put off washing to await a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any day with hot air from a Suffrages Attack Premier Asqatth Sav agely On Street. London, Nov. 22. The political campaign is being waged with a Qercne83 almost unknown in nsr- THE CARE OF SICK B i i THE TURNING POINT IN LIFE. NOW. THE GREEN DOG. Common-Sense Home Treatment Is More Reliable Than-Some Doctors. Saturday Evening Post. The liability of horses to accident or illnc-33 is certain to make it neces- i land, both by politicians on the stump ssry at times to nurse and doctor and suffragettes on the battlefield. lhe battle of Downing street, i which was fought this afternoon ! when several hundreds suffragettes attempted to storm the Premier's residence, assaulted Mr. Asquith and Augustine Bierrell, Chief Secretary for Ireland, and broke many win dows in the government offices, sur passed all previous spectacles of the sort. About 150 women and several them. 1 wish I could dismiss this part of ray subject with the simple advice to call in a reliable veterinarian whenever a horse is ailing, for this, when possible, is unquestionably the best thing to do. Unfortunately, however, regular veterinary physi cians are rarely to be found outside of our larger cities, and so the horse owner has his choice of doctoring the horse himself or calling upon the men supporters are in the police eta- village horse doctor. tion tonight. 1 For the home treatment, which the Following an announcement by the impossibility of securing a good prac- Absolately smokeless -amf odorless it cives fust as much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorless 1 smokeless. It has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which cats the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and : y to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly ned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, ,be--se of a new device in construction, and can always be easily screwed for rewicking. An indicator shows the amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap does "not need ) ce screwed down, but is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the "t by a chain. Finished in japan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, built -r service and yet light and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top. Dealers Everywhere. If not at yours, write for descriptive circular .. to the nearest agency of the Vavaaf Standard Oil Company V (Incorporated) 3 - - ii!saaanasMnmnn-MaMsssnnnn f Prime Minister in the House of Com mons that if he were still in power at the next session of Parliament the government would still give facilities tor the consideration of a suffrage bill a large body of women, inflamed rather than placated by this promise, which was characterized as "nothing more nor less than an insult to the cause," left Caxton hall in search of the Premier. They came upon him on the way to Downing street and immediately formed a hostile-cordon around Mr. Asquith. who recently has resorted to all kinds of subterfu- : ges to keep himself clear of the hands ! of the militant woman. Baltimore Sun. - There are few more critical mom ents in life than that in which young men decide for good and all on their life-work. It is said thaf'occasion does not make the man: but brings out what is in him." That there are many gifted men and women in the world whose lives have been prac tically wasted because the proper oc casion never offered itself, there can be no reasonable doubt. And on the other hand, there aie unquestionably many who would never have made themselves known to the puplic, had I" erndon Farm Dairy Has been enlarged by the purchase of the fine herd or cows owned by B. G. Covington. Will be pleased to supply his former customers. Our Products We give special attention and extra care to every thing that leaves our dairy for the market. Our spe cialties are Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream and But ter. We supply our products fresh and pure and our wagon makes two trips each day over the town of Wadesboro. It Means Something to You and your family to have pure dairy products supplied for your table. We sterlize every vessel after it has been used one time and employ the most up-to-date methods of sanitation. Phone your wants to No. 109C, or give order to driver of wagon. Ferndon Farm Dairy, J. COIT REDFEARN. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with peifect safety by the most deli cate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strength ening their weakened digestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by all dealers. Agricultural. Knicker Jones is what they call a book farmer. - Bockf r Yes; he has used up two check books already. New York Sun.- OWES m The Best Mules Are The the Cheap Long est mules in Run. I have just received a car load mules not a sorry one in the bunch. of splendid They came i lit- 3 .high, but every day are increasing in value. Come and See Them. M. W. BRYANT Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chicatro, 111. "I was troubled with falling and inflammation, and the doc tors said I could not get well unless 1 bad an operation. I knew I could not stand the strain of one, so I wrote to you sometime age about my health and you told mr what, to do. Aftet taking Lydia E. Hnkliam's vegeta ble Compound and Blood Purifier I air" to-day a well woman." Mrs. Williai: HRENS, W88 W zlSt St., ClUCagO, J.U. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound, made from native roots and lierbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record ror the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi ine in the country, and thousands ol voluntary testimonials are on file in the Fmkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass.. from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration, displacements, hbroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Everv such sufferinc woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free nd always belpful titioner often makes necessary, the main thing to remember ia that horses are suhject to the same" all- ments that human beings are and re quire the same treatment. This is really the keynote ot all intelligent home treatment. For instance, if your horse sprains his ankle, use hot water freely for the first few days; combined with rubbing this is better than any liniment, though the latter h often advantageous later, when the worst of the inflimation has sub sided. If he gets a cut or wound wash out all dirt with warm water and an antiseptic, sew up, if necessa ry, and continue antiseptic dressing. If he catches cold give a slightly laxa tive diet and keep him in as uniform a temperature as possible; and so on through the whole list of equine ail ments. Study each case carefully, use your common sense, and remem ber that what would not be good lor you under like circumstances is not good for your horse. In giving medicine internally the dose should be from five to eight times the dose for a human being, ac cording to the size of the horso and the character of his trouble. Except in acute disorders, however, it is rarely necessary to give medicine. if the horse is "run down," "oat of condition" or "oft his feed" recourse should always be had to right diet and right exercise rather than to drugs. If the instructions I have here given, which I have tried to make as simple as possibleare followed there will be little danger ot the horse Owner go ing very far wrong in his treatment. There will be, cf course, some cases that he- cannot correctly diagnose. At such times the only wise course is to make the animal as comfortable as possible end attempt no treatment whatever without the advice of a re liable veterinarian. Highly TraetabU Pel From Karep For American Woman. New York World If you are a woman of fashion, given to the fads of the moment, the moment, the next time yea appear on the avenue in your gladdest rai ment you will wear under year left arm, pressed closely to your heart, a grass-green wooden dog,, with tail rampant. The arrogant pug and becurled poodle, the pedigreed . "Pom" and bateared bull, until now the compan ions of women's walks and drives, their lioea not been cast in . ear- mast hang diminished heads. A pup roundings'pr crises favorable to the whose form betrays no racial 'pecu display GI their peculiar talents. harlties, whose ancestral line Is a Still, admitting all this, occasion is hopeless blur of mesalliances a mat not the only factor in bringing to carved out ot unresponsive wood light the hidden talent. Would Na poleon have shone . conspicuously if he had not been thrown into the vortex of the French Revolution? or has come to be "mamma's darling," to be bugged and dandled till his painted skin wears off and makes mamma's coat look like Irish seal Washington apart from his connec-1 skin. tion with the War of Independence ? I The green dog, like predecessors in No one can say with certainty, but the world of pets, is an Importation. from our knowledge of the men and the mettle they were made of, we ihave good rtason to believe that, while they might not have be come as prominent in other circum stances and conditions, they would have made good in any sphere. While the occasion counts for a vast deal, still men and women of charac ter, energy and determination often manage to make the occasion where none as yet exists. There is another, and a most weighty, element to be taken into ac count in the effort to utilize every Ue has traveled to America in so many trunks of the returning society belles that the customs inspectors are getting used to him. The green dog thus far has succeeded in defying the tariff. He is a native of Brussels, where he adorned the ill-fated expo sition. In The Old Town Tavern, known for its cooking, LeChien Vert stood. His eyeballs blazed at inter vals. " I Because of the favor the green dog found with the public, smaller sizes were made and sold by the thousand. Women of Europe adopted them as man's gift3 for the benefit of himself the plaything of the moment. Now LADIES, WHY NOT PRESERVE YOUR YOUTH AND BEAUTY? Parisian Sage, the quick acting hair restorer, is now for sale in Wadesboro at the drug store of the Parsons Drug Co., and is sold with a rigid guarantee at 50 cents a large bottle. Parisian Sage has an immense sale, and here are the reasons: It is safe and harmless. It cures dandruff in two weeks, by killing the dandruff germ. It stops falling hair. It promptly stops itching of the scalp. It makes the hair soft and luxu riant. It gives life and beauty to the hair. It is not sticky or greasy. It is the best, the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Huntley & (Ghxlledge have just received a fresh carload of WnrsfiR a.Yiril W. Commissioner's Sale of Land. By virtue ol the power contained in a decree of the Superior Courts of Anson in a. tiroceedinc entitled "C B Allen and Others, Ex Parte" the under signed will, on Monday, December 5th, 1910. at 12 M., at the court house door in Wadesboro, expose for sale, for cash, at public auction, tne louowing' lands oi tne ate ueoree w. Aden, tne nr9t oeinc a tract of land known as the Thomas J. Smith land, on Brown creek, and contain ing thirtv-eieht acres, more or less. The second ad loins the land of W, E. Watkins and others and is situate on Flat Jtorki creek and contains one hundred and twelve acres, more or less. Flats and descrip tions of said lands can be seen at the otUce of the undersigned and will be on exhibi tion at the sale. This sale Is subject to confirmation by the Court. This Novem ber 5th, 1910 , , J AAl&a A. UJUlVliAKX Commissioner. For pains ia the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Lini ment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. for their Chesterfield, S. C, stables, and they are anxious for every per son in their territory who is in the market for a horse or mule to see them before buying. Do not fail to visit their stables at T3 Sale of Land Bv virtue of a decree "of the Superior Court ot Anson county, made by the Clerk thereof on tne 24tn day oi uctober, iitio, m a Special Proceeding, entitled h.van. iiog gan and others, ex parte, the same being for the sale of land for partition, the un dersigned commissioners will, on Saturday, the 26th day of November, 1910, at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door in Wadesboro, offer lor sale to tho hifhest bidder for cash the following described lot of land in the town of Wadesboro, ou the East side of the Salisbury road and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a stake ia the forks of the Salisbury and depot road and runs N. 7 1-2 W. 2.83 chains to a stake; then N. 84 1-4 E. 6.C1 chains to a stake; then S. 28 1-2 B. 3.05 chains to a stake; then S. 65 1-4 W. 7 79 chains to tha beginning, containing about 2 acres. There Is excepted from the above description the lots of land hereto fore conveyed by H. B. Hammond to Lewis Polk and others. This land is well located for building purposes and will be sold in lots or as a whole. A plat showing the proposed lots my be seen by prospective j purchasers by applying to the undersigned commissioners. This sale is made'subjecfr to the confirmation of the court. This ! October 24 th, 1910. -- , r a" r nrrrtr h-rT 1 -11- H. MCUitlXJiN, i i t I . How to Cure Chronic Colds and ljronctatis Cluevale, Ont., May 4, 1.910. "I was sick for two years with a chronic cold and bronchitis and a consequent run-down condition. I received no benefit - from doctors, r nd hgd to 1,'ive up work. VINQL . was recommended and from the sec end bottle I commenced to improve I gained in weight and strength, my cold- and bronchial trouble dis appeared, and I am at work again. I want to recommend VINOL to anyone who is in need of such a medicine." Thomas Higgins. It is the combined action of the . curative elements of the cods' livers aided by the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron contained in VINOL which makes it so successful in curing stubborn colds and bronchitis. : VINOL is a constitutional rem ' edy for chronic coughs, colds, bron chitis and pulmonary troubles, not a palliative like cough syrups. Try a bottle of VINOL. If you don't think it helped you, we will return your money. Fox & Lyon, Druggists, Wadesboro. N. C. FOLEY'SKlBIJEYPnXS Fa Qackacmc Kiomcvs anb Butoocn - and his kind and that element ia di rection. While in the company of a man of undoubted ability, with, a verisable genius for languages, elec trical science, and a dozen other things to boot but who,in spite of ail, has never accomplished anything really worth while the uppermost thought was: What a useful life his would be if he only had a good : man ager! And the same can be said with truth of hundreds of others. Much of the world's best intellectual and mor al fiber goes to ruin because of a lack of proper direction. While the early years of childhood are of creaf importance in the life of the in dividual, there is perhaps an even more crucial stage, and that is when budding youth begins to look ?.ut over the broad horizon and seek a fi. M for the exercise of its powers. The choosing 01 one's lile-worK is no light matter. A first false step may mean a blighted future, and it is par tieutarly at this crisis that sound advice is needed from those of ripe experience. Here is a most excellent opportunity for parents, guardians, teachers,ietc.,to show their real inter est. Some may, and do, drift natur ally into the places for which they are best fitted, but the vast majority do . .not; ami perhaps a great deal of life's misery is due precisely to the failure or many to find their proper p'ace or function in the world's ma chhiery. ' oing to the atmosphere of liber ty which they breathe,there is in ma ny young people a tendency to be peritctiy tree ana independent in in tneir cnoice 01 a caning. Thv have little or no doubt about thiir ability to shift for themselves. Their strong point is self-assurance. Doubtless this is better than the op- poite,but it is frequently overdone The boy juat out of school, or even the college graduate, knows little practically of the world he Is enter ing, and it would assuredly be no discredit to him and no infringement of his native independence, to take counsel of wise and mature elders who have been through the mill and can give him the benefit of their dearly bought experience. Ou the part of the elders them selves it is of great moment that they wiu the confidence ot their proteges by showing a real interest in them, by. becoming their friends. If ultra dignified and stand-offish parents- fathers e?pecially only realized what this confidence means for their chlr on all incoming steamers the green dog is a legalized stowaway amid glittering gowns and Parisian fal laid. AFTER THE SWINDLERS. 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS. Twt Coarcrna, Cbarged With -- Hall la Dcframd, Art Raided. Xew York, Nov. 21. In raids so important that Postmaster General Hitchcock-took charge in person, his inspectors fell on two concerns this afternoon which they charge with swindling the public outof more than $40,000,000 by fraudulent use of the mails. Sheldon II. Burr, president of Burr Bros.; Kugene H. Burr, secretary and treasurer of the firm, and Frank H. Tobey, its vice president, were arrest ed in the first raid and held in bail of $20,000 each. The government charged that the firm sold between $40,000,000 and $50,000,000 of mining and oil stock worth liltls or nothing. Charles L. Vaughan, a director of the Continental Wireless Telegraph A Telephone Co., incorporated in Arizo na, was taken in the second raid and held in $10,000 bail. Inspectors Bay his company has Bold stock to the amount of at least $1,000,000 which has brought in no return to the inves tors. Vaughan is treasurer of the Columbia Finance Company, which acts as fiscal agent for the Continental Wireless Ttlegraph & Telephone Co., and had charge of the Continental of fice in this city. Both raids today are further evi dence that the government in its war fare against alleged interstate swin dlers means business and no longer will be content with issuing fraud or ders, denying them the use of the mails, but will press for convictions on criminal charges. The present campaign began some months ago and ha3 resulted in the arrest of Louis Cella and his associates, charged with operating a string oi bucket shops; the officers of the United Wireless Co., the El Progresso Banana Co., the United Exchange of Chicago, the Steele-Miller Cotton firm of Corinca, Miss., and more, than sixty other MAKl.VU Yonth' Companion."" . John Eaten Cooke, who the War of the rebellion listed man in a Richmond I , was soon afterward appointed . Stuart. On Stuart's taff, Mr. George Cary Eggleston says, in "recollec tions of a Varied Life," he distin guished himself by a certain laugh ing tTbuchalaDce under fire, and by his "eager readiness to undertake Stuart's most periloas missions. . It was in rocognition of some spe cially daring service 01 mat xinu that Stuart gave hirnhis promotion. he delightful way in which the great boyish Southerner did it is be.t told in Mr. Eggle3ton'6 own words. "You're about my size, Cooke' Stuart said, "but you're not so broad n the cheat." "Yes, I am," answered Cooke. "Let's see if you are," said Stuart, taking off his coat as if for a boxing match. "Try that on." Cooke donned the coat with its three stars on the collar and found it fit. "Cut off two of the stars," Stuart commanded, "and wear the coat to Richmond. Tell th9 people in the War Department to make you a major and send you back to me in a hurry. I'll need you tomorrow." DiMUd la "Black mad lallaw" Not "Football Colors" but the color of the carton containing Foley's Honey Mil Tar the best and &fest cough remedy for all coughs and colds. Do not accept a substitute but "see that you get the genuine Folej's Honey and Tar in a yellow carton with black letters. For sale by Parsons Drug Co. and Ptee Dee Pharmacy. dren, they would not hesitate to sac rifice a small portion of the parental dignity to secure it; nor would they run the slightest risk thereby of im pairing their children's genuine re- spt ct for them. Tki Parsons Drug C. Offer a Hamady for Catarrh. Tn Madlelaa Casts Noth ing If It Kails When a medicine effects a suc cessful treatment in a very large majority of cases, and when we offer that medicine on our own personal guarantee that it will cost the user nothing if it does not com pletely - relieve catarrh, it is onb? reasonable that people should be lieve us, or at least put our claim to a practical test when we take all the risk. These are facta which we want the people to substan tiate. We want them to try Rexall Mucu-Tone, a medicine prepared from a prescription of a physician with whom catarrh was a specialty, and who has a record of thirty years of enviable success to his record. We receive more good reports about Rexall Mucu-Tore than we do of all otherV catarrh remedies sold in our store, and if more people only knew what a thoroughly de pendable remedy Rexall Mucu Tone is, it would be the only catarrh remedy we would have any demand for. Rexall Mucu-Tone is quickly ab sorbed and by its therapeutic effect tends 'to disinfect and cleanse the entire mucous membraneous tract, to destroy and remove the parasites which injure the membraneous tissues, to soothe the irritation and heal the soreness, stop the mucous discharge, build up strong, healthy tissue and relieve the blood and" system of diseased matter. Its influence is toward stimulating the mueo-cells, aiding digestion and improving nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a comparatively short time it brings about a noticeable gain in weight, strength, good color and feeling of buoyancy. We urge you to try Rexall Mucu- Tone, beginning a treatment to day. At any time you are not satis fied, simply come and tell us, and we will quickly return your money without question or quibble. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remem ber you can obtain ' Rexall lleme- firms in all parts of the country. . Postmaster General Hitchcock "es timates that the public has been fleeced out of at least 100,000,000 by get-rich-quick concerns in the last five years, but says their heyday has gone. The Post Office Department intends . to keep after them every minute and Mr.Hitchcock said today thai, other arrests, involving corpora tions that have sought investors the length and breadth of the country.are expected shortly. Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures constipation Doan's Regulets. Ask your druggist for them. 25c a box. CAN'T BE SEPARATED FOR SALE. A second hand sorry. Can be seen at Wadesboro Livestock Co-'s stables. Mia. J. D. Leak. BLOOD POISON Cured by Marvel of the Century, B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. Drives out blood poison In any stage- per manently, without deadly mercury, with pure Botanical ingredients. To proTO it we will send you a SAMPLE TREATBtKXT BTJEK If you hare ulcers, eating sores, itching humors, -swellings, mucus patches, bono pains, offensive pimples or eruptions, take B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm). All syneptoms heal quickly. Blood is made pure ana nca, compieveiT i-uau(tiuK en tire body into a clean, healthy condition, healing every sore and stopping all aches, pains and itching, curing the worst case of blood poison. Druggists or by express, tl per "large bottle, with directions' for nome cure, samples sens iree oy writing- Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble and free medical advice giv en. Bold Dy arsons urug uo. Some Wadesboro People Ilavs Learasd How to Oct Kid of Bolb. Racfeache and kidnev ache are twin brothers. You can't teparate them. And you can't get rid of the back ache until you cure the kidney ache If the kidneys are well and strong the rest of the system is pretty sure to be in vigorous health. Doan's Kidney Pills make strong, healthy kidneys. W. L. Rose. Ms.iu St.. Wadesboro, X.C., says: "Several years ao ray kidneys caused me a great deal of trouble and I fi nally came to the conclusion that they needed attention. I fortunately read K.-v.,t nnin'. Kidr.rv Pills and was so fa vorably impressed tliat I procured a box. Thev cured me of the attack and I hav not had any trouDie since. 1 Doan's Kidnev Pills on hand and occas ionally I use them, thus ki-pme my kid neys in a normal condition. I know that Doan's Kidney Pills ac. as represented and consequently ltake pleasure in recom mending them to other kHney snffer ers." . For sale by all d, aler. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agocls for the United States. Remember the i.aiue Doan's ad ake no other. ThetutTi;s Companion Larger and defter tbrjQll Ml ' ROOSEVELT'S Own Book The Most Popular Bock dies in Rochester only at our store, The Rexall Store. The Pareons Drug Co. ,Thero is little danger from a cold or fi- m an attack of the grip except when followed 4iy jmeumonia, and this never fcapr ens wnen unamoeriain's uough Kern ed y is used. . This remedy has won its g: eat reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sals by all dealers. Her (Jaffratlflad Want. Irritable Proprietor of Dry Goods Store Why did you let that lady leave the store without selling her something! Clerk She wanted a parasol that would c ver her hat. Woman's Home Compan ion. Botb Speeds' and Effective. This Indicates the action of Foley Kid ney Pills as S. Parsons, Battle Creek, Mich. Illustrates: "I have been' afflicted with a severe case ot kidney and bladder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills. These cured me entirely of ail my ailments.' I was troubled with backaches and severe shooting paiug with annoying urinary irreguiaritW. The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills rid me en tirely of all my former troubles. They have my highest recommendation." For ! salo by Parsons Drug Co. and Pet Deo pharmacy. ' , Commiasiont.'rs. I fvs. Sioifocn Tbouble. and Comstipatiok BlAMTM Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis., says Foley's Honey and Tar is still mora than the best. He writes us, "All those that bought it think it Is the best for coughs and colds they ever had and I think it is still more than the best. Our baby bad a bad cold and It cured him in one day. Please accept thanks." For sale by Par- sons Drug Co. and Pee Dee Pharmacy. , Saperflaoas. Mother Yes, Willie, that is youruncle's card. .Willie (reading)-"-' 'Professor Joggles, B. A , L.U D. Say, ma, can't we all see he's bald without having to read it on a card? Boston Transcript. "Doan's Ointment cured me of eczema that had annoyed me a long time. The cure was permanent." Hon. S. W. Mat thews, Commissioner Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. mr ByThe Most Popular Man African Gives In book form by Rooteveh't own hand the sole account of his African Hunt AGENTS WANTED NOW 1 wy it and Village 1 CUr. L to audio Colonel Roosevelt NN Great Book Charles scrisner'S sons )G3 r;K Avenue New York Thm Caa(n( of tht Srtm Dmvrt mentt mf 4 Thm Camyoaiaa inclmd Expert Advice on Foot ball and Baseball; Hunt ing and Fishing ; Handy Contrivances for the Young Mechanic. " Suggestions for the Girl Who Must Make Her Own Way ; Hints for Young Housekeepers ; The Girl's Wardrobe. Practical Short "Artices about the Kitchen, the Parlor, the Garden, the Hennery everything that can be of help in making home more cota fortable, more beautiful. GLORIOUS STORIES Inspiring Articles Current Events, Nature and Science The Doctor's Weekly Counsel. Sftd for Annon(eneHt for Jiill and San; f r Cuptet of the Larger C omfanwn free. For Boys For Girls For Family FREE To Jan. 1911 Erery Now Sabscr&cr Vs cuts out aad saaoa this slip (or ssantioas ttu paaar) wit $1.75 for It. 52 imt of Taa Cocapaatoa for 1911 mul r.crrro AH tfca raaMtiaiaa; iuwt for 1910 mcladia ta beautiful Ho!idT Nuial bars lor Tkaaiucirin aad Uritma. J?,", S0Hio' C!eo3 for 1911. btborrapbea in thirteen ceion and com. s , Tka Comiaaioa forth 52 wx'.i I'll a library of rssdm Ib.t would cost $40 ia book fat m. THE YOUTH'S COMPAN'G BOSTON. MASS. New SaVscriptioa Receirt I at T'i.'i C Teachers' ine teachers nf a Bed to meet at the Gra-'ed" Se-" day of December, next . , - M. At this meeting theUav t "- Circle will be orgaaied, an I V; the books cirected bv ti-e t . : branch of the Stat lv - - . ! ' , lion. Teachers wi .-l v. the course as thv tr.V ? expected to s.-curA t: ,. ' 1 .orm caro.ma Jo - v , Some Uin? edueavVrs'v. ' - iv.e coiorx-d V nwt lor tre ttel7ia of Uv, above, in ih thoip race. - u era -! I 1 A I I

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