my nil AS. 0iOYLrX, EDITOR AKD PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $1.00 A YEAR, DUE IN ADVANC E .-t" ) olume 27 Wadesboro, N. C, Monday, November 28, 1910 Number 105 1 . 1 i pi 1 Fortune Telling Dcci not take into consideration the 009 essential to worn- ta'i happiness aSiy heal t" i 7:-WsiWwi who npftlrats her health netflefrin' th very foundation of all good fortune. For without, health love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. ; Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be rejbined by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This Prescription bas.t or over QO years, been eurini delicate, weak, pain-wracked women, by the hundreds ot thousands and this too In the privacy ot their homes without their havini to submit to indell . cafe Questionings and otfonsively repu& nant examinations. AN0THER5ANGER0tJS INSECT. pa women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter fret. correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address Worlds Dispensary ?dical Association, R, V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. i-H. Pierce's Great Family Docroa Book, The People's Common Sense v , dF?er' newIy revised np-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in t Englub hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, Vxo know about. Seat free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of e-cent stamps to cover mailing onlyr or in cloth binding for 31 stomps. r"3i , rndon Farm Dairy I Has been enlarged by the purchase of the. fine herd 01 cows owned by B. G. Covington. Will be pleased to supply his former customers. Our Products We give special attention and extra care to every thing that leaves our dairy for the market. Our sPe cialties are Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream and But ter. re supply our products fresh and pure and our wagon makes two trips each day over the town of Wadesboro. It Means Something to You and your family to have pure dairy products supplied for your table. We sterlize every vessel after it has been used one time and employ the most up-to-date methods of sanitation. Phone your wants to No. 109C, or give order to driver of wagon. Ferndon Farm Dairy, J GOIT REDFEARN Th e Best Mules Are The Cheapest Mules in the Long Run. Youth's Companion. - ; Men nave nuntea wild beasts so persistently and relentlessly that the lions, tigers, wolves and other danger ous animals have disappeared from every settled district. - Bat the tiny creatures that prey on man have mul tiplied and are still working havoc. It is less than twenty years since Maj. Ronald Ross announced his theory that malaria is spread by the bite of a certain variety of mosqaitoes, and less than fifteen years since it was demonstrated that yellow fever, as well as malaria, is communicated by another species. Sleeping-sickness is caused by the bite of the Infected tsetse of Africa; bubonic plague ia carried by fleas from infected rats; the common house-fly spreads the germs of typhoid fever; and there may be other ailments, such aa infan' tile paralysis, that are communicated by insects. - Doctor Sambon, an English physi cian, has lately announced his con elusion that pellagra, a terrible and insidious disease ending in insanity and death, is such an ailment. He holds that it is communicated to the well by the bite of a black sand-fly of tne fimuliidoe family. The most plausible theory heretofore was that the disease-germs were taken into the system through damaged corn used as food; but thi3 did not explain cases occurring in districts where no corn is ever eater. Doctor Sambon went to Italy in March, where he was join ed by two representatives of the American army, to test his theory that the sand-fly found along certain st ream 3 in the spring and aulumn communicates the iniection, us yellow fever is carried from the sick to the well by the mosquito. He has re ported that the disease has prevailed 'or a century beside the streams in fested with the larvae of the fly; that ihe period of recurrence of the disease is the period when the fly assumes its winged lorm; that when families move from the infected districts to regions free from the fly, the children born there do not have pellagra, even though every other member of the family may be afflicted. If, alter further investigation, Doc tor Sambon's conclusions are found he-"n,arraattd.-pna.,-BiMa tttsease has lost its terrors and one more in sect is added to the list of those that must be exterminated or avoided. I have just received a car load mules -not a sorry one in the bunch. of splendid They came high, but every day are increasing in value. Gome and See Them. W. BRYANT THE GET-RICH-QUICK ROA A ! LONG AND ROCKY ONE. A BIT OF DISCIPLirr. Baltimore Sun. i 5 The raid of United States official upon two alleged corrupt business concerns in New York has laid bare a great system of fraud and Illustrated Ihe credulity of people who seek wealth without working for it. It Is said that "a sucker is born each min ute," and if it were not for this gre t crop of them, the get-rieh-qolck con cerns could not prosper. Th sucker is a very greedy fish and prepared to swallow eagerly any bait that Is of fered. Taking advantage v( this greediness and gullibility, get-rich- quick concerns, by offering stock which they assure the Backers will pay 50 per cent, dividends, have suc ceeded in the last few years in get ting from their greedy and credulous patrons a sum of money which the Postmaster-Gene r a 1 estimates at $100,000,000. It seems an easy way to get money, and the United States Postofflce system offered itself as a cheap and convenient agency for dis-1 soldiers who had stolen the apples, Youth's Companion. A reprimand which takes the form of a joke is sometimes more effectual than a burst of anger. Such an exam ple waa furnished by a Confederate officer, and described by T. O. Moore in bis Anecdotes of General Cle burne." The Southern army, march ing across the mountains of Georgia, had. its supply-trains cut off, and was obliged to live upon the country. Vpples, chestnuts and pewlmmona were plenty, but the army had strict orders not to depredate upon private property. One day I was trudging along in the rear of General Gran- burr'a brigade, when I saw, down the road, General Cleburne sitting on the top of a rail fence, while below hin lay five or six bushels of fine red apples. Near by stood a number of soldiers who looked as mean as men could look. General Granbury saluted General I Cleburn, who remarked: "I'm peddllner apples to-day." "How's that?" "These gentlemen'polnting at the tributing the fraudulent literature: and offers. In former times, when the Post office Department was being used by any concern or individuals for pur poses of fraud, a so-called fraud order was issued and the transportation and delivery of the mail was stopped. iOW, However, x usiLUB3w:r-jeuei Hitchcock has decided that this is not sufficient. He thinks the misuse of the mail3 can be more effectually prevented by sending the guilty ones to the penitentiary. With this idea in mind, the members of the Burr Bros, concern, who, it is said, have got a vast sum of money by offers of fraudulent stock to credulous people, were arrested in New York, and will r?e prosecuted with a view to their imprisonment. It would be well if Mr. Hitchcock r some one else could impress upon the people generally that the best, and indeed the only safe, way to ac-q-iire'wealth is to work for it, and that reliable business firms do not of fr safe stocks which pay 50 per cent, dividends at bargain prices. "have been very kind. They have gathered apples for me and charged nothing. I'll give them to you and your men. Now get down and take one,, and each of your men take one, only one, mind you, until they are gone.". The invitation was accepted, the the men cheering for "Old Pat" Whea the apples were gone, the gen eral made each man who had stolen the apples carry a rail for a mild or two.-. WHf WOT GET RID OF CATARRH? WAR 03 THE BOLL WEEVIL. DIES OF PELLAGRA. SWIFT JUSTICE. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 22. More than two hundred delegates, representing all of the cotton-growing States, gath ered In the convention here today to discuss but one subject: "War on the Boil Weevil." The delagates were welcomed by Qov.Jo- seph M. Brown and Mayor, JEtobt. F. Maddox. it was tne consensus or opinion that this cotton plan pest can be suc cessfully fought, but It will 'be neces- Hlu MiadrhMn Pwti Awir ot Hr Homo la WtitaiWi After Lob a IUiui, Waxbaw Enterprise. Miss Maud Chears, a well known young lady, died Monday morning about 5 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. John G. Parks, in this place, after an Illness of three years or more of pellagra. Hers was perhaps one of the moat perplexing caes of this strange and incurable disease that has yet developed In this section eary to completely revolutionize I of the country. farming methods. It was pointed out that as the weevil will be across the 1 Southwestern borders of Georgia by 1912 it is necessary to outline a cam paign against the weevil as early as possible. One of the most praltical addresses of the session today was that by Dr W. D. Hinds, State entomologist of Alabama. Dr. Hinds illustrated bis address with stereoptlcan views. He declared that to successfully combat the eastward march of the weevil the planter must barn off the cotton j Btalks lust as sxn as the crop is - m - Baltimore Sua. The pertinent thing about the Crip pen case can be eali in a few word'. The ma a murdered his wife, he convicted In short order, he was sen tenced to be hanged and he was hanged. There was no . improper de lay, no long-term appeals, no quib bling over.tecbnicalitlet. Crippen was given a fair trial and after being found guilty he was hanged. In this country the court proceedings would have dragged along fur years and at' the end of the time the guilty man, possibly, would have escaped. There Isn't much force in the sen timental plea that through this swift P-roceedure an inocent man's life may picked. He declared that this will kill meut and went to different health re- MisaCbears' health began to fail more than three years ago, when pel lagra was hardly known in this com munity, her caae being one of the first diagnosed as that disease In this neighborhood, when the symptoms W1mptin h ufirifieed. Sines th M t . . . .1 were noming more man tne usual tt-blishment of the Criminal Court of nnvtrritunnca n-ttt f-I-tA n 1 1. ... Uw,u,uraB,ui mcougrjr apuia p- Anpefls In Enfiland we think no ; a . - - peanng on me nanus ana arms. But Miss Chearj was industrious and energetic and began at once a battle for life aeainst the disease. w r which she most wonderfull kept up until she fell a victim to its unvleld- ing power. She took hospital treat- trouble of this sort has occured there. In this country, on the other hand, the problem of the law's delay has grown to be one threatening and appalling. They do these things better in England. 9T'per cent of the weevills. Two sessions of the conference will be held tomorrow. of was VONDERFUL CURE OF SORE HANDS M untidy & Gulledge have just received a fresh carload of Hbrses and Mules for their Chesterfield, S. C, stables, and they are anxious for every per son in their territory who is in the market for a horse or mule to see them before buying. Do not fail to visit their stables at ihesterfleld. H' H McLihdos - F. E. Thomas. HJOIHEY LOST McLendon & Thomas ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Ifyouifailtocarry v WADESBORO, N. C. INSURANCE All Business will Receive I write Fire, Accident, Health, Prompt Attention. . Liability and Fly-Wheel PHONE 61. Insurance. - W. LEAK STEELE . Fleetwod W. Dunlap , PHONB KO.183. AT FORNEY-AT-LAW . . ...... Wtdesbcru, .. ' - . N5C Skin Peeled and Flesh GotHafd and Broke Blood Flowed in Fifty Places "Single BoxofCu tictira Ended Suffering." " About eleven years ago I was trou bled with sore hands,' so sore that rhen I would put them in water the" pain would very nearly set me crazy, the skin would peel off and the flesh would get , hard and break. There would be blood flowing from at least fifty places on each hand. Words could never tell the suffering I endured for three years. I tried everything that I was told to use for fully three years, but could get no relief. I tried at least eight different doctors, but none of them seenfed to do me any good, as my hands were as bad when 1 got through doctoring as when I first began. I also tried many remedies, but none of hem ever did me one cent s worth 01 good. 1 was dis couraged and heartsore. I would feel so bad mornings when I got up, to think I had to co to work and stand the pain for ten hours, and I often felt like giv ing up my position. "Before I started to work mornings I would have to wrao everv ftnter up separately, so as to try and keep them soft and then wear gloves over the rags to keep the erease from getting on my work. At night I would have to wear gloves in bed. In fact, I had to wear cloves all the time. After doctoring for three years, and spending much money, a single box or Uuticura ointment enaea all mv suffennes. it s been eiKM years since I used any and I don't know what sore hands'are now, and never lost a day's work while using Cuticura Ointment. Thomas A. Clancy, 310 N. Montgomery St., Trenton, js. J., Jsov. 11, iu. - A .in.l wt nff fnt(jninL flnun and Ointment ft Often sufficient, rendering It the most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp. Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug (item. Corp, Sole Props.. 14o uommous Ave, Boston, u.o.a. Teachers Meeting. The teachers of Anson county are noti fied to meet at the Graded School Build in ar, in Wadesboro, on Saturday, the 10th dav of December, next, at 10 o'clock A. M. At this meeting the teachers' Readme Circle will be-orKanized, and plans adopted to enconraee teachers to secure ana reaa the books directed by the teacher-trainirjg hranch of the State DeDartment of Educa tion. Teachers wiil brine such books of the course as tliev may have, and will be expected to secure ine oiners. inciuamir "North Carolina Journal of Education." Some leading educators will be present to The colored teachers of the county will meet for the same purpose on Saturday, the 17th of December, at the same hour as above, in the graded school building for their race. This jnov. itn, iuiu J. M. WALL,. . County Sup't of Schools. Change of School Districts. An application to enlarge ttie Polkton school district by adding thereto corners of the Brown Creek, High Hill and Poplar Hill districts win oe neard oy tue Board ot Education at its next meeting, on the first Monday in December, 1910, when all who are interested in such change are no tified to meet the Board and make known their wishes for or against the same. This Nov. 10th, 1910. - J. M. WALL, Sec'y Board of Education. W. F. Gray, d.d. s (OI FICB IN SMITH & DUNLAP BL'DG) Wadesboro, N. C. All Operations Warranted T0LEYS 0M0IAXMV; foe Stomach Tooutix and Constipatio ' Christians In Old Rom. Religious persecution as such nnknorn ... tinder " " " Christians were regarded as seditious. In denying the divinity of the Cae sars and the Roman gods they were guilty of high treason in Roman eyes and were accordingly punished. Bat their punishment had no religious sig nificance whatever. The Christians were persecuted not because tbey were Christians, but because, in the opinion of the authorities, they were disturb ers of the peace and safety of the state. Religious persecution was a thought that never entered the Roman mind. New York American. Wounds of the Heart. In wounds of the heart itself the es cape of blood is never in large quanti ty, and the lethal consequences are due to the fact that the escape 01 blood from within its cavity or cavities into the surrounding sac of the peri cardium mechanically interrupts the alternate contraction and expansion by which its pumping action is maintain ed. Accordingly the results of ttie wound of the heart are usually identi cal with those of gradual suffocation.. Mere are some symptoms or ca tarrh; if you have any of them, get rid oi them while there is yet time Is your throat raw? Do you sneeze oftea? La your breath foul? Are your eyes watery? Do you take cold easily? Id your noae stopped up? ' , Do you have to spit often? Do crusts form in your nose? Are you losing your sense smell? Do you blow your nose a great deal? Does your mouth taste bad morn ings? Do you have to clear your throat rin itfe;nr have rrnm the nose? Does mucus drop in back of throat? Have you ringing noises in the ears? HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) is guaranteed to cure catarrh, coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and croup, or money back. Just breathe it in. Complete outfit, including hard rubber Inhaler, $1.00. Parsons Drug Co., and druggists every where sell HYOMEI. If you l ready own an inhaler, you can buy in extra bottle of HYOMEI for only 50 cents. Remember that There Was No Other Course. I The New England boiled dinner and other dishes like pork and beans, boil ed codfish and pumpkin pie best ap pealed to the appetite of Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller. It was said in Washington that the Fuller Saturday night dinner was baked beans and nothing else, and this story is told: !"One evening the chief justice, pos sibly forgetting that it was Saturday, asked a distinguished English jurist Jiome to dinner with him. When the beans came on the Englishman promptly declined them. Mrs. Fuller showed some embarrassment, where- ' . . . 11 f X upon tne lungusnman amiaDiy saiu: 'Never mind. I'll make it up in the next course.' 'But. good Lord.' ex claimed the chief justice, 'there isn't any other courser And there wasn't. In addition to being a very small eater the chief Justice was a moderate smoker of modestly priced cigars. lie was said to smoke the same kind of ;clgars, as far as they were obtainable. that he smoked when be was strug gling hard to establish a living law 'business In Chicago in the old days. He said be was attached to these cheap cigars by ties of wnUmsu else would taste bo good Springfield Republican. to him. Cutting. A Scotch lawyer was well reprovea when, seated by a lady fully aware 01 her own plain looks, having bowed to his hostess in giving the toast, "Hon est Men and Bonnie Lasses," 6he re joined, raising her own glass, "We may both drink that toast, sluce it re fers to neither of us." How the Native Treat Gorillas. Natives in the countries Inhabited by great apes regard them always as hu man beings of inferior types, and It is for this reason that for a long time it was found impossible to get bold of an entire gorilla skin, because the sav ages considered It religiously necessary to cut off the hands and feet of the animals when they killed them, just as they do with their enemies, possibly for the purpose of rendering them harmless in case they should by any chance come to life again. "Pins and Needles." After being for a long time in a con strained attitude a peculiar numbness and pricking are often felt in the arm, lee or foot. This is caused by some Interruption to the circulation and can 'usually be removed by rubbing or ex erdse. The reason of the sensation. iWhlcb Is decidedly uncomfortable while It lasts, is that pressure for a certain length of time deadens the 'sensibility of a nerve. When this pressure is suddenly removed, as straightening out the leg after sitting ;wlth It doubled underneath the body, sensibility eradually returns to the nerve, and as each nerve fiber com nosinz the trunk regains its normal condition of sensibility a pricking sen sation is felt, and these successive prickings from the successive awaken ings of the numerous fibers have not inaptly been called "pins and needles. sorts, but found no permanet benefit anywhere. During the three years of her af fliction this typical ca3e of pellagra developed every phase and stae known in the strange disease. The patient often passed over as many as five days and night3 in succeslon without anysleepor rest whatever, finally becoming desperate in the last stages. However, she met death bravely, appearing to embrace it as a sweet relief, for the facta conld hardly be woven into a story that would express in full the sufferings of a victim of this malady. Miss Chears was born in the east ern part of Union counfv. about w thirty-eight years, ago, but her par ents moved to Wilson county, where she made her home before coming to Waxhaw. She was graduated from the High Point .Female College at the age of eighteen years.after which she taught 8chof-l at several different places in the State. About eight years ago Miss Cheara took a special course at the State formal College, but never further eneaeed in school five years ago and took a position as milliner witr- the 11. J. Belk Com pa - no, which she held until her health failed. And during that time she made a large number of friends in her adopted home town and commu nity, who gave her up with the deep est regret. Mies Chears had an unusually cheerful and happy disposition,' and during her long and deprate afflic tion she rarely appeared to be the least impatient or to lose sight or hope of the beautiful home beyond. She died at last the death of a Christian. She was a member of Kior Strett Baptist church. Mis Cheara was a daughter of Dr. Chears, who wa well kniwn in the western pait ol thn county years ego The M. A 1J. Wm DUappolnted. "Did you hear what happened at Bagley's today?" "No; what was il?" "He took down an old pistol he had had about the house for years and playfully snapped the trigger at his wile, thinking it wasn't loaded." "Qood heavens!" "Well, it wasn't," New York WTorld. We're sairy if you've tried other medi cines and they failed. As a last resort try Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It a simple remedy, bnt it's worked wonders, made millions well and happy. Pu rifies the blood, makes flesh and muscle, cleanses your system. mmm - Plenty of fresh air, sleeping out-doors and a plain, nourishing diet are the most important of all is Scott's Emulsion It is the standard treat ment prescribed by phy sicians all over the world for this dread disease. It is the ideal food-medicine to heal the lungs and build up the wasting body. FOR SALS BV ALL DRUGGISTS Stmt Ke.. um I upw u4 tKia for our beutlful MOI u4 ChUd Biwteb-Book. Sofc knk otlm S tteo SCOTT & EGWNS, 409 Ptarf SU K. VI Similar Tastes. Belle But do you think you and he are suited to each other; rseii ua. perfectly! Our tastes are quite simi lar. I don't care very much for him. and he doesn't enre very much for me. -Paris Figaro. Perhaps. Mr. Clubman I see by the papers that a poor young; man who lost both his legs while saving the life of a beautiful heiress at a railway crossing is to marry the girl. She disntissed all suitors and offered herself to him. Mrs. C. (meaningly) Very, sensible girl. Shell know where her husband is nights anyway. ?ave( to Iowa Maa'a Life. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madaen,of West Burlington, Iowa hen, after seven wcek3 in the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, af ter eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble and yellow jaundice, getting no help from other remedios or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine com pletely cured him. It's positively guaran teed for Stotaach, Liver or Kidney trou bles and never disappoints. Only bOc. at Parsons Drug Co. Badly Blane4. A witty Frenchman wrote at the commencement of this century a very Interesting and amusing book bearing the title, "Les Agremens et les Chagrins des Manages." In this work the first four pages are devoted to the "agre mens" noys) ana tne remaining sou to the "chagrins" (sorrows). 1 King off Externals Is the Original in the field of external rem edies for all forms of inflammation such as pneumonia, croup and colds. Nothing can approach Go wans. It stands supreme. We have been selling Gowsns Preparation tor Pneumonia and Colds ever since it wna put on lb market, and have found it one of our most satisfactory sellers. CA RPESTER BROS. . Wholesale and. Retail Druggists, Greenville, S. V., July y. jyiO. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT U THE KCLIE 'All Drnfttista. $1. 50. 25.' ' G0WAN MEDICAL CO- DURHAM. N. C (nirMlt4. ltd MMy tefn4t kf par IrsfYbt A Comparison. Several times had little Mary looked wonderingly out of th window, watch ing the full moon rise. Than a thought seemed to strike her. "Mamma," she remarked ingenuous ly, -doesn't It look just Ilk dad's head when you see it over th top of his. easy chair back?". Aiding th Mind. First Tourist What ar yon writing down? Second Tourist rm maUny a not of a few things that hare mad an In delible impression on my memory, so that I shan't forget them. London Idea. PrmptnM UnapproiaUd. George What's de matter, kid? Willie It's dis way (boohoo). De boss told me to be prompt , about every thing, an now he's fired me because I was too prompt about goln' home. Chicago News. ' Th Prmyr That Hurt. ' A memoer of a certain Massachu setts parish prominent for his thrift and Dersonal consequence was also notorious for his overbearing assump tions and pompous airs. Under the distress and fright of a dangerous ill ness be "put up notes" on several suc cessive Sundays, and after his recovery. according to usage, he offered a note to be read by the minister expressive of his thanks. The minister was some what "large" in this part of his pray er, recalling the danger and the pre ivlous petitions of the "squire" and re 'turnlng his grateful acknowledgments with the prayer that the experience .might be blessed to the spiritual wel 'fare of the restored man. He closed .with these words: "And we pray, O Lord, that thy servant may be cured of that ungodly strut, so offensive In the sanctuary." I Law and Geography. I From the half timers' papers written at a recent term examination: "Some of the chief inventions of the last 150 Tears are bavins: an act so that no per- ion under fourteen years must go Into the public house. Another act was so that no person under the age of -sixteen years must smoke cigars, pipes and cigarettes, and no person under that age can be served with any. My brother BUI Is now all right for this Invention. Be was sixteen last week.' Here is a geography answer: "The riv er system of Canada Is what you might call rery good, but sometimes 'they shoot the rapids, and unless you are a red Indian this is very trouble some at times, especially when you get 'sucked under like Captain Webb." (Manchester Guardian. - MAKE THIS TEST. All th Wmv. Willis So Skinner's -. mining . schem broke you? 1 thought, you got in on the ground floor? GiUla I did. That's the reason I was buried so deep when it fell In. Puck. Th Earliest Cigars. I Tne earliest mention of cigars In I English occurs In a book dated 1735. IA traveler in Spanish America named Cockburn. whose narrative was pub lished tn that year, describes how he met three friars at Nicaragua, who. he says, "gave us some see gars to smoke; ! these are Leaves of Tobacco rolled up In such Manner that tbey serve both for a Pipe and Tobacco Itself; they know no other way here, for there Is no such Thing as a Tobacco Pipe throughout New Spain." How to Trll If Vour llalr I. Dl.ea.rd. Even if you hav' a luxuriant head of hair you may want to kno whether it h in a healthy eouilition or not. DS 'r ol the people need a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head; if th bulb at the end of the root h white and shrunken, it nr.ive that the hair is diseased, and requires prompt treatment if its loss would tie avoided If the tulb is pink and full, the hair ia healthy. We want evuy one whose hair requires treatment to try Uexall llair Tonic. We iromisp that it shall not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory resulla. It is de signed to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp irritation, to stimulite the hatr roots, tighten the hair already m the head, grow hair and cure bald ness. It is because of what Hexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in its goodness that we want you to try it at oar risk. Two sizs, 50c. and $1.00. Sold only at our store The Rex all Store. The Par sons Drug Co. Fwom The Uriar- A sea captain and his mate went I aahore on getticg into port aod made for the nearest restaurant. They or dered soup. When it arrived the cap tain examined the curious-looking fluid and shouted: "Here.waiter.what d'ye call this?" "Soup, sir," said the waiter. Soap," said the captain, turning to his mate, "blame me, Bill, if you and me ain't been sailin on sorp all ear lives and never knowed it." Every Woman's Magazine. Tne"Nibufh;s (jbnipariion Larger and 'Better trjr 1 Tka Cmntrtt, of tka rVaw Deport aMar 0 For Boys 7 ha CanfMi'M inciso1 Expert Advice on Fool( ball and Baseball; Hum iug and Fishing ; Handy" Contrivances lor the Young Mechanic. Suggestions for the Gir! Who Most Make II?. Own Way; Hints ,r Youu? Uousekecpe:i ; The Girl's Ward re", e. Practical Short Artuks about the Kitcfco, tV.- Parlor, the Garden, t:.; Hennery every thir that can be of help making home more c fortable, more beaut : GLORIOUS STORIES Inspiring Articles Current Events, Kturo and Stiver The Doctor's WV!y Cocr e:. Send fr Ammcumcfmt for &d K,., Copies af the Larger Ctmii u. For Girls For Family l pays no taie I pay a bo reat,. . Often busted without a cent, Bat a king ambng men from disease I'm free, ... Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Fax itlyoa. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE We aave for aale a large number of old oapers which are going very cheap- 'y. Uome quick nelore hey are ai' rone. hall YVomk Vote! If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy tor women. For banishing dull, fagged tool ings, backache or headache, constipation, dispelling colds, imparting appetite and toning up the system, tbey re unequaled. Easy, sate, sure. 26c at Parsons Drug Co. FREE To Jan. 1011 Eery Now SuUeriW ko c oa tr. -j, or r,,,.. , pr) with 11.7 foe i for JSU All tko rmalninr mu f .r 1 including ttio botrfui H T : br for Tkuutnuif sl . 1M. b-oofTfa4 ia c-ir. . of 19U-0 i af.r. rtl weuU coot $4 J tH;, (..., THE YOUT1P3 cc