rtvl Ga :e bU .tit yards out- n . ii M W i - Uf-si L'io'jmadfe rag, oiie silt n?l-; 5 you f . ii. i j I II-)) li V -AS. Q. H OY UN, I'uMi&hcr. The :id. o! the A merican Reality Lz Auction Co., n Fce four vas made to say the sale at Pee Dee would be held Monday, Nor. 5. This is a mistakcTEe sale vill be next Monday, Dec. v. PliEKIUM LIST FOR WOMAN'S EXHIBIT. B"low Is the premium list tor tte Wf man's Exhibit to be held Decem ber loth, 16th and 17th: . Bast display pantry supplies, f 15 by State ex.d portable pantry by Mr. Ki jff; second best, $10 by State; third b';s-,'$5 by State. Bst collection meats, cured and fresh, 45 by state; second best, 12.60 " by State, B-t collection dressed poultry, curving set; second beat, Lisk roaster." Bist three quarts canned vegeta ble, three varieties, presrving pan; second best, basket. . Best three quarts preserves, three varieties, pceket to; second J8'f mixing bowl. Best three quarts sour pioklee, three varieties, basket; second beet, agate bucket. : Bst three quarts eweet plekles. tLtv varieties, gltss pitcher; seooad fc '4, jolly saucer. Best six glasses Jelly, waiter; sec OLi'l best, jwlly saucer. Best cured bam, good meat kEife; sect nd best, meat flitter. Bat cured beef ham, eiac tub; 6ec ond.best, meat knife. B:st five pounds stuffed sausage, a-rt f scal'je; second best, tin dish Best two pounds' liver puddirg, gri y bowl; second best, biking dlsb; B.?st two founds sooce tueat, meet platt(-r; second best, granite sfcciv kct- tif. . -;.f- " : - ' Btt hogshead cheese, baking dish; second be at, helf gallorf tup. Best ten pounds lird, Svory roast er; second tw-st, lard stand. Best three pounds mutton suet, meat platter; second best, package Hess Stock Food. Best five pounds beef tallow, glass dipper; second best, box disinfectant nest eggs. Best helf gallon strained honey. porcelain bucket; 3tcond best, glass ' , tcwl . i Best three p; unds honey In comb, sheet iron roaster; second best, glass '" ik: wl. : ' . - Best three pounds beeswax, glass pU( her; second best, .-small kettle. B-st ealloo home made vinegar, zinc half bushel measure; second best, ciJ'T piicher. Best three quarts fruit acids, differ tEt varieties, basket. B -st galion hote made molasses, lantern; second' best, syrup pitcher. Btst coileciioa garden produce, sacs' of Bhamkafte Specbl Caraleigh ""Fertilizers;, second best, pair lady' ifler sinxs; thirl best, dozen cafst Qvidgon 8;ap. - Best tre.ll. n sjarkreut, di-h. Best three pumpkins, oi! tablecloth. B-st -three gourds, bug?y waip. Best three long - handled gourds, biscuit pau. - Best three colls rds, agate dipper. Bst three cabtage, miik can. Best six stalks celery, large pltober Best peek turnips, 5 yds Pee Dee ! plaids.. . .' vV Bcst p'ck rutabigss, dish. Best pet k eariy Irish potat)e, po tato masher. " "; - Best pe( k fall Irish potatoes, sitter. Best ha ;f bushel sweet potatoes, water bucket. Best peck large onions, 5 yds Pee -Dee plaid?. -; Best peck oulon sets, 5 yds Pee Dee 1 1 ids. - IAIRY DEPARTMENT. Best collection dairy products, $5.00 r State; second bet, 2 50 by State. Best three pouni's butter, bowl utt? it: her; second best, one basket. "Best quart cream, one china cream id'her. Best' gallon buttermilk, butter r.M. , ' B-st pound cottage cheese, woIer utor bowl. .. . CtlUtNA BY DEPART VJBKT. Besjfc collection iight breid, biscuits. ! &c, $5.01) by Stfe; second best', :pr.qu jeo quality shoes. j B at loaf light bread, one silver ba: a "-..-, , - . ' Best OD3 dozen soda biscolt, one istjine dozen beaten biscuits, on : ii juatuT. iiest pan of rolls, one coffee pot. cst pound cake, rosetto irons. ' t fruit cake, cake tmx. I white cake, popover pans. jelly roll, oca cake plate, st chocolate layer cake, one sagf-r cowanut layer cake, one half 'j pifttes. .. - - '.:t tit layer cake, one glass dish, st col ection cookies, gems, &c., 1 aluminum cake pan. -. ' .." NEEDLE WOBK. t collection by one. person, one j lchalr; eecond best, one coua.i st pr. hand embroidered pillow i t pair hand embroidered towels, ; - embroidered cepterpiee, ow? V mil ;--... . ... ' - ..... i biittenberg ?M too. ; . ccrlerpleee, one . drawn work centerpiece, one Ideboard scarf, one pair scls- ur, au scarf, one silver brooch. ,ano scarf, one gold : shirt i pl low, ten yards 'oaHn' Mectloa hoJne-madc handfe-crl i i'.ver embroideriog scissors- Invigorating hair dressing made. U-t, oneeet sliver cuff Hnks! 1 '-v.: ' "' " ' JAl9 F Rrl COffr When you have cold get bottle of . -roSS De0M?d9,r"e' iambcrtaln'. Cough feeaedy. " It win r jk erca atiriwaUt, one ; l ooa flt y0u up aU right ana wiU ward off V;. i . ' . I ry tt.dicy toward pneumonia. This - - K--uiadc shirtwaist, card , emy oottaia no opium or other narco .: -.1 e eilk handkerchief. Bet three pitchwork quilts, one hanKinsr ball rack. Beat Ihn ejaomemade counterpanes, 'oveD, tufU:d or crocket, one large p!e:nre. Bast homemade blanket, comb and hrtHh. - ; ' " ' Bt pitch on any c'.othic?, comb. Beat darned stock ing, stock collar. mst handmade shawl aodasclna .er, ladiea handbag. " MKCELLAXEOCtJ. Bst shuck mat, coin purse. b et three homemade brooma, one :r bid bovvL B t three borne made baskets, Ave i irds Pee Dee plaids. Best farmer's corn basket, one ratchet. v : Best cotton basket, two window :i4dea. .. Bat home made soap, hard, pitcber. B-t home mad? soap, soft, pitcher, B.8t collection garden seed, one ofare. Best half gallon dried beans, one Best half gallon dried batter beans, e waiter. Best peck pop corn, smalt agate B-t collection nuts, one pair ladles : oes. - 8 -at peek scaly barks, one pocket iife. " B?st peck black walnuts, funnel nd quart cup. Best gallon pecans, one fourlnband le. : Best home grown lemons, fruit . 'titer. . Bsst home grown oranges, Iruit . tjkt. Best home grown pomegranates, f i ait platter. Beat collection potted plants, one ater cooler. B'.st pair frooea feather pillows, three :unds each, one lamp. To prospective exhibitors we oald say that in cases where the' ibibits are especially worthy second id third prizes will be awarded and so on exhibits not men ioned in the . Kve list. la the needlework and -iscellaneous departments last year's riza winning articles can't take sTttiiDums 'again. Anyone may ; itike exhibits but none but residents f the ccunty can compete for premi- j i ns as this is strictly tor the horns j i" ilka. Some one will stay In fia ; rJdfng at night inoruer to take cure ' i the exhibits, bet we will not make urs Ives personally responsible for ay articles on exhibition. - ANSON VILLE ITEMS. , Misses Geneva Danlap and Myrtle Teliae and Mr. Tyler Dunlap attend I the Thanksgiving dance at Albe- larle. "'. Mrs W. D. Redf?rn is at home j 'com Charlotte and Kings Mountain.'- Mrs. Riid Tull is with her parents, It. ana Mrs. unggs. Mr. B. D. Nelms is at home from Baltimore. Many friends will be delighted to ear that MbJ, W. A. Smith, who as been quite ill at the Mary lan 3 i university Hospital in Baltimore, is i . r.proving. j Dr. and Mrs. -J. M. Dunlap, Me j. ! W. A. Smith and Messrs. L. L. Ltttie i ir nd J. F. Rosa were invited by pres- i ' lent Fries to be guests on the first ! truin to pass over the Southbound. The Emery Circle held-a happy! meeting last Tuesday afternoon with . liss Minnie Lou Dunlap at Buffalo iiights. A good two hours of Cnrist uas sewing was done, stitching ia ;aacb pleasant conversation and houghts of absent friends, when a -fciicious refreshment of devil cake nd fruit salad made the members hinfc that Christmas bud jumped a j (tjonth and come already. In compliment to An-ionville'scom- ; ing bride, MUs Belma Ross, a plea?-; tut shower reception- was given by Jjrs. J. M. DaoUp on Frilay &fter on. A goodly number tf Mends responded to the invitation, and for vvo hours m&ny fair maids and natrons called to extend good wishes ; ,o the sweet to-be bride, leaving be hind tangible expressions in the '.aintiest of lacy kerchiefs. Mrs. W. Robinson and Miss Minnie Lou' .Dunlap Btood In the hail and received he guests, when Miss Ida Richard son led tbe way to the" front parlor, - ener. us in decoration of ferns an J potted plants, where she prest:nttd i hem to the hostess, honoree and Mi-?s ieneva Roes. In the back parlor vlesdames W. D. Redfern, V. Ii. 'dcLeudon aEd O. E. Ross provided ntertainmeat, till Miss LUlie Alieu nvited them to the dinning room, r igrant and springy in tender, trail i1 vines and quantities of vviolet "KKjueta. Here Mrs. Myra A. Doyle erved a collation of chicken salad, ; ratoga chips, cheese straws, sari s iches, pickles and coffee. The finaie "ts a tasty display of the shower resided over by Miss Sarah Rich .rdson. .- - Miss Ross was gowned in a hand some suit of Efdford cord with an el-s- rant amber beaver hat and was the .cme of nnaffeeted erirl-lovellness fiS he received tbe lesion of good wishes xpressed. Miss Geneva- Ross wore -'. becoming costume of white and :Uck. Mrs. Dunlap was attired In vhite susene over satin. SADIES, WHY NOT PRESERVE YOUR YOUTH AND BEAUTY? Parisian Sage, the quick acting air restorer, is now for sale in iVadesboro at the drugstore of the Larsons Drug Co., and ia Bold with a igid guarantee at 50 cents a lart,'e bottle. :'-:.'-' Parisian Sage has an immense sale, md here are the reasons It is safe and harmless. It cures dandruff In two weeks, by tilling tha dandruff germ. It stops falling hair. It promptly rtopa itching of the scalp. . It makes the hair soft and luxu riant. , It gives life and beauty to the hair. It fa not sticky or greasy. 1 Iti8the best, the most' pleasant Ut homemade carpet,; w in I i 1 fuS MMMW i -i if About thirty years ago: rKc father of the writer of of this story bought a No. C Right "Hand Wood Beam Oliver Chilled Plow, from Messrs. Smith & Dunlap, the hardware dealers of Wa-vesboro at that time. This plow was a thing of beauty, -nd saw its first service in the low grounds of Rocky river, in Stanly county. How well do I remember how, as a boy, I use to throw my little wool hat in: 3 the furrow in front of Nell and Sal and let them ver it about 10 or 12 inches deep, and how much in it was to dig it out again. This old plow has se m continuous service ever" since, and is still being use 3, although of course the old wood beam has been br 'cen many a time and the other parts have been badlj vorn from time to time and had to be rcplacedL. hough this old plow has seen continuous service for hirty years, it has not yet asked to be retired on the p. nsion list, and it could hardly be bought for the pri.-s.of a new one. Five years ago, the wrr r came to the town of Wadesboro and found, that very few Oliver Chilled Plows or chilled plows of jl y kind were being sold in Anson county, and when w: bought our first carload of chilled plows some of thr clerks thought we had gone crazy and had stcked up on chilled plows for several years, and when we added t e second car load within one year they thought we W; te surely fit for the "Bug house". We tre glad to sfcte, however, that the farm ers of Anson county have recognized fully what the latest, improved steel beam olow means to them as a h e ilth producer, and we are please! to add that our trade is increasing rapic iy on Oliver Chilled and Chat tanooga Chilled Plows And now we are distributir tf about three carloads per annum. Wcare fclso glad to not' that our farmers are be ginning to fecognize the viidomof sticking to the Oliver or Coattanooga plow: while it is conceded by almost every farmer that tl s Oliver and Chattanooga plows are the best made for this territory, there are other reasons why they should stick to the Chatta nooga and! Oliver. In the arst place they each have their reputation firmly est r lished in this territory, and we carry not only a fell line of both kinds of plows but every possible k! id of repair that you will ever need for any other plo v s. Furthermore, should the Blalc ; : Hardware Companyjbejwlped off the face of the earth tomorrov , and were to never engage in business again, there would be p! aty of p eople ready to take up the agency of the Oliver and Chy anocga Tiows, and continue to supply you with any kind of rep; . rs you will ever need. We are carrying in soefc repairs to fit th . old No. C. pi iw that was in : troduced intq this territory thirty or forty years ago. We unloaded a carload of Chat anooga Plows only a few days since, and have commenced unlo. ling a carload of Oliver Plows today. We wish to call your Etteoti; i to t wo each of the latest Oliver and the Chattanooga numbers, t 1 these are the m Goobei Oliver Which is theb? lighest one-hor3e eel beam plow, and it is a dan dy; It has done for the old Dixie Plow business, what the axe does for the fat pig in cold Dcen er. The other Oliver is the B. C. N. which is just a siz ; smalle than their No. 10, and is their nevvest and Hghest two-horse plo The Chattanooga No. 71 Corresponds in size and price latest production is the No. 72, horse plow, alittle larger and str quite so heavy as the No. 73. Every now and then, gome n Wadesboro like a mushroom merchant does the farmers of thi them a plow for which they keei Saving a dollar on the first purc; like "saving at the spigot and The Oliver and Chattanooga Plows Han as smoothly and as graeeliilty as a swsn swims upon the lake. Start the Fall plowing, or get ?'ady for the Spring plowinr in the right way, by equipping you ? firms with Oliver and Chatta nooga Flow, OLALOGII STOE&Tf to vitb the Oliver Goober. Their i'hich is their lightest sfzj two ;oger than their No. 72, but not w plow agency "bobs up" in a the Summertime," and seme country the injustice of selling no repairs and never expect to. i iae price of a plow is usually iticg at the bung." wm. COMPANY 11 U &7 Ske 1) u This will give you some idea of the money saving values you can get. Our buyer, Mr. C. J. Gathings, has just returned from the Furniture market ind has following him two solid cars of the biggest bargains in Furniti: you have ever seen in Wadesboro. v Remember BEDS Trundle Beds 6 in. Single Poplar- Beds. 18 in. Single Oak Deds 58 in. Double Oak Beds . 65 in. Double Oak Roll Foot Beds. . . 74 in. Double Oak Roll Foot Beds.. 74 in. Double Oak R. Head & Foot 78 in. Double Oak Roll Head & Foot These are solid Oak Beds; heavy rails and eal bargains thatls all. CHAIRS AND ROCKERS Children chairs ... 50 ' ' - and Rocker Oak Cottage Chair 4 1 Cane Seat " very heavy Dining Chair . . 1 4 44 Lea. Seat.. C ( it ( ( ( . t Polished Upholstered Children's 11 These are good serviceable goods We sell what we Advertise, and what we sell, Gathings - Furniture LOWER STREET iff Suyini The person who feels like he would almost prefer paying for a Christmas or wedding present to having the trouble of selecting it is invited to visit our store and examine our large and very select line of articles suitable for presents for any occasion. Hererc are a few of the articles we show you to select from: Combs and Brushes. Bureau Sets. Silver Frames. Leather Goods. Manicure Sets. Come early and see these beautiful goods before they have been picked over. v M . . ... Pee Dee Pharmacy. For Rent After Jan. 1st, 1911 Two story brick store house on Rutherford street now occupied by Ji A. Crowder.; For particulars ap ply to J. H. Tice, Wadesboro, N. C. or to R: A. Wil liams, 79 Greenwood avenue, Atlanta, Ga. ' Land Posted. AU persons are ereby warn ad not to hunt, with cr without dogs, fish, rake -itraw, or trespass' in any najoo the lands of the undersigned, lying in White Store and Gulledge townships, as the law will be strictly enforced against any one so 'do ing. This November 2'nd. 1910. I VV. L. Little, II. W. JLittie. F. S THlnf , Xa-?td Ilnntley and T. IT Huntley. IFwQi Wool Pr i ltts i ti n J u n m eyeing ryrmoiLyire THESE PRICES WEEK DRESSERS $i.oc 12x20 Oak Double 18x20 2 cc 2.5' 3-5f 475 20x24 20x24 i 24x30 24x30 30x40 5 00 6. oo 18x40 Cheval All solid oak -nice MATTRESSES One Side E. & C. Mattress.. .. .. One Side H. & C. " . . Two Side E. & C. Two Side H. &C. 44 L... Six Side Comb. 44 .. " Six Side 50 lb. 44 Felt Mattresses 45 lb. Felt Mattresses 50 lb. .... Folding Springs Folding Springs Heavy Blue Ribbon ccntd --75 ---50 ...60 ...72 ...60 90 ;$i.25 2 20 1.2 5 well made. DO YOU KNOW Sha ving Sets. Brass Goods. Large line of very hand some Gift Books. T Cut Glass. 53 Fire and Life Insurance. I w.ite Fire insurance in two North Carolina companies, in nine other United States companies, and in four foreign comiMinies. I repre sent one of the fiest Old Line Life In--uniieeCotnf auiea The ntuai Ben fit - Phone 103. Hill Houe. D. A. MCGREGOR. 4"The Ctoys iade Easy i i it si u l n u LAST FOR ONE ONLY Tops. $475 Three Piece Oak complete " 6.00 C Oval 7.0c. Pittrrn Qti-oll TTrf S -r Full Swell Front q. so 14 il ( 1 i'S These 9.001 clean finish well made Prices A AID SPRINGS f-7 2. ic 2. 2 2.6c 3 50 4 ic 6.0c 7 10 1 5' 1.9 2 90 A GOOD THING ? WADESBORO, N. C. 223 Now Is After a while, it will rain and the roads will be mean, and there might be spme delay in getting wnat you want delivered when you want it. Why not Order Some Coal Today? You have room enough under the back piazza to pile a good sized load and save it for a rainy day. Then forget it and order a new load whenever you need coal. Still, you don't have to do it that way. Fix it any old way that suits you. Only you will soon find that in any case it will suit you best if you order it from the Wadesboro Oil Mill. You will like their beautifully clean lump coal. The mill burns up the dirty, dusty stuff, and keeps the lumps for you. Coal delivered at your door at any time by the 174 DESBOi'iO OIL HILL Telephone No. 6'J. We Rid You of All the Cares in Making Funeral Arrangements ... New Good3, New Hearse," New Equipment We are prepared at all times to meet every requirenOit demanded of the undertaking profession. Embalming and all necessary cares In keeping with the require ments of theState Board of Health. GATHINGS For Sale. One 40 hore power boiler; one horse power Liddell engine; one Sergeant saw mill; one bcer wagon. Ail belts apd appliances In eood con dition. Aply at cnee to W I. ile Casklll or t C Cbxe. KS? vJ7 y u (r1 Remember SUITES " Fine value Full Swell 18.2.; 25.ee 33-5 4 2 06 -67.50 A Ull T -l l A VA 38x46 44 Heavy 44 it are only a few we have others Reduced on the Following SAFES, SIDE-BOARDS HALL RACKS. TRUNKS, BED LOUNGES, SINGLE LOUNGES," IRON BEDS, COOKING STOVES AND RANGES REMEMBER FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Advertises lis. 99 Co PHONE 41 Coal Time Licensed Embalmer I PHONE Funeral Director NO. 41. CHICHESTER S PILLS 1 II H 11AM.ND BOIM).' . f " " pv r - r 1 -k i t ... ... 1 j L. . LJI"it Ak y.r iH-wgwimi tar 7 tic. Hud wni hiu. k ua. V 1. j V- n