Ml .iOIi AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 1.00 A YEAH, DUE TN ADVA2;ci: Wadesboro, Ghuisday, December 15, 1910 Number 110 I IN NEW YORK SOCIETY. PENSIONS. BOTH WERE STARTLED. STRENUOUS LIVING. t : La:zp of Real Beauty ; ft ives the best light of all The Rayo gives a white, soft, , dLTusea light easy on the ::usc it cannot flicker. You your eyss-as long as you wish .3 Rayo light without s -;ayo Lamp is low-priced, and - :h you pay $5, $10 or $20 for r s, you may get more expensive i but you cannot, get a better the low-priced Rayo gives. A els shade-holder holds the rrn and true. This season's. - ids strength and appearance. - yo U er, Always One. vtrywhert. If not ft yours, wrtii for dtserfpHvi , circular to tit marts! agtncy ef ikt dard Oil Company t (Incorporated) strain. r. Bale IPor lern dwelling, large lot, electric lights, water works age; very close in. Price and terms reason- -ie. everal Nice Suburban . Dwelling Lots for sale, ranging in price from $200 to $500. All of these are located in , a vety desirable section that is building up rapidly. Apply at Our Office at Once. Anson Real Estate & Ins. Co. A NEW LOT O TP Horses and Mules I have just received at my stables a new lot of most excellent horses and mules. These animals were bought to meet the require ments of the trade of this section. I visited the leading markets of the country in my search for the right animals, and I have them. You will like them when you see them. M. W. BRYANT Property i phi imiui H y 'BURN COAL" Frosty Mornings, Chilly Even ings Bright, Sparkling Firesides Now, when it is so hard to get any work done, is just the time to order that coal. It requires no chop-? ping. After we have delivered it at your house it is; ready to be put on the fire. Just Telephone The Wadesboro Oil Mil! Their coal is the right kind nice, large, clean, lumps that will crackle and burn blue, leaving no clin kers, and little ash. " The oil mill needs coal to make steam. ? Small! dirty, dusty stuff is just as good as any for steam, so they pick out the nice, fine lumps for their customers.'- 'ZIDZGOOQO OIL JILL Tc!?phonstlo.C3. Infusorial Earth Formed by Bodiea fcf Minuta Shellfish. Diatoms are tiny creatures that mul tiply very rapidly nntfl they ; form Bcum opoa the Barface of the water In many parts of the world. They afe rarely more than one-hundredth part of an Inch in diameter and often con siderably less. Their shells are com posed of silica, and these shells are well known to the mlcroscopist on re count of their great beauty. When' the little creatures die the shells sink to the bottom of the stream or pond, where they form a kind of siliceous mud, and there are Vast de posits of this material In various parts of the earth. This infusorial arth, a It Is called, has been christdhed fll atomlte, and It Is being used for variety of purposes under the name kieselguhr. It Is employed as a ve hicle or absorbent for. nitroglycerin, and the resultant paste Is dynamke. Dlatomite Is an excellent nonconductor of heat, and In this capacity It Is used for filling the hollow Interiors of dft walls of safes, as a lining for Btoves and furnaces and as a covering fdt' steam pipes and boilers. For such pfr- poses as these It has an. advantage over asbestos in the matter of price and also of weight, It can be made Into bricks or slabs by the addition of a small quantity of lime or clay, and., these bricks can be raised to a white heat without show. Ing any signs of fusion. Diatomlte occurs in great quantities to the. United States, In Prussia, in parts of Scotland, in Canada and to a lesser degree In Western Australia and New Zealand. Harper's Weekly. A Simple garegnard for fflcthan. Mrs. D. Gilkeaon, 328 Ingles Ave. Younestown. Ohio, gained wisdom by ex perience. "My little girl had a severe cold and coughed almost continuously, tify sister recommended Foley's Honey and Tar. The first dose I gave her relieved the inflammation in her throat and after using only one bottle her throat and lungs were entirely free from inflammation. substitute. Parsons Drug Co Dee Pharmacy. f Trying to ImproT Upon It. 'Why do you think women, as : a rule, are dissatisfied with Nature'shandlwort ?"; she asked. . . "Because," he explained, "there are so many toilet preparations on the market," Chicago News. Every family has need of a good, reliable liniment. For sprains, bruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealers. ' . i.-v Proof. i .-.- '"Have you forgotten that $5 you me?" ; "Not at all. ; Didn't you see me try1 to dodge into that doorway?" Kansas City Journal. . t . T ' f AivArtonished Woman and a Still More CorrespondencefortheM.&L , Astonished Leopard. Mr. Editor:-:The time of the COS- J Kula u a district In the nimalajas vening of ; the General Assembly wf : consisting of a chain of the most love our State Is near. : I wish to write ly valleys conaelvable, with this draw- about, penaions, first . to say that 1 1 tack, among otters, that eacb hill patn never could see the Ja3tice of denyinK a certain clasa of Confederate Veter ans the ' benefits growiog out of the pension laws of the state. There ar those who are maimed or crippled, an you may.cb.ooae to call it, who aru beyond a hope . of recovery against whom the pension doors of the state have been securely barred by legis lative enactment, and id so at tbw present time. What is the .crime with which they are charged? Cow urdice? No. Deeertion?. Well; what is the cbargv? If I understand P if nn a rOii t T tt Vi ott tx m W WllVUJ UCJ BIO T CVKtua VT by assidious ' application to ' duty coupled by reasonable economy, have4 gathered together a few dollars. Now, in all candor, I think the principle wrong. 1 cannot help believing tha4 one Confederate Veteran, regard lesa of his surroundings, is as much en titled to a pension as any other Can federate veteran, and, In proportion to the magnitude of his disability, if said disability is brought about iy too close contact with Yankee bullets, during the memorable day's 1861 and 1865.. -. ;: I realize the fact that the state has been financially embarrassed, brought about largely by unwise, extravagant legislation, commonly known as I carpet bag Legislation immediately after the close of the.war, but it seems to me that the state has had sufficient time to emerge from these financial .embarrassments. The class of veterans that I repre- .aent in a number of instances are the most crippled. We are old. The that runs by the inhabitants' huts owe Since then I always keep a bottle of Foley's. Honey and Tar in the house. Accept no Y , . , . , . .:. . f I state would not have to pension us long. We are rapidly going out. We need recognition more and more, as the grim messenger approaches, for our services in the late war. We ask a pension at the hands of the Lesr islatare soon to convene. I hope that the papers of the state will give this opinion wide publicity. I hope that the eyes of every member elect of the next Legislature may read these lines, and I, trust that upon arriving at con elusions that he will - see that an In justice' has been done to" the class of individuals above spoken of, and that he will proceed at once to make such reparation as is just and right in the premises. I have been one-legged for 35 years; the first recognition that I have had for my services, occurred a few day's since when the Blalock Hardware Co. gave me a keen cutter pocket knife in token of their regard for my services a9 a Veteran, and I want here to thank that Company for that evidence of recognition. Now, in conclusion let me plead with the General Assembly to give us a pen sion, commensurate with the magni tude of our disability. Justice cries give as a pension for the time we have been denied one. Consequen tial damages is all that we ought to be required to surrender, I think. If the General Assembly will heed this request we as a forgotten class will ever pray. I want it clearly under stood that this appeal is written in the interest of maimed veterans who are not now Oh the pension list. E. D. Gaddy, Co. C. 14th Regiment N. C Volun teers. more often than cot contains a lurking leopard. One day a worthy Kula house wife came out from her cooking and, standing on the edge of rock, emptied a pan of boiling water into the rank herbage growing below. It fell splash on the back of a sleeping- leopard, who Jumped perpendicularly Into the air as ihigh as the roof of the hut. What might have happened next !wno can aay? But the astonished mmao dropped the pan with a clang m the rock, and the leopard took one leap downhill. The pan followed, and the leopard's downward leaps became longer and swifter as the pan bound ed after it from rock to rock. When last seen that leopard had just achiev ed a leap of about 350 feet to the very bottom of the ravine, thousands ef feet below, and the pan whirled about "500 feet over It on to the opposite side. The leopard would hffive eaten the 'old woman with pleasure but a pan, the contents of which first scalded half the hide off him and then bounded, clanging in his wake, from (lie top of the Himalayas to the plains below was jBomething he could not face. v APPETITE GONE. v ! Dyspepsia is our national ailment. Bur- dock Blood Bitters is the national cure tor. it. It strengthens stomach, membran&s promotes flow of digestive Juices, p'urifies;' the blood, builds you up. ' ' You ' i Like This? Tired all the time, not much good for anything, hardly fcble to- f drag around, just all run down. . ; j If you are, we guarantee Our VI ; NOL will help you. It has helped. many people around here who were: in this condition. Now look here, just try one bot- - tie of VINOL, and if you are not satisfied that it did you good, 'come: back and get your money. It will! be returned without question. "That - is a fair proposition and shows our' faith in VINOL, and that we do not want your money unless you re ceive benefit. .-: ; We know what we are talking about because we have sotd VI NOL for years, and have seen how much good it has done among our" customers. - ;: VINOL is not a patent, secret: nostrum, but an honest, tried and tnia Vs-w4y mm 3 - I and easy to take. Come in today" and start your cure at once. You. take no risk, Fox & Lyon, Druggists Wadesboro, N. C. ' MONEY LOSTi If you fail to carry INSURANCE I write Fire, Accident, Health, Liability and Fly-Wheel ; Insurance. : k W. LEAK STEELE. PHONIC H0.163! i "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best. physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Thos. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. ''Two pack ages of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me."v For sale by all dealers - "There are twice as ma&y men in tbe poorhouse as there are women," pro claimed the suffragette, triumphantly. "Sure," replied a mere man in the au J dience. "You dames get all the money an' we git the rest." Cleveland Plain' Dealer.'. - -. t Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic couffh of croup, bringing dread tto the householjSareful mothers keep uoieys ioney ano, ;iar m the bouse and give it at the first sign of danger. It con tains no opiates. ? Parsons Drug Co., and Pee Dee Pharmacy." kfcestloii l (baCimt of It Pnom Drug Co. Has tbe Care. , ir?ple' go on suffering from little s&ouiach troubles-for years and imag ine they havtf a serioua disease. They ver eat or over drink and force on ihe stomach a lot of 'extra work. But they sever tbir.k that the stomach need extra help to do ex-truwork. If these people would take two AII-O-NA stomach tablets witb or after meals stomach siisery would go in Ave minutes and thoy would be a great big help to tbe stomach in its strain of overwork. MI-O-IA is .'uaratrteed byiParsons Drug Co., to cuie indigesiiion or any stomach disease, or money back. MI-O-NA for retelling of gas. MI-O-NA lor di$tfei after eating MI-O-NA for foal breath. CMI-O-NA for biliousness. 51I O-NA to wake up the liver. Jrll-O-NA for.iheartbura. MI-O-NA for sick headache. MI-O NA for mervou3 dyspepsia. MI-O-NA after a Bacqiret. ' " SlI-O-NA for vomitios; of pree nancy. Fifty cents a large box at Persons Drug Co., and druggists everywhere. Take Care! Femember that when your kidneys are af fected, your life is in danger. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., sjys: "My trouble started with a sharp shooting pain over my back which grew worse daily. I felt aiaggish and tired, my kidney action was irregular and infrequent. I started using Foley Kidney Pills. Each dose seemed tc pat new life and strength into me, and now I am completely cured and feel better and stronger than for years-" Parsons Drug Co., and Pee Dee Pharmacy. " afraid of moonlight. " The Reason Porto Ricsnt Carry Urn. brellas at Night. The majority of Porto Blcans hav instilled In them from earliest Infancy a superstitious dread of the full moon's rays," said a business man who has just returned from that country. "It Is a curious sight to the American visitor to note men and women going along the streets and highways of tbe island with umbrellas raised over tbelr heads in the lone watches of the night, and the more brilliantly the moon is shining the greater will be tbe number of people who are thus protecting themselves from her beams. Out in the sequestered rural districts a gay mounted cavalier will be met at mid night, his bridle rein in one hand and an upraised umbrella in tbe other. It looks weird and also ridiculous, but the natives do it for a peculiar reason. They are possessed of the conviction that Luna's full light striking upon mortals is almost sure to make them mentally unsound that Is to say. lu natic and that la why they Interpose a shield between them and her dazzling brightness. "To sleep where the moon could shine full upoa one is, in the view of a Porto Rican, to tempt fate, and It would be a daring one who could be hired to do It for any consideration." Baltimore American. HAIR HEALTH. A Long Day In th Life of an English Lady In 1791. As for industrious idleness, which la held to blame for tbe wrecking of our nervous systems, it was not unknown to an earlier generation, lime, le Brun assures us that In her youth pleasure loving people would leave Brussels early In the morning, travel all day to Paris to bear the opera and travel all night home. "That,' Bhe observes as well she may was con sidered being fond of the opera." A paragraph In one of Horace Wal pole's letters gives us the record of a day and a night In the life of an English lady sixteen hours of "strain" which would put New York to the blush. "I beard the Duchess of Gor don's Journal of last Monday," he writes to Miss Berry In the spring of 179L "She first went to hear Handel's music In the abbey; she then clamber ed over the benches and went to rjast lng's trial in the hall, after dinner to the play, then to Lady Lucan's assem bly, .after that to Ranelagh and return ed to Mrs. Hobert's faro table; gave a ball herself in the evening of that morning. Into which she must have got a good way. and set out for Scotland the next day. Hercules could not have accomplished a quarter of her labors In the same space of time. Atlantic Monthly. Yoa the TM BtTi Scalp or Hair TroabU, taks Advantage ofthU OfTr. We could not afford to bo strongly endorse Rex all "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do, if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Bexail "93" Hair Tonic not give en tire satisfaction to the u-wrs, they would lose faith in us and our state ments, and in consequence our busi ness prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any ecalp trouble, Rex all "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness. Our faith In Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask you to try it on cur positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded if it does not do as we claim. Two sizes, 50c and 11.00. Sold only at our store. The Rexall store, and The Parsons Drug Co. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, auick la result, end restore tbe natural I action of the kidney auad bladder. They correct irregularities, raraons urug nd Pee Dee Pharmacy. Hast Read Ihli If Yoa want Bcnrfit J. W. Greer. Greenwood, La., suffered with a severecaseof lumbago. "The pains were so inteasa-I wa forc-3d tojhyperder mlc iniections for relief. These attacks started with a pain in the small of my back which gradually became fairly para lyzing. My attention was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am glad to say after using this wonderful medicine I am no longer bothered in any way by my old enemy lumbago." Parsons Drug Co., and Pee Dee Pharmacy. Apt Pupil. Teacher Sammy, spell "fail." Sammy I can't. Teacher You can't? Sammy Yoa told one yesterday that there was no sucii word as fail. Ex change. "When your feet are wet and cold, and TOtir body chilled through and through, from exposure, take a big dose of Cham berlain's Cough Beiedy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to- bed. and yoa are almost certain to ward off a seveire c jld. For sale by ait dealers. CfJRE YOUR KIDNEYS. No Noad to Take Any Farther Rleks. Why will people continue to Buffer Ue agonies of kidney complaint, fcjitilache, urinary disorders, lame uess, headaches, languor, why allow themselves to become chronic, when a certa1 cure is offered them? Doan'vidney Pills is the remedy to ass, b&x&se it gives to the kidneys the? help - tfc' need to perform their wort:. If you ha-va fcr, even one, of the sytuptoma of -kvicy diseases, cure yourself now, ,befeesdiabete8, drop?y or Bright' disease jseta in. Can Wadesboro re&identa tdUaiand more convincing proof than thz following Propriety. Mother (visiting son at school) Well, my darting! Son I say, mother, don't look so ghast ly p'-eased before all those fellows! PnucU. v. xrr i: s tit n f Anvn. N. C, sayer "For some time I .suffered from dull pains across the small sol my back and hips. Headaches were eesimon and the kldaev soc-etions passtxi Wote- auentlv. esDeiaiiv at night. I had hear Uoan's Kidney Pills so highly spoken 4t on numerous oeeasions tnac ac i&se i t-.ided to trr tbem. and procured box. itvnivfvi tnva. r4ift n.fer I had 11 is bed 1 the contents and I soon felt much better in every war. I fridly recommend Doaa'i preparatory j Kidney Pills to otter kidney ufferers." tt- a . 1 M . T"S r oi saie uy an aeaiers. jtihm ov ceuls. Foster-Miibara Co.. Buffalo, Beaattfal Waaaea af the OQ vrne Bare ' Liiariial Hair. In gay New York, where worsen get their ideas from their foreign f in ters, the hair-tonic called Parisian Sage Is in great demand. Parisian Sage is the discovery of a well.known scientist, and he claims most emphatically that it is tbe only hair preparation that will kill tbe per sistent dandruff germs. Parsons Drug Co., guarantees Pari sian Sage to cure dandrgff in two weeks, to stop falling hair; to make dull, lifeless and colorless hair beauti ful and luxuriant; to cure 411 itching diseases of the scalp, or money back. The price U only 50 centa a large bottle. Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Keep It Dark. This piano is really my very own, an't it, pa? Pa Yes, my dear. "And when 1 marry I can take it with me may I?" "Certainly, my chilu; but don't tell any one; it might spoil your chances." London Tit-Bits. 4t ScsjooL Auditor wp When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix yon np all right anrf will ward off any tendency toward pceumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narco tic and may be given as coniiuectiy to a baby as to an alult. Sold by all dealers. HI Instructor. "What would your father say if he heard yon say those words"' asked the kindly person as the young hopeful let out a terrific oath. "What would mc father say? I learned em off'n him." Buffalo Express. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says: "I firmly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be abso lutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me." For ale by all realera. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Electric ! Oil, strongest, cheapest Iiujaicnt erver devis- i ed. A household remedy In America for t 25 years. ' . ' jNew York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the nsjwe Doan'a ami take no other. CATARRH Cured by Marvel of the Century, B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. Hawking, spitting, Fonl breath, dis charges of yellow matter permanently rarad with Dure botanical ingredients, to prove it we will send you a SAMPLE TRK1TMKST FRKK Catarrh is not only dangerous but it 9.nua ulceration, death and decay of bones, kills ambitisrn, often causes loss of appetite, and reaches to g.?aeral debility, iAinfv ami ins.initv. It nteds attention Cnr it bv takinsr Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It is a quick, radical rwmannt nnrs because it rids the system IW the poisonous germs tbt ciusecatarrn purges the blood, does away with every -nrZzit.-m nf catarrh. B. B. B. sends a flood of j-Arm, rich, pure blood direct to the par&ljFed nerves, and parts affected by catarvi foison, giving warmth and f 7T.' H ij notaAfl anil in ttis way maMiz a .perfect, lasting cure of eUrrh in all ivs.-oru. Druggists or by exps, 1.00 bottle, with direc tioaa tor hone cure. ampies sent free by writia .Blood Balid a;o.. Aiiania. w Describe four trouble a,!reemedical ad Vice given. "J .- - 19, 20 and 21 THE PIGKERTS GO. CO mposed of 16 people'wilTtF-i in Wadesboro Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, the 19th, 20th and 2bt of December. The Company Will Open Mondiay With St. Elmo. There will also be many vaudeville specialties, catchy music, buck dancing, etc. Prices, 25, 35, 50e, P. M. 's . Coins Ml CasMS When you want a nice Cofia at Casket, at a reasonable) oriea examine the line I carry. Ifckvs them from the cheapest totbai nest. 1 llice Hearse : Is always in readiness, and ererj j feature or the undertaking busi ness receives my careTcol atfea tion, whether day or Srisrbt ..; I also carry a nitre lino of,1 BUHIAL E0BES. SvSaShephOrd King of Externals Is Security for your loved ones Ethical physicians -say Gow ans is the Best. It positively Cures all ills arising from In flammation or Con gestion such as Pneu monia, Croup, Colds. Have fovea Gowans Preparation '& thorough test. Itisth BEST preparation on the market for the telief of Pneumonia, Croup, Colds, Coughs. JAS. P. SMITH, M.D., Augusta, Georgia . EUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IX TEE EC"E AIDrsi.a . SOa. 25a. COWAN KfEDICLC0 DURHAM. N. C We Are Ready, JU t 0 amies The House Quality has madespecial preparations for those who rai the Women's Exhibit and the Poultry Stow here the last three days of this week. "The latchstring hangs out" for our very good friends the la dies of Anson and adjoining counties and we hid you, one and all, wel come. Make our store your headquarters come hexvto rest and to meet your friends. We are well prepared to supply you with thtf oiseTul Christmas gift in furniture you have been intending th buy. GAT KINGS FURNI1 V T' "THE HOUSE OF QUALIFY. Rutherford Street Phone Number The Undet luzr V IZ3 L. 3d